OCTOBER 22, 2007
Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.. The meeting was opened with the
Pledge to the Flag.
Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman
Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman Peterson
Todd Gerhardt, Roger Knutson, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul
Oehme, and Todd Hoffman
Mayor Furlong: Thank you and good evening and welcome to everybody here in the council
chambers and those joining us at home. We're glad that you've chosen to be with us this
evening. At this time I'd ask if there are any modifications or adjustments to the agenda. Does
anyone on the council wish to make any adjustments? Otherwise we'll proceed with the agenda
as distributed without objection. First item on our agenda is, we have a couple public
announcements. First of all just a clarification for our next meeting. Our regularly scheduled
meeting falls on November 12. This is our next meeting. Second Monday of November is
November 12 which is a legal holiday for Veteran's Day. Therefore our City Council meeting
will be rescheduled to the next day, Tuesday evening, November 13 at 7:00 p.m.. Also I'd like
to extend an invitation to everyone to join us at the upcoming Halloween Party. This is the
fourth in a series of special events that the City of Chanhassen, local businesses and others
sponsor throughout the year. The Halloween party will be held on Saturday, October 27. I'd
like to invite all residents, families to come and join me and others at the Chanhassen Rec Center
that evening. Children ages 2 through 10 are invited to participate. The event begins at 5:30 and
runs to 7:30. Activities include children's entertainment, trick or treating, hayrides, children's
games, haunted areas, refreshments. Pre-registration is required by Friday, October 26 at City
Hall or the Rec Center. There's a $4 fee. This is a fun event. The children have a good time.
Great opportunity for families and parents and grandparents to bring children and grandchildren
so looking forward to seeing people there.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Litsey moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to
approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's
a. Approval of Minutes:
-City Council Work Session Minutes dated September 24, 2007
-City Council Verbatim & Summary Minutes dated September 24, 2007
Receive Commission Minutes:
-Planning Commission Verbatim & Summary Minutes dated October 2, 2007
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
-Park and Recreation Commission Verbatim & Summary Minutes dated September 25,
Resolution #2007-60A:
b. TH 312 Project 03-09: Approve Signal Agreement Numbers
Resolution #2007-60B:
87715M (Powers & Lyman Boulevards); 87678M (TH 212 at
Resolution #2007-60C:
Powers Boulevard, North and South Ramps); 87679M (TH 101
at Lyman Boulevard).
c. Lotus Woods Project:
1) Table Final Plat Approval with Variances.
2) Table Plans & Specifications and Development Contract.
d. Satellite Fire Station, Project 03-09-13: Approve Expenditure of Funds.
e. Future Well Improvements, Project Nos. 08-04 & 08-05: Approve Consultant Contract.
f. Accept Donation from Community Bank Chanhassen for the Senior Center Holiday
Resolution #2007-61:
g. Approve Certification of Delinquent Utility Accounts.
Resolution #2007-62:
h. Approve Certification of Water and Sewer Hook-up Charges to
Hennepin County, Dell Road Medical Building.
i. Lake Riley Woods, SWMP12-035A: Approve Quote for Rain Gardens.
j. Accept Donation from Klein Bank Chanhassen for Senior Center 2008 Lifelong Learning
k. Approval of Elected Official's Travel.
Resolution #2007-63:
l. TH 212 Project: Approve Letter of Support to Secure Funding
for Improvements.
Resolution #2007-64:
m. Approve Certification of Delinquent Code Enforcement
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
Mayor Furlong: Good evening Sergeant.
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
Sgt. Peter Anderley: Good evening Mayor and council. You've got the numbers and things for
the calls for the last month of September. If there's any questions I'd be happy to answer those.
A couple things I do want to touch on is, we've experienced some thefts from vehicles in the last
few weeks. The thefts have occurred in overnight hours. Beth Hoiseth from Crime Prevention
has put out a couple of updates as far as safety reminders and some information for the citizens.
I just want to again remind everybody, these thefts are occurring with people leaving property in
their vehicle overnight. They're going through vehicles, finding the opportunity, the laptop, the
purse or whatever's left in the vehicles overnight. Breaking in and taking the valuables. We also
had a couple of attempted residential and also 2 residential burglaries that occurred through
unlocked patio doors to enter into homes where the suspect went in there and stole items in plain
view and were able to get away with some purses and some wallets. Both of those investigations
continue on those and we've got some things in the works on that. The other thing, we
participated in the Fire Department's Open House. We had members of our Sheriff's Emergency
Response Team that put out a display, and also the sheriff's Explorers were there and put on a
display for the citizens that Sunday. One other thing, Halloween's coming up real soon. A
couple of things for the trick or treaters. You know make sure that they're traveling in groups.
Wear some light colored clothing, reflective clothing so they can be seen out there. Want
everybody to have a good time. I know the Mayor's already invited everybody to the Halloween
Party at the Rec Center. I encourage all the kids to go and have a good time. It's usually a pretty
good event so. And that's what I've brought.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for the Sergeant? Very good, thank you. Chief
Geske is here with the Fire Department. Good evening Chief.
Chief Greg Geske: Good evening. I'll abbreviate my update. It's normally short but I'll make it
even more tonight. We did have a great open house. Was lucky enough to be dry during that
day and the fire department did a great job putting on a great day for us so appreciate that. But I
want to take tonight, I know a couple months ago I was asked by the council how we participated
in the 35W bridge collapse and I have a power point presentation that I'd like to show quickly
tonight of some of the involvement. We are involved with the Carver County Dive Team, in
which the 4 members that I have with me tonight of the dive team, participated in the dive after
the collapse searching some of the vehicles that were in the river and I'll go through the
presentation and then we do have some recognition that we'd like to give these guys from the
Minneapolis Police Department. There was a pin that was made up and Sergeant Anderley had
one. The people that were involved, law enforcement, fire rescue, first responders all received
this pin and we'd like to present that to them tonight as a public recognition of their work so.
Just going to go through, there's a few slides here of some of the work that was being done in the
collapse. Carver County was asked to assist the scene with the sheriff's department. Some of the
scene control. It shows the time through that and then moving in here a little bit further. This
puts it in licensed staff, reserve unit posse and then the dive team which the fire department
personnel was involved with. Our dive team actually worked, was I think the Monday, I forget
the date but they put in 14 hours?
Fire Fighter: Sunday.
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
Chief Greg Geske: On Sunday we were there. Scheduled originally Sunday and Monday but
finished up the work that we had there on that Sunday. Worked in different shifts. Just showing
some of the pictures up closer here if we can kind of recall some of the stuff we saw in the news
there. We were requested, it says by Hennepin County to dive at the 35W collapse site on
Sunday, August 5 and I think we showed up about 7:00 in the morning there and where there
until about 7:00 that night so you see some of our dive members there at that point. Carver
County Dive Team composed of county employees, volunteers and area fire fighters that we
have. Dive Team spent 14 hours, I'm sorry. 14 hours at the dive site. During operation Carver
County divers encountered heavy debris and was very limited visibility but they were able to
check quite a few cars that we had set up. They previously identified them with the sonar and
the divers went down to check out, check through the vehicles. That's kind of the total hours that
were given to the effort. And again 9 vehicles were utilized for a total of 127 hours. Some of
the guys in the sheriff's department also… Some of the other stuff goes on further but I guess at
this point I'd like to bring our fire fighters up, our divers that were there and the Mayor's got a
presentation for them.
Mayor Furlong: I guess, I'll just read this first and then say a couple words. Minneapolis Police
Chief Tim Dolan would like to recognize the bravery and dedication of police officers, fire
fighters, emergency medical workers, indeed every first responder involved in the 35W bridge
disaster. This uniform bar is a tangible symbol of the tireless rescue and recovery efforts on the
scene of the collapse showing a fundamental commitment of every first responder to protect and
serve our community. The design of the bar reflects elements of the tragic collapse of the bridge
and the values upon which our work was founded. A remembrance of the bridge collapse are the
golden bridge spans in the date 8-1-07. The waters of the Mississippi River. The site of the
rescue and recovery operations are represented by the blue background. The color blue is also
known to symbolize first perseverance and diligence. Here the blue background recognizes both
the determined effort of the first responders to rescue survivors and recover the loved ones lost
beneath the waters and to pursue safety, peace and justice for those who serve everyday. The
Minneapolis Police Department is grateful, honored and humbled to have stood with first
responders from around the state of Minnesota, from our…it is our hope that this bar will be
proudly worn by all those who supported this endeavor. On behalf of the City of Chanhassen too
I guess I'd like to say thank you for your service and for others that were involved from the fire
department, sheriff's department, everybody that, from Carver County, from Chanhassen in
particular that was down there helping. Having talked to Mayor R.T. Ryback and others, he was
very pleased with the response and the cooperation he received from everybody and it was nice
to know that we were right there as well so thank you very much for all your service and for
being involved here.
Chief Greg Geske: Of course I don't think you have any more questions for me tonight. That's
part of the reason I brought these guys along, I didn't have to talk much so.
Mayor Furlong: Works well.
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
Public Present:
Name Address
David Bieker 1770 Lucy Ridge Court
Angell Galioto 1805 Emerald Lane
Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor, City Council members. Denali Homes has requested that Lots
1 and 2, Block 2 of Lake Lucy Ridge be combined to accommodate a proposed house, driveway
and pool. In order to process the lot combination, a 5 foot wide drainage utility easement along
the common property line of Lot 1 and 2 must be vacated. The subject properties are shown
here. This is the plat for Lake Lucy Ridge. And again the properties are just south of Lake Lucy
Road, east of Galpin, just for the general information area. The lots are located and the
easements in question proposed to be vacated are again, are along the property lines between
Lots 1 and 2. Gopher State One has been called and, to show that there's no existing public or
private utilities within the vacated area. Proposed vacated area. Staff recommends that the
approval of the vacation at this time and I stand for questions and request that a public hearing be
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for staff? Seeing none, let's proceed with the public
hearing and invite any interested parties to come forward to the podium that wish to comment on
this item. Please state your name and address for the record. Seeing nobody, last call. Seeing
no one then we'll close the public hearing without objection and bring it back to council for any
thoughts or comments. Seems fairly straight forward given the conditions included in the staff's
recommendation. Any comments or discussion?
Councilman Peterson: Motion to approve.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second?
Councilwoman Ernst: Second.
Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion?
Resolution #2007-65: Councilman Peterson moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded that
the City Council approve the vacation of drainage and utility easements for Lots 1 and 2,
Block 2, Lake Lucy Ridge contingent upon simultaneous recording of the lot combination.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
Public Present:
Name Address
David & Julie Scherle 8541 Flamingo Drive
Kate Aanenson: Thank you Mayor, members of the council. As you indicated this is in Lake
Susan Subdivision. Powers Boulevard is just on the side of the map. This is the subject
property. 8554. The applicant was noted as putting up a garage without a permit and as noted it
was in the side yard setback. The subject lot, it meets the 10 foot minimum right now. With the
accessory garage it encroaches into the side yard setback. We passed an ordinance amendment a
number of years ago where we had a variance for someone who had to put eaves on and how
they got the variance. We don't normally count the eaves except when there is a variance
because it even further encroaches. So with the eaves that added up on the variance. The
Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on this item on October 2 and they voted on it
actually 3 to 1 to deny the variance. There was a lot of discussion on the use of the property and
how it would be best served. This is the garage side, so this is where the applicant who has a
new motorcycle wants to be able to put that into this enclosed, covered structure. Some of the
material had been removed to improve the impervious requirements and the setback itself. The
structure doesn't have footings. It appeared to be some mobility to it. I did note from all the
discussion on the Planning Commission about the flexibility and maybe it could be moved to
meet the requirement. As noted in the staff report the Planning Commission did ask the staff to
try to work with the applicant and he chose to just pursue continuation of the request, as he has a
right to appeal their findings. So looking at the options that the staff we kind of considered what
the Planning Commission from the back side. A storage structure has been removed if there was
a possibility of moving that structure to the back side of the building. Again because it's under
120 square feet, it doesn't need a building code permit. Although it is attached to the structure, it
doesn't have footings, it seemed like it would be somewhat easy to move from the structure
itself. For that reason the staff is recommending denial and again with the 3 to 1 vote, the
Planning Commission concurred with that. The Findings of Fact are in the staff report and then
the staff is recommending the denial of the variance. So with that if you have any questions I'd
be happy to answer them.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Questions for staff at this time? One of the items mentioned in the
initial report I believe it was that there was concern also about impervious surface coverage.
Kate Aanenson: Correct.
Mayor Furlong: But that that was satisfied or the changes were made to it?
Kate Aanenson: Yeah. The applicant has removed quite a bit of material including some of the
patio in the back and some of the driveway on the front of the house has been removed to meet
Mayor Furlong: Okay, so that has, these pictures were taken before that.
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
Kate Aanenson: Correct. Yeah, because I believe that was the modifications to the roof itself as
far as the metal roof. That seemed to a concern for the staff too, especially for some of the
neighbors that may have aesthetic…to that. Typically a structure like that may be found more in
the rear of the principle structure.
Mayor Furlong: If the structure is moved, is there sufficient impervious surface coverage with
what's, right now it's sitting on sideway so if it's moved off the sidewalk to another location, do
they have sufficient space for impervious surface to be able to do that without removing other, or
would they have to remove more hard surface coverage?
Kate Aanenson: We do have a chart of what's been removed. I believe they're in compliance
now. They moved it back. Some of the patio on the back was, I think what we had
recommended, it's hard to look at it this way. This, in order to meet the hard cover to put it on
the back, this would have to be narrowed up again and there's still the encroachment into the
easement. We did check with Gopher One. There is no utilities in that easement but to meet the
impervious this would have to be reduced down to the current pavement just would move to the
back side.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any other questions for staff? Mrs. Tjornhom.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: The last time we had someone here for a variance was a couple
weeks ago or, I think Bob was dealing with it. They didn't count the retaining walls.
Kate Aanenson: Correct.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: And so how come we're doing it this time?
Kate Aanenson: They're still, they would be, we're not counting the retaining wall on this one.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: But I thought they had to remove some of the retaining wall?
Kate Aanenson: He removed some of it to level out, to get the setback. What we've done now is
we've researched some of this stuff. We have researched what other communities are doing with
retaining walls and what our interpretation, and have we denied anybody from the last 2 years.
We went back and looked through all the ordinances. We haven't been using it except for the
last 2 years. We haven't denied anybody on that so we're not including it so he's still okay and
that would still make it whole by bringing in part of the driveway and moving it to the back.
Mayor Furlong: Any other questions for staff at this time? No? Is the applicant here this
evening? Any thoughts or comments? Mr. Scherle, good evening.
David Scherle: Hi. My name's David Scherle, 8541 Flamingo Drive. We'd like to thank you for
hearing us on this appeal of the variance of the shed. We appreciate the time of taking to hear
our appeal. And see about the, I don't know this is the first time I heard about that we didn't have
to do the retaining wall. Yeah, that's something new to me because that's what we took down a
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
big part of the retaining wall to help do the hard cover so that's something new to us. It would
have been nice to know that but that's the way it goes. But there's some.
Kate Aanenson: Just for the record, it's 27 square feet so I'm not sure. The total affect of that.
It's pretty nominal of the overall percentage of what you were over with.
David Scherle: Oh, okay. We'd like to address some of the points the Planning Commission
made after we were unable to address what they were talking about. They were talking about the
hard rains might fall on the next door neighbor but the shed is downhill from the neighbors so it
really wouldn't cause any flooding problems. And with all the rain we've had, we wouldn't have
had any problems with it at all. And then they were talking about everybody in the neighbor
would want a variance you know like this but you have to really address every situation you
know separately. Let's see. Our previous motorcycle was in our garage and that one we were
able to make work, you know fit in the garage and then I had a back problem so we ended up
getting this bigger motorcycle and we had to, we couldn't fit it in with the garage with our cars
and stuff so that's why we need the shed where it's at. And moving the shed to the back of the
garage we were figuring how we'd need 3 feet of sidewalk to go along side of the garage and
with that hard cover and the 6 by 9 foot garage, or the shed behind the garage we would be over
the hard cover so that's why, we were working with Angie on, at the Planning Commission about
the complying with the hard cover and putting the shed back there and between the, oh the
sidewalk width and the turn around we'd need back there for the motorcycle, and the 6, the
smallest size we could have for the shed would be 6 foot by 9 foot and between all of that it'd be
over the hard cover so that's why it wouldn't work behind the garage. And yeah, there's no
problem with the septic system or the utilities at all. And with the lake and the adequate light
and air for adjacent properties, it's still down a ways from the neighbor's property so we didn't
think there was no problem with that. And let's see. I think that's it. So thanks for considering,
of hearing us for the appeal of the shed and hopefully we can work things out. Do you have any
questions or concerns that I could help answer?
Mayor Furlong: Any questions for Mr. Scherle? Was there a reason that you didn't want to
work with staff initially to try to find a solution or do you think you've exhausted that at this
David Scherle: I think we've exhausted, yeah. Because I did call and talk to her and then I tried
measuring it out for the hard cover and that's not going to work out. Otherwise yeah, we were
trying to work as much as we can with the city as to how we could make this work out.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. Any other questions for Mr. Scherle?
Councilman Litsey: Is there anyway to come off the back side of the garage so you could
actually have as part of the interior of the garage so you could kind of move the motorcycle up in
front of the cars like I do at my house or? I don't have an extra extension on my garage but that's
where I put it.
David Scherle: That's a possibility if we put a door.
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
Councilman Litsey: There you could access it from the interior of the garage. I mean part of
your, but I don't know if that's permissible.
Kate Aanenson: That was one of our suggestions. There is a door, you can see it over here.
There's a door, if you crank that out and just push the fence along the back side so you wouldn't
have to have this back sidewalk. Just have it as part of the back yard and go through the garage.
Councilman Litsey: To me that'd be almost more convenient.
Kate Aanenson: That was one of our suggestions.
Councilman Litsey: To set off part of your garage and aesthetically it would be to the back side
of the house.
David Scherle: I don't know if that'd be possible. But possibly to put a door on the side of the
garage, that's maybe a possibility because otherwise if you put it, you know extend onto the
garage, you're still having a problem trying to get it in and out with cars and everything so it is a
possibility of putting a garage door on the side.
Councilman Litsey: And go out through that door.
David Scherle: Yeah, then we could use the sidewalk to drive it on. That would be a possibility.
Councilman Litsey: I guess that would be my thought is perhaps you could work with staff on
that idea rather than having to go through the, because the setback's 10 feet and you're just trying
to force something…
Mayor Furlong: Any other questions of Mr. Scherle? Okay, thank you.
David Scherle: Thanks.
Mayor Furlong: Any follow-up questions for staff or discussion? Thoughts and comments.
Councilman Litsey: Just one and Kate, you could go off the back of the garage right?
Kate Aanenson: That was our suggestion too.
Councilman Litsey: Oh, okay.
Kate Aanenson: No, I appreciate your suggesting it.
Councilman Litsey: So it wasn't my.
Kate Aanenson: No, I think you know somehow it seemed like it would work. There's two
issues going on. One was the impervious which Mr. Scherle worked very hard to get in
compliance and we appreciate those efforts. He's been very cooperative. Secondly, it's just the
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
aesthetic of having some more of these, it doesn't have a footing, it's not architecturally integral
to the house and certainly it performs a function of keeping the motorcycle covered, which we
understand but I think we wouldn't want to see a lot of them built to this kind of style just
because it's, it looks more temporary in nature and maybe that would be best served on the back
side is where Councilman Litsey was going. That's kind of what we thought too. And it serves a
purpose of providing cover that's not architecturally seen. Seeing the same format.
Mayor Furlong: Well with the, there is room on the back of the garage with regard to setbacks,
where there isn't room on the side.
Kate Aanenson: That's correct.
Mayor Furlong: Is part of it too which is where your idea was, even though they had the idea
Councilman Litsey: I'll yield to them.
Mayor Furlong: You can run it a lot of different ways. I was coming out the back door. You
had a different slant on it so I think you know, somehow working that approach would be best
Mayor Furlong: Find a way to work it within the existing restrictions I guess is what I hear you
saying Councilman Litsey.
Councilman Litsey: Yes.
Mayor Furlong: Any other thoughts or comments? Other thoughts or comments?
Councilwoman Ernst: Sounds like a good solution. Yeah, it sounds like they're complying. I
think that's…
Mayor Furlong: Well I think Mr. Scherle was continuing to want it on the side of the house is
what I heard.
David Scherle: And we're going to put the same garage door as the garage door itself, I forgot to
mention. It will look like it's part of the garage. Same siding. Same color of overhang and we're
going to put the regular shingles that are on the house right now on the garage too so it will really
fit well in the neighborhood.
Kate Aanenson: The siding does match. Our concern was that originally it just had the metal on
the roof and now he's explaining, he's willing to put the shingles on but that was some of our
concern. It does not have permanent footings so.
Mayor Furlong: There are architectural issues that I'm hearing but the issue before us is really
the setback. The location of it. I think versus the design of the construction materials, so that's
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
Kate Aanenson: Correct. But if you were to approve it, one of the mitigation strategies was it
had to be architecturally compatible is what I would recommend if you were to, yep.
Mayor Furlong: I see.
Kate Aanenson: Just so it looks like it's part of the house and not just an appendix that doesn't
match in.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. Okay, I see.
Kate Aanenson: And I think that was what the neighbors expectations or their concern was,
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Other thoughts or comments?
Councilman Litsey: Have there been any comments by neighbors so far?
Kate Aanenson: There was some at the Planning Commission that did support it.
Councilman Litsey: Oh yeah, that's right.
Kate Aanenson: Yeah, but there was some that we received that were a little concerned about.
Mayor Furlong: Other thoughts? Councilman Peterson. Councilwoman Tjornhom.
Councilman Peterson: Well you know as far as variances go I don't see a compelling reason to
grant this one over the other ones which we've historically denied. You know I clearly don't see
a defined hardship so I, as it stands and as requested presented, I can't support it but I certainly
support being creative with staff to try to do it without a variance.
Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Tjornhom, anything?
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yeah, I would concur. I always start these processes out by saying
that they're never easy because nothing's ever black and white. I don't think the applicants
decided to put a shed in and make sure the setback wasn't correct and I think he was trying to
make legal use of the property in his eyes and protect his investment, which I totally understand
but unfortunately I have to look at it more ordinance wise and what we do. What the rules are
for setbacks. And clearly he's over the limit for setbacks and that has a couple implications.
Drainage was one of them. Perhaps not the neighbors but perhaps for himself, in his own yard
backing up. And also it's encroaching on other people's property or just at least the, the lots of
separation that was going to be occurring between his property and his neighbors. And so
because of that too I also have to support staff's position and will not be supporting this request.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. My thoughts are similar. Whenever we look at these, it's part of
the process to try to solve the problem. You know and often we try to look for, how can it be
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
solved and that's the nature of a number of our questions, as you probably heard this evening.
You know what are the alternatives besides granting the variance. It sounds like there are some.
They may not be necessarily preferable to the applicant, to the property owner, but there
certainly are some that would fit within the ordinance. To Councilman Peterson's point, you
know is there a compelling reason here to grant this? Is there something so unique here that
really creates that hardship, and that's really one of the hurdles and I think it's a tough hurdle to
get over but what I'm okay with having it be tough because the variances should be the
exception. I think this is, from what I’m hearing here the desire here is much more of a
convenience versus a hardship. Whether or not certainly desires to do it, I haven't been
convinced again that there's a compelling reason for that. So my position would be not to grant
the variance but to continue to look for and encourage Mr. and Mrs. Scherle to work with staff
and say how can something else be done within the ordinance. Is there a way to locate this so
that you can protect your personal property? But at the same time do it in such a way that we fit
within the setbacks and we fit within the impervious surface coverage requirements. My sense is
there's probably, it may not be initially the desired way but there's probably a way and so I would
encourage you to work with them and would ask staff, and I know they will, try to cooperate
with you as they do always with property owners to find ways to get it to work within the
ordinance and that's what we always like to see so. Other thoughts and comments at this point.
If not, is there a motion with regard to the request for the appeal of the Planning Commission's
denial of the variance request.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: I'll make a motion.
Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Tjornhom.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: The City Council denies Planning Case 07-22 for a 7 foot, 3 inch
side yard setback variance from the required 10 foot side yard setback for the construction of a
shed on Lot 4, Block 1, Lake Susan Hills West 5 Addition based upon the Findings of Fact in
the staff report.
Mayor Furlong: You can sit back Roger.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: The Council also further directs that the applicant must move the
shed and comply with the Zoning Ordinance and the applicant must re-vegetate all removed hard
surface areas with grass seed or sod.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second?
Councilman Litsey: Second.
Mayor Furlong: Any discussion? On that.
Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman Litsey seconded that the City Council
denies Planning Case 07-22 for a 7 foot, 3 inch side yard setback variance from the
required 10 foot side yard setback for the construction of a shed on Lot 4, Block 1, Lake
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
Susan Hills West 5 Addition, based on the Findings of Fact in the staff report. The City
Council further directs that:
1. The applicant must move the shed and comply with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. The applicant must re-vegetate all removed hard surface areas with grass seed or sod.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
Mayor Furlong: The next item on our agenda was, staff had conducted a speed limit study for
Kurvers Point Road and at the request of the residents we scheduled it for tonight's council
meeting to discuss it. We received notification, staff received notification earlier today that, at
the request of those same residents, that they did not want to proceed with the discussion this
evening so unless anybody is here to discuss that, I don't know if anybody is. If you raise your
hand if you are. If not I would recommend that I think the staff's report was pretty complete and
there's no action required at the council so, unless there is any desire to go forward, we can just
bypass item number 5 this evening. Without objection we'll do that.
Todd Gerhardt: Just want you to put down on your calendar November 29. It's the ribbon
cutting for Highway 312 and you'll be seeing a special invitation for that but I just wanted you to
keep that date open on your calendar. And Roger's also informed me that the Court ruled in our
favor for the Arild Rossavik suit against the City so that was good news. And that's all I have.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any discussion or questions for Mr. Gerhardt or staff? Has that
meeting been moved again? The ribbon cutting.
Todd Gerhardt: Oh, did I say the wrong date?
Laurie Hokkanen: I haven't received notification on the final date. I didn't know if you had
gotten something.
Todd Gerhardt: What date did you have?
Laurie Hokkanen: I don't know.
Todd Gerhardt: Okay.
Mayor Furlong: I had heard the Monday. The first Monday in December. I had heard that as
recently as 2 weeks ago but that could have changed.
Laurie Hokkanen: I'll check tomorrow and email everyone.
City Council Meeting - October 22, 2007
Paul Oehme: I haven't officially received notice but they relayed the message to me that it might
be December 3 but I haven't received official notice yet.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. So hold the 29, the 3…dates on either side.
Todd Gerhardt: The last message I had was the 29 so sorry about that.
Mayor Furlong: I've not heard any variance in the location and that's going to be in Chanhassen
at the 101 interchange. Will be the location, is that correct?
Paul Oehme: What time is it do you know?
Mayor Furlong: We can't even get a date.
Laurie Hokkanen: Pencil it in the schedule.
Councilman Litsey: Just leave that all open.
Laurie Hokkanen: Don't plan anything between Christmas and New Year's.
Todd Gerhardt: Well, apologize for that. Get that down on my calendar so.
Mayor Furlong: Any other questions for Mr. Gerhardt?
Mayor Furlong: Again our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 13 given the Veteran's
Day falling on our regularly scheduled meeting date so without, if there's nothing else to come
before the council this evening, can I get a motion to adjourn.
Councilman Peterson moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 7:45
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim