1h TH 101 Improvements: Approve Resolution Supporting STP Funding Solicitation
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
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Park & Recreation
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Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
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1591 Park Road
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_ J
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Paul Oehme, Dir. of Public Works/City Engineer l' ~
June 25, 2007
TH 101 Improvements, PW067F4: Approve a Resolution Supporting
STP Funding Solicitation
Approve resolution supporting STP funding application for THI0l improvements
from Lyman Boulevard to Pioneer Trail.
On January 9, 2006, the Council approved a Joint Powers Agreement with Carver
County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation to fund the corridor
study. The agreement splits equally the funding of the project between the three
On February 27, 2006, Council approved a consultant contract to study the TH
101 corridor for potential future improvements.
OnIuly 11, 2006, staff held an initial open house meeting to inform residents
about the project.
On September 25,2006, staff discussed the progress of this study in a Council
work session. Four concept alignments and several potential solutions to the
"wye" intersection of MN 101 and Old TH 212 were discussed.
On November 15, 2006, staff held a second open house meeting. The purpose of
the second open house was, again, to receive public input on the four preliminary
alternati ves that had been developed.
On February 28,2007, staff held a third and final open house meeting. The
purpose of the third open house was to review the recommended alternative,
gather additional public comment and discuss next steps.
On May 29,2007, staff sent a letter to MnDOT requesting financial support for
the first phase of the TH 101 improvements (Lyman Boulevard to Pioneer Trail)
if STP funds are authorized. City costs, if the project moves forward, may
include trail, park, and turn lane improvements and some right-of-way
The City of Chanhassen · A growingcfw.ffi~~11~~8~~1~ ~~?I~~o~~~08t~dlr.~~g9u~~~~~~B619bo/~IJ&~~ill~tlsat~/~l~cjjnllI ~~i~d}nd beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
Todd Gerhardt
June 25, 2007
Page 2
Project Objectives:
. Correct safety deficiencies.
. Improve ability to function as a Minor Arterial Roadway.
. Accommodate future traffic growth associated with greater "connectivity"
with new TH 212.
. Accommodate future local development growth.
Staff has been working with MnDOT and Carver County on the next steps for the
TH101 from Lyman Boulevard to the Scott County Line. The plan that has
moved forward is to concentrate on funding construction for the segment of
highway between Lyman Boulevard and Pioneer Trail. This segment has shown
to be the greatest safety problem along TH 101 above the bluff and has less
environmental issues then the segment south of Pioneer Trail. Also, this segment
is in the next development expansion area in the City. Staff is still planning to
work with MnDOT and Carver County on the segment south of Pioneer Trail.
In odd numbered years, the Metropolitan Council and its Transportation Advisory
Board (TAB) selects projects for federal SAFETEA-L V funding in the following
programs: Surface Transportation Program (STP), Transportation Enhancements
Program (TEP) and Congestion Mitigation! Air Quality (CMAQ) programs. The
two-year selection process involves solicitation of projects from MnDOT, cities,
counties, and transit providers, evaluation and ranking of these projects by the
Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) and Technical Advisory Committee, and
selecting a list of approved projects.
The Transportation Advisory Board and Metropolitan Council will award
approximately $80 million from the STP-Urban Guarantee program in the seven-
county metropolitan area. These funds will be allocated to the region in 2011 and
2012. If funds are available, projects can be advanced if the project is completely
developed. The amount of funds available in these programs is based on the
funding levels established by SAFETEA-LD. Prior to selecting projects, the
funding level will be reviewed to ensure fiscal balance of the Transportation
Improvement Program. The selected projects and programs will be programmed
for construction or implementation in 2011 and 2012 as part of the region's
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for 2009-2012. The 2009-2012 TIP
will be drafted in March 2008 and adopted by the TAB in September 2008.
Notification of applicants "to proceed" is anticipated to occur in November or
December of 2008.
g:\eng\public\pw067f4 th 101 scoping study -lyman south to 212\062507 bkgd council appv sip fund sol.doc
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227,1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227,1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952,227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
May 29, 2007
Pat Bm'saw
Director of Investment Management/Regional Coordination Unit
Metro District Program Management
1500 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
Request for Financial Commitment by MnDOT
Projyct 1 - MN 101 from Lyman Boulevard to Pioneer Trail- PW067F4
Dear Pat:
The City of Chanhassen, in conjunction with Carver County and the Minnesota Depaltment of
Transportation, completed a conidor scoping and environmental screening study for MN101 in
May 2007. The study identified long-term transpOltation improvements to address safety,
capacity, and connectivity issues south of new TH 212. The limits of the study were the
Carver/Scott County line on the south end to Lyman Boulevard (CSAR 18) on the north end,
which is where the 4-1ane section will end upon completion of the new TH 212 freeway
improvements. A range of alternatives and a scoping process were developed and applied to
evaluate the alternatives. Environmental "screening" was pelformed to identify natural and social
environmental issues that influence selection alternatives and to identify issues that may require
fmther study in futme phases of project development. Also, a technical memorandum was drafted
that identified the area north of Pioneer Trail as an independent utility allowing project
development to proceed prior to fmther environmental review of the area south of Pioneer Trail.
The conidor has several major safety problems related to steep grades, sharp cmves and severe
undulations in the vertical profile. Inadequate sight distances along the conidor create blind
public street, driveway and trail intersections. "Run off the road" and "loss of control" type
crashes are prevalent throughout the conidor. Intersection and congestion related crashes are
prevalent at the Old U.S. Highway 212 (US. 212) and Trunk Highway 101 intersection. These
issues contribute to overall crash and severity rates that are more than three times greater than
those experienced on other rural two lane roadways in the Metro area.
MN 101 is classified as a minor alterial roadway. New U.S. 212 is being constructed with an
interchange at MN 101. MN 101 (between the Minnesota River and New US. 212) is a logical
and direct link that would serve travel demands to and from the heart of the Twin Cities
Metropolitan Area. While Old US. 212 serves a regional transportation route today, its
effectiveness is hampered by traffic congestion in the commercial districts of Eden Prairie and
Chaska. MN 101, between the communities of Shakopee and Chanhassen, will continue to serve
as one of only a few options available to cross the Minnesota River.
The pmpose of the proposed project is to address safety and long-term capacity needs for the
conidor; in addition, it addresses some regional capacity deficiencies.
The MN101 conidor is included in the 2008-2030 Transportation System Plan (TSP) under
Jmisdictional Transfer in the constrained plan. If STP funds are approved, construction will take
place in 2011. The project will not adversely affect MnDot's trunk highway operation, but
remove a minor alterial roadway from MnDot jurisdiction.
Proiect Staging: The conidor has been divided into manageable independent projects for
construction. The area north of Pioneer Trail is the first project proposed to be constructed.
The City of Chanhassen · A rn:dfi/1!l9\C'!lmrFllili11V'Mtrf~lm~l2k8l\;oq!l1l!l~~~ ~?l~,fi\~lWm1l'Mm@sse9?Wl~~IIa1Is;Qlnll1lt1M_PA7~atlfll\lt\J~~1i1re\ .wgllk,-and play.
Lyman south to 212'\M.NDOT funding request letter 052907_rev l.doc
. Project I - Construction would tie into the roadway that is cunently being constructed by
the 212 project, south of Lyman Boulevard and extend south, through the intersection of
Pioneer Trail. This segment is the next logical part of the conidor to be improved. The
total length of Project 1 is 0.75 miles. Approximately 6.5 acres of light-of-way will need
to be acquired for the widening and safety improvements. However, most of the land is
anticipated to be dedicated thTOugh new development plats.
. Project 2 - Reconstruction/widening between Pioneer Trail and US 212 would take place
after Project 1. The reconstruction/widening between US 212 to the Scott County border,
improvements to the bluff alignment with fixes to the "Y" intersection would be included
in this project.
Funding Plan for Project 1: No funding has yet been secured for the improvements to
the conidor. It is expected that Federal, State and local funds will be needed to finance
the improvements.
Funding Plan -Project 1
STP Funds 80%
MNDOT 2009 Pavement Preservation Project 5%
Local and State Sources15%
Total Construction Estimate
Right-of-way costs would be split between state and local sources. City and MNDOT staff have
discussed use of a variety of state sources including Pavement Preservation, Safety-Capacity,
Traffic Signal, COOP Agreement Program, Access Management and Flexible Highway Account.
Those discussions are continuing to finalize a financing plan. We request MNDOT consider
accomplishing project development by its resources if the project is selected to receive federal
The contact for this project will be Mr. Paul Oehme, Director of Public Works/City Engineer,
City of Chanhassen (952) 227-1169 or Mr. Roger Gustafson, County Engineer, Carver County
(952) 466-5206.
Paul Oehme, P.E.
Director of Public Work/City Engineer
c:;/'n ,/'" {
oger Gustafson f'
County Engineer
c: Lynn Clarkowski, MnDot Area Manager
Cyrus Knutson, MnDot Jurisdictional Project Manager
Victoria Nills, MnDot Area Engineer
Diane Langenbach, MnDot Area Engineer
G:\ENGIPUBLICIPW067F4 TH 101 Scoping Study -Lyman south to 212\MNDOT funding request letter 052907 _rev l.docG:\ENGIPUBLIOPW067F4 TH 101 Scoping Study -
Lyman south to 212\MNDOT fuuding request letter 052907_rev l.doc
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Figure 1
." MN 101 - Phase 1 Design Project File: G:\Eng\Joleen\Eng Projects\
7700 Market Blvd Paul\1 01 Prelim\Phase 1.mxd
PO Box 147 Lyman to Pioneer Trail Lyman South to 212
Chanhassen, MN 55317
CITY OP 952-227-1100 Project Location Map, Regional Date May 29, 2007
WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen, in conjunction with Carver County and the
Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT), completed a corridor and environmental
screening study for MN 101 in May, 2007, from Lyman Boulevard to the Carver/Scott County
line; and,
WHEREAS, in June, 2007, a technical memorandum identified MN 101 north of
Pioneer Trail to Lyman Boulevard as having independent utilities allowing project development
to proceed prior to further environmental review of the area south of Pioneer Trail, thereby
creating Project 1 and Project 2; and,
WHEREAS, Project 1 (MN 101 from Lyman Boulevard to Pioneer Trail) is the first MN
101 project planned for construction. Improvement funding is needed and proposed from
Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds (80%) and State/Local funds (20%). The
total construction estimate is $7,100,000.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Chanhassen City Council:
1. The City of Chanhassen approves the findings of fact for the corridor and environmental
screening study for MN 10 1.
2. STP funding is necessary for the advancement of this project which will provide needed
capacity and safety improvements for Project 1.
3. The City of Chanhassen will submit a STP funding application for Project 1.
4. If selected to receive Federal funds, the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, and
Mn/DOT will provide 20% matching funds and a jointly sponsored right-of-way
acquisition financing plan for Project 1.
5. If selected to receive Federal funds, Mn/DOT will incur project development
(engineering and environmental) costs for Project 1.
Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this _ day of _, 2007.
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor
Under the Following Programs:
May 25, 2007
Contained in this document are requirements and guidance for applicants desiring to obtain federal funds
under the Surface Transportation Program (STP), the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
Improvement Program (CMAQ), and the Transportation Enhancements Program (TE) of Title I of the
Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).
This regional solicitation for federal transportation project funding is part of the Metropolitan Council's
federally required continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process for the
Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. The funding programs and their related rules and requirements are
established by the U.S. Department of Transportation and administered locally through collaboration with
the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, and the Minnesota Department
of Transportation.
The Twin Cities Metropolitan Area selects projects for funding from three federal programs: STP Urban
Guarantee, CMAQ and STP Transportation Enhancements. In accordance with Metropolitan Council
policy, these funds are to be invested to help implement the Regional Development Framework and the
regional growth strategy, as well as to support the region's economic vitality and quality of life.
The regional Transportation Policy Plan sets the broad framework for transportation actions consistent
with the Regional Development Framework and the regional growth strategy. Implementation plans are
developed within this framework to address various problems. On the regional level, examples of
implementation plans include the transit sector studies. On the local level, comprehensive plans articulate
problems and solutions unique to the community. Large-scale corridor studies bring together local and
regional concerns. The materials contained in this solicitation package have been developed in such a
manner as to promote and select projects and programs consistent with regional plans and solve problems
in accordance with these various implementation plans.
The solicitation process uses a set of qualifying criteria to determine if a proposed project or program
meets the broadest policy directions and program federal requirements and follows regionally adopted
procedures. For example, the proposed projects must be consistent with the Regional Development
Framework and the Transportation Policy Plan, as well as implement a solution to a transportation
problem discussed in "a local or county comprehensive plan, a locally approved capital improvement
program, an officially adopted corridor study..., or the official plan or program of the applicant agency."
Prioritizing criteria are based on policies in either the Regional Development Framework or the
Transportation Policy Plan, or they may address various operational issues. When the solicitation process
and criteria were revised after the passage of ISTEA in 1991, the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
and the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) made a conscious effort to generate projects and programs
that were consistent with new federal philosophies. The region decided it would not fund the same type
of highway or transit projects of the past. New projects and programs would have to be responsive to the
adopted goals and objectives of the region, and reflect federal priorities as well. Therefore, the criteria
reward those proposed projects that successfully integrate the regional vision into a local solution.
Common criteria found in most categories reflect this philosophy. Examples include integration of land
use and transportation, cost effectiveness of the proposed investment, safety, integration of modes and air
quality benefit.
The solicitation package is organized as listed in the Table of Contents. The format of the material that
follows is the same for each of the eight project categories. A general description outlines the intent of
the project category. A series of qualifying criteria follows. The applicant must show that the project
meets all the qualifying criteria to be scored and ranked against other qualifying projects.
Applicants whose projects are determined disqualified may challenge that determination through the
process recorded in Appendix R. Finally, a set of prioritizing criteria with a range of points assigned is
provided. The criteria describe important factors that will be used to assign individual points. The
applicant must respond directly to each prioritizing criterion in order for it to be scored and
receive points. Projects are scored based on how well the response meets the requirements of the
prioritizing criteria and how well the responses compare to those in other qualifying applications. Sample
calculations of selected prioritizing criteria are included in the Appendices. Applicants may challenge the
scores given to individual criteria responses through the process recorded in Appendix S. Projects that
are recommended for funding through this solicitation process will be programmed in the Transportation
Improvement Program (TIP) for funding authorization in the years 2011 and 2012.
Members of the T AC-Funding and Programming Committee or other designees will evaluate the
applications and prepare a ranked list of projects by category based on a total score of all the prioritizing
criteria. The Funding and Programming Committee will prepare a minimum of three funding
recommendations. The ranked list of projects along with the three funding alternatives will be forwarded
to the full T AC for approval. The T AC will then forward the ranked list of projects along with the three
recommended funding proposals to the TAB Programming Committee. The TAB Programming
Committee may also develop its own funding options in addition to those forwarded through T AC. This
committee will then recommend a list of projects to be included in the region's Transportation
Improvement Program and receive federal funds to the full TAB. TAB then submits the list of
recommended projects to the Metropolitan Council for concurrence.
Agencies that are eligible to submit applications are identified in each program's policies. Other state,
local or special governmental agencies that have the ability to receive federal funds should work through
an eligible agency to develop and submit eligible projects. Citizen groups, neighborhoods, or individuals
should work with an eligible agency to develop project ideas. It will be up to the eligible agency to
decide if it will help prepare and submit an application. Applicants may not submit the same project in
more than one STP category. The chart below summarizes the schedule and process for this solicitation.
D ft S h d ItS r 't P
t ~ I I
, th 20092012 TIP
ra c e U e 0 o leI rOJec S or nc USlOn III e -
TAC Funding & Programming Committee (F&PC) develops solicitation criteria based on Regular scheduled meetings
direction from the TAB and public comment open to the public.
T AC F&PC approves draft solicitation package for T AC review. Regular scheduled meeting
open to the public.
T AC approves complete draft solicitation package for TAB review. Regular scheduled meeting
open to the public.
TAB Programming/TAB reviews draft package and recommends changes. Regular scheduled meeting
open to the public.
12/21/06 T AC F&PC makes changes to solicitation package and recommends approval for public Regular scheduled meeting
meeting to TAC open to the public.
1/03/07 TAC reviews TAC F&PC revisions and recommends approval to TAB. Regular scheduled meeting
open to the public.
1/17/07 TAB Programming meets to review the revised draft solicitation package and approves for Regular scheduled meeting
purpose of a public meeting. The revised solicitation package would be put on the Met open to the public.
Council's website.
2/21/07 TAB hosts public meeting with past and prospective applicants to discuss the solicitation Special public meeting, held
criteria and process. as part of regular scheduled
meeting open to the public.
3/15/07 T AC F&PC reviews the list of comments and responses, recommends changes to the Regular scheduled meeting
solicitation criteria and process if necessary, and recommends adoption of the 2007 regional open to the public.
solicitation package to the TAC.
4/11107 TAC approves the draft 2007 regional solicitation package and forwards it to the TAB for Regular scheduled meeting
adoption. open to the public.
4/18/07 TAB Programming Committee and full TAB reviews the revised 2007 solicitation package Regular scheduled meetings
and adopts it. It is forwarded to the Metropolitan Council for concurrence. open to the public.
5/14/07 The Metropolitan Council's Transportation Committee considers the solicitation package, and Regular scheduled meeting
then recommends it to the Metropolitan Council for concurrence. open to the public.
5/23/07 The Metropolitan Council approves the solicitation package for STP, CMAQ, TE and Bridge Regular scheduled meeting
Projects. open to the public.
5/25/07 TAB solicits for STP, CMAQ, TE and Bridge projects. Letters are sent to about 850 persons
in 300 agencies announcing the solicitation and directing interested applicants to the Met
Council website where all the solicitation materials will be accessible. Copies will also be
available from the Met Council Data Center.
6/21107 T AC Funding and Programming Committee "staffs" the project review groups and assigns Regular scheduled meeting
chairs to each. open to the public.
6/22/07 Council and TAB staff host an information forum for STP, CMAQ and TE and local bridge Special public meeting.
(tentative) applicants to answer questions and provide guidance.
7120/07 STP, CMAQ .TE and Bridge project applications due to TAB.
7/20/07 - Staff logs in all the applications. Staff and the T AC F&PC member chairing the previous
08/09/07 review groups review the responses to the qualifying criteria for each application. Staff
prepares a report for the T AC F&PC FHW A staff reviews the Enhancement and CMAQ
projects for consistency with federal guidance.
8/09/07 Staff mails the report on the qualifying criteria review to the T AC F&PC. Staff also notifies
applicants if their project appears to not meet the qualifying criteria and invites them to the
next TAC F&PC meeting to defend their proposal.
8/16/07 Staff presents list of projects that may not meet the qualifying criteria to the T AC F&PC. Regular scheduled meeting
Applicants are invited to attend and defend their applications. Committee votes on each open to the public.
application that may not meet the qualifying criteria. F & PC reports to TAC at September Opportunity for applicants
meeting. to testify on qualifying
cri teria~
8/17/07 - Council staff makes copies of each application. Project review groups meet, are advised on
10/08/07 scoring procedures and assigned a criterion to score.
Project review groups score the criteria on their own time, and then meet again to report their
scores, describe their scoring methodology and discuss any questions or issues. Projects in
each category are ranked by total score and are endorsed by the group. Staff prepares a report
with all the ranked project lists and mails to the TAC F&PC.
10/18/07 The ranked lists of projects are reviewed and approved by the T AC F&PC. The project Regular scheduled meeting
scores are made public through the Met Council website. Applicants are notified via email open to the public.
that the scores are on the website and that they have an opportunity to request. in writing, a
review of criterion scores.
10/31107 Written requests to review individual criterion scores are due by 5:00 p.m. Applicants must
follow the adopted procedures to request review of criterion scores. A signed copy may be
transmitted electronically.
11108/07 Staff reviews the project scores for those applicants who requested a review and mails a
report to the TAC F&PC and to the applicant.
ll/15/07 Staff reports the analysis of the requested projects score reviews to the T AC F&PC. Regular scheduled meeting
Applicants are notified of the meeting, but no testimony is allowed. open to the public.
Opportunity for applicants
to testify on criteria scores.
12120/07 Applicants will be allowed to summarize the reasons they believe the scores are incorrect. F Regular scheduled meeting
& PC adjusts the score and ranking as necessary and reports the results of the criterion open to the public.
challenges to T AC. F & PC reports the results of the criterion challenge to the T AC. F & PC
develops funding options and forwards to the TAC and ranked lists of projects are forwarded
to the TAB.
1/09/08 TAC reviews the funding options forwarded from the TAC F&PC, makes changes if Regular scheduled meeting
appropriate, and forwards them to the TAB Programming Committee. open to the public.
1/16/08 TAB Programming Committee reviews the funding options forwarded by the T AC. The TAB Regular scheduled meeting
Programming Committee may develop additional funding options to forward to TAB. open to the public.
2120/08 TAB Programming Committee reviews the funding options and recommends a list of projects Regular scheduled meeting
be included in the draft 2009-2012 TIP. The recommendation is forwarded to the TAB for open to the public.
consideration on the same day. TAB considers the funding options forwarded by the TAB
Programming Committee and either adopts one option or creates another and instructs staff to
add the draft list of approved projects into the draft metro area TIP.
Feb. '08 Met Council staff begins the transportation/air quality conformity analysis for the draft 7-
county TIP.
Apr. '08 TAC Funding and Programming Committee reviews the draft 7-county TIP, Regular scheduled meeting
open to the public.
May '08 TAB approves the draft 2009-2012 TIP for the 7-county region for the purpose of holding a Regular scheduled meeting
public hearing including projects recommended from the solicitation of Rail Safety, ASIP. open to the public.
Bridge, STP, CMAQ and Enhancements. Includes MPCA comments letter.
June '08 TAB sponsors a public hearing on the draft 2009-2012 TIP for the 7-county region. Public Hearing
July '08 The 45-day public comment period ends.
Aug. '08 TAC recommends adoption of the 2009-2012 TIP for the 7-county region to the TAB. Regular scheduled meeting
open to the public.
Sept. '08 TAB adopts the 2009-2012 TIP for the 7-county region. Regular scheduled meeting
open to the public.
Sept. '08 Met Council Transportation Committee recommends adoption of the 2009-2012 TIP for the Regular scheduled meeting
7-county region. open to the public.
Met Council concurs with TAB adoption of the 2009-2012 TIP for the 7-county region. Regular scheduled meeting
open to the public.
MN/DOT reviews and approves the state TIP and submits it to the FHW A.
FHW A and FT A make conformity determination on the TIP for the 7 -county region and
approve the state TIP.
Subsequent to TIP approval, Council staff will notify successful applicants of their project
funding approval and availability.
PHONE: 952.912.2600
MINNETONKA.MN 55343-9301
Lyman Boulevard
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Project Limits