Hay 20, 1991
Mayor ChmJel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.. The meeting vas opened
uith the Pledge to the Flag.
COUNCILHEHBERS PRESENT: Mayor Chmiel, Councilman Wing, Councilman Hason,
Counciluoman Dimler and Councilman Workman.
STAFF PRESENT: Don Ashworth, City Manager; Elliott Knetsch, City Attorney;
Orlin sharer and Scott Winter from the Carver County Assessor's Office.
APPROVAL OF HINUTES: Councilwoman Dialer moved, Councilman gorkean seconded to
approve the Hinutes of the Board of Equalization and Revie# dated April 29, 1991
as presented. A11 voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Chmiel made a brief comment about the general purpose of this evening's
meeting and the City Manager outlined the procedure for the Board. Mayor Chmiel
then opened the floor for any specific comments from the public.
Mrs. Ousoski: I uas just uondering if they ever did anything. They never
contacted us for Leonard Dusoski.
Mayor ChmieI: And uhat's your address?
Mrs. Dusoski: Address is lO00 Western Drive.
Mayor ChmieI: WouId you please spelI that?
Mrs. Dusoski: D U S 0 S K I.
Scott Winter: Number 85.
Mrs. Dusoski: Was there anything done on it?
Mayor Chmiei: According to this there's been no adjustment.
Mrs. Ousoski: No adjustment huh. Why? We couid never Iist that house for that
price and get it.
Counciiuoman Oimler: That's true.
Mayor Chmiel: Are you familiar uith the house?
Councilwoman Oimler: Yes. I'm familiar with that area.
Mrs. Ousoski: It's right across from your father.
Board of Equalization and Review - Mayl20, 1991
Mayor Chmiel: We would open that for some discussion. Orlin?
Orlin $chafer: As we stated in our reply to the Board, we attempted to contact
you repeatedly by phone and we received no answers. An appraiser dld go out and
look at the property. Came back and just revlewed the sales and the field data
that we collected and recalculated the values to make sure there had not been an
error committed and came up with relatively the same number and there'd be no
adjustment indicated.
Mrs. Ousoski: You'd never get that for it.
Orlln Schafer: What would you thlnk you would get for it ma'am?
Mrs. Ousoski: The way it was appraised the first time would be more fair.
Orlin Schafer: Now when you say flrst time, you mean last year?
Mrs. Ousoski: Well yes.
Orlin Sohafer: Whlch was what, do you know?
Mrs. Dusoski: Was it $?3,900?
Orlln Schafer: So we're talklng 11ke, you had a $20,000.00 increase? Okay. How
old ls your home?
Mrs. Dusoskl: It was built in '64?
Leonard Dusoski: '62.
Orlln Schafer: Do you recall Scott who took care of this one?
Scott Winter: Ann.
Orlln Schafer: I'm sorry. We did try to contact you and apparently there has
not been an lnside review of your property tn some time. Have you seen an
assessor in the last 2 years?
Mrs. Dusoski: Last 2 years?
Orlln Schafer: Yeah, was Ann there?
Mrs. Ousoski: Yeah.
Orlln Schafer: When was she there?
Mrs. Dusoski: I don't remember but I remember showing her around. It wasn't
very long ago.
Orlin Schafer: But she was inside?
Mrs. Dusoskl: Yes.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Orlin 5chafer: Then I guess I'll stand with the numbers that we have and we
felt no adjustment was needed.
Mrs. Dusoski: Yeah, there was a lady there.
Councilwoman Oimler: Mrs. Ousoski, could you tell me how far you are from
number 41, Kermit Audstad? You're in the same neighborhood aren't you?
Mrs. Ousoski: I'm right...father-in-law. Across the street from Wally
Christensen. Oo you know where that is? Okay.
Councilwoman Oimler: Are you familiar with Kermit Austad? Because if the
Council would turn to number 41.
Mrs. Dusoski: Austad's up on Carver Beach Road?
Councilwoman Dimler: Yes.
Mrs. Ousoski: Okay. we're directly behind them.
Councilwoman Dimler: Okay, and his was reduced by $16,100.00 down to
$80,800.00. Now Z don't know, and I had a question as I was going through this
because I'm familiar with some of the homes. Some got reductions and some
didn't and I guess I was a little bit disappointed to see that because it did
seem unfair to me as I was going through this.
Mayor Chmiel: What you're saying is most the homes are comparable?
Councilwoman Dimler: Zn that area yes.
Mayor Chmiel: From the outside? Okay.
Councilwoman Dimler: This is Carver Beach.
Mrs. Ousoski: They're older homes, These are one of the first ones in there.
Orlin Schafer: Yeah. As noted in our notes, if we found something that
instilled us with a notion of more depreciation Councilwoman Dimler and by
saying noting the condition of the home, that brought more depreciation factor
into that. In other words, there might be something in the interior inspection
that was not...
Councilwoman Oimler: Yeah, I understand that.
Mayor Chmiel: Right. That's what I'm just saying. From the outside because we
don't know what the inside.
Orlin Schafer: That in itself would be enough to change that value.
Mayor Chmiel: Has there been any additional construction within your home in
the past?
Mrs. Ousoski: Since we bought it? Not since we bought it.
Board of Equalization and Review - Nay 20, 1991
Hayor Chmiel: Okay. Everything is basically the same from the day you bought
it to what it is presently now?
Hrs. Ousoskl: Yep.
Orlin Schafer: Well the fact that my appraiser had vlewed your property
recently, I mean within the last 6 months, and she is qulte good, I would go
ulth her recommendation of no adjustment. The Counc11 can do as they wlsh on
Hayor Chmiel: As I look here Orlln at Hr. Kermit Austad's property, the
estimated market value on his was $96,900.00 and on Hrs. Ousoski's it was.
Hrs. Dusoski: $93,000.00.
Mayor Chmiel: Rlght.
Councilwoman Olmler: Yet Kermit was reduced by $16,100.00.
Hayor Chmiel: Yeah, they have a reduction on that of $16,100.00 to bring that
down to $80,800.00.
Councilman Workman: What's the estimated property value of your lot? Just the
lot. Any ideas?
Scott Wlnter: Knowlng the area you're ln, I would say that value ls probably
Councilman Workman: Is this a split entry?
Mrs. Ousoski: No. Just a rambler. And the garage is a concrete garage.
Councilman Workman: How much square footage do you have?
Leonard Ousoski: About 1,600 square feet.
Councilman Workman: One of the things I'm going on is Z have a home insured on
the road and I'm sure it's insured for $?0,000.00. Now you wouldn't insure a
lot but if I did, and that's a split entry and more square footage. Based on
that, the $70,000.00 with the $22,000.00 lot meaning it'd be worth $92,000.00.
Is that a step down from a spllt entry? Is a rambler a step down from a split
entry or a step up?
Hrs. Dusoskl: A rambler's down.
Leonard Ousoski: It's going to cost me about $7,000.00-$8,000.00 to repair my
garage. It's cavlng in. The floor has got hlgh water level. All that dralnage
tile in there. It's going to cost me $?,000.00 to $8,000.00 to rework it.
Hrs. Dusoskl: Before we could sell lt.
Leonard Dusoski: Before I could even sell it. Put drain tile all the way
around the house. My garage ls cavlng in rlght now. I can go down 6 1riches
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1~1
deep in the ground and I hit water. You can look on the outside of the house,
you've got to go inside that garage and, I'd be glad to sell that house for that
price. If you want to give me that price, I'd gladly move out tomorrow.
Councilwoman Oimler: I know they couldn't get that for their house.
Hayor Chmiel: I think I'd like to make a recommendation on this. I would say
that, as I'm looking at others within the particular area, I don't know what's
there and I'm not in an assessor. I'm just trying to be fair when it comes to
this. I would like to see us drop this $13,000.00.
Councilwoman Dimler: I'll second that.
Councilman Workman: To BO?
Mayor Chmiel: That would drop it down to $80,900.00. Any other discussion?
Councilman Wing: Other than to clap.
Mayor Chmiel= Being that we're not going to vote on these at this particular
time. Well this one I think we should because it's not adjustable. I would
like a motion on that.
Councilwoman Oimler: You made the motion.
Mayor Chmiel: I made the motion, you seconded it. Okay.
Hayor Chmtel moved, CouncilNoman Oimler seconded to reduce the assessaent
$13,1000.00 for Hr. and Hrs. Leonard Dusoski, 1000 #estern Drtve, R25.1&O0110 to
an Estimated Harket Value of $80,900.00. All voted In favor and the motion
carried unanimously.
Charlie Coffee: Charlie Coffee and I live at 7474 Saratoga Drive.
Mayor Chmiel: Is that with a C or K?
Charlie Coffee: C, the same way you drink it.
Scott Winter: 71.
Charlie Coffee: I wasn't contacted. I contacted the assessors myself. ! don't
know if I could have been contacted. I gave them, ~ called them after being at
the first meeting I left a message and then ! called and got Scott's office. Is
the other assessor, is that Ann? Okay, and I talked to her and she said that
she had to get to another meeting. That she would get back to me and I gave her
my office hours and I never was contacted for, oh I don't know. I guess it was
10 days or so. Finally I called them and ! guess I'm not very well prepared
tonight because I didn't have an assessor come in and reappraise my house or
anything like that. Z assume that probably with the large bump they gave me
that there would be an adjustment. Now in 1988 my house jumped $40,000.00 in
assessment and we came up to the meetings and all here and there was a changing
at that time and I assumed well after it jumps $2~,000.00 the next time that
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
coming up to the meeting and calllng and talking, that there would be an
adjustment there. I assumed that. Well, after not being called I finally
oalled again and talked to them and they said, well we're turnlng it in today
but we're not making any changes on yours. I said well, I didn't say a whole
lot. We talked a little bit about different parcels. Now I see that when I was
here before this place was packed and there were 233 people apparently or
situations and now I guess there's a lot of happy campers around because I don't
see too many in here. I don't have a large beef like maybe some people do.
Llke there's a large difference like the one fellow that came up and sald that
how the homes around hlm were $30,000.00 less than his and the homes were all
the same, etc. and he had a bad yard. I guess my case lsn't that extreme. It's
just that I feel $26,000.00 is a large jump and I don't think my home will sell
for the amount and then comparing, I talked to a few people around. I just
happened to run into a friend of mine yesterday that was selling his house.
He's moving to Burnsvllle and he sald that he had up for $149,000.00 and I said
well that's what they're selling, they're estimating mine at. He said well my
house ls blgger and I sald well, what ls your tax for next year? He says 105.
I said oh, 105. That would be a real good deal. I guess I don't understand why
we have the large variances. I have people around me and I don't 11ke to go say
well Joe is paying this, why don't I pay that and stuff like this. But I guess
after a home sells and there was a home that sold for, it was on the market for
$149,000. A rambler walkout quite similar to mine but a smaller house with a
similar lot and it sold for, it was on the market for $149,000.00. Sold for
$137,000.00. Well the taxes for that for next year I was told uill be $125.00.
I guess I don't understand the differences in the varlous situations that we
have in homes. I don't understand why we have so many variances. The one
fellow says I'm paylng $105.00. I've got neighbors that are paylng 2/3 of what
their estimate is 2/3 of what my value is and I'm not saying mine's way off.
I'm just saylng I don't think I could sell mlne for $149,000.00. I thlnk it
could probably go for $139,000.00. Probably $137,000.00 and if they say they
try to get 96~ of that. Try to get as accurate as they can, well maybe my
assessment should be $135,000.00-$134,000.00. I'm not saying I want a great
deal. I'm just saylng I want a falr deal. I see some real good deals around
that people have but I don't have one. I have kind of the other end of £t and I
see that there were 233 different people that felt the same and apparently 220
of them, as Oon mentioned, had their situations, they've come to a situation
where they felt that was just. The person that got up in front of me, they had
some situations and they measured some homes around and I think it was fair that
you kind of split a difference. And I'm not asklng for hey I want to be baok
where I was but I think it should be fairly done from what I... Now there was a
home just sold down the way from me and 11ke I say, I'm not prepared. A few
blocks away. I guess I'd like to see what the Zaborski's sold their home for
and what thelr taxes are for next year. But I dldn't get a chance to get a hold
of them since I had short notice that the decislon was made. I don't want else
ue need to say. I'd 11ke it looked 1nfo farther. Z would have gotten an
assessor out and gone through my home and done this if I thought it was going to
be necessary. I dldn't think it was and I wasn't contacted. I had to make the
contacts myself. I did give them hours to be contacted. I've had people in my
home. Scott's been in my home a c. ouple of tlmes and I just don't thlnk lt's
quite at what tt ls and I think I see other people with lesser taxes than what
thelr homes are belng assessed at. I guess Z don't always understand that.
There's too much of a variance it seems to me.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Mayor Chmiel: Good, thank you. How long have you been in your home?
Charlie Coffee: We built the home, I think it was 1978.
Mayor Chmiel: '78. Do you know how many approximate finished area of square
footage you have?
Charlle Coffee: We have a rambler and we have about, I think it's 1,900 feet
flnlshed area in the house. Haybe it's 1,920 or 1,940. It's 19 something. I
put an addltlon on myself about 9-10 years ago. I added a bedroom.
Mayor Chm£el: Any other discussion?
Councilman Workman: We have no basis from whtch to start from on this one.
Mayor Chmiel: You said your taxes for your assessment last year was
Charlte Coffee: No. It was $123,000.00 last year. It was $108,000.00 in 1987
and it was raised $40,000.00 at that time and I came up here and it was, I don't
know what you'd call lt. AdJusted I guess and then it was raised agatn 2& and
in talk£ng to neighbors and sniffing around and so forth, I thought that was
qulte hlgh for slmlllar homes around me. And then I assumed there would be an
adjustment or something after we came up and-I talked. I guess I would have
done more research if I thought that there wouldn't be one and I guess the
reason I was a little left out was because I wasn't contacted and I was told I
would be. I gave hours that I'm able to be contacted.
Orlin Schafer: Hr. Mayor, I'd like to comment on that contacting. We did
contact everyone that we possibly could. We kept trying until the day I had to
resubmit this to the Board. Those people that we list here as not being
contacted were the only ones that we never talked to. If you had contacted us
10 days after this started, you probably still hadn't given us a chance. I mean
we had 230 some people and Scott spent 4 days strtctly telephoning and then he
spent the better part of 4 or 5 hours a day on the phone with these people and
you would have been worked 1nrc that. We had 20 days to do this in and we were
pressed for time. But as far as not being contacted, you took it upon your own
volition, that's flne. I have no problem wtth that. But don't use that as an
excuse against us for not being contacted.
Charlie Coffee: Okay, I called and talked to, called the office and talked to
Ann and she was, we talked and then she said she had to get to some meeting of
some type which I'm sure she did.
Orltn Schafer: She was reviewing some other property I'm sure.
Charlie Coffee: Right. So she did that and she said that she'd get back to me.
Now, I not knowing what day was what. I didn't hear from anyone for a length of
time so I called back again and the day I called was the day she said she was
submitting the final whatever it would be. The reports. And that was the time
that I had given that ! could be contacted. Now if she was gotng to call me
let's say 20 minutes later, then they would have made the contact as you're
saylng that they were trying to make but you're saytng I called ahead of that.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
But it was the day that she was turning them in was the day Z called. I would
just kind of wonder if she was still planning to call me.
Orlin Schafer: You mean your initial contact was the day you called?
Charlie Coffee: No. No, I didn't say that. I said I called the office
originally. Scott's offloe and...talk to Ann because that's who Z talked to.
Okay, and that was just a few days after we met here. I was told then, she told
me then, we talked for I don't know, 10-15 mlnutes. I had to get to class. She
had to do something. She had to go to a meeting. That she would recontact me.
Okay? So now Z waited, you know Z had these offlce hours and Z walted and I
wasn't contacted. Okay, now. I called them back and that was the day she was
turnlng them in and she sald she had them all done.
Orlin Schafer: Okay. I'll take the blame for this myself because of one simple
thing and that ls, had you requested her come out and vlew the property? Or
Scott? Anybody?
Charlle Coffee: Scott had done that.
Orlin Schafer: Okay. I had made the determination we did not have the time to
make these follow-ups after we had once contacted and had the discussion with
you. She could not give you a number or an indication whether it was going up
or down anyhow because she does not have the power to do that. I do not have
the power to do that. At this point in time only this Board has that power and
the assessments stood until they declde what to do about lt. We never
recontacted anyone a second time unless they said I have to know because of some
reason or another. We dld not glve any numbers at that polnt in time. No one
knew what these numbers were going to be unless they said that's acceptable to
me. If they sald that was acceptable, then that's the way the adjustments were
indicated. That's a11.
Charlie Coffee: Well what the situation amounts to then is that I was I guess
kind of misled as to how the operation works because I was told that, by her
that they would get back to me. I guess thls ls what happened in 1988 is when
Scott got back to me and told me the situation of what was happening with my
parcel so I knew. I assumed this would happen thls tlme because ! was told it
would and it happened before. Whether it was going to be changed or not
changed, I assumed they'd get back to me. Now thls would have given me some
time, 11ke I had before, to go out and maybe get an...
Orlin Schafer: Well, you see Mr. Coffee the way the system works is when you
come here in your original appeal, you're to document everything that you're
talklng about. Everything that you have ls supposed to be presented at that
first meetlng. Through the courtesy of this Board, you are addressing them a
second tlme. Because thls is not how it works. This ls cut and drled on April
2gth. All the documentation was to be submitted that night or shortly
thereafter when our appraiser contacted you. That material's all gathered
together and brought back to this Board. A week ago they had this documentation
to then go through all this. And they could do it at their leisure. You're not
being fair to this Board at this point in time asking them to make a judgment on
thls tonight wlth no time to respond to it or to lnvetlgate lt. That's what Mr.
Ashworth was referring to. That is simply the same answer I gave the other
Board of EquaLization and Review - May 20, 1991
couple that was here. I'll stand on the numbers that my appraiser had because. Z
don't know any different now and I can't take the time, at this point in time,
to investigate it. I don't care, if the Board wants to make an adjustment,
that's fine. That's fine with me.
Mayor Chmiel= I'd Like to make a recommendation on this one. I see that some
property was sold for $L37,000.00 recently. I recaLcuLated values. I would
make a motion on this at this particular time to mark that at $140,000.00.
Councilwoman Oimler: Second.
Mayor Chmiel: That would be reducing it $9,000.00. Any other discussion?
Nayor Chmlel moved, Councilwoman OLmler seconded to reduce the assessment
$9,000.00 for Hr. Charlie Coffee, 7474 Saratoga Drive, R25.T&lO0~ to an
Estimated Narket Value of S140,000.00. Al! voted tn favor and the motion
carried unanimously.
Pam Freiberg: Pam Freiberg, 2730 Orchard Lane.
Mayor Chmiel: Can you spell your last name Pam?
Pam Freiberg: F R E I B E R O.
Scott Wlnter: Number 10.
Mayor Chmiel: This is one where there has been a reduction. Your market value
was at $212,100.00. A reduction of $11,000.00 is proposed on that which is
bringing it down to $201,100.00.
Pam Freiberg: Is there anything that, we're done there? We Just had an
appraisal. We're st111 trylng to get a mortgage on the house. We just had an
appraisal this week and the gentleman appraised it for $155,000.00.
Mayor Chmiel: Do you have that written information that you have on an
appraisal for getting loans on that house?
Pam Freiberg: We've gotten 3 so far because we're probably golng to sell the
house since, anyway that's not here nor there but we can't you know, for the
taxes lt's going to hard to sell the house. I don't know what that kind of
change will do to the house. $11,000.00. If that's gotng to make a real
difference in the taxes.
Mayor Chmiel: That brings it down to $201,100.00.
Pam Frelberg: Okay, but what does that do to the taxes? I know nothing about.
Councilwoman Oimler: That we don't know.
Pam Freiberg: You don't know?
Board of Equalizatio. a.d Review -- Nay ZO, 199).
Scott Winter: At this point we. don't know because the legislature still's in
sass ton.
Hayor Chmie].: By midnight tonight we may k,ou bu[I wouldn't make any bets.
Para Freiberg: ...~uo houses o~er from us that it's the same lot s~ze. SJmiZa~'.
Their's was dropped $4,000.00. lheir taxes. ~nd their house is apprai~ed at
Scott ~J,ter: This o~e was appraised on the appraisal that they had on Jt
b~fore in 1988 o~' ~989...and it was based on that information from the
Pam F'reiberg: Yeah, the house is 2 years old. We built it.
I'layof Chmie].: WaZ1 as ~ see that they've gone through and reZooked at it. Zf
there was no ad~us~me~t then I'd probably sit here and arbitrate that just a
1.~.t.t].e b~t but being ti~at I see that thee'ye gone ahead and ~ade a reduction of
$11,0o0.00, ~ think ~'d have to stand with the assessor on that particular one.
scot~ ~intar: ~d it was based on an appraisal they had at that time.
Paa Freiberg; Thank you.
H~yof- Chmie~: rlnyone else?
Councilman ~orkman: ~e don't need to act on it then?
Hayor Chaiel: No. Thzt particu~er one has already been, ue will.
Don ~shworth: You'll have the larger' ~otion at the end that basically adopts
all of those float Fou did not specifically act on.
Hayor Chmiel: Right. Anyone else? ~f not.
Co~z,c.[~uoma, Dimlet'; I have one. Hr'. D~ve Z~j~h,. He's n~zmber 230 on the
]~st page. Bottom o'[' the p~ge. He was not able to be here tonight but he asked
mr, if I uou.ld pl,;ad his cause. He has a valuation of $151,800.00. He feels
Lhat's too high for the neighborhood and he said he has made lots of
unsuccessful attempts to h~ve the assessor come out and look at it. He was even
willing to reschedu~e some p~tients so that he could meet with them and u~s not
~b~e to have that happen. ~ould you like to explain that?
Scott Winter: ~e contacted hi~, on Hay 1st and talked to his wife I think at
theft time. I wasn't the appraiser that did it but h~d conversations with who
did. They said they ~ould contact him ~ithin a week. He did contact us back on
Hay lSth is the date he co,t~cted us back to ~sk for the review of his property.
The day ue were writing up the information for this Board. ~e did contact him
~,d h~ said...but he u~ited u,til Hey ~Sth to call back...
CounciZuo~an Di~le~-: Okay, but between that time you didn't make any effort to
9o out. 8etuee, the t.i.m~ XOLt t~lked to his wife you didn't ~ake an effort to go
out and see?
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1~1
Scott Winter: At that point he indicated that he didn't want us out. He would
call us to set up an appointment when to come out and look at it so we waited
for him to do such. And like Z said, on May 1Sth was the day that he called.
Orlin Schafer: Councilwoman, at that time we did, on every one of these
properties, whether they requested a review or not or if we went out and looked
at their property or not, we did recalculate and check all the field data that
we had. So if the property had been looked at within the last couple years, the
field data should have been relatively correct. And we chart that back against
our schedules and if there's no errors or anything, we left it go.
Councilwoman Oimler= He also indicated that the homes in the area, some of them
have been for sale there for quite a while and have not sold. Are you familiar
with that?
Orlin Schafer= Zs their asking price exceeding our estimated market value?
Councilwoman Oimler: Z don't think so. I think he said it was a home that was
in reposession.
Orlin Schafer: ! mean this is what we find many times is even $10,000.00 or
$12,000.00 difference between our value and their asking price is enough to
prohibit a sale and we are at market value. We are very close to it.
Councilman Wing: Hr. Zamjahn lists several properties that sold in the last
year and this is one that ! was called on personally. I looked at the home.
They have an unfinished basement and the homes pointed out tn the neighborhood
that sold for $130,000.00 and the one house that went for $141,000.00 ! believe
is the number he used. Clearly was a larger home than hts. And Z see his house
as selling in the 130 range up to the [40 range. I find this one very
Mayor Chmiel: What number iS that Dick?
Councilwoman Oimler: Number 230. The same one I was talking about.
Orlin Schafer: Which property were you referring to that sold for $130,000.007
Councilman Wing: I'm just using his numbers that he's got.
Orlin Schafer: Where did you get those numbers? Oh, off his data sheet.
Councilman Wing: Off his data sheet and then we walked through the neighborhood
pointing them out. I don't see that his house as a leader in that neighborhood
by any means.
Councilwoman Dimler: Right.
Councilman Wing: So not when I saw him appraised well over what the houses had
sold for, what Z anticipated the neighborhood selling for, I was rather
startled. I clearly support his case.
Councilman Workman: Have you got a motion for a number?
Board of Equalization and Review -- May 20, 1991
Councilwoman Oimler: I'll move that we go with $142,000.00.
Councilman Wing: I think that's higher than he would have wanted but I'll
compromise with a second.
HayoF Chmiel: It's been moved and seconded to lower the market value.
Councilwoman Dimler: From $151,800.00 to $142,000.00.
Councilwoman Dimler moved, Councilman Wing seconded to reduce the assessment
$9,800.00 for Hr. David Zamjahn, 7506 77th Street, Chaska, R25.S&IO040 to an
Estimated Harket Value of $142,000.00. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Chmiel: I too had just one more. That was number 35. Frances Jacques.
Councilwoman Dimler: She got a good reduction.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, they lowered that $23,100.00 which is making the value of
that $87,900.00. Again, I'm not appraiser. I'm not in the real estate business
but I have a pretty good handle as to total dollars that I would pay for a home.
I've only bought ? homes so I think I might be a bit qualified for that. That
is over the past 35 years. I don't own all 7. I own one for clarification.
And in looking at this home, $87,900.00 to me still seems rather excessive. Can
you enlighten me7
Scott Winter: ...reviewed this one because she kicked me off the property and I
wasn't golng to go back there. So Ann Wise went out there. So I can't give
you, I wasn't in it. I didn't get to measure lt. I have no idea what the
property ts like.
Mayor Chmiel: Well I've been in the home and I know the downstairs is not done.
And it's just the upstairs and it's probably about, I was told the age of the
home and I don't recall.
Orlin Schafer: Is this sitting on a larger lot?
Scott Winter: It's a double lot in original town but it's not, where the house
and that sits I don't think allows for any type of use of any of the additional
land but it lsa much larger lot than most...
Orlin Schafer: I think that's a comment that Ann had made is that there was
more lot value involved in this one than normal. But she dld note the
additional depreciation of things like you're talking about.
Scott Winter: The basement and garage were in very terrible shape. Things like
that she took into consideration.
Orlin Schafer: And I had looked at that myself. And as I said, I had been in
the home before so I know what's there and $87,900.00 to me seems excessive yet.
And from where it was increased from what it was, the $50,000.00, I would almost
suggest that we drop that another $10,000.00. I'd probably pay $75,000.00 for
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
it if I were to buy it. Just my own.
Councilman Wing: Mr. Mayor, the one you're discussing, it dropped $23,000.00.
Okay and as a resident of the community you're suggesting that it goes down
another 10, which I have no problem with. This $111,000.00 then is an extreme.
! mean we're talking a major over valuation.
Mayor Chmiel: Well that's one way the assessor gets an opportunity to get back
inside the door.
Scott Winter: Again, without having any information, we had to stand at the
curb and say the house looks this big to me. It looks this good and we put it
at the top of the range for those types of houses. I mean if the property owner
isn't going to allow you any information about the house, that's what you have
to do.
Orlin Schafer: And it isn't that small a property as I recall. Ann dtd not
think it was, I mean with her measurements and so forth, it calculated out very
close to $111,000.00 or $112,000.00 if it had been in better condition. The
decrease that we gave it was strictly because of it's condition. Added
depreciation expressly for the basement where they're having a wall problem and
the garage.
Councilwoman Oimler: Okay, so the decrease was not based on getting tnslde the
Orlin Schafer: Well it was on that because we didn't know those things existed.
mean if it had been in average condition for the size of the home based on the
lot it's on, it'd be worth $1L0,000.00 or $112,000.00.
Mayor Chmiel: Scott, I can understand if she tells you to get out, you'd move.
You'd go. There's no question.
Orlin Schafer: And we used the depreciation that we used on other homes to
reduce it that $23,100.00. I mean I cautlon my staff that these are substantial
reductions. Why were we so high to begin with? I mean that's why I wrote the
note to the Board outlining the fact that these are substantial reductions.
Acknowledging of course that there had been some substantial increases so it's
klnd of a two edge sword there that we're dealing wlth.
Mayor Chmtel: Right. Well I have on the floor a motion.
Councilwoman Oimler: I'd second that motion. That brings it to $77,900.007
Mayor Chmiel: That brings it to $77,900.00.
Councilwoman Dimler: Yeah, bring it to $77,900.00.
Mayor Chmiel: Any further discussion?
Councilman Wing: I just wish we had the power to do that to all of these Don.
I support your posttton though.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Mayor Chmiel: Well, if I had time to go out and look at each one I probably
would but as I say, I don't. I don't know their particular job. It's just my
gut reaction. What I feel.
Orlin Schafer: I think there comes a, excuse me Mr. Mayor. I think there comes
a point in time, the Board members do have to take our expertise to account for
something. We're not doing this to pass the time of day. You're employing us.
You're paying us under contract. You do have to acknowledge our expertise at
some point in time.
Councilman Wing: Appreciate that we're starting at the State level. The system
and then coming down to where you're really not guilty other than following the
State system. There's obviously disagreement with the State system but there's
so many reductions here which means there are so many that are inaccurate and
over their market value and these are the only ones that complained. I know if
we had advertised and made this clear what the rules are, we could have filled
up an auditorium and we could have had a real. Well, with the number of people
that complained, for everyone that complained there's 2 that didn't because they
gave up or they didn't think it was worthwhile or don't even know the process.
So we're only at the tip of the iceberg. It just, at any rate Mr. Mayor.
I didn't mean to get.
Orlin Schafer: The other side of that Councilman Wing is that 60~ of these
received some kind of a reduction. 40~ did not. There's like 60 of them that
received nothing, or at least our indication was that there was nothing
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, this is still raising this particular one $20,000.00 more
than it was before. We have a motion on the floor with a second.
Mayor Chmiel moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to further reduce the
assessment $10,000.00 for Frances 3acques, 308 Chanvtew, R25.0500390 from the
Assessor's recommended Esimated Market Value of $87,900.00 to $77,900.00.
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Chmiel: There's one other thing I would like to bring out. I'd like to
add a parcel which I had asked Don to add to our last packet. The parcel is the
Eckankar parcel. I asked the Board to consider leaving 10 acres of this parcel
tax exempt with the remaining 170 acres as tillable farm property with a dollar
assessed as such and I would make that motion.
Orlin Schafer: Excuse me Mr. Mayor. Are you representing Eckankar7
Mayor Chmiel: I'm representing the City.
Orlin Schafer: I'm sorry, this is not the forum for that one.
Mayor Chmiel: In accordance with our Attorney, I think we can do this.
Orlin Schafer: The Board of Equalization rests with the County level.
Mayor Chmiel: well, I'm going to put this through to such and I have made the
motion. I'm looking for a second.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Councilwoman Dimler: Would you say that agatn please? I didn't catch it.
Mayor Chmiel: I'd like to add a parcel which I had asked Don to add to our last
packet. Maybe if I just glve you some background on that. I think most the
Councll was aware of it because I've also talked to the County Board. Whereas
the Eckankar presently has a complete exemption on that parcel. At one time we
were receiving about $13,000.00 in taxes. That was dropped. According to the
Assessor, if I'm not wrong, he has the authority to do that and to move it as
such. In my opinion we have never been, the City was never brought into
discussion. I feel that that's not an appropriate move for us and I'm proposing
this particular motion to clarify that because I don't think, whether it be my
church, St. Hubert's or any other church in town, I would not allow that to
happen. And I feel that we should at least have them taxed at that farm rate as
I mentioned.
Councilwoman Dlmler: Okay, the 10 acres is exempt but the 170, the remaining at
the farm rate?
Mayor Chmiel: That's correct.
Councilwoman Oimler: I'll second that motion.
Mayor Chmiel: Any other discussion?
Councilman Mason: So you're doing this, could you Just repeat why you're doing
this Mayor? I'll admit to not quite following what's going on here.
Mayor Chmtel: I'm saying technically that the parcel in total is under church
and I think churches are entitled to tax exemption with a certain portion but
not the entirety of the parcel that they own. Of that being the balance of
roughly 170 acres, or a total of 170 acres is what they have. In other words,
the entirety of the 170 acres would completely'be tax exempt. I don't think
that's right. As I said, it wouldn't be right for St. Hubert's. It wouldn't be
right for the Lutherans or the Methodist or anyone else. It's...and I feel that
we should reach a solution to this In making that parcel taxable back to at
least the $13,000.00 that we did-have previously. Richard?
Councilman Wing: I support your position. I would only ask a clarification
that this be the proper forum. I don't understand that. Can that be
Mayor Chmiel: From my understanding with discussion, yes we can.
Councilman Workman: So we are in effect ordering the Assessor to?
Mayor Chmiel: No. I guess basically what we're doing ts appealing to the
County Board the decision that was made.
Orlin Schafer: The decision as I understood it, being clarified by the County
Attorney and by the State Department of Revenue is that they made application
for the exemption and that is empowered in my department and ! made the
recommendation or I made the decision to make it tax exempt based on their
application. Now I don't know exactly how, that would have to clarified to me
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
by our County Attorney how the Board would turn around and start taxing
something when lt's listed as tax exempt. I have no way of knowing that. That
would have to get clarification.
Mayor Chmiel: Well Orlin I'm not arguing the point that Eckankar is entitled to
be where they're at. I'm just saying that if we, as a Clty, have 1,500 ohurches
come into town and acquire the balance of the property, where do our taxes go?
There has to be a stop somewhere and that's what I'm saying. They're entltled
to tax exemption but not the entirety of the property.
Orlin Schafer: I'm not going to belabor the polnt here elther Mayor but I
guess I question the route we're taklng on this. I mean I have no problem wtth
them paylng tax on that property. I st111 have to look at how lt's being used
for the taxation of it and you know, that aspect of it will be something else
agaln. If you as a Board are suggesting that they become taxable on any
portion, you must then give them notice that they will be taxed in 10 days.
Wlthln a 10 day period and again hold another Board, hold another hearlng and go
through those...and give them a chance to appeal.
Mayor Chmiel: What we're doing is making this as a recommendation to the County
Board. If the County Board so chooses, then you go through your process and
they'll glve direction for that.
Councilwoman Oimler: Can we put that in the form of a resolution? We as a body
can have a resolution.
Orlin Schafer: I don't think Boards of Review can make resolutions. I thlnk
they have to refer that to the Council as a whole and then the Council makes a
resolution. So it comes out of these Minutes. It can't come out of these
Minutes as a resolution.
Scott Winter: If I could make one point. For point of equalization then are
you saying you're using 10 acres for this. I don't know if lt's Lutheran or
whatever church on TH 5, or used to have thelr acoess off of TH 5 rlght by the
hi11. Now they have 15 or 20 acres. Are you saying then 10 or 15 acres of
their should be taxed...
Mayor chmlel: I'll go as much as up to 20 acres on this particular one.
Councilman Mason: Well if it's 20 acres for one it's got to be 20 acres for
Mayor Chmlel: That's right. That's why I changed it from the 10 to the 20.
councilwoman Oimler: Basically what we're saying is churches are tax exempt now
up to 20 acres.
Scott Winter: I just wanted to get that point of view because I think you
should do it as a city wide equalization.
Mayor Chmlel: I went and looked at the other churches and each of the other
churches are much less. Now the Lutheran church, are you sure that it's at 20
acres? It doesn't look 11ke a 20 acre parcel.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Scott Winter: It's a long strip along.
Orlin Schafer: Long narrow strip.
Scott Winter: Along the highway there.
Councilman Workman: All the way to the new TH
Scott Winter= No. Yeah.
Councilman Workman: That's not the£r's anymore.
Scott Winter= It isn't their's anymore?
Mayor Chmiel= No.
Don Ashworth= Yeah, Rosemount purchased the first portion and actually the City
had purchased part of it. That was part of that whole assessment question.
Then there was further acreage reduction, I'm not sure tf that was a reduction
but Roberts Automatic straightened out the line. The line used to Jog and they
straightened the line out.
Scott Winter= Z just wanted to make sure that you didn't say one and point to
another one as over that acreage amount and that's really what...
Mayor Chmiel: Whatever the Lutheran church size
Councilwoman Dimler= Or the largest parcel already in existence.
Mayor Chmiel= Right. Any additional discussion?
Nayor Chmiel moved, Councilwoman Otmler seconded to ask the County Board to
consider making the Eckankar parce! tax exempt for the total acreage equa! to
the largest church parcel currently in the city and the remainder of the
Eckankar property to be taxed at the farm rate. Al! voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously.
Don Ashworth: We need one motion now that would adopt all of the changes by the
Assessor not already made.
Councilwoman Dimler: Can ! make the motion?
Mayor Chmiel: Certainly. Be my guest.
Councilwoman Dimler: I have a surprise. I move to approve all the reductions
as recommended by the-Assessor's office and all those with which we dealt here
this evening. And then also on top of that, all other residential properties
that didn't get an adjustment be reduced by 2~.
Mayor Chmiel: Ail other no adjustments or is it 2~?
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Councilwoman Dimler: All residents.
Don Ashuorth: The question is "what percent decrease on residential properties
equals 1~ of ali values (maximum adjustment allowed by Statute)"? Councilman
Wing had asked me earlier today what does that equate to and I had thrown out,
don't know. I would guess somewhere around 2~. I have no idea if that's a
correct number or not.
Councilwoman Oimler: Is our legal limit 1%7 Then I'll go with that. Whatever
our legal limit is.
Don Ashworth: But as I mentioned to Councilmember Wing, that type of an
adjustment could very easily put us below the theshhold where the State could
come in and move all parcels back up 5~ or &~. You get to a point with that
type of a change that you may create more harm than good. Orlin?
Orlin Schafer: In fact I've got to go before the State Board June 3rd and argue
three jurisdictions already in the County that we are on the threshhold of 89.9
and they were going to glve us $~ increase. I mean I do not want to see Chan
back in that situation that we had only l~ to play with in years past. It
happened many times. It was due to the assessment process that we boosted it
out of the 89 percentile over the gO. This year ue started out at 93~ and we
were hoping to hold that. I mean thls ls the flrst year we've managed to do
that in the 3 years I've been here. I really don't want to see that happen
where we have to go down there and spend 45 mlnutes arguing with people who
don't care one way or the other and they'll just put a blanket on.
Councilwoman Oimler: I understand that. I guess the reason, as I read this
report I was really frustrated because I saw that out of the 232 that ue had
presented, 139 of them recelved adjustments uhlch is well over 1/2. Then the
lowest satisfaction that anyone got was $900.00 and then all the way up to
$136,500.00 and I know that was commercial but still, and I just was real
frustrated wlth what again, seeing homes in the same neighborhood. Some got
adjustments. Some dldn't get any and so I thought the way to equallze that was
to give them the legal limlt of reduction.
Mayor Chmiel: But if you look at the total numbers...uithin the city, this
would rank about a 5~, uhlch is not bad.
Councilman Wing: It's like an election. You know only a certain percentage
vote and the one's that vote speak and I thlnk the ones that came in and took
the time to complaln or filed thls adjustment are the ones we're dealing ulth on
a percentage wise. And it left me also feeling that the valuations are maybe a
11ttle hlgher than they need be. They've been created artificially hlgh and if
we allow them to sit at what I consider to be somewhat artificially high based
on these adjustments, then the next adjustment ls just continuing thls trend of
going out of sight and I don't know when it's going to stop.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah, that's true and if I can just ride on that a little bit.
My market value went up also. I didn't contest it only because of the position
that I'm sitting but mlne went up another $23,000.00 as well.
Councilwoman Oimler: Yeah, I'm in the same boat. But I think those that took
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
the time you know, if it isn't going to bust our whole system here.
Mayor Chmiel: Well I get concerned with that and I sort of agree with Orlin on
that particular point of if we start changing it and start requesting for the
additional 2 then he's got to go back and fight with the system and it is a
problem. I would just as soon not, at this particular time but you have a
motion on the floor and 1'11 call for the second. Zs there a second?
Councilman Wing: I'm going to second that only because I think I'd like to see
the Council take a stand and kind of draw the line. I guess I would have
preferred even 1~ less complication but at least allow us to say, that's really
not a large devaluation but it says we hear what you're saying and we think
things are getting out of hand.
Councilwoman Dimler: And I don't mean to throw us into trouble so can we just
leave it at the percentage? Like I said, if it's 1~ that keeps us out of
trouble, 1'11 go with 1.
Orlin Schafer: Can I ask a question?
Mayor Chmiel: Yes.
Orlin Schafer: When you stated that, did you mean only those people listed here
or are we talking...?
Councilwoman Oimler: Yes. Only the people that came in and didn't get any
adjustments. Or do you want to go.
Mayor Chmiel: No, ! couldn't go that.
Councilwoman Oimler: Do you want to go total? Okay, total.
Councilman Workman: Didn't the City of Mtnnetonka 2 years ago do that? A
blanket 1~. It isn't 1~.
Orlin Schafer: 1~ is the maximum you can take off your roll.
Councilwoman Oimler: Then that's fine.
Councilman Workman: That's what Z thought you were talking about.
Councilwoman Oimler: Well that's fine with me. I'd love that.
Mayor Chmiei: Then you're going to have everyone come in and start.
Orlin $chafer: These reductions already indicate a fourth of 1~ that are in
here so if you're going to add to that, you're dealing with less than a half a
percent. And a half a percent on a $68,000.00 house is not going to amount to a
whole lot except a lot of book work.
(There was a tape change at this point in the meeting.)
Don Ashworth: ...1~ of all values within the community.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Orlin Schafer: That's why I cautioned you not to lower, I mean not to reduce or
decrease the amount we were dropping on some of these because we recognize, In a
lot of these as you read through this, you'll find that we were not allowed
access on the initial assessments. On the initial review of the property and so
as a result of those revlews, we have galned access when we made the adjustments
and we did them numerically. It was not done by percentages or broad based
Mayor Chmiel: I thlnk too that what we're looking at is everybody's assessments
are going up. There's no question. There's got to be a leveling spot and a
stopping polnt because before we know lt, people who can afford those houses
rtght now, I think as I mentioned before, can afford to pay even $10,000.00 or
$12,000.00 in taxes. But when it comes to them selling their home, they've got
problems because there aren't that many people that want to assume that amount
of taxation. But on the other hand, we as a city in the past 3 years have
reduced taxes as far as the city is concerned. We have kept our taxes down by
being as efficient as we have been in reviewing budgets and the rest of lt. Z
think it would probably be not in the best interest at this time other than
maklng the motion of, well we've got a motlon and a second on the floor. We'll
have to vote on it. Let me flnish what I was going to say. At least making our
concerns back to the County indicating what we basically feel. And I thlnk part
of your motion did stress that potnt. Discussion Tom?
Councilman Workman: I'm out there looking at homes right now. I sold my home
and now I have to buy one. It's real depressing out there. Now what home
sellers are basing the prlce of thelr home on Z don't know but I tell you what,
we as younger people in the community pull up to these houses and say you've got
to be klddlng me you know. And not only would I not glve you what you want but
I wouldn't give you half of what you want. So I don't know who's fluffing it
all up but it's fluffed up. I guess I sold my home, I'll tell you guys later
what I sold my home for. I sold my home for higher than the assessed value and
you know where I 1lye Scott and Z probably sold it for more than anybody's sold
their home in the neighborhood. I'm proud to say that. So people are willing
to pay a 11ttle blt more and a 11ttle blt more and lt's creeplng up somehow but
I like the flavor of Ursula's idea and I guess I've been thinking about that
ever slnce I knew I was golng to slt on this ugly Board again. I don't know
that I see that it really throws things out of kilter as much as it does say to
people, and we don't have a whole lot to base on thls 1~. How lt's affecting
things but to say to people that we've got this tool to use and we're going to
use it. And when people have come here to talk about thelr hlgh assessed value
and they start talking about the taxes, we all say wait a minute. Wait a
mlnute. We're not talklng about taxes. We're talklng about assessed values.
Well I'm going to turn that around and say I am talking about taxes tonight in
how they relate to the assessed value in that we're all really frustrated and
believe me we're going to be even more frustrated in the next couple years. Mike
and I were talking about you know lt's tough to have any respeot for legislature
these days and what they're trying to pull off. Oo we dig ourselves a hole by
redu¢lng it 1~? Oo we oause problems? Do we cause budgetary problems down the
road? I don't think we do but I don't know that for certain but I like the
flavor of that 1dca and that we're, we don't have very many tools and we're klnd
of all sitting around. What can we do and that's one thing we can do so let's
do lt.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Orlin Schafer: Mr. Mayor7
Mayor Chmiel: Yes Orlin.
Orlin Schafer: You as a Board can do as you wish. I'm not trying to you know
insinuate that you shouldn't even think about it but I will caution you a bit
and that is that anytime any Board has ever moved to make that 1 percentile
decrease in value, by whatever percent it took to do it, the State has Jumped on
them like bees on honey. Z mean they scrutinize us the way it is and they wtll
scrutinize you for the next 5 years. As soon as and if something is a little
bit out of kilter, they are on our doorstep.
Councilman Workman: And again, that's why I don't have a whole heck of a lot of
respect for looklng down towards St. Paul and all the players down there. We're
clean aren't we Don? If they wanted to look at us.
Scott Winter: I just want to, as a person that's going to be out knocking on
people's doors next year also, or as soon as this Board gets over in fact.
Tomorrow I'll start again on next year's assessment. Looking at number one on
your, from the appeal. Mr. Tchen from Cascade Circle which is an area I'm going
to go through. You are going to lower that and say Ursula's decision goes
through at 2~. Next year I'm going to go in where this person Just bought this
home at $138,000.00 and is assessed at $119,000.00. I'm going to raise him from
your lowered value up. Where am I to stand then at that? I mean you're already
saying that he came in. You're going to lower it and you expect me to go out
there and say hey I'm going to raise you up $20,000.007 I mean where do you
want to put me in this position also because I have to deal with all these
people now too.
Councilwoman Dimler: Are you saying 2~ would bring him down to what?
Orlin Schafer: You'd only lower him $1,000.00 but it's still, how do you go out
and explaln then that you're golng to add $18,000.00 when thts Board established
a value at.
Scott Winter: Saying that he was too high. You're going to lower him 2~
already and then how am I going to go out and say that I need to raise his
Mayor Chmiel: Right. I understand your position.
Councilman Mason: I'm all for making statements too. Heaven knows I've made.
more than my share in the past but I think something like the ramifications of
something like this, I think perhaps are a little further reaching than just
making a statement to the State saying we don't like what you're doing. I think
we can do that in other ways. I'd love to give 10~ to everybody you know but
I don't know that that's our place. And I disagreed with some of the stuff the
gentlemen over there have said tonight but on the other hand I think what Scott
said is true. If we take out 1~ now, he's got to put that back on next year and
then more than one person's going to tell him to get lost and I think we're just
kind of, I don't know. Kind of the old Oon guixote at the windmills right now
with that. I mean I think we should make a statement but I wonder if there's a
better way to do it. Not a better way. Oifferent way.
Board of Equalization and Review -- May 20, 1991
Councilman Workman: But that's going to get put on their next /ear no matter
what. If we don't do this or if we do do this.
Councilwoman Dimler: It will just be $1,000.00 more next year.
Councilman Mason: I guess I take into account what Mr. Schafer said about being
scrutinized the next 5 years too and the paperuork involved with all this.
I guess I question if it's worth to do that but.
Councilwoman Dimler: Mr. Mayor if I might make a friendly amendment to my own
Mayor Chmiel: I'm open for a friendly amendment.
Councilwoman Oimler: Okay, again I will move now to approve all the reductions
as recommended by the Assessor's offlce and those wlth whlch we dealt here thls
evening plus a 1~ reduction for all other residential property in the city.
Mayor Chmiel: Will the second accept the friendly amendment?
Councilman Wing: With due respect to Mr. Mason and Mr. Schafer's comments, I
Mayor Chmiel: Okay. We now have a motion on the floor with a 1~ overall
Councilwoman Oimler moved, Councilman Wing seconded to approve the
recommendations by the County Assessor's office plus a 1~ reduction for all
other residential property in the city. All voted in favor except Mayor Chmiel
and Councilman Mason who opposed and the motion carried with a vote of 3 to 2.
Mayor Chmiel: Would you like to restate yours for your no vote?
Councilman Mason: I'll just stand by what I said. I hope we're not creating a
tempest in a teapot here. Making more trouble than it's worth I guess.
Mayor Chmiel: I guess that's really my position. If I had the opportunity to
reduce taxes as much as we have in the past and contlnue to do that, I'd love to
do it but I don't want to see us get into a precarious position with the State.
councilwoman Dimler: I don't either.
Mayor Chmiel: With that I would move for adjournment.
Orlin Schafer: Mr. Mayor, if I could only have just a comment. So I understand
this motion because we have to push a lot of buttons here. The reductions made
in the listing will stand? They don't get the additional 1~?
Councilwoman Oimler: Right.
Orlin Schafer: Then all other residential in the city will get 1~, according to
your motion?
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Mayor Cheiel: That's exactly
Don Ashworth: Hay [ ask. There's different classes of residential right?
mean we're not talking about multi family? Solely single family residential?
Orlin Schafer: Right. I understood it to be all residential.
Don Ashworth: All residential7
Orlin Schafer: Apartments and everything.
Don Ashworth: That could exceed the l~ overall.
Orlin Schafer: It definitely will. It will put you well over 2~.
Don Ashworth: Then we're negating the Board's action. You've just taken an
action that can't be taken. So [ mean what we've just done is thrown out
everything that you've done from before.
Hayor Chmiel: Do you understand?
Councilwoman Bimler: ! understand. We've made our statement.
Oon Ashworth: If you would further restrict it to single family residential,
you might squeak under. He said a quarter of l~ so it's 3/4. ! don't know the
commercial and industrial.
Councilman Wing: That was my intent of the second.
Don Ashworth: All single family might make it.
Councilwoman Dimler: I have all other residential by l~.
Councilman Workman: What's single family? I don't live in single family.
Don Ashworth: ! think a duplex is still counted as single family right?
Orlin Schafer: You can word your motion any way you'd like. I mean I Just want
to clarify it because [ have nothing to do about it. I mean we'll do it,..
Councilwoman Dialer: I move for reconsideration to amend the motion,
Councilman Workman: Can you do that?
Hayor Chmiel: Yes, the majority can.
Councilman Wing: Then I will second that.
Councilwoman Oimler moved, Councilman #in~ seconded to reconsider the previous
motion. ~11 voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Councilwoman Dtmler: And now I will amend the motion to make the last portion
of it all other single family residential reduce by lX.
Board of Equalization and Review ~ May 20, 1991
Councilman Workman: And I will need a clarification on what single family
Don Ashworth: WeI1 what OrIin is saying is you can make that definition. You
can say that that incIudes duplexes, fourpIexes, apartments.
OrIin Schafer: TripIexes. Fourplexes won't. TripIexes and under.
Oon Ashworth: Okay.
Hayor Chmiei: TripIexes and under. Does everyone understand the motion?
Councilman Workman: I've got a whoIe neighborhood fulI of that.
Scott Winter: No, see your's are individual owner units so they're singIe
family residences. Yours are singIe famiIy. It's in a fourplex buiIding but
your a singIe famiIy residence.
CounciIman Hason: How can you decide that tripIexes are going to get 1~ and
other peopIe aren't? I mean that doesn't seem very equitable to me.
CounciIwoman Dimier: I guess my main point here is that we take a smaI1 step in
the right direction and iet's see how it comes out for this tax year and then if
we didn't get into trouble, then we'I1 take action next year at Iooking at the
other residential.
CounciIman Workman: Heaning if one person owns a tripIex and rents it out.
Orlin Schafer: He qualifies.
Councilman Workman: But the person who owns a quad and rents them out doesn't?
orlin Schafer: Doesn't.
Councilman Workman: But a person who owns one, okay.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay, does everyone understand the motion?
Councilwoman Dimler moved, Councilman Wing seconded to approve the following
recommendations of the County Assessor's office plus a 1~ reduction for all
other single family residential property in the city. All voted in favor except
Hayor Chmiel and Councilman Hason who opposed and the motion carried with a vote
of 3 to 2.
Mayor Chmiel: I'm still standing by my position of what I said before.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
NO, and Phone No.
Jori T. Chen
93 Cascade Circle
R25. 5500140
County Assessor's Recommendation:
2. Anne Karels R25.0350800
116! Bluff Creek Or.
County Asseaaor'a RecoamendatLon:
3. Kevin/¥alette Finger R25.0241300
9151 Great Plains Blvd.
County Assessor's RecgMendatIon:
Joy Tanner R25.7950220
9243 Lake Riley Blvd.
Purchased home November, 1990.
Their home was assessed approx.
$30,000.00 more than the rest
of the neighborhood. No
landscaping [n their yard, with
pictures illustrating this.
No adjustment EHV $119,200.00
Bed & Breakfast bus[ness [n c'[ty.
Purchased [n 1988, assessed at
$76,200. In 1990 it increased to
$81,100. and 1991 to $123,600.
No changes [n property. Land
value of $61,000. Is real problem.
I acre between 212 and swampland.
Land tn Hesse Farm, of 4 and 5
acres, Is assessed between
$80,000. and $90,000. Feels her
land should be around $16,000. and
No i~djustaent EHV $123,~00.00
Assessment went up almost $42,000.
Feels assessment should be gradual
Instead of all [n one year. If
assessment [s correct, would l/ks
to sell to City. Two houses on
property. One valued at $94,200.
and the other at $199,700. Three
years ago bought house $141,000.
Owns 5 acres total of wh£ch about
2 1/2 acres [s unbu[ldabZe plus
150 foot wide easement for
P[peline wh[ch amounts to about
I acre which [s unbuIldable. No
city services, i.e. sewer, water.
Reduce EtlV $293,900. by $18,100.
to $275,800.
Smallest home on street. 24 x 48
with 20 x 24 attached garage. EHV
jumped 47~ since 1990. Refinanced
a month ago and EH¥ was $3,300.00
higher than mortgage company would
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
4. Joy Tanner (eon't)
County Assessor's Recpmm~ndation:
5. Jim Ouchene R25.1620200
961 Lake Lucy Rd,
County Assessor's Recommeqdation~
6. Dan Beckman R25.2000680
6895 Chaparral Lane
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Rosemary Hingo R25.0123000
7601 Great Plains Blvd.
County Assessor's Re¢ompendation:
8. Douglas Rood R25.1600470
6650 Mohawk
County A~sessor's Recommendation:
9. John/Elaine Malakowsky R25.1200050
10301 Great Plains Blvd.
County Rssessor's Recommendation:
Reduce ENV $128,300. by $3,800. to
Appeal in District Court so he
waived his right until he meets
wlth the Court.
No adjustment EHV $194,900.
Would like map of neighborhood to
compare similar property values
and wanted to know if new butldtng
influenced assessment values. The
County Assessor stated they did.
Property value increased
Reduce EI~/ $95,200. by $6,100. to
Stated she had submitted a written
Reduce EHV $118,700. by $8,000. to
Bought property for $6,500. about
5 years ago. Basic metal building
wlth shed behind lt. Upgraded
electrical and plumbing in it.
Assessment increased 400~ from
$10,000. 3 years ago to $41,000.
thls year. He owns four lots of
20 x 100 which are unbuildable.
County Assessor stated that they
did not have the information
statlng lot was unbuildable.
No Adjustment ENV $41,200.
Live on THIO1 next to huge ravine.
Assessment jumped $25,000. with
no improvements in last lO years.
Feel ravine lsa real deterrent to
property value.
Reduce EHV $112,900. by $10,300.
to $102,600.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PZN
10. Lawrence/Pam Freiberg R25.2950010
2730 Orchard Lane
county Astessor's Recommendation:
11. Robert Harr£ngton R25.8580090
481 Trap Line Lane
County ~Ssessor's Reco~endatIon:
12. John T. Daniel R25.7610070
7478 Saratoga Br.
County Assessor's Recmmendat~on:
13. Karen Oleson R25.0030800
1935 Stoughton
County Assessor's Recoamendatlon:
14. Kenneth/Hary Pung R25.0253500
620 West 96th Street
Built new house in established
neighborhood. Last lot which was
basically a swamp with a hill on
it. Agreement with Watershed
Oistrict and BNR to not disturb
drainage ditch on property.
Mortgage appraisals, highest of
three was $195,000. with a number
of discredits, i.e. located on
TH 7, drainage encumbrance, and
Mother-in-law apartment that is
not rentable. Assessed at
$212,000. which he feels is too
high with the discredits.
Reduce EIt9 $212,100. by $11,000.
to t201,100.
Land value in comparison to
neighbor is too high at $43,000.
Would like consideration of land
value as well as the price of the
property in relation to others in
Reduce ~ $2M,ZlX). by S4,800. to
1991 EMU was $85,500. and for 1992
jumped to $131-,400. with no
improvements. Real estate evalua-
tion to sell house at $116,000.
and taking out realtor fees, etc.
might get about $103,000.
Reduce EI~ $131,300. by $8,300. to
Assessment increased $34,&00. with
no improvements or repairs. House
built in 1927.
Reduce EIW $84,000. by $19,&00. to
Have lived in house for 26 years.
1980 EHU was $44,000. 1981 was
$64,000. 1982 was $&&,700. during
which time he put a $20,000. addi-
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
14. Ken/Mary Pung (Cch't)
County Assessor's RecommendatiQn:
15. Cecil/Jane Kubitz R25.7600070
7492 Saratoga
County AssessQr.'s Recommendation:
IG. Curtis Bardal R25.3320200
10301 Heidi Lane
County Assessor's Recollendation=
Donald E. Halla R25.0252300
10000 Great Plains Blvd.
tion onto house. 1983 EMU went up
to $96,000. Should have contested
at that time, but didn't. Ualue
is higher than comparable
property. 1984 went to $98,000.
In 1986 it dropped to $95,000. and
has been at $95,000. since 1986.
This year value increased to
$135,000., an increase of $40,400.
Feels his house is assessed higher
than rest of neighborhood.
No adjustment to EHU $135,400.
Assessment jumped $20,700. in one
year. Statement says Saratoga
First Addition, Green Acres which
he would like clarified. Have new
subdivision behind their home
which has caused water problems.
Home is not comparable in value to
rest of neighborhood.
No Adjustment to EHU $100,700.
Built house in 1986 and moved in
in November of 1986. In 1989 added
a deck which Scott Winter came out
and looked at which raised assess-
ments 14~. Didn't protest at that
time. 1991 assessment increased
17~ for total of 33~ mark-up. No
city services to home. Feels home
is assessed higher than comparable
property in Chanhassen.
Reduce EHU $243,200. by $13,500.
to $229,700.
Property is Green Acres which was
valued at $90,000. in 1990. 1991
was $128,100. at first and then
revalued at $234,700. on Green
Acres. Changing Green Acres of
$144,000. Was forced to subdivide
due to Clty pressures in order to
malntain land values. Subdivision
was not registered untll March of
1991. Understands assessments are
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Addrem$
No. and Phone No,
17. Donald E. Halla (Con't)
County A~sessor's Recommendat~qq:
Richard A. Derhaag R25.0251900
711 West 96th Street
County Assessor's Recommend4t[on:
19. Wm E. Engebretson R25.3000780
7120 Utica Lane
County Assessor's Recommendation:
20. Nick Evanoff R25.3300180
1401 Hesse Farm Rd.
County Assessor's Recommendation:
21. Bruce Naustad R25.8060030
3940 Stratford Ridge
County Assessor's Recommendatiop:
established on January 2, 1991,
which should have been under Green
No P~lustaent to £HU $2&4,400.
G~ $224,~00.
Value last year was $84,200. and
jumped to $117,500. this year.
An increase of $33,300. which he
feels is excessive.
No Adjustment to EtN $1/7,500.
Realtors stated that assessment
is 15~ higher than market value.
Reduce EN~ $108,700. by $8,700.
to $100,000.
$&O,O00. increase this year from
last. EH¥ jumped from $139,000.
to $198,000. Hodest house as
compared to neighborhood with no
city services available and
property can't be subdivided in
the future. Isn't fair when
neighbors built very expensive
houses which caused their value
to increase so dramatically.
Reduce ENV $198,000. by $7,300.
to $190,700.
Assessed property on 1/2/91 at
$187,300. when house was under
construction. House wil! be
completed in May and will sell
for approximately $200,000.
Honey invested in the property
as of 172/91 was $138,150. so
would like his assessment reduced.
Reduce EMV $187,300. by $47,300.
to $140,000.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
22., David/Kris Struyk
1941 Crestvlew Clrcle
County Assessor's Recommendation:
23. Robert J. Kahl R25.0500280
203 West 77th St.
County Assessor's Recomeepdat[on:
Ginny Schuelke R25.1200080
10251 Great Plains Blvd.
County Asse~spr.'s Recommendation:
25. Bruce Koehnen R25.6030160
1789 Koehnen Circle
Wants homestead classification extended to
this lot. Classification changed.
Purchased house on February 8,
1991 for $122,000. whlch they felt
to be a fair market value. Was
previously assessed at $102,500.
which was 84~ of purchase price.
Assessed at $134,300. this year
which they feel is excessive
compared to fair market value.
No Adjustment to ~2000 ENU of
$112,800. Reduce Ir)040 ENU of
$21,500. by $12,300. to $9,200.
Built house in 1959. Have made no
improvements since. Don't think
could sell it for assessed value
wlthout maklng some improvements
i.e. new roof and new siding.
32~ increase from $63,100. to
Reduce ENU $82,300. by $5,600.
to $76,700.
Purchased house in 1983 for
$71,500. and was assessed at
$79,900. Reviewed property record
and found there are no notations
of property's detractions, i.e.
faces TH 101, in high drainage
area where neighborhood drains
through their property and durlng
power outages, they flood. Had
to have mound septio system
installed whlch takes away from
the looks of house. Assessment is
higher than neighbors.
Reduce EH¥ $106,600. by $8,200.
to $98,400.
Vacant lot in subdivision and
can't dispute valuation but would
11kw to change property classifi-
cation which is adjacent to home-
stead property. Would 11kw to
incorporate it into homestead lot.
Don Ashworth suggested he talk
to Paul Krauss.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20,
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No,
26. suni1 chojar R25.85200&O
7480 Longview R25.8820070
County Assessor's Recommendation:
27. Waiter Whitehill R25.0092500
7250 Hazeltine Blvd.
County A;sesspr's Re;ommendation:
28. James Cranston R25.1602160
County Assessor's Recommendation:
29. Joan Rask R25.6600130
3728 Hickory Rd. R25.6600131
2 1/2 lot in Tlmberwood Estates.
Bought for future home before
found out how much taxes were.
1989 value was $20,500. 1990
value was same. 1991 value is
$41,000. Vacant lot with no
services. One-third of lot is
wetland. Trying to sell lot
for $37,000. to $40,000. for 2
years and can't sell it.
No l~d~usteent to 10070 EHU of
t95,700. Reduce ~ F.~ of
$41,000. by t~,O00, to $39,000.
Assessment increased 35~ and tax
increased 71~. Assessor stated
assessment was in comparison to
neighboring property whose assess
ments increased 6~, 15~, 11~, 17~,
31~, arid 30~. Is looking for
equity. When values increased in
such wide range, doesn't feel he's
getting equitable treatment. Also,
doesn't ltke the notice whtch says
property is evaluated each year
when it's not.
No ~djustment to EHU $100,400.
Has a discrepancy with Hr. Wtnters
on square footage of house, upper
and lower levels. House Is
assessed at $165,000. which is far
higher than neighborhood.
R~ck~ce Ell9 $165, &O0. by $13,100.
to $15~, 500.
Red Cedar Potnt area. Seasonal
summer cabin on Lake Hinnewashta.
250~ increase in value this year.
Property is a vacant lot which is
40 feet wide which value increased
$24,800. The other parcel is also
40 feet wide with a 60 year old
cabin on it which increased
$28,900. in value. Both parcels
flood every spring. Feel being
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No._. ~nd phone No. PIN
C~llepts . ._____~
29. Joan Rask
County Assessor's Recopiend~tion:
30. Bev Ricker R25.3500230
7608 Huron
County Assessor's Recommendat~onL
Phil Gossard R25.2000010
901 Carver Beach Road R25.1601130
penalized for having 1 of 3
remaining cabins.
No Adjustment to 4)0130 EHV of
$47,100. No Adjustment to ~0131
EHU of $36,800.
25 year old home in downtown
Chanhassen near railroad tracks.
EMU last year was $74,800. and
this year ls $99,400. wlth no
improvements made to the house.
Roof leaks and basement leaks due
to a City problem.
Reduce EHU $99,400. by $5,400.
to $94,000.
Homestead property value increased
21~ this year. Vacant lot is 20
feet wlde whlch abuts homestead.
Bought lot at auction for $25.00.
Value was $500. last year and
$1,000. thls year. Unbuildable
lot. Would 11ke to know when
value is going to stop escalating.
Would like to know what basls ls
for valuating a vacant, useless
County Assessor's Recommendation:
32. Bob Eickholt
9390 Kiowa Trail
No AdJustment to ~0010 EHU of
$103,900. Reduce #1130 EHU of
$1,000. by $500. to $500.
Built house in 1978 and moved in
in 1980. In 198G used same plan
and bullt same house next door
with not as many amenities as
first house. One house was
valued at $112,000. and other
house was valued at $134,000. from
$91,000. which he feels is
excessive. The one house sold for
$117,000. and he doesn't think he
can sell other house for $134,000.
with less amenities.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone NO, pXN
q~ommlentl ~
32. Bob Eickholt (Con't)
County Assessor's Recommendation:
33., Hrs. Donald Sather R25.8800040
418 Santa Fe Circle
County Assessor's Re¢ommendat~¢~:
34.* Ann Osborne
3815 Red Cedar Point
County Assessor's Recommendation:
35., Frances 3acques
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Board of Equalizaton Action:
Reduce EH9 $134,300. by $14,600.
to $119,700.
Bought house in 1982 for $125,000.
and it was assessed at $110,000.
and the assessments have been
going up each year since so should
have been complaining 6 to 7 years
ago. The whole issue isn't
necessarily assessment as much as
taxes. Government has to stop
spending more money each year and
just raising taxes to cover it.
No Adjustment to EHU $134,100.
Bought house for $60,000. almost
20 years ago. About 2 years ago
piece of property next door was
sold for half a million dollars
and made into a development.
This year their assessment was
$232,000. due to development next
door. Would like some sort of
equity. Remodeled house in 1984
but have made no improvements
since then. A year ago it went
from $138,000. to $232,000.
Reduce E]t9 $232,400. by $11,700.
to $220,700.
Value increased almost $50,000.
House was built in 1948 with no
improvements for last 10 years.
Reduce EHU of $111,000. by
$23,100. to $87,900.
See Page 14.
Board of Equalizatio. a.d Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
Robert/LeAnn Amoruso R25.0122800
7600 Erie Ave
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Hark/Kathy Ancevlc
656i Fox Path
870-5354 (Hark)
591-6681 (Kathy)
County Assessor's Recq~mend~tion:
Gary/Oebra Anderson
725 Creekwood
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Charles/Ada Anding R25.6600360
3631 So. Cedar Drive R25.6600500
County Assessor's Reco#endation:
Don Ashworth R25.8820040
7401 Longview Circle
County Asse~sor'~ Recommendation:
Kermit/Adeline Austad R25.1600830
980 Carver Beach Road
470-9348 or 474-2277
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Purchase home in Dec., 1990 with
market value of $88,100. Assessed
in Jan, 1991 at $106,500.
No Adjustment to EN¥ $10&,&O0.
Assessed in 1989 and 1990 at
$268,200. Assessed for 1991 at
$336,200., an increase of
$68,000. in one year with no
improvements to house and is
assessed higher than neighbors.
Reduce EPIU $336,200. by $31,000.
to $305,200.
Assessment increased 66X since
1990 and have no city services,
i.e. sewer, water, electric, etc.
Reduce EMU $122,400. by $4,900.
to $117,500.
Assessment increased 33~ from
last year on homestead and 150X
on unbuildable garden lot with
no improvements. Increase has
them in third tier for taxes which
increased by 110~ due to
No Adjustment to 10500 EMU of
$2,000. Reduce 10360 EMU
$153,000. by $5,000. to $148,000.
Assessed too high when compared to
neighbors. Assessor has incorrect
square footage figures on the
house, deck and other amenities.
Reduce EMU $115,900. by $1,700.
to $114,200.
No comment.
Reduce EMU $96,900. by $16,100.
to $80,800.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No, PZN
Gary/Amy Bachler R25.6150290
3911 Crestview Drive
County As;essor's Recommendation:
Steve Bainbridge
7351Hinnewashta Pkwy
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Dennis/Ann Baker R25.7950130
9219 Lake Riley Blvd.
County Assessor's Recommendation:
45. Nella E. Barnes R25.0500180
203 Chan View
CoQnty hssessoF's Recommendation:
David/Louise Barness R25.T&10170
7489 Saratoga Drive
County hasessoF's ReGomaendatLon:
Terrence A. Beauchane R25.0363300
240 Flying Cloud Drive
County Assessor's Recomendation:
3effrey/Cindy Beegle
6471 Fox Path
470-5050 or 448-1207
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Assessed too high when compared
with neighboring homes and the
cost of building the home.
Reduce E~R/ $~, 400. by $13, ~.
to $104., 4t:)4:).
Assessments increased 38X in one
year with no improvements and is
higher than neighbors.
No Adjustment to ElfU S247,i~)0.
Assessment doubled from $107,900.
to $206,400. in one year. Was
appraised 18 months ago for
$160,000. provided a new roof was
put on the house.
Reduce EHV $2~)~, 400. by ~1, ~.
to $~5,0(0~.
Assessment increased from $66,500.
to $87.200. with no changes.
No l~Uustmnt to EHV $87,200.
Assessment rose from $101,000. to
$131,500. which is higher than
appraisal done on house. Think
$105,000. would be more tn 1the.
Reduce F. Hq $131,500. by $11,54:)0.
to $123,0(0).
Have an Appraisal Report wh£ch
indicates the house ts valued at
Reduce Etlq $110,700. by $11,700.
to ~99,000.
Assessment went up 30~ from 3
year ago, which means 10~ per
Reduce EIW S254,500. by $25,500.
to ~229,000.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
Hebert Berens R25.0170500
U of M Real Estate Office
335 MOFFill Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455
County Assessor's Recoelendat/on:
50. Mrs. Timothy 8ernier R25.0134300
8155 Groundview Road
County ~q~essor's RecomMendation:
51. Joe Betz R25.1820630
8107 Dakota Lane
County Asqe~sor~~
52. Dixon Blosberg R25.0241900
530 Lyman Blvd.
~ounty Assessor's Recommendation:
Tim Bloudek
1171 Homestead Lane
County Assessor's Recommendatipn:
Arlis Bovy
7339 Frontier Trail
County Assessor's Rpcom~endation=
Property was donated to the U of M
as a life estate. Mrs. 8erens has
life tenancy with U of M paying
real estate taxes. Asssessment
increase from $96,900. to
$241,600. in one year with no
recent improvements or utilities.
No Adjustment to EMU $241,600.
"Humungous" increaes in market
value of older home with new homes
surrounding it.
Reduce EMU $110,200. by $3,900.
to $106,300.
1990 value was $82,100 and 1991
value was $110,100. for an
increase of 34~.
No Adjustment to EMU $110,100.
Assessment increased 36~ from
$67,500. to $91,900. which is
Reduce EMU $91,900. by $7,100.
to $84,800.
Assessment increased 36.8~ from
$127,800. to $174,900. Appraisal
was significantly less. $140,000.
would be more realistic.
Reduce EMU $174,900. by $24,900.
to $150,000.
"The increase in the value of my
property for 1 year is terrible."
No Adjustment to EMU $164,&00.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No, and phone No. PTd~
55. Arlis Bovy R25.3500240
7610-7612 Huron Ave.
County Assessor's Recommendation:
56. David R. Brenke R25.2021480
1035 Pontiac Lane
County Assessor'; Recomme~dat/o~:
57. Roger Brown R25.3300040
1200 Hesse Farm Rd.
County A~essor's Recommendat[on:
Steve Brown
7091 Red Wing Lane
County Assessor's Recommendation=
Charles/Annette Buenger R25.7930090
520 Bighorn Drive
County Assessor's Recommendat/on:
Double bungalow that is 23 yrs.
old. Charges rent according to
taxes and can't charge any more
than what she is getting now.
Reduce EHV $12&,000. by $22,000.
to $104,000.
Townhome taxes went from $744.00
last year to $882.00 this year
with no improvements.
No Adjustment to ENU $72,&00.
Purchased lot for $20,500. and
built home for 65,000. in 1980.
Assessed value was then $87,000.
[t gradually increased to
$134,000. at which time the
Assessor's office said it would
probably not increase over the
next few years. [ncreased this
year to $205,000.
Reduce EHV $205,400. by t24,200.
to $181,200.
Purchased home in Dec. [990 for
$85,000. Assessments increased
from $83,100. in [990 to $97,700.
in 1991 with no improvements.
The house is in need of repairs.
Reduce EIIV t97,700, by $12,700.
to t85,000.
Feels lot value of $45,000. is
correct and the house should be
valued at $[4S,000. for a total
assessment of $190,000. rather
than $249,000. which it is
presently assessed at.
Reduce EItV $21&,900. by $~00.
to $216,000.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
60. Robert J. Buresh R25.1510020
5817 Hansen Road R25.1510010
Edina, MN 55436
1990 values for the two lots are
set at $24,800. and $29,300. 1991
values are $29,300. and $33,800.
with no city services available to
County Assessor's Recomsendation:
Reduce 80020 EHU of $33,800. by
$11,300. to $22,500. Reduce $0010
EHU of $29,300. by $&,800. to
R.L. Carlson
7606 Iroquios
$42,600.00 increase (48~)
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Reduce EHU of $130,700. by
$8,300. to $122,400.
62A. Robert Carlson
3801 Headow Lane
House currently under
Couqty Assessor's Recommendation:
No Adjustment to EHU $112,100.
Gary Carlson R25.5080160 Assessed values are higher than
3831 West 62nd Street R25.5080050 comparable undeveloped lots in
474-3354 R25.5080140 northern Chanhassen
R25.5080120 and R25.5080130
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Reduce $0030, $0050, $0120 and
$0140 EHU of $30,000. by $2,000.
to $28,000; Reduce $0160 EHV
$29,300. by $1,300. to $28,000.
Richard Carruth
1001 Homestead Lane
Assessment value jumped $20,000.
in 2 years without improvements
for an lncrease of 13.5X.
County Assessor's Recommendation=
Reduce EHU of $172,500. by
$12,500. to $160,000.
James D. Castleberry R25.8520140
20510akwood Ridge
Feels assessment is overvalued
when compared to neighbors.
Would have to sell home for
$20,000.-$30,000. less than
assessed value.
County.Assessor's Recommendat.ion:
No AdJustment to ENU $263,500.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. P~N
Chan Realty 25.1730010
33 lOth Ave S Suite 100
Hopkins, HN 55343
County hasessor'~ ReGoeeendatton:
John O. Rice Law Firm 25.7750030
Chanhassen Bank/ 25.7750040
Hithun Properties 25.7750050
Ccunty Assessor's Recommendation:
Chan Bow1
Oanlel F. Oahlln
John Oorek (934-6603)
581 West 78th Street
County Assessor's Recommendation:
W.R. Christensen
1001 Western Drive
County Assessor's Regoeeendat[on:
Shirley A. Clausen
7264 Pontiac Circle
County Assessor's Recomeendat~pn:
Donald C. Coban
8821 Sunset Trail
County Assessor's Recommendation:
'Should be $303,300."
Reduce EI~/ of 9439,800. by
$136,500. to $303,300.
Assessed values for downtown
properties are too high. States
proposed resolutions in attached
Reduce 10030 EI~ of $101,000. by
943,000. to $58,000.; Reduce 10040
EMU $92,500. by $40,000. to
$52.000.; Reduce ~2200 IEHU of
$1,&17,000. by $292,000. to
T/F agreement of $1,325,000.; and
Reduce 10050 EHV of'9405,000, by
$180,600. to $225,000.
Assessed value too high. Are
currently getting appraisals.
No AcLjustment 10020 to Eft) of
$1,&83,700. and no adjustment
10021 to EI~/ $137,600.
Questions how valuation is arrived
at. Real valuation or square
footage picked out of hat.
Reduce EMU of $101,000. by
$2,000. to $99,000.
"Paid $58,000. December 1, 1991"
No Adjustment to EHU $68,200.
Assessment increased from $78,600.
to $96,600. (over 22~) with no
city services provided.
No adjustment to EHU
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
71. Charles Coffee R25.7610090
7474 Saratoga Drive
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Board of Equalization and Review Action~
72. Leigh Colby R25.8200090
7307 Laredo Drive
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Kyle/Sandra Colvin R25.0252000
701 West 96th Street
County Assessor's Recommendation:
74. Sandra L. Craig R25.1820650
8111 Erie Circle
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Jerry Cronable
10320 Heidi Lane
Chaska, HN 55318
445-8357 or 341-6361
County Assessor's Rgcommepdation:
Richard M. Czeck R25.8520100
6147 Chasewood Pkwy ~101
Hinnetonka, HN 55343
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Assessment of $158,000. is higher
than market value. Assessment
should be around $132,000. to
No AdJustment to EMU of $149,000.
See Page 9.
Assessment of $123,000. is "far"
too high due to shape of lot,
in comparison to neighboring lots,
and condition of home.
Reduce EMU of $123,300. by
$3,800. to $119,500.
Assessment increased from $88,000.
last year to $141,200. this year.
$50,000. increase which is larger
than cost of improvements.
No Adjustment to EMU $141,200.
Assessed at $81,000. in 1990 and
and $105,700. in 1991. Has been
for sale for past 6 months at
$119,900. without selling whtch
indicates lt's overpriced.
No Adjustment to EMU $105,700.
Assessment increased $70,000. in
one year.
No Adjustment to EMU $292,400.
Lot is assessed higher than paid
for 2 months ago. Paid $35,000.
and assessed $40,000.
Reduce EHU of $40,500. by
$5,500. to $35,000.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
cmmepts ,
77. Peter Oahl R25.0800040
2200 Frontier Court
County Assessor's Recom~e~datton:
Karon A. Davis
7602 Kiowa Avenue
County Assessor's RecomRndation:
Richard/Karen Dee R25.3300140
1201 Hesse Farm Circle
County Assessor's Re¢omendation:
George/Harian OeWitt R2S.79SOI&O
3127 4th Street S.E.
County Assessor's Recom~enda~Ion:
Alan Dirks R25.7950080
9203 Lake Riley Blvd. R25.7950150
County Assessor'a Recommendation:
Jim Oockendorf R25.8520150
7601Chanhassen Road
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Valuation is excessive to market
Reduce ENV of $99,200. by
$7,300. to ~91,900.
Assessment is high compared to
neighbors and condition of house.
Re. ce EHV of $98,200. by
$11,000. t o $87,200.
Excessive increases in valuation
over last 3 years. $157,400. in
1989; $204,300. in 1990 and
$237,800. in 1991.
Reduce EIIU of $237,900. by
$8,300. to $229,500.
Assessment too high when compared
with neighboring properties.
Lot is valued too high at $44,S00.
Empty lot in area is valued at
No adjustment to EHV $&8,200.
Assessments increased 30~ and 100~
during a time when the market has
"nose-dived" or at the very least,
No Adjustment to 10080 ENU of
$168,900. and no adjustment to
~0150 ENV of $22,700.
Purchased lot for $38,400. and
was assessed at $40,500. Would
like assessed dropped.
Reduce EPI9 of $40,500. by
$2,100. to $38,400.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
Richard/Kathy Oorfner R25.1800280
8026 Cheyenne Avenue
Chanhassen Estates
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Robert E. Orury R25.0361100
575 Flying Cloud Drive
445-3414 or 445-3414
County 8ssessor's Recommendation:.
85. Len/Harlene Dusoskl R25.1600110
1000 Western Drive
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Board of Equalization and_Review Action:
86. Randy Dusoski R25.0920010
9270 Kioua Trail
County Assessor's Recommendation=
Hilt Edgren
6257 Chaska Road
474-7725 or 933-2135
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Rollln W. Fahning R25.0253210
720 West 96th Street
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Robert/Guen Filippi
1731 Wood Duck Lane
County Assessor' s .Recommendation:
Assessment increaesd $50,000.
since 1979 and $22,000. last year
Increase is higher than neighbors.
Reduce EHV of $112,000. by
$3,400. to $108,600.
Assessment and taxes too hlgh.
Reduce EHV of $143,100. by
$5,800. to $137,300.
"Cashier check for assessed value
of house and it's your's!"
No Adjustment to ENV $93,900.
See Page 5
House is not worth assessment.
Reduce EHV of $105,700. by
$12,900. to $92,800.
Assessment should reflect purchase
price last June of $204,000.
rather than $215,900.
Reduce EHV of $215,900. by
$11,900. to $204,000.
Assessment of $123,900. is too
high considering half of land is
swampland and no improvements to
justify 39~ increase.
Reduce EHV of $123,900. by
$10,400. to $113,500.
Assessed too high in comparison
to neighbors.
Reduce EHV of $205,900. by
$26,300. to $179,600.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and phone NO, P~N
comments .
Russell L. Frederick R25.0241200
540 Lyman Blvd.
934-1951 or 553-6603
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Frisk Incorporated
13817 Frontier Lane
Burnsville, HN
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Scott Gavin
1851 Lake Lucy Lane
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Oale/Hary Anne Geving R25.3500200
7602 Huron
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Earl C. Gilbert III R25.6930030
6901Galpin Lake Blvd.
County Assessor's Recom$ep~at[pn:
William Goers
1601 Lyman Blvd.
448-6593 or 448-1322
County Assessor's Recommendation=
36X increase in valuation with no
city services available now or
near future.
No Pa]just~ent to EItV $106,900.
Empty lot and house under
construction until 3an, 1991 are
taxed way too high.
No i~Ljusteent to ~0010 EIIV of
$30,000. and no adjustment to
~0020 EtlV of $10&,900.
Appraised in April, 1991 for
$232,000. and assessed for
R~o~ce F. MV of $248,700. by
$16,700. to $232,000.
Harket appraisal done last year
was $102,000. and assessed at
$111,000. Would probably have a
difficult time selling house for
Re(b~ce ETN of $111,300. by
$9,300. to $102,000.
Taxes increased from $1,246. to
$1,782. with no improvements.
Reduce Etl9 of $108,800. by
$5,800. to $103,000.
Assessed higher than neighbors
with comparable property.
No Adjustment to 12200 EHU of
$65,100. and no adjusteent to
~1300 EHU of $140,000.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No, and Phone No. PIN
96. Robert/Barbara Grant R25.6200020
6454 Hurray Hill Rd.
Excelsior, HN 55331
470-0213 or 448-8016
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Dale/Peggy Gunderson
845 Creekwood
445-8985 or 884-5622
Countx Assessor's ReCommendation:
Jim Ounville
7G08 Kiowa Avenue
County Assessor's Recommendation:
William Haeuser R25.6100050
9600 Flintlock Trail
Coupty Assessor's Recomm~datioQ:
100. Howard R. Hanson
6210 Cardinal Road
County Assessor's Recommendation:
101. Haynard Happe
495 Lakota Lane
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Assessment in 1989 were $244,400.
and in 1991 were $282,600. Added
a swimming pool which should only
add $10,000. to assessment.
No adjustment to EHV $282,600.
Assessment increased 27.8~ in one
year with no city services and
11vlng on prlvate drlveway wlth
publlc easement for Bluff Creek
Golf Course.
Reduce EHV of $139,100. by
$9,100. to $130,000.
Hisclassification of house which
resulted in higher assessment.
Assessment of $130,200. should be
Reduce EMU of $130,200. by
$23,900. to $106,300.
Property had been listed for
$169,900. with no offers. Assessed
at $183,300. uhich is a gross
Reduce EMU of $182,800. by
$19,000. to $163,800.
Increase in assessment is not
comparable to cost of living
increases with no improvements.
No adjustment to EHV $98,500.
One parcel increased 45~ and the
other 27~. He is 91 years old.
No adjustment to #0030 EMU of
$139,900. and no adjustment to
~2200 EMU of $84,100.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. P~N
102. Eileen Hassel R25.2700290
Lake Region Properties, Inc.
1055 E. Wayzata Blvd.
Wayzata, HN 55391
County Assessor's Recommendation:
103. Joseph W. Hautman
8551Tigua Circle
County Assessor's Recowaendatton:
104. Hichael/Oebbie Haydock R25.2700110
6460 Fox Path
County Assessor's Recommendat/on:
105. James R. Hedberg
750 Pioneer Trail
county Assessor's RecoRmend~ign:
106. Joel W. Hedtke
7611Laredo Drive
934-5365 or 646-Beep
County Assessor's Recommendation:
107. Dan/Karen Herbst
7640 Crimson Bay Road
474-5031 or 888-9561
County Assessor's Recommendat[qn:
Assessed at $284,500. and house
is new construction which is
presently for sale at $299,000.
Assessed too high in comparison
to neighboring properties.
Reduce EH¥ of $284,500. by
$5,500. to $279,000.
Assessment increased from $167,100
to $219,000. Purchased home for
$200,000. 2 years ago. TH 212,
which is going to be very close,
will actually decrease value.
Reduce EI~ of $219,900. by
$19,900. to $200,000.
"Why the increase? Why so much?"
No adjustment to EH~ $272,400.
71~ increase in taxes and 36~
increase in valuation is excessive
for one year. 1990 Tax Statement
lists property value at $103,300
and postcard states $107,800.
House is in need of extensive
Reduce EIt9 of $107,800. by
$10,800. to $97,000.
Assessments should be raised over
a 5 year period rather than 1
No adjustment to EIIV.
Assessed at $530,600. when should
be no greater than $450,000. when
compared with neighboring property
and appraisals done.
Reduce EltV of $530,600. by
$&5,700. to $464,900.
Board of Equalization and Review ~ May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No._ and Phone NO, . PIN
108. Alphonse/Mary Herzog R25.6100200
119i Homestead Lane
County Assessor's Recommendatioq:
109. Walt/Cheryl Hobbs
8850 Sunset Trail
County Assessor's Recommendation:
110. George/Susan Hoff R25.2450030
221 Frontier Court
949-2885 or 941-9220
County A~sessor's Recommendation:
111. Gerald Hoffmann
6830 Utica Terrace
474-4851 or 934-1810
County Assessor's Recommendation=
112. Keith/Mary Hoffman
6470 Fox Path
474-4702 or 593-7367
County Assessor's Reco~#e~dation:
113. George E. Holasek
1046 Pontiac Lane
County Assessor's RecomMendation:
114. Doyle/Linda Honstad
600 Big Horn Drive
County Assessor's Recosmendation:
Increase of $43,000. or 34~ is not
comparable to professionally
appraised value.
Reduce EHV of $L67,900. by
$20,900. to $147,000.
Assessment increased 21% from
$177,600. to $214,700. with no
city services available.
No adjustment to EHV $214,700.
Incresed from $185,000. to
$198,900. this year, $14,000.
increase when property is in same
condition as last year when
Assessor did valuation.
No adjustment to EHU $198,900.
9uestions how assessments compare
with neighbors.
No adjustment to EMU $142,&00.
Increase of $36,400. with no
No adjustment to EHV $278,&00.
"Property value"
No adjustment to EHV $70,500.
Assessed value of $207,200. is too
high due to comparable properties
in neighborhood, creek
encroachment problem and leaking
Reduce EHU of $207,200. by
$10,400. to $196,800.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone NO- P~N
115. Thomas/Susan Huberty R2S.2700100
6450 Fox Path
470-1657 or 884-3366
County Assessor's Recommendation:
116. AIfred A. Iversen
PHT Corp
1500 Park Road
County assessor'~ Recommeqdation:
117. Anna Iverson
223 Chan View
County Assessor'; RecoeRe~dation:
118. Bailey Janssen
500 Lyman Blvd.
934-1871 or 448-7445
County Assessor's Recqmaendatton:
119. James F. Jessup
3323 Lakeshore Court
County Assessor's Recommendation:
120. Bruce Johansson
Johansson Builders Inc.
2670 Stillwater St.
White Bear Lake, MN
426-8660 or 426-1111
County Assessor's Recommendation=
Increase of $41,800. Based on
Reduce EIW of $253,~0. by
$20,100. to $233,800.
Valuation of addition is too hLgh
and assessment for parcel 1930040
increased 88.1~ from $120,300 to
No adJusteent to 10010 EHU
$2,326,000. and no adjustment to
10040 EflV t226,300.
guestion who determines valuation.
Reduce EHU of $73,000. by
$9,300. to $64,700.
Assessment went from $97,500. to
$151,600. Property is not worth
Reduce EflV of $151,&00. by
$44,100. to $107,500.
Property is currently unbuildab[e
and unsellable due to "Stop Work
Order" for gasoline contamination
to soil.
Reduce EflV of $35,800. by
$20,000. to $15,800.
Vacant lots which are assessed
and taxed too high.
No action .arranted as this .as
considered as a tax appeal.
Board of Equalization and Review ~ Maw 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
121. David/Clare Johnson
821 creekuood
County Assessor's Recommendation:
122. Linda Larson Johnson
6950 Chaparral Lane
County Assessor's Recommendation:
123. Conrad/Susan Johnsrud R25.3000610
7061 Shawnee Lane
County Assessor's Recommendation:
124. Eugene W. Junker R25.2300030
1250 Hesse Farm Road
445-5425 or 448-8620
County Assessor's Recommendation:
125. Georgia Kandiko
10421 Bluff Circle
Chaska, HN 55318
County Assessor's Recommendation:
3.26. James W. Keeler, Jr.
6206 Cascade Pass
474-9563 or 448-1200
County Assessor's Recommendation:
127. Norbert Kerber
508 Del Rio Drive
934-1391 or 939-1382
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Increased from $93,000. to
$156,900. with no improvements.
No adjustment to ENU $156,900.
Purchased home in 1987 for
$62,500. Assessment of $71,200.
is too high. Could maybe sell it
for $64,000. without a realtor and
their commission.
Reduce EMU of $71,200. by
$8,200. to $63,000.
60~ increase in assessment and
100~ increase in taxes on an older
home (60-100 yrs old)
No adjustment to EM¥ $92,400.
Assessment too high with no city
Reduce EMU of $219,&00. by
$15,700. to $203,900.
Increase of $75,000. in one year.
Professional appraisal is lower
than assessment.
Reduce EMU of $255,100. by
$33,600. to $22t,500.
Purchased home in Oct., 1990 and
market value was $119,700. The
assessment remalns at $119,700.
Ouestloning what will happen in
the future.
No adjustment to EMU $119,700.
$17,000. increase (20~) which is
is higher than neighboring
No adjustment to EH¥ $111,700.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
NO. and Phone No, P~N
128. Stephen J. Kerkvliet
7301 Pontiac Circle
County Assessor's Recqmmendation:
129. 3oyce E. King R25.0900100
9391Kiowa Trail
445-4321 or 949-9001
County Assessor's Recommendation:
130. Wayne Kinion
9451Foxford Road
496-3734 or 944-2110
County Assessor's Recommendation:
131. W.W. Kirkvold
201 Frontier Court
785-4703 or 934-4856
County Assessor's Recommendation:
i32. Nancy H. Kiskis
491 Bighorn Drive
937-5669 or 347-0385
County Assessor's Recommendation:
I33. MichaeI/Hary Koester
1641 Wood Duck Lane
County Assessor's Recomeendation:
Purchased home for $7&,000. on
December, 1989 and have since
finished basement and installed
central air conditioning for total
of $6,600. Assessment should be
higher than presently is.
No adjustaent to EMU $74,800.
Increase of $52,000. in one year.
Oue to divorce and refinancing
have had the following appraisals
done: 1988 for $123,800; 1989 for
$157,000 and 1990 for $170,000.
The highest being after some
needed repairs.
Reduce EMU of $193,000. by
$20,100. to $172,900.
Due to comparable properties in
neighborhood should be assessed at
$249,700. rather than $279,800.
Reduce EHU of $279,800. by
$28,800. to $251,000.
Assessed 50~ higher than next
highest valued home in
No adJustaent to EMU $291,800.
Purchased home for $382,300. on
August, 1990. Assessed at
No adJustaent to EMU $415,500.
Appealed assessment last year and
it was lowered from $180,000. to
155,000. 1991 assessment is
Reduce EINof $184,700. by
$12,300. to $172,400.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. aqd Phone No. PIN
134. Thomas F. Kordonouy
330i Tanadoona Drive
Excelsior, MN 55331
County Assessor's Recommendation:
135. Tim Kosir
7190 Frontier Trail
926-6504 (w)
County Asse&sor's Recommendation:
136. John F. Kreger
7606 Kioua Avenue
County Assessor's Recommendation:
137. Mary Kurvers Estate
Hel Kurvers P.R.
7240 Chanhassen Road
County Assessor's Recommendation:
138. Paul/Jean Larson R25.6600300
3609 Ped Cedar Point Drive
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Property is being taxed as three
separate parcels when it is one
homestead and assessors have used
incorrect figures in square
Reduce ~3330 EHV of $952,200. by
$39,700. to $912,500. No adjust-
ment in ~3320 and ~3310 EHV.
Assessment of $98,900. is higher
than comparable neighbors.
No adjustment to ENV $98,600.
$30,000. increase in one year
when house ls in need of repairs.
No adjustment to EMU $104,600.
Assessments exceed market value
of comparable lots.
No adjustments to parcels ~0180,
~0250 and ~0200. Reduce the
fo[lowing EHV's on ~0190 from
$44,300. by $2,300. to $42,000.;
~0260 from $44,300. by $6,300.
to $38,000.; and ~0270 from
$43,500. by $8,500. to 35,000.
Assessment is greatly in excess of
market value of property. For the
purpose or resale, $50,000. worth
of improvements are needed.
Reduce EMU of $144,400. by
$9,800. to $134,600.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 199l
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No, PZN
139. Roy Leach
3738 Hickory Road.
County Assessor'~ RecomIe~dat~on:
140. Roger Lee
600 West 96th Street
496-1343 or 291-8900
County Assessor's Recommendation=
141. Ken/Judy Lindeman
7608 Iroquois Avenue
County Assessor's Recoipe~dat~on:
142. Wyck R. Linder R25.3890020
7550 Great Plains Bird. R25.3890010
County Assessor's Recommendation:
143. Jane Loos
8030 Erie Avenue
934-6521 or 869-0361
County Assessor's RecomIendation=
144. Steve Hasterson
8031 Erie Avenue
934-3187 or 544-6463
County Assessor's Recoeeendat[o~:
145. Earl HcAllister
7510 Erie Avenue
County A~sessor's Recoel~endat~on:
There needs to be a top put on
taxat£on. In 15 years w£/L have
paid for house again.
No adjustment to EHU $218,500.
assessment Increased $18,000. tn
one year.
No adjustment to EHV $95,000.
No ~mprovements over Last 10
years. If anything, vaZues have
Reduce ENV of $106,700. by
$10,700. to $96,000.
Increased 100~
Increased 32~
No adjustment to ~0010 ENV of
$131,800. and no adjustment to
10020 ENU of $24,500.
$20,000. increase wtth one of the
smaLLer homes In neighborhood.
No adjustment to ENU $91,200.
WouLd like revLew of assesseent.
Reduce ENV of $106,100. by
$3,400. to $102,700.
Home ls 31 years old. Increase of
$30,000. from $78,700. to
No adjustment to ENV $109,900.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
146. Paul McCallister
Eden Prairie
Countx Assessor's Recommendation:
147. Christopher McGrath
331Deerfoot Trail
445-6486 or 896-1538
County Assessor's Recommendation:
148. Leon/Delores Hesenbrlnk R25.0363200
250 Flylng Cloud Drlve
445-3963 or 895-6455
County. Assessor's RecomIendation:
149. William/Jennifer Hexer R25.3320110
600 East 4th Street
Chaska, MN 55318
935-7480 or 241-2346
County Assessor's Recommendation:
150. LeRoy Hiller R25.2750010
P.O. Box 498, Chanhassen
County Assessor's Reco~me~dationF
151. Tanna Moore
2800 Stone Arch Road
Wayzata, MN 55391
449-9042 or 449-9043
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Harket value in 1990 was $18,100.
and market value in 1991 is
$30,100. Why double?
No adjustment to EHV $30,100.
"Why such an increase?"
No adjustment to EMU $178,600.
Assessment increased $31,000. to
$97,200. Private appraisal was
much lower.
Reduce EMU of $97,200. by
$9,700. to $87,500.
Lot assessment lncreaesd from
$73,900. to $77,400. in recession-
ary real estate market.
Reduce EHV of $77,400. by
$4,900. to $72,500.
Commercial property assessment
exceeds other commercial property.
Reduce EHU of $482,500. by
$15,000. to $467,500.
On 4-25 purchased these parcels
combined assessed value far
exceeds purchase price of $180,000
Reduce ~125.2060020 ENY of
$222,400. by $72,400. to $150,000.
and on Parcel ~25.2050030 buyer
agreed to remove house EH¥ of
$58,600. A reductlon of $28,700.
to $29,900.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phon~ No. P~N
152. Bennett/Sharon Morgan R25.[620090
940 Lake Lucy Road
470-1782 or 542-0506
Couqty Assessor's Recommendation:
153. Robyn N. Moschet
7&O0 Cheyenne Trail
937-1218 or 831-4980
County Assessor's Recommendation:
154. Edward T. Mueller R25.3300160
1251 Hesse Farm Circle
445-4314 or 781-3461 Ext. 306
County Assessor's Recommendation:
155. Rick Hurray
15 Choctaw Circle
934-3874 or 473-85[[
County Assessor's Recommendat[op:
156. Bonnie Nelson
401 Highland Drive
934-3749 or 296-7830
County Assessor's RecoMlendat[on:
157. Dave Nickolay
8500 Tigua Circle
934-6761 or 782-2450
County Assessor'a Recq~mleqdation:
Purchased in Rugust, 1990 for
-$162,500. which is market value of
property. ~ssessed for [99[ at
Reduce EHU of $180,&00. by
$18,100. to $1&2,500.
Completed building home
Lot and constructions costs were
$232,885. Assessed at $249,[00.
Reduce EHV of $249,100. by
$22,800. to $22&,300.
60~ increase from 130,300. in 1990
to $208,400. in 1991.
Reduce EI~ of $208,400. by
$4,800. to $203,600.
23.25~ increase from $140,200. in
1990 to $172,800. in 1991 uith the
only addition, a third stalZ to
the garage.
No adjustment to F. H9 $172,800.
Assessment is higher than market
value. Assessed at $[03,500. and
should be $100,000.
Reduce ErR/ of $103,500. by
$3,700. to $99,800.
35.9~ increase, or $44,&00. for
property that is half in Rice
Marsh Lake and near proposed
Hwy. 212.
Reduce EHU of $1&8,800. by
$1&,900. to $151,900.
8oard of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
158. Richard D. Niemi
10460 Bluff Circle
County Assessor's Recommendation:
159. Richard/3ane Niemi R25.3320190
10460 Bluff Circle
County Assessor's Recommendation=
160. 3oseph R. Notermann R25.0351300
1205 West 6th Avenue
Shakopee, HN 55379
County Assessor's Recommendation:
161. John A. Oberstar R25.2700240
796 Lake Point
County Assessor's Recommendation:
162. Richard/Frieda Olin R25.7940060
9125 Lake Riley Blvd.
County Assessor's Recommendation:
163. Kurt W. Papke
403 Highland Drive
934-8808 or 368-1225
Count× Assessor's Recommendation;
164. Charlotte Pauly
506 Highland Drive
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Construction not yet completed.
Cost of building and land so far
is approximately $490,000. and
assessed at $605,600.
No adjustment to EHU $605,600.
Assessment of $221,300. is $35,000
less than cost of land, basement
and framing.
No adjustment to EHU $221,300.
Assessment should be $60,000.
rather than $107,000.
No adjustment to EHV $107,000.
$70,000. increase (40~) from
$177,000. last year to $243,600.
with no improvements since
purchased the home in 1988 for
$199,000. House has unique
"Powderpost Beetle" infestation
of hardwood floors.
Reduce EHV of $243,600. by
$16,200. to $227,400.
$54,400. increase from $119,000.
to $173,400. in one year.
Reduce EI~ of $173,400. by
$13,100. to $1&0,300.
Assessment of $117,000. is too
high compared to neighbors. At
90~ valuation should be $99,000.
Reduce EHV of $117,000. by
$6,400. to $110,600.
Assessed at $31,600. higher than
neighbor with same house with
exception of pool and fence.
No adjustment to EHV $131,200.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PZN
165. Patrick F. Pave[ko
7203 Frontier Trai[
County Assessor's Recommendation:
166. Raymond G. Peitz
7607 Kiowa Avenue
County Assessor's Recomme~datien:
167. James Peterson
Nelson Group R25.4[lOO&O
1660 So. Hwy 101 R25.40802[0
Suite 428 R25.4080220
Minneapolis, MN 55416 R25.2640020
County Assessor's Recommends[ion:
168. Joseph Pfankuch
Margery Morgan
7664 South Shore Or[ye
County Assessor's Re¢omRendation:
169. James/Mar[lyn Pinkerton R25.1820530
8039 Cheyenne Avenue
County Assessor's Recommendation:
170. Phyllis Pope R25.0125700
620 Carver Beach Road
County Assessor's Recommendation:
[7[. Stephen E. Rademacher R25.0500170
203 [/2 Chan View
934-0469 after 4:00
County Assessor's Recommendation:
$74,700. increase from $180,200.
No adjustment to EHU $254,700.
$30,000. £ncrease from $78,000.
$108,900. with market value of
probably $~0,000.
No adjustment to ENV $108,900.
Asking Reduced
Assessed Pr[ce Price
$40,600. $39,900. $37,000.
$4[,300. $34,500. $34,000.
$42,200. $34,500. $34,000.
$40,500. $37,500. $37,000.
See Reduced Prices listed above:
Purchased property Apr[[ 25, 1991
for $130,500. Assessed at
Reduce EHV of $160,700. by
$29,800. to $130,900.
$20,300. tncrease tn one year
from $[04,300. to $124,700. with
no improvements.
No adjustment to ENV $124,700.
28~ increase in assessment from
$124,200. to $159,000. Appraised
to sell between $[42,900. and
No adjustment to EtIV $159,000.
Increased from $65,100 to $92,000
Reduce EtlV of $92,000. by
$10,600. to $81,400.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. pIN
172. Timothy J. Rainey
6271 Hummingbird Road
Excelsior, MN 5533l
County Assessor's Recommendation:
173. Mike/Lisa Reilly
c/o Colleen Wahl
2305 Idian Ridge Orive
929-4847 or 927-770i
County Assessor's Recommendation:
174. Hitchell/Deanna Remmich R25.8570110
6301 Trapline Circle
470-5179 or 667-0018
County Assessor's Recommendation:
175. Thomas A. Rhode
6465 Tanager Lane
934-0482 or 646-8677
County Assessor's Recommendation:
176. Richard Riegert
520 Lyman Blvd.
934-1953 or 448-2261
County Assessor's Recommendation:
177. Curtis Robinson
202 West 77th Street
934-~069 or 830-6520
County Assessor's Recommendation:
11~ increase from $119,100. to
$13i,900. with improvements
consisting of upgrading kitchen.
No adjustment to EMU $131,900.
Taxes increased from $1,064. in
1990 to $6,600. on an unimproved
lot with no city sewer or water.
No adjustment to EMU $116,600.
Purchased home March 28, 1991 for
$196,000. Assessed at $199,600.
Reduce EHU of $199,600. by
$3,&00. to $196,000.
Taxes increased from $140. to
$1,198. on property that is
wetland and undevelopable.
All three sites are considered
to be buildable: Reduce ~2060
EHV $20,300. by $12,300. to
$8,000.; ~2070 EMU $2,000.
increase by $5,000. to $7,000.;
and ~1080 EHV $2,000. increase
$5,000. to $7,000. Total value
of all three lots mould be
$53,000. increase on property
with no city services and no homes
have sold in area for 20 years.
How can you determine value?
No adjustment to EHV $155,200.
Questions if independent appraisal
would influence assessment value.
No adjustment to EHU $100,500.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and php~e No, P~X
178. Daniel/L£nda Rob£nson R25.1800340
8014 Cheyenne Avenue
949-9482 or 949-7029
County A~8~ssor's Recopmendatlon:
179. Roman R. Roos
10341 Heidi Lane
445-6274 or 474-2125
Coqnty Assessor's RecommendatXon:
180. Bruce/Susan Savik
7215 Frontier Trail
County Assessor's Recommenda~{on:
181. Tom/Harian Schmitz
8190 Galpin Blvd.
County Assessor's Recommendation:
182. Gladys Schueren
204 West 77th Street
934-6606 or 934-7373
County Assessor's Recommendation:
183. Ivo Schutrop
302 Chan Uiew
County A~sessor's RecpIR~pdatlon:
Assessment Increased from $102,200
tn 1990 to $115,200. in 1991 with
no £mprovements.
Reduce EtIV$115,200. by $4,500.
to $110,700.
From $74,800 to $165,500. (110~)
From $262,100 to $3&7,100. (50~)
Reduce 10180 EHU of t367,100, by
$28,900. to $338,200. and no
adjustment In ~)30 EHU of
Assessment increased $26,300. in
one year.
Reduce EHV of $120,000. by
$2,800. to $117,200.
Had been trying to sell house for
$114,900. and recently lowered It
to $109,900. Assessed at $112,800
is too hlgh when can't sell it for
Reduce EHV of $112,800. by
$10,800. to $102,000.
No comment.
Reduce EHU of $77,500. by
$7,800. to $69,700.
No comment.
Reduce DIV of $65,100. by
$4,300. to $&0,800.
Board of Equalization and Review -- Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
184. Kevin Sharkey
380 Oeerfoot Trail
County Assessor's Recommendation:
185. Thomas L. Shear
7721 Erie Avenue
County Assessor's Recommendation:
186. Oean A. Simpson
7185 Hazeltine Blvd.
474-5523 or 474-3713
County Assessor's Recommend4tion:
1.87. Albert/Jean Sinnen R25.0134100
8150 Grand View Road.
County Assessor's Recommendation:
188. Donald Sitter
9249 Lake Riley Blvd.
445-5728 or 448-8094
County Assessor's Recommendation:
189. Gary A. Skalberg
510 Lyman Blvd.
934-1903 or 452-1116
County Assessor's Recommendation:
190. Adeline H. Skluzacek
410 West 76th Street
County Assessor's Recommendation:
191. Ouane Skluzacek
1190 Lyman Blvd.
934-6802 or 934-1500
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Assessed too high in comparison
with neighboring properties.
Reduce EH¥ of $143,100. by
$11,600. to $131,500.
Hust be a mistake. Please correct
No adjustment in ENU $86,600.
$64,800. increase from $155,800.
$220,&00. (40~)
Reduce EHV of $220,600. by
$30,400. to $190,200.
$82,000. assessment on 40 x 24
home with no city services.
No adjustment to ENU $92,800.
26~ increase in assessment with
no improvements and in a depressed
housing market.
No adjustment to EHU $189,200.
Increase from $66,700. to $101,700
in one year with no improvements.
No adjustment to ENV $101,700.
Assessment increased $36,400. with
the only improvement being an air
Reduce ENV of $11&,700. by
$14,100. to $102,600.
Would like re-assessment.
Reduce EflV of $133,000. by
$8,000. to $125,000.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. p~N
192. Bob Skubic R25.18&0400
8619 Chanhassen Hills Drive North
County Assessor's Recommendation:
193. Michael/Jeanne Sorensen R25.0124400
7606 Erie Avenue R25.0123600
County Assessor's RecolRqndatioB:
194. Joel/Jennifer Spalding R25.8870020
8018 Erie Avenue
934-3264 or 474-2S40 X 4000
County Assessqr's Recomeeqdatiofl:
195. Dean/Susan Stanton
13135-A SSth Avenue
Plymouth, HN 55442
County Assessor's Recommendation:
196. Robert/Judy Steffes
1350 Hesse Farm Road
County Assessor's Recommefldation:
197. David Stockdale
7210 Galpin Blvd.
474-7626 or 368-3511
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Constructed house for $140,000.
and assessed for $151,900.
Adjacent properties are assessed
between $/&1,900. and $146,000.
No adjustment to Efl9 $151,900.
Too High.
Reduce 14400 EMU $~2,400. by
$9,~00. to $2,500.; and reduce
~3600 E~R/ $124,300. by
to $118,200.
$8,000. increase in one year
compared to $1,000. in previous
4 years.
Reduce EJ~ $81,800. by $4,400.
to $77,400.
Should be assessed at $50,500.
not $105,000. Was purchased for
$105,000. in 1989 but was found
to be bu£1dable only with pilings
and are currently in lawsuit with
developer who is in foreclosure
and close to bankruptcy.
Reduce El~/ of $105,000. by
$54,500. to $50,500.
$100,000. increase from 1990 to
1991. Asssessment should be
Reduce ~ $2~,~. by SU,&~.
Increased 22.6~ from $173,600. to
$2[2,800 in one year with no city
utilities or improvements to home.
No adJusteent to EI~/ $212,800.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, address
No. and Phone No, ___ PEN
198. David Stockdale
7210 Galpin Blvd.
C~unty Assessor's Recommendation:
199. William L. Stokke
241Eastwood Court
496-3764 or 333-7111
County Assessor's Recommendatipn:
200. Rebecca Strand
Jeffrey H. Wold
1031 Barbara Court
949-3876 or 831-2300
944-3317 X 413
County Assessor's Recommendation:
201. Deanna K. Stromley R25.2020980
940 Pontiac Lane
474-8529 or 448-4848
County Assessor's Recommendation=
202. Dale/Cheryl Suiter R25.7900150
7613 Klowa Avenue
937-0515 or 536-4458
County Assessor's Recommendation:
203. Dan/Ual Tester
230 Flying Cloud Drive
County Assessor's Recommendation:
204. Ellis Thomas
406 West 76th Street
934-6459 or 944-2222
County Assessor's Recommendation:
County obtalned right-of-way for
upgrading of Audubon Road so
valuation should be based on 7.28
acres, not 7.47.
Reduce EMU of $162,600. by $3,300.
to $159,300.
Would like re-assessment.
Valued at $275,000?
Reduce EHU of $275,000. by
$25,200. to $249,800.
Purchased lot in October, 1990
for $41,500. Assessed at $55,000.
Reduce EHV of $55,000. by $5,000.
to $50,000.
Assessment is wrong when compared
to neighboring properties.
No adjustment to EHU $67,700.
Would like reassessment.
Reduce EHU $99,000. by $6,700.
to $92,300.
Would be hard to sell house for
No adjustment to Eflg $70,100.
Would like re-assessment.
Reduce EHV $117,900. by
$14,800. to $103,100.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No, P~N
205. Tuoi Van Tran
Ven Thi To
8900 Sunset Trail
County assessor's RecoReendation:
206. Kevin M. Yelgersdyk
7610 Iroquois Avenue
949-9166 or 831-8272
County Assessor's Recommepdation:
207. Scott WaIdack
9701 Flintlock Trail
County assessor's Recommendation:
3208. Michael L. Walsh
512 West 76th Street
934-7841 or 340-8085
County Assessor's Recemme~datlon:
209. Mark Walton
413 Cimarron Circle
934-2287 or 475-1079
County Assessor's Recommendatipn:
210. Dale/Marcia Wanninger R25.0151400
8170 Galpin Blvd.
County Assessor's Recommendation:
211. WiIIiam/Patr£cia Ward R25.3000180
6960 Utica Lane
County Assessor's Recommendation:
$22,200. increase from [23,700. to
No ad~lust.ent to ~ $145,900.
Increased from $83,000. to
$102,100. Purchased in 1989 for
No adjustment to ~ $102,100.
23.5~ increase from $113,900. to
$140,700. Market' value from
reaItor is Iess.
Reduce EHU $140,7130. by $8,700.
to $132,000.
Too htgh when compared to
No adjusteent to EJ~U $97,100.
30~ increase to $[16,700. Home
is currently for saIe at
$L07,000. but no buyers. The
realtor has given guarantee of
Reduce EHU of $11&,700. by
$10,500. to $106,200.
$45,600. increase to $116,800.
with no ctty serv[ces.
Reduce EMU $11&,800. by $13,200.
to $103,&00.
Would like a visit from the
Reduce EHU of $165,800. by
$~,500. to $15&,300.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
212. Virginia R. Warren
GlO West 96th Street
County Assessor's Recommepdation:
213. Craig/Kristi Weinstock R25.1620130
1101 Lake Lucy Road
470-1065 or 828-0550
County Assessor's Recommendation:
214. Wayne O. Wenzlaff
1181 Homestead Lane
County Assessor's Recommendation:
215. Ron/Hary Anne Whipperman R25.8810500
403 Del Rio Drive
County Assessor's Recommendation:
216. Donald/Harsha White
8850 Audubon Road
448-2486 or 937-6600
County Assessor's Recommendation:
217. Stephen L. Whitehill
c/o C.L. Whitehill
7001 Dakota Avenue
County Assessor's Recommendation:
218. Steve Wilker
621 West 96th Street
496-1976 or 448-2851
County Assessor's Recommendation:
$21,000. lncrease on 5 acres, of
which only 2 are buildable.
The rest is wetland.
No adjustment to EMU $104,400.
Should be assessed at $128,000.
when compared to neighboring
Reduce EHV of $163,100. by $4,500.
to $158,600.
50X increase in one year to
Reduce EHV $165,400. by $28,400.
to $137,000.
43~ increase from $76,200. to
$109,100. for an older home is
Reduce EHV of $109,100. by $900.
to $108,200.
Increased from $203,400. in 1989
to $207,000. in 1990 and to
$242,800. in 1991. Addition of
a deck was in place in 1990.
No adjustment to EHV $242,800.
Assessment of $149,300. is in
excess of current market value
and in excess of purchase price.
Reduce EHV of $149,300. by
$10,500. to $138,800.
45~ increase from $73,800. to
$104,800. with only some improve-
No adjustment to EHV $104,800.
Board of Equalization and Review - May 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
219. David A. Williams Realty R25.2670060
1525 Bavarian Shores Drive
Chaska, HN 55318
County Assessor's Recommendation:
220. Loretta R. Williams R25.0800250
7554 Great Plains Blvd.
County assessor's Recommendation:
221. 3on/Deborah Wilson
8019 Cheyenne Spur
934-3976 or 830-2679
County Assessor's Recopme~datXon:
222. John/3anet Wingert
8048 Erie Spur
934-3504 or 553-9161
County Assessor's Recommend4tio~:
223. Conard/Odelia Winkel R25.881~0
505 Highland Drive
County Assessor's Recommendation:
224. Oona[d R. Winspfening R25.8820080
7460 Longview Circle
934-5477 or 884-6012
County Assessor's Recommendation:
225. Scott a. Wirth R25.8100080
3610eerfoot Trail
445-7811 or 930-2255
County Rssessor'a Recommendation:
Property ~as recently sold for
$156,000. uh[ch included about
$2,500. In personal property.
~ssessed at $163,300.
Reduce EtlU $163,300. by $10,000.
to $153,300.
Increased from $63,700. to
$97.400. on a 40 year old house.
Reduce EH¥ of $97,400. by $7,700.
to ~9,700.
30~ increase. Feel amount above
$1~6,800. is replacement cost, not
uhat it could be sold for.
Reduce EHV of $116,800. by
$10,300. to $106,500.
Purchased property in February,
1990 for $100,000. assessments
increased from $87,S00. to
$~15,500. House is in need of
Reduce EltY of $115,500. by $9,300.
to $106,200.
Increased from $95,100. to
No adjustment to EI~ $117,300.
For 13 years the house has been
assessed at $92,100. and now it's
$16,000. more.
No adJuetaent to F.J~V $108,200.
$165,000. assessment is unfair
~hen compared to homes sold in the
area. Feel market value ~s more
around $140,000.
Reduce EtlY of $165,000. by
$29,000. to $136,000.
Board of Equalization and Review - Hay 20, 1991
Ref. Name, Address
No. and Phone No. PIN
226. Robert E. Wold
730 Pioneer Trall
445-7397 or 726-2809
County Assessor's Recommendation:
227. Kenneth Wolter
340 Oeerfoot Trail
County Assessor's Recommendation:
228. John R. Wright
7361Longview Circle
934-8487 or 241-2280
County Assessor's Recommendation:
229. Ronald Ytzen
9227 Lake Riley Blvd.
445-5418 or 926-6541
County Assessor's Recommendation:
230. David/Diane Zamjahn R25.8610040
7506 77th Street
Chaska, MN 55318
County Assessor's Recommendation:
Board of Equalization and Review Action:
231. James/Arlene Zimmerman R25.0123900
7602 Frontier Terrace
County. Assessor's Recommendation:
232. Kim Jerome
7050 Redwlng Lane
County Assessor's Recommendation:
33X increase in one year for a
home with no clty servlces or
improvements in last 5 years.
Reduce EHU of $102,800. by
$12,000. to $90,800.
$23,300. increase. Property has
a number of items that should be
taken lnto consideration when
assessing it's value.
Reduce EHV $146,600. by $4,900.
to $141,700.
Increased from 127,900 to 147,700
No adjustment to EIW $147,700.
Realtor appraisals were all
$10,000. to $15,000. less than
Reduce EHU of $120,300. by
$15,600. to $104,700.
$21,300. increase with no improve-
ments and is higher than
comparable properties.
No adjustment to EHU $151,800.
See Page 12.
$129,000. assessment is too high.
Basement floods, terrlble floor
plan and bad kitchen set up.
Reduce EMU $129,100. by $24,100.
to $105,000.
How is value established?
No adjustment to ENU $113,700.
Board of Equalization and Review - Ma7 20, 1991
Hayor Chm~e! moved, Councilman Workman seconded to adjourn the meeting.
voted In favor and the motion carried. The meeting of the Board of Adjustment
and Review was adjourned at 8:30 p.m..
Submitted by Don Ashworth
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim