~I~Y 11, 1992
Mayor Chmie! called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m..
~EJ~BERS PRESEN?~ Mayor Chelel, Councilman Mason, and Councilman Workman
~E~BERS M~SENT: Councilman Wing and Councilwoman Otmler
ST~FF PRESENT: Oon ashworth, City Manager; and Todd Gerhardt, asst. City
COUNTY ~SSESSORS PRESENT'- Orltn Schafer, Steve 3ust and ann Wyse
~pPI~4/RL OF NZNUTES: Councilman Workman moved, Councilman Nason- seconded to-
approve the Nlnutes of the Board of Equalization and Review aeetind dated april
20, 1992 as presented, all voted In favor and the motion carried. -
Mayor Chmiel: Don, do you have anything?
Oon ashworth= The Council may want to discuss how you'd like to handle these.
We have put out the one packet basically aho~lng the XistXng'that has been :
agreed to between the assessor and the owners. I think in previous years you've
typically had one motion on that and then you can-either handle those that have
asked for additional consideration individually or.co~ to some form of
consensus as you walk through thee and then do one ms, motion. You've done it
both ways and I think both ways have been successful. Orlin, did you have
anything addition to add?
orlin Schafer: 3ust that the Council ts aware that the sheet that says property
owners coming to agreement with the County i~a~essor. Some of thee actually saLd
yes, ! agree with that number. Some did eot but-none of'thee voiced, an oplnton
that they were totally unhappy with It or that they wouldn't accept that. Those
that did voice that ended up on thls blue. sheet and-this #as prepared by your
staff Don and there are some additions and we noted those. ! don't keo# if
anyone has picked up on them. . .
Mayor Chelel: No, I don't believe some of them have. Item'number 50 should be
put on the blue sheet, Helen Hartmann.
Orlin Schafer: and number 3 also.
Mayor Chmiel: Larry 3. anderson.
Orltn Schafer: and item number 140. Item number 36 which is on the bIue sheet
could in essence be put on the pink sheet because he has stated-that that's an
acceptable number.
iii III I I IIIIII .......
Board of Review Meeting - May [[, [992
Mayor Chmiel: Before ! even open this up, is there anyone that would like to
address this at this time? I see you sitting here.
Andrew Olson: ...if mine was lowered or not. ..._
Mayor Chm£el: Okay, and what was your name?
Andrew Olson: Andrew Olson.
Oon Ashworth: $137,100.007
Mayor Chmiel: That was the agreed to value from what you had previously.
Steve Just: It was $144,800.00 and we're proposing to lower it down
Hayor Chmiel: Okay.
Todd Gerhardt: So you're in agreement with $[37,100.007
Andrew Olson: Right.
Don Ashworth: You wanted to verify yours?
Mrs. Schm[eg= Yes.
Don Ashworth= And your name was?
Mrs. Schmieg: Schmieg.
Mayor Chmiel= Donald?
Mrs. Schmieg: Right.
Mayor Cheiel: That was at SZO,O00,O0. I don't know what it was previous[y.
can look it up here but maybe you can find it quicker than I can. You're in
agreement with that also? Okay. [s there anyone else? Okay. I would like to
just probably keep this open for a wh/J.e..becauee some people may not show until
7:30 and if we don't have people here by 7=30, then we'll move on.
Councilman Workman= ['d like to propose a 3~ across the board reduction.
Councilman Mason: Z'll double that.
Councilman Workman: Is this being recorded?
Mayor Chmiel: Yes it is.
Orlin Schafer: I do have a question for Don I guess it would be. Is your staff
want to send out the letters of notification or do you want us to do it on your
stationary or what?
Don Ashworth: Really it doesn't matter.
Board of Review Xeettng - Hay Il, ~992
Orlin 5chafer: Z was thinking we've got the addresses and everything-tn the-
computer. Do you also?
Don ashworth: ! don't think so.
Orlin Schafer: Okay, we can do Lt.
Oon ashworth: ! think tt would be better If you dtd Lt.
Steve Just: It would give us an opportuntty to double check.
Orltn Schafer: We've got everything Just as tt ts tn that lo, er of the sheet
and that's the taxpayer and uhatever so that's how tt would be addressed.
Todd Gerhardt: Oo you want to leave with letterhead tonight?
Orltn Schafer: Yeah, because we'd like to get started on It and send them out.
We're doing tt for every other Jurtsdictton In the County so that's why we set
tt up in this procedure.
Counctlman Mason: are we going to make a motion to approve these others or are
we going to watt awhtle?
Mayor Chmiel: Well, let's Just hold off because ! don't want to make that
motion unttl we have someone to come tn.
Councilman Mason: ! meant the ptnk sheet.
Mayor Chmtel: Even those. Some of these, as he said, were talked to and
dtscuseed but no real form of opinion was given...
Counctlman Mason: Good enough.
Mayor Chmtel: Okay, maybe If you can Just go through some of these as to each
one of these that we have here with the assessor's value. Considered value.
What It was before and us'ye.got rtght tn the back here'as well so that's not'
too dtfficutt to do. Oon Butcher.
Steve Just: ! put htm on the ltst...waen't able to_make contact. Z'left a tag
on the door and... : ~
Mayor Chmiel: The market value was $84,700. What was the previous?
Steve Just: ...! thtnk tt was prevtously assessed at mid &O's. Something like
that. "
Mayor Chmiel: Now he-was reassessed again?
Steve Just: No. The value for 1992 stayed the sase as 1~91. He was looking at
the tax statement.
Mayor Chats1: Okay. any discussion on this one? Tom? Michael?
Councilman Workman: No.
Board of Review Meeting - May 11, 1992
Mayor Chmiel: alright. Let's take Dingel, James & Janet. $113,100. is the
estimated value. What was their contention? That it should be what?
Orltn Schafer: actually we intended to leave that one the same after we
analyzed the numbers. [t was purchased in '85 at $L09,000. and it currently is
at $113,100. so there's a time Lapse...
Mayor Chmiel: any discussion?
Councilman Mason: Z'm not sure this even pertains to this but overall Orltn,
can you just comment a little bit. How does the, if all the other homes are
valued at x number of dollars. T f the inside of a home in the same neighborhood
is really trashed, how does that affect that appraisal? Generally. I'm not
talking about this specifically.
Orltn Schafer: [f we are capable of getting inside that home and have knowledge
of that, we'd depreciate that home on an individual basis, yes.
ann Wyse: This home, we did get inside this home. [ didn't but another
appraiser did and he said it was in good condition.
Orlin Schafer: actually what the calculations indicated, it could have a little
more value than it has. But the situation being that it is, we'll leave it at
that value.
Councilman Workman: What can be made from the fact that these people are not
Orlin Schafer: They're well aware that they can appeal to the County level.
-Councilman Workman: And that's what they're maybe going to choose to do?
Orlin Schafer: Every one of these people have knowledge of that and we
discussed it. I did with some and the rest of my staff did with the others.
Councilman Workman: So they're not looking for relief from us. They're waiting
for the County?
Steve 3ust: ! think we indicated that we'd bring it to your attention and if
you thought differently or...we are Looking at in our numbers, that a change
would be made at that time. If not,...County Board.
Orlin Schafer: and they're relying on the data they gave to sou your opinion.
I mean this is what they're doing, and if it doesn't, they'll proceed. That's
basically what ! felt with every person that I talked to on the issue. Those
that were on the pink sheet had, in a sense they have an acceptable demeaner
about thee. They're saying well, okay. I guess that isn't so bad when you
explain it like that. Well that kind of a comment tends you to believe that the
value's acceptable and sometimes ! just ask that. Do you feel that's a
reasonable value? Yeah, I guess it is. I mean we've researched the whole thing
and we gave thee the numbers we came up with.
Board of Review Meeting - May 11, 1992
Mayor ChmIel: 3ust let me ask one question OrlIn. Coming up with the estimated
market value comparables In the neighborhoods where eels hoBee are exchanged and
sold. Some additional improvements put Into those homes. And as much as
sometimes $30,000.00 or $40,000.00. When that takes place and the expansion ts
done to that house wlth those Improvements, the existing homes In those
neighborhoods who are on either side or within that 'block, hob-does thio
basically affect those other homes?
Orlln Schafer: It wouldn't affect those homes say for.that currently.assessment
but If the overall, If this happened to the overall neighborhood over a period
of years, then Lt would begin to reflect that as sales take .place to lndlcate
that the sizes and so forth, qualtty Ks changing. Ualues are Increasing. ·Then
It catches them but generally we look at a bulld£ng permit for instance for a
three season porch, and we look at that. How It applies to that lndtvtdua!
house. Not the neighborhood. So the bad part of that Is, that one house Is
being addressed for an addition but It does not necessarily mean his .value Is
changing because of that addition. It will probably Increase somewhat but'maybe
there's something else that deteriorated to offset that Increase In .value so
we're looking at not only the addition but the whole of the parcel. Now in some
theory that's wrong. You're only supposed to apply the value to the add~tlon.
#e11, cost does not equal value. You can stick $S0,000.00 Into :something that
really Is only adding $1S,000.00 to the eale...we are cognizant of that and
that's why we take that approach. That we're Looking at,.after we check .the
addition, we're looking at the property as a whole, and we value that parcel.
Not the neighbors. That parcel as a whole. Now If it happens that there's 4 or
5 on a street, then maybe the whole street wll! get it because in essence they
are increasing the value of their neighbors by Improving their own ·property. Not
much. You know the Impact ts different but still the potentLal's there.
Mayor ChmIeL: I guess the thing that kind of keeps coming back to me Is that
some of the people are saying that prices for their estimated market values.they
had Is not basically what they can probably emil .those for and-I-look at this.
Orlin Schafer: We run the risk of that happening if we don't address the
property as a whole because If we've got a $100,000.00 unit-out there and .
they've put on a $1S,000.00 value addition and we.~ould put It on at 15, there's
nothing that says they're going to get $~15,000.00 for that.-.#e have to In turn
look at that as a whole and.really they. might be getting $105,000.00. So that's
why we do It from this approach.
Hayer Chmlel: Yeah. and I guess that's the point-that I'm trying to make.
There's only so much you can put Into a home without getting your value back
from lt.
Orlin Schafer: You're positively right. That's correct, and that's sometimes
hard to bring to that homeowner because the dream-Is that you get back
everything you put tn.
· .
Nayor ChmleL: That's right. But it normally doesn't happen. Naybe we can have
your name and as we're going along here and check out to see If you agreed with
the assessor.
Hark Keller: Sure. Hy name is Hark Keller. I live at...
Board of Review Meeting - May 11, 1992
Mayor Chmtel: You're agreed to value would be $113,800.00.
Mark Keller: Yeah, several days after I was here on April 20th Z received a
call and that would be the judgment...
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, it will take place once after we get done with this
Councilman Workman: But you're satisfied wlth that value?
Mark Keller: Yes I am. The purchase price of the home was $ilS,000.O0...iast
meeting was 85~ of the market value...
Councilman Workman: Isn't it 95?
Mayor Chmetl: Yeah, it's 95.
Orltn Schafer: Actually it's 90. 93 something. 93.6 or whatever it was.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay, good. Thank you. Let's go on wtth our next one. You
indicated that Fink was satisfied. Steven Fink, with what that $123,100. right?
Orlln Schafer: Right. Steven had.
Ann Wyse: I had talked to him today.
Mayor Chmtel: Alright. The next one is Robert and Oebra Finley. Any
Councilman Mason: Just a quick comment on, she says here. Home is in
competition, or they say. Excuse me. Is in competition with brand new housing.
How do you people, how does that work with new houstng going 1nrc an area 11ke
Orltn $chafer: Okay, depending on the price range she's sitting In, she's the
competition for the new housing because someone can buy into this and do those
repalrs and come up to her $110,000.00 or whatever much easier perhaps than
going into a new $120,000.00 home. So in a way yeah. They are in competition
wlth new housing but people that are willing to buy the new housing or build the
new housing, have looked at listed housing and chosen that their opt[on really
ts new construction. For the most part they're people from outside the
community. They're not a whole lot of people that come to Chanhassen, the
eastern part of Carver County looking for housing. They come out here looking
for a lot. Or housing to fit, build to fit them or something like that.
They're not coming looking for old housing. It's people wtthln the community
generally that buy used housing. They move up. They step up. That kind of
thing. That's what can happen, 11ke tn their case, they could possibly list
this house, sell it and move into something new on their own. That kind of
Councilman Workman: But they bought for $110,000.00.
Mayor Chmiel: Right.
Board of Review Meeting - May 11, ~992
Orlln Schafer: Z think the reasoning behind the value Increase ts quite
apparent. It's sat at that value for a couple of years. And aL1 of a sudden It
moved and when it moves that great, It attracts attention.
Todd Gerhardt: So to replace this house on that lot you would say It would be
above the $110,000.00 with all the same fixtures and everything else? How much
more higher do you thLnk?
Orlin Schafer: Ann, did you do that one?
Ann Wyse: ! got the Information on it. We didn't get Into this property.
Another assessor tried to get In. ! don't have the age of the house. Yeah,
they bought It In 198& for $~10,000.00.
Todd Gerhardt: I thLnk that's what Mike uss getting at. Is-there a price.
difference between a house that's LO or ~5 years older than a house that's brand
new with the same fixtures, same square footage and everything else?
Orlln Schafer-' There definitely is. We look at, .I mean you build this-house as
If new Mike and then we depreciate It for those things known to fit to cause
Loss In value. And that's what.Me arrive at. Where the sa~e house brand new
might be $125,000.00. Oepreclatlon sets tn and we're down to $108,000.00.
Ann Wyse: Yeah, It's over a ~,300 square foot house. Basement's finished-and
CounciLman Mason: I'm trying, as Long as It's pretty ca[m, Z~m trying.to.do-.
some Learning as we're going along here.
· ,
Orlln Schafer: That's- fine.
Mayor Chmlel: Okay. Let's move on to the next one. Donald Goetze. I guess
this was valued at $~23,~00. It seems like you couldn't get back Into these
people's home. Looks like the value Increase ts'over $1,200.00 Increase tn
taxes. Saying It's about $~2,000.00 too high.
Ann Wyse: We couldn't contact the owners. They didn't contact us and 80 we
were unable to get Inside the property but It Is over ~,~00 square foot house.
It was built in 1955 but tt was remodeled In 1980 so It's not, evldentally ts
not a 1955 house at this point. It's on .83 of an acre wooded-sits so I. feel
that it's at a fair level of assessment~ $123,~00.00. We do:have some sales.
Not right on, Is that on Frontier?
OrLln Schafer: Yeah.
Ann Wyse: Not right on Frontier but we have some tn the Western Hills. Some
sales of property that had sold for $130,000.00. Here's one, $~38;500.00. and
~t's a I,&O0 square foot rambler. Another one, $~32,000. It's a ~,500 square
foot rambler..
Orlin Schafer: With 600 square feet of basement finished so there's a few
thLngs that offset that value but that brings him within a reasonable value In
relationship to those.
Board of Review Meeting - May il, 1992
Mayor Chmiel: Is this, do you know whether or not this particular basement has
been finished or through the years with building permits?
Orlin Schafer: Well that's what we don't know. We haven't been able to get in.
would suspect some is because it's a split entry.
Ann Wyse: We've got 800 square feet listed but it's.
Orlin $chafer: That can be considered Irving area rather than basement finished
so we don't know how that split affects this house. That's why we like to get
in because sometimes somebody says it's a split entry and you envision something
totally different than what it really is. There again we tried to contact him
Councilman Mason: I don't think there are very many homes on Frontier that are
worth less than $120,000.00.
Orlln Schafer: From what we read out of our sales, you're correct. Anything
there will bring that. I mean that's what we've been able to show.
Mayor Chmtel: Okay. And discussion. Okay, let's move on to Gorrtll and
Councilman ~orkman: Purchase price, it's still less than the purchase price
Councilman Mason: Did he want it higher?
Mayor Chmiel: We'd like to appeal our property assessment feeling that the
property assessment is ~5~ higher...found that ours was the highest. Is that
pretty consistent with what he's say£ng as to what those others are?
Ann Wyse: Another appraiser went over the other homes with him and there were
differences. There were reasons why his was assessed more. Like.he has a
larger lot and it backs up to a park area. It's half an acre. $o it's larger
than most of those other parcels he was looking at. There were other
differences like he has a walk out basement. Another one didn't. There were
differences that were discussed.
Orlin Schafer: Repeatedly all those that he was indicating were lower than his,
there was something to make it lower in a reasonable mode.
Don Ashworth: But they probably weren't much. I meanl the other ones they
looked at were $~00,000. or $105,000. or something like that.
Orlin Schafer: Yeah, it's within a couple thousand dollars always and none of
them were $15,000.00 spreads. It wasn't that situation at all.
Ann Wyse: This subdivision was reviewed by Scott Winter last year. He went
door to door and he entered everything in our computer system. So it's pretty
equalized as an assessment right now.
Board of Review Meeting - Hay 11, 1992
Orlln Schafer: We did some adjusting on this neighborhood last year too. So
this k~nd of was an attempt to kind of fine tune that neighborhood.
Mayor Chmtel: Purhcase price of hoes, $113,000. and $110,000. Okay. Next one
is Hovanec, Jeffrey. Number 56 which is $232,000.00. ! see the recommendation
on this was to lower that. Reduce $44,000.00 to $222,800.
Steve Just: Reasonable sale price. Entering it into the computer and
equalizing it with the neighbors. The other two neighbors are at 9&2 and 972 of
their market value also at, one is for $23&,000. and the other one is for
$244,000. within the last couple years-. Like ! said, the level of assessment on
those are in the mid 90's also.
Mayor Chmiel: Square footage is pretty much the same?
Steve Just: Actually Mr. Hovanec ia a little bit larger than those. Sale
prices were similar.
Mayor Chmtel: But you're going with that recommendation to reduce that
Steve Just: Yeah. Apparently he talked to one of other appraisers and he had
in h~s mind that his value should be leu the 902 of the sale price or somewhere
in there and basically Just relied on the computer system. Zn this case coming
up with the %~ level of assessment, he felt that was fair.
Don Ashworth: So then why is he still on this list?
Mayor Chmiel: He didn't agree with it.
Steve Just: He wanted it lower.
Xayor Chmiel: He wanted it Lower. That's what It said. Any other discuselon?
Okay, Kubttz, Cecil and 3ans.
· .
Councilman Mason: We slued 57, Hultner.
Mayor Chmiel: Oh I did. Yeah, Charles Hultner.
Steve Just: This ia basically the same as the one before. Their level of
assessment appears to be reasonable and the owner would like it be lower yet but
we included it on the list for discussion. It's a 1,000 square foot, two
stories. I'm sure the. sale price in 1988 was a fair sale price. You probably
don't have the information. Me bought it for $123,900. in August of 1988.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay, he bought tt for $123,900.007 Okay. Kubltz. Cecil and
3ans. Saratoga. ""
Steve Just: Their value was also established tn 1991 so they're looking at
their tax statement. We dLscusud the problem they have with water Ln their
basement and basically lowering the entire structure value 102 which amounts to
about $9,000.00. They've got a rather large-house.' 1,368 square foot
foundation uith kind of a unique 5 level split. And the lo,est basement portion
Board of Review Meet£ng - May 11, 1992
is the one they had the water problem which amounts to about 520 square feet of
Mayor Chmiel: And is that what you took out of that?
Steve Just: We Just lowered the entire structure 1OX which basically amounted
to $9,000.00.
Orlin Schafer: But we did that prior to the assessment. I mean in the original
Mayor Chmiel: Right.
Steve Just: Right, so we're just proposing no change. We really don't know
what you would lower it if you were to give further consideration because their
water problem, we can see that they do have a sump pump that runs all the time
and some problems in that fifth level down there. I looked at some of the other
sales in the neighborhood and they range from $102,000. to $106,000. in 1989
through 1991. There's 3 of them on Saratoga. They're all smaller than the
subject and considering the subject's slze and three season porch, it would be
reasonable to think that had they not had a water problem, their sale price
'would be closer to the $109,000. that we originally calculated and then backed
off of from there. So I think we readjusted it by that unless you think that.
Orlin Schafer: I think one other thing that he didn't bring out that perhaps,
because he spoke that night I believe,
Mayor Chmlel: Yes, ! remember. Fires in the chimneys and a bunch of other
Orltn Schafer: Something that we might consider. The Board might instruct one
of the people from the city to look at this and see if in fact somebody did go
in there and grade down those diversion swales because they're in other
locations too in the community and they're there for a reason usually. It was
through the engineering on the city's part asking those people to build that to
direct that flow of the water. And maybe that's what happened. Maybe they
should be reinstalled and that can be done by the property owner. He could do
that with $200.00-$300.00 worth of dirt and get his purchase price back real
Councilman Workman: Maybe instruct staff to look at that or...
Mayor Chm£el: I think it would be proper because it's basically sometimes it is
and lsn't. ['ye had the same situation In the place of mtne where swales were
taken out because of construction that was done. And shou[d really have been
caught by the city or an official going tn there. But I'm not sure if that
l/ability comes back to us. Property owner should catch that as well.
Something that would have to be done with that swale and it'd be between the two
neighbors more so than anybody else. And if that's where the water's really
coming from. That's the other thing.
Oon ashworth: I live in that neighborhood and Mr. Kubitz has been in before. He
w111 forever believe that the grading out there was not correct but I mean it
Board of Review Heeting - Hay ZZ. 1992
does meet the specifications. There was over ground drainage that uae proposed
through that area and ! find It difficult to. believe that the drainage adjacent
to the property ts the real problem. There are ales a number of springs, in that
neighborhood and If they're In the unfortunate position of actually over the top
of one, I know the neighbor right across the street ended up literally taking
out his whole basement floor. ! don't know what he finally did with It but-It
was a rea! problem. ! find It very difficult to believe that any of the 5 story
homes In that neighborhood. I mean to the beet of my knowledge, they're
$120,000.-$130,000.-$140,000. Now some have vleme over the Western Hills Pond.
That type of thing and bigger and maybe add mere value, but at $100,O00.O0. for
that neighborhood ts very difficult for me-to believe.
Orlin Schafer: I.thlnk perhaps ~t-was an 111 conceived home for that spot.
Well conceived home but an ill chosen spot to build it because that'sub-basement
really ~s not the norm, You're getting something.well below grade and at that
point you'd better have a sump pump.
Hayor Chmlel: I fully understand that because,! have a neighbor of mine who
lives tn back of me and of course goes down hill and he ~as very upset over a
number of years because he continually had water In his basement and indicated
that my sump pulp was the one that was causing all the problems. ! don't have a
SUlp pump. SO Z finally Invited him Into-the house and Z-sa~d,-be my guest.
Look completely through. ! never had any problems after-that. That often times
la what happens.
Don Ashworth:. We can again look-at that..Haybe even come.up with some
suggestions. I know that we did with that other neighbor on how he could get
the water out of that lower area without a sump pump.
Hayor ChmIel: Okay, any discussion?
Councilman Hason: It's nice to have that input Don because It did seem like
they were tn kind of a tough spot. -But that's a point well taken about the
price of homes In that neighborhood. But It may be the city could take a look.
Hayor ChmIel: ...previous comment, Just leave it ae ~$.
Councilman Workman: You mean me?
Hayor ChmIel: Yeah.
Councilman Workman: What was my previous comment?
Nayor Chmiel: To have the city take a look at, staff.
Councilman Workman: I mean Just the drainage problem.
Hayor Chmlel: Being that we know what this Is, It's a little different
situation. Okay, let's move on to the next one. Hlles and Haxine Lord.
· ·
Steve Just: I ta[ked to PrLscIl[a Lord who...qulte a long discussion. Talking
about the market values on Chr/stmas Lake. They've got a 2,064 square foot
primary residence and a 776 square foot guest house on 100 feet of [akeshore on
Board of Review Meeting - May 11, 1992
Christmas. We don't have a lot of property on Christmas Lake in Carver County
but Hennepin County has Indicated that the sale ranges that they see is
$375,000. to $500,000. What 11tile sales information we do have indicates
probably well within reason or low on this particular property.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, the public access is really a deterrent from people buying
those properties often times? I know tt would be for me. I think it would
upset me to be right next door to that.
Oon Ashworth: If I may though Mayor. That is a lift station and is chained
off. The only ones, ! mean it's the city that's going in and out of that. The
neighborhood has asked, and this goes back many, many years. Asked for a key so
that they could take and get their boats out and put them in in the spring and
take them out in the fall. Mr. Lord has one of those keys and the neighbor
right across from him has one of those keys. [t is not a public access. It is
a problem for them because we've signed that roadway. [ mean at one time we
started at Peaceful Lane or whatever it is and we had that whole thing signed
and then we went 200 feet south, 200 feet north and finally we went all the way
down to Pleasant View with the signs. And to the best of my knowledge, the few
times that we have people who violate that, meaning park somewhere around
Pleasant View and go on down, we have the sheriff's Oepartment go in there and
get them out. Mr. Lord has been known over the years to make sure that he takes
thee out of there himself. He kind of enjoys doing that. But it is not a
public access.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay. Per se. Now would you care to finish what you were
saying. You had your discussion with Priscilla.
Steve Just: She basically was enlightened to the fact that market values on
Christmas were that high and ended the discussion saying that I'd bring it to
your attention but that she would look into getting a market analysis or some
type of an appraisal so they had a better indication of what the property like
that on the market was going. I really don't see a value to be hlgh in this
Mayor Chmiel: It'd be higher than what the estimated market value is now? Is
that what you're saying?
Steve Just: Yeah.
Councilman Workman: I've lived next to public accesses, although this isn't
one. I've been down there. I've been through it. I've been through it on the
lake in the wtnter. I don't know if the status has changed but it is a real btg
pain and it will surely decrease the value. If we're saying it already is
decreased somewhat because of that, we can't keep decreasing it every year. But
if that isn't already taken in, that is the biggest pain living near a spot
where people want into the lake.
Orlin Schafer: That's an extremely expensive area. 8are lots are like
$300,000. or more. So [ mean if you're looking at little or no building value,
you're still in the neighborhood.
Board of RevLew MeetLng - May 11, 1992
Steve 3ust: The only lots that we have was $2,000.00 a front foot which was
#Lthtn the last year. ! don't kno# how many lots are Left now. A couple..
Three. The Last one was purchased for pretty close to $2,000.00 a front foot
whLch Ls about what you see on the Lake HInnetonka also.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay, any other discussion on that? Next one-would be Robert C.
hnn Wyse: ! went out to that house. I thlnk he's mainly concerned, with the
property tax LeveL. His house La a 1,500 square foot nice ranch styled house.
Mas 1,190 square feet of basement finished.. I went. through the'house and.
verlfLed the measurements of the basement ftnLshed and our asseesment, dLdn't
even Include the basement finished at $103,800. I think It's a very reasonable
assessment. Low £f anythLng. But he Ls concerned about the tax.
Don ashworth: Do you know when thle one was last valued? When we established
the $90,000.007
ann Wyse: Thls area was gone through tn 1990 for the 1992 asee~ents.
Don ashworth: So you thLnk Lt was Looked at? I ~ouLd have guessed that.this
might have gone back to the
ann Wyse: Oh before that? Yeah, that would have.
Don ashworth: Last revtew tn, for many of the properties Ln that area, was In
the early to mid BO's.
Orltn Schafer: and that area ls kind of earmarked now for asees~ents this
year. Oh yeah, for 1992.
ann Wyse: He went through In 1990 so.
ResLdent: Let me LnterJect a questLon here. LomerLng the value. That w/LL not
change, will change the amount paid for 19927
OrLLn Schafer: WLLL not.
Resident: gL11 not. That's what I was going...
Nayor ChmLeL: any dLscuesIon? any questions? .Okay. Let's move on to Thomas
Steward. $129,000.00. Last year their pre~erty taxes tripled. $1,&82.00 to
$4,&7&.O~). From $104,0(0).00 to $19~),(1~)0.00. Increased another $18,0(0). to-
$208,000.00. :
Councilman Workman: It was $104,000.00 Last year?
Steve 3ust: It was done Ln 1990 for pay Ln 1991. Scott revLewed thLs Ln 1990
for the 1991 assessment. Pay"1992. ! ~ent'through SectLon 2 and looked at the,
whatever sales LnformatIon was avaLLabLe and try£ng to get aLL the properties In
Section 2 so that nothing had been left the same value aa 1991. 'The only
exceptLon Ls the agrLcuLturaL classified propertLes that we're going to be
taking a look at this year. Some of thee have green acres value so they're
Board of Review Meeting - May 110 1992
basically getting... It's not really a fair comparison to look at the green
acres to compare properties with residential. I'm sure there will be some
changes In the agricultural value as well but the green acre value I don't think
Is low...taxes are based on.
Don Ashworth: So that's what she was referring to here?
Steve Just: I talked to her for quite a while about it. She was looktreg at the
one that had an awful lot of lakeshore and it's a big house and I'm sure if they
were to sell it, it would sell for much more but they're getting green acres
deferments on it so that values would be based on a farmland type value rather
than a lakeshore. Eventually when they do sell it, they'll have a 3 year
payback on taxes.
Don Ashworth: But when she refers to the $~04,800.00, that was a prevtous value
by a previous owner who had it green acted and then she paid $275,000.00.
Steve Just: I don't know if she ever was green acres.
Orl[n Schuler: I don't think tt was green acres. I thlnk it was just an old
value that hadn't been addressed.
Councilman Mason: That's my in-laws old house and that wasn't green acres. It
hasn't been green acres for years.
Mayor Chmiel: A ~899 farmhouse basically.
Councilman Mason: It is 1899. It is not a farmhouse. It is a very nice, large
Steve Just: 2,000 square feet.
Councilman Mason: It's by no means a farmhouse.
councilman Workman: 2,000?
Steve Just: ~lmost. It's t,900.
Councilman Workman: That's not huge though. Gosh, ! 1lye in a manston.
Don Ashworth: When you say 2,000, that's Just the one floor?
Steve Just: Just the foundation. Part of tt ls two stories so their actual
living area would be much greater.
Orlin Schafer: Yeah, that's the base footage that we're talking about. If it's
two stories, double that.
Councilman Hason: There's a master bedroom and two bedrooms upstairs, a huge
living room, large family room and three more bedrooms or studtes on the ma[n
floor. I mean it's 7 acres of very nlce land.
Board of Review Meeting - Hay 11, IH92
Orltn Schafer: I think her thrust on this was that.because she spent some time
In our office prior to Board and her thrust on this was an equality of the
assessment and not her inability to understand.perhaps but.her choice not to
comprehend how green acres plays a part In this #hole thing. And so after
several hours with the lady, ~e started reviewing the sales of that property and
others and you'll note that tn 1990 they bought It for $27S,000.00 and ue have
It on now for $208,000.00 so I mean this is just a feeble attempt to. bring it up
without shocking somebody Into cardiac arrest.
Don Ashworth: They should have guessed when they paid $275,000.00 though that
their taxes would be high.
Mayor Chmlel: Okay, any other discussion? 135. Ben and Pat S~eneon.
Steve Just: ! talked to both Hr. and Hrs. Swenson for quite a uhl[e on the
phone about the value of $137,&00. that we have and verified that on the
computer as well as the hand calculatlon~ that Scott.did.back In 1HHO. They
were somewhat upset that there wae.a small shed Included on the parcel. We've
always measured every building whether It had value or e~nlmal value.or whatever
just because of matter of property records. I believe Scott had a $100.00
value on something that probably today we uould not add any value at all..This
wouldn't be worth the argument. That was something I think that Irritated them
eore than anything and ! don't knou that the total value of $137,&00., they
never really Indicated to me that they didn't think their house would sell for
that, He was just concerned about that shed. The other sales .In the area that
I could find were all $1&0,000. or above. These. particular properties had more
lakeshore but I would think the difference.£n Lakeshore would.also be,sade up In
the difference of the value. These particular properties'are valued much_higher
than the Swenson's. - .....
Mayor Chaiel: What happens if they come back In with the realtor's market
analysis and It would be lover than uhat's sho~n? .... ..
Orltn Schafer: at that point I'd ask thee to approach the County Board If they
get it In prior to 3une 22nd.
Mayor Chmtel: That was the 27th you said Orltn?
Orlin Schafer: 22nd.
Mayor Chmtel: 22nd. Okay. any other d/scussion? ~that would the 'tax be on
this one? $137,&00.007
Steve 3ust: He was actually looking at his tax statement this year. Z believe
the value was set in 1991 for pay In 1992. I don't knou If he made reference to
that in his letter.
Mayor Chmie[: $3,184.007
Steve 3ust: Yeah, It's what he's looking at there.
Oon Rshworth: This Isn't really a tax meeting.
Board of Review Meeting - May 11, 1992
Mayor Chmtel: No, but ! was just asking the question.
Don Rshworth: Right. But people like Pat and Ben, first of all they did goof
up from the standpoint that they didn't see when that value had changed from
literally a year ago so they should have been In a year ago protesting this
increase. And yes, with the 32~ increase tn assessment, you could see 100~ or
doubling In the tax portion. But the State formulas continue to reduce and
assuming that we all watch what the school, county and city levy for this next
year. People like Pat and Ben should see a decrease in their property taxes In
1993. I mean without changing the values. And their biggest problem is
[akeshore property. I mean It's a nice home. Wel! kept but It's not overly
large. What they're really paying for is that lake frontage.
Mayor Chmtel: If they come back with a market analysis, that's the place to
have it approached wtth the County Board. Okay. Then we have Helen Martmann
which is number 50. I did meet with this lady and I did drive out to her place
and I looked at it as well and there Is some problems. I think these people too
are sort of on a problem that exists with a few people within our community with
fixed incomes. Their's ls not a flxed income although he has a disability and
that's what they live on. Some of those things concern me. Recently we Just
adopted trying to keep our seniors in their homes. Being self sufficient. And
here again we come up with something that how do we really do this? You can't
do it. The legislature can do it.
Steve Just: They do a sizeable refund already fo~ the circuit breakers and
obviously their taxes w111 increase quite a bit with the change in value. This
w£ll help hopefully quite a bit more than with the circuit breaker relief.
That's basically what ! trled to explain to her and although I'd like to see
their taxes lower, I couldn't really look at the numbers are differently based
on the Information I gathered from Lotus Lake.
OrlIn Schafer: Those are the kinds of situations that when It becomes very
tough for us to make those decisions of market value.
Hayor Chmlel: No, I realize that.
Orlin Schafer: You can empathize with the people that are there but you still
have to keep the entlre district tn mind so.
Mayor Cbmtel: This one here I had a little concern with. I really do and I
know it's lake property as well. I don't know, did she get a, have someone come
in and review the property?
Steve Just: I was there and apparently she had a market analysts from a realtor
recently. [ talked to the realtor today before I left the office. He didn't
have the time or anything to look at the sales on Lotus Lake but did look at
some older properties with less, with quite narrow lots. 50 front feet or so.
Hartmann's have 45 on the lake. So he basically backed off of the values that
he was saying, 15~ to 20~. I don't know the exact figure but he was backing off
from h~s comparables because they were closer to Mtnnetonka. Or they were on
Lake Minnetonka. I don't know if that's reasonable or not but I was looking at
the actual sale prices that had occurred tn her neighborhood and on the lake for
older one story homes. Everything [ collected basically Indicated that you
Board of Review Heeting - Nay 11, 1992
could probably get $102,000.00 for the house. ! don't kno~ if that's. Z've got
sees exaeples if you're interested.
Hayer Chetel: Yeah, I would be.
Steve Just: On 669S Horseshoe Curve, which is Just z believe two doors do~n
from thee. It was built In 1954. Pretty such the sane age as their's. It's
1,020 square foot house. It's actually a story and a quarter.- They've got 3
bedrooms and the Harteann's have 3 bedrooms. One and a half baths. When the
house was purchased in 1988, it ~as in fair condition and they paid, tt was
august of 1988. They paid $127,000.00 two doors do~n. 6ranted It's probably a
Little blt bigger as far as square footage but talking 3 1/2 years ago at
$127,000.00. On Horseshoe Curve, 6640 with no lakeshore, bu/lt In 1961, 1,080
square foot one story. Pretty comparable to .the Harteann's who have 1,008
square feet. But this one has no lakeehore sold for $92,000~00 In ~arch of
~990. and ann was at that house and.pretty nuch verified that it was a pretty
basic raeble. It did not have any excessive updating or anything from-the date
that it was built In 1961. another one, from there I had to k~nd of go around
the lake and look for anything that looked a little older.-
· .
Hayer Chmlel: What was the other address on Horseshoe Curve that you said?
Steve Just: 6640. No lakeshore. 220 Froa~tler court has SO feet of lakeshore
so the size of the lake lot Is pretty :comparable. Th~s house-was 1,248 square
feet on slab. Seal1 single car attached garage. Sold'-for $97,500.00 back in
of 89. The house was in pretty rough .shape~ We revisited that a year ago. The
notes that ! read, the appraiser that was out there indicated that they have
paid a little too such at t97,500, but not a whole lot. The structure
pretty eintea! In that particular case. and then the last one I-found uss on
Chanhassen Road. 7S10. 49 feet of lakeshore which Is basically right on TH 101
there. Built in 1963. It,s 1,056 square feet. O~e.story: Fair condition.
Just sold in april of ~991 for $139,900.00. L~ke ! said, ! really-couldn't look
at the nuebers, at least from the computer and the other tnforeation ! gathered
any differently although ~ eepathize with her tax situation.
Hayer Cheiel: And they hadn't been re-evaluated for what, 10 years?
Steve Just: That's you know one of those situations where the values haven't
changed. In fact ! think their value had been reduced In the early.80's so it
probably sade It worse than some.of thee.
Hayer Chmiel: The on/y thing with this one is.
Steve Just: Z addressed the fact-that they've ~ot some concrete prob~ens. The
retaining walls is kind of a eess down by the lakeshore. ! knocked off 5X of
the earket on the building because It's easier to do a building and it st~ll
case in higher than $102,000. on the computer. Zt cane in at $104,000. giving
thee pretty such the benefit of the doubt on everyth£ng ! could.
Hayer Chmiel: Have we ever been known to freeze any kinds of segments in .-
situations as such here?
Board of Review Meeting - May [1, 1992
Don Rshworth: Not per se. I mean I know that the Board has acted on individual
parcels. [ think maybe from a year ago you sere aware of the...property and
felt that you suggested a certain value for that property. I don't think you
referred to it as freeze but I think you had knowledge as to that home. Barring
some change in State law, making a value simply on the basis that it should be
froze at that level would probably end up with the same type of situation as we
ran into with an overalt reduction of 1~. There's nothing under State law that
basically allows you to do that. In fact it says just the opposite. Basically
you can thro~ out anything that you do. So what you do should be based on your
specific knowledge of that property. I think in this particular case, does she
not qualify pretty extensively for the tax credit things?
Steve Just: Yeah, she indicated to me that she's been getting back a fair
amount. ! was helping her talk about the cost of the taxes and she pays out
about $60.00 a month or something currently. The increase obviously is going to
be much higher but assuming that she gets back more from the circuit breaker,
hopefully rather than doubling, it ~£ll be somewhat less. [ don't know other
than to say what's going to happen next year. You can hypothesis about it a lot
but obviously their taxes will go up quite a bit. ['m just hoping as their tax
relief and the circuit breaker will help them in this case.
Oon ashworth: [ would like to work with her if I could. I know you've met with
her. I had met with an elderly gentleman, it was right before the meettng and
he wanted me to check over his circuit breaker forms. I said I just don't have,
we're in the middle of this meeting. Can you come back and he did. ~nd his
taxes, I think he was into like a $2,500.00 area and the. relief there was about
$1,300.00 so It took btm back down to about $1,200.00 whlch was about where he
had been over a period of years. He was real happy with that so I don't know
how her situation is.
Mayor Chmtel: Maybe what we could do is have you do that and contact her and
discuss that as well and see what you can come up with.
Don Ashworth: Until I've really gone through those fores, and that was Just the
early part of this past week, I really didn't realize the full things that some
of these owners are eligible for. You start getting up into the upper income
portion, past $30,000.00 whatever, you start getting some reductions. If you
really are on fixed lncome, you can get a pretty good reduction.
Hayor Chmiel: I guess I look at this and I still come away with mixed emotions
on it. Knowing where they're at and with what they have and I was in the house
too. It's nothing exceptional by any stretch of the .imagination.
Councilman Mason: Perhaps after the coming State election in November, some of
our new legislators will be able to pass some sort of legislation about it.
Mayor Chmiel: Yes, we've already discussed that.
Councilman Mason: Rnd that's the frustrating thing about sitting on this Board
and ! thought your point was very wel! taken. You can do but you're still
obligated to make it fit with everything else around there.
Board of Review Meeting - Nay 1~, ~92
Steve Just: X've been trying giving the property the benefit of the doubt but
really, in this case ethically couldn't Justify-what I actually would adjust
if I were to lower it ac I thought I'd leave it up to you.
Mayor Chmlel: We appreciate it.
Steve Just: ...maybe I didn't account for the concrete enough or whatever.
Orlin Schafer: The thing, this is.not a normal situation. I know where Steve's
coming from. We have another Jurisdiction where the appraiser that was working
w£th this has had an appeal from a property o~ner $ years [na row. And after
so many reviews and so much. concentration on .the things Involved with that
property, he was no longer objective. And we discussed it long and hard and I
said, give me a range between two dollar-figures a~d we'll let the Board pick
wherever they want to be between those t~o numbers because tt was really .
disturbing the appraiser from the perspective of his objectivity and so'we Just
opted to get out of it. That's what the Board-did; They caZcuZated.out their
own way and we accepted whatever they did. And It's an ethical th/rig w/th us
from our perspective.
Mayor Chmiel: Try/ng to be cons/stent' w/th-/t as well.
Steve Just: Their home along that lakeshore probably would be the least
valuable because the other one that did sell for $127,000.00 in 1988, they've
since then they've improved It quite a blt 'and t think that property value Is at
least $20,000.00 more than the Hartmann's. But Ith[nk they are a unique hone
along that shoreline. Most of the other ones are higher;..
Mayor Chmiel: Basically a cottage before with nothing and they 5ust added on
that small piece to it and thatfs' lt. That's what they've got.
Steve Just: It's l,O00 square foot walkout ramble. Pretty basic.
Mayor Chmiel: Well maybe what we could do with this one La have Oon get In
contact with Helen and have some d/ecuseIons aa you mentioned for and if you are
[n agreement with that, we can do that.
Councilman Workman: Agreed.
Mayor Chm/el: Okay, next Item Is Larry 3. Anderson. Number 3. This is where
he was making a comparlson~
Ann Wyse= I met with Mr. Anderson and went through h~s property. Talked to him
for quite a while and I looked at our records on the other, the two houses that
he wae comparing his house to. ~he house r/ght next door really is the most
comparable because it's on a similar lot. Similar slzed.~ lot.-'
Hayor Chmtel: Which of those 3 Iota la the one? '
Ann Wyse: The one next door Is 40! Cimaaron and It's Lot 14. -It's assessed at
$105,900.00. It's 208 square feet smaller. That's basement and main floor so
It would aisc have less basement finished. [t has no 3 season porch which the
Anderson property has a very n/ce 3 season porch. It has 2 baths versus the 3
8card of Rev~e~ Meeting - May 1[, L992
baths that this subject has. I felt that lowering the Anderson's property to
$112,000.00 was a fa[r assessment [evel comparing to these other homes and the
other homes in the neighborhood.
Mayor Ohm[el= Thank you.
Orlin Schafer: ! had a chat with Larry on the phone and he acknowledged Ann's
review and the fact that the $7,300.00 reduction was proposed but he still felt
that there was a larger amount of depreciation should be awarded to his property
and the values should be lower than that. That's a fairly sizeable reduction.
Councilman Workman-' Is it reasonable though tn comparison to his neighbors?
Orl£n Schafer: Yeah It ks. We ran those numbers through the system computer
and then Ann reviewed it and it Is.
Councilman Workman: So hLs neighbors are too low?
Orlln Schafer: There's that element might be there.
Steve Just: The level of assessment Is probably the sase because he's got the
larger house and 3 seasons porch. So overal! ! think the level of assessment
probably [s fairly equalized. Hopefully.
Hayor Chmie[: How many square feet did you say his home was?
Ann Wyse: His house is [,584 square feet. It's quite large. [t's got the
basement fin/shed. 800 square feet of basement fin/shed. Fireplace downstairs
with a family room and a bedroom and a bath down there. Then 3 bedrooms and 2
baths upstairs. When he has replaced the carpet recently. As of 3anuary 2nd It
was the original carpeting but that's normal depreciation.
Mayor Cheiel: I think what was done w/th the recommendation to reduce it to the
$[[2,000.00, w£th [,584 square feet. Z guess [ don't see any additional
Don Ashworth: Hay I ask a question?
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah.
Don Ashworth: On a 3 season porch ltke that and I think it goes back to your
question or your response about viewing the whole property. I'm guessing that's
10-15-20,000 dollars ts the price range I generally have seen. But you must
then take some percent of that? I mean do you usual[y put on the full amount?
Steve 3us[: The contribution of a 3 season porch might only be half. They
might stick a $[0,000.00 porch on. 200 square feet, we add $30.00 a square foot
or $25.00 or whatever. Our values are half of what they actually had the
building permit or what they actually stuck into lt. But genera[Ir on a 3
season porch, you're not looking at any more than SZO.O0 to $30.00 a square
Board of Review Meeting - May Il, 1992
Don Ashworth: Then I think you said like Lot 14 was the most comparable with
the bathroom or whatever but the primary d~fference ~ouLd be this 3 season porch
so that's maybe where the half comes tn making that $7,000.00 more.
Steve Just: along with the size.
Mayor Chmtel: Okay. No change 1~ that. Rlrlght. ~nd, the last but not the
Least. Charles Wagner. That ~e just rece~ved~soeethtng on that. He has his
independent appraisal. They're sho~tng that at $~8,000.00 as opposed to.
Steve Just: $102,400.00.
Mayor Chmiel: I haven't even found it yet. You said there was Just a
comparable d~fference bet#sen those t~o and [t~s pretty close. 98 to 102. as
they show it.and...has the appralsa! as such. ..
OrlLn Schafer: Not know/ng the comps that he's using tn his appraisaL, ! think
we're wlthln shouting distance. You ~rou~dn't have to talk this too loudly to
reach it. [ guess there's a couple things that bother ee Just gazLng through
the comparable sheet on whatever page that's on. -Page 3 probably. There's a
couple of adjustments that should be addressed.and they're not. They ~outd.
affect the outcome. ! don't kflow ho~ great but for Instance a sits wlth-a view,
he's subtracting from Chaparral Lane $4,000.O0.wben they're sitting on a quarter
of an acre and the subject Is sitting on..?/lO of an acre. ! mean there's a
problem here. and the one on audubon Road,'he's taking off $4,000.00~--No~ that
might be the difference In the quality of the site but on the first cee; the
sLze would probably more than make up for the-quality. R t4,000.O0 item w~ll
put us back to $102,000.00. :-
Mayor Chm[eL: What was the square footage, on this one?
Orlin Schuler: 1,340 and the coep~ are, the first cosparable ts pretty uniform.
1,344. .Bedroom, bathroom relationship is the same. But the Zast tWOi~'~O~S are
quite small. Well not quite small but they-are smaller. 100 feet or more.
Oon ashworth: Mr. Mayor, ! find this quite ironic agutn. This.Is not a tax
meeting, but the difference in the value that ~e're talking about produces-a tax
difference of less than $50.00. He's had to have. spent $100.00 or $200.00 to
save $S0.00. I don't understand this so, '-
Councilman Workman: Settle the difference at $100,000.007
Mayor Chm~el: Round ~t with some of the things that Orlln picked out of there.
Give some, take some. Sounds good to me. Show It as $~00,000.00. Okay. That
wiZZ be. the Last one. ! need a eotlon on the f~rst port,on of the p~nk sheet
and then the second one.
Councilman ~orkman: ~'d like to move approval of everything as ~e had ~t except
for the last one at $100,000.00.
Mayor Chelel: Well I think if we Just kept these t~o separate. I think If ~e
were to adopt the property owners coming to agreement with the County Assessor
Board of Review Meeting - Hay il, 1992
aa one eot[on.
Councilman Workman: I so move.
Councilman Mason: Second.
Councilman #orkman moved, Councilman I~ason seconded to approve the following
list of property owrmrs coming to agreement with the County Assessor:
Ref. Agreed to
No. ~ pZN. ~
1. Adler, Leonard L.
2. Amlck, Robert
4. Anderson, Robert &Eliz
25-2300290 $202,400
25-2300030 $375,800
5. Baker, M£ke
6. Bardal, Curtis & Carol
7. Benz, 8erney
8. Bicek, Ouane L.
9. Bjorlin, Peter J.
10. Blom, Steve
8orns, Jeff
[2. Braden, 3ohn R. Jr.
[3. 8rill, Terry
14. Brokke, Bernice
[5. Buchanan, Stephen C.
16. Buehring, 3ames
25-8810600 $ 99,000
25-3320200 $229,700
25-5350070 $ 98,200
25-3250050 $108,000
25-160[[70 $ 68,300
25-3600010 $135,300
25-8400070 $[39,500
25-3900020 $ 96,900
25-2730320 $[25,800
25-0500200 $ 45,800
25-4200400 $162,600
25-3000200 $172,600
[8. Callaway, Mar[lyn
19. Carlson, Gary
20. Chandler, George/
21. Carlson, Robert F.
22. Carrtca, Joseph & Andrienne
23. Casey, Roger
24A Chanhassen Bou!
248 Chanhassen Bowl
25. Clasen, Herbert F.
26. Coffee, Charles
27. Colvin, Kyle
25-27000[0 $192,700
25-7700070 $175,500
25-8800160 $114,200
25-5080130 $[28,000
25-6100010 $192,600
25-1950020 $1,350,000
25-1950021 $137,600
25-0023700 $112,900
25-76[0090 $[40,000
25-0252000 $132,900
28. Oan[el, John T.
29. Beaver, David W.
30. OeSantis, Harry
32. OorwelZer, Albert
33. OuChene, James P. & Susan
34. Ourr, Ken
25-6170010 $ 25,800
25-6850010 $ 77,800
25-0270200 $ 88,800
25-[620200 $174,600
25-0051100 $201,700
25-0050400 $204,300
35. Epping, Joe & Paula
25-8610030 $I57,600
Board of Revieu Heeting - Hay 11, 1992
No. Name
38. Flaherty, Oennts & Toni
39. Foster, Hark
40. Fuhrmann, Charles
41. FundingsLand, Daniel
42. Galas, Pam/Roberts, Hike
43. GaLe, Oonald
44. Gavert, Richard
47. Hagman, Wayne
48. Hall, Heffrey & Cynthia
49. HALL, Ken
51. Hedtke, 3om!
S2. Hendrickson, JLa & Jan
53. Hobbs~ ~alter B.
54. Horn, CLark & Llnda
55. Horstman~ Robert
58. 3aeieson, Thomas & Dorothy
59. Jeurissen, Georgia
68. Johnson,.RLva
61. Johnson, Oana
62. Johnson, OonaLd H.
· . ,
63. Keller, Hark & Connie
64. KeLLy, Thomas F.
65. Kottke, Thomas
66. Kraus,-Earla
68. Kuder,.Hartln
69. Kurvers,.Helvin
70. Lang, Kenneth
71. Lantto, Todd H.
72. Llnder, gyck & Loraii
73. Loom, Jane H.
75. Luebke, Gerald & Rosemary
76. HaLoney, Richard & Olane
77. Hanteuffel, Betty
78. Harsh, Thomas L.
79. HcCary, El~ood
80. HcHugh, Timothy & Diane
81.. HcNet11, Shawn & Sandy
82. HeLby, John
83. tlerz, Toe
84. Xetro Lakes H~n~-Storage
85. Heuwtssen, Howard
86. Hldthun, SteYen
25 -01232.00
! . .:.
.'..'. -
· ~, ,
25 -389001.1.0
25 -8400040
25 -84O012O
~greed to
$ 88,000
$ ~8,&O0
$ 62,300
$ 92,200
$ 88,900
$ .97, SO0
· ,
$ 22,000
$1.28 ~500
$: 24,500
$' 91,200
$10!, 900
23 ' '
8oard of Review Heeting - May 11, 1992
No. Na~e.
87. Miller, Christopher
88. Hingo, RLchard T.
89. Natoli, Florence
90. Newhouse, Toe & Judy
91. Nichole, ~m. & Sherl
92. N/eland, Richard & Har£on
93. Nice[, Richard a Jane
94. Nord, Bruce A.
95. O'Neill, Diane
96. Olson, ~ndrew K.
97. Peka, Hichael
98. Peters, John
99. Peterson, Robert
[00. Peterson, Robert
101. Pfeffer, Herbert
[02. Powers, Richard
103. Randall, Thomas 5.
[04. Richmond, Rhonda & John
105. Robinett, Robert W.
[06. Rossing, Hargaret O.
107. Sathre, Robert
[08. Schmidt, NLke
109. Schmidt, Roger
110. Schmieg, OonaLd
[1[. Scholer, Robert
113. Schott, aendal
114. Schrempp, Teresa & Oanie!
115. Schroeder, Larry
116. Schroeder, Rlbert
[17. Schueren, Gladys
118. Schuette, Richard
119. $chuaacher, John
120. Schwartz, Michael
121. Scott, Judith
122. Segner, 3ohn
[23. Shorba, George & Margaret
124. Shorba, George P.
125. Sa[th, OonaLd T.
126. Spltethoff, Id~. & Margar~e
[27. Spohr, C~lfford & O~rcee
128. Stedman, Oen~s
[30. Stockdale, Oared
131. Sulerud, James
Rgreed to
$ 85,600
$ 75,000
$ 6,000
$ 8,000
$ 7,000
$ 7,000
$ 10,000
$ 24,800
$ &9,700
$ 29,700
$ 84,400
$ 14,800
$ 95,000
Board of Review Heetlng - Hay 11, 1992
Np~ Nam~
Agreed to
132. Sullivan, Roee
133. Swanson, Bruce & Tauna
134. $~edberg, Elnar
L36. ThLelges, Robert & Tere~e
137. Thtee& Tall,/
Heritage Park Apts.
138. Thles & Tel/e/
Hedical Arts Blvd.
135. Trltz, Kevln & S.
25-0600190 $104,900
25-2550040 $112,300
25-18OO33O $109,500
: .
25-8210150 $t20,500
25-31504)10 $2,050.0(0)
25-0121900 $1,450,000
25-8060150 $ 65,000
141. Wildermuth, 31m
142. Wink, l, Conrad
143. Wraee, Henry
25-2304)120 $173,800
25-~10(00 $117,300
25-01602(X) $164,900
144. Zakarlasen, Louis & GLadye
145. Zamjahn., Louise et.al.
25-0080700 $ 95,000
25-035~T000 $. 2,~0O
ifil vot(~l in favor and the motion carrY.
Hayor Ch, ici: The second Is the property o~ners that have not come to agreement
with the Assessor and request 8oard con, id,ration. ALL except for the-Last,
Charles Wagner from $102,000. to $100,000 with ackfItIonal discussion with Helen
Hartaann to make so~e difference but that will be determ£ned by lion,
Councilman Workman: So moved.
Councilman Haeon: He so moved and I'll ~econd it.
Councilman Worlman moved, Council"on tlason seconded to approve the following
list of prol~erty o~ners who have not come to agreement with the C~unty ~
and requesting Board ~deration ,lth direction to the City Hanager to. contact
Helen Hart&ann regarding information on tax relief available and ad~usting the
amount for Charles Wagner as shmm below:
Ref. i~greed to
No. Name PZN Y..qtJ,U.I~
17. Butch, t, Don
25-0250700 $ 84,700
31. OingeL, James & Janet
25-12200/0 $[13,100
36. Fink, Steve
37. Finley, Robert & Oebra
25-0030500 $123,100
25-/220O30 $108,700
45. 6oetze, Donald
46. GorrILL, Oeb/Oegner, Terr7
25-01240(X) $123,100
25-2730570 $110,500
56. Hovanec, 3effrey 3.
57. Hultner, Charles
25-2540020 $232,000
25-6150190 $114,600
Board of Review Heet£ng - Hay 11, 1992
No. Name
67. Kubltz, Cectl& Jane
Agreed to
v_aJ. ue _
74. Lord, H/Les & HaxLne
25-26001L0 $293,500
112. Scholer, Robert & C.
L29. Steward, Thomas & C.
135. Swenson, Ben & Pat
25-8210170 $103,800
25-0022800 $208,800
25-0240300 $137,600
SO. Hartmann, HeLen
3. Rnderson, Larry 3.
[40. Wagner, CharLes
25-&300230 $102,500
25-8810220 $112,000
25-0270300 $100,0(0)
voted Ln favor and the motion carried.
Councilman Naeon moved, Councilman IJorkman seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried. The moetLng ~as adjourned at 8:30 p.m..
Submitted by Don Rshworth
CLty Hanager
Prepared by Nann Opheim