1990 11 05CHANHASSEN CZTY COUNCIL REGULAR HEETING NOVEHBER 5, 1~90 Mayor ChmieL called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. The meeting was opened with the PLedge to the FLag. COUNCILHEHBERS PRESENT: Hayor Chmiel, Councilman Workman, Counciluoman.Dimler and Counc£1man Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Don Ashworth, ELliott Knetsch, Todd Gerhardt, Paul Krauss, Gary Warren, Todd Hoffman, and Scott Hark APPROUAL OF AGENDA: Councilman Johnson moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to approve the agenda with the following additions: CounciLwoman DimLer wanted to discuss West 78th Street under Council Presentations and Don Ashworth wanted to discuss the bond sale results under Adminstrat£ve Presentations. The Council asked for Legal counsel regarding replacing Bill Boyt's position on the City Council with a newly elected Councilmen. Elliott Knetsch: Well you'd actuaLLy be appointing him for the unexpired term of BiLL's term and then they would take office pursuant to their election so you could do that if you wanted to make that appointment. CounciLman Johnson: What type of vote does it take? 3/5 or 4/5? Elliott Knetsch= I'm not sure if it's an extraordinary vote or not. I could refer to Code if you want me to. Hayor Chmiel: [ don't think it is. You can check that out but [ don't think there really is. [ think it's a regular 3/5. Do you have any problems with that Jay? Councilman Johnson: Well, the main issue going on right noa is the budget which whoever it is mill not be familiar with the intricacies that we've been familiar u/th going through the 4 or 5 aork sessions we have and so there'd be a problem there. With all other issues, it'd Just give them some good learning experience before January. Hayor Chmiel: That's my point Because this will give them at Least a few council meetings running to get into what we're doing. Councilman Johnson: Yeah. There's only 2 meetings and just ltke when you all got elected, you all came and got full packets [ believe for the 2 meetings before and came and sat in the audience and ! did the same thing when ! got elected 4 years ago and i'm sure ahoever gets elected is going to do the same thing. But [ have no problem with doing that. ! think going with the one that gets the top votes makes sense. [ don't think it makes a Lot of difference either amy. Councilman Workman: That person may not want. City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 Councilman Johnson: It's up to them too. Mayor Chmiel: It'd be a good learnlng experience. Councilwoman Dlmler: That's why I thought we should dlscuss lt. You know it depends upon whether they want to or not. Councilman Johnson: Well, we can't draft them. Councilwoman 01mler: Thelr term doesn't really start until the first of the year. Councilman Johnson: Rlght, but if they'd 11ke to, we can offer that to them. Councilwoman Oimler: Right. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: PRESENTATION OF MAPLE LEAF AWARD TO CLIFFORD WHIT£HILL. Mr. Whitehill did not show up at the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Dimler moved, Councilman Workman seconded to approve the following Consent Agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Second and Final Readlng of an Ordinance Amendlng Section 20-409, General Development Regulations, Wetland Ordinance. b. Second and Flnal Readlng of an Ordinance Amendlng Chapter 14, Regarding Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor within City Parks. c. Resolution ~90-140~ Approve Contract Amendment No. 2 for North Side Parking Lot Improvement Project 87-17. d. Resolution ~0-&41: Accept Streets and Utilities in Trappers Pass 3rd Addition, Project 89-13. e. Resolution ~0-142: Accept Street Improvements for Wood Duck Lane cul-de-sac, Pheasant Hllls 4th Addition, Project 87-8. f. Resolution ~0-143: Approve Contract Amendment No. 1 for Well No. 5, Project 89-4A. g. Approval of Accounts. h. City Council Minutes dated October 22, 1990 Plannlng Commission Minutes dated October 17, 1990 Public Safety Commission Minutes dated October 11, 1990 i. Resolution #90-144: Approve Joint Assessment Contract with Carver County for 1991/92. City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 j. Sale of Property, Redmond Products. voted tn favor and the notion carried unanimously. VISITOR PRESENTaTiONS: None. VACATION OF R PORTION OF STRI~I~T R~GHT-OF-#R¥ OF FOREST ~UENUE RNO ORIOLE L~HIE, APPLICANTS: ZIEGLER, REED. SCHTFERLI AND rd)MEN. Paul Krauss: Mr. Mayor, this ~as on your agenda at the last meeting and if you'll recall there was some confusion that cropped up with different property owners having different points of view over what should be vacated and what they'd like to see. You continued action on this at the last meeting. Staff had an opportunity to meet with several of the applicants requesting the vacation, ge also had meetings in-house deciding what we thought was the right recommendation for you and we think we got it worked out. It's a little confusing but let me go over what we're coming down with. The original proposal was to vacate Forest and Oriole. There was mention made at the meeting that there's some utilities in Oriole. That's correct. There are. There's a storm sewer that outlets into the future park and goes all the way down. As we were researching this too, we realized that Oriole was needed to provide access to this parcel that's owned by Ziegler and in addition, there's a long term goal for the park to have a trail connection from the east coming down Oriole into the park where it goes through the wetland in some sort of a floating bridge type of arrangement. Come back out through the new park entrance. Based upon all those discussions, we concluded that Oriole should not be vacated, ghat we're proposing is that Forest Avenue be vacated as illustrated. In exchange for the vacation the Schiferli's have agreed to provide the City with a 40 foot access into the future park. Basically swapping a little bit of the land for the vacation. ~hat the proposal calls for ts that there would be sufficient right-of-way provided to provide for a cul-de-sac tf one is needed at some point in the future but there's no desire at this point in time to build the street to full city standards, ghat we envision having happen is a gravel or lower quality access road into the park being constructed there. If development requires it at some point in the future, that street could be installed upon petition by the neighbors. ~e are recommending that Forest Avenue be vacated as ~llustrated with the conditions in the report. Mayor Chm[el: Thank you Paul. Is there anyone else wanting to address this? Please state your name and your address. Dale Hanson: Yes, my name is Dale Hanson and I recently Kelly Ziegler. ge live on the corner of 64th Street and Oriole Avenue. I guess the one question we had is, there is that bike path, whatever that is, supposed to be proposed on Oriole Avenue. Is that correct? That is what we had heard it was supposed to start in 1991 which is next summer. The construction of that path is going to start. gell one thing we're not concerned about but what we want to know is how is it going to be controlled? If it's like an 8 foot wide bike path, how are they going to control vehicles from going in there because some of that is lowland back there on the property and if it's not controlled, vehicles could rip up our, if they decide to swing around down there on our land, they could rip some of that up. City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 Paul Krauss: Well our Parks Director is here tonight but normally what ue do is we sink bollards, posts in so vehlcles can't get by but pedestrians and bicycles can. Dale Hanson: If that is a trall golng ln, that wlll be part of lt? Paul Krauss: I don't know. Todd, do have the design of that in hand yet? Or u111 that u111 be a detailed design next year? Todd Hoffman: Yeah. The portion of the trail along Oriole...taken a look at but...lnstalled in the center of the trall and...on elther slde or installation of bollards and rocks prohibiting... Dale Hanson: Is that a proposal now or when you know, what kind of timeframe has anybody set for putting a path in there? I mean ls lggl an actual date where they're golng to start looklng at that? Paul Krauss: Again, I'd defer to Hr. Hoffman. The schedule for the park calls for it's construction next year. Todd Hoffman: The inittal phase of the park construction within the park ltself. Whether or not that trail segment is part of that lnltlal phase construction ls still yet to be determined. Dale Hanson: Okay. That was a concern we had. When that bike path is there that there is some kind of restriction so trucks and cars can't get back there. Mayor Chmiel: I agree with that Dale because I've had other complaints in town and we have installed those speclfic items now and it has eliminated that gtven problem. But that's a good polnt and I'm glad you brought that up. Councilman 5ohnson: We use almost the same system that Hennepin Parks uses. It's basically half a gate that covers half the tra11. We've got one in several different of our parks. Gary Warren: Near Mountain. Councilman Johnson: Near Mountain, yeah. Mayor Chmlel: Gary, would you just like to address thls? Gary Warren: I was just going to say what Jay is saying. We install half a gate so that publlc works can access thls area if we have an emergency. You can see this in Lake Ann Park we have them. Near Mountain between Pleasant View Road and Near Mountaln Blvd. or whatever the road ls there and a15o up near our Murray Hill water tower we have a gate of that nature and it's worked very well. Mayor Chmiel: Thank you. Anyone else? If not, any discussion by Councll? Councilman Johnson: Staff's done a good job of bringing this in and meeting the citizen's concerns. Looks good. Mayor Chmiel: Yes. No concerns, can I have a motion? City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 Councilwoman Dimler: I move that we close the public hearing. Councilman Workman: Second. Hayor Chmiel: It's not a hearing. Councilwoman Oimler: Yeah, it's the continuation. I made the motion last time to table and you told me we had to contlnue the publlc hearlng. Counciluoman Dlmler moved, Councilman #orkman seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The publtc hearing Nas closed. Resolution ~90-145: Councilman 3ohnson moved, CouncilNoman Dimler seconded to approve the Vacation Request ~88-4 for Forest Avenue Ntth the following conditions: 1. A 40 foot easement shall be provided across the westerly lot line of the Schiferli's property to provide access for the Herman Field Park. 2. The Oriole Lane right-of-way shall be maintained in it's current status to protect existing storm sewer improvements and to provide future trail access to Herman Field. 3. Those portions of a GO foot radius outside Forest Avenue right-of-way shall be dedicated as easement across the Schiferli property for a turnaround. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Chmiel: Next 1rem on the agenda ts Council Presentations. I think I've probably already have stated my case with the largest vote getter. Ursula? Councilwoman Dlmler: We don't move on that one tontght though huh? Mayor Chmiel: Well, I suppose. Councilman Johnson: There's nothlng to move on unt11 we ask them. Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, we probably should ftnd out whether or not they should or if they want to. I'd like to get their oplnion as well. Councilman Johnson: Dick Wing might have a problem with his fire department scheduling if he happens to be the largest vote getter. Mayor Chmiel: I don't think that's a problem Jay only because he's going to be available for Honday night meetings all the time. Councilman Johnson: But he hasn't figured out how he's going to do it. Whether he's quitting the fire department or what. I was discussing that with I believe him. City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 Councilman Workman: He better qult the fire department because Z used that excuse for not joining. Councilman Johnson: I used that one too. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, West 78th. Councilwoman Dimler: I wanted to bring up West ?8th Street again because I continue to get calls and I'm sure the rest of you have too. I thlnk we should start seriously looking at making some corrections. It's nlce to talk about it and klck it about forever but we've got to do something at some point. Again, the narrowness of the street seems to be a problem. The intersection for people's guests. They don't know which road to take as they're going east. So we've got to straighten that out at some polnt. Also the medlan and the vegetation there continues to be a problem. I did notice that they were working on it thls week. What was being done there? Gary Warren: Schafer's been around town making warranty repairs to several of the concrete portlons of the Clty's sidewalks and curbs and such that have settled and cracked. Specifically on West ?8th Street by 6rear Plains we had a sewer trench settlement that because of the difficulty of all of the utilities in that area, we couldn't just dig it up and recompact it because we'd still have the same problem so we declded to let that area to contlnue to settle over the last 2 years and we've been fllllng it gradually. Now through our measurements we've confirmed that lt's done settllng so Schafer has pulled out the curblng, replaced it to grade and they've milled off bituminous and put on a new wear course so that's warranty repalr and I belleve they flnlshed that today. Councilwoman Dimler: Yeah, it looked like it. Z don't know what we proposed to do about it but we're going through a budget process. Do we need to budget something for corrections? Councilman Johnson: I would think that would be mostly HRA. Don Ashworth: Well I belleve that you have it scheduled for what, the next agenda? Gary Warren: We dld employ, Stregar is working on a report for us where they evaluated the downtown sectlon as far as traffic capacity, signalization or trafflc control measures. We've had some preliminary lnput from them but they're working on ~ report that we're supposed to receive Friday and we intend to brlng that to the Councll for a look see at what they're recommending. That addresses West 78th Street pretty much from Great Plains all the way over to CR 17. Councilwoman Dimler: Whlch ls the segment that most people are complaining about. Councilman Johnson: Where are we at for the stop signs for Laredo? As long as we're talking about West ?8th. City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 Councilman Workman: I guess I've heard a little bit of debate and discussion about that and Z came out and said, the calls are going to continue to come and I guess I just want to make myself clear again that I think stop signs are fine and if we can control some things but I think we've been waiting for that report for some months now and I think, I don't know. Maybe the report's going to say put up one stop sign at Laredo and then everything will be fine but it seems to me that the complaints, and I'm glad Ursula brought it up, are much more complicated on that road taking into account the median. I think the median iooks, iooks nice and everything but people are having movement problems getting on it. Making lefts and so I think the problem is so much bigger in scope than just one stop sign at Laredo. So while I don't disagree that a stop sign might be appropriate at Laredo, I don't want to go ahead and do it little by little by little and then this problem, we're just bandaiding the problem. We've been talking about this for a year I think and it has been kind of frustrating talking about it. When you're going east in front of the hotel and you're going to turn onto Laredo and make a left, the bushes are getting real big there. Or when you're coming out of Market and you're going to make a left onto West 78th, the bushes are getting, big there. You can't see. I've had to put the pedal down pretty hard because I didn't see somebody and so maybe it's ail-coming through. The salt's not killing the plants now and they're growing. I don't know what the long range future is but the calls are coming and people are frustrated and I know it's going to get worse. Councilwoman Dimler: I'm wondering if it's a possibility to open this up for public hearing. Get public input again and go from there. Gary Warren: What Councilman Workman has said is sort of the track that we have been following here. We recognize, in fact that the installation of stop signs could actually do more harm than good right now because right now the opportunity that the crossing movement has for getting onto West 78th Street is usually the window that they get between car platoons from signals from TH 5 and over at CE 17. You put an all way stop and that has the effect of dampening that out so that you lose that window. You get more cars coming but they're all together. Stregars preliminary thoughts and what we expect to see in the report is that we currently can justify a signal at Great Plains and West 78th Street so on the east end, our favorite intersection, and we're having them take a specific look at Market Blvd. now that we have Market Square as a tenant so to speak. You know we've been up in the air. This has been held off partly because of the Target proposals and yes, it's dragged on but we finally have a fix on what we think the traffic generaters are going to be in the area and that's been important. So we're looking at the Stregar report to give us, as Tom mentioned, an overall concept for this downtown area. Mayor Chmiel: When will that be ready? Gary Warren: Rs I mentioned earlier, we're expecting a copy of the report by Friday. Mayor Chmiel: This coming Friday? Gary Warren: Yes. City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 Councilman Johnson: In that do they consider also that in 1992 we'll be realigning TH 101 to where TH 101 will no longer be going through that intersection? Currently we're saying we could, it sounds like preliminarily you talked to them and they're saying we might be able to justify a light at this intersection rlght now but that's carrylng all of the TH 101 trafflc. We're trylng to reroute TH 101 to where it doesn't run by a grade school and two churches. When that happens, ls that golng to be addressed? I just want to make sure that you get that that is addressed there. That the light will still be appropriate 2 years from now when we reroute TH 101. Those are real expensive pieces of equipment to stick in and then not be appropriate later. Gary Warren: We expect that they'll run from $60,000.00 to $100,000.00. Councilman Johnson: Right. It's expensive. Gary Warren: We have asked them to address that. We also have pointed out a front and Z thlnk we've talked here as well that the 1991 construction improvements that we're proposing, uhlch the north leg improvements now are 1992 but the connection of Market, the southerly leg to TH 101 we expect will have some impacts as well. We are deallng with a dynamlc changlng trafflc environment here that yeah, ue want to be responsive and deal with it and I think some of the turnlng and some of the actions golng on nou is that people are getting frustrated because of the magnitude of trafflc and that's being compounded Sonlewhat also by the construction traffic on TH 5. People are still recognizing thls as a short cut over' to northbound TH 101. So we've had the counters out. Stregar I thlnk ls puttlng a good look at thls whole scenarlo with the changing environment that's potential here and it should give us our best look as far as whether it's slgnals or whatever, what's appropriate. Councilman Workman: What I uorry about is that, and if I were coming doun CR 17 everyday and approaching TH 5 and I had to get onto TH 5 to go to Eden Prairle, it's always going to be a better idea to go through downtown than to stop at that 119ht, make a left, get the 119ht by, you know lt's just the comfort factor uould tell me, even if there's a light there it's going to be better for me to go into downtown. And what I see ls perhaps maybe something, and we can blame thls all on 8RW again but it appears to me we have a couple of significant problems that can really never be corrected in the clty. One, Laredo has heavy traffic coming on it and when it comes down to a certain point, it has to go rlght or left onto a troubled street and that's not going to change. Then secondly, and this is wily I didn't want just the Laredo sign, Kerber Blvd. comes down. Market Blvd. and Kerber should be matched up somehow. You know what I mean? The activity that we want on Market Blvd.. What people are doing is coming down Kerber Blvd. and then they've got to make a jog and a jog if they're going to go down Market or whatever so they've got to get on. There's no way out. So we're funneling all the traffic from north Chanhassen down a couple of streets and I don't think we'll ever' be able to fix those problems you know so there's an awful lot of traffic that's going to come down Kerber forever and there's never going to be a through street unless we open up Monterey and that's impossible. It's going to go up a bridge or something but. Councilman Johnson: Put an elevator. Car elevator. City Council Heeting - November 5, 1990 Councilman Workman: We need a bridge but so you know what I mean? Maybe we'll never be able to fix it because it's always going to come down Kerber Blvd. and they're always golng to, and that's a big wlde left you've got to make there really fast. And that was the problem and I don't know that we're going to be able to flx that but I hope t hls report maybe can. Councilwoman Oimler: I'm also concerned about the safety factors. You know we've got people coming to town now with Country Sultes and so forth that are strangers to this town. Some of us have gotten used to the intersection and we know which way to go. Strangers do not. There's a big potential for accidents right there. The other thing is, if you have a pollce or somebody behind, an emergency vehicle behlnd you, you can't pull off anywhere. Where are you golng to get out of their way? Gary Warren: They're 16 foot lanes that were designed. Councilwoman Dimler: I mean you have to drive Up on the median. Gary Warren: The concept was, there was a choice that the City dld make. I mean in defense of BRW, they did propose a wide open section so the city did make a conscience decislon to put the medians ln. There's a certaln beneflt in that in channelizing the traffic to help people realize that there are defined intersections. ! expect, it's like any road system around, we always have problems with it no matter how much improvements you try to do. Some things you can't do 100~ fix on. We certainly can look at trlmmlng back bushes. I think we did some good improvement over at Great Plains to clear up that sight distance problem and if there are other areas, we certainly can take a look at that. Stregar'$ preliminary comments to Paul and I last week were that they belleve their preliminary numbers certainly support the fact that we need 4 lanes west of Kerber over to West ?8th Street and then possibly from Market to the west but that from a projection standpoint, they are not comfortable at thls point in time outright saying that there are any substantial construction modifications that should be done in the existing downtown section. The capacity is there. We have protected left turn lanes at the intersections. We have I guess what should be sultable here 1nrc the near future and I thlnk that there has to be a commitment obviously as the city develops to continue to be dolng our traffic counts and evaluating that. We are restricted by an 80 foot right-of-way which, and you have Medical Arts built right up against it and there it is so there are some constraints that we've had to 1lye with. Councilwoman Olmler: As a last resort can we take the median out? Councilman Johnson: I think...quite mature on the system yet either. When the system matures, you know the original design concept was that the Taco Shop was not going to be the main entrance into town anymore. The main entrance was moving down to the Holiday/Amoco/American Legion corner. Great Plains corner · and that when TH 101 got rerouted and everything else, that the main flow of traffic will be going like this instead of cutting through tn front of the shopping center. And just all the changes have not occurred as of yet. If we do end up with a street light at Market, that will create those windows of opportunity for both Kerber and Laredo. I don't know what they're saying on that intersection yet but my gut feeling is that's where we'll see the two City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 11ghts, at Great Plains and at Market and between those two wlll open up Laredo and I(erber. Councilwoman Dlmler: Well my recommendation would be that we would make ita priority item .snd work as fast as possible on resolving some of these issues. Mayor Chmiel: I'd also like to see what the counts were at those intersections. Councilman 3ohnson: Zt should be in the report right? Gary Warren: Yeah, the counts will be in there. We've looked at the warrants. We've asked them to pro3ect, albeit it's on a straight line basis we've asked them to pro3ect that if they don't meet uarrants now, when would you expect them in the future. I think the other thlng to keep in mind is that the improvements, when you look at typlcal roadway improvements, maybe you're looking at a 10 to 20 year type lifespan out of some of these things and out of this ulndow for the downtown, we're in our thlrd year now I guess of the downtown improvements and as thlngs develop, I think we'll get a good fix on when other modifications mlght be warranted, if any in thls downtown sectlon here. Mayor Chmiel: Okay. I think, as Ursula had indicated, to get this pulled together as qulckly as we can so we can alleviate the given problems withln, Don? Don Ashuorth: Yes. I think we should be looking at a uork session probably with the HRA in the near future. The consultant is back and they've come back with agaln some alternatives as far as entry area, entry monuments. I would anticipate that that work should be ready within, sometime within the next 2 weeks. What Gary ls saying, the engineering report ls ready. I thlnk the timing should be right for a special meeting. Councilwoman Dimler: Could we also have a public hearing on this or have public come a~d give us their input? I mean they're the ones out there wlth the problems. Mayor Chmiel: Well it should always be open to the public anyway. Councilwoman Dimler: Right. I mean I think we have to publicize the meeting and encourage them to come. Anyone who has a complaint or a concern. Councilman Johnson: Construction season's over. There's not a huge hurry right now. You know it doesn't have to be done rlght in November or whatever. I think we've got some time for us to look over the data, come up with a reasonable plan of what do we do and then. Mayor Chmiel: That's what we're doing. Councilman Johnson: We can then bring the public in. Councilwoman Oimler: But we cam] use their input as well? 10 City Council Meeting - November 5, 19gO Councilman Johnson: Oh yeah. I think this construction, really the construction this last week down there on that intersection is really angered a lot of people. There was a lot of People thinking, oh here's the city spending money again but I say, hey. It's warranty work you know. I don't know how many people I told that was warranty work. Councilwoman Oimler: They'll know it now when they watch the program on television. Councilman Johnson: I'm surprised at how many do watch lt. Gary Warren: Just two points of qualifications, as long as we have the... One is the Schuler traffic and I know the Mayor ls aware of thls. Construction traffic that is putting the fill work on the embankment here on the new bridge, that traffic w111 no longer be maklng U turns on CR 17 whioh has been a hazard and a problem. Schuler will be coming into the downtown on West 78th Street and uslng Market to get back out to eastbound TH 5 so we worked that out with them and they'll be responsible for abiding by the speed limits and keeping things clean and this nature but a No U Turn sign has been placed up by the County so public safety will be enforcing that so I think we've resolved one sore spot. The other ls that we do have, and thls is shiftlng gears now. TH 101 and Pioneer, we have a 4 way stop installed. That is up now as an interim measure unt11 we get a chance to work through the design or the State does wlth the County. Councilman Johnson: When did it go up? Gary Warren: I was just told today so I. Councilman Johnson: Because I was down there at 2:00 and it wasn't up. Gary Warren: Well, it's definitely up. Councilman Johnson: They have the signs announcing that and they have the post in the ground but the sign is, I'm going in there after this meeting I'm driving down there so we'll see. Councilman Workman: Make sure you stop. Councilman Johnson: That's the thlng. I thought usually when they put a new stop sign up, that they put it up. Covered it and warned you for a while that it's golng to come up because most people who for 10 years have been driving through that intersection may not even see that stop sign and go right on through lt. Mayor Chmiel: One point too that Tom brought up on visual obstruction. Hopefully in designing this these people are well aware that they should be sitting in a car to come up with conclusions rather than standing at those intersections reviewing it because there is a difference in height factors there. Gary Warren: Certainly. We use 3 1/2 feet basically in our design for sight lines and such. 11 City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 Councilman Johnson: Yeah, they have like a little stick. I've seen them out on the road. They sit there and look at it. But they definitely have to use something other than a Chewy van. Mayor Chmiel: I think we've had enough discussions on 78th. We'll move right onto the next agenda item which is Administrative Presentations. ADHINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: A. REVIEW OF CANDIDATES FOR SENIOR COHHISSION,.~ANNING DIRECTOR. Paul Krauss: I'll be real brief Mr. Mayor. We've created a Senior Commission with 7 members and we need to staff lt. We dld have advertisements in the paper. We've gotten an additional response from people who were on the Seniors Task Force has indicated a willingness to be on lt. So basically we have 9 applicants for the ? positions. Normally as we do on the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission would interview them and short 11st it and you would get the short listed candidates for your own review but in this case we don't have a commission to screen them for you so I guess I'm looklng for some direction as to what you'd like to do and tonight, make your selections off of that and we can schedule these people for interviews. We dld have, lt's actually a falrly good mix. We got some from the Senior Needs Task Force. We've got some seniors who just wanted to serve and we've got some soclal servlce providers that 1lye in the city that interact with seniors in senior programs. So I think you have a good group to plck from. Mayor Chmiel: Right. I agree. I went over each of those and I sort of picked out the ones I thought would be on lt. I didn't know we'd'have an additional one. But the more participation, the better I see it as well. Paul Krauss: I should tell you that Emma, who was a good member of the Senior Task Force indicated her willingness to serve although she was somewhat, I would almost classify her as a standby candidate because she was concerned about her abillty to take on a prolonged assignment. Councilman Workman: Does this mean we'll have to. Councilwoman Oimler: We have to choose since we have one more than we need. Councilman Workman: Does that mean we should go ahead and interview or? Councilwoman Oimler: I thlnk so. To be falr. Councilman Workman: I don't know how to make a decision. Councilwoman Dimler: Yeah, set up an interview probably. Paul Krauss: Would you like to do it before a Council meeting or something like that? Mayor Chmiel: I think it would be good to do it prior to the council meeting. Probably start it at 6:00. 12. City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 Councilman Johnson: I do know of one other potential applicant but it depends upon the race tomorrow because I was holding off. If I lose tomorrow to Don, then I was plannlng on applying for thls senior needs task force also. Councilman Workman: You can anway. Councilman Johnson: I know but as the Mayor, I was just planning on attending ina non-voting capacity anyway rather than having an actual assignment but if I'm not the Mayor. Councilwoman 01mler: You can still do that though. Councilman Johnson: As a visitor. As a citizen visitor but so, depending upon that, I was going to put my application in on Wednesday but I didn't want to do it unt111 found out what happened Tuesday night. Councilman Workman: Maybe neither of you will be mayor. I'm writing in Ursula. Councilwoman Olmler: I agree with you Tom. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, do you have direction? Paul Krauss: We'll schedule that. Mayor Chmiel: Schedule that and have them come in and we'I1 come up with a conclusion. Councilwoman Oimler: Could I ask Paul a question? You indicated in the budget, I was reading through it and I was real concerned that,-we're asking for money for a commission. Do any of our other commissions have money? Mayor Chmiel: Sure. Councilwoman Dimler: Who? Paul Krauss: Well, the Planning Commission ls the one I work with. I know they have a budget. Recycling has one. Don Ashworth: Public Safety does. MRA. Councilwoman Oimler: New to me. Paul Krauss: It's minlmal. Councilman Johnson: Oh yeah. It's a separate 11ne item in our budget. There's a separate page. MCGLYNN BAKERIES, INC, CITY MPJ~AS£R. Don Ashworth: We got a request from McGlynn if there was someway that we could take and help work with them in a potential new addition. They'd like to be able to move ahead with footings. Of course once footings are in, it becomes difficult to move the bulldlng around. Talklng wlth Plannlng staff, we really 13 City Counc£1 Meeting -- November 5, 1990 feel that given the acreage that is out there, there's very little chance that tile Planning Commission and Council will come up with why don't you put the bulldlng somewhere else. Z mean they're not looklng to any variances, etc.. Staff is recommending, or what would work well for McGlynn and I don't see what type of problem it could create, would be hold off untll after the Planning Commission meeting this Wednesday. See if there's anything identified in their detailed revlew. Zf there's nothlng found in that revlew that creates a problem, staff would allow them to receive their footlng permit. It would still come to the Clty Counc11. All conditions deallng with parking. Parking spaces. Landscaping. Anything else would still be heard by the City Council but it would give them that potential 2 week jump. Councilman Johnson: But at this time they're asking for no variances? There's nothlng really unusual? Don Ashworth: No variances. Nothing unusual. Paul Krauss: Basically they're taking the existing south wall, unbolting it and moving it out and putting it back up. Don Ashworth: The City Council should have received the Plannlng Commission's packet and that item is in that packet so if you get a chance to look at it and you see something that's of concern, ~f you'd let me know but otherwise staff thlnks that that's a way to help accommodate a good local businessmen and without really impairing the Council's authority, I'm hoplng. Hayor Chmiel: I guess I don't see that as any given problem. Councilman Workman: Would it behoove us to notify Tlmberwood or anything? Paul Krauss: We did. Whlle they're far outslde the 500 foot notification area, I notlfy neighborhoods that I thlnk mlght be interested and we've notlfled 'Fimberwood of thls and other thlngs in the past. Councilman Workman: Thank you. Thls ls unorthodox and that looks, Z use the word unorthodox. The neighborhood might use the word sneaky. Councilman Johnson: This is similar to what we've done with grading permits in tile past. Paul Krauss: Zf there are a number of Timberwood residents who come Wednesday evening volcing objections, then we would not pre-issue any permits. Mayor Chmiel: Okay. Good. Any other discussion? Councilman Workman moved, Councilwoman O£mler seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. This portion of the meeting was adjourned. The City Council then adjourned at 8:15 p.m. into the Budget Worksession portion of the meeting. Gary Warren gave a report on the Public Works budget proposals and Paul Krauss reported on the Plannlng Department's budget proposals. 14 City Council Meeting - November 5, 1990 The City Council then reconvened at 9:15 p.m. to discuss the results of the bond $~1e held earlier in the day. Oave McGi~Ivarey from Springsted gave a summary of the bidding c11mate in which the bond sale took place and then reported the results to the City Council. The City Council made a motion to adopt the following resolutions. Resolutioo ~90-&46(a): Councilman 3ohnson moved, Councilwoman Otmler seconded to award the Genera! Obl/gation /mprovement Bond, Set/es 1990B in the amount of $1,335,000.00 to FBS /nuestment Services, /nc. w/th a net /nterest rate of 6.5879~. A11 voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. Resolut/on ~90-146(b): Counc/lman 3ohnson moved, Counc/1woman Oimler seconded to award the General Obligat/on Water Revenue Bond, Series 1990C /n the amount of $830,000.00 to FB$ /nuestment Services, /nc. w/th a net interest rate of 6.5599~. All voted in favor and the motion carrted unanimously. Councilman 3ohnson then moved and Councilwoman Otmler seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the mot/on carried unanimously. The meettng was adjourned at 9:22 p.m.. Submitted by Don Ashworth City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 15