FEBRUARY 22, 1993
Mayor Chmiel called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. The meeting was opened
with the Pledge to the Flag.
COUNCIL HEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Chmiel, Councilman Senn, Councilman Mason, and
Councilwoman Oockendorf. Councilman Wing arrived to the meeting during
discussin of item l(a), Stone Creek First Addition.
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Elliott Knetsch, Paul Krauss, Kate Aanenson,
Sharmin A1-3aff, Todd Hoffman, Scott Hart and Steve Kirchman
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Mason moved, Councilwoman Dockendorf seconded to
approve the agenda with the following amendments: Item l(b) was tabled from the
agenda for 2 weeks; delete item 3(c) from the agenda; and under Council
Presentations Councilman Mason wanted to discuss the Council Work Session on
March 3, 1993. All voted in favor of the agenda as amended, and the motion
CONSENT AGENBA: Council#oman Dockendorf moved, Councilman Hason seconded to
approve the follo#ing Consent Agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's
a. Stone Creek First Addition, 8400 Galpin Boulevard, Hans Hagen:
1) Final Plat Approval
c. Approve 1993 City Standard Specifications and Detail Plates for
d. Reso~#tiqn ~r93-11: Approve Change Order No. 2 for Upper Bluff Creek Project
e. Approve Agreement to Provide Sanitary Sewer and Water to Lot 1, Block 1,
Minnelowa Addition, City of Shorewood.
h. Approval of Chanhassen Safety Manual.
i. Approval of Bills.
j. City Council Minutes dated February 8, 1993
Planning Commission Minutes dated February 3, 1993
Public Safety Commission Minutes dated February 11, 1993
m. Authorization to Expend $3,243. of Surface Water Management Program Funds.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
City Council Heeting ~ February 22, 1993
Councilman Senn: On l(f). I guess I was, with interest, saw the fact that we
had two types of liquor licenses. Restaurants and non-restaurant which appears
to really be unusual these days because most cities have gone to a basis where
liquor licenses are only allowed with restaurants. In fact, I think where food
constitutes 50~ or so of the gross receipts. Is there, I guess this comes back
to I guess some previous discussions that have occurred over the last few weeks.
I've heard a lot of complaints about Filly's and this, that and the other thing.
Liquor and conduct and all that sort of thing. Is there a reason why we haven't
looked at effectively an ordinance change to accomplish that?
Mayor Chmiel: I think between the restaurant and non-restaurant basically, is
that dealing with the Legion?
Todd Gerhardt: I don't think so.
Councilman Senn: I assume that would be a club license.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, well yeah. That is basically under club license but they
also have a restaurant. That's one of the questions.
Todd Gerhardt: I can't think of a non-restaurant.
Hayor Chmiel: Okay. I guess maybe we can't give you an answer on that one
right now.
Councilman Senn: Well let me I guess just follow the line of questioning
through. Under the rates here then, where does it accommodate for example a
wlne and beer 11cense?
Mayor Chmiel: That is established by the State. We have to follow that
Councilman Senn: So that's a standard $2,000.00 fee, etc? Okay.
Mayor Chmiel: Same thing for the off-sale intoxicating and all those right on
down through.
Councilman Senn: Okay. In terms of the rates and the fact that we aren't
asking for any rate changes, in terms of the restaurant for example. I mean do
we know how many ue have in each of these categories or classes?
Mayor Chmiel: Total numbers?
Councilman Senn: Yes.
Mayor Chmiel: I would say yes. They probably do have that. As to the ones
that I could think of right off hand, would probably be Ahn-Le's. Pauly's.
Councilmar, Senn: Well I guess, let me get to the point and I'll quit dilly
dallying around I guess. I'm uncomfortable I guess wlth voting on settlng these
rates. I've by no means done a study but I guess my 11mited knowledge ls that,
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
I'm going to say there's probably half a dozen cities I'm aware of have a flat
rate license of $7,500.00 regardless of the size. And here we are startlng at
$5,880.00 and these are just about all the clties by the way that neighbor us
also. So I just, not havlng any real background history or understanding of
what went lnto determining these rates and how our rates compare to other rates,
I would say I'm just a little uneasy about saying, you know these fees look like
good rates to me.
Mayor Chmlel: Well, I did have discussions on these today. We do go by the
square foot area as opposed to many others. If we establish a $7,500.00 fee and
they were to be over 6,000 square feet, that means we would lose a revenue of
$5,600.00 because it runs roughly $12,600.00 for that license.
Councilman Senn: No, I understand that Don but how many 6,000 square foot
restaurants do we have versus 3,0007
Mayor Chmlel: That has been calculated by each one so we know exactly, but we
don't have that information in front of us.
Todd Gerhardt: We can pull that out Don.
Mayor Chmiel: Sure. There's no real rush on this because as I see, this does
not take place until May i for '93 and it goes through ApriI 30th of '94 so
yeah, there isn't any real rush. If you'd ltke to pull that, get that kind of
information, we can do it.
Councilman Senn: Thank you. I'd appreciate it.
Elliott Knetsch: Mr. Mayor.
Mayor Chmiel: Yes.
Elliott Knetsch: I would also just comment that if we propose to increase
rates, we have to hold a public hearing on that.
Mayor Chmiel: That's correct. Thank you. Item 1(1).
Councilman Senn: Are we going to table item 1(1)?
Do we need to table that or
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah we should.
Councilman Senn: So moved.
Councilman Mason: Second.
Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Nason seconded to table establishing the
1~)3/~)4 liquor license fees for further information. ~11 voted in favor and the
motion carried.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Senn: Now these are the properties basically involved in that, I
don't know in prevlous information or actions ue got regarding easements and the
road and Brown's property and all that, is it not?
Paul Krauss: Yes, that's correct. Thls lsa long tlme comlng Councilman Senn.
It came out of actions to acquire the Hanus building. The city now owns the
back part of the Hanus buildlng whlch uas fllled with junk, uhlch we've cleaned
up. Clean up the right-of-way issues through there. There was also some land
that was swapped. It uas taken off the Hanus parcel, as I recall and put on the
Rapid 011 parcel. The whole area was really a mess and it was a condition of
these approvals going back 2 years ago I think, that this whole area be
replatted once and for all and clean it up.
Councilman Senn: Okay, and as far as this plat goes nou, who owns what property
Ln the plat?
Paul Krauss: Who owns what? That's a good question. Maybe the Assistant City
Manager can relate that. I don't have that plat in front of me.
Todd Gerhardt: Lot 1 ls owned by Gary Brown. Lot 2 ls the Rapid 0il. Lot 3 is
the HRA. Outlot A is the HRA. And the Outlot A to the north would be the HRA
and then of course the West 7gth Street right-of-way.
Councilman Senn: And who's our applicant then? I mean is the City the
applicant on thls or what?
Todd Gerhardt: Lotus Realty. There was monies escrowed as a part of the
purchase of the Hanus building to make sure that the property was platted.
Before thls you had a sliver between what was the Rapld 0il slte and the car
wash, which uas basically a non-conforming lot. Plannlng had concerns and made
sure that monles were escrowed to make sure that that non-conforming lot dld not
exist. So until those monies released, they had to come in ulth this plat. So
those monles were enough to make sure that the plat uas recorded and dld away
with those non-conforming.
Councilman Senn: Okay, so the city in effect is doing the platting?
Todd Gerhardt: We're insuring that the plattlng occurs. So it's not our money.
It was Lotus Realty's and Gary Klrt's money that uas escrowed.
Councilman Senn: From the sale of the building.
Todd Gerhardt: Rlght.
Councilman Senn: And so thls is really klnd of an after the fact thing for the
parcels there, where the Rapid 0il and all that's already been bullt?
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah. Yeah. Just to catch up on that portion of it, you're right.
Todd Gerhardt: They were all sold on metes and bounds descriptions and this is
a plat that matches those metes and bounds descriptions when the Rapld 011 slte
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
was sold off.
Mayor Chmiel: Would you like to.
Councilman Senn: I move approval.
Councilman Mason: Second.
Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Hason seconded to approve the Final Plat for
Gateway East, Lotus Realty as presented. All voted in favor and the ~otion
Kate Aanenson: Mr. Mayor?
Mayor Chmiel: Yes.
Kate Aanenson: Mr. Hagen had a, we maybe should have pulled item l(a). Mr.
Hagen, representing Hans Hagen Homes has a point of clarification on Stone Creek
regarding an administrative split. As you recall we, the Council declded not to
approve the administrative lot split and he's requesting that, he was hoping to
have the development contract in place tonlght. He's hoping to pull a permit
for a model home and he'd like to have approval to record it, even though the
development contract isn't here in place tonight. That's what we were meeting
briefly on before the meeting started. So he'd like to have a minute to speak
on that issue. It's part of issue (a). l(a).
Mayor Chmiel: Being that we've already voted on it, all we have to do is
rescind that for the time being and have Mr. Hans Hagen come forward wlth that.
Hans Hagen: Mr. Mayor, members of the Council. What we are requesting this
evenlng. The consent agenda dtd approve the final plat of Stone Creek First
Addition, or would have had it gone through. What we are requesting is that,
coincidental wlth that, that you approve a metes and bounds description of the
outline of the plat. So basically you have all seen the plat and this survey
actually covers the outline of the plat. We can't record our plat unttl the
developer's agreement is approved, and that will not go on until the first
meetlng in March. We would 11ks to start construction. We can't start
construction until we buy the land. And we can't buy the land until we get a
spllt. So (a), you have approved a plat, and subject to my signing the
developers agreement you will then have a separate parcel. So what I'm asking
for tonight is a lot spllt that covers all. of the property that is described in
the plat you approved. With that lot split, your attorney can record this at
the County. Then we can close on the property because we know what we're buying
and the seller knows what they're selling. And then we would record a mortgage
on that property. That will establish prlority and then we can get a butIding
permit. And as a matter of practiCe under these circumstances, the staff will
glve us a bullding permlt provided everything has been complled with here.
the action I'm asking the Council tonight to take is to approve a lot split that
encompasses all of the property that is in the Stone Creek First Addition. Can
I answer any questions or have I confused everybody?
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Mayor Chmiel: No. No. I just wanted to ask Elliott. Is that...thing to do?
Elliott Knetsch: I did have a chance to discuss that with Mr. Hagen and I did,
I was the one who suggested that it be brought to you in thls fashlon as an
addltion to item l(a). So you have approved the plat. Basically as he stated,
what they are requesting wlll enable them to proceed wlth construction. I think
it's appropriate for the Council to do that if you think it's rlght. Since we
do not at thls tlme, you know temporarily do not have an administrative lot
split ordinance, all he's asking for is the City to put a stamp on there that
says, we've seen thls and we thlnk it's okay. That's the only requirement for
the lot split stamp that the County wants. So unless you have a problem with
it, I thlnk it would be appropriate.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay. And if we record it, that would elLminate that given
Elliott Knetsch: That's correct.
Mayor Chmiel: It's nice to see that Northwest Airlines is on time. Okay. Any
discussion from Council.
Councilman Senn: So moved.
Councilman Mason: Second.
Mayor Chmiel: Moved and seconded that we approve a lot spllt for all property
in the Stone Creek Addition and that this also be recorded by the County. In
the County by our Attorney.
Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Mason seconded to approve a lot split for all
property in the Stone Creek First Addition so that it can be recorded at the
County. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hans Hagen: Thank you very much.
Dave MacGilivray: Good evening. We would like your consideration of a
resolution awarding the sale of $5,675,000.00 taxable general obligation tax
increment bonds, Series 1993A. We recelved a copy of the resolution late this
afternoon from the bond counsel flrm, Holmes and Graven. I don't believe lt's
in your packet. I gave Todd my coples so there is a copy for your revie~ if
you'd like to see it. Proceeds of this lssue would go to fund the acquisition
of various land parcels in the city's redevelopment Tax Increment District No.
1, whlch ls in the downtown area. We took competitive blds in our offlce at
12:30 this afternoon. In general the market continues at what we would call
historical low levels and as I go over the actual blds, I'll polnt thls out.
These are taxable municipal bonds and by that, bond holders of these securities,
the lnterest pald to them ls includable in thelr lncome for federal and state
tax income purposes. So it's a lot different from your traditional municipal
bonds for bulldlng streets and public buildings, etc. where that tax interest
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
exempt from such taxation. It is taxable because ultimate the majority of the
bond proceeds wi'11 be used for land which be conveyed to prlvate parties and the
federal government created this category basical-ly in 1986. 6otng to the yellow
sheet, I belteve does everybody have one of these?
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah.
Dave MacGilivray: These are the results of the bids that were taken this
afternoon. The best bld or lowest interest cost is listed first. Park
Investment Corporation. They bid a rate over here on the rlght hand side, true
interest rate of 6.3242~ and then they go in increasing order of tnterest costs
or a lower deslreablllty, about a month ago when we first structured this issue
at market rates then in existence, we were expecting a rate of 7.12~ so this is
8/10, 80 basls points under the market of about a month ago. The market has
certainly come down but certainly hasn't come down by 80 basis points. But it
ls events of the last week and the State of the Union, all of a sudden municipal
bonds are even a hotter commodity than they were before and they were pretty hot
for the last 60 to 90 days. What this means, traditionally if we were to have
sold these 2-3 years ago, this rate would have been 9~ to 10~. There's usually
a 2 to 2 1/2 percentage polnt difference between taxables and tax exempts so it
shows you where the tax exempt market is right now. This reduction from the
estimate, the 6.32 means a reduction in lnterest cost under the estlmate of:
about $200,000.00 so we're at about a total interest cost of $2,300,000.00. Now
we're about $2,100,000.00 so we brought those interest costs down by about
$200,000.00. One thing you should note that's a little different from some of
your others, thls lssue was.insured at the purchaser's option. The purchaser
being the underwriter. This is a standard clause we put in most all of our bond
transactions and the lssuers have the optlon of buying a bond insurance. In
this particular transaction they took that option. Had it insured.by AmBac.
What that means is thls bond issue recelves a AAA, the hlghest market grade
rating from the National Credit Eating Agencies. This issue was rated by
Moody's, you know the rating agency you use. Your rattng was confirmed at BAA1.
Not a lot of fanfare so your rating has basically stayed as is, despite the fact
that you're golng out for $5.6 milllon dollars of general obligations bonds.
With that we would recommend award to Park Investment and we'd be glad to take
any questions.
Mayor Chmlel: Very good. Any questions? With that, I would ask for a motion
to approve the 1993 G.O. Tax Increment Bonds.
Councilman Mason: So moved.
Mayor Chmiel: Is there a second?
Councilman Senn: Second.
Re~o~ution ~93-12: Councilman Hason moved, Councilman Senn seconded to award
the bid for the 1993 General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, Series 1993~ to
Park Inuestment Corporation wtth an interest rate of 6.3242~. All voted in
favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Chmiel: Thank you. That is a good rate. I do remember those from a few
years ago and that category of 9~ and 10~. So that's great. Saves the city
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
some money even though we have to spend some. Next item.
Sharmin A1-Jaff: In 1988 the City Council approved a contractors yard by
approving a conditional use permit application. The contractors yard was
supposed to have a building...parking area, a driveway that would lead into the
building. The existing buildings on the site were proposed to be demolished and
removed off the site. There were 20 conditions attached to your report that
weFe the conditions of approval. One day before the permit was to expire, the
applicant appIied for a building permit. Staff issued the permit. However...
construction or development taking place on site. The zoning ordinance reads,
if substantial construction has not taken place within one year of the date on
which the conditional use permit was granted, the permit is void. Over the past
two years staff has not noticed any construction taking place and we are
interpretting the ordinance to read as the conditional use permit as void. The
applicant is contesting our interpretation and is in front of you today to
get...interpretation. We are recommending that you find the conditional use
permit as void. If you have any questions regarding the inspections, with us
today is Building Official, Steve Kirchman. He'll be here to answer any
questions you might have. Thank you.
Mayor Chmiel: Thank you Sharmin. Is the applicant, Jeff Carson here?
Jeff Carson: Yes, your Honor. Mr. Mayor, Council members. My name is Jeff
Carson. I represent the applicant, Mr. Harry Llndbery who is present tonight.
Mr. Lindbery did indeed, I should also indicate that we were before the Board of
Appeals and Adjustments from 6:30 to 7:30 and I wlll be repeating myself and I
apologize to Councilmember Senn. In case you don't know, they recommended the
interpretation as Sharmln has indicated. That the permlt be volded. Mr.
Llndbery did receive his conditional use permlt and I trust that the packet of
information ls before the Clty Council that was submitted by the applicant,
which includes a brief memo and some exhibits. It ls our underlying contention
that the conditional use, that the applicant has lndeed used the premlses slnce
1988 as a contractors yard. And I put the definition of a contractors yard in
the flrst page of my memo to show that the definition of a contractors yard does
not requlre a building at a11. In fact the use of the property, as Mr. Lindbery
has made it slnce 1988, is exactly that. Storlng of materials for construction,
contracting. That's his business. It is true that the original application
contemplated a bulldlng and although we debated at the Board whether or not
without a building this application or this applicant could construe or would be
permitted to say that he was operating his property lawfully all these years. A
literal reading of the conditional use permit doesn't state that you have to
have thls building. That is thls property, whlch is approximately 40 acres,
could be used without a building. Nevertheless, the applicant, and I outline. I
don't thlnk I'll go through it agaln in all the deta11. He did lntend to bulld
a building, and to that end he obtained a building permit, as staff indicates
approximately a year after the issuance of the conditional use permit. A dispute
arose and we're having a hard time getting a handle on that, or pinning it down.
But in my materials I submitted to you, I gave you a packet of information about
the floor heating. It's a heating system if you wil1 that the applicant wanted
to put in this building. The idea was, and he obtained the building permit and
City Council Heeting - February 22, 1993
he bought the shell of the building in 1989, and he's spent $36,000.00 doing
that. Obviously intending to put that building on the property. He got into a
dispute with the building official, which is at issue about that but he did.
That's his statement. Over the type of heating to use. He manted to put the
tubular heating in the floor and pour the cement. Probably at the time state-
of-the-art. The building official told Hr. Lindbery, no. I'm not familiar mith
it. You can't do it. That stalled the project and it never frankly got back on
track. There mas a period of time during this process mhere Hr. Lindbery mas
literally out of, physically unable to move formard personally himself on the
project. He crushed his leg and mas out of active participation for a year on
the building project. So these periods of time came and went and they are
significant periods of time and that mas my reading of the Board of ~ppeals mas,
too much time has gone by. You could have and should have come to the City a
long time ago. You didn't. Why didn't you, and my ansmer to that mas
everything in hindsight is almays clearer and it's better and certainly ! agree.
He could have and should have come to the city the moment that a dispute arose
about anything. ! mould point out that the staff was actively, at least morking
on this project over 2 years after the issuance of the conditional use permit.
The reason I raise that is that the interpretation that the staff is making is
substantial completion of the building after one year mas not met. Therefore,
you voided your permit and that's that. In the exhibits that ! handed you,
there is activity from the Building Department, and I mould refer you to
exhibits 6, 9 and 10 ! believe. What it shoms is that the Planning Department
is, at that time dealing mith the permit. In fact Exhibit 10 ~ believe is. the
cover sheet of the conditional use permit itself. ~nd then the right lower
corner it indicates somebody's doing some research on an issue-as of 10/23/90.
Significantly greater than 2 years after the issuance of the conditional use
permit. Hy point being that I feel, based on what happened in 1992, that that's
simply the convenient, if you will, ansmer today. That is, mell let's see.
What's happened here. Time has elapsed. You're out of business. I would also
point out that in 1989, when the City merit through the process of removing
contractors yards from the Zone ~2, mhich is mhat me are, they had appropriate
hearings and those hearings mere predicated by published notice but, and !
believe it's Exhibit 11, is a front page of a Planning Commission Hinutes mhere
one of the Commissioners looked around the room. This was the hearing to decide
on mhat recommendation the Planning Commission mas going to pass to the Council.
There's no contractors in the audience. There's nobody that's a holder of a
conditional use permit if you mill, and the question mas raised. Why isn't
anybody here? Were they notified? The answer is no. You don't have-to notify
people if you're changing the zoning. You just have to publish. Technically
that's probably correct. But the other portion ment on to say, what about, these
people mho are operating today? ~nd the ansmer mas, they're.non-conforming and
therefore they're not going to be effected adversely by this action. Hr-.
Lindbery mas not notified of the change in the zoning and he mas not notified by
staff frankly that he was running out of time to complete his project at any
point in time. Then in the summer of 1992 mhat happened mas, part of his
contractors yard activities involved the storage of large and rather unsightly
construction box units that he mould rent out to other contractors to store
their equipment in on site. ~nd instead of putting them do~n, around behind the
berm on his property, mhich he now knows he should have, he put them up closer
to the road and they could be seen. So mhat happened mas, staff sam them.
Wrote to Hr. Lindbery. He wasn't responsive and that has led to the presently
pending criminal charges in District Court, mhich me are having to address. He
City Council Meeting - February 22, I993
has since corrected the problem, by his perception at least, and put the boxes
that he uses in his business behlnd what we consider to be a berm. An adequate
berm. In other words, you can't see them from the road and that's the problem
here. The upshot of it of course was, staff was looklng at this application and
at the whole property as a whole. In 1992 they determined that this violation
or this voidance of the permlt had existed and thus reached that conclusion. Now
the applicant can't, that takes us up to about mid-1992. That ls from that
point forward until today we're in an actlve dispute if you wl11, including the
crlmlnal charges. The polnt was made at the Board of Appeals that a lot of time
seems to have elapsed between the issuance of the permit and let's say mld-1992.
And I don't disagree. There's a reason for what happened. It may not be
adequate in the minds of everyone but it's what really happened in the real
world in thls case. He dldn't get the bulldlng done. He got into the dlspute
with the Building Inspector and he dldn't follow through and he didn't come to
the Clty and ask for an answer as to what he was golng to be requlred to do.
And here we sit. The zoning has changed. We're told he's not in a
non-conforming status. He wasn't at the meetlng where the zoning changed so he
can't be in a position to do anything with this property other than use as
agricultural, if indeed the use as a contractors yard ls prohibited. It is our
hope that you will, given all the circumstances, permit Mr. Lindbery to continue
hls operation by conditional use permit. He would 11ke lndeed to construct the
building. As I indicated, he's got more than $36,000.00 in actual monies spent
for the permlt and the shell and the MnDot approval process. He's ready,
willing and able to complete the project if he can get the appropriate approvals
from city staff, whlch we believe we can do. And by denylng hlm hls opportunity
to go forward, you're simply saying that the land is not going to be used
anymore by this individual for the work that he does, whlch is operate a
contractors yard. A couple of points were argued, debated at the hearing.
Mr. Llndbery has used the property durlng this perlod of tlme continuously as a
contractors yard. Obviously he did not build the building and so those parts of
the permlt that relate to construction haven't been met. That also was a
finding at the hearing of the Board. I would hope that you would consider this.
There's some equltles here. There's some technical polnts. There's some
questions about what does the Code mean, and keep in mind that he wasn't given a
publlc hearlng. He wasn't told that hls conditional use permit ls in violation
or any of that. It was just during this criminal process he was advised that
lt's vold. It doesn't exlst. And I'd 11ke to thlnk that given the hlstory and
the relative difficulty of interpretting exactly what that permit means, I think
there are differences one mlght brlng to the interpretation of the law as it
relates to this permit and I would hope that you give Mr. Lindbery the advantage
at least to make it right. I don't see that the city ls any the worse off if he
does. Clearly he is going to be in serious economic difficulties if he's told
he has to vacate the use of that property. I thank you for hearlng us, a second
time. If I can answer any questions, I'd be glad to.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay. Are there any questions? Mark, do you have any questions
at this time? Sitting on the Zoning Appeals.
Councilman Senn: Basically at zoning appeals, my tact I think was a little
different than staff's and City Attorney's I guess. I have a hard time making
the connection between the conditional use permlt and the argument that no
construction has occurred on a building. The reason I have that trouble is that
in the conditional use permit, the conditional use permlt lacks any reference to
City Council Meeting - February 22, lg93
a slte plan and lacks any reference to a building. Other than some vague ones
such as a building must be sprinklered. That type of thing. Yet I don't have
much sympathy for the applicant because what I see as a conditional use permit,
even though contractors yards activities may be very vague and arguable for many
hours, conditional use permit I don't feel is. It says the conditional use
permit based on Exhibit A, the condition on Exhibit A, and any violations of the
terms of the permit means that lt's terminated. And basically went through the
conditions, the 20 conditions of whlch a majority have never been met.
Forgetting whether buildlng lsa reference point or not a reference point. And
I don't have a problem at all denying this permit on the basis that no
construction has occurred. Also, that the applicant is in violation of a
majority of the conditions of the conditional use permit. I do have a hard time
basing some form of denlal back on whether a bulldlng exlsts or does not exist.
I guess that's why it ended up here before us because I have that problem. Again
I would strongly recommend denlal but I think we ought to call it for the
reasons it is, rather than the reasons that don't really exist in any
documentation because quite honestly I think the applicant concurs that
documentation on this is pretty poor.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, in looking through some of this as well. The conditional
use so stipulates or even implies. I'm not sure what part of the law leans
towards that but...conditional use shall be in compliance within one year from
date of issuance, and if you're not, your compliance from that timeframe, that
permlt ls void. And construction of a building had not taken place. Whether
it's so stipulated within there or not, that was still part I think of the
conditions as it indicates.
Councilman Senn: Oon, I guess in.
Mayor Chmiel: I understand you're not. Yeah, right. No, I understand that.
I'm just clarifying that for the record more than anything. Okay. Michael, do
you have anything?
Councilman Mason: Well, Mr. Carson certainly presents some compelling reasons
but I'm confused as to why all the foot dragging on the applicant's part and why
thlngs just haven't happened. I guess I can only speak from my experience but
if something goes wrong, it's just common nature for me to go up one step higher
and find out what the problem is and what can be done about it. It seems to me
if that isn't done, I'm not, it doesn't set with me. I don't understand.
Jeff Carson: Not having been there myself I can't, but let me do this if you
would permit this. Mr. Lindbery is here and he does have, at least a response
to that. It may not satlsfy you but it does involve issues relattng to his
attempts to deal with plumbing and the things that he was dealing wlth. If
you'd permit him to just address you for a couple of minutes. Do you want. to do
that Harry? Would you permit that Mr. Nayor? Thank you.
Harry Lindbery: Well, where we run into one problem is we wanted to, we put in
the pileasters for the building, the columns where the beams. We're building a
bulldlng wlth no posts. It's 70 foot wlde and 100 feet long. And we wanted to
take the building engineer said we should take from these columns, run rerod
lnto the floor. That way, if you get stress on the top of the building, because
due to it's, on a shape like this, it wouldn't push out and push these columns
City Council Heetir~g -- February 22, 1993
out and that's why if they're tied into the floor. And ue had a problem with
the plumbing man. He wanted us to put in tug separate systems as far as
drainage from the building. One from the sanitary where we would have a toilet
in a lunchroom for the fellows. And then another one for the floor drain. So
we told him we would. We vent and bought the flammable waste. We had that
already but ue wanted to put it inside the building and then ue had it there and
wanted to hook it up. He said, no. You can't hook it up. You've got to put it
outside the building. So we took and put it outside. Then ue got a concrete
saving company to bore a hole through the footing around the building and we put
it on the outside. Then we says, can ue hook up the floor drains to it nov? He
says, no. Now you have to go down to the State plumbing department and get
their okay. So the plumber Z had hired, and myself, ue vent down there. The
State plumbing man, he said geez. He says, how come you want it this way
outside? He said, when you'd have about 50~ of the time that would be froze up
because he says we've got winters here and he says, I'll never approve that. He
says, put it on the inside. And I says, well that's the way ue wanted it.
then, he changed the plan. Then we went back to the city man. We asked him and
we wanted to put radiant heat in the floor. He says he isn't familiar with
that. He says put unit heaters up in the ceiling. And ue says, they aren't as
efficient and this here, when you heat the floor, it stays heat because if you
open the door, the floor's warm. Your air rushes out. When you close the door,
your floor is still warm. And I think you have a thing on that radiant heat.
Well, what he didn't, he says he wasn't familiar with it. He wouldn't allow it.
Then in 199~ Z did have an accident. I ,as on a loader, front end loader and
it's got a vinyl seat. And Z slipped and hit a lever and I got my leg between
some framework on the loader and it crushed it. Hy insurance company doctor, he
wanted to whack it off below the knee. That's where it came, the bone come out
both sides and Z took and got a specialist and I went with him. He put a rod,
J.t was about ~5 inches long and about the size of your finger and he cut both
sides open and he put it all back together again and he made me stay off of it.
So that kind of tied up the building. But ue had drivers going in there and
going out of there with different supplies during this time so we didn't abandon
it. z vas ~aid up for a while and our other fellows, they didn't want to go
ahead and stick the building up but we've had the building all bought. All paid
for and everything and as soon as the frost gets out of the ground, I'd like to
take and put my rerod in the floor. First put the plumbing in. Put the rerod.
Pour it and then so it would hold the columns in and then put the structure up.
And it's out on 2~2 h~ghway. We don't use any city streets or anything like
that so Z mean, Z don't think we've ever bothered anybody.
Mayor Chmiel: Thank you. Colleen, do you have any?
Councilwoman Dockendorf: I guess I'd don't want to be completely blunt about
this but I'm having trouble buying some of the arguments Hr. Carson's put forth
on, particularly when you say we've never informed of the zoning change. I
guess as a business person, you need to keep up on city ordinances, particularly
when you gun a piece of land and ignorance doesn't prove innocence. However, I
do understand the complications in building. But it kind of sounds like you're
complaining because you got caught.
Jeff Carson: No. If I may respond to that Mr. Mayor. I'm complaining I guess,
if that's what I'm doing, about the timing and the rationale for it. The reason
this really came up vas the units that he vas storing for other contractors that
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
he rented. The City continued to deal with him really long after the 2 year
period was up. There wasn't any time clock on him at that point. In October of
'90, they were st111 dealing wlth thls project. Had he been informed, had the
contractors, the people that had contractors yards been informed that they no
longer would have been able to operate a contractors yard in an A2 zone
following the passage of an ordinance, I think it would have made a difference
ls what I'm saylng. I'm not saying that, well. I'm saying that there can't be
that many contractors yards in the city and it would seem to me appropriate to
notify those people with contractors yards in those zones that are being zoned
out, that that's under consideration. Now the answer to that was, when one of
the Plannlng Commissions addressed it, was the people who are operating are
non-conforming. They won't be effected by the change and so there's no need to
bring them ln. Had Mr. Llndbery been lnformed that he's about to lose his rlght
or he has a certain period of time after which he cannot operate his yard, any
of that, I submlt that he would have resolved it right away or got the
extension. Whatever the code would have requlred at the time. What's happened
here ls that for reasons unrelated frankly, he's nOwlbelng told that, by the
way, your CUP is vold and I think that, yeah. You can look at it one way and
you can look at it another way but I'm trying to bring a sense of fairness to
it. I know the city rezoned that property for a reason. They don't want
contractors yards in the A2 zone anymore. That's the underlying message and
that's the city's priviledge. But I think as tt effects adversely people who
are there and operating, there has to be some kind of a glve and take. That's
why, if it seems like complaining, perhaps it is. But I think this could have
happened differently and we wouldn't be here.
Mayor Chmiel: Any other questions? Richard.
Councilman Wing: Mr. Carson, just a beginning question. Are there other
employees involved here? Does he have a staff? Is this a company?
Jeff Carson: He has employees, yes. I don't know how many but he does have
other employees in this business.
Councilman Wing: You're not alone on this? Well this was permitted in 1988 and
I don't know what's changed since then, except the zoning. The agricultural
zoning. In 1992 terms, what does a contractors yard mean or not mean to the
city? And specifically in this area. I guess the first thing I'd 1tko to
address ls just a concern for your c11ent Mr. Lindbery in that the clty wants to
get away from contractors yards. They're not in the best interest for the city.
They haven't been in the best lnterest of the city and they've been moved out
rather effectively over the last few, well since I've been here. And one of the
real palnful ones was the Carlson property out on the west end of the clty where
he's had all sorts of problems and just as he gets everything resolved and gets
thls bulldlng up, residential's comlng in and lt's costly residential and
they're simply not going to tolerate this type of land use. So the pressure's
going to be put on. The complaints are going to come up and my concern for you
is that you're going to get, if this was granted, you'll get all your buildings
up and everything established and spend these dollars and all of a sudden in
will come a plat for a residential area of $400,000.00 homes. They're going to
take one look at you and do everything in their power to start movlng you out.
And then you're going to wind up an island down there and my concern is for your
own personal flnances in the future. If lt's granted and if the dollars are
City Counci], Meeting ,- February 22, 1993
spent to put this in, is it in fact in your best interest, even in the short
term, if suddenly residential moves in down there and it becomes a very
unattractive land use that simply won't be tolerated. So I have that concern by
approving this, and having you invest this money on this contractors yard, you
may be right on the edge of development that just won't tolerate it and the pain
and the hurt that you could be caused, I just wanted to bring that up as an
issue here because I think it's significant for your own thinking and planning.
But at any rate, the permit back in 1988, there's cons£derable dollars invested
here. $1,200.00 for a permit and $3,500.00 for a building and MnDot and there's
been a lot happening here and I think there's an awful lot of investment in this
expired permit if you will. And although it's maybe not the direction we want to
go, I don't know if the use and the conflict down there has changed since '88 to
'92 and this is Mr. Lindbery's business and it apparently meets the use and
there's a real loss for him if this isn't continued. $o I see the permit
continuation as a real minor issue and a real minor variance. I see the
conditLons of the permit as the 1ssue here and resolving those. So my
preference here would be to give an extension, and I'm golng to just pick an
arbitrary number of 6 months. Not that's got no valldtty any more than 2 months
or I year but an extension of 6 months which allows staff, number one to review
the conditions for being reasonable and is £t still the direction we want to go,
and either changing those downward or leavLng them. And then have 6 months to
comply with those or it exp£res without any further discussLon. Z think that
m~ght be fair to resolve the issue and the conditions as a comprom&se here
because there's too much money invested and 1f Mr. Lindbery wants to take the
risk of that ~nvestment with what's changing down there, I won't address that.
That's his business but Z have no problem with a continuation to allow staff to
rev&ew the conditions, their reasonableness and then allow compliance of fairly
accelerated way...on the other hand it doesn't throw the dollars in th~s permit
that were expended over the years. And if there is a conflict, the city and
staff and any inspections, we've gone over this time and time agaLn where the
former inspections group and the former planning group didn't follow through and
things weren't documented and so there's some oray areas here that I'm not
will&rig to absorb so I would prefer to give Mr. Lindbery the benefit of the
doubt. But £t would have to comply with the conditions and that would have to
be in an accelerated manner.
Harry Lindbery: Hay I ask a question?
Hayor Chmiel: Yes, if you'd like to come up to the microphone.
Harry Lindbery: Would that be for the building to be totally complete because
we have about 3-4 feet of frost and that won't be out of there until probably
about May 15th.
Councilman Wing: I would move that 6 months after start of construction. Paul,
I won't get into this. I don't know. It's just the numbers are arbitrary.
Harry Lindbery: Then there's no problem. After the frost was out, 6 months.
Councilman Wing: That could be a point.
Harry Llndbery: Sure, because no problem wlth that.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Wing: I'm not allowing to allow continuation of this unless it's
complied with. And it's complied with in an accelerated method but I won't go
beyond that. I'd have to allow staff and Council to address that suggestion.
Harry Lindbery: Well I just wanted to put out the thing. Oo you have any
objection to our radlant heat?
Councilman Wing: No. That's what I've got in my house.
Harry Lindbery: Well, your plumbing man wouldn't let us put it in.
Councilman Wing: Well I don't know anything about that. Maybe there were
reasons. I can't address that .... the polnts are well taken. He asks the
questions that can be handled elsewhere. I'm just bringing up the big issues
Jeff Carson: I think he misunderstands the posture of the question at this
point though.
Councilman Wing: I'm trying to compromise on his...
Jeff Carson: Yeah, and I think he's obviously willing to do that and that's
really all we can ask of the clty.
Councilman Wing: I have one concern is that I saw Paul start to, he was leaning
forward in bls chair. Zf he was golng to confront me here, I wanted it done
Paul Krauss: Well, don't take it as a confrontation. But we're here tonight
because of an interpretation issue. We've interpretted this to have never
occurred, therefore it's void. And the Board of Adjustments was looking to act
on that and that's the question before you tonight. In taking the action that
you've outlined, by granting an extension of something that we think is void,
you've therefore said it's still valid. And that's an important point. Now you
can do that, although I think the ordinance provides that that has to come
through the Planning Commission. And then for action by you. But I guess we're
real concerned though with some of the fundamental issues here. You know we're
often accused of having large amounts of malice and forethought to any number of
individuals around town when you know we usually respond to an issue that crops
up and the issue in this case was that there was a bunch of trailers all over
the front of the lot, and we couldn't figure out why. And we had letters that
we sent out to the owner, which were refused and we sent them certified. They
sent back to us. We knew that a building had been started years ago and was
never finished. We knew that the conditions were never satisfied and
apparently, according to the testimony by the attorney tonight, the applicant
and his attorney are under the impression that they can go ahead and do anything'
that they classify as a contractors yard without satisfying the conditions. We
take some exception to some of those assertions. You know when you pass
something, a package of conditions, whether or not it was before our watch here,
as in this case, or whether or not we wrote the staff report, we have an
obligation to make sure those things are fulfilled. And when we went out there,
we found out that just about nothing was fulfilled. You know yes, there are a
whole different set of issues that I don't think are necessarily appropriate
City Council Heeting- February 22, 1993
tonight, as to what the Planning Commission and you might ultimately want to do
with that area. A1ld yes, the thinking has changed an awful lot since the mid
80's when contractors yards were put down there. We have results of that policy
with the cold storage, metal warehouse buildings that were gouged into the hill.
I mean there's a lot of odd ball uses down there. I guess I'd defer to the City
Attorney, but if in fact you're looking at granting some sort of an extension,
I think that you have to be aware of the implications, an extension to what.
And I think you have to probably procedurally do it a little differently.
Elliott Knetsch: I don't think at this time you have the power to grant an
extension. I think what you're saying Dick is that you had a vaIid permit. He
made some use and made some purchases based on that permit, so that constitutes
use under our ordinance and that never really lapsed. So he in effect does have
a permit and now we should look at what are reasonable conditions on the permit.
That's Z guess what Z hear you saying and if that's what you're saying, that's
fine. Z mean all we're asking for is staff and the City Attorney's offices, if
you don't agree uith staff's interpretation, then the permit is still in
existence and at that point you can take action to revoke the permit for non-
compliance with the terms, or you can work with the applicant, given the fact
that time has changed and their indicated willingness to work with you and
hammer out some new conditions that are satisfactory to both sides.
Councilman Wing: It just amazes me when you're educated how smoothly you can
explain these tilings. That's where, there's enough expenditure here that I
consider him to have the permit. And I'm comfortable with that. But I'll be
rea]. blunt and say, put up or get out. And there's the rules. You haven't
complied. You either comply or you're out of here. It's black and white. And
then it's a big, I consider this to have been a permit. There has been
expenditures made, and it never expired. I guess, is that the proper wording
for my statement? The conditions of the conditional use, they haven't been
complied wit. I guess that would be my issue tonight and I would expect
immediate compliance. Total compliance or, in that case then we get into the
non-compliance lssue. Then what happens?
Elliott Knetsch: Well, if the permit's there and it's not being complied with,
then you have the option of havlng a hearlng to revoke the permlt for non-
compliance or, if the appl[cant agrees to new conditions, you can put new
conditions on.
Councilman Wing: So then my 6 months would come in. 6 month restriction on
compliance. Is that right?
Elliott Knetsch: I guess I think that could be appropriate if you treat it as,
in effect treat this as a hearing on whether or not to revoke the permit and say
well you haven't done all these thlngs. We could revoke your permlt but we're
going to take a less drastic step and say, we're going to let you keep the
permlt as long as you do these thlngs wlthin a certaln tlme. I thlnk you could
do that.
Councilman Wing: Well I don't want to belabor this any more. That's my
position and I'11...
City Council Meeting - February 22, lgg3
Mayor Chmiel: Okay, thank you. I too have been looking at this rather closely
and I see the time to extend the permit has really expired. In lieu of all the
letters that were sent by the clty and not received, nor accepted, I Judge that
as a portion that does bother me some. It should have been addressed at that
given time.
Jeff Carson: Your Honor, I might add. Those letters related to a violation of
the permit.
Mayor Chmiel: But nothing was answered.
Jeff Carson: No, I just, the purpose of the letters was not to tell him to get
going. It was to tell hlm that something that he's doing with the property is
in violation.
Mayor Chmiel: And that there were several things in accordance with the £xhibit
A contained within that as well that had not been complled with. It seems like
there's nothlng that has worked through this always straight through. I feel
uncomfortable with it. I don't like to do things or business that way, nor do I
expect people to do buslness that way back to the city. So it'd be my position
at this time to request a motion in regard to this proposal. Can I have a
motlon from the floor. Or discussion.
Councilman Mason: Could I discuss for a moment before we make a motion7
Mayor Chmlel: Sure.
Councilman Mason: I share some of Councilman Wing's concerns about the
applicant. However, hearing what Councilman Senn said earlier about the fact
that we have a list of 20 1rems that need to be complied with and my
understanding is that very few of them have in' fact been complied with. And I
guess if~ I personally would like to hear from Mr. Kirchman for a moment or two
about that. Because my feeling is that has more bearing on this right now. If
none of this stuff has been complled with, my feeling ls to hold the public
hearing to revoke the permit and see how that comes out. Which is what we have
to do, right?
Elliott Knetsch: Staff's taken a position. This is sort of technical...and I
think Hark and I kind of crossed wires on it at the Board of AdJustments and
Appeals too. We're saying, as staff, that the permit has either, is void per no
construction within one year. Or alternatively, that it expired because there
was no use made of the property pursuant to the permit. So the use was
discontinued. Therefore the permit expired. That's what staff has, that's
staff's position. That's what we've informed the applicant. So under that line
of reasoning, whether or not he complies with the 20 conditions in the permit is
not relevant because the permit is, we're not saying he's violated the permit.
We're saying the permit's gone. However, if you would accept the applicant's
position that they did use the property. There were deliveries or whatever use
constituted a contractors yard, and the start of the building and so forth, then
you would say no. We don't agree with staff. We think the permit is still
there. Then the question is, what do we do with the permit. Do we move to
revoke it for not complying with the conditions? Or do we look to give them
additional time to comply?
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Senn: Can I ask a question?
Mayor Chmiel: Sure.
Councilman Senn: If I'm understanding you right then, the action tonight can
only relate to whether a permit exists or doesn't exist?
Elliott Knetsch: Yes.
Councilman Senn: Okay. And the action of whether the thing is void because of
non-compliance cannot be addressed tonight?
Elliott Knetsch: Yes. That's right. We should address that separately. If we
get to the point where there is a permit, let's consider revoklng it and we
should hold a public hearlng on that lssue. And that would dlscuss whether or
not the terms were complied with or not.
Councilman Senn: Well Z'd make a motlon then that ue belleve the permlt is
still there and that we schedule a public hearlng for revocation of the, or to
conslder revocation of the CUP for non-compliance.
Councilman Wing: I'll second that because it's my position. For discussion at
any rate.
Mayor Chmlel: It's been moved and seconded. Any other discussion?
Councilman Mason: Staff is saying nothing's happened withln a year. And you're
representing Mr. Lindbery saylng thlngs have happened?
Jeff Carson: Yes.
Councilman Mason: That's essentially what's going on right now.
Jeff Carson: Work that would be defined under the contractors yard, definition
in your code, yes.
Steve Kirchman: I mlght, if I may?
Councilman Mason: Please.
Steve Kirchman: I can maybe shed a little bit of light on that. I made my last
inspection, a bulldlng inspection on october 22nd of lggO and I asked that Mr.
Llndbery come in and apply for a heatlng permlt and a plumbing permlt and then
he could go ahead and continue with what he wanted to do on the building. I
asked that he meet wlth the Plannlng Department and Building Department to
clarify some issues. He didn't come in so I periodically made trips out to the
slte to make sure that there was no construction actlvlty on the bulldlng
continuing. That was my primary purpose. But durlng those visits, at no time
dld I see any type of actlvlty that could be construed as being used as a
contractors yard taking place, until I made a note to the effect that the
containers and the round concrete pipe were on the slte. And that date was,
well one second. Let hie find that inspection. Okay, that date was.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Sharmin Al-Jail: June 8th of '92.
Steve Kirchman: Okay, June 8th of '92. So at no time before that, between
10722/91 and that date when I noticed those, was there any construction activity
or any activity taklng place that could be construed as a contractors yard. Now,
I only went out to the site maybe 2 times a year. It's way down there. I'd
stop when I had time so I wouldn't have seen if there was any activity at
but there were no new structures. Nothing gone. No tracks out at the area so,
and that's all I really have to say as far as the conditional use permit.
Councilman Senn: I don't doubt at ali what Steve's saying. In fact I think
he's probably 100~ right. Again, I think our basic problem is in the original
drafting documentation of the CUP and the lack of any action for 3 years. I
think it's a lot cleaner. A lot simpler to simply get past that issue and say
it st111 exlsts. Then go, the real lssue ls the fact that I don't care what
excuse in the world you.come up with, I can't figure out one that justifies 4 to
5 years of no actlon on a CUP wlth 20 very definitive conditions whlch have not
been even, I mean I can maybe find a couple that have been complied with out of
20. To me, from a clty's position, that's a lot more cleaner arguments than
getting into a lot of semantics, especially when you've got a poorly written
CUP in the first place and even poorer documentation over 3 years to back it up.
Councilman Wlng: 1'11 just tack onto Mark that I think it gives the applicant
time to thlnk about the fact that maybe 1988 was a good time to invest dollars
down there. Maybe 1992 is not as good a year to invest dollars down there
considering what may be coming hls direction. Or, I don't know what date it is.
Jeff Carson: Zf I may Your Honor, one of the problems of course is that the
hearing itself would simply be a pretext. I mean the deciston about everybody's
feeling as to what has happened or not happened with respect to certain 1rems on
that list is pretty clear. You'll do what you'll do but it seems that
everybody's made up thelr mind about that issue and I hope that the applicant
has some opportunity. I 11ked what Counctlmember Wing was saying that, maybe
there's something, some common ground here that if the applicant and staff got
together and who knows what those conditions would be. They might be more
stringent. Zt mlght be less energenlc a projeot. There's a lot of
possibilities but when I say pretext, I mean it's simply, you're going to have a
hearing so that you have a hearing. Simply do what you're feeling now, it
Councilman Wing: I think the items need to be reviewed. Maybe the building
isn't needed. Maybe it's use has changed a little bit from what you decided.
Maybe it's going to be an attractive contractors yard, but you're going to have
to put up or get out. That's my position.
Jeff Carson: Well, that's not unfair.
Councilman Wing: I'm supporting you.
Jeff Carson: That's not unfalr. I have no problem with that. If the City says
to the applicant, you've got this much ttme to do this much work to stay in
business but it never, that was never said before. You can say what you will.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
You can say that Mr. Lindbery is difficult and all of that but I really don't
think he ever was of the mindset that this was what was going to happen.
Mayor Chmiel: I'd like to call the question.
Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Mason seconded that the City Council finds the
Conditional Use Permit ~88-11 for a contractors yard on property located at 1700
Flying Cloud Drive is still valid and to schedule a public hearing to consider
revocation of CUP ~88-11 for non-compliance. All voted in favor except
Councilwoman Dockendorf who opposed and the motion carried with a vote of 4
to 1.
Jeff Carson: Thank you for your time. What then will happen?
Mayor Chmiel: This will get scheduled and staff will get in contact with you
and let you know when thls comes back before us.
Jeff Carson: Thank you. Does that come before the Planning Commission?
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah. You go before Planning, it comes before us. Item
number 3.
Public Present:
Name Address
A1 Beisner
James Benson
Vernelle Clayton
Donald Hagen
Tom Kotsonas
Gerard & Llndsay Amadeo
7549 Mariner Point
15034 Cherry Lane
422 Santa Fe Cr
4501 Hunters Ridge, Hinnetonka
Chan Estates
8007 Cheyenne Avenue
Councilman Senn: Mr. Mayor?
Mayor Chmiel: Yes.
Councilman Senn: On item number 3, which we're coming to. I guess just so
there's no pre-tense that we are again leading anybody down the path or down the
road, I'd like to make a motlon that thls 1rem be tabled untll after our Counc11
work sesslon next month.
Hayor Chmiel: Okay. For what specific reasons?
Councilman Senn: In that the Council work session is to specifically further
dlscuss and seek understanding as well as potential actlon on a moratorium
involving Highway 5.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Wing: The date of the work session?
Councilman Senn: Is scheduled for March 3rd.
Councilman Wing: Mr. Mayor I guess I did not anticipate that. However, given
some of the comments I have tonight and the concerns and the phone calls I've
received, I think that this applicant may be better served if this was handled
in that work session and some issues dealt with that maybe would save us a lot
of trouble tonight. I think he might be in a better position to address this
after that work session.
Councilman Senn: Does that mean you're seconding that?
Councilman Wing: I am seconding that.
Mayor Chmiel: Motion's on the floor to table until after March 3rd and be
brought before Council on, that would be the 8th of March. I think that would
probably not throw too much off one way or the other. Any other discussion?
Councilman Mason: Yeah. I would like to ask the City Attorney what are our
optlons if they are already meeting all the, it's a conditional use permit.
They're meeting everything that we're asking them to meet. How will we be
served by delaylng thls further?
Elliott Knetsch: Well the conditions are as requested by staff. Council may
agree wlth those conditions. May have other conditions so Z don't know if what
staff is suggesting ls acceptable to Council for conditions.
Mayor Chmiel: By discussions I'm hearing here, there may be some other real .
Councilman Mason: Well I understand that but we have approved, rightly or
wrongly the Goodyear operation and I understand that there are community members
that feel very strongly about this. I klnd of feel unfortunately 11ke what's
been done is done on that site and I think quite honestly the City, had we acted
originally when our City Planner suggested gettlng a task force golng, I thlnk
we could have avoided a lot of this. Unfortunately we didn't and I guess I'm
not happy with an Abra Auto Service center going in there. Oon't get me wrong.
My contention is that after the work session, we're st111 not going to have any
options. So if we're just putting these off to grasp at a couple of straws, I
don't think we can do it.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, and just to clarify some things that were in the paper, a
letter to the editor taking that this is the same old Council that they had seen
before, I stand to that person to be advised thls isn't, and I objected to that
rather strenuously. I do feel though that those people, if they are in
compliance, just 11ke anybody else would like to build anywhere else, they're in
compliance with the requirements of the City Code, we cannot stop them. That's
to be understood. There's no way that we can do thls~ nor would I tmpose the
City under any circumstances to be put to a suit because of that. And I just
want that understood. But discussions on the floor is as such and if there are
any other discussions.
City Counci]. Meeting ,. February 22, 1993
Councilman Wing: Well I can go down a limt of 1,000 questions and 1,000 items
that are going to take half the night to answer here and may still approve it.
But I believe thls ltem ls so significant and the lmpact on the city and lt's
continuation of the strip development and the movement of the auto industry out
of downtown, I thlnk it needs to be addressed at a workshop. I think the
Council needs to sit down and go over thls with the attorneys and go over this
wlth plannlng and set some expectations, and I won't questlon lt's approval. It
may be our only option but lt's certainly going to be with better faith and
people are golng to know where thls Counc11 stands once and for all and I want
to know about the lot behind it. What's going to happen. I want to know about
buffering for the neighborhood. I've got a lot of questions. Thls lsn't the
time or place to do lt. We have not had the tlme as Councll to sit down and
review this 1rem and lssue and thls ls I thlnk a tremendous lmpact on the clty.
I don't thlnk it would be to the benefit of the applicant to move on this
tonight. I thlnk lt'd be very unfalr to hlm.
Councilman Senn: Don, I guess you know I feel quite the same way and I can't
dlsagree wlth a lot of the thlngs you're saylng but I guess I have a lot of
questions of our attorney as to how and why other cities passed even specific
moratoriums agalnst this type of use and get away wlth lt. I mean like I say,
I'm gettlng so much conflicting information on this lssue, or these lssues, that
I agree with Dlck, we really need to get it 1nrc a sesslon where we can get all
the issue~ on the table and look at them.
Mayor Chmlel: True. I guess one other thlng that I look at too is that it's
our responsibilities to provlde the kinds of needs for the community, for the
residents of this community for whatever this mlght be. Whether it be a grocery
store or a gas statlon to provlde those conveniences for these people withln our
community. I'm not saying that the need ls not here. I think some of those
needs are basically here and that's why you grow as you do grow within a
community. I thlnk we have to look down the road a long way to determine those
basic needs for thls community and that's the only thlng that I'd just like to
impose upon your mlnds ls that there lsa need for thls wlthln the community.
Thank heavens I never had the opportunity to look for those needs but I've had
kids drlving cars that have had those needs and had to look for something close
to home.
Councilman Senn: Well Don I think one of the issues is we want to look, just to
go on the tail end of that. Maybe you do need it but I think that's part of the
questlon we need to look at. If we're going to have lt, where does it go.
mean the east part of Highway $ at this point is an atrocity. In my mind and a
lot of other people's mlnds. It contains so many gas stations. So many, I
shouldn't say so many. That's all it contains.
Councilwoman Oockendorf: We're all saying the same thing. Let's put it in a
work session and deal wlth it.
Mayor Chmiel: We have a motion on the floor to table this particular item to
our work session and be brought before Council back on March 8th. Paul.
Paul Krauss: Mr. Mayor, it sounds like the toplc of this work sesslon is
something that, I mean I'm glad it's going to happen because I think we could
have started a long tlme ago. The thlng I'm concerned wlth ls we're tosslng out
City CounciI Meeting - February 22, 1993
a lot of ldeas that have been tossed out, this is probably the third or fourth
time. ~nd they're valid ideas but we have somebody who submitted an application
here almost a year ago and we still haven't processed it. We've continued it
several times because they didn't satisfy what we felt we needed. They
continued it once. One time we didn't have a quorum. It's been continued
because we dldn't like the architecture. We continued it because we thought we
might do a moratorium. Then we put it back on the agenda. Now we're continuing
it to have another work session. I'm not sure. I mean it's really hard to
define what the statutory requirements are for processing an application. But
it's pretty clear this one's not working nearly as smoothly as these things are
supposed to. And I honestly don't know at what polnt, is there a 11ne here
where the thing's going to be approved if we don't act and have we crossed it or
are we on the verge of crossing it? I don't know the answer to that.
Councilman Wing: Paul, if it's a mistake, it's a permanent mistake. Whether
lt's legal or not. If it's a mistake, lt's a permanent mistake and I want to
make sure that if we pass a permanent mlstake, that we gave it our very best.
That's a11. Because thls ls on my shift and lt's golng to be there with fenders
piled up outslde 20 years from now and who knows what else is going on.
Councilman Mason: No, no outside storage.
Councilman Wing: If you want to run this tonight, we can beat it to death but
this is the first time the Council's getting a chance to look at it and it's
come up through the ranks and I've got a feeling that if the Council looks at tt
tonlght wlthout havlng resolved this in a qulet little work session. I mean
it's a public meeting. Anybody can attend that work session, but at least when
it goes to the Council next time, it will be pretty definitive on where we're
going to go probably. And I think that short delay for that applicant is really
in hls beneflt at thls point. It wtll save him a lot of embarrassment and
questions and if's and bur's and why's and where's and I want 3 more trees and
we argue all nlght long. By the way, I don't see a landscaping report in there
either so I would have stopped it tonight for the landscaping report. I'm
not...lO mlnute perlod here going to, if the landscaping's my key figure, I'm
not going to decide it tonight in a 10 minute ttme period' .I need time to study
it and I have not seen it so that would have shut it down for me tonlght alone.
Sharmin Al-Jaff: You saw it with the Goodyear application. It's the exact same
landscaping plan. And we are requesting additional landscaping.
Councilman Wing: Okay. I did not understand that.
Mayor Chmiel: We have a motion on the floor with a second. I'll call the
Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Wtng seconded to table the Abra Auto Service
Center Site Plan Review and Cond/tional Use Perm/t unt/1 after the City Counc/1
work session Harch 3, 1993. A11 voted /n favor except Counc/lman Hason who
opposed and the mot/on carr/ed w/th a vote of 4 to 1.
Mayor Chmiel: I believe you gave your clarification.
City Council Heeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Hason: Yeah, and I just wanted, and again. I'm agreeing with what
Paul is saying. I'm not saying I want Abra there or not. I just agree with
what Paul is saying.
Kate Aanenson: Terry Forbord, representing Lundgren Bros is proposing to
develop 36 acres of property into 33 singIe famiIy lots. This property is
currentIy owned by Hr. Boiey. It's part of a iarger parcei that's aiso in
Victoria. If I can expiain the limits of the property here. ThLs area here is
in the city of Chanhassen. This is outiots. Exemptions...from the property...
so these are actuaily ~n the city.
Hayor Chmiel: Outlots are not within the city of Chanhassen?
Kate Aanenson: No. These right here are exemptions. This is all Victoria and
this ls also part of Victoria. So there ls a...clty line that spllts the back
of those lots. The property has a gross density of .91 units per acre and a net
denslty of 1.37 units per acre. There's two wetlands on slte and the rolllng
topography has some significant views from the property and some treed areas
also. The three tree areas located along Hlnnewashta Parkway on Lots i and the
backs of Lots 13, 12, 11, 10 and there's also significant tree areas in Outlot
C. At this tlme the area, Outlot C ls being left out. It seems to make sense
that the property to the south, which is in Victoria is lotted out, that the
access be galned from Victoria's slde and ue thlnk thls makes good planning
sense too in the fact that you can save those significant amount of trees. As I
mentioned, the Victoria clty 11ne, the Clty Attorney, Don Ashworth and myself
did meet with Victoria. They had concerns about the lot 11ne splitting the
subdivision and thelr preference would be to have it pulled in and not plat that
lnto two different jurisdictions. It's our contention that we have other
circumstances in the city where we provided service where properties aren't in
the city. We have this across the street actually utth Victoria. The church
and those homes part of the Trolls Glen area. We feel 11ke, as far as the lot
remnants it makes less sense to leave that and to be platted lnto the
Councilman Senn: Just so I understand what you're talking about. Thls is the
line right here?
Kate Aanenson: Right. Yeah, you can see the lines up to the back of these.
The homes would actually fall into the city so it's the back portion of the lot
that would actually fall lnto the clty of Victoria.
CounciZman Senn: But the houses would be in Chanhassen and the back of the lot
wouldn't be?
Kate Aanenson: Correct.
Councilman Senn: And that 11ne goes rlght there?
Kate Aanenson: Correct. So we feel it doesn't make sense to leave that as a
lot remnant. Although in uorklng we've asked Vlctorla and obviously thelr
City Council Heeting - February 22, 1993
approportlon is a part of the puzzle on this. They would have to give because
the backs of those lots do fall in their jurisdiction. They do have to give
approval for the subdivision. Again, we feel that this area here itself may
also make sense to be in part of Chanhassen and we're looking at that issue
itself as far as annexation. We do have services in Minnewashta Parkway to
provide services. We've asked Victoria to look at how they plan on servicing
this area and providing access. There is a significant amount of wetlands to
the west, including Tamarack Lake and a wetland surrounding that. What we're
looking at is how access would be provided to this area... The Shoreland
regulations, Lake St. 3oe is classified as a natural environment lake. All the
lots abutting the lake, the riparian lots do meet the 40,000 square foot
requirement with the lot width. There are 12 lots that do not meet the 125 foot
lot requirement and we did recommend variances from that. The Planning
Commission did have concern with giving a blanket variance. What does that do
to further projects that would come forward. So staff did address an intent
statement reflected in condition number 14 as to why we felt that those lots
that are not abutting the lake, why they should be under the 125 foot lot width.
We feel it doesn't effect the density in any way and it's really...to the
subdivision. It's not going to give less lots. The wetland regulations, as I
mentioned there's two wetlands. One adjacent to the lake and the other one is
right here. This one was left off the wetland inventory, although we have gone
out and looked at a wetland special...went out and inventoried it. All the lots
abutting the wetland do meet the setback requirements which is 40 feet under the
natural classification. This is one of the few natural wetlands we have in the
city as part of the new wetland regulations. As you recall, we require
re-vegetation and have a 20 foot average so it can meander 10 to 30 feet, which
all these lots can meet that. As a part of that we haven't come up with a
vegetation requirement but we will be looking at it before it comes back to
final plat. One of the concerns that we did have, in looking at the grading
issue, and the trees. The amount of grading going towards the wetland. When
you first look at it, at first blush it seems like a lot of grading back towards
the edge of the wetland but upon further investigation it was determined that
actually this area was farmed right up to the wetland already and going back and
requiring the re-vegetation actually is going to improve'the situation. And the
other issue is that you get a positive flow, to have the run-off run back
towards the street. The fill is, this is the edge of the wetland. You bring
the fill in and they wanted to get a positive, this is-a 1~ flow back in the
street to actually get into the storm water system into the pre-treatment ponds
so we can pre-treat it before it goes into the wetlands. So at first blush
again as I mentioned, it appeared to be a significant amount of grading but then
upon further investigation it makes good planning sense and drainage sense. As
I mentioned earlier, this can be serviced from utilities from Minnewashta
Parkway. There's also a trail as a part of that project that's being put in by
the city. I mentioned earlier that we're looking at maybe stubbing, depending
on what Victoria does, there's two accesses going to the property. Off of
Minnewashta Parkway, this property is developed in that format. Otherwise,
depending on how this lays out...provide access to Victoria to the west.
Parkland, the Parks and Recreation Commission has met on this. They're
recommending that the City Council accept park fees in lieu of land dedication.
As far as trails; they're also recommending that they accept trail-fees.
Landscaping. I mentioned that there is some trees that will be moved'as far as
the grading. Mostly in this area right in here. 'Councilman Wing had brought up
an issue too that the views looking across the wetland...pretty much'is my
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
understanding is looking across the wetlands to Minneuashta Parkway on the backs
of these lots. In meeting with the applicant, we'd recommend an additional
condition of approval, that being number 17. That ue work, before ue come back
for f£nal plat, to come up with an appropriate landscaping plan on the riparian
lots to try and soften that look across the wetland. As I mentioned, the
Planning Commission was concerned about the intent of giving blanket variances
on the lots that did not meet the shoreland width requirements and ue did add
that in the condition of approval of the intent. Items (a) and (b). It doesn't
effect the density and that's only the lots that are not abutting the lake. One
other item of clarification would be condition number 4. There seems to be a
couple different interpretations as to what the flood elevation is between the
Watershed and the DNR and Bonestroo, our consulting engineers have given us a
different number. So we'll be working with the applicant on that to determine
what that elevation is. So based on that, staff recommends approval and the
Planning Commission recommended approval also with the conditions in the staff
report. I've highlighted in bold the changes that the Planning Commiss£on did
make to the report.
Councilman Mason: And there will be one more condition about the landscaping?
Kate Aanenson: Yeah, 17 you need to add. Correct.
Mayor Chmlel: 17. Landscaping.
Kate Aanenson: Landscaping. Additional on those lots, the riparian lots.
Councilman Senn: The lssue is what, the people on the other slde don't want to
be able to see across...?
Kate Aanenson: No, I thlnk Councilman Wing brought that up and he can
articulate a little bit better. It's my understanding that the view, this
person...across the lake and that we've taken down some trees in thls area so
you're not looking right at the grass going up to the back of the houses. Maybe
puttlng in some cluster of trees. We do have a requirement in the landscaping
ordinance that requires that each new home you have to put 1 tree ln. But that
may, normally we require it in the front. We want something in the back so when
you look across the lake up towards the house, that there's something to break
up the line. Klnd of soften it.
Councilman Senn: Do those trees exlst on the other side then?
Kate Aanenson: Are there trees on the other side?
Councilman Senn: Yeah.
Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Maybe Dlck can explaln hls.
Councilman Wing: Well, looking across Lake St. Joe, what you kind of have is
the Sound of Muslc. Mary could be up on the h111 slnglng because lt's pretty
wide open and lt's just sort of an open knoll if you wi11. And if you come into
Chanhassen. Mark where I was really comlng from here, as you come lnto
Chanhassen from the east, just prior to our city border, there's a large swamp.
Wetland down there and then rlght stralght across ls all these 11ttle monopoly
City Council Meeting - February 22, lg93
houses and that's lt. I mean you go from thls wetland right to this stark
nelghborhood. No trees. No vegetation. Nothing. Well I don't expect Terry to
come in and landscape or buffer or block those homes. They want their vleus. I
do on the lake where I live. But Z thought there's just one specific area,
actually lt's lots 7, 8 and 9 are the only ones that are golng to be effected.
Because there's trees off to the south and there's trees along the north border
that w111 probably, some of those will probably stay so my thinking was just to
break up the impact because it's such a touchy environmental area to, I've got
to let Terry declde what he's golng to do but my thought was to put in 3, 4, 5
pine trees with a couple hardwoods clustered in one spot and another one may be
here and another there so that the lmpact across the lake doesn't go stralght
into this hi11. Straight into the backs of these homes. That there's some
buffering. Environmental buffering between the homes and thls area. And if you
were to drive out there, you'd see what I'm talking about immediately. Very
stark and I thlnk we deserve to have it buffered a little bit in the plannlng
process, but not blocking views. Not buffering the homes from the area. Just
strategically placed trees that are going to glve some buffering to the lmpact
of this development on Lake St. Joe.
Councilman Senn: Okay. So I mean that's not being interpretted then by staff
as some kind of solld landscaping wall so these people can't look at.
Kate Aanenson: No, no, no. No, that's why we're leavlng it klnd of open just
to work with the staff to come up with an appropriate and you'll see it when we
come back for final plat.
Mayor Chmiel: Does the applicant wish to say something? Briefly.
Rlck Sathre: Your honor, I'm Rick Sathre ulth Sathre-Berquist, 150 South
Broadway in Wayzata. I'm the engineer and planner for Lundgren Bros on this
project and Mr. Forbord, Terry Forbord is here from Lundgren as well. He's
asked me to just briefly show you one sltde and just to reiterate that Lundgren
Bros are contract purchasers of all of the Howard Boley property, whlch is a
little strange in it's boundary configuration and does 1ie in both cities. We
w111 be pursulng approvals in Victorla as well. I've got an overhead that shows
the homes. Councilmember Senn was interested in seeing how the homes related to
the boundary 11ne between the two citles. Here's that municipal boundary right
here. You can see the houses would be comfortably in Chanhassen and the
Vlctorla part of those lots would be the backyard space or a portion of the
backyard space. We think it's a good way to deal with that very strange strip
of land. What else could we do? The staff's done a terrlftc job ulth the
report. We're in agreement with the condition that's being added to work on
softening the vlews of those rlparlan lots. We want the development to look
very nice. These lots are very large and the homes will be very nice in this
subdivision. Lot areas range from 20,000 square feet up to about 121,000 square
feet. It's a little unusual for any city but' Chanhassen as well. I'd be happy
to answer any questions that you would have. Thank you.
Mayor Chmiel: Rick, let me ask a question in regard to the proposal and the
ghost portion as to what mlght go within the city of Victoria. I don't have
any real problems or too many concerns with the part that's within Chanhassen.
But I would take a positlon that the clty of Chanhassen ls not in a positlon to
provide water and sewer for those areas within the city of ¥ictoria.
City Council Heeting- February 22, 1993
Rick Sathre: We understand that you would prefer not to extend utilities into
an adjoining city.
Hayor Chmiel: Right. I just want that put on record so everyone is aware of
that. In the event that this becomes annexed into the city of Chanhassen, I
don't have any objections to that. But I think what ue have to do as far as the
city's concerned, we have to watch the total amounts of sewer addage that we're
going to need for our own city or we're going to find ourselves in a position
like Chaska running out of area for that, as they have presently. Their sewage
treatment plant no longer can facilitate any additional building. So ue made an
agreement between Chaska and Chanhassen. We're going to connect into our
intercept but in the same token the city of Chanhassen is getting something back
from that in areas that ue can go closer to their facility, ua're able to
connect into their sewage system to be provided into their sewage treatment
plant. So I just want that understood. We have to get something for something
and I think we have to be careful on what ue do with that. Hark.
Councilman Senn: I guess two questions on two separate issues. One is, I see
number 16, the existing dock on Lake St. Joe on the Boley property should be
removed. Is there something implied in that?
Kate Aanenson: Well there was a discussion with the Planning Commission, since
those are riparian lots, that maybe each homeowner would want to put a dock in.
As I mentioned earlier, this is one of the few natural wetlands that ue have in
the city and our concern is that we'd be coming in with a wetland alteration
permit on each one of those lots. And I think the intent is that they have
access on Hinnewashta Parkway where there is an access and that would be the
desired intent to use that access. Hr. Boley has a dock right now and that be
taken out and then encourage the residents to use the parkway and go over and
use that public access on the lake.
Councilman Senn: So we are not, are we or are we not negating their right then
to put a dock in on their property?
Kate Aanenson: Well, they'd have to go through a wetland alteration permit and
the only ua/ they could get one is a significant space between the vegetation
and the lake. The only way we could do it is under a boardwalk and I think that
would be a chance to not allow those.
Councilman Wing: If you could go and look at this, this is a low area. A very
lntense, steep, muddy swamp area and to put a dock out there, I don't know what
you'd accomplish even when you got out there.
Kate Aanenson: Exactly.
Councilman Wing: And there is no fishing in the lake either by the way.
Councilman Senn: There is good fishing in that lake. That's what I'm wondering
about. How do you get to the flsh Wlng?
Councilman Wing: There is a State access on the lake.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Senn: Because people like you keep saying there isn't any there,
that there's plenty of fish there.
Paul Krauss: Actually we've heard that that lake is 80 feet deep.
Councilman Wing: I have a 75 foot anchor line and last summer we never hit
bottom. Scared the daylights out of me.
Paul Krauss: And I've heard that there may be some fish in there, although I
don't thlnk lt's ever stocked.
Mayor Chmiel: Sorry I brought it up.
Councilman Wlng: ...but you see no, there are no ice houses out there because
they're not getting anything during the winter but during the summer and
Councilman Senn: I'll go diving there this summer and flnd out. Second
question. Is there some, I don't know, this split up lot situation. My concern
ls, I mean is there any way that we can put some type of a governance or, I
don't know what the right words are. Stipulations or something as it relates to
covenants or whatever on the property so that the back part of the properties
don't all of a sudden not meet Chanhassen rules and become whatever, we can
pursue whatever we want to do and do whatever we want to routine versus meeting
the same rules that the front part of the lot has to meet.
Paul Krauss: Whlch standards are
Councilman Senn: Well I mean if you take these lots that are...split between
the cltles, as ! envlslon lt, okay yes. You've got the front part of the lot
which operates under one set of rules, i.e. Chanhassen. Let's say Victoria has
no rules on the back half and all of a sudden we're in World War III because our
residents are fighting with each other over uses, sheds, this, that and the
other thing. Can we put, I guess my question is, to avoid that situation, can
we put some sort of covenants or whatever on those properties through the
development process which says, the residents have to assure or make sure, I
mean again. I mean we can't effect the land because the land's in Victoria.
Paul Krauss: Right.
Councilman Senn: But we could make it a stipulation of the front half, for them
to stay in compliance on the front half, they have to meet our rules on the back
Paul Krauss: I'm sure sooner or later somebody's going to come up with
something that we would not favor back there but it's hard to know what it might
Councilman Senn: You know it's going to happen.
Paul Krauss: To the extent that our regulations are more restrictive than
Victoria's, presumably something 11ke that could occur. If Victoria were more
restrictive than us, then it really wouldn't matter what we said because the
City Council Meeting - February 22, i993
land's not annexed. Their ordinance would still prevail. In the form of
covenants though, it presents something of an enforcement problem because then
the only recourse we have is a legal one to...against the property owner. I
suppose it's possible. Z would defer to the City Attorney on that. I haven't
heard about dolng it but thls situation ls odd enough that maybe lt's
Councilman Senn: Do you understand what I'm saylng? See my polnt?
Rick Sathre: Sure. Sure. At least this isn't as bad as the Sofitel or
whatever it is. Where the kitchen's in one city and the rest ls in another.
Councilman Senn: I understand...situations unfortunately.
Rick Sathre: Lundgren Bros puts restrictive covenants on thelr projects and
they would apply the same standards to the lots that lie in two clties to the
lots that lie only in Chanhassen. Those covenants haven't been worked out at
this point but they govern certainly additional restrlct use of the property and
we'ii be working on that.
Councilman Senn: I guess in my mind, Lundgren Bros does a good job of that. I
guess I would just like to be assured or make sure that when they do draft that,
and maybe this comes back to staff, that that in effect be considered and be put
in there so we don't run lnto that problem in the future.
Rick Sathre: You know thelr interest is not to have neighbors be bad neighbors
to each other.
Councilman Senn: Unfortunately we have to live with it longer.
Rick Sathre: That's true.
Mayor Chmlel: Any other discussions?
Councilwoman Dockendorf: I just have a question of staff. Just being a novice
at thls. There seems to be a lot of open lssues. I realize that thls ls
preliminary approval but Z guess it's also a question to my fellow Council
Mayor Chmiel: Well, being that it's strictly preliminary as yet, and until it
comes back and finalized, then we can have our full say as to what we really
want. But the only reason I brought up the issues on the sewer and water ls I
thought we'd best put that up right now and take our position and say that's
where lt's at.
Paul Krauss: I don't know if it will put your mlnd at ease, Councilwoman
Oockendorf, but apart from the unusual configuration with the city line here,
it's actually a pretty slmple plat. I mean the klnds of issues that are
outstanding at this point are pretty standard and are generally worked out in
due course.
Kate Aanenson: Like I said, the utilities are there. There's no pending
gettlng service to them.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilwoman Dockendorf: I was looking at the...of the wetland.
Kate Aanenson: Right. That was just the one, we had that analysis, preliminary
it looks like lt's an ag urban and that house, under those circumstances would
meet it. There's no re-vegetation. The other issue is the storm water and they
wait until they get preliminary approval and come back with those calc's and
make sure the pond's the right size. But actually this one is pretty straight
Mayor Chmiel: Okay. Richard, do you have any questions?
Councilman Wing: Well, first off Colleen. Where it says preliminary, it means
the next tlme you see it ls flnal and then we get into these debates. Now ls
the time to, rather than debating it now so that it doesn't even get to us
wlthout this done. Number 14, lot width requirements. I don't favor a varlance
on that. That condenses the project down and I don't like the appearance of
that. And I happen to like the other 25 foot lot width and I'd like to stick
with that. That's the...I'd like to see this without that variance;
Mayor Chmiel: Okay. No other discussions?
Councilman Senn: Now that requirement picks some kind of an average point
though rlght? Because of the cul-de-sacs and all that sort of thlng..
Kate Aanenson: Measured at the 30 foot setback line is where we measure that
from. So if you're on a cul-de-sac and you measure where the house sits back.
The width.
Mayor Chmlel: The homes being located within the cul-de-sac and setback
Kate Aanenson: You can go back another...
Mayor Chmiel: You're saying it's only going to be, where does the footprint go
from that polnt? Once, well we don't kno~ yet but that probably shows some of
them there. It has to be a 30 foot setback from the road in itself.
Kate Aanenson: For the property line, right.
Councilman Wing: For the boundary line?
Councilman Senn: Which I've seen several already come through where we, I mean
that's a fairly standard condition on cul-de-sacs. Is that they don't...
Kate Aanenson: Well curvature.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay.
Councilman Senn: Make sure I understood that.
Councilman Mason: So Councilman Wing, why are you against that?
repeat that.
If you'd
City Council Heeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Wing: It's just condensing down these, as I drive around and look at
these, I don't like those lots that come in like this and suddenly your frontage
is reduced down to nothing and then densities and the appearance of those lots
are awkward and I don't like them. I'd like to see the full front footage on
all these as much as we can.
Councilman Mason: Now according to this, the density is not going to be changed
to the project by this.
Councilman Wing: No, but I'm looking at some of these lots and lnstead of
coming in and focuslng on the driveways and mailboxes and everything, it spreads
this whole thing out and makes the denslty look less.
Kate Aanenson: I was going to say. We just looked at too, they're still
exceeding the gO foot whlch would be our standard. Even the ones they're
requesting variances on I guess.
Rick Sathre: Your Honor, Councilmember Wing. I'm not sure I heard you. You're
talking about Lot 13 that has the neck on it?
Councilman Wing: Just item 14. Variance to the lot width requirements.
Rick Sathre: Alright. So it's all of them.
Councilman Wing: It's not 14 thru 25...
Kate Aanenson: Right, We'll. probably be showing the setback.
Rick Sathre: What we're really asking for is, we're fully complying with the
area requirements. In order to meet the wldth requirements we'd have to add
more blacktop and that doesn't seem to serve any good purpose.
Councilman Senn: I like the area requirements I see on these lots. Some of
them we've been seeing lately come all the way down to the mlnlmum or whatever
we said.
Hayor Chmiel: Yeah. Okay. Can I have a motlon for the preliminary plat
Councilman Senn: I move approval.
Councilman Hason: Second.
Hayor Chmiel: Other discussion?
Councilman Senn moved, Councilman Hason seconded to approve Preliminary Plat
~93-1 for the subdivision of 36 acres into 33 single family lots and 3 outlots
subject to the plans dated 3anuary 5, 1993, with variances and the following
1. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and
provide the necessary financial security to guarantee the installation of
the publlc improvements.
City Council Heeting - February 22, 1993
2. The applicant shall construct public utility and street improvements in
accordance with the City's 1993 Standard Specifications and Detail Plates.
Detailed construction plans and specifications shall be submitted to the
City's Engineering Department for review and formal approval by the City
3. The applicant shall obtain ail necessary permits from the Watershed
Oistrict, DNR, Army Corps of Engineers, HPCA, Health Department, and HWCC.
4. The applicant shall provide the City's Engineering Department with storm
sewer calculations designed for a 10 year storm event and ponding
calculations that show that the ponds will retain a 100 year storm event,
24 hour duration, and will discharge at the pre-developed runoff rate. In
addition, the ponds shall be designed and constructed to NURP standards and
data showing the nutrient removal capacity of all ponds. The applicant
shall not place fill material below the 100 year flood elevation of Lake
St. Joe which the Watershed District currently determines at 949.5.
Bonestroo has determined that the 100 year flood elevation is 947.0. Staff
is working with the Watershed Oistrict to resolve where the 100 year flood
elevation is located. The applicant's engineer shall review the possibilty
of consolidating the two storm water rentention ponds located on Outlots A
and B to consolidate into one ponding area. The ponding area may be
established on either outlot or on Lots 1 or 2, Block 1 outside the
wetlands. All storm water retention ponds shall be designed and
constructed in accordance with the recommendations provided by the City's
storm water management consultant, Hr. Ismael Hartinez, as outlined in his
memo dated January 15, 1993.
5. Site restoration, vegetative cover and erosion control efforts shall follow
the City's Best Hanagement Practices Handbook for erosion and sediment
control. Type III erosion control fence shall be installed at the toe of
the slope adjacent to Lake St. Joe. In cases where the side slopes exceed
200 feet in depth from the toe of the slope, an additional row of Type I
silt fence should be installed. All areas distrubed during site grading
shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or wood-fiber
blanket within two weeks of completing site grading, except for areas where
utility construction will immediately commence. All access points from the
construction site to a hard-surface road shall be surfaced with crushed.
rock in accordance with the City's Best Hanagement Practices Handbook.
All acess polnts to the water retention ponds should be dedicated on the
final plat as 20 foot wide drainage and utility easements. The access
points for maintenance purposes shall be a minimum of 4:1 slopes. Drainage
and utility easements shall be dedicated over all wetlands and water
quality/retention ponds on the final plat.
?. The applicant shall place a sign on a barrier at the end of the southerly
street extension £ndicating "THIS STREET SHALL BE EXTENDED IN THE FUTURE".
Notice of the extension shall be placed in the chain-of-title of each lot.
All street intersections should be altgned perpendicular to each other.
8. The applicant and staff from Victoria and Chanhassen should explore the
potential for future street extension to the west to serve the City of
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Victoria through one of the phases of development.
9. The pending assessments for the Minnewashta Parkway improvements (Project
No. 90-15) shall be spread equally over the number of new lots in this
phase of the development.
10. Compliance with the Park and Recreation Commission's recommendations.
11. COnlpliance with the city's wetland regulation including permanent
monumentatlon staking setbacks and native vegetation. The wetland in the
southwest corner needs to be revlewed and compliance with the wetland
standards as determined by 1ts classification.
12. Approval of the subdivision from the City of Victoria.
13. Compliance with the Fire Marshal's recommendations.
14. Varia~ce from the lot width requirements from the shoreland regulations be
given on Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 and 27, Block 1,
for the following reasons:
a. All lots abutting Lake St. Joe meet the 125 foot lot width, only lots
not adjacent to the lake are recommended for a variance.
b. Requirement of making the lots conform to the 125 lot width requirement
wllJ. not affect the denslty of the project.
c. The MnDNR's shoreland regulations are inappropriate when applied withln
the metro area.
15. Compliance with the city's landscaping plan including streetscape along
Minnewashta Parkway and the requirement of one tree per lot.
The existing dock on Lake St. Joe from the Bole/ property shall be removed.
17. Additional landscaping shall be added on riparian lots.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Todd Hoffman: Mr. Mayor, City Council members. In light of all the talk about
controls and gaining more control, I'm pleased to bring to you two issues this
evenlng. Unfortunately on 1rem 5(a), the amendment to the subdivision code, lt's
not that we're gaining a whole lot of ground. It's simply that we're
solidifying what has not been in the ordinance to date but what we have been
asklng developers. So the following explanations are given for those proposed
amendments. Belng to subparagraph (a), simply a clarification. Addlng tra11
fund to description. Previously it said park fund. Subparagraph (j), the
existlng subparagraph fails to address those situations when land in lieu of
dedication fees or a combination thereof is desired as a part of a commercial/
industrial development. The standards of 10% of market value or 10% of gross
City Council Meeting - February 22, lgg3
land is consistent wlth current practices. An example of thls would be the Opus
development, the Gateway uhlch came in. They were looking at a combination or
strlctly a land dedication lssue. Subparagraph (1) clarifies the establishing
of trail dedication fees. Previously when the trail fee was specifically named
in the ordinance, in order to change that fee you needed to amend the ordinance.
What this does is pull it out, reference that the fee uill be set by resolution
and then subject to annual fees by resolution each year. Adding to subparagraph
(t) ls an important addition. The desire to see a functional trail system in
Chanhassen is high. Subparagraph (t) puts lnto action the clty's comprehensive
trail plan by seeing to it that trails represented under thls plan become
reallty. There has been a time honored argument that trail x does not need to
be constructed because at present when you find when that subdivision is coming
through, the trw11 segment which is adjacent to this development whlch ls on the
City's comprehensive plan, did not make any sense. I do not believe that that
argument holds water any longer. We're becoming well enough defined and
developed. Our Highway 5 corridor trail spine w£11 be developed from Powers
Blvd to Hlghuay 41 shortly. We should be making those north/south connections
up through that trail spine. What tn fact has occurred is a short sighted
looking 2 to 3, 4 years down the line has wielded great harm upon the future's
non-motorized transportation system. Incremental improvements in and of
themselves do not amount to anythlng buying those over a 5 or 10 year period of
time and the city u111 have a nice trail system. As such it is recommended that
the approval of the first reading of the subject ordinance be approved thls
Hayor Chmlel: Any discussion? I'll call for a motion.
Councilman Hason: So moved.
Councilman Wing: Second.
Councilman Hason moved, Councilman Wing seconded to approve the f/ret reading of
the amendment to Chapter 18, Sectton 18-79 of the City Code Concerning Parkland
Dedication Requirements as presented by staff. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously.
Todd Hoffman: Item 5(b), as previously explained is married to the proposed
ordinance amendment whlch you just passed. As such, the approval of the 1993
park and trail fees has been postponed until this time. For reasons expressed
in my remarks concerning the ordinance amendment, the Clty's park and trail fees
are in need of revision. The attached park dedication survey completed in
December of last year shows that at 8 of the 9 cities surveyed have fees higher
than Chanhassen's. As you look through those cities, tt's clear that they're
not the same population. In fact, most of them, if not a11, are hlgher
population than Chanhassen. Please remember that park fees are not set on the
basis of population but on how much land costs in your city. How rapid
development is occurring. We need to recoup those costs through park fees so we
can go out and purchase property which satisfies the lntent of this subdivision
section which says, as your city develops you need to acquire enough property to
satisfy thelr recreational needs of those developments. Land values are the
driving force as I've stated. I went through and demonstrated a case study in
City Council Meeting -- February 22, 1993
your packet. The result of which are backed up by the recent survey of other
cities. An increase in the city's park and trail dedication fees is warranted.
Therefore in the absence of any questions which Z will have answered by the City
Council, it is recommended that the 1993 park and trail dedication fees be
established as followed. Residential single family or duplex units at 9600.00
per unit. Multi-family and apartment units at $525.00 per unit. Commercial/
industrial property at 93,000.00 per acre and the trail dedication fee being
one-third of the cost of dedication fees.
Mayor Chmiel: We've not raised this, as you've indicated, since December of
Todd Hoffman: Correct.
Mayor Chmiel: Which is basically a year plus a couple months~
Todd Hoffman: And additionally pointed out the rate increases are somewhat
conservative when compared to the case study. If you go ahead and look at the
survey, in establishing our commercial/industrial fee we use the land value of
930,000.00 per acre. That is somewhat low in most instances. If you look to
Burnsville or Apple Valley scenario, they're upwards of 940,000.00 to 965,000.00
to 9?O,O00bO0 per acre. We referenced the purchase by Target of land in our
downtown area for over $200,000.00 per acre. You see that that cost is not...
Mayor Chmiel: Mark.
Councilman Senn: In looking at basically what you put together here, I don't
think there's any question that it's justified to raise the fees. As far as the
case study and the basis we're using for doing that, I guess I agree that land
value is one methodology that should apply was in that equation. But I don't
think it should be the only one. I look at this and I also say to myself, well
look at the uses and look at the pressures these uses are going to put on the
system and I look at it and say gee, $600.00 per unit for single family but only
9525.00 for multi. Then I look at it even further and say geez, $3,000.00 an
acre for commercial/industrial. I mean that's like one house every 8,000 square
feet which we don't allow. I mean it seems to me that we're kind of over
burdening commercial property who is probably is the lightest pressure or use as
it relates to the trail system. At the same time that we're not treating multi
probably on an equal basis with single family. I mean and again, I'm looking at
it more from, here's what you've got. Here's what's pressuring it versus just a
pure land value scenario and I guess I've got some problems I guess with that
being pure part, or the only part I should say of the equation.
Todd Hoffman: Councilman Senn, you're absolutely correct. Philosophy plays a
very bit part in establishing of these fees. If you go through the survey which
you have, you'll see the different philosophies which led to their fee being
higher in this particular category or lower in this particular category. I'd
welcome input in that regard from the Council so this year we can make any
necessary amendments and make necessary changes in the future. Your neighboring
city Eden Prairie feels very strongly about the equality of single family versus
multi-family. In fact, I think there are $840.00 per unit for any housing
dwelling unit. Commercial/industrial is usually looked upon as a different use.
They put some very heavy uses onto our ballfields with their commercial leagues.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Mens and women's open type of softball leagues. They also bring a lot of
employees into this city. I don't know what the statistics are but we employ a
large number of folks in the city and hopefully they're out making use of the
trail system and who are in fact out making use of the trail system during their
.work time hours. When you think of an employee, whether they're a 1, a 2, a 10
or a lifetime employee at a certain company, you try to create an environment, a
work environment such as Chanhassen has, where they can feel comfortable coming
to work. They have some feeling of open space. They have some feeling that if
they want to partake in recreation after the workday, they have that available
to them so the city has maintained that commercial/industrial segment of our -
clty. It does bear a large part of the responsibility for creating those open
and recreational spaces. That's been some of the philosophy to date. And again
the number of case studles, as I've indicated, are numerous. You can cut thts
thing a 1,000 different ways and come up with always somewhat different figures.
But certainly facts and figures and numbers which are...
Mayor Chmiel: Any other questions?
Councilman Wing: I move approval.
Councilwoman Oockendorf: Second.
Resolution ~93-13: Councilman Ring moved, Counciluoman Dockendorf seconded to
approve the resolution approving the 1993 Park and Trak! Dedication fees as
follous: Residential single family or duplex units at $600.00 per unit.
Hulti-fam~ly and apartment units at $525.00 per untt. Commercial/ industrial
property at $3,000.00 per acre and the trail dedication fee being one-third of
the cost of dedication fees. Al! voted tn favor and the motion carried.
Councilman Mason: Two things about the workshop. The direction I'd like to see
us take, and one of them's already been touched on, is task Highway 5. I think
some people have claimed that Council has not taken leadership on this task
force and I thlnk I would be inclined to agree at this point and I thlnk we need
to take a strong look at that. Along with that, Don Ashworth mentioned at the
last HRA some sort of 2002. Some sort of vision for the city. I think we as
local government, clty government have a decislon or have to think about whether
we want to be caretakers of Chanhassen or whether we want to be leaders of
Chanhassen. Now Z prefer to be a leader and I think if we do, I would 11kw to
see the Council doing some sort of visioning on what do we foresee happening in
the year 2002. What do we want the city of Chanhassen to be like? Not just
next year, but in 5 years and 10 years. So I guess those are the two things I'd
like to have us take a real strong look at.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, I was hopeful that the letter that was written back to Jim
Andrews would have been in our administrative section with the letter indicating
that but I'm sure, I think I showed that to everybody.
Councilman Senn: I guess, you know one concern I get is I thought this one work
session we set up was really relating to the moratorium lssue on Highway 5. I
think we've set this thlng up to go before the Planning Commission whlch has a
finite period which we're running which I believe is 2 hours. I think to take
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
those 2 issues on, probably each one of them is deserving many more than 2
Councilman Mason: And that's fine Mark. I just, I agree with what you're
saying. I think the two issues are hand in hand. And I'm fine with having
Highway 5 be the major thurst but I want us to keep close to the front this idea
of what the future's going to bring. Because that's a real good point.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: And I think that's why we're discussing that. Why we
brought it up in the first place is we all are trying to get that vision in
place because I think it was you Mark that articulated in the Council race that
unless we define a vision within the next couple years it will just happen and
we won't have...
Councilman Wing: We've already decided if we don't do it in within the next
months, it's going to happen.
Councilman Senn: Don, we never got back to this last meeting and maybe now's
the appropriate time but I'd still really like to see us set up a regular work
session schedule.
Mayor Chmiel: Something was to be set up by staff.
Councilman Senn: We were going to set it up I thought at the end of last
meeting and we never came back to it. I'd like to really see, since everybody's
here tonight, if we could pick some kind of a common time to go ahead and start
doing this on a monthly basis.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: And I think Wednesday the 3rd was just an abberation.
We just picked that because it worked well for us but on an ongoing basis,
that's not going to work for me.
Councilman Senn: Well that was a quick pick because we wanted to try to not to
stack staff up. Or ue wanted to stack staff up I should say, on a given night.
Mayor Chmiel: We could either make that something either prior to each Council
meeting. Start at 5:30 and have discussions on different things. I'd like to
thumbs down on that one. Or we can estabIish an additional Monday of each
Councilman Mason: Well that does, the trouble with that is it does bring staff
in another night.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: It doesn't necessarily have to bring staff in though.
Councilman Mason: Well, there will be at least 1 or 2 staff people at every one
of those.
Councilman Senn: But let me make a point on that. We could set it for Monday
night and we could move one of the temporary task force or commissions to meet
that same night which does the stacking we're talking about. The temporary
things are going to go away. I hope this doesn't go away. I hope this is a
permanent meeting. We can move things in and out around it because now we've
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
set that Monday night as a meetlng time and stuff, and then we could move
something else around it again. I agree with what staff has brought up at past
meetings. We want to stack it as much as possible so you're not running back
here every night of the week.
Councilman Wing: Well let's back up. I think we've decided, at least a
majority that we want a scheduled Council work session. At least monthly. No
less than monthly. Let's just pick a tlme. Let's concentrate on that, whenever
it is.
Mayor Chmiel: You know, Colleen says thumbs down but I think to try to
justifiably do thls, if somehow we could do it prior to a Council meeting.
Really because then it eliminates that need of staff belng here another nlght.
God only knows they're here probably about 3 or 4 times during the week. Rather
than maklng it 5, I thought we could at least try something in that particular
vein. And maybe starting it at 5:00. Have a 2 1/2 hour work session prior to
the Council meeting.
Councilman Senn: That's a long attention span for a night.
Mayor Chmiel: It makes a long night, I agree.
Councilman Senn: I'd really rather see a separate Monday.
Mayor Chmiel: That's fine.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: And my concern with that is that we'd end up talking
about that night's agenda as opposed to talking about.
Councilman Senn: Well Dick had suggested I think last time we talked about
this. I thought you were kind of even suggesting it almost as an additional
thlng that we maybe meet a half hour early or something and revtew agendas.
Councilman Wing: I'd like an opportunity because I can't get a hold of staff
during the day. To be here at 7:00 and go right down the agenda with speclfic
concerns, answers, questions, clarifications from the attorney. Things I'm
going to bring up that I may not even have to mention at the meeting then, and
would resolve the problem. So if we met at 7:00 prior to each one to review,
quick revlew of the agenda, 11kw Golden Valley does. Their meetlngs are over
right now because they resolve lt. The questions are asked up front.
Councilman Senn: That's the regular Council meeting?
Councilman Wing: Regular Councll meeting.
Councilman Senn: I like that idea too in additlon to what we're talking about
as a regular work night basically.
Paul Krauss: Minnetonka always, well Minnetonka had regular meetings, work
sessions on an off night. It's a good format to throw things out really. They
also got together a half hour ahead of time in a different room and ate a
sandwich and schmoozed a little bit, which was great because you get to meet and
lt's not, the TV cameras aren't on and all that. But I think we run a problem
City Council I'leeting - February 22, 1993
when we start thinking that we're going to be talking about what's on the agenda
that night, because as soon as we have more than 2 of you in a room and we talk
about what's on the agenda, we've probably violated the State 1au.
Mayor Chmiel: All we'd have to do is have the newspaper come in and make them
apprised of that.
Councilman Senn: Everybody expects it to be a public meeting. It just takes us
out of this and let's us ask some speciflc agenda questions. I would have loved
to do that on several 1rems tonlght.
Elliott Knetsch: Yeah, if you have it regularly scheduled as a meeting and it's
open to the publlc, you don't have an open meeting violation.
Councilman Senn: Yeah, I feel real awkward sometimes kind of stating opinions
and gettlng questions that I'd klnd of 11ke to hear for example what the City
Attorney says before time. I don't mlnd any of that being public but again,
lt'd be nlce to have an opportunity to do it wlthout.
Councilwoman Oockendorf: Yeah, the formalities.
Councilman Wing: I think we'll run smoother with that so that's one side of it
and I would, as a matter of fact I'll so move that we meet at 7:00 for a quick
prevlew and a qulck questlon and answer perlod. And if thls falls, it can be
repealed rapidly.
Councilman Senn: I'll second that.
Councilman Hason: I didn't think that was under Council Presentations.
Councilman Senn: Work sessions.
Councilman Wing: Although I might say Hr. Hayor, if you would allow me, because
I was late and I dld try desparately hard to get here, if you would allow me to
add to a Council Presentation. That's what Z wanted to brlng up tonight so I
would have to ask your permission to present this. In whlch case then a motlon
would stand.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: Whlle we're on lt, how about those late fees? What do
you think?
Mayor Chmiel: I thlnk it's legitimate to allow that to go. We can try that at
?:00. The only problem is, whoever's golng to be sitting on the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals won't be there. If there's something golng at that same
Councilman Senn: Hove that up a half hour.
Councilman Wing: That's right. That ends at ?:00.
Councilman Senn: Of course we could just make it a half hour long and they'd go
the length they should.
City Council Meeting - February 22, lg93
Hayor Chmlel: Okay. We have a motion on the floor with a second. Any other
Councilman Wing moved, Councilman Senn seconded to have the City Council meet at
7:00 prior to each regular City Council meeting to review the agenda and ask
questions. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mayor Chmiel: That will be at 7:00 on March 8th.
Councilman Wing: And subsequent meetings.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, review of agenda.
Councilman Wing: Before you go, I'm very concerned about staff burnout and
their evenings away from home. They're stretched now so whatever we're going to
do, it really has to take staff carefully into consideration I think.
Councilman Senn: I agree Dick. I think we should go with the Monday night and
I thlnk again we should take some of the temporary things, the task force types
of things and move them to that nlght so we cluster them. I agree with the.
concept totally. It's just that, Z think we should set that as a regularly
scheduled thing that we're going to look at with some permantency and we can
plan on our schedules and as task forces go and come, or whatever they can plug
in around the more permanent times. To accommodate staff so they do that.
Councilman Wlng: The only reason I'm golng to shake in my boots...Monday nlght,
is that for the next year I have a strong commitment over at the Fire
Councilman Senn: On every Monday night or what?
Councilman Wing: Well, every Monday night but on off Monday nights in
particular so I fight to get Mondays off.
Mayor Chmiel: ...save every Monday night that we have, which is our second and
Councilman Senn: So I'm trying to get hls scheduling problem.
Councilman Wing: Okay, the last motion was 7:00 on Council meeting nights.
Scheduled Councll meetlng nlghts.
Councilman Senn: Just regular meetlng nights. Not work session ntghts.
Councilman Wing: Now we're looking at an actual work session to deal with heavy
issues such as the Abra and Highway 5 Task Force, etc, etc.
Councilman Mason: Well so how about, yeah. How about doing it before a
Planning Commission. Either first or third Wednesday.
Councilman Senn: That's tough for me. See Mondays are easier for me.
Mayor Chmiel: That would be March 3rd.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Sennr That's bad for you too?
Councilman Mason: Mondays are. Plus the nice thing about doing it before a
Plannlng Commission or before an HRA or whatever, is we have to be done by a
certain time. That will I think keep us on task.
Councilman Wlng: HRA nights might be a good nlght. That's a Thursday nlght
once a month.
Mayor Chmlel: That'd be the 18th.
Councilman Wlng: How much time do you think we need Mark? Based on what you've
felt so far. I mean these thlngs get pretty light.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah I mean, the work sessions, I'd like to really see them
scheduled ina ~Jay they don't come up agalnst something because, you know deal
like it's an extra Council night. If there's that many J. ssues coming at us that
fast, we can put i or 2 on the agenda and if one of them takes 2 hours. I don't
mind giving it. I mean I'd much rather be in that situation than being sitting
up at thls table wlth the 11mited information you have otherwise.
Mayor Chmiel: okay. Let's poll or let's find out what day may be good. Dick
has suggested.
Councilman Senn: Well Mondays are bad for Dick and I hear Mike saying Mondays
are bad for him.
Mayor Chmiel: How about Wednesdays, which is Planning Commission night or a
Thursday? Which is a Thursday evening on the llth.
Councilman Wing= Could HRA be shoved ahead a half hoL~r- if we ran into a tlme
Mayor Chmlel: No. I'd suggest that we'd have a hard time getting a forum.
Councilman Sennr How about if ue do Wednesday but don't necessarily just leave
it as an end with the Plannlng Commission. I mean if we need room availability,
we can go to another room or go upstairs or something. I mean Z hate to confine
us to that klnd of a time perlod and then have no way out of it.
Paul Krauss: In fact, do you really want to hold the meetlng here or do you
want to hold it upstalrs where lt's a 11ttle more...
Councilman Senn= I'd rather have it outside of the Council chambers.
Mayor Chmlel: Yeah. No, Z'd say keep it upstairs in a courtyard room.
Councilman Senn: ~nd then if there's somebody needs to run down for the
Plannlng Commission or whatever.
Mayor Chmiel: Well I have it written down here for 5:30.
Councilman Senn: That's the 3rd.
City Council Meeting - February
Mayor Chmiel: Now do we want to continue with that each month?
Councilman Senn: Do you want to do 5:30 or would you rather wait and come later
after you can get home and eat or whatever? I mean again, there's generally not
a reason for us to be at Planning Commission is there?
Mayor Chmiel: Not necessarily unless you have an interest ulth what's golng on.
Councilman Wing: Staff has a requirement to be there.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: 5:30 I guess I could. It'd be sometimes tough for me
but I'll just deal with that.
Mayor Chmlel: Now, are you going to be satisfied with once a month or do you
want to have it twice a month?
Councilman Mason: I would 11ke to start with one. If we need more we oan add
it but I don't want.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay. Because everything comes in right after Counc11 so those
would be the discussionary kinds of times when you're going to have it.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: So what week of the month?
Mayor Chmiel: Okay, that would be, we would do that one then at 5:30 on the 3rd
and the one that would follow that would be April 7th.
Councilman Mason: I'll be out of town.
Councilman Wlng: Well none of us are golng to make them a11.
Councilman Mason: Well that's true.
Councilman Wlng: I'd also be content if we'd by motlon require a monthly work
session to be specified at a specific time. The last meeting of the month for
the next month. We would have to specify when we're golng to meet. Then we'd
know the issues.
Mayor Chmlel: My suggestion, before we go to that recommendation. Let's try
these and see what happens and then after that.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: Good ldea.
Councilman Senn: Yeah. And I think staff understands that what we'd really
11ke to see at those work sesslons is any major 1rems that are comlng down at
Mayor Chmlel: Okay.
Paul Krauss: But you don't necessarily want to see, let me clarify that. You
know I've heard a lot of comments that there's concerns that if we've been
working on a subdivision and the Planning Commission's been tossing something
around, if it's Goodyear or whatever, that it's been in the hopper for 6 to 8
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
months. You want to have everything that you get be previewed or just major
Mayor Chmiel: I think possibly major issues more so than just.
Councilman Senn: Projects. I don't think, I mean if there's a major project
coming in that you guys thlnk we ought to know about ahead of time...
Councilman Mason: And I think this gets back to that vision kind of thing too.
I mean my personal feellng ls, I mean the nltty gritty day to day stuff isn't,
that's not our purview for that. Hy personal feeling is more looking at the big
picture klnd of thing.
Mayor Chmiel: When you're establishing a precedent and making sure that's going
to be the best For what...
Councilman Wing: You know what I'd like Mike, if we in fact can do that over
the next few months and get these ordinances where we feel we want them and this
task force completed, we may, some of these meetlngs we mlght meet every other
Councilman Mason: I would hope that would be the goal.
'Mayor Chmiel: Okay. We'll go with that for right now.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: And the agenda for the 2rd is?
Mayor Chmiel: The agenda for the 2rd would be the work session.
Councilman Senn: It'd be Highway 5.
Mayor Chmiel: It'd be Highway 5, yep.
Councilman Senn: And then we're going to do thls, okay so then in effect lt's
going to become the first Wednesday then of the month?
Mayor Chmiel: Plannlng Commission.
Councilman Senn: I guess that's my question. Is that always the same as
Planning Commission?
Mayor Chmiel: Yes. That's what we're shooting for right now. Without
establishing a precedent.
Councilman Wing: And on the 3rd it's Highway 5 but also Abra. We tabled Abra
tonlght so Abra should be item number 1.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah. That should be number 1.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: My concern for saying that is I can see us sitting in
a room and you know we just start talklng and we don't have any real agenda.
City Council Heeting - February 22, 19~3
Councilman Senn: The work sessions I'm used to going to is yeah, like Abra's an
issue but the real issue is Highway 5 and our vision for that and it gets back
into issues of what do we want to have happen on Highway 5 and do we want a
moratorium and can we have a moratorium and what are the legal issues involved
with that? Then ! think last but not least, when you get done with all that,
you come back to an issue of Abra.
Mayor Chmiel: I think if we look at.
Councilman Wing: But it has to be dealt with.
Mayor Chmiel: With that Abra portion and with Goodyear, I think there's only
one other lot in that particular stretch that would be of any concern so.
Councilman Wing: But I want to know about that now.
Councilman Senn: I understand Dick. Boy I'll tell you, there's a lot of people
that are concerned about lt.
Nayor Chmiel: Oh yeah, no question.
Councilman Wing: I think I'll save this comment on the task force. Mike, I
wanted to tag along on your comment. My feelings are that we put aslde this
moratorium, whlch I've never had more hostlle phone calls. Mlnnewashta Parkway
was hostlle but these people said, wake up Council. Come on. And the newspaper
editorial I 11ked. Both Trlppler's Trips and that one from that nelghbor over
Mayor Chmlel: Don. The one I commented on.
Councilman Wing: Yeah. I didn't take that personally. He's saying.
Mayor Chmiel: I did.
Councilman Wing: Mr feelings, let me just back up real quickly because I'll
cover this more in detail at the meetlng. But when Highway 5 came up and this
corrldor study came up, I felt we should spend what was estimated then, between
$25,000.00 to $50,000.00. Bring a professional group in. Engineers. Planners.
The whole thing and sweep thls thlng through and get it done right now. And we
said, well we can do it 1n-house and we can do this and one of the, the woman
sittlng next to me said, oh we have to be patient and government moves slow and
I said yeah. It moves slow alright unless you make some decisions and want to
be leaders and get moving, and I didn't appreciate our position at a11. So we
chose to do it in-house. Now we're saying, we really kind of need some
professional help and we need some technicians and thls thlng's too big and Paul
I think has said, it will pull us down. I think Paul has got to be funded. I
think he's got to brlng ina landscape architect if he needs lt. Engineers if
he needs it. He's got to bring in specialists wherever he needs it right now to
get the job done. That's number one. Fundlng. Number two is I thlnk that we
should instruct staff to pull back and put a moratorium on staff for Lundgren
Bros and whatever else ls comlng through this city right now, we can assign one
part-time person, Kate or Sharmin to deal with planning but staff goes 90~ to
thls project until lt's completed and they have a moratorium on their projects
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
and their outside work and their evenings. Whatever happens until this is
completed. If we're golng to do it in-house, then let's turn them loose and get
it done but we can't be runnlng the clty and developing and expanding and
growing and expect them to come in and functlon reasonably on thts. And they're
gettlng kllled on it and it's not rlght.
Hayor Chmiel: I think that you're making some good points.
Councilman Senn: Save it for the work session.
Councilman Wing: I will. Okay, but I was just telling you where I'm coming
Mayor Chmiel: But the problems are trylng to allocate those additional dollars
for those kinds of things within and I think where we initially started it I
think was the rlght lntent. And it st111 ls moving and it wasn't golng slow as
some people may think, but it does take time to pull all ~hose things together.
The only problem belng with that ls that that...too blg. Too many people on lt.
Councilman Wing: Oh, I'm not convinced of that.
Councilman Senn: Yeah, and I understand. I've heard, I mean there's been a
bunch of people calling on that too.
Councilman Wing: I just want you to know where I'm coming from and I'll be a
little more organized...
Councilman Senn: Here's another great one for a work ses~lon. Our next 1rem on
the agenda.
Hayor Chmiel: Okay. We'll move on to the, hopefully the last item on the
agenda. Belng that Don ls i11, and probably wlll be there for a few more days
in his bed, you'll see this next week. I hope you're feellng better Oon.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: I'm sure he's watching.
Councilman Senn: He's certainly a sick man if he is.
Mayor Chmiel: School/recreation property acquisition, Highway 5. But I'm
hopeful that most of you have had an opportunity to look at this, just as a
background. I thlnk we've been looklng at thls particular site for the last 4
or 5 years. We originally had looked at that site for a high school, and
because of all the exlstlng problems that are there, would not accommodate the
total amount of acres that was needed for it. We then came to the conclusion
that that slte would be used either for a junlor hlgh or a grade school. Grade
school is the thing that's going to come in. One of the discussions that we've
had, and we've had meetlngs wlth the School Board on several occasions. Between
the Clty of Victoria, Chaska and Chanhassen and East Union, and have had a lot
of discussions back and forth but the need's basically for wlthln the community
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
again is going to be for an expansion of the grade school portion, and that's
what we're looking at and it's existing location now is for that. But then in
addition to that, somehow I want a commitment back to the School Board that the
next junior high school is going to be located within the city of Chanhassen.
Now we're talking two different kinds of things. We're looking at what Chaska
is doing and is looking for. Their site which was pulled together by Frauenshuh
Companies. The School District are the ones that basically employed them to go
out and start looking. And the area that they're looking at is just in and
adjacent to Chaska's boundaries and Chanhassen boundaries. Proximity of close,
it's right there. They looked at the potential of costs on that per acre and
they're looking at roughly about $15,000.00 per acre plus $2,000.00 additional
costs for utilities. And so they've gone out and looked at that particular part
and the area that they're looking at is County Road 17, and I believe is that 14
or 15 that goes through there.
Todd Gerhardt: Pioneer Trail and Audubon.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah. No, no. For the Chaska School Site. High School. Okay,
that's 17 and.
Todd Gerhardt: Pioneer Trw11.
Mayor Chmiel: Pioneer Tra11. Okay. So that proximity ls at least movlng it a
little closer into Chanhassen. 8ut that's neither here nor there because they
don't know whether or not the referendum will go through. If the referendum
doesn't go through, nothing's going to be moving ahead one way or the other. So
as we look at some of these other thlngs, the Hlghway 5 Partnership, who are the
owners of that school site for the elementary. And by the way, Oennis Oirlam is
here from the Hlghway 5 Partnership. Looked at thls to be developed almost 5
years ago. They were ready to move on it but we weren't because of the MUSA
line and the extension and water and sewer and so forth. And a lot of the
comprehensive plan was also there and some of these things were not fully
incorporated in lt. The Partnership right now ls finding this type, maybe we'll
buy, maybe we won't isn't acceptable. They've had some offers for that property
as well from what Z understand. From developers for residential development
within that particular area and I sort of feel sometimes 11ke that's sort of a
push or a shove to us as well. Saying I have them but I thlnk lt's legally
binding. Just like going to buy a used car. It was only driven by this lady to
church on Sundays. But what I'm trying to get at basically is that we're
looking at this option of establishing this referendum which may fail tn 'g3 and
the School Olstrlct would need the optlon of havlng additional tlme to represent
the referendum to the public potentially in 'g4 and '95. And even though that
gulde plan shows the property to be school, the underlying zoning ls ·
residential. Once one of the two purchase agreements are signed, as I mentioned
previously, that could go one way or the other. But in light of this, Don and I
have been looking at this with our Clty Attorney's office and they're seeing the
acquisition process. More than half that site ls anticipated basically for
recreational use. And the City and the parcel is approximately 42 acres with
the elementary school requiring 20 acres, if I remember exactly. I think that
was so indicated. The site of course would be the. home for that future expanded
recreational uses including the gyms, that the city can also use. within to free
up some more of that space that Todd is saying ls needed within the community.
So they're looklng at the different costs for thls and Z think that some of the
City Council. Meeting - February 22, 1993
thlngs that I'd like to just quote Don on saylng in hls overall proposal, as he
says, I think the proposed settlement reached by Campbell, Knutson, Scott
and Fuchs lsa very reasonable one. If you've looked at the proposed purchase
price. I look at the price and I think it's a little blt high yet but they're
dolng the negotiating and I'm not and I'd love to do the negotiating but I don't
think they'd let me. If the City is taking the bull by the horns, we will
assure that we'll have thls site under control and available for a school
whenever the referendum is passed and he's suggesting that the approval be
contingent upon staff reaching an agreement with the School Dlstrlct wherein
they would enter into a purchase agreement similar to the one that was proposed
by the Frauenshuh Companies that would guarantee the purchase of the School
Oistrlct once the School District does pass a school referendum. The site was
identified in our last update of Tax Increment Dlstrlct No. 2's development
plans and he's indicating that the approval of the proposed purchase agreement
ls basically recommended. And I'm hopeful that you dld have an opportunity to
look and read what they're looklng at wlth those two different optlons for those
prlces on that property.
Councilwoman Oockendorf: Do we have the money?
Mayor Chmlel: Yes. We have the money. I just had to make sure.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: Technicality.
Councilman Senn: I guess I really sympathize with Highway 5 Partnership and I
don't thlnk, you know you should be able to kind of sit out there and keep
saylng, forever that they should have to, what would I say, do nothing wlth it
or wait on us one way or another. At the same tlme though, it is set that there
ls going to be a referendum now in '93, ls it not?
Mayor Chmiel: End of March.
Councilman Senn: Yeah. I'd much rather, glvlng the proximity of that at thls
point, await the referendum to see the action. Now if the same, the rest of
what I'm golng to say, if that referendum falls, then I thlnk we need to very
definitely consider an actlon where elther we go or we don't go or call it off
but secondary to all of that I guess ls, to me in thls thing there's a real big
leap of faith here. I mean that leap of faith ls, we're not just talking about
20 acres for a school. We're talklng about another 22 acres for recreation
that's being defined in a way I'm not sure I'd at all agree wlth, let alone we
should be considering purchasing 22 acres of land for. I'd really 11ke to see a
lot more discussion on that and thought on that before we would proceed with
anything at least described in those context for recreation, 11ke additional
gymnasiums and ali that sort of thing. Again, I guess part of that is I have a
real problem ulth the Clty ownlng and developing a lot of gymnasiums next to
Chaska Schools. I would say there's a fair number of people in the city that
would have a problem with that, 11ke over half that are in the other school
Mayor Chmiel: Well it doesn't effect them because the referendum does not
effect those people per se.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Senn: We're not talking referendum though. We're talking about 22
acrs~ for rscrsation that you'rs talking about the ctty developing and the city
developing with clty dollars, which lsa whole separate issue from the School
District coming in and building an elementary school or whatever. So I'd really
11ke to see us wait agaln on the lssue of acquisition until that referendum
comes. But then I think we should also really deftne this issue before.
Mayor Chmlel: We're st111 ina bind where they can of course proceed and sell
that property as well. And that would also put us back in a bind not being able
to get another school withln that particular area. That has been defined for a
school site. So that would present a given problem in itself but that's.
Councilman Senn: Well you know, I've talked to Dennis about it and stuff and I
mean is March that big a deal at this point? I mean if there's going to be a
referendum in March, and you feel there's a commitment, that at that polnt
something's golng to happen one way or the other, does that make you nervous at
this polnt glven the fact that it's February?
Mayor Chmiel: Would you like to come up to the mic and just answer his
Oennls Dirlam: We've been holding off wlth our PUD submission for quite some
time waiting for something to happen on the school site issue. And we've gone
back quite a few years with the ownership of the property and when it was put in
the guide plan, it was then it was a lot of thought went into it at that time.
That thls was golng to be the school slte and so we've basically been waltlng
for that as owners for something to happen and you have some of the history in
there about what's been going on the last 2 years wlth, there being purchase
agreements drawn up. The city was obviously serious at that time and thought it
was the appropriate thlng to do. And now we're being pushed by residential
developers who want to come in and develop it and the market conditions aren't
now always rosey and we feel that we have .to selze the opportunity. If it
wasn't the city, we wouldn't be waiting for this particular body to do something
on lt. We would have sold it one of those other two and negotiated our deal and
gone on our merry way. But because it is the city, we feel an obligation to
come to you and Z guess we're not trylng to pressure you. We're not trying to
hold your feet to the fire but I guess that's what it ends up coming down to.
It's economics for the partnership and we need to seize the opportunity one way
or the other. And this isn't really anything new. In December we sat down
wlth Will Hoeg and sald, we know the clty or the school dlstrlct or whoever ls
serious about this piece of property. We need to know, do you want to do
something and let's get on with it. And there went quite some tlme where we
didn't hear anything for them and we told the realtor, apparently they're not
interested. Let's go ahead and let's get on wlth it. And so that's what we've
done and I guess we don't want to wait another 30 days and we don't want our
buyers to go away in the next 30 days. Our purchase agreements now are probably
3 weeks old and that's getting to be pretty old to respond to them.
Councilman Senn: Well Dennis, I understand that but I'm just saylng, if you had
a flnite end at this point, I mean would you mtnd waiting until the end of March
if you're told that at that point you're either golng to be taken out of this
halfway, never knowing yes or never knowing no routine?
City Counci]. Meeting - February 22, 1993
Mayor Chmiel: But the point being is that maybe we still want that property.
Councilman Senn: Maybe we do, maybe we don't Don. I'm not prepared to make
that decision tonight in any way, shape or form. This is the first time I've
seen a major issue like buying 42 acres out on the.
Mayor Chmiel: Right. This isn't the first time this Js brought up, nor is it
the first time we've discussed this. This has been discussed for the last 2
years plus in looking at this particular location.
Councilman Senn: As a school?
Mayor Chmiel: As a school.
Councilman Senn: I understand that, but we're now talking about a lot more than
a schoo], here from what I'm reading.
Councilman Wing: Well hopefully.
Councilman Senn: But I mean again, I mean there's a lot of definition in this
that has nothing to do with the school.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, but I think we have to look at the overall picture. Not
just facing one specific segment of the community against the balance of the
community. I think we have to look at it, what's going to be good for
Councilman Senn: Don, I understand that but I'd like a chance to talk about
that and discuss it rather than just decide it.
Mayor Chmiel: Well, we can keep going with this as we continue. Michael, do
you have any other questions or concerns?
Councilman Mason: Well yeah. I don't like the idea of saylng that one half of
the community is golng to like it and one half lsn't.
Mayor Chmiel: No, that was the intent. I said we have to focus it.
Councilman Mason: No, no. No, and I agree with that 100~ Don. I'm a little
concerned about why, the elementary school needs 20 acres. We're saylng we need
to buy 42 of it.
Todd Gerhardt: You know the site itself really, there's a creek that runs
through there. You can't just cut off. It's not a pure'20 that you can.
Paul Krauss: And there's also, the east/west collector road or the access
boulevard runs through it so when you eliminate the wetlands and the creek
corridor and the roadway, you've just lopped off about 10~. I'm sorry, about 10
of the 40 acres.
Councilman Senn: The price is definitely too high.
Mayor Chmiel: That was one of the points I brought up.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Mason: I see the need for the city to act on this. Whether I am for
additional gyms or not, I have a little trouble, because basically I am but I
have a little trouble with us essentially being directed as to what ue would use
that remaining land for. Does that make sense? I mean there are other options
out there and I'm not saying we wouldn't end up wanting it for more recreation.
But to some extent I share Mark's concerns about kind of feeling like I'm
getting backed into a corner here. Ultimately I think Highway 5 Partnership has
been very patient and although I again kind of agree with Mark. Does it make
any difference until the middle, end of March? On the other hand, I think like
Don, like you said, ue need to balance that issue with whether we want the City
in control of that hunk of land or not and of course that certainly does get
into another bigger larger discussion. And I personally, and again maybe this
comes back to the leadership or the caretaker routine. Are we market driven?
Are we not? Is that the issue? Isn't it the issue? I don't know. We could
probably talk about this for a couple hours. But I see the need for the city to
act on this. I too am concerned about the price. But I do see the need for the
city to act on this.
Councilman Senn: Could I ask one question? I mean you seem to have the history
on this. Okay, Bon Ashworth has the history on this and he's not here. It
seems to me that if, out of fairness to Highway 5. Okay, yeah we're talking
about 40 acres and yeah, we're asking them to hold up on it or whatever. Then
why don't we give them an option contract? Why don't we give them some money
and option the thing? I'd rather throw that money away than jump into a
purchase of 42 acres, not even understanding what we're going to do with the 42
acres or use it for. And that helps them take care of their carrying costs or
whatever on that land in the meantime while we get this resolved, or wait for
the referendum or whatever. I mean to me that seems like the better avenue to
take than to jump on a purchase that I guess I just feel real awkward jumping on
at this point.
Mayor Chmiel: Well, the only thing I see is, from what the developer's could
come into and say they would definitely give a given price and they will pay so
much. Whether our option would even be accepted.
Councilman Senn: But that's all in the option contract. That means the same
thing as negotiating a purchase agreement at this point but you're negotiating
an option contract. The difference is we give them some money up front for the
option and they get it. We're not giving them nothing and asking them to wait.
To me again that seems more reasonable to, at least if I were in their shoes.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: And the idea being, in the interlude time we can
discuss what we want to do with the land?
Councilman Senn: Yeah, and the referendum too. I mean again the option price
should be something that works out because I mean in reality, if they want to go
sign a purchase agreement and sell it at this point, just to clear through city
processes, we'll have this all resolved. So I mean if we uant to take the
attitude that we can resolve it that way ourselves before they get through, I
mean I'm trying to turn around, and see their viewpoint too which is, they
deserve something for the wait.
Mayor Chmiel: Colleen.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilwoman Dockendorf: Well, I'm reminded of what I heard on the news tonight
with...and the City of Minneapolis. They've been very patient. We've been
telling them for years and years, we're going to buy it and we're going to build
a school. Although of course there hasn't been a contract there but personally
I want to see a school go there. I think it's a good use of that land and I
don't see it as two parcels. A 20 acre school and 22 acres of something else.
It really is one piece J.f you go out and look at the ]and. The price you know,
I guess I don't have an opinion on. I don't know enough about, if that's fair.
I trust that it is. If we buy it now, we don't have to, from what I understand,
I mean we don'[ have to decide that that extra 22 acres is going to be
gymnasiums. I mean that's not part of the purchase right now so I'm comfortable
with the way it is.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah. Let me just ask a question. Dennis, in looking at this
with that option in hand, what would be your opinion as to what Mark indicated?
Dennis Dirlam: Well, we certainly aren't going to get anything done development
wise for days. 60 days. Whatever that is. My biggest concern is that ue lose
a buyer [hat we have in hand. I guess I can't give you a definite answer
tonight. I would have to talk to the other partners but you know, I don't like
the idea. Again, I think it's been not by all these Council members but it's
been studied alo[. It's been studied by staff and it was recommended in the
guide plan and it went to a committee at the school system. A 27 member
committee. They came up with the same site.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: Do you think you'd lose a buyer because a buyer wants
to move now to get something built there?
Dennis Dirlam: I think so, right.
Councilwoman Oockendorf: And 30 days does make a difference.
Dennis Dirlam: It does make a difference at this time. It's crucial, right. I
think timing wise, Paul to get something done and in the ground yet this year,
whlch I'm sure they'd want to do, we need to get going.
Councilman Senn: How can they do that?
Councilman Wing: But that's the point. If that happened and that occurred and
the mood of this Council right now, I'd support you and we'd slam a moratorium
in so fast, they'd get nowhere. They're going nowhere and they'd better know if
you sell lt, I'm going to vote for a moratorium right now because I won't
tolerate any more movement unt11 our task force ls done and that's going to be 6
months. So you've got, I mean that's where I'm at.
Councilman Senn: See Dick I was, when we talked moratorium I was ali for
exempting the big PUO's and stuff because we could really get the controls there
but what I'm hearlng ls, you know, that's not a compromise so I agree wlth you.
At that point I'm in the position of slap tile moratorium on now and stop it a11.
Councilman Wing: Yeah, no movement at ail. I'm not going to deal with another
one of these. If it was winding down this task force to see what that's golng
to do.
City Council Heeting - February 22, 1992
Councilman Senn: If you're seeking a compromise, I'm not sure it's there.
Councilman Wing: I'm frankly rather startled at Councilman Senn would have the
audaclty to tonight late question a document such as thls. So we're buylng 42
acres and not knowing what's going to go on it. What we're going to do. How
we're going to pay for lt. I think it shows short slghtedness on bls part, and
it certainly emphasises the word work sesslon. I mean thls should have been at
a work sesslon before it got to Councll so we understood the ramifications, the
history and the background. For Instance, Todd. Is there any advantage or
disadvantage to walting for the referendum?
Todd Gerhardt: The one disadvantage for waiting for the referendum is that if
you were to purchase it today, you are going to have to carry the property. So
you will have carrying costs until the School Oistrict passes the referendum.
Until lt's declded thls ls the spot. They will not have the monles in hand to
reimburse you the $17,000.00. But again, with Dennis having a purchaser in hand
and them making application for a subdivision for that property, you are in the
position then to try to decide you know, a moratorium. 6pprove the subdivision
as ls and let houslng go in there and look for another slte. Or three, that you
have to force, your hand's being forced that you'll have to go through
condemnation to acquire the slte.
Councilman Wing: Why couldn't you discuss the option contract? Is that an
Todd Gerhardt: Only if the seller is willing to do an option. We have talked
about options in the past and that hasn't been in their interest.
Councilman Senn: Dick, at the same time this could become a falrly long term
carrying clause though too, if we buy lt. Because if that referendum isn't
passed in '93, the next question is, when's the next referendum? It's generally
not the next year or two.
Mayor Chmiel: ...next 6 months.
Councilman Senn: Well I don't know. Host of them I've seen take a little
longer cool down perlod than that.
Councilman Hason: Eden Prairie has run school referendums year to year.
Councilman Senn: For the same request?
Councilman Hason: For the exact same request. Haybe scaled down but I mean
lt's essentially.
Councilman Wlng: Intervlsionary process. At least since you and I have been
here, I think that the decision of Park and Rec and land use and open space was
to control that land regardless, if I'm not mlstaken Hike. ~nd Park and Rec has
discussed youth investment. That's ice could go out there in the future, if we
chose to. Gymnasiums. I mean there's some disagreement what might go or not go
but the point is, the school would be there and we would tie possible city
athletlc facilities and needs and encourage the school to put those in. So we
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
may have indoor ice. We may have gymnasiums. Swimming pool. Whatever the case
is out there.
Todd Hoffman: A majority of them would be outdoor. Ballfields and those type
of things and that marriage has been discussed since day one in that way.
Councilman Senn: Well what is it? I mean along with the School District?
Councilman Wing: The Park and Rec.
Councilman Senn: I mean is the school, let's say the referendum passes in
March, Is the School District going to come in and buy all 42 acres as a result
of that referendum?
Todd Hoffman: 20 acres.
Councilman Senn: They're going to buy 20. So even if they come in and buy 20,
we're still talking about buying 22 acres out there.
Todd Hoffman: Correct.
Councilman Senn: Work session material.
Councilman Wing: Do we have the time to, I mean this is another issue for that
nlght that's significant. Could you and Don deta11, or you and Don and Don,
deta11 the hlstory and the ramifications of thls thing. And Park and Rec should
be there that night. You. You. Not Park and Rec. Be there that night to
dlscuss where thls, how thls has culminated into thls funnel at thls point.
Then maybe we can make a ratlonal decision.
Councilman Senn: I want to see visions but I just, to me you know, this doesn't
seem like a vision. This seems real slngle pointed. But agaln, I don't have
the hlstory but if lt's golng to be recreational use, I don't think I have a blg
problem with it being recreational use as long as somebody can glve me the
hlstory as to how we arrived at that decision. But when you start saylng put
gymnasiums on it right now, I have a real problem with that. That's a lot more
speclflc than the vlsion. You're rlght down to facilities planning.
Todd Gerhardt: We're not saying that it's going to be gymnasiums. Those are
things that have been talked about. You, as the economic development body would
make the decislon of how the remaining plece of that land would be purchased and
developed. Tonlght we are solely in front of you with the purchase of the 42
acres. Again, the site lends itself to a 42 acre site. There's certain pieces
that, what Z'11 go back to the Hlghway 5 COFFidoF. PFeserving some of those
windows and Fooms along there. If you were to leave some of those, it would be
a real questlon on how some of these sltes would develop. The second thing ls,
as you wait, the pFice is going to go up too. It's just land ls trading
unbelleveable out there. It's golng from hand to hand.
Councilman Senn: Todd, I understand it but I mean, I'm not blind. It says here
the slte would be the home of future expanded recreational uses, including
additional gyms above and beyond what might ordinarily be bullt by the
elementary school. I mean somebody polnts back to thls 6 months from now, when
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
this comes in all pre-decided and said, oh you approved it back then you know
for these gymnasiums. Geez, that's what it says there.
Todd Gerhardt: Make a motion.
Mayor Chmiel: Michael.
Councilman Mason: Yeah, I guess what I would like, z have some trouble
purchasing the property but quite honestly I agree with what's being said here.
I want a school at that site and if it takes a couple years, I guess I'm willing
to say, so be it. The motion that I would 11ke made tonight does, just for the
sake of the community and movlng on this, ! think the remaining acreage has to
be left open for discussion. Be tt wide open spaces. Be it recreation uses.
Whatever. Just because I think that allows everyone a whole lot more freedom on ·
the lssue. Z like the idea of it going towards recreational use. I'd like to
leave it at that.
Paul Krauss: I don't want to hang you up at all and I don't want to give you
the whole extensive history here, but if there was ever a vision of what should
happen on Hlghway 5, that's it. I mean we've been talklng about that for 4
years. It was a real, it's considered klnd of a lynch pin piece in the
comprehensive plan. Where there was a desire not to isolate Tlmberwood and
residential land to the south. To bridge Hlghway 5 with residential land uses
so that you didn't have wall to wall industrial parks. I mean I remember
putting the dot on the map and then it stood the test of time and a lot of
public hearings and it was kind of complimented when we went through the process
with Morrish who's saying, well the Bluff Creek corrldor is kind of key and
that's where you want to brldge it. Well it just so happen to connect the north
side of the town with our school site. The idea of the recreation component on
the school was something that's been, no there was never an offlcial vote on it
or agreement but I think the Mayor can attest to 3 1/2 years ago we went down to
the School Olstrlct as a group and we started talking about that. It's a vision
that, it ls 27 people in the School Oistrict meeting for a year and a half
bought lnto. What you ultimately do with the rest of the land ls really I think
your's to decide. I mean you might even sell it back off for development for
that matter. But you'd have the optlon to do so. I just want to emphasize that
whatever you do, it's a real important piece for what happens on the corridor
and that that's been the subject of extensive and proactive study for years.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: And I want control over that.
Councilman Senn: Well I appreciate that but agaln, maybe the other four people
have seen it. I haven't. I mean I would love to see that background and I
would love to understand the basls on which we're forming that klnd of a
decision. I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm just very uneasy looking at what
Z see in the staff report and connecting A to B. You bring up issues over price
and talk about geez, we're buying really 30 useable acres, not 40. You bring up
other lssues on price 11ke, I see nothlng in here like if we sell if to the
School District, what are we going to sell it to the School District for? The
same thing we bought it plus our carrying costs?
Paul Krauss= I believe that's in there.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Todd Gerhardt: $17,000.00.
Councilman Senn: But we're buying it for $23,000.00.
Todd Gerhardt: We uouId...anything up and above the $17,000.00 so there are
incentives on the city to get that school located on that site.
Counciiman Senn: So we're subsidizing it right up front and we may be
subsidizing it a lot more?
Todd Gerhardt: If you want to see expanded recreational uses on that slte, you
would have to provide additional assistance.
Councilman Senn: Agaln, I guess enough sald. I'd just like to see all that
before I start votLng on buying 42 acres.
Mayor Chmie].: Okay. Any other discussion?
Councilman Wing: The bad news is, even a work session, I went into Oon's
offlce. The other Don. You don't have an offlce. And I had hlm walk me
through this from A to Z plus I was at the Park and Rec. I've been to all these
meetlngs over this whole declsion process, lndludlng the Comprehensive Plan
discussions and he related the school's position and our position and the
owner's positlon and our options and why this ls important to do thls. So
when I walked out I said, hum. Good deal. So when I saw this, although very
incomplete and sort of, I sort of had enough background to say, Don's sort of in
the driver's seat here and I was comfortable with Todd and Oon making thls
declslon and Don havlng been lnvolved here. It's true. You haven't been here
the last 3 or 4 or 5 years involved in the process to see how ue got to this
point. So then do the older members of the Counc11 slmply vote thls on wlth you
kind of golng, I'm not sure what's fair to Mark and Colleen at this polnt.
Counclluoman Dockendorf: I've been following it just because it effects me
Councilman Wlng: It's your backyard.
councilwoman Dockendorf: Yeah, it's my backyard. Thank you. But I don't want
to go to a slmple majorlty vote ulthout, I mean I'd rather have consensus and if
it's golng to take some more background for Mark to look at it.
Councilman Senn: I thlnk it would be neat if Don would come in and glve that
thing he gave to you. That's maybe all I'm really asking for but I guess
11ke to understand ita lot more than I do now.
Councilman Wing: I guess this is, from the City Manager's standpoint, maybe at
thls polnt the history on the Counc11 really does lnvolve a formal presentation
rather than just.
Mayor Chmiel: Well he probably would have given that formal presentation thls
evenlng and glve you all the speclfic reasons as to why it should be located
where it ls. But due to circumstances beyond hls control, he's flat on his back
in bed.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Wing: I'd like to see Mark maybe keep trying, if there's a
possibility to get into the offlce and hash out some of his concerns on a one to
one basls so it doesn't get embroiled in an open discussion.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, and this is some of the things that the work sesslons would
completely eliminate. We could have been slttlng at home for the last hour.
But it is true.
Councilman Wing: Mr. Mayor, make a motion that I can second would you?
Councilwoman Oockendorf: We have one on the floor.
Councilman Wing: Do we have one?
Mayor Chmiel: No. No, Michael didn't make a motion on that.
Councilman Senn: When do we table it then?
Councilman Wing: I'll second the tabling, pending it being on the work session
on the 3rd. I mean lt's golng to be a busy night. It might be a long nlght.
Z'm sorry, but I think this has got to be back on the.
Councilman Senn: Maybe this should be part of the Highway, I mean we're looking
at Hlghway 5. This is part of the corridor. Let's look at it. I haven't got a
problem wlth lt. Z have no problems wlth it being a school. I just really want
to understand the past and my biggest problem is that one sentence in there.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: And if you can discuss it with Don prior to the our
work session, maybe it uill be a slam dunk.
Councilman Mason: Well it seems to me the motion can be made deleting that one
sentence. And I don't.
Mayor Chmlel: That's a good polnt.
Councilman Mason: And I was involved in some of those comprehensive plan
meetings with all those people from all over the city and it was agreed upon
that that was an ideal place for the school site. And whereas I think I hear-
where some people are comlng from about belng in the background, I mean
absolutely. This has been in the hopper for a long time and my feeling is, we
either, I mean well. Z thlnk we should.
Councilman Senn: I beg your indulgence for a couple more weeks so I can just
slmply understand it is what I'm asking I guess.
Councilman Mason: And I'm not sure we have that indulgence right now. You
know, but yeah.
Mayor Chmlel: We have a motlon on the floor wlth a second for tabllng.
Councilman Senn moved, Councilman #Lng seconded to table actton on the purchase
agreement for the school/recreation acquisition untO! the next Council meeting.
Councilman Senn and Council#oman Dockendorf voted in favor. Councilman Nason,
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Councilman Uing and Mayor Chmiel voted in opposition. The motion failed with a
vote of 2 to 3.
Councilman Wing: Mike, have you got another solution or suggestion here?
Councilman Mason: Well no I don't and.
Mayor Chmiel: What about leaving those additional gyms7 You know when they say
additionaI gyms, it's pIuraiized and with the normaI grade schooi they do have,
you've got two gyms in the existing elementary schooi presenting.
Councilman Senn: Not built by the City of Chanhassen?
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah. The gym is what I'm saying. I'm trying to see if this is
what it was intended as. And it may not have been.
Councilman Wing: We know it's going to be a school and I think staff has said
we need to buy it right now. Maybe that's the issue and what goes in there. How
it's developed. I think the recreational aspects are irrelevant at this point
and not even worthy of discussion.
Councilman Senn: But I hear everybody saying that they're very comfortable with
the School and they understand the reasons why we want it for a school. I
haven't heard that same consensus on the other 22 acres.
Councilman Wing: As Paul's just said, it's one parcel. You don't divy it up.
Councilman Senn: No, I understand that.
Councilman Wing: It is one parcel.
Councilman Senn: I understand that. One parcel's great but I mean that's not
necessarily justification to.
Councilman Mason: What I heard Paul saying was based on the Comp Plan and
Bill Morrish and this, that and the other thing, that segment of land, that
portion of land, is a gem. A lynch pin. Whatever you want to call it to the
whole corridor. And for us to be in control of that excess 12 acres, 20 acres,
whatever so we can leave it to be one of these windows so we can leave it wide
open and have nothing but trees growing on it, seems to me to be a worthwhile
position for the city of Chanhassen to be in and I do not necessarily go along
with building gymnasiums there but I do go along with it being some sort of
recreational open space area. And if by the good graces of this Council it
decides to put a gym there, so be it. But by no means is that a done deal, as
far as I'm concerned. That's where I'm at.
Councilman Wing: So you would take the purchase agreement, excluding the future
expanded recreation. You're excluding the sentence there.
Councilman Mason: Now what sentence am I excluding here?
Councilman Wing: It would be at the top of the page. The site would be the
home of future expanded recreational uses including gyms above and beyond what
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
might... You would delete that entire sentence.
Mayor Chmiel: Where is it showing the elementary school, on the back page? On
page 3 of that.
Councilman Mason: I would strlke, uses including additional gyms above and
beyond what might oridnarily be built with an elementary school.
Councilwoman Dockendorf: So you want recreation.
Councilman Mason: The site would be the home of future expanded recreational
Councilwoman Dockendorf: Wouldn't that preclude if we do decide that we should
sell that to a developer? For whatever reason.
Councilman Mason: Well I can 1lye wlth that being open space.
Councilwoman Oockendorf: Hey, so can I.
Councilman Wlng: I'm golng to second that for discussion.
Councilman Mason: There, I made the motion.
Councilman Wlng: I think that Mark has the optlon to get in and talk to Don and
hash this out and if he really is deeply concerned, I would have a close ear to
his comments and he can, he has the right to call a speclal meetlng, which I
would support. If it came to that.
Mayor Chmlel: If he's in the positive. If it's in the negative, you would have
that right.
Councilman Wing: Okay, if he asked me, I would probably call a special meeting
if I felt the need. If him and Don absolutely could not come to terms on where
we were golng here and if he could tell me that bls polnt was sound. So I will
offer that to Mark just because I think he has some valid points.
Mayor Chmlel: You're offering that as a friendly?
Councilman Wing: I'm just offerlng that.
Mayor Chmlel: Amendment to Mlke's motion.
Councilman Wing: I don't think tt's necessary. I'm just telling Mark that I
lntend to do that.
Mayor Chmiel: Alrlght.
Councilman Senn: Okay. So everybody here ls comfortable with the declslon
tonight that we're going to purchase the land. We're going to subsidize it at
$5,000.00 an acre right off the top, plus potentially pay the balance of the
purchase price on 20 acres. Plus pay all the clearing costs, for whatever
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
period of time it takes to carry it. I mean basically it's this blank check
everybody's comfortable with that tonlght?
Mayor Chmlel: Well, I don't conslder that as a blank check Mark. When you look
at all the thlngs that we have discussed and pointed out thus far this evening,
I thlnk lt's a reallty that that slte ls needed where lt's at. If we don't act
on lt, it mlght be something other than where the school would be located. And
if the property owners decide and choose, after leavlng here tonlght to take the
proposal from the other developer, we would lose.
Councilman Senn: We would? I mean do we have a copy of that purchase
Mayor Chmlel: In all the thlngs that we're saylng that are needed for the
corridor with the Morrish study and the other thlngs that are combined, then we
would lose.
Councilman Senn: Have we seen the purchase agreement for $23,000.00 an acre?
Todd Gerhardt: It's for 25.
E111ott Knetsch: I wasn't there...
Mayor Chmiel: It was at 25 is where it started.
Councilman Senn: Not for us. I'm talklng about the prlvate developers that
made the offer. Have we seen that offer? OD we know that it's there at
$23,000.00 a square foot? I mean do we know ue really have a competition here
Mayor Chmlel: My understanding is yes.
Councilman Senn: I'm hearing understandings but I haven't heard anyone say
they've seen the purchase agreement.
Dennis Dlrlam: The Council was given both of the purchase agreements...
Mayor Chmlel: You're rlght. I do remember that.
£11iott Knetsch: And the letter from Gary indicates that he saw a signed
purchase agreement.
Councilman Senn: But it doesn't say at a price though.
E111ott Knetsch: I thlnk it does.
Todd Gerhardt: Second paragraph on page 2. First paragraph on page 2. Both
offerlng to pay $25,000.00 per acre. You're gettlng it at a discount.
Councilman Senn: On page 2?
Mayor Chmlel: Yeah. First paragraph. About the fourth, flfth 11ne. Sixth
line down.
City Council Meeting - February 22, 19~3
Councilman Wing: My points are clear though. No matter when we buy it, no
matter what we do, we're going to carry those costs. We're going to have those
problems. It is going to cost the city.
Mayor Chmiel: Yes it is. No question.
Councilman Mason: Well it is and I guess that gets back to that, part of that
gets back to that caretaking, leadership thing. If it's important to the clty.
Hayor Chmiel: And if those needs are shown where the population within the
school presently is as it is, there's no questton tt's got to. I mean they're
overcrowded rlght now.
Councilman Senn: I understand that Don. I'm not debatlng that. But ! mean do
we have a contract with the School that says we're stuck with only getting
$17,000.007 Z mean again, I have tons of questions on this that I haven't seen
the answers to.
Todd Gerhardt: Mr. Mayor?
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah.
Todd Gerhardt: I think it was a part of Oon's motion in here also that if you
were to move ahead and make the motion to acquire the property tonight, that
that motion be contingent upon gettlng approval from the School District on
having a re-purchase of that property for $17,000.00 an acre for 20 acres and
that it also, once a referendum is passed. Is how that would be spelled out to
the School Oistrict.
Councilman Senn: Once the referendum is passed. So we may never have it.
Todd Gerhardt: This community will have to pass a referendum somewhere down the
11ne to provlde school housing for it's klds. You approved another subdivision
tonight. There are going to be families here. There's only so many temporary
trallers and the School District only has so much money. They're going to have
to pass a referendum somewhere down the line.
Councilman Senn: I understand that but why would we sell it to them 5 years
from now for $17,000.00 an acre? Is what Z'm comtng back to. Z mean if they're
going to pay $17,000.00 an acre whenever they pass a referendum, that to me
seems to be one hell of a poor market driven deal. Z mean why would we offer to
pay $17,000.00 thls year and keep the same offer for $ years, 10 years, or
whatever it takes them to pass the referendum. That makes no sense to me.
Todd Gerhardt: We could put a condition if you wanted to look at some interest
on there.
Councilman Senn: I would be a lot happier wlth the then market price. I mean
you know.
Mayor Chmiel: I would think that that interest should be within...
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
Todd Gerhardt: We were trying to match up to what Chaska was offering. And I
would suggest that we try to continue in matching what Chaska is offering for
the High School. And that we don't have apples and oranges out there, trying to
keep everything fair and equal.
Councilman Senn: It seems like you're going to go out and pass it through so
I'm 3ust trying to ask a ton of questiohs right here tonight. I'm sorry if I'm
keeping you all but.
Todd Gerhardt: I hope I'm answering them.
Councilman Senn: You know the 10 acres that's unbuildable is that, the 20 acres
we're buying, is all 10 of it on that I suppose? I mean I don't know questions
answered 11ke that. I mean are ue really buylng 22 acres of uhlch 10 ls non-
buildable for recreational purposes? I mean another basic question. I mean I
just heard over here there's over 10 acres of non-bulldable land.
Paul Krauss: When we say, if I could clarify that. When we say non-buildable.
Councilman Senn: You said wetlands or protected land. I mean that's
Paul Krauss: Well there is a, one of the important things that's always been on
the comp plan is protecting the Bluff Creek corridor. Gettlng a recreational
corridor comlng down through there uhlch lncludes not only land in the flood
plain but hlgh land above it. This site does include all of that. Down to
where that wetland ls on the corner of Tlmberwood. Zt does lnclude all of the
80 foot wide right-of-way for the east/west collector. Running across the
length of the site. Those are not areas that you can bulld on but they're areas
that we need to get control over one way or the other.
Councilman Senn: Are they all on our 20 acres?
Councilman Wing: All on the east side.
Councilman Senn: Okay, interesting point. Like I say, I just think there's a
lot of questions and answers, but you guys can go ahead...
Mayor Chmiel: Well we have a motion on the floor.
Councilwoman Oockendorf: Would you like to restate that motion?
Councilman Wing: Do we have Todd's comments on the record?
Mayor Chmiel: Sure.
Todd Gerhardt: I guess I'd like to ask Don. I mean I'd really like to have an
opportunity with Don and myself to slt down with Mark and maybe bring Clough in
and brlng him up to speed on this and really table thls lssue for 2 weeks so we
can bring him up to speed. I know this is going to add another 2 weeks to your
3 week purchase agreement wlth the Partners but you know, hearlng these
discussions, I feel uncomfortable in having Mark not go along with the other 4
and not belng up to speed. And not to make any excuses for Mark, but I mean he
City Council Meeting - February 22, 1993
is new on the Council and I feel that he should have that additional 2 weeks to
come up to speed on that.
Dennis Dirlam: I too, I think Mark will be convinced and feel the same way that
a lot of the rest of us do that it's the appropriate thing to do once he takes a
look at lt. We'll do what we can to put those other people off. Today was
supposedly our day and we'll just have to see what we can do for another 2
Todd Gerhardt: I'd appreciate that.
Dennis Oirlam: It sounds like it's.
Mayor Chmiel: If you feel comfortable with it.
Councilman Wing: I'll withdraw my second.
Mayor Chmlel: I think you see the direction that Council has gone and I do
believe that once Mark is brought up to speed on this, he'll know and feel more
comfortable wlth the way it ls. And I too would rather have a full decision,
full Council voting in favor. Rather than having a dissenting vote within.
Councilman Mason: Well with Todd's comments and with the good graces of the
Highway 5 Partnership, I will withdraw my motion.
Councilman Senn: Really unnecessary. I mean seriously, if you four are that
comfortable with it, I wish you'd go ahead with it. I'm not trying to stop you.
I'm just telllng you my concerns.
Councilwoman Oockendorf: We want consensus.
Mayor Chmiel: I think this Council has always worked together Hark rather well.
I want to see this continue because what's best for the city, my old saying is
best for the city. And I thlnk this basically is still the best thing for the
city. But just to make you feel more comfortable with that position, I would
then request that we table this for the 2 weeks and ask that you vlsit with Don
prior to that particular time and maybe this could be addressed at our, even our
March 3rd meetlng. If lt's going to be a public meetlng, we can then move on it
at that time as well.
Councilman Wing: I'm requesting that it be on there specific because they're
good questions and I think these questions should be answered publtcally...
Takes me off the hook if it's a bad move.
Hayor Chmiel moved, Councilman Wing seconded to table action on the purchase
agreement for the school/recreation acquisition until the next Council meeting
to provide time for Councilman Senn to get further information. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Councilman Nason moved, Councilman Wing seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
Submitted by Don Ashworth, City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim