1990 05 14CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR HEETING HAY 14, 1990 Hayor Chmiel called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m.. COUNCILHEHBERS PRESENT: Hayor Chmiel, Councilman Workman, Councilwoman Dimler and Councilman Johnson COUNCILHEHBERS ABSENT: Councilman Boyt · STAFF PRESENT: Don Ashworth, Roger Knutson, Paul Krauss, Gary Warren and Todd Gerhardt APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilwoman Dimler moved, Councilman Workman seconded to approve the agenda amended as follows: Councilman Workman wanted to move item 13 and 1rem l(k) to 1rem 4. Under Council Presentations, Councilwoman Dimler wanted to discuss the trees on Kerber Blvd. and Councilman Workmah wanted to dlscuss street slgns. All voted in favor of the agenda as amended and the motion carried. Per Councilman Johnson's request, Mayor Chmlel read off the 1rems whloh had been deleted from the May 14, 1990 agenda. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEHENTS: Mayor Chmiel read a Proclamation establishing May 19, 1990 as St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Day and a Proclamation establishing May 20-2&, 1990 as Natlonal Publlc Works Week. Don Ashworth stated that the Clty of Chanhassen was havlng an Open House for the Public Works Butlding on Sunday, May 20, 1990 from noon untll 4:00 p.m.. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Johnson moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to approve the following Consent Agenda items pursuant to the City Hanager'$ recommendations: a. Adminstrative Subdivision to Divide an Existing Double Bungalow, 7&ll Iroquois, Anita Thompson. b. Approve Agreement for Soutwest Mutual Aid Association. c. Approve Development Contract for Chanhassen Lakes Business Park &th Addition. d. Accept Proposal from Barton-Aschman for Trunk Highway 5 Crossroad Entry Monuments, Project 88-28D. g. Resolution ~0-53: Accept Feasibility Study, Walve Public Hearing, Order Plans and Specifications and Adopt Connection Charge Poltcy for Harvey/ O'Brlen Sewer Extension Project 90-5. h. Resolution ~90-53A: Approve Petition for MnDot to Enter into a Cooperative Agreement for Frontage Road Improvements at Trunk Highway 5 and Lone Cedar Lane, Joseph Mitlyng. L City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 i. Approval of Accounts. j. City Council Minutes dated April 23, 1990 Planning Commission Minutes dated April 18, 1990 Plarlning Commission Hlnutes dated Hay 2, 1990 Park and Recreation Commission Mlnutes dated Apr11 24, 1990 Pub].ic Safety Commission Minutes dated April 12, 1990 voted in favor and the motion carried. I(L) APPROVE AHENDHENT TO 1990 BUDGET TO PURCHASE A NEW CSO VEHICLE. Councilman Workman: I wasn't a part of the majorlty on this item to approve this. I wasn't irlterested in providing animal control services for all of our neighbors and so I'm not in favor of buylng a new vehlcle to do it. Councilman Johnson: I move approval. Councilwoman Dimler: Don't you thlnk we should discuss it a 11ttle? Mayor Chmiel: Yeah. There should be some discussion. Councilman Johnson: We've got a commitment to our neighbors. We've already committed...approved it. We've told our neighbors to do this. We've entered 1nfo contract agreements to do this and I thlnk lt's good that Tom continues to let hls opinion be known but we have to approve that. So I move approval. That's my discussion. Mayor Chmiel: Don, maybe you'd just like to clarify what this is about so the public is aware? Don Ashworth: The budget as Jt was established in uorklng out a cost system back wlth the neighboring communities, included a cost figure of $10,000.00 for a vehlcle whlch at that point in tlme Publlc Safety was looklng to a used vehicle. That has really concerned me because with the number of miles we put on and recognizing that the newer the vehicle we can get the better gas mlleage, etc. you're going to get with that type of vehicle. The other part was that in that contract we have outllned a cost of $.25 per mlle back agalnst each of those communities. Typically the $.25 per mlle includes, a portlon of that in fact ls depreciation or replacement of a vehlcle. So in fact ue really have an additional, Z can't remember what it was at, $3,200.00 per year so almost $9,000.00 bullt lnto the budget in addltlon to the $10,000.00 for a vehlcle. If ue would be looking to a plck-up type vehicle very similar to the existing one. One that we could put a camper top over the back end and have that serve for the contract system, we're estimating that that would be about $15,000.00- $16,000.00. Again, in comparison to looking for a used vehlcle, hoping that it would meet the specs and everything that we would hope for, it just seems that as long as we have the money why not go for the new vehicle. Mayor Chmiel: Do you know what the existlng mlleage, I thlnk that was one of the thlngs Z had requested before? Zndlcating as to total miles on the vehlcle that you're proposing to making replacement on. OD we know what that is? City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Don Ashuorth: I do recall that you asked for that information and I do not have it for you. Oo you know Todd? What, are you going to run and look? Councilwoman Dimler: Don, while you're looking can I ask, what is the length of this contract with our neighboring communities? How many years? Don Ashworth: It's a 3 year contract but we put in there a provision that basically would allow the City to get out of it before that length of time. Councilwoman Dimler: Okay. So we're saying here for 3 years we're golng to buy a vehicle for approximately $16,000.00. If we decide not to contract after that 3 year period or pull the contract before that time, what could that vehlcle be used for? Councilman Johnson: It's still the C$0 vehicle. Councilwoman Oimler: Well you're using it for animal control and is it going to have a problem wlth odors or? Mayor Chmiel: They utilize the same existing truck presently for their normal CSo duties as well as with the... Councilman Johnson: Animal control is a big portlon that they have now. Councilwoman Oimler: So they don't have a special thing to put the animals in? Mayor Chmiel: No. It's existing. Councilman Johnson: Aren't there cages in the back of that thing? I've never looked in the back. Don Ashworth: They have cages. ! don't know if they keep them in there all the time. I would suspect that they do. Todd Gerhardt: 67,000. Councilman Johnson: How long have we had that? 2 to 3 years? Bon Ashworth: I'd say 3 to 4. Councilman Johnson: It wasn't before I came on Council because it's been since I was on Council. Todd Gerhardt: I think around February of 19877 Don Ashworth: That's a much lighter pick-up than you use with associated with publlc works. Any of those type of functions. It really is more of a road type of a vehicle. Councilwoman Dimler: Okay, I have one other question. Was the vehlcle specifically included in the contract as part of the deal? City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Mayor Chmiel: I think at that specific time, if Z remember, it was discussed but I don't know if it was part of the contract. Don Ashworth: If we did not furnish another vehicle and somehow simply used any other vehicles available, I'm sure we'd still be in compliance with the contract. I mean what we're saying is we're estimating the, we put dollars in there to insure that we would properly be reimbursing ourself. However we were to be able to accomplish that. If you had to use a street sweeper. I'm being facetious but I mean that would meet the intent of the contract. Councilwoman Dimler: Okay. Councilman Johnson' But in our discussions with them did we not indicate that we planned on buying a new vehicle? That ls why our cost ls as high as our cost was for that? Don Ashworth: Yes. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, any other discussion? Councilman Johnson: Now can I move approval? Mayor Chmiel: You're anxious to move it Jay. Don Ashworth: I'd also like to mention that when we did meet, we had looked at again that Flre Chief vehicle and we were looking at that polnt in tlme were looking at a cost factor of about $23,000.00 to $24,000.00. We were able to purchase a used plece at that polnt. In fact the Council authorized $14,500.00 and the following day we were able to negotiate that down to $13,500.00 so agaln, I thlnk the staff has continued to show that we're trying to save dollars. I think in this particular lnstance you're golng to get a better bang for your buck buying a newer vehicle that will meet the specs of what we're looking for than a used vehicle. Mayor Chmiel: We're not going to find another one like we found for the Fire Chief? Don Ashworth: We could look and if we found that, we would surely come back to you with lt. Councilman Johnson: This doesn't preclude that. Don Ashworth: This doesn't preclude it. Councilwoman Dimler: In other words you'll spend less than $16,000.00 if you can? Don Ashworth: That's correct. Councilman Worknlan: Well my reason for bringlng this up lsn't to drag thls out all night. My purpose lsn't the vehicle. A new vehicle or a used vehicle. My purpose is... City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Councilman Johnson: We shouldn't be in the business at all. Councilman Workman: We shouldn't be in the business of catching neighboring clty's dogs. They're in the buslness of inspections and fire and providing their own police and everything else but all of a sudden you get down to this one thlng and they want us to do it and it's the dirtiest of them a11. And we're doing it for them. You know my comments so it doesn't have anything to do with the vehicle. I thlnk we're worklng towards the Clty Councll members all getting their own vehicles. Mine will be a BMW so it has nothing to do with the vehlcle per se as it does wlth the principle of a private business that perhaps these cities should be obtaining their services and not from us because it just means further growth and somehow down the road a further cost to us somehow, and that's what. We've indicated by doing thls that we don't have enough of an anlmal control problem ourselves so we've expanded it to take care of everybody elses in $ other communities. Mayor Chmiel: Yeah I think some of the discussion was at the time as to the additional hours that we would have for our ¢SO's to work was one of the reasons behlnd it as well. But also to provide a better service for ourselves too. I guess the vehlcles are not the lssue in itself but yes, there are dollars that are going to be spend and there are some concerns about those dollars. Any other discussion? Hearing none, I'll entertain a motion. Councilman Johnson: Gee, I think I might have one. Councilwoman Dimler: He's never been seconded. Councilman Johnson: Yeah, I've never been seconded before so it might be a first to get seconded. I move approval of having staff prepare specifications for a new CSO vehlcle and modifying the 1990 budget for such as recommended. Mayor Chmiel: Maybe as a friendly amendment to that indicating, unless there's availability to flnd another vehicle such as we had found in a good used one with low mlleage. Councilman Johnson: That meets the specifications, yeah. Mayor Chmiel: At a better price. At a better cost I should say. Okay, there's a motlon on the floor. And you accept the friendly amendment. Is there a second? Oh 3ay, you're dead. Councilman Workman: You're not golng to second it Don? Mayor Chmiel: No, I'm not. Dying for lack of a second. As it appears it's dead. ! would like this to be reviewed a 11ttle closer and posslbly to hunt around to see what we can get. AWARD OF BIDS: COUNTRY SUITES HOTEL SITE INPROVENENTS, PROJECT 89-25. Gary Warren: Briefly Mr. Mayor, we received bids for the Country Suites Hotel site improvements recently and we, as anticipated, have very competitive bid City Council Meeting -- May 14, 1990 climate. Receiving 6 bids with the low bidder was Alber Construction Company at $208,937.95. We are recommending award of the project for the Country Suites Hotel site improvements to Alber Construction in that amount. Mayor Chmiel: Okay. Anyone wishing to address this? If not, any discussion by Council? Councilman Johnson: Just interesting how everybody was really, there were a lot real close there at $300,000.00 and $12,000.00 less. Alber found something in the bid where he could cue $12,000.00 out but he has to meet the performance. What were the nlinor tabulation errors? Do you know in ~lbers? Gary Warren: I don't recall exactly. Usually they're just an extension when they multiply the units times the quantities they drop a decimil point sometimes. Z don't know exactly uhlch ones they were. Mayor Chmiel: Have we used this contractor before Gary? Gary Warren: I personally have not but we do have experience with them through BRW's experience and such. They're a reputable contractor, yes. Councilman Johnson: Some of the other bidders are their subs on it. Gary Warren: Well yeah, in that regard. Northdale Construction is one of the subcontractors. They are our Lake Drlve general contractor for the Rosemount project. We've had acceptable work from them. That's a major part of the effort here is the sewer and water work. Mayor Chmiel: Can I have a motion? Resolution #90-54: Counc[lman Johnson moved, Councilwoman Oimler seconded that the construction project for Country Suites Hotel Site Improvements, Project No. 89-25 be awarded to the firm of Alber Construction in the amount of $288,937.95. All voted in favor and the motion carried. WELL NO. 5 PRODUCTION WELL, PROJECT 89-4A. Gary Warren: Once again Mr. Mayor we advertised for bids for the production well now based on the good results we've had from our observation wells at Well No. 2. This is for the new well, pumping facilities and expansion to the chlorine doslng system to accommodate the additional flow. Low bids agaln were vet'/ favorable. The low bid of $88,243.00 was provided by Bergeson-Caswell of Maple Plain. A reputable flrm. Has done a lot of work in the area and lt's my recommendation that we award production well for Well No. 5 to Bergeson-Caswell in that amount. Mayor Chmiel: I just have one question. In our contracts that we have, do we have penalty clauses contained in there if the contractor does not complete it by the speclflc date? Gary Warren: Yes. We typically have liquidated damage clause in the contract. Off the top of my head I don't recall the dollar amount on this one but it's typically $200.00 to $500.00 per day. City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Mayor Chmiel: Any discussion? Resolution $90-55: Councilwoman Dimler moved, Councilman Workman seconded that Isprovement Project No. 89-4A, Well No. 5 Production Well, be awarded to the firs of Bergeson-Caswell, Inc. of Haple Plain, Hinnesota in the amount of $88,243.00. All voted in favor and the motion carried. I(K). ZONING ORDINANCE AHENDHENT PERTAINING TO EXCAVATING, HINING, FILLING AND GRADING, FINAL READING. AND REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF PLATTING APPROVAL FOR 2 1/2 ACRE LOTS BY GIL LAURENT, BRUCE 3EURISSEN AND SEVER PETERSON, PLANNING DIRECTOR. Paul Krauss: Item (k), the second reading to the ordinance for grading, mining, filling and excavation. On April 23rd the City Council approved the first draft of the ordinance wlth some proposed modifications that have slnce been incorporated by the City Attorney. We've also asked that I meet with anybody who's interested, in particular Mr. Beauchane, he and I met on this several weeks ago. One thing I would like to point out though however is, at the last meeting I was absent at, the administrative review procedure came into some question. The original proposal was that staff be allowed when they're comfortable to do so for these guidelines to authorize grading, removlng enough ...up to 1,000 yards. The Council, or several people on the Council were concerned wlth that and proposed a lower total amount to 500 yards. ! guess I would ask that you reconsider that 1,000 yard cap. Speaking in favor of it, I guess I have a few points. I drafted an ordinance similar to thls in another community and had an opportunity to work with it for about 4 years and found that the 1,000 yard total was a reasonable one. It covered a lot of 1rems that you really would not want to be bothered with frankly. If there were any items that I thlnk that the Council or Plannlng Commission be concerned about, lt'd be our obligation to bring it to you and we of course would have that option to do that. I'd also 11ke to polnt out that we're working with two parties rlght now to take care of some dirt that's been contaminated by gasoline leakages. We're golng to be bringlng one to you at your next Council meeting because we want you to see how this w111 be handled because I think it's going to be occurring more and more. It's obvious lt's something...to clean these thlngs up. Interestingly enough, both requests that we're looking at, one's a city request and one's a prlvate party are 600 to 800 yards. In the future if we can do this, we'd like to be in a positlon to expedite the removal and treatment of black dlrt if we can. Rlght now, one flnal question kind of sittlng out in front of the Hanus site where...so again we'd 11ke you to reconsider that 1,000 yard total if you're comfortable dolng that. Otherwise the ordinance is drafted right now with the 500 yard cap. Councilman 3ohnson: In support of the 1,000 yard total, z calculated since I've been working with soccer so much lately, what the minimum size youth soccer field for an under 12 game is 70 yards by 110 yards. That's what's recommended. We're putting in a smaller one here in our town for older youth but that's a different question. If you took just that area, 70 yards by 110 yards, 500 City Council Meeting-- Hay 14, 1990 cubic yards is 2 1/3 inches of dirt over that area. So you know you're only talking about yea much dirt over a soccer field and if they did anything more that, that. If they wanted to put 6 inches of dirt or move 6 inches of dirt for the soccer field, they'd have to come before us. 1,000 will be a little less than 5 inches as a matter of fact so to build a soccer field where you have to, on the average move 5 inches of dirt, it'd have to come before the City Council at 1,000 cubic yards. So while 1,000 cubic yards sounds like a lot, it's not really that much when you look at earth moving. Mayor Chmiel: How many truck loads would that be Paul? Gary Warren: How many truck loads to 1,000 yards? Resident: About 100. 10 yards a load. Gary Warren: If you've got a 10 yard truck. Mayor Chmiel: Any other discussion? Councilwoman Oimler: Do you want to amend that right now? we go to 1,000. would second that Mayor Chmiel: Well that would be something after once everyone has a little more discussion. Councilman Workman: Is that number 7-35(A)? Councilman Johnson: It's in a couple actual places. It is in A. Roger Knutson: 7-30. The first two sections. Councilwoman Dialer: Wherever it's 500, we change it. Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, increase that to 1,000. Councilman Johnson' Something way in the back too has it too. Mayor' Chmiel: There's a couple different locations. In the front page it's 500 also. Councilman Johnson: I'm sure they can find all the locations and change it. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, if there's no other discussion, can I have a motion to make the change rather than belng 500 cubic yards, putting it to 1,000 cubic yards. Councilwoman Dimler moved, Councilman Johnson seconded to amend the Zoning Ordinance Amendment Pertaining to Excavating, Mining, Filling and Grading to change the 500 cubic yards to 1,000 cubic yards. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Paul Krauss: Orl item 13, staff received a request for the extension of preliminary plat approval for 6il Laurent, Bruce Jeurissen and Sever Peterson. You may recall that these individuals recelved conceptual approval for 2 1/2 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 acre lots prior to the date of adoption of the ordinance which eliminated that from the ordinance which was 1987. Since that time you have to have 1 per lO acre zoning. They have been given several time extensions. Host recently I believe in January, to bring in a plat with the concern being that until the location of TH 212 was deflned with some certainty, that it was difficult for them to design around it. Highway 212 has been officially mapped and the individuals are asking for further extension. I understand their concern in wanting to establish the fact that they credibly do have the abllity to subdivide 1nrc 2 1/2 acre lots. With a further understanding that there's a continued difficulty with TH 212 placement, we discussed the RALF funding program with them. However, we had a similar request by Gil Laurent in February where ue indicated that we were concerend with extending these things ad infinitum. We dld slgn a contract wlth the Metro Councll and dld change our ordinance as a result of that telling them that we would no longer plat these lots in the future. We are of course in the process of worklng on a major comprehensive plan amendment and frankly we'd be concerned with alienating the Metro Councll...letting these things continue on. We do however want to have some documentation by way of official Minutes and letters to the individuals saying that at thls point in time that ue are in fact...for 2 1/2 acre subdivisions and ue understand that the reason you did not proceed is that TH 212 is a pendlng roadway improvement and that they could use that official record when MnOot goes to acquire the property to show evidence of what they could have achieved on that. So we're recommending against the extension of the preliminary plat for those reasons. There's a somewhat related matter that you're aware of concerning one of the properties and I might defer to Roger to explain a little further. There has been grading activity occurring on the Jeurlssen property. We became aware of thls, well we've been aware of it for some time but last fall we were very actively involved wlth it relative to what was golng on on that property relative to how we interacted with the Moon Valley issue. Mr. Jeurissen had received the permits to grade his property some perlod of time ago. We understood what we tried to honor thls permlt. We understood last fall that the amount of materials...had been removed. We became aware that operations were startlng up again this spring. We went and posted the site with a stop work order which was ignored and we have since been trying to contact Mr. Jeurlssen's attorney and the contractor to get some compliance with that. If you have additional questions with that, we'd be happy to field them. Fill you in wlth what we understand now. Councilman Johnson: Mr. Mayor? Mayor Chmiel: Yes Jay. Councilman Johnson: You know we changed one part of l(k). Are we going to come back and finish the rest of l(k)? We had a motion to change it from 500 to 1,000. Mayor Chmiel: That's correct. Councilman Johnson: But we haven't approved the whole thing. Mayor Chmiel: No we haven't. City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Councilman Workman: Jay, I requested that they be looked at together because as Paul mentioned, one of the properties is excavating and in discussions with the property owner and the excavator and everybody else, continued interest in item (k) was brought up and that's where, since that is a second reading and final reading, ~'m sure they wanted to make some comments. Mayor Chmiel: So that means we'll be going back to (k). Councilman Johnson: We'll be going back to it? Councilman Workman: And I figured we'd be bleeding over into either and each of them somehow or the other and that we might as well... Councilman Johnson: But 13 is only for extending preliminary plat. It doesn't talk about excavating anyplace in 13. Councilman Workman: Right but I just figured we'd be talking about them in that 11ght. Mayor Chmiel: As discussion is going. Councilman Johnson: It may be but it has, so what are we discussing now? Are we discussing platting or are we discussing excavating or? Mayor Chmiel: We're discussing both those issues. Councilman Johnson: Simultaneously? Mayor Chmiel: Platting as well as the excavation. Council. man Johnson: Well I'm against extending the plat any more. It made sense to continue extending it as long as TH 212 was available and once it got to that polnt when they found out what TH 212 would do to thelr property, they had the choice of elther golng in for the RALF funds to plat or plat it or whatever. To continue to hold out to say in the future we can plat 2 1/2 acres is against the contract that we have and really has no basis I don't think. We've extended it for over 2 years now. The ablllty to do something that Her Council has been trying to get us not to do for equally long period of time. Councilman Workman: Paul, does the incomplete draft EIS have any bearing on thelr abillty at this point to peg whether or not, where TH 212 wlll be or should be? Is the TH 212 laid pretty well? Paul Krauss: TH 212 has been officially mapped. Theoretically the EIS could come up with, there are several alterantlves of the EIS and it could be changed but realistically it's been officially mapped. I guess to answer your question Tom, I don't thlnk it's golng to change anythlng substantially from our polnt of view but I don't think it changes it elther from the applicant's point of view. They'd like thls continued unt11 the highway's actually under construction. Whenever that point is. The EIS is not going to firm it up in any way that satisfies them because they still want to know, they have a difficult tlme thinking about how to develop with a pendlng hlghway somewhere on the horizon. Even though you know where the center 11ne of the highway is golng to be, what's 10 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 the lmpacts of... How do you bulld access roads? There are a number of tssues that won't be resolved until it's actually under construction. Councilman Workman: $o is what you're saying their ability to hang onto their window of opportunity for 2 1/2 acre lots, can they hang that request on the uncertainty of TH 2127 Councilman 3ohnson: Into the next century. Councilman Workman: In 95. Paul Krauss: I think that's a matter that you really need to declde. I think that the Clty's gone the extra mile on this one. Frankly I don't believe that Metro Council's aware that we've been dolng this and lt's not something we want to make a lot of waves about. The City's trying to be cooperative with individuals for qulte some tlme. It's been my opinlon and I guess I'd like to defer to Roger on this possibly but if we can demonstrate that at this point in time they were eligible to do thls, that that's documentation that wlll be considered by MnOot when they actually go for condemnation for purchase of right-of-way. So that value that they could have had, had they platted it into 2 1/2 acre lots, will be a consideration. Councilman Johnson: Or they could just plat it right now. Councilwoman Oimler: I guess I'd llke to hear from the applicants that are here but before we do that, Paul you mentioned something about putting it in the permanent record regarding the current ability of these properties to develop lnto 2 1/2 acre lots. What dld you mean? What's the permanent record there? Paul Krauss: The permanent record is the Minutes of this meeting and possibly a letter of the resolution that you authorize to give to the applicant. Hr. Laurent...out of this thing in February and at that time I scheduled an agenda 1rem with a letter to Mr. Laurent statlng that we understand that you're withdrawing your potential subdivision application but for the record we understand that you were ellglble to do that and the reason you didn't go ahead was because of pending TH 212 construction. So that he would have something officlal to go slt down and talk wlth appraisers with. Councilwoman Oimler: Okay, but he still has the ability to go with the 2 1/2 acres right now? Councilman Johnson: No. Paul Krauss: Well technically not. Technically Mr. Laurent opted out of this in February. We're not standing on a technicality. He's aparty to this request. Councilwoman Oimler: The other two applicants still have the ability for 2 1/27 Mayor Chmiel: Maybe what we should do is hear from the two applicants. Would elther one 11ke to or both come up and lndlcate thelr position? City Counci~ Meeting - May 14, 1990 Sever Peterson: Mr. Mayor, Councilpersons and staff, my name is Sever Peterson and I have one of the properties that you're discussing here in question. I appreciate very much Paul's comments. I'd say that they're accurate in many ways. The Council has been patient with us as landowners here and has been supportive. Staff has been particularly supportive of our landowner concerns here related to Highway 212. I do feel that there are some cicumstances here and I belleve that Paul is attempting to take them into consideration. I'm confident of that but maybe as a landowner and taxpayer I might be a little more sensitized to them personally. And to express those specifically, that I have a real strong concern that Highway 212 may never be built and that's a real concern and number two is that the roads that would be necessary. Yes we could subdivide as I urlderstand, my property and my neighbor's property there, if they deslred. Speaking for my own property, I could subdivide it into 2 1/2 acres at this time because of the extension that the city of Chanhassen has offered me and availed to me but a concern I'd have in doing that would be that the roads that I'd be putting in. For example my property has 3 proposed corridors going through it. It has the TH 212 proposed corridor. It has the proposed relocation of Ploneer Trail and has the proposed relocation of Bluff Creek Road. I'm not certain where those are going but that may be my own ignorance and maybe those have been literally established. As I understand, there is an issue of the Environmental Impact Statement. I don't even know how that affects me. I'm speaking now from a practical point of view of these 3 roads and then to put in the roads necessary to servlce the subdivision would seem to me, and now I'm not a subdivider. I'm a farmer. Introducing myself as a farmer for those of you that don't know but it would seem to me to have a subdivision one needs roads into that subdivision ~nd to have 3 proposed corridors cutting through it at some time in the future, I would think would be very difficult for a reasonable subdivision. And in the past, the City of Chanhassen has granted me, I believe it was in 198~ or there abouts, if my understanding is correct of this, that they had glven me preliminary plat approval on a piece of ground of this farm that I have that lies south of Pioneer Trail. And I had preliminary plat approval on 5 acres there and I believe that was in 1987 and this property, we cannot find interested people in those lots because people say, well where is the I-Iighway 212 golr, g to be? ~nd ethically you know of course you tell them and they say well, how's it going to lay? I mean I have no ldea how it's going to lay but they aren't interested and I'm saying that to relate if it ls applicable, that the corridors are a hardship to the development there. I might say in closing that if TH 212 came through, that it mlght be you know in the better interest of the City in order to serve the City as well here. I mean I consider it my property as the landowner but I consider it within the City of Chanhassen and their lnterest come to bear as well but that the best use of that property may not be 2 1/2 acre lots at that time. It may well be but if a highuay's not bullt, it very ~ell may be. But as a farmer right now, I would like to request an extension because of the hardships that I've mentioned. If the Counc11 would feel that they are applicable, I would like to have them considered. Thank you may very much Mr. Mayor. Councilmembers. Councilwoman Oimler: Mr. Peterson, how long do you want the extension? Sever Peterson: Well Z have not specified a time but I would like to have it unt11 the highway is actually belng built so that we knew where these roads were and that we could act accordingly in some reason to the best use of the property in terms of not orlly myself but also the City. If that could be possible. City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Loren Habbeger: My name is Loren Habbeger and I'm representing Mr. 3eurissen. What my situation is, I had talked to Tom here earlier today, is the Environmental Impact Statement from the State standpoint will not go to the Feds until June 6th and at that time it may take time before it's fully accepted. The highway, you may have endorsed the corridor but the highway is no certainty until the federal level approves the Environmental Impact Statement. So what Mr. Severson, what he's talking about. Mr. Peterson, I'm sorry. But what the situation is here, you're looking at something here that it may not happen. I mean it's not a certainty that the highway's going to be funded. I'm working on TH 169 by-pass right now on a couple development situations. The second phase of 169 has not been funded. And it may never happen. 212, in it's situation right now, has been approved to a certain point but what I think here is, I think there should be an extension here on the time element here until an environmental impact statement is done. There's nothing that there's a certainty. I mean you people may have endorsed this but it's not for sure. And the appropriations have not been granted totally for the funding of the highway. Mayor Chmiel: Correct me if I'm wrong. I thought there was 54 million dollars allocated for 212 corridor, isn't that right? Councilman Workman: That's to Lyman and they're looking to appropriate '96-'97 for the rest of it. And there is a request for construction financing in Congress rlght now for 12 m1111on which would finance it TH 41 in Chaska. Loren Habbeger: But I guess what I'm looking at here is, you know until the appropriations are met, you know you don't have a sure thing here. I guess the thing ls, from the corridor standpoint, you may have endorsed it but lt's not a deflnlte situation. Mayor Chmiel: 212 is definitely a corridor that's going to be needed for the additional flow thru the city and it's in the best city's interest to of course see that go as well as our expansions that we're doing on TH 5. 212 is, I sort of understand some of the positions that you're taking but hopefully you can see the same positlon as what the City is here. We sort of get put into a blnd as well. Loren Habbeger: Well the thing is, what we're looking at here with Mr. Peterson's property and with the Jeurissen property, to basically lay out frontage roads or anythlng that's right now, it's a tough situation. I mean I think if the property can be developed in an orderly fashion, until the Environmental Impact Statement is done and you've got a concrete situation, that you've actually got a commitment, we've got a pig in a poke here is what we've basically got. I guess what I'm saying is here, we're asking to extend that permit for 2 1/2 acre tracts and I think lt's a very feasible situation. You can build some good homes in that area and make it worth while because I do not feel that utilities are going to be out there for some time. So lt's not an immediate situation as far as service. Councilman Johnson: Do you understand RALF funds? Loren Habbeger: Right but what I'm saying to you right now, until you've got the, the RALF funding situation will not transpire until the Environmental Impact Statement is done. You don't have a commitment totally. You may have 13 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 endorsed it. It will go to the Feds June 6th. I've talked to Mr. Evan Green. Councilman Johnson: Later than that. Loren Habbeger: June 6th is when they're... Councilman Johnson: That's the public hearing here at the grade school. Loren Habbeger: The public hearing and then the Feds take it from there. The Feds can say, hey we're not going to give the money. So as a result, there is not assurance that you've got the funds. Councilman Johnson: Okay, Paul could I ask you on RALF funding? Paul Krauss: Yes. Councilman Johnson: At what point can we purchase his property? Paul Krauss: We could process an application today. It would have to be approved by the Metro Councll but the fundlng ls there and we could handle that today. COUrlcilman Johnson: So he's got a preliminary plat that's approved before the Council. He can go into final plat at which time you would apply for RALF funds to purchase the property at a fair market value for 2 1/2 acres, therefore keeping hls value of his property. And that's what he's concerned about doing. Paul Krauss: Right. Councilmar, Workman: But the road doesn't go through the Jeurissen property. Loren Habegger: No it doesn't. The situation, it goes through Mr. Peterson's property but to run a frontage road or anything that you come into the highway situation at this point there's nothing concrete. You could put a road in to come out to TH 212 but until it's established, you don't know where it's going to go. Councilman Johnson: So what you're saying is that 3eurissen wouldn't be, your client would not be eligible for RALF funding because he's not affected dlrectly by the highway? Loren Habegger: What I'm basically saying is that we're ready to go ahead and work on developing the property but the 2 1/2 acre situation, what I'm saying is to give an extension untll you know where you're golng to take your road and where TH 212 is going to be placed so that you can make a plan for the whole situation. Councilman Johnson: We've got a map. The map shows the entrances. The exits. The access roads. Loren )labegger: But it's not, is not concrete at this point. The Highway Department cannot give me an answer because there may be some changes unttl the Environmental Impact Statement is done. 14 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Mayor Chmiel: Paul? Paul Krauss: Hr. Mayor, the original time extension was granted until the thing was officially mapped which was done last fall. Then a time extension was given because there wasn't enough notlce to do that. Frankly, if there's a date certain and the date certaln was whatever date the EIS gets approved by the Feds, Z don't have a real objection to that. That's a finlte polnt in time. guess what concerns me is keeping the foot in the door from now until 19g? or whenever, open ended as has been requested. That's something that I really think contravenes the intent of the ordinance. We think the EI$ is probably going to be approved late thls summer or early fall and if it was tied into that, we wouldn't have an objection. Mayor Chmiel: Okay. Councilman Johnson: And say at that time they're going to come back and say let's now tie it into funding. Councilwoman Dimler: Well I was just going to ask. When the EIS is approved, does that mean how much... Councilman Johnson: It's not funded yet. Councilwoman Oimler: How long before the funding ts approved? Councilman Johnson= The phase that goes through this area. The EIS has nothing to do with the funding. It's already funded. toren Habegger: But it revolves on the Environmental Impact Statement. The corridor can change. It's not a definite situation. Councilman Johnson: The primary environmental impacts are east of your property. The main change it would happen would probably be east of all those properties rather than that area that we're talklng about with the Environmental Impact Statement. The wetlands. There's some historical areas west of you. Councilman Workman: Either the North Mitchell or the Riley. Gary Warren: Yeah, I don't think the alternatives, I'd have to look, that they lmpact this property. Councilman Johnson: They don't even get to this point. Paul Krauss: When you get to this point there's only the one. Gary Warren: They've only shown one concept through this. Councilman Johnson: That's what I'm saying is the EIS should not change anything here. Councilman Workman: Gary, I think it's plate 16A on the EIS on the aerial. The reason I brought this up was because of the excavating that's going on in the Jeurissen property so they're kind of intertwined because they'd like to 15 City Council Meeting -, May 14, 1990 continue to prep property and excavate on the property which conincidentally is related to the need for clay, etc. over in Eden Prairie and whether or not they have the capability to go ahead with 2 i/2 acre lots or not probably has a lot to do or something to do with continued excavating although I believe the landfill is what is driving the excavating at this point but ultimately for preparation for development on that parcel. Councilman Johnson: As I read our' packet, the excavating is in our City Attorney's hand. They've been glven a stop work order and they're refuslng to follow it and that's going onto the Courts. I don't see the permit or anything to even discuss the excavating tonight that's going on there because It's not even on our agenda or in our packet. In the adminstratlve sectlon of the packet there was a letter telllng them to stop work agaln and again. But before I decide anythlng on the excavating, I'd like to see excavating on our agenda in the future or in the courts in the future. Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, that's Z think a separate issue. Lore, Habbeger: I think what you should look at here though is from a development standpoint. You take France Avenue off of 494. The Hedberg property was ,i mining operation for years and leveled off and put to it's best use for development. To shape a piece you know it takes time and money and lt's the same thing with Mr. peterson. He's going to have a considerable amount of excavating but if you can remove materlal in an orderly fashlon and shape the parcel so that you put in proper roads and level it off, I think you people as from a tax standpoint should be looklng at a 2 1/2 acre tact wlth a substantial amount of investment as far as what the housing would come in from a tax standpoint and work wlth people that are trylng to develop rather than. What we're doing is we're taking a hill out that's completely useless as far as 1evellng off the slte. It has to be taken out. I mean lt's, the elevations are a problem so T mean as a result what I'm saying here ls, if you can see the future deve].opnlent as far as to benefit the property and put it on the tax rolls fro~, an agricultural standpoint back 1,to a residential development, I think you people should be looking at lt. And it can be done in an orderly fashion. I guess that's what I'm saying. Councilman Workman: Is this directly related to what happened with the Halla situation? Mayor Chmiel: Sort of, yes. Councilwoman Dim].er: Except Halla was not impacted by 212. Councilman Workman: But he requested the window and we said develop or don't. And he's not or ls he? He wanted it all the outlet. Mayor Chmiel: That's correct. Councilman Johnson: This is pretty much the same I see it. Mayor Chmie]: Okay. 16 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Sever Peterson: Mr. Mayor, Councilpersons, Sever Peterson again. As I recall, Mr. Laurent's property and my own property and my Jeurissen's property were 3 of the properties at the time that we had extensions that were either damaged or intersected or cut or whatever the word is by TH 212 was the reason for the consideration originally. I might say that t have spent considerably money on the lots that I mentioned. I'm not sure that Mr. 3eurissen, although I do know that they have spent money but speaking for myself, just how much I've spent that I know that I have spent and not that it's relevent but just for your point of information, that I have spent I would absolutely believe more than $15,000.00 and I'm quite certain it's less than $20,000.00 in surveys and so on that it takes to do the thlngs that we've done just to this polnt. I'm only saying that to let you know that I am serious and I would appreciate Councilwoman Oimler's questlon about how long, you asked me how long I thought maybe I should be allowed to continue if you wlll in a grandfather type position and I certainly respect Mr. Krauss', what I understood to be a comment Mr. Krauss made about that and I would defer to that. As a property owner I would defer to that. Referring to Councilman Johnson's comment that well, then it depends on the funding and that may be. I'm not saying that I wouldn't come in and say yeah but now I don't have the funding. I wouldn't come in and thls will bring up another issue. I would hope that it wouldn't be that but if there is a hardship case that I belleve would make sense ina speclfic situation, I would hope that I would not be renascent about ratslng it to the Council. I mean if it were a unique situation, I believe that that's a privlledge that I have as a cltizen in the community to raise that to the Council and to then depend on thelr declsion related to that. I'm only saying that at this point I do feel that there are really some real problems with our properties there being intersected by even more than one area and Councilwoman Dlmler, I didn't mean to say just open ended with my foot in the door. I mean that sounds to me to be unreasonable. I'm not demanding that or expecting that. It sounds like... Let's take it one step at a time and if we feel there's a step in the future that has merlt, brlng it before us. We'll consider that as a step at that tlme but at this time this ls how we see it and so on. And I want you to know that I'm not asklng just for an open ended foot in the door here because I certainly respect Hr. Krauss, staff's comment on that and I think it bears merit. Thank you. Councilman Johnson: Most of these areas are in the 1995 study area. There's all kinds of possibilities that 2 1/2 acres may not be the appropriate use for this property long term. That this may be commercial. It may be industrial. It may be whatever is branded by having this major highway cut through the town. They start bulldlrlg homes on 2 1/2 acres here, we could be cutting our own throats. Councilwoman Oimler: One of my concerns is that we don't create another situation like we did at Timberwood. We've got a mess there now because we allowed residential development and now we want to make it go commercial/ industrial along the highway and those residents are upset. Councilman Johnson: We had no choice. Councilwoman Oimler: So I think in an effort to preclude another situation like that, I would 11ke to see us work wlth the landowners tn a fashion that would really benefit the City and the landowners in the long run. If that's right 17 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 now, all we can go for is to wait until the EIS is completed and you know, I would go for that. Give them the 2 1/2 until then. Councilman Johnson: About the 1995 study area. When will that study be done? Paul. Krauss: Well the intent of that label on the Comprehensive Plan is that 1995 seemed to be an appropriate date to look at that area. You could conclude in 1995 that it's not appropriate to do it for another 5 years. The reason for that tlme ls hlghway construction. Also, Councilwoman Dimler, if there's going to be a motion to extend tllis until the EIS is approved, I would ask you to do it unt11 60 days after the ElS is approved because'we had that same problem wlth the official map the first tlme. We need to give them some time to turn it around and submit an application. Council.woman Oimler: That's fine. My feeling is that we've got two issues going here. One wlth the excavating and one wlth the 2 1/2 acres so is it possible to move tho 2 1/2 acres with this proposal and then take up the excavatlrl9. Mayor Chmiel: I think we carl move on 13 accordingly. What I had written down hero that we propose to extend the period of time of completion of the EIS with 60 days thereafter. Councilwoman Oimler: Second. Councilman Johnson: Approval of the EIS. Councilman Workman: So sometime in the winter? You're saying we're going to keep the door open. Mayor Chmiol: Leave the door open for that period of time. Councilman Johnson: It will probably be next spring by the time the ~0 days. The draft ElS gets publlc hearing, gets rewritten as a final ElS. The ElS gets submitted ~nd approved by Met Council. Federal Highways. There's a whole bunch of people yet to see that thlng. We're probably talklng a December timeframe for final approval of the flnal EIS rather than the draft EIS. Councilwoman Dimler: Then you have 2 months. Councilnlan Johnson: Then 2 month~ after that. So we'd be looking at February- March timeframe of next year. Mayor Chmiel moved, Councilwoman Oimler seconded to approve the request for extension of Preliminary Plat for 2 1/2 acre lots by G1I Laurent, Bruce 3eurissen and Sever Peterson until 60 days after approval of the final EIS. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Mayor Chmiel: Let'~ go back to item (k). We discussed the full completion now pertaining to the excavating, minlng, filling and gradlng whtch is basically on the final reading. Any further discussion? Paul, dld you want to bring something up yet? 18 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Paul Krauss: No sir. I'm through. I'd just point out though that there's also a synopsis of the ordinance for publication purposes. Mayor Chmiel: Right. Councilman Johnson: Is that included? Paul Krauss: Yes. Mayor Chmlel: The only thing we've done thus far is the moving of it from 500 cubic yards of material to 1,000 in a 12 month period. Councilwoman Olmler: Okay, do you want to address how does that fit into thls? Councilman Workman: I guess it doesn't. We've been saying it doesn't. Discussing thls wlth the other one? Councilwoman Oimler: Yeah. Councilman Workman: I guess we've proven without a shadow of a doubt that it doesn't so. Jay's words, not mine. Councilman Johnson: I didn't say shadow of a doubt. That's a lawyer's word. I'm an engineer. Mayor Chmlel: We have before us zonlng ordinance amendment and this ls of course as it is pertaining to excavating, mining, fllling and grading. The final readlng. Zs there any discussion? Any further discussion? Changes that we've got. Councilman Johnson: I thlnk the synopsis should be expanded somewhat. It's, you know we're talking a 10 page ordinance synopsed down to 10 lines. I don't know exactly what salient polnts to be put in there but I can see where we are saving a lot of money in pubIishing costs. I don't know, a couple of bullets about what some of the major changes are. Permit are required or this or that. The 1,000 yards exempt. Lanscaping. Fencing. Conditional Use Permits. Some of the main bullets of what the ordinance does. Mayor Chmiel: I think what we're really trying to do is see that the Council adopt the second and final reading amendlng Chapter 7 and Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code pertaining to excavating, mining, ftlling and grading and approval of the ordinance synopsis for publication purposes. Rlght Paul? Councilwoman Oimler: Second. Councilman Johnson: Was that a motlon? Councilwoman Oimler: Yes that was a motion. Councilman Johnson: Okay, would you include revising the synopsis to provide a little more detail. You've seen the synopsis here. That's tr. It's page 3. So you'll accept that? 19 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Mayor Chmiel: I would accept that as a friendly amendment, yes. Does the second accept that? Councilwoman Bimler: Yes. Roger Knutson: Point in question. Are you talking about Section 7-30 of the ordina,ce? Oh, the summary. Councilman Johnson: The summary of the ordinance. This little thlng. Somehow it's got to say a 11ttle more. Roger Knutson: The Council has to approve the exact wording. Mayor Chmiel: And I assume that you'll probably pull that together? Roger Knutsorl: Yes, and I'll have to bring it back to you for your next meeting. Mayor Chmiel: We have that motlon on the floor ulth a second, all those in favor. Paul? Paul Krauss: I don't have a problem wlth bringing it back to you for that revised summary but if we have to do that, that delays implementation of the ordinance. Mayor Chmiel: Okay with staff direction to make sure Jay? Would that satisfy you? Wlth staff to grab onto that to make those changes accordingly and maybe you can work with them if you feel... Councilman Johnson: The City Attorney just said that we have to approve the exact wording. Roger Knutson: If you'd like, Z will sit here whlle you're worklng on your other ltems tonight and Z wlll write it for you and believe you will have something you can read. Councilman Johnson: Then we can approve it tonight? Roger Knutson: Yeah. Gary laughed because he couldn't read my writing. Mayor Chmiel moved, Councilwoman Oimler seconded to adopt the second and final reading amending Chapter 7 and Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code pertaining to Excavating, Hining, Filling and Grading with approval of an amended Ordinance Synopsis for publication purposes. All voted in favor and the motion carried. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Chmiel: Somewhere along the line, we've been jumping around, I did go past Visitor Presentation and I'd like to back up. Don Atkins: Mayor and Council, I'm Don Atkins. I live at 9580 Eden Pralrie Road. We are basically erosion control contractors. Explain a few things. 2O City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 talked to Don Ashworth the other day. ge got involved in this Lake ~nn Park and we did the work on it. Now we have to redo it all basically to erosion problems. I want to just discuss erosion problems for a little bit. I think Chanhassen does a terrible job of erosion and I will explain why. I belong to the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek. I'm on the Advisory Board for that. I'm also President of the Minnesota Erosion Control Association. I've been in this business longer than anybody in this area so we see a lot of faulty things that are coming around. One of the things from Lake Ann Park, there should have been a lot of erosion preventative measures put in, there was not so it's going to cost me pretty good money to redo it again. I've got about 5 questions I want to ask the Council. Does anybody know the proper methods of silt fence installation? ghat's recommended. The other question is, why do we put hay bales in front of silt fence? good fiber blanket and the property useage. see it all over Chanhassen. It's not used properly, ghy, when you get, let's say Rosemount Engineering down here for example. Didn't you have the contractor like you go from Rosemount to the Church to £mpak building to the Opus Park, whatever you want to call it back there, why wasn't there not rye seeded rye itself? Grain rye put in so that a quick means to hold the soil so it wouldn't all erode away. gaiting for a year for somebody to come along and do it. The cost of that is very minimal and some of the things that I see that have happened and I'll go on to just name a few. powers building in Lake Susan Hill. The Powers Blvd.. The erosion on the south end of that even yesterday, today it eroded clear down into the opposite field. There's probably a foot to 2 foot wash out there so there's nothing been done in that job. Lyman Blvd. west of TH 101. Two years that has not been seeded or mulched. Opus Lake, erosion of the dirt into the pond. ghy wasn't there a silt fence or bales put in the bottom on it? goodwere in front at the very southeast corner of it. They dug and put the woodwere in but they left all the dirt in front of the woodwere so the principles are completely destroyed. Rosemount Engineering. Do they pay a little bit extra? No hay bales in front of silt fence. All the other places have got it but why not Rosemount? Stakes, 7 to B foot centers. Every plan that you pick up it says the stakes should be on 4 foot centers. Empak, wood fiber blanket on the north hill, it's not overlapped. It's laid the wrong way. Hay bales staked with lath and I think the City did that themselves when they had a problem early this spring. The City crew. So there's a couple of recommendations and then I'll go back just a little bit. gsa the heavy duty silt fence if anybody knows what that is. The heavy duty silt fence, rather than putting hay bales in front of silt fence, I would love to sell. I bale 40,000 bales a year so I'd love to sell Chanhassen all my hay because I'd make more money off it than I do silt fence but looking at it in the right perspective, if you put the heavy duty silt fence in which has a nylon backing with squares in it. It has a small rope put in the top of it. Use steel posts. 1 foot of silt fence, if it's the proper silt fence and again I see all kinds of, it says in any spec, merify 100 or recommended use of it. There's a lot of cheap stuff out that is absolutely you might as well just leave it at home as to use it because it does not meet specifications. So if you went to the steel posts, the nylon backing wlth the rope in top on 10 foot posts would be probably the best solution you could have. Okay, we had an education program. I've been to the City Englneer probably 3 times and talked to him. We had on March 16th we had a meeting of there were 2 inspectors for example from the City of Eden Prairie. We had about 40 people there. I had RSVP on it and about 2 days previous, 3 days previous to the meeting I was in the inspector's office in the Clty of Chanhassen and he sald he mlght be there. Well he didn't make lt. City Council Meeting - Hay 14, i990 think that ue are trying to educate the people. Sever Peterson was up here a few minutes ago talking. Sever's on the, what are you on? One of the boards anyway. The farmers basically have got their stuff pretty well together but the developers are raping your land without you knowing it. I'm not after the developers. I'm just after it's what I believe in because I've done it for many years. I spent a lot of money on my own place doing it. So if anybody wants any questions and what I guess is about all the information Z need. Any question:~? Mayor Chmiel: No. Thank you Don for providing that information. I think that's something that maybe we will look at within the City. Don Atkins: Okay. Councilman Johnson: You talked about Lake Ann Park and how you're going to have to... Don Atkins: Well we have to redo it because I took Bob Obermeyer who probably everybody pretty weJl knows from Bart Engineering. He went out there and he saJ. d most of the problem is erosion. ?5% to 80% of the problem was from erosion so we are redoing the park but with the recommendations that Bob Obermeyer comes in and puts, say this is where we have to have all types of whatever it might be to stop the soil erosion. But the city has to, I'm just saying, then we're doing that. It's going to cost us quite a bit of money but in the due respect, I'd like to see it done to everybody elses too and some more things that go on you know that could be curtailed in this thing. Thank you. 1 Mayor Chmiel: Is there anyone else wishing to address Council at this time? Loren Habbeger: My name is Loren Habbeger again. I guess what we're looking at here is where do we stand on this permit here? We're trying to level the site off and get it ready for future development. Mayor chmiel: Let me refer that to our Attorney. Roger Knutson: There's been a lot of discussion but, was it you? I thought it was someone else. Loren Habbeger: You've probably talked to our attorney is who you've talked to. I guess what we're trying to do here. Roger Knutson: I've called him once and I've called him for the last 3 days and I've not got a response to my phone calls. I_oren Habbeger: I guess what we're trylng to do here ls we're trying to level off a site and make it practical for future development. I don't think the lssue, if you can lmprove the slte and make it work wlth the 2 1/2 acre situation for future, I don't think you should hold back progress on that. l jlz~t feel that we're not dolng something that's golng to be detrimental. It's going to improve the overall development. Roger Knutson: I don't thlnk anyone on the City Councll and the Clty ls holdlng back progress. Z think the City wants you to go through the proper procedures 22 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 to get a permit. Loren Habbeger: I guess what it amounts to is what permit was issued here? This goes back to early 1988. I went to the Bepartment of Natural Resources. l went through all channels as far as Watershed and so on and so forth. Mr. Brown I started out with and what we're basically the understanding was ue were going to level the property off and take it in segments of an acre at a time and that's what we're looking at. We want to take and take that hill which is, it's got a bad elevation. Tom was out there today. We went over the whole situation. What we're trying to do is pancake the hill so that we can run our roads in there for future development and make it work. So I guess, Tom you know looking at the thing, there's excruciating circumstances because you've got some elevations there that, all we're trying to do is make something work. We're not out here to hurt anybody or cause any problems. Roger Knutson: And the City is just trying to get compliance with it's ordinances. I don't know if this is the best forum to resolve this tonight. Mayor Chmiel: I don't think it's a point that we should resolve it. We can't resolve it anyway under Visitor Presentations. toren Habbeger: I guess the whole thing is what I'm looking at. Mr. Waingren who did quite a blt of work for Naegele along 494. There were a lot of hills there that were leveled off whlch ls all hlghway business now and residential areas. I think the thing is, what we're looking at here. It's definitely suitable for housing rather than commercial or anything like that. It's definitely a residential area. I don't see a value there as far as commercial because of the ! would say the vlew situation and so on. Zt would be more adapt to housing and I think the same thing with Mr. Peterson's property. It definitely should be a residential aspect that you people should be looking at. I guess that's what we're trying to do and we may as well go into Mr. Peterson's later on and develop that also. I guess what I'm asklng here rlght now... Mayor Chmie1: I guess we're at a position where we can't resolve the particular questlon that you're asklng right now. I think the resolvement will come from further discussion with staff and 2 attorneys with that final determination belng made then. toren Habbeger: Well I appreciate, what we're trying to do here is we're just trying to accomplish something here in an orderly fashion and we're not out here to cause a problem. We're trying to improve the overall situation. Mayor Chmiel: Thank you Loren. Appreciate it. Is there anyone else? VARIANCE REQUEST FOR A MOTHER-IN-LAW APARTMENT, 8628 CHANHASSEN HILLS DRIVE NORTH, ARLETTA BRAGG. Paul Krauss: Earlier tonight the Board of Adjustments reviewed a varlance request to establish a mother-in-law apartment in a new home that's currently under construction for the Bragg's. The ordinance provldes for a varlance procedure for these types of situations. Staff reviewed the request and felt that it met the 4 standards that are located in the ordinance rlght now which basically demonstrates that there's a need based on disability. That the 23 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 building externally looks like a single family home and that separate utility services are not being provided and relative to the variance's impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Staff bad recommended that the variance be approved. The Board of Adjustment unanimously did that but there was some neighborhood interaction. I think Mr. Mayor maybe you were here to hear that and there's some reason to think that that decision would be appealed to the City Council tonight. Mayor Chmiel: Thank you. Is there anyone wishing to address Council at this particular time? Councilman Johnson: Paul, the rights to appeal is what time length? 14 days I believe? Paul Krauss: Within 10 days? Roger KnLttson: 10 days is my recollection. Councilman Johnson: 10 days? No Council action is required on this at this time. Paul Krauss: Not unless it's appealed. Councilman Johnson: Unless it is appealed and it can be appealed within 10 days and at our next Council meeting it will come up again. What is the procedure fo;' appealing it? Paul Krauss: We simply need a letter from anybody that's agrieved by the decision. Robert Long: Can I ask a question? Mayor Chmiel: Certainly. Robert Long: My name is Robert Long and I live in Chanhassen Hills, what is the address? I don't know the address. Wherever. I've only lived there 9 months. I don't know where it is. I guess what I wanted to understand ls what is the appeal procedure. It's a new one on me so I don't know. Councilman Johnson' It's what we were just going through. Paul Krauss: In the past we've allowed appeals to come directly right now to the Clty Counc11 where you would state that you're agrleved by the declslon of the Board of Adjustments and ask the Clty Council to reconsider. If you don't do that tonight, you have 10 days to do that but you can do that right now. Robert Long: Okay, let's try it right now while we're here. I think most of you heard the arguments we brought up or maybe you dldn't. I don't know. Mayor Chmiel: Some did. Some did not. Robert Long: Again the problem that I have wlth the duplex golng in ls that I dorl't feel it's a mother-in-law apartment. I feel it's a duplex. It's set up 24 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 as a duplex. It looks like a duplex. If it's a duck, call it a duck. You know the old argument for that. I do not want my neighborhood a duplex when it is zoned single family dwelling. I've got roughly $200,000.00 invested in my home. I bought that home there and I built the home there with the idea that there would not be a duplex in the neighborhood. It's single family dwelling. My objection, maybe to clarlfy it a little more, given the fact that it is a mother-in-law situation it lsa fact that the bullding ls set up precisely as I understand a duplex to be set up. Carry the argument a little further, I know what a duplex ls because I had a couple of them. I know exactly what they look like. I know how they're set up and I have one set up slmilar which was the grandfather clause in and there was a lot of, thls was before I purchased it but it was grandfather claused in and it is single utility going in. It is a side by slde unit but it is a duplex. This particular unlt happens to be an up and down unit but I can't understand how you can turn around and call it a mother- in-law apartment by fine tunlng a definition. My objection of course ls that not the fact that it's going to be a mother-in-law apartment or mother-in-law's living there or a family. That's flne wlth me. I'm comfortable with that but the way the building is set up, when that building is sold, and it will be because the average length of tlme that people own a home is roughly 7 years I think, it is set up as a duplex. I've heard the Planning Commission's argument that well at that time thls is set up for mother-in-law apartment for one individual. Named individual, on and on and on and that part of it is comfortable but my objection ls the way the bullding is set up. I would urge the Council to take a look at it and maybe requesting that the building be set up as a prlvate, slngle famlly residence. Mother-in-laws 1lye there, fine. That's very comfortable. I guess that pretty much outlines what I have to say. Chew on that for awhlle ls my favorite comment. Thank you. Mayor Chmiel: Thank you. Is there anyone else? Hearing none, I'll just bring it back to the Counc11. Jay. You sat in on the specific hearing on lt. Councilman Johnson: This is a case where the applicant meets all of our laws and all of our ordinances. If you're drivlng 55 mph down the road ina 55 mph speed limit and you're in the right lane and you're going the right direction, there's not much we can do about lt. As long as you're st111 ina car. In thls case they're still in a car and they're doing everything by the law and we can't, in my opinlon, we can't make up our own laws and ignore what's written in front of us here in the zoning ordinance. They have met the specifications. Whether these ordinances need to be modifled or not, ! don't know. I don't see that the mother-in-law houses are that bad of a problem. I have no reason to reverse my earller vote. Gail Aneson: My name is Gail Aneson and we live at 8&25 Chanhassen Hills Drlve and I just have a question. This house is already is well started. It's enclosed. Windows and doors are in and we're just now hearing about the variance. What if one of the criteria was not met? What if it does have separate utilities comlng lnto it at thls point? Councilman Johnson: It's already been checked. Paul Krauss: Mr. Mayor, we review the plans when they're submitted. In fact the original plans did have a kitchen downstairs and we made them take it out City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 and get a variance which is what they're doing now, before we would allow them to build that. Gall Aneson: Okay, so my biggest concern then is, in the future, since we let this come in and it's a masked duplex, what happens because there's a lot of vacant lots that haven't been built on yet. When someone comes in and starts building a duplex with double entrance and a garage on each side and it gets to the point that this house is at and they say, oh we just noticed that this is a duplex and this is single family zoned? What happens then? Paul Krauss: If it got to that point, we're not doing our job. We review it. The building inspection department reviews it. A lot of departments in the City review it before ground is even broken and we would not allow a duplex to be built in a single family neighborhood. Councilman Johnson: Paul, what you're saying is that the building plans that were approved, you've removed the kitchen and stuff from the building plans. Paul Krauss: Well when the building plans came in it was apparent to us that there was on apartment in the basement and ue made that an issue and said look, if you want to go ahead and start construction, you're golng to have to take that out of the plans and if you want to go ahead, and apply for a variance and that's in fact what they dld. Councilman Johnson: So the current building plans do not include the kitchen in the basement that are approved and they are bullding with? Paul Krauss: That's my understanding of how the permit got issued, yes. Councilnlan Johnson: So currently we're building a single family residence. Once the varlance is approved, they can then resubmlt changes to thelr bullding plans and put the kitchen back in. Paul Krauss: They clearly have the intent to do that and the plans are adaptable to it but that's the way we handled it. Councilman Johnson: And a duplex would be a totally different issue. If they came in with 2 garages and 2 entrances and everything, that would never get through... Paul Krauss: ...and one set of utilities. And frankly, there's no law against somebody putting an extra kitchen in the basement if they wanted to. A lot of people do that for entertaining. That by ltself does not constitute a duplex. Gall 6neson: Well thank you. Like I say, our biggest concern is that no, in the future because you know when you open the door a 11ttle bit, it can be pushed wide open and in the future we do not want duplexes or multiple family dwellings bullt in that development. Mayor Chmiel: Within a residential area, it's a single family unit that can only be built within that speciflc area. 26 r City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Councilman Johnson: You are in a PUD that has multiples attached to it. Apartment buildings planned for right next to you. As part of the PUD approval there are some R-12 I believe. Councilman Workman: Not right across. Councilman Johnson: But it's all tied up with the TH 2i2 corridor but it was originally approved with some. I don't see it on the map but. Robert Long: We've got a big objection to 212 being stuck in there after we purchased our property too but that's a different thing. Councilman Johnson: Well 212 was there before it was platted but I sat and listened to a real estate agent tell a guy that the land next to the house that he was buying was zoned single family residential when it was zoned for apartments so real estate agents don't always tell exactly the truth. Mrs. Long: Well now this was something that I got from the City Council that showed 212 way over by Lake Riley. Now you've got it going closer to us. Originally it was not where you have it. Councilman Johnson: They may have shown you one of the alternatives. Robert Long: Before we moved into the area we requested all the information... Councilman Johnson: A couple years ago I couldn't say that because the Mayor was a realtor. That was the previous mayor. This guy only sell electricity. Mayor Chmiel: Any other discussion? Councilman Workman: I believe why Char Hills and Lake Susan Hills, that 2i2 is going to be reassessed. Robert Long: Is there a way we can get some more information on what people are thlnking on that? Councilman Workman: Sure, give me a call. Councilman Johnson: There's a public information meeting, public hearing on TH 212 June &th at the grade school. That one's for the draft EIS. The draft EIS is in the library right next door and you can go look at it at any time. Mayor Chmiel: 7:30? Paul Krauss: Right. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, any other discussion? If not hearing any, I'll entertain a motion. councilman Workman: So moved. Councilman Johnson: What did you move? I move denial of the appeal of the declslon of the Board. 27 City Council Meeting -- May 14, 1990 Councilman Horkman: Secor, d. Councilman 3ohnson moved, Councilman Workman seconded to deny the appeal of the decision of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals for a variance request for a Hother-in-Law apartment at 8628 Chanhassen Hills Brive North. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ACCEPT CONCEPT PLAN FOR STORM WATER UTILITY; AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF FINAL STORM WATER UTILITY REPORT. Gary Warren: The majority of the document should be somewhat familiar to Council. This was reviewed at the April 30th work session. Basically based on input r'eceJved that evenlng, we've had our consultant Short-E111ott take a look at establisl,ing a $.50 per acre cost for the undeveloped and agricultural property and we've pared down, and I should cautlon I guess that all these numbers are just kind of concepts at thls time but we pared down the capital improvement program to 1.5 mllllon versus 2 that we had originally put in there. So the report basically reflects that input and modifications accordingly. Hark Lobermeier ls here and I'd 13. ke to ask Mark if he'd come up and just klnd of briefly run through the rest of the details that are pertinent here for this evening. Mark Lobermeier: Mr. Mayor, Councilmembers. ~s you recall, Z was at the work sesslon about 2 weeks ago and we went through thls, some overheads on the utility. I guess I'd just 11ke to go through a few of those agaln tonlght to 3u~,t kind of bri[,g you back up to speed to maybe generate some questions and then cover some of the revised numbers in the draft report. Mayor Chmiel: All within 10 mirlutes? Mark Lobermeier' I'll do it as fast as I can. What we're talking about tonlght is financing storm water projects using a storm water utility concept. As Gary mentioned, the report that we're talklng about lsa concept report. It's klnd of ].ike a feasibility study to give you an idea that thls is the way we want to go or not. It's not a bindlng type thlng. More information and provlde you with some direction. Storm water utility used to cover expenses such as plar, ning and englrleerlng, routlne maintenance and also operating the storm water ~tt11[ty or things relating...and water quality in the city. Most of the expenses that we've shown are in plannlng and engineering and they cover thlngs like erosion and sediment control that were eluded to earlier. Local water management planning. Water quallty in lakes and wetlands and also capltal improvements such as new construction and reconstruction of a facility. Storm water utlllty has several advantages. Flrst of all the contributers of runoff from property who are causing the needs for improvement are the ones who pay. Secondly, the charges are proportional to the amount of runoff or the pollution that runs off of these properties. Third is a self financing method. That is it doesn't compete wlth the general fund wlth other government concerns. The utility doesn't cause an increase in the property tax levy. The revenues that the utility generates are kept ina separate designated fund just for storm water type lmprovemel]ts and it's legally defendable. By that I mean, you don't need to show beneflt to properties in order to operate and charL properties wlth the utilities. How wlll the utllity benefit Chanhassen? As we mentioned, it 28 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 will provide a continuous source of revenue. It's a self financing system. It doesn't compete for the general fund dollars and it may even reduce the levy or allow funds to be reallocated to other areas. Third, by constructing and maintaining storm water drainage facilities, the City will realize benefits of flood control which provide property and life protection, safe and open transportation systems during storms, water quality improvements and enhancement of recreational opportunities. The report that you have before you outlines the financing dilemma as we call it, for storm water improvements. The basic methods that you have available for financing drainage and water quality type improvements include..., general passess or special tax districts, special assessments which again can be very difficult when you need to show benefit to properties. Building permits and land development fees. User charge or the utility that we're talking about is another option and last of all...outline some of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods. I think that the best option that you should be looking at should be a fair method. Should be dependable. Again, it should have a strong legal basis and should be something fairly simple to operate. We think that through what's presented in the report that we find that the best answer to that is a storm water utility. There's just a couple key elements that need to be understood if you're going to go ahead with the utility. First of all it is all real property within a drainage basin will benefit from the installation of an adequate storm drainage system. Not just those that at the bottom on the hill. Secondly, the cost of installing an adequate drainage system should be assessed against all developed property in the basin. To come up with an idea of what the charges might be, we looked at a couple things. Again, as I mentioned the charges based on how much water would run off a particular property and how much pollutant loads is generated so we look at existing land use for the property. For existing land use we look at how much rain would run off in this case or if we get 2 inches of raln tonight, how much water would run off and on that basls we can say well such a percentage of water comes off of residential property. Such a percentage comes off of commercial property and on that basls we can come up with the dollar amounts that support the programs that the City needs to implement. We projected that a 5 year capltal improvement cost of about 1.5 mlllion dollars which would be about $500,000.00 per year. That gave us a residential lot cost of around $4.00 per lot per quarter or about $12.00 a year. Commercial property would be charged on an acre basis at a little over $51.00 per acre per quarter. Industrial lots would be around $40.00 per acre per quarter. And to get to these numbers, we looked at the agricultural and the undeveloped properties in the clty and charged a flat rate of $.50 per acre. We used the flat rate again mostly to keep the cost for agricultural and undeveloped land at somewhat of an acceptable level. Thls does have somewhat of an affect because the other properties do have to pick up a little bit of the difference but if we go just with the amount of runoff that would come off of these properties, the costs there are too prohibitive. Again I want to point out that the numbers that we're showing here are examples only and they don't represent any commitment at this point by the City. The plan ts just under consideration as a concept and through your approval tonight we'd 11ke to be able to go ahead and try to fine tune both the capltal improvement costs and what the final property charges should be. One important aspect when looking at the utlllty ls comparing how the utility is supported to your current tax basis. The top line indicates that residential properties currently pay about 50% of the taxes in Chanhassen. The utility on the other hand would be supported only at about 38X by the residential properties because only about 38X of the total runoff in the City 29 City Council Meeting - Hay 14, 1990 comes off of those same properties. Where that difference gets picked up is the commercial/industrial properties would be paying a higher percentage into the storm water utility that, they currently would in property taxes. Other points that come up often is who else is doing this? Is this something new that we're trying to do? A lot of people are doing this and we've listed just a few of the communities in the metropolitan area that are implementing the unit storm water utilities. The City of Roseville was one of the first to use the utility. They use a charge of a little over $4.00 for residential lot and about $65.00 for industrial property. Bloomington is another community that uses the utility. They're about $?.00 for residential lot and around $16.00 for industrial properties and commercial. They felt it was more important to keep the cost down for the business properties. Eagan is one you may have seen just recently in the newspaper' getting their utilities off the ground. They are similar to $].oomir, gton at about $4.50 per residential lot and around $22.00 for industrial property. Again, these charges are extremely sensitive to how much you're trying to generate with your overall program so depending on what the acceptable charge is determined to be and how much you want to accomplish over a certain period of time, those charges can be varied to come out how you want them. Gary indicated we'd like to get approval tonight to go ahead and just to fine tune the program. Get some better numbers together and come back again for ~ou and for the public. Some of the things that are coming next would be accept the basic concept and that would be accept this report. Go in and ue look at the cost projections ~r,d try to really get, one of the things that Chanhassen's going to be doing in the next few years that would be covered by the utility. Get a real good handle on that. We'd settle in'on the fact that we are going to bass this utility on existing land use and we are going to base it on a certain amount of rainfall. We used 2 inches because that gives us a certain ratio of how much residential pays versus industrial. The more rainfall you use the closer the industrial and commercial rates get. The less rainfall you use, the farther away those rates get. The report indicates and a table that illustrates that, that's one other thing that I think would be decided and finalized in the next phase of the project. Next an ordinance would be drafted which would provide legal basis. Would define the fee equation and any exclusions of properties that would not be charged and also an appeal process. Item 4 is probably the most important part if you do decide to go ahead. The utility method is going to succeed and be a very strong public information program. We're talking about things 11kc putting newspaper articles. Havlng some flyers golng. Getting the word out on exactly what the utility is. Here importantly, havlng one or more informational meetlngs where the publlc can come in and talk about it. Thls is where I live. How much is my charge going to be and get that input before the numbers are actually finalized and flnd out what everybody is thlnking about. Try to keep it as open as possible. Once the public input stage is pretty much complete, you have a good feel for where people are at, we can look at going to public hearing and lastly, would be amending the billing procedure which would essentially amount to addlng a 11ne where it says water and sewer. Underneath it may say storm water utllity. So it's again a user charge just 11kc the sanltary and water servlces that many of you are used to paying every nlonth and I guess my 10 minutes are up. councilman Workman: Maybe to discuss this. How about the folks that don't have a water and sewer bill? 30 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Mark Lobermeier: Well it would require to go ahead with the utility program would be to expand your current billing procedure to cover those areas that currently don't have city services. At some point as development continues to occur, they will be hooked up to city services and of course those items will just be added to the billing so to adopt the utility program would mean to expand your current methods. Councilman Workman: If we dubbed the $4.00 or something a quarter, that's all they'd have on thetr bt11. They wouldn't have sewer and water. What really would we have to enforce that? We couldn't shut off their abllity to have runoff. I'm thinking of specific people who are probably thinking this too. Councilman Johnson: We're not going to allow it to rain on their property anymore. Councilman Workman: My point's well taken. Roger Knutson: ~hat you could do is you'd handle it the same way you do when someone does not pay their water bill. It's under the same statute that allows you to send your unpaid water bills down to the County for collection of taxes. You can do the same thlng wlth thls. Councilman 3ohnson: Plus interest and everything else. Pretty soon it will be all the way up to $20.00 a year. Gary Warren: Mark, by your earlier discussion as we've approached this, part of the reason that the storm water utility is good is because it's defensible. It's based on equations of runoff and runoff impact. Do we jeopardize that integrity by fixing a flat rate for the agricultural/undeveloped land at $.$0 because we're basically taking it out of the equation and setting that. We're not saying that it's proportional to it's lmpact. Hark Lobermeier: Utilities have operated in a couple ways. I talked with Bloomington just the other day and they were very quick to point out that gee here in Bloomington ue did establish a charge for undeveloped properties. The basic utlllty concept as it initially stands is that just in developed parcels should contribute so I'm not sure that it's really going to jeopardize the program. I may offer that if you go straight runoff, that that may jeopardize the success of the utility because the costs are just going to be too prohibitive. When ue went through it just on a pure runoff basis, we were comlng up wlth about a $2.00 an acre charge for agricultural property. Now that'd be per quarter and they can average agricultural landowner... Councilwoman Oimler: I do not understand where you come up with that because you know to me agricultural land has very little runoff because there's very few paved surfaces. There's no roofs. I mean the intent is for the rain to be soaked up and the only time I can see runoff ls when we have a heavy raln that washes when there isn't property erosion control. Now most farmers that I know are very good about soil conservation and erosion control so to me even $.50 per acre sounds like a lot. Where do you get the SZ.O0? I don't understand. Mark Lobermeier: The $2.00 that was initially presented is based on a runoff backer that's asslgned to agricultural land. It follows the $oil conservation City Council Meeting -- May 14, 1990 service method for determining runoff for different properties. Looking at the runoff factors or runoff tendencies that are assigned to different properties, agricultural ]and depending on how it's treated. Whether there's no crops or what have you, often time has a runoff factor as high as residential properties because you have barer soil that's tilled up. And what happens is, as rain falls, the soil particals 9et water around them and if you get enough of the sand grated layer, you essentially form a layer that won't allow water to soak in. If you get a nice soaking rain today, you don't get runoff off of much property... COUilcilwoman Dimler: We haven't had that problem for a few years. M,~rk Lobermeier: ...but it doesn't run off your yard either. In a residential sitLtatJo~ as agricultural, if you get a very heavy intense rain, it's all going to runof¢. And the rows inbetween the corn that's out there, you're going to get a fair amount of runoff. Councilwoman Dimler: I've watched the corn roue after a rain and believe me the water stays right there. Mark Lobermeier: Well the factors aren't anything that we made up. They're pretty weJl established by the Soil Conservation Oistrict. £ouncilwoman Dimler: I just don't see it. Councilman Johnson: I believe it. Councilwomar, Dimler: I mean the purpose of the rain is to soak in and water the crops you know. Mark Lobermeier: And there are methods that a lot of farmers do use. Conservation tillage and conservative farming to try to keep the water on their land. Councilwoman Dimler: So are you telling us then that we're going to extend the storm sewer out towards agricultural land? I think that would be very expensive. Mark Lobermeier: No. What we're indicating is that runoff, well when it rains water- comes off of all properties in the city so you have a certain volume that comes off of each property and because that water has to be handled by the City at some juncture, either through the water management organizations or it drains into your storm sewer or culverts that have to be replaced, the City incurs costs for managing this water. Or for trying to improve the water quality when the water runs off of agricultural land into streams or into lakes, that's a cost to the City and because of those costs, we're trying to come up with a method to try to offset the costs that right now come out of general taxes. Councilwoman Oimler: Okay, well I guess we'll have more farmers here to discuss this at the public hearing. Paul Krauss: What would we do with large lot residential? If you've got a 3 acre parcel, the home obviously occuples only a small quarter of that. Is that 32 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 balance of the property developed or undeveloped? Mark Lobermeier: It can be treated a couple different ways. I guess for the sake of the report we treated it just as a large parcel and gave it a runoff index that would relate it to a 2 acre lot so that accounts for some of that. If the charge is still deemed too high when we go through some of the public information program, we could try to make it an overall determination say for lots that are 2 1/2 acres and above will assume the residential lot cost of so much and undeveloped property. We try to take that into account when we establish what runoff factors. Mayor Chmiel: Okay, any other discussions? Councilwoman Dimler: Yeah, I guess I'd like to add some other comments. I see this as a tax so it somehow here we are increasing taxes. I would guess that in order for me to vote for this I would go to what page 4 has to say about reducing the tax levy which supports the general fund at that so we aren't increasing the taxes. But I'm asking by what amount. What's the formula here? Mark Lobermeier: I can't tell you that until we finalize it. Councilwoman Dimler: What about the other cities that have done that? What have they used? Mark Lobermeier: I can't give you an exact figures although Roseville did note a substantial decrease in thelr overall levy. Some communities say, fine we can take that money out of general taxes. We ayen't going to lower the taxes but now we have that money to use in other places when we put that together so it may not necessarily mean lowering. It may mean a reallocation of some of your funds but now... Councilwoman Oimler: Well I would like to see it as a lowering, that's what I'm saying. Also, I would be willing to study it more carefully but I would have to see that we address water quality and not just dealing with water runoff. That means that this money would be able to be used to restore our lakes. It would be able to be used to educate the pub110 on use of fertilizers and washlng detergents which pollute our lakes and also anything new that comes down the pike here that we can do to protect the quality and quantity of our water. I don't want to see it just being used to create new construction on storm sewer. My other question is, ls the developer still going to be paying? Gary Warren: Yeah, if I could maybe address a couple of your comments Councilwoman Oimler. The developers would st111 pay as they do at our current situation, to have the actual utilities constructed storm sewers that are a pertlnance to development. That would not change. That would go consistent with the developments. What we're looking at I think really is the blg picture to be able to address as you say, water quality issues as well as the storm water rate issue and runoff issue. We will be faced as we've reviewed in the past wlth posslbly over $100,000.00 study just to meet the watershed requirements here for this, it's called Chapter 509 requirements for putting together the City's total comprehensive plan. It was partly with that funding commitment or obligation in the future that we were starting to look at this utlllty dlstrlct to see where can we fund thls from because we don't have that 33 City Council Heetillg -- Hay 14, 1990 storm water fund anyplace now. It would have to come out of streets or utility or someplace. The other issue is, as the article from Eagan was pretty timely here on the water quality management plan that they have in place now and my impression is we deal with Eurasian Water Hilfoil and Purple Loosestrife and the other challenges that we've been recently up against here on water quality is that it is a plan of that nature that needs to be an offspring of this as well and as a part of our 509 plan so that we have the tools in place to be able to address and control the use and the development of these lakes. To equate it to strictly if we implement the utility district, then we will have a comparable savings in taxes I don't think is realistic. There could be some savings because we use the street department for example to clean storm sewers. To sweep the streets. ~round the lakes. To do retention pond cleaning, some things of those nature that are happening now, we would not be doing out of the street sweeping. We'd be doing it out of this fund but there are a lot of things that aren't being done now because we don't have the ability, the staff or the time to keep up with that that will lead to not a savings in the general fund but would be funded directly out of this commitment. Councilwoman Oimler: Which brings me to a few of my other things. Do we need to increase our personnel for this program? Gary Warren: Well part of the capital improvement plan that Hark references here that I have not had a chance to sit down and say alright, this is what we want to do but the typical plans that other cities have implemented show several 'things. One is increasing equipment. Bo you buy another street sweeper so you can more religiousJ, y sweep the runoff areas closest to your more important lakes. Increase staff to deal with that. The City doesn't even have a good storm sewer map right now of our drainage improvements and we maintain storm sewer culverts for example on a hazard basis. So if we get a storm and somebody cal].s us up and says that this one is plugged and their yard is getting washed out, then we're out there but it's kind of an out of sight, out of mind issue for us right now and so I could envision as a part of honing the capital improvement program that staffing, equipment and these two studies that I mentioned earlier would be important parts that we would want to take a look at and see where our commitment is. Councilwoman Dimler: Do you have any idea what the initial costs are likely to be? Gary Warren: In the plan right now that you have in front of you is a 5 year program which would be generated 1.5 million dollars worth of revenues. Councilwoman Dimler: Okay, but what's the cost to the City to get started? Are t here any? Mayor Chmiel: There has to be. Councilwoman Dimler: Start up costs. Gary Warren: To initiate the CIP so to speak? Well let me give you a scenario I guess. If we did not establish the district in time to get revenue in here for doing the Chapter 509 comprehensive watershed plan which is about $100,000. 34 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 $100,000.00 study, we would have to fund that from some interim source until the revenues would catch up. Councilwoman Dimler: So the study is what you're talking about as being the initial cost? Gary Warren: That's one area. It depends how active we want to get as a city. If we want to go out and abate Eurasian Water Milfoil on a very proactive measure, anything that you want to pick up before the utility district receives the revenues would have to be funded on an interim basis. Councilwoman Dimler: And one final question. Does having this utility in place enhance the City's chances of getting grants or decrease them? Will they say they have the money? I mean if we were to apply for a grant and they see that we have this in place, they'll say well they don't need it. They've got the · money stored away. Gary Warren: The grants that I'm familiar with and Hark may want to, he's a little bit closer to the grants that I'm familiar with, no. There's no ability to pay type criteria that falls lnto the grant program. A clean water program for the Riley chain of lakes for example, they just wanted to make sure that the City was able to pay their fair share under their criteria. I don't know Mark? Mark Lobermeier: Most of the grants that are available...50-50 basis and there ls no criteria. Councilwoman Dimler: They're not going to look and see that we have this in place? Okay. Thank you. That's all I have. Mayor Chmiel: I had some of the same questions unfortunately. Councilwoman Dimler: Fortunately you mean. We can get out of here. Mayor Chmiel: No, unfortunately. I didn't get a chance to ask them. Councilman Johnson: I've been in favor of storm water utility for a long time. I've gone to several classes at the Natlonal League of Cities convention on them and I've seen their effect. I see it as a way of in the future we're going to have to pay, if we don't have a storm water utility, we're going to have to take from the general funds money to address non point source pollution. To address further eroslon rules that will be coming down from EPA and the State and those moneies are going to have to be brought someplace and it's either raise our tax rates, which the legislature is trying very hard to keep us from having the ability to do or create this fund. The cittes that I have talked to through these conferences and whatever, have all had a very positlve reaction to the fund. When you're talking $16.00 per residential household per year, we're not talking a terrible amount. The other blg thing about it is that Z think this is a fairer way to do it because my house pays $16.00. The house at Near Mountain or Trapper's Pass that's a half m1111on dollar house does not contribute to the problem significantly more than mine does and they pay $16.00. So I think it's fairer than using property taxes for this purpose. So in that case Z thlnk this is a fair way to do it. 35 City Council Meeting - Hay 14, 1990 Councilwoman Dim].er: I agree with you Jay b~t I still think that the only way we'll, make su'r'o, you know the non point source pollution that you addressed will ol,ly be addressed by this if we make sure that water quallty is addressed and ~ot jm~st quantity. Councilman 3ohnson: Oh it's got to be and I'm in total agreement with you there. I think quality, we've addressed quantity for years and now we really have to address qua].ity and that I thlnk ls already in here lsn't P,~ul Kraus-o: G,~ry and I have talked about this for quite some time. This is the mechanism that we would use to do water quality and wetland rolled into the sam~ r, ackage because they're all co-mingled. I thlnk we should give ita little ~.,o're play in thr: text because it increases the obvlous merits of going ahead with thi.s or the awareness of what we're going to be doing but it's always been 1nyc.Ired with that yes. Councilman Johnson: At this point the text seems [o be pretty mechanical. You know here.':.~ the cost to this citizen and thls. You know the beneflts aren't as well lald out but I agree that up front the people, a lot of the people who ,~,oved Lc, this city moved (o it because of the amenities of the city and they want to protect it and nicer the people I know, $16.00 a year is not going to be, tlmey would contribtzte for environmental purposes. ~nd thls I think we can't play this, J.f this thing gets bllled as the Clty's way of bulldlng storm sewers, that's a wrong cor, cept. It's a water' quality and the overall planning for our water here that has ~o be bl].led as to what this is all about. Protecting our w-~ters ~nd our waterways. Mayor Chmiel: Okay good. Anything else? Tom. Councilman Workman: I'd like to back up in a general sense of what Ursula said and that it is a tax and it ls another cost. We always say well $16.00 isn't going to hurt us and $108.00 isn't going to hurt us for ~ community center and on and on and on so you get a lot of them and we should always be cautious that way. 6ourloilwom.~n Oimler: Yeah, that's why I suggest reducing the tax levy for the general fund. Gary Warren: Mr. Mayor, I think the capital inlprovement program that we'll draft up here in a little blt more finite fashion, will be helpful to us and to the Counc11 ~s far as giving us your impressions on what are the key lssues that ua need to address with the funding that would come out of this utillty. Mayor- Chnllel: Just so there's no surprises for everybody else, what's the cost of this ~¢(udy going to be? 6,zry Warren: Of which study is that? Hayor Chmiel: What you're doLng rLght now? Gary Warre~l: This study has already been funded. Hark what are we? H~i'k Lobermeier: $4,500.00. 3G City Council Meeting - Hay 14, 1990 Gary Warren: $4,500.00 is what we had contracted with Short-£11iott to do this phase of the work. Mayor Chmiel: Upon finalization of it, what's the bottom dollar? Gary Warren: Well this takes us through the adoption of the ordinance. Mayor Chmiel: The $4,500.00 does? Okay. Councilwoman Oimler: I would also like to suggest that we do a community questionnaire. Councilman Johnson: What? Councilwoman Dimler: I would like to suggest that we do the community questionnaire. Would that be lncluded in the cost of the study? Gary Warren: Well Council had budgeted $50,000.00 this year to take on this lssue so I mean there's money there. 8y a community questionnaire, would that be, do you have some specifics? Councilwoman Oimler: Well it was suggested in the study. Can you address that Mark? Mark Lobermeler: There are different ways of gettlng public input. One would be to have some newspaper articles or send a flyer out on that issue. There's a number of different ways that it can be done and an overall questionnaire would be another way. Councilwoman Dimler: I guess I would rather have the community tell us what they want than us put an article in the paper telling them this side of it. Mayor Chmiel: Well I think we have to tell them what we're proposing and be open to any suggestions to that would be recognized. Councilwoman Dimler: Right. But they could back. I think a questionnaire would be more revealing of what the public is thinking. Gary Warren: Let us take a shot at drafting something up here. We are looking to try to get something in mid-June for you, a public information meeting and if we could get that questionnaire out and back so we would be prepared from that, I think that would probably work out well to put it all together. Councilman Johnson: I don't know about so much a questionnaire as a simple fact sheet or a mailing that provides and it has to be brief. I've found that something like this, if you send something like thls out, Iin 20 people mlght read lt. Councilwoman Dimler: Yeah, but I'm a little leery when we send out a fact sheet it doesn't leave any room for their input. Gary Warren: We can do a combination I think. Give a fact sheet because we 37 C.~.~>' Council Mee~ir, g -Hay 1~, 1990 haue to explain what a utility district is if we're going to ask questions about Councilman Johnson' It's an pretty interesting new concept for a lot of people. Councilwoman Dimler: Right but they should also be able to feed back to us what tl,~y thlnk. Councilm~n Johnson: I think there would be an announcement of public meetings too where they can come and talk about it. Mayor Chmiel: I think what we should do is get a motion on this to accept the concept plan for tl,e storm wate¥ utility. Councilwoman Oimler: Second. Hayor Chmiel moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to accept the Concept Plan for Storm aater Utility, Authorize preparation of final storm water utility report and call for a public information meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. 6a)'y Mar)'er,; Bi. el that motion include scheduling the public information meetlng fo'r mid-June? Mayor Chmiel; Yes. Well it doesn't that here. Councilman Johl)~or,: And there's a uo~'k session you want June 18th? Gary Warren: At Council discretion I guess we could have a work session June .18th after we get a little bit better definition on the CIP. COLtnci].man 3ohnsor,: I wi].l be in Omaha that day. Cot.t,lcil~oman Oimler: I won't be here either. Ga'fy Warren: Well if there's a better date. I'll have Kim try to coordinate schedules. ZONING ORDINANCE AHENDHENT TO AHEND SECTIONS 20-30 AND 20-903 OF THE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO RECORDING OF PERHITS ANO ZONING LOTS, FIRST REAOING. Paul Krauss: fir. Mayor, we have two housecleaning items for want of a better description here. The first one is pertaining to the filing of permit ~pp~'oval.s, conditional use permits and what not against the property's title. Tn th~. past we've had a requirement, in fact I think it was a State law that some of these things be recorded but the Clty's had some difficulty in recording some of these things that property 'owners will give certificate of titles after the fact it's very difficult to oftentimes to get these things done. We think that it's il[lperative that we clear this ul) a 11ttle bit because this is our best mechanism of puttlng the conditions in the chaln of title and future buyers are made ,'..:~.l~i'e of [t. So the City Attorney drafted an ordinance that stipulates the ;-ecordlng of permlls as a requirement and that whatever we are permitting does not t~ke place u~til the permit's recorded and we have some evidence of that. 38 City Council Heating - May 14, 1990 The second housecleaning item has to do with a situation that occurs when a building parcel is comprised of several underlying lots that have been combined for tax purposes. Technically we st111 have to apply setback standards to those individual interior lot 11nas. Carver Beach is the most notorious example of these where you mlght have eight 20 foot lots maklng up a parcel. The Clty Attorney's come up with a concept of a zoning lot which is a lot that's combined for tax purposes whlch allows us to only conslder the perimeter of the lot for setback requirements. I thlnk it clears up a little bit of an anomaly that we have rlght now. It's not a major problem but we've had a number of these things come up and this really gives us guidance as to how to handle them. Again, I think both of these thlngs are relatively mlnor and they'll facilitate our work in the future. Councilman Johnson: If you have a house on 8 of these 20 foot lots and you have a 10 foot sideyard setback on a 20 foot wide lot. Councilwoman Dimler: You're in trouble. Councilman Johnson: A 20 foot setback on a 20 foot lot, you've got to do something reasonable. Councilwoman Oimler: I have a question. I guess when I first read this I thought that sounds great but I was wondering, is there a cost? I'm sure you have to record thls at the County. What's the cost? Is there a cost? Paul Krauss: Yes. There is a cost but I don't know what it's really. Roger Knutson: It's so much a page depending on how long the document is and frankly my secretary writes out the checks so I don't know what it is. I think it's $2.00 a page or $10.00 a document or something like that. Councilwoman Oimler: So it's liable to cost up to $20.00? Roger Knutson: Well your average variance usually run two pages. Or conditional use, usually 2 pages. Councilwoman Dimler: Okay, and also are you telling me that if I need a permlt to replace my deck, that that would have to be recorded? Paul Krauss: No. We're talking conditional use permits. Roger Knutson: Not a building permit. Councilman Johnson: Mining permits. Councilwoman Oimler: Because on the second page here it says all permits so that's why I was wondering. Paul Krauss: No, it applies to variances, conditional use permlt, interlm use permits and site plan approvals, wetland permits and mining permits. Councilwoman Dimler: But I read somewhere where.it says all permits so I wanted to clarify that. City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Mayor Chmi¢l: That wouldn't necessarily necess a building permit. Councilwoman Bimler= I was hoping that was the case. Thank you. Mayor Chmiel: Any other discussion? Hearing none, I'll entertain a motion. COUllCil,f, ar, 3ohnson' Is this a first reading? Paul Krauss: Yes. Councilman 3ohnson: I move approval of the first reading of Ordinance amending Section 20-30 and 20-903. Cour, ci].uomal~ Dimler: Second. Councilman Johnson moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to approve the first reading of Zoning Ordinance Amendment amending Section 20-30, Recording Permits and Section 20-g03, Zoning Lots. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPOINTMENT TO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. Todd Gerhardt: Mr. Mayor, this item was placed on the agenda to get feedback from the Mayor and Councll regarding the appointment of a new commissioner to th~ HRA. As stated in my memo, Chairman Cliff Whitehi11's term explres at the e~,d of May 31st and Cllff has requested that he be reappointed for a i year period of time that he may assist in the transition of the new chairman. Or the past the Council has looked at advertising in the paper and requesting advertising of a new commissioner's position. Councilwoman Dimler: Why does he only want to serve one year? Todd Gerhardt: To help in the transition. Mayor Chmiel: To train the chair. Councilwoman Oimler: Who's going to be the new Chair? Mayor Chmiel: Well that would be something that would be appointed. COU~lC~.luoman Dimler: So then next year we'll have to reappoint someone else to take hls place? Ha/or Chmiel: Yes is what he's saying. Don, did you want to say something? Todd Gerhardt: Well 2 people. Don ~shworth: Yeah, I wanted to note that the HRA appointments are different than really any of the other appointments you have with the city in that the nomination can only occur by the Mayor and the Council's role ls one of agreelng or not agreeirlg to tile nomination made by tile Mayor. So again I hadn't anticipated this 1rem belng on the agenda. Instead potentially just worklng with the Mayor to see how he would like to proceed. 4O City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Councilman Johnson: It should have been on the agenda about 2 months ago. Mayor Chmiel: Right. Don Ashworth: Well I thlnk we had our joint meeting between Council and HRA and I think there were some thlngs that the Mayor was tooking at as well but anyway, the questlon by Cliff. They are 5 year appointments so there would have to be someway in whlch he literally would be giving you notification of his intent to reslgn i year from today. I don't know of any provision other than the 5 year because right now they are on a 5 year appointments and each one comes up one per year. Mayor Chmlel: That was my question. How does this deviate from the norm? How do we go through this particular procedure as such? Councilman Johnson: Is the 5 year state law? Roger Knutson: Yes. And if someone resigns in mid-term, you appoint to fill thre remainder of that term. Councilman Johnson: So the Minneapolis City Council has appointed themselves the HRA there but their terms aren't 5 year terms on the City Counc11. Roger Knutson: Excuse me, there ls one exception. The exception is that if you appoint only Council members as HRA commissioners, you can make the terms of the HRA commissioners coinclde wlth the terms of the Counc11 members. Councilman Johnson: If you have a mix of council members and regular members, can you take the positions that our counc11 members and have them run with their council terms? Roger Knutson: I don't belleve so. Todd Gerhardt: No, Clark would have fallen into that position. Councilman Johnson: Yeah, but see at that time we weren't even considering that. I've said that we need members of the Council on the HRA and I see because of now, I see why what has happened dld happen. Of course and then we reappointed Clark and Clark has said that he would step down too if asked. Several people got reappointed just as thelr terms were ending on the Council. Roger Knutson: If you wanted it mixed that way and guaranteed it, I'd have to check to be sure. Councilman Johnson: Yeah, because see that's what I'd like to almost see. Mayor Chmlel: Whether they be on the Council or they're not, I would assume that the 5 years would just an automatic. If a Councll person no longer was a council person and his term still continues in my estimation. For instance if he's on for 4 years as a Clty Counc11 okay and he has it for 5 years. Councilman Johnson: Tom's is going to extend beyond that. 41 City Council Heeling - May 14, 1990 Mayor Chmiel: Right. Then I think that that's just an automatic extension to that fifth year whether riley be on the Council or not. If they then become citizens or they're not part of the Council. Todd Gerhardt: It would be up to that mayor who would be running at that point b~cause they would make that nomination. Now the term ends and you've got to send ir, certification of both. Cour, cilmar, 3ohnson: What Don is saying is that when Tom's term ends in 2 1/2 years, he'll still have a yeaF and a half on the HRA that he will continue serving until that's over with and that's how we got in the HRA with no council members on it because we used to have, we almost always had at least 2 council members on it up until 2 years ago when the 2 vacancies got reappointed to lame ~h.[ck council members, one of which I believe has one resigned. Pat Swenson. Todd Gerhardt: Tom was appointed rather than Pat. Councilwoman Bimler: I have a question. Mayor Chmiel~ Maybe rather than to keep running with this... Councilwoman Oimler: But I just want to ask a question. MayoF Chmiel: But let me state what I'd like to first. Councilwoman Bimler: Go ahead. Mayor Chmiel: Thank you. What I'd like to do is table this item. I would like to then ask the newspaper's to put an article in the paper asking anyone who is interested J.n serving on the HRA to contact me directly. Councilman 3ohnson: Oon't we usually pay for' that? Mayor Chmiel: Maybe we can get some free press. I don't know, maybe it would have to be an ad. Councilman Workman: Which direction are you heading in then? Hayor Chmiel: ~hat Z'm saying is, is to then get those people in who are interested. Todd Gerhardt' You want us to advertise the vacancy? Mayor Chmiel: Yeah. Cottncilmarl Workman: What about the proposal that we have? Mayor Chmiel' That's why I said to table it, Councilwoman Olmler: Are we saying that Cllff cannot just do it for one year? He has to do it for 5? Mayor Chmiel: I don't know. 42 City Council Meeting - May 14, 1990 Roger Knutson: Yeah. That's correct. Hayor Chmiel: And he can tender his resignation if he so chooses after that first year. Councilwoman Dimler: But he doesn't have to. Roger Knutson: I suppose if you wanted him to bring a resignation in hand when you appointed him and say give us your resignation in hand effective. Councilwoman Dimler: One year from now. Councilman Johnson: Could we appoint Cliff as a special advisor to the HRA? Roger Knutson: Sure. It has no official status. Councilman Johnson: It has no official status but it says hey, we still want 70ur advice. Councilwoman Dimler: I don't understand why, I mean the chairman usually takes over without being. Did you get special training from Tom when you took over? Mayor Chmiel: Yes. Councilwoman Dimler: I mean I don't understand the reasoning. I mean a chair can just be taken over. Councilman Workman: Yeah, are we moving ahead towards that councilmember? Councilwoman Oimler: I would like to see that. Councilman Workman: If we are, then advertising isn't... Councilman Johnson: See I'd like to see the second council member on there which means either Bill or Don in that Ursula and I are both on Southwest Metro Transit which meets at the same time. So we're pretty well. Councilwoman Dimler: And Bill's up for re-election so it has to be Don. Councilman Johnson: Don's up for re-election too. They're both up for re-election. -.. Councilwoman Dimler: Don't you have a 4 year term? Councilman Johnson: No. Mayor Chmiel: So we come to a changing of the minds see. Councilwoman Dimler: I really would like to see another council member on there. Hayor Chmiel: Yeah, that's probably very true. 43 City Cout~cil Meeting - May 14, 1990 Councilman Johnson~ I like Roger al~o in that the interim if we table this, to look at the possibility of hauir, g two seats designated as Council members running concurrent wlth their terms, whatever their terms may be. Councilman Workman: But you can't force one of those persons to also take HRA when they're elected. Councilman 3ohnson: No, but whoever comes on the council in January, if we appoint Don and Oon doesn't get re-elected, he serves until January and then on January the new Councll appoirlts one of their members to take Den's place. If that's legal. CouncJ. lm~n l.~orkman: What if nobody wants to be on the HRA that'~ on the Count:il? Councilman Johnson: I didn't want to be on Southwest Metro Transit and I was appointed to Southwest Metro Transit. I've appreciated it. I like it now. Cou~,cilwoman Dimler: What's that term there? Is that a 2 year term? Councilman Johnson: It's 3 years. I've got one more year. I've been reappointed. I'll have one more year after I'm off the Counc11. Mayor Chmiel: Let's just table this. Roger can look into that and then get back to us and let us know. Okay? Todd G~;'rhardt: ~dvertising? No advertising? Mayor Chmiel: No, I don't think we'll do that until once we find out where we're at with it. Councilman Johnson: How about this Don? If Roger gets back to us real quickly saying that my idea can't work, that you've got to go 5 years, you can't have a hybrid, that we then advertise. Mayor Chmie].: I don't have a problem with that. Councilman Johnson: That way we don't waste as much time waiting for another Council meeting to tell. Councilwoman Dimler: I'll second that. M,~yor Chmiel: It's been moved and seconded. We're tabling it right now though. We can't take action on a table. Councilwoman Oimler: We tabled it. Todd ~erhardt: There was no vote on tabling it. You just said, we didn't have to do anything. Mayor Chmiel: Right. So I don't think we haue to vote on it. Just proceed w~.th what we're doing. With your suggestions. City Council Heeting - May 14, 1990 Councilwoman Oimler: We tabled it with your suggestions. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: Hayor Chmiel: Ursula, trees. Councilwoman Dimler: Okay. I had a call from a Mr. Hoffman from Saddlebrook. He's concerned about the trees on Kerber Blvd. and they all look dead to me. The evergreens there. And I know it's been going on for a while. I don't know why nothing has been done. Also he says they are infested with some sort of a bug. Councilman Johnson: Pine beetle. Councilwoman Oimler: Pine beetle. He wants to plant some in his yard but he's relunctant to do so while this pine beetle is there. I've already called Dale Gregory on it and I didn't hear anything back so I'm bringing this up so that, would like a report and would like Council to have a report. Councilman Johnson: I talked to Paul on it also. Or Jo Ann. Gary Warren: Those are not city trees. Mayor Chmiel: No, that's the developers. Gary Warren: Rick Murray, I've talked to him about a year ago about the trees. They are not a part of his approved landscaping plan either. He just got the trees at a deal or whatever and installed them to try to dress the area up. Unfortunately they didn't make it. Councilwoman Dimler: Can we make him take them down? Gary Warren: I would imagine if they're infected or have some problem of that nature. Councilman Johnson: I talked to you or Jo Ann or somebody on this. Paul Krauss: It's the first I've heard of it but I would assume that if it's a hazard, if lt's infected, under the nuisance ordinance we can order that it be abated. Councilwoman Oimler: Yeah, it will affect the other trees in the area. Councilman Johnson: That's Todd Hoffman's cousin and he works for Minnesota Valley Nursery as a nurseryman and so he's experienced. He says it's the pine bark beetle. It affects diseased trees that are already weakened such as winter kill or wlnter weakened trees so if you have a real good healthy tree, the pine bark beetle can't hurt you. But rtght now if you look at the pines in this town from all the wlnter damage we have, a lot of our trees are very susceptible to this type of deal. And newly planted trees are also weakened and susceptible. Councilwoman Dimler: I would like the City to do something. Either make the developer take them down or if the City has to do something because they are 45 City Cour,c~l Heeling - May 14, 1990 infested with this pine beetle, you know we should go ahead and do something. It's been lor,g enough. Council. man Johnson= Yeah, the forester may be able to force it to be taken down too. I'm not sure what the State laws on the pine beetle is. Mayor Chnliel~ Tol,? Councilman Workman-' In relationship to that neighborhood, there's a light pole that's been struck o'r something. Mayor Chmiel~ Just leaning a tad. Councilman Workman: Well it's about like that. You can probably like a cigar from ii or something. But if you go down and what I want to bring up is kind of a redundancy and I'm kind of wondering about our street signs. We have kind of two motifs now. We have the old brown metal one and we have the wood posted or, es. The beveled~ On West 79th Street we have botl~. We have a beveled one on one side of the road and a metal one on the other. It's redundant and you'd figure when they put that beveled one because I think that's the last one they put out, that they'd take that other one across the street and sell it or something but I don't know. We have situations like that and it just seems like ~t doesn't belong there and somebody's just overlooked it. But we've got it on either corner and we've probably got other situations like that. One other thing. As I come off of Kerber Blvd. and Pontiac Lane, there's a street sign there but it just says Pontiac. Now I live on Pontiac Circle and it just says Pontiac there so people kind of look for Pontiac Lane and it just says Pontiac. C~n we ge~ a Pontiac Lane sign? Councilwoman Oimler~ Are you saying that people can't find your home? O,~ry Warren: We'll take a look. It may have been platted as just Pontiac in which case technically it should have a name change. I'll take a look at it. Councilman Workman: I think all the other street signs down the road there are Pontiac Lane-. Mayor C. hmiel: Okay, is that it? I just wanted to take a little time for a lett~.~· on Front[er Trail. The owner says, a good letter that you've written to all the residents within Frontier Trail to make then, aware as to the pre- construction meeting that's going to take place and also when the construction is going to take place which would be about May 15th. That is tomorrow. With ,:~].1 this rain I don't think they're going to be doing much of anything. Who kl,oWS but I thought it was a good letter that you sent out making them fully aware as to what was happening and who to call if there are problems and how to alleviate the given concerns that might be there. Other than that, that concJudes what we have and I'll make a motion for adjournment. Roger Knutson: One moment. Ordinance Summary. An ordinance amending Chapter 7 ;~nd Chaptelr 20 of the Chanhassen City Code pertaining to excavating, mining, fill. lng and grading. An ordinance amendment establishing the revised and comprehensive standards and procedures for regulating all grading, mining, ~.xcavating, and filling activities fronl the City. Such activity involving more 46 City Council Meeting - May 14, 19~0 than 50 cubic yards of material but less 1,000 cubic yards may be approved adminstratively. Such activity involving 1,000 cubic yards or more requires an interim use permit. Certain exceptions for permit requirements are specified. All existing operations occurring without a permit are required to obtain one within 6 months from the date of the adoption. Operations are currently...to permit must come into compliance at the time their permits are renewed. This ordinance is in full effect commencing on date of publication of this summary. Mayor Chmiel: Good. It's good we're only going to be charged for about 15 minutes. Councilman Johnson: I move approval of the ordinance. Councilman Workman: I second it. Councilman 3ohnson moved, Councilman Workman seconded to approve the Ordinance Synopsis for publication purposes of the Chapter 7 and Chapter 20 as written by Roger Knutson. Al! voted in favor and the motion carried. Hayor Chmiel moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.. Submitted by Don Ashworth City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 47