WS 2001 07 23CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JULY 23, 2001 Mayor Jansen called the work session meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jansen, Councilman Labatt, Councilman Ayotte and Councilman Peterson COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Boyle STAFF PRESENT: Bruce DeJong, Todd Gerhardt, and Roger Knutson 2000 AUDIT REPORT. Dave Mol and Melanie Accola from HLB Tautges, Redpath introduced themselves to the City Council. Bruce DeJong gave an overview of the process staff has been involved in concerning the 2000 audit with HLB Tautges Redpath. Dave Mol passed out a handout regarding the 2000 TIF Grant and the status of the audit. Dave Mol explained the required due dates for reporting TIF information and the amounts and dates for the grant application being requested by the City. Councilman Labatt asked Bruce DeJong to explain why such few cities were applying for the grants. Mayor Jansen stated that the City did not get the full amount requested last year due to a technicality, but that shouldn't happen this year. Councilman Peterson asked if the grant refund was part of the budget. Bruce DeJong stated it was not part of the general fund budget. Melanie Accola then reported on the work she had done conducting the city's audit and explained the schedule followed. Dave Mol stated that a draft of the audit report would be available next week with final numbers and they would come back to a future work session to go over those numbers with the City Council. Councilman Ayotte stated he would like to hear what was learned from this past audit and how the finance department and City Council can use that information making the process easier in the future. Todd Gerhardt notified the City Council that the public hearing notices for item number 5 on the agenda had not gone out and therefore that item would need to be pulled. He also stated that representatives from Decision Resources would be present at the meeting to present the results from the community survey and handed out the results from the survey for the council to study prior to the meeting. Mayor Jansen stated she would like to set up a schedule for going over the results from the city manager applications and presenting the finalists that the committee had chosen to the other council members. The work session meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt Acting City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim