WS 2007 10 22CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION OCTOBER 22, 2007 Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:35 p.m.. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman Peterson STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Greg Sticha and Todd Hoffman CODE AMENDMENTS: CHAPTERS 1 AND 20-904 REGARDING "FREEDOM TO BREATHE ACT". Kate Aanenson provided an update on how the Freedom to Breathe Act will affect Chanhassen businesses, especially restaurants, noting the intent of the code amendment is to address the issue of restaurants constructing outdoor facilities to accommodate smokers. Councilwoman Ernst th asked how the ordinance would affect city functions such as the 4 of July celebration. Councilman Peterson asked why the City should set out parameters instead of working on a case by case basis when applications come in. Mayor Furlong asked for clarification of what currently is in the code for accessory structures and the difference between a smoking patio and smoking shelter. He stated he was trying to understand the problem that these ordinance amendments were trying to solve. Councilwoman Ernst asked staff to explain why the city needs further requirements when there's State regulations and liquor license laws. Kate Aanenson stated she would check with legal counsel regarding the city adopting the state building code by reference. 2008 BUDGET PRESENTATIONS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. Greg Sticha reviewed the three budget scenarios and highlighted what's changed since approval of the preliminary levy. Councilman Litsey asked for clarification on how retirement figures relate to new hire and budget numbers. Kate Aanenson presented a power point presentations showing 2007-2008 expenditures, 5 year expenditure history, inspection expenditures, permit revenue, the planning budget and the proposed 2008 budgets for the Planning Commission, Senior Commission, Forestry and Recycling. The proposed 10% cuts would come from a reduction in staff. Councilman Peterson asked with the slow down in the economy, if staff foresees a shifting of staff's duties. Kate Aanenson explained that even though residential applications are down, there is still applications coming in from commercial and industrial, along with developments associated with the new Highway 212 and 2005 MUSA area. Todd Gerhardt reiterated the need for staff to do big picture planning for the southern area of the city to plan for future development. City Council Work Session - October 22, 2007 PARK AND RECREATION. Todd Hoffman reviewed the departments that are covered under Park and Recreation: Administration, Recreation Programming, Rec Center, Senior Center, and Park Maintenance. He explained the overall budget for 2007-2008 expenditures, 2005-2008 expenditure history, 2008 revenues and 2005-2008 revenue history, along with outlining the proposed 2008 budgets for each department. Mayor Furlong asked about ballfield lighting being on automatic timers. Councilman Peterson asked how the Chanhassen Rec Center operations and budget compared to other city rec centers. Todd Hoffman outlined the 10% proposed cuts in various programs and services. DISCUSSION REGARDING ALTERNATIVE WELL SITES. Paul Oehme discussed the 4 sites that have been identified as possible well replacement sites, noting staff's recommendation for Site #2 in the South Lotus Lake access area near the dock and Site #4 in Chanhassen Estates Park, explaining the pros and cons for each site. Councilwoman Ernst asked about neighborhood feedback. Todd Gerhardt explained that the goal is to construct two new well sites and upgrade the Minnetonka Middle School West well site. Councilman Peterson asked about the status of the aquifers with the current wet weather. Paul Oehme explained that the two wells were still dry and he was not confident of their performance for next summer. Todd Gerhardt explained that if the aquifers come back in the future, the city will still have the permits and ability to use those wells that are currently non-operational. Mayor Furlong asked about visual impacts of the new wells, why the two sites were chosen and possible alternative sites if those two sites don't work out. Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session at 7:05 p.m.. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 2