OCTOBER 14, 2002
Mayor Jansen called the work session to order at 5:35 p.m.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jansen, Councilman Labatt, Councilman Boyle,
Councilman Ayotte, and Councilman Peterson
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Justin Miller, Kate Aanenson, Todd Hoffman, Richard
Rice, Teresa Burgess, and Bruce DeJong
Jim Proesser from Ehlers and Associates was present. He reviewed the impact statement they had
prepared and told the City Council how they had categorized and prioritized the items listed by
Council the last time they had met. Staff department heads were present to explain the items
listed under the Capital Expense Plan under the different priorities. Jim Proesser reminded the
council that this was not the time to get into details on each item, but rather to look at the items
conceptually and make sure they were prioritized correctly and if any items had been missed. He
emphasized that one key strategy would be to have small annual increases rather than one large
increases. Another suggestion was that the council look at the list of priorities on an annual basis
to see if they wanted to change any priorities, add or delete items. Councilman Ayotte felt staff
needed assumption ground rules. Mayor Jansen asked for background information on each dollar
amount in the Capital Expense Plan be attached when this was brought back in the future.
Councilman Peterson asked that the council review in detail at a future meeting the 20 points.
Jim Proesser then passed out a handout entitled "Funding Community Facilities Public
Participation Process" and went over the strategies the city should be using in future decision
making. The council discussed they would like to meet sooner than later to discuss the 20 points
in detail. It was decided to meet on November 7th at 1:00 p.m..
The work session was recessed at 6:55 p.m. to attend the regular City Council meeting. The City
Council reconvened the work session at 9:55 p.m.
Mayor Jansen explained that the issue of forming a Public Safety Commission was brought up at
a previous City Council. Councilman Peterson stated he had been absent from that meeting and
was looking for a recap of the discussion held. It was explained that there hadn't been any
discussion, that was what this work session meeting was about. Sheriff Bud Olson was present
and provided input on the contracting police model being used in King County, Washington.
Councilman Labatt passed out a handout he had prepared on the reasons the city needed a Public
Safety Commission, i.e. goal setting, MUSA expansion in south Chanhassen the need for
additional fire station and public safety coverage in that area, validate the police contract and
make sure it's meeting the needs of the public, measure the success of the rental housing
licensing and Project Leadfoot, Homeland Defense, West Nile Virus, and coordinating
communication between law enforcement, fire, and EMS. Councilman Peterson felt that the City
Council could handle the role of reviewing those items in lieu of forming another commission
and another level of government. Sheriff Olson was asked for his input. He stated if the public
saw value in such a commission, he would support it to review specific issues. Councilman
City Council Work Session - October 14, 2002
Ayotte emphasized that a Public Safety Commission would be involved with reviewing fire,
Homeland Defense, as well as law enforcement issues. Councilman Boyle asked what the impact
on staff would be. Todd Gerhardt stated that because of the diversity of issues covered by public
safety, i.e. building permits, code enforcement, rental licensing, etc, it would be difficult to decide
who would oversee such a commission. Mayor Jansen stated maybe the commission would be an
advisory group to work on specific issues rather than a generalized commission. Councilman
Boyle felt it was important to keep some continuity with the learning curve to have one
commission. Mayor Jansen suggested contacting the Neighborhood Watch coordinators for their
input on forming a group. Staff stated it would review the list handed out by Councilman Labatt
and come back with a recommendation at a future meeting. Mayor Jansen reminded the council
to keep in mind the work load staff already has and how this decision would affect their ability to
perform their jobs.
Mayor Jansen adjourned the work session meeting at 10:45 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim