WS 2002 11 25CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 25, 2002 Mayor Jansen called the work session to order at 5:35 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jansen, Councilman Labatt, Councilman Boyle, Councilman Ayotte, and Councilman Peterson STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Todd Hoffman, Bob Generous, Kate Aanenson, Justin Miller, Roger Knutson, Dale Gregory, Bruce DeJong, Teresa Burgess, and Richard Rice COUNCIL MEMBERS ELECT PRESENT: Tom Furlong and Brian Lundquist A. UPDATE ON REVISIONS TO THE CITY CODE. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item, stating most revisions were in response to changes in state law. Kate Aanenson stated staff was looking for philosophical direction from the City Council. Councilman Labatt asked about solicitors having photocopied permits. Staff was also looking for direction on the noise ordinance, specifically related to animal noise, and house moving permit regulations. Councilman Peterson requested a black line copy showing the requested changes. Councilman Ayotte asked that a more in depth study be made on cable service and environmental concerns. B. UPDATE ON INTERIM USE PERMIT, MISS ROSIE'S FARM. Susan McAllister from Miss Rosie's Farm was present for this item. Bob Generous informed the council that the conditions placed in the Interim Use Permit had been substantially met by the November 1, 2002 deadline, but that no construction had yet taken place. The question was whether the council wanted to force Miss McAllister to make the improvements and start the business. Mayor Jansen stated that the health and safety concerns had been met by the deadline and that all improvements needed to be made prior to the business starting operations, and asked Miss McAllister if she understood this, which she stated she did. C. 2003 BUDGET DISCUSSION. Todd Gerhardt gave a power point presentation showing the comparison of Chanhassen with other Key Financial Strategy cities on levy limits, summary of new or expanded programs in 2003, financial impact on homeowners, and for every $100,000 taken out of the budget, the dollar impact on homeowners. Councilman Ayotte expressed that Chanhassen residents need to realize that reduction in taxes means a reduction in services. Mayor Jansen stated that the council could not ignore the community survey results which stated that the residents did not want to see the service levels in the city go down. Todd Gerhardt then showed the impact of a 3.4% budget cut across the board, and 10% cut. He explained that residents are looking to the city to be more efficient in the services they provide rather than cutting services. Councilman Boyle asked about a reduction in city street lighting. Councilman Peterson asked to eliminate doing the community survey every 2 years and instead do it every 3 or 4 years and cutting the Chanhassen newsletter to twice a year rather than quarterly. Councilman Ayotte stated that unless Park and Rec can generate more revenue, he was in favor of making cuts in the Park and Rec budget. Bruce City Council Work Session - November 25, 2002 DeJong went over a handout showing available cash versus commitments. Staff's recommendation was to leave the levy as is. Mayor Jansen recessed the City Council work session at 6:55 p.m. for the regular City Council meeting. The work session was reconvened at 8:25 p.m. Teresa Burgess went over a handout on employee comparisons with other cities for street, utilities and park maintenance. Councilman Peterson asked for staff clarification on a number of line items in the budget. Capital Plan. Todd Gerhardt compared levying versus bonding for capital expenditures. Bruce DeJong passed out a handout showing items that could potentially be pushed out on the capital plan. Mayor Jansen went over the schedule for budget approval. Councilman Ayotte stated he was in favor of reduction in the Park and Recreation budget as incentive for revenue generators. Mayor Jansen stated that the Park and Recreation Commission has set up a committee to investigate revenue generation. Councilman Peterson stated that he was missing a simple review of the revenue summary totals, revenues versus expenditures, and asked about using reserves for debt reduction. Mayor Jansen recapped for the council what actions City Council have taken to date and asked that the individual council members be real clear on what they want to accomplish with the budget at the public hearing on December 9th. Mayor Jansen adjourned the work session meeting at 9:45 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim