A. Update on 2007 Sheriff's Dept Work Plan A - OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF Chanhassen Station Work Plan 2007 City Of Chanhassen ~. Introduction The Work Plan is designed as a guide for the delivery of law enforcement services and coordination with city resources. The work plan allows for input from the City and Sheriff's Office to develop a list of goals, objectives, work direction and/or focus areas. The Work Plan is not meant to be all inclusive of the law enforcement mission in Chanhassen, but instead, helps identify specific work direction, concerns, priorities, or areas of interest brought forth by City and Sheriff's Office officials and personnel. The Work Plan has been divided into four main categories: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Goals, objectives, work direction, focus areas related to administration of the police contract and the work conducted by the Contract Supervisor. LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS Goals, objectives, work direction, focus areas related to the work conducted by the Contract Deputies and other law enforcement services provided by the Sheriff's Office. CRIME PREVENTION I PUBLIC SAFETY EDUCATION Goals, objectives, work direction, focus areas related to the coordination of work between the City Crime Prevention/Public Safety Education Specialist and the Sheriff's Office. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT I PARTICIPATION Goals, objectives, work direction, focus areas related to citizen involvement in law enforcement and crime prevention issues and the Sheriff's Office involvement in the community. 1 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Law Enforcement RecordslReports The Contract Supervisor will work with the Sheriff's Records Division to develop reports for the City Council that outlines all of the felony and gross misdemeanor arrests that are made in the city. The Contract Supervisor will include that information in the monthly reports that are made to the City Council. The Contract Supervisor and the Crime Prevention Specialist will continue to work with the Sheriff's Records Division to develop reports for use in crime prevention programs, deputy and community service officer updates, Project LeadFoot, etc. The Contract Supervisor will continue to work on getting accurate and complete information needed and requested by the City Manager, City Council, and Crime Prevention Specialist. We have worked closely with Beth to get her the information that she needs for crime prevention. We have tried to keep the City Council updated on trends in the city at Council meetings and through the City Manager. We read each and eve/}' report that is generated by deputies in the city of Chanhassen. We let the City Manager know about reports that are serious or potentially controversial. We have put out updates to deputies and CSO's about areas where extra patrol is needed because of activity or problems. We go over the Monthly reports that are generated by the Sheriff's Office for the city. Deputy Accountability The Contract Supervisor will continue to have a direct role in supervision over the deputies that are assigned to the City of Chanhassen. The Contract Supervisor will continue to meet with the City Manager to discuss law enforcement issues pertaining to the city. I have daily contact with the deputies that work in the city. I have direct supervision with five of them and indirect supervision of the other seven. I do give work direction to all twelve of the deputies that work in the city. LAW ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONS Business Contacts The Contract Supervisor will establish a program in which deputies are assigned to make routine businesses contacts in Chanhassen. The program will be coordinated by a Corporal who will coordinate with the Crime Prevention Specialist to determine areas/issues of concern. The Corporal will have the 2 authority to assign deputies on all shifts to make contact with specific businesses, and these contacts will be documented. A program was developed and is currently being run by Cpl. Jason Breunig. The City was divided up into 6 sections and a list of all businesses from those sections was assigned out to individual deputies. The goal is to contact every business twice in a calendar year. Deputies conducted business contacts in their assigned district in the first three months of the year. The Deputies have currently started their second round of contacts. During these contacts the deputies get to know the individuals working there and are also updating the business key holder list. Project LeadFoot Project Leadfoot is a community approach to calming speed and traffic safety on neighborhood streets. Traffic complaints are a community problem and it needs a community approach. We have a number of options with Project Leadfoot and can design a program for that neighborhood based on what their issues are. Those options can include educational strategies such as neighborhood flyers, the new speed trailer, different signage, and education for the complainant. Traffic details and increased enforcement are also components that can be included. We have a hand held radar unit that we can allow citizens to check out. This allows them to monitor the traffic themselves and if they do see a violation provide law enforcement with a license plate number. We can then send the registered owner a letter advising them of the problems in the neighborhood. The Contract Supervisor and Crime Prevention Specialist will continue to promote Project Leadfoot through the newspaper, neighborhood watch meetings, traffic safety education position, patrol deputies, and at City Council meetings. Project Leadfoot is a valuable education tool. The Contract Supervisor and Crime Prevention Specialist will direct the CSQ'S on placement of the new speed trailer. An annual program review will be conducted with the goal of updating and improving program components where necessary. Project Leadfoot has not been used as much as I would like this year. It is a good idea and we have presented different components of it to city residents. Community involvement is key in Project Leadfoot. I have introduced it several neighborhoods recently and currently have one neighborhood interested in participating. Traffic Enforcement/Education Traffic issues continue to be a major concern for residents of Chanhassen. The deputies have focused on traffic for the past year, and will continue to focus on traffic education and enforcement. We will also look at ways to not only educate individual drivers, but also the residents at large about traffic laws and problem areas. The Contract Supervisor will continue to talk about problem traffic areas at council meetings 3 and in the paper. The Contract Supervisor along with the Crime Prevention Specialist will monitor and direct deputies to areas where they are seeing problems. We will continue to have a traffic education/enforcement deputy in the city. This deputy will take direction from the Contract Supervisor. The duties will be traffic related and will include traffic complaints and traffic accidents. The hours and days will be variable depending on complaints and events and will be approved by the Contract Supervisor. This deputy will be proactive as well as reactive to problems and complaints that come in regarding traffic issues. This deputy will work with the Contract Supervisor and Crime Prevention Specialist to try to creatively come up with solutions to problems with an emphasis on prevention and education. The Contract Supervisor along with city staff will review empirical data regarding the 2007 traffic education/enforcement efforts with the new traffic car position. Two projects related to traffic education and enforcement were implemented in 2007. Project Prop Squad was introduced and deployed in January of 2007 and Operation SLOW DOWN was deployed in August of 2007. The Prop Squad is a squad car with a mannequin in it that is placed throughout the city at different times to deter criminal behavior when people see a squad car. The second, Operation SLOW DOWN is a warning place under a speed limit sign that reads RADAR PROJECT AREA. The area where the signs are located is then targeted every day by the assigned traffic car and other deputies. A new area will be established every couple of months on input from citizens, city officials, and other deputies. Parks As time and staffing allow deputies along with CSO's will patrol city parks to help to ensure the safety of park users and deter problems. Deputies will also do periodic foot patrol as time permits in city parks looking for underage drinking, curfew, and other offenses. The deputies countinue to monitor the parks on their routine patrol. lakes The Sheriff's Office will continue enforcement and education in regards to boat safety on the area lakes. The Sheriff's Office water patrol countinues to patrol the lakes in the City of Chanhassen. Juvenile Violations 4 The Contract Supervisor will coordinate enforcement strategy for the curfew ordinance in an effort to combat crimes often associated with juveniles. The curfew ordinance was published in the Chanhassen Villager and also the Connection to educate juveniles and parents of the curfew ordinance. Gang Activity Gang activity is a recognized concern for our communities. It is important to recognize this issue and develop strategies and programs to respond to any potential concerns. In conjunction with other County and State resources deputies will continue to track and identify gang members in the City of Chanhassen. Gang graffiti will be documented, photographed, and cleaned off as soon as possible and feasible as per city ordinance. There has been very few reports of gang activity or graffiti in the city. Emergency Preparedness The City Emergency Operations Plan is based on The Emergency Operations Plan for the County. This is very beneficial from a coordination and communication standpoint. This plan has been used frequently at different situations in the City as well as the County and has been successful each time it has been used. If the city activates their Emergency Operations Center the Contract Supervisor will be notified so that they can help coordinate City, County and Fire Personnel. The Contract Supervisor as well as other County Personnel will coordinate and disseminate information, meet with the City of Chanhassen's Emergency Manager and City Manager on a regular basis. The plan is in place and at this time has not been used this year. CRIME PREVENTION I PUBLIC SAFETY EDUCATION Rental Housing - Conduct on Premise The Contract Supervisor will work with the Crime Prevention Specialist and other city staff with enforcement of the Rental Housing Code. Crime Prevention Programs The Contract Supervisor will work with the Crime Prevention Specialist in developing new crime prevention programs. The Contract Supervisor along with the Crime 5 Prevention Specialist will continue to do a monthly newspaper column in the local newspaper. The Contract Supervisor will continue to assist the Crime Prevention Specialist with different events. These events include neighborhood watch meetings, Safety Camp, Senior Safety Seminar, and other programs that are organized. City Council Meetings The contract supervisor will continue to attend City Council meetings on a monthly basis. The Contract Supervisor will update the Council and citizens about public safety issues in the city. The contract supervisor will introduce the contract deputies at various City Council meetings. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT I PARTICIPATION Community Events The Sheriff's Office and City will discuss and make recommendations reference sponsoring community events, or participating in current community events, utilizing informational booths and presentations to educate the public on current public safety issues, crime prevention, and/or the role of the Sheriff's Office in the community. The Sheriff's Office and Crime Prevention Specialist also encourage and welcome Council members' participation in these events. Some of the events that the Sheriff's Office will participate in are National Night Out, Safety Camp, and the Fire Department Open House. Public Relations Corporal The Contract Supervisor will establish a position that will be responsible for the management and staffing of public relations requests. This position will be occupied by a Corporal and will be the contact person for any requests for public relations events. The Corporal will have the authority to assign staff to these requests based upon staffing levels and areas of expertise. These events will be documented. Cpl. Erik Kittelson has been assigned the Public Relations Corporal. Cpl. Kittelson is responsible for management and staffing of public relations requests. I have attached a list of events that the Sheriff's Office participated in throughout the year. 2007 Areas of Concentration 6 The City of Chanhassen has had 10,692 calls for service from January 1st 2006 through the end of September 2006. This compares to 11,755 calls for the same time period in 2005. There were 1018 criminal calls for service during the same time period this year compared to 883 last year. The biggest increase in criminal calls consisted of reports of theft and property damage. At the end of September 2005 there were 205 reports of theft. In 2006 at the end of September we had 280 reported thefts. At the end of September 2005 we had 173 reports of property damage. At the same time this year we had 182 reports of property damage. Our goal in Chanhassen is the prevention of these and other crimes through education, community involvement and enforcement; and by pro-actively investigating crimes and finding those responsible. As the supervising Sgt I also want to see my staff grow and develop in their careers. I plan on providing specific areas of responsibility to deputies to allow them to make the most of their careers, to learn additional areas of the profession, and to utilize their strengths to better serve the citizens of Chanhassen. Goals: -Strengthen relationship with the Chanhassen business community by providing face to face business contacts with store management and employees. -The occasional utilization of unmarked patrol vehicles to patrol residential and business neighborhoods, to allow for an increased chance of catching potential criminal violations in the act. -To proactively prevent and enforce curfew violations through foot patrol of problem areas, by informing the public of the ordinance through media outlets, and by enforcing violations we encounter. -To begin looking at dividing the City into districts (e.g. North and South) to provide for specific areas of patrol responsibility for deputies during a shift. -To utilize the Corporal position for business contacts and public relations events coordination. Vision 2008 Chanhassen is experiencing exciting and growing times. The construction of Hwy 212 is moving along ahead of schedule, and many residential and commercial developments are planned for the City. Hwy 212 Construction 2007 2008 2009 Powers Blvd. Project complete 2010 7 Residential Building Permits 120 175 225 250 Commercial Growth 250,000 sq ft. 250,000 sq ft. 250,000 sq ft. 250,000 sq ft. Population 25,800 27,500 New High School Open Fall of 2009 Totals: 770 additional building permits by 2010 1,000,000 square feet of additional commerciallindustrial growth by 2010 Hwy 212 completed in just over 1 year A population increase of 1050 per year (U.S. Census Bureau) I would recommend for 2008 that Chanhassen contract for an investigator from the Sheriff's Office. This position would be based out of city hall and would be supervised by the Contract Supervisor. The Contract Supervisor would assign the contract investigator cases which would include theft from vehicles, vandalisms, minor assaults and other cases as needed. The county-wide investigator would continue to concentrate on the larger felony type of cases. The Sheriff's Office and city staff will continue to monitor case loads and will evaluate staffing options for the 2008 police contract. I would also recommend that in 2009 an additional patrol deputy position be added, and that the discussion/approval for this position begin in December 2008. After hiring This will allow for an additional "power" shift to be assigned to work Team 1 which works Sunday-Tuesday and every other Saturday. The current "power" shift is not assigned to a specific team and works Wednesday-Saturday. I propose to alter the schedule and assign the two "power" shifts to teams so each team would have an additional deputy; 1 corporal and three patrol deputies every night. This will allow for increased directed patrol to address safety issues on a proactive basis. 8 PATROL DIVISION CHANHASSEN STATION Memo To: Mayor City Council From: Sergeant Peter Anderley Date: Re: 09/5/2007 Citation report In reviewing the citation numbers I wanted to address the differences from 2006 to 2007. From 1/1/2006 to 07/31/2006 there were a total of 2249 citations issued. From 1/1/2007 to 7/31/2007 there were a total of 1700 citations issued. The large differences were in number of winter parking citations and the traffic/education deputy citations. Winter Parking Citations were 478 in 2006 and 228 in 2007. The traffic/education deputy wrote 733 citations in 2006 and 344 in 2007. In 2007 the traffic/education deputy developed and deployed two education projects resulting in less time writing citations. This also is in line with the 2007 work plan educating the public about the traffic concerns. . Page 1 Memo PATROL SERVICES DIVISION To: Sgt. Anderley From: Cpl. Kittelson@ Date: 08/12107 Re: Public Relations Update The following is a list of public relations events that the Sheriffs Office deputies assigned to Chanhassen have participated in thus far this year: 01123/07 02/06/07 06/04/07 06/07/07 06/21/07 07/02/07 07/09/07 07/30/07 08/09/07 08/16/07 Page 1 Chapel Hill Silent Auction-We donated a ride to and from school in a squad car. IWCO-Emergency Preparedness/Incident Call Response (active shooter discussion). Camp Tanadoona-Lecture camp counselors regarding local laws and regulations. Hew Horizon Academy-Speak to children regarding stranger danger, bike safety, etc... Americanna Bank-Emergency call response, robbery protocol, employee response. Arlington Court-Neighborhood Watch Group meeting/start up. West Farm Road-Neighborhood meeting regarding emergency call response. Goddard School-Speak to children regarding safety, security, drug prevention. Regina Lane-Neighborhood Watch Group-Deputy appearance/questions. Caring Tree (Market Square)-Appearance to raise money for disadvantage youth (school supplies).