Agenda AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2007 CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 5:30 P.M. - CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION, FOUNTAIN CONFERENCE ROOM Note: If the City Council does not complete the work session items in the time allotted, the remaining items will be considered after the regular agenda. A. Commission Interviews: - 5:30 p.m. - Thor Smith, Planning Commission - 5:45 p.m. - Dan Keefe, Incumbent, Planning Commission _ 6:00 p.m. - Jack Spizale, Incumbent, Park & Recreation Commission - 6:15 p.m. - Curt Robinson, Incumbent, Senior Commission B. New Programming at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. 7:00 P.M. - REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER (Pledee of Alleeiance) PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS C. Invitation to Easter Egg Candy Hunt. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be considered as one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the council packet for each staff report. 1. a. Approval of Minutes: _ City Council Work Session Minutes dated March 12,2007 _ City Council Summary Minutes dated March 12,2007 _ City Council Verbatim Minutes dated March 12,2007 Receive Commission Minutes: _ Planning Commission Summary Minutes dated March 6, 2007 _ Planning Commission Verbatim Minutes dated March 6, 2007 b. Koehnen Area/Yosemite A venue Street Reconstruction Project 07-01: Call Assessment Hearing. c. Tanadoona Drive/Dogwood Road Reconstruction Project 06-06: Approve Plans & Specifications, Authorize Ad for Bid. d. Approval of 2007 Liquor License Renewals. e. Approve Light-Duty Vehicle Purchase: PW016MMM VISITOR PRESENT A TIONS LAW ENFORCEMENTIFIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE 2. a. Chief Gregg Geske, Chanhassen Fire Department PUBLIC HEARINGS - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS 3. Heartland Building Expansion; 7975 Century Boulevard; Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park; Applicant: Martin Woody Architects: Consider Site Plan Approval for a 31,200 sq. ft. OfficelWarehouse Expansion to an Existing 101,600 sq. ft. Building; and Request for a Variance for Fenestration. 4. Chanhassen High School; North of Lyman Boulevard, South of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad, and West of Bluff Creek; Applicant: Anderson-Johnson Associates, Inc. and Independent School District 112: Request for Rezoning from Agricultural Estate District (A2) and Planned Unit Development (PUD) to Office Institutional District (01); Consider Site Plan Approval with Variances for a High School Campus including an approximately 406,000 sq. ft., 3-Story Building, Athletic Fields, Concession Building, Stadium, Storage/Maintenance Building and Parking Lots. Request for a Conditional Use Permit with Variances for Development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District; and Request for a Wetland Alteration Permit for the Grading and Filling of Wetlands on Site. 5. Appointments to Planning Commission. COUNCIL PRESENT A TIONS ADMINISTRA TIVE PRESENTATIONS CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT A copy of the staff report and supporting documentation being sent to the city council will be available after 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, Please contact city hall at 952-227-1100 to verify that your item has not been deleted from the agenda any time after 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting. In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council. That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. 1. Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Visitor Presentations will be acknowledged by the Mayor. When called upon to speak, state your name, address, and topic. All remarks shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the City Council. 2. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson that can summarize the issue. 3. Limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor. If you have written comments, provide a copy to the Council. 4. During Visitor Presentations, the Council and staff listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. Council members or the City Manager may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. 5. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed to the City Manager. Members of the City Council and some staff members may gather at Houlihan's Restaurant & Bar, 530 Pond Promenade in Chanhassen immediately after the meeting for a purely social event. All members of the public are welcome.