06-10-2024 City Council Work Session MinutesCHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL
June 10, 2024
Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:25 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Schubert, and Councilman
Kimber, Councilman von Oven
STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Charlie Howley, Public Works
Director/City Engineer; Jerry Ruegemer, Parks Director; Samantha DiMaggio, Economic
Development Manager, Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager
PUBLIC PRESENT: Jeff Oman, Kraus Anderson
Chanhassen Bluffs Community Center
Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager gave the council an update on the communications plan that is
being put in place for the Chanhassen Bluff’s Community Center. The communication campaign
goals are to emphasize community, ensure clarity and provide education. The campaign will focus
on getting residents to vote. The Council was asked to look at a color scheme and logo for the
communication campaign and make a recommendation. The council looked at the possible logo
and color schemes and liked the Chanhassen dark green most. There were some concerns about
the leaf on the logo. Ms. Hokkanen will provide new logo ideas for the council.
Future Laredo Drive extension concept plans
Charlie Hawley, Public Works Director/City Engineer, showed several possible plans for updating
Market Boulevard and Laredo Drive. The Council agreed that one large roundabout seemed too
big for the area and preferred one of the plans with either one roundabout but changing turn lanes
or two smaller roundabouts. The council asked if Kraus Anderson (KA) had been presented with
the options and if they had any input. Mr. Hawley responded that staff had met with KA and
presented the options. KA has yet to give feedback on any preference that they have but the meeting
was a positive one.
Mayor Ryan adjourned the meeting at 6:55 p.m.
Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen
City Manager
Prepared by Jenny Potter
City Clerk