WS 2002 09 09CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 9, 2002 Mayor Jansen called the work session meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jansen, Councilman Boyle, Councilman Ayotte, and Councilman Peterson COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Labatt STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Justin Miller, Todd Hoffman, Bruce DeJong, Lori Haak, Kate Aanenson, and Beth Hoiseth A. REVIEW PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY. Bruce DeJong reviewed his memo dated September 5, 2002 with the City Council which further clarified staff's recommendation for the preliminary tax levy. Discussion focused around funding sources. Mayor Jansen explained to council that their concern should be with the total number, and not get into specifics at this point. She expressed concern over the percentage of increase in the levy amount as compared with the percentage of increase with growth. Councilman Ayotte questioned the loss in revenue, $300,000 versus $500,000. Mayor Jansen asked about using the reserve fund to reduce the debt but wanted to see the city's bond rating improve, not go down. Councilman Peterson wanted to send a signal to the community that the City Council is working to reduce the percentage of increase in the levy. Councilman Ayotte agreed with lowering the levy to about 10 percent. Councilman Boyle liked the idea of sending a message to the community, but not wanting to reduce services. Mayor Jansen asked that staff look at taking $200,000 out of the fund reserve to reduce the debt levy and keeping the general fund the same. Staff stated they would prepare a resolution for the council to approve at their meeting. C. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE. Kate Aanenson provided an update on what staff has done since the last time they met with council. If the council wishes to proceed, they need to prepare an ordinance to be adopted by the City Council. Councilman Peterson questioned philosophically whether the council wanted to do that, especially with the implications of adding an additional staff person to administer the program. Councilman Boyle agreed with Councilman Peterson. Mayor Jansen reminded the council that the public requested that the City Council pursue this issue so if the council is going to change their position on it, they should get input from the public. Todd Gerhardt stated that code enforcement is becoming an area of growing concern in the city and taking up more and more staff time for enforcement. Mr. Leifschultz was present speaking for the committee and stated that the committee was in favor of the last draft they saw regarding conduct on premises ordinance, but that he had lost track of the property maintenance issue and had concerns with the last draft the committee had seen on that issue. Mayor Jansen recessed the work session meeting for the regular City Council meeting. The City Council reconvened at 8:15 p.m. to continue with the work session items not covered prior to the meeting. City Council Work Session - September 9, 2002 B. PRESENTATION ON NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PHASE II STORMWATER GUIDE PLAN. Lori Haak gave a power poim presemation on this issue to the City Council. Kate Aanenson provided council with an update on the Kelly issue, stating that staff has directed them to apply for a Wetland Alteration Permit. City Hall experienced a power outage during the presentation and the work session was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim