MARCH 11, 1991
Mayor Chmiei called the meeting to order at 7:3o p.m.. The meeting was opened
with the Pledge to the Flag.
COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Chmiel, Councilman Workman, Councilman Wing,
Councilwoman Dimler and Councilman Mason
STAFF PRESENT: Don Ashworth, Roger Knutson, Jo Ann 01sen, Paul Krauss, Charles
Folch, and Todd Hoffman
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Counciluoman Oimler moved, Councilman Wing seconded to
approve the agenda uith the following amendments: Mayor Chmiel corrected the
spe111ng of the name on ltem 3 from Robert Kerling to Robert K11nger and added
under Council Presentations discussion on the police contract meeting.
voted in favor of the agenda as amended and the motlon carrled unanimously.
Mayor Chmlel lnvlted the Brounier and Glrl Scouts in the audlence to joln him in
the reading of the Proclamation declaring March 10-1~, 1991 as Girl Scout Week.
Resolution ~1-20: Mayor Chmiel moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to approve
a Resolution declaring the week of March lO-l&, 1991 as Girl Scout Week. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
(The taping of the meeting began at this point in the discussion.)
Mayor Chmiel: ...I do not have a total listing. I have been told who they are
but I really don't remember.
Councilwoman Oimler: Okay, and do you know, is there some Dakota County ones7
Mayor Chmiel: There was, I believe it was either one or two.
Councilwoman Dimler: We don't know their names7
Mayor Chmiel: No. I know one of them was Jim Mullin from Chaska and.
Councilwoman Olmler: And someone was from Shakopee I belleve.
Mayor Chmiel: Yes.
Councilwoman Olmler: But you don't know if Dakota County?
Mayor Chmiel: I've not received those names.
Councilwoman Olmler: Does he have a broad enough base to choose from do you
City Council Meeting - March 11, 1991
Mayor Chmiel: Weli I think there's enough people that are interested in it,
yes. And I think some of the ones that, welcome. A quick trip from the
airport. But anyway, I uouid like for us to.
Councilwoman Dimler: As long as he has enough to choose from, I will move the
motion for the resolution.
Mayor Chmiel: There are sufficient candidates, yes. Is there a second?
Councilman Mason: I'll second it.
Resolution #91-21: Councilwoman Oimler moved, Councilman Mason seconded to
approve the Resolution of support for a Scott or Carver County resident for
appointment to the Metropolitan Council District 14 position. All voted in
favor and the motion carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Dimler moved, Councilman Mason seconded to approve
the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's
a. Establish 1991 Lake Ann Park Entrance Fees.
b. Approve Development Contract for Valvoline Oil Change.
c. Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Amend Section 20-41 by Adding Language stating
that Amendments shall not be adopted that are Inconsistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, First Reading.
d. Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Amend Section 20-576(3) Regarding Contractor's
Yards as an Interim Use, Final Reading.
Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Amend Section 20-406 Regarding Variances to
the Wetland Ordinance to Follow the Procedure as stated in Division 3,
Variances of the Zoning Ordinance, Final Reading.
f. Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Revise Article V, Flood Plain Overlay
District, Final Reading and Approve Summary Ordinance for Publication
g. Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Amend Section 20-29(d) Changing the Filing of
an Appeal to the Board of Adjustment's Decision from 10 days to 4 days,
Final Reading.
h. Resolution ~1-22: Support State Statute Amendment to Strengthen Cigarette
Sale Penalties.
i. Lake Susan Hills West 6th Addition:
1) Approve Development Contract
2) Approve Plans and Specifications for Utility Construction
City Council Meeting - March 11, 1991
k. Approve Contract Time Extension, Chanhassen SCADA Project 90-3.
1. Approval of Accounts.
m. City Council Minutes dated February 25, 1991
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated February 26, 1991
n. Approve Certificate of Correction, Chan Haven Plaza 2nd Addition, Ted Kemna.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Jo Ann Olsen: This item was considered first by the Board of Adjustments and at
that time the variance request to the decks was denied. Since then, or the
applicants did not go in front of the Council to appeal that decision. Since
then the applicants did construct the decks and the City is in the process of a
Court Summons with them. As part of that, the applicants have requested to
again go through the process to allow the Board of Adjustments to look through
the facts. To again study whether or not a hardship exists and then also to
give them an opportunity to have the Council this time review it. Staff still
sees the case the same. None of the facts have changed except that the decks
now exist. We still found no hardship and we went in front of the Board of
Adjustments and they also agreed that there was no hardship and again
recommended denial. So now it is coming before the Council for the first time
for your review. Again, we feel that there is no hardship. That they still
have reasonable use of the property and are recommending denial.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay, thank you Jo Ann. Before we get into this, I would like to
have Roger give me an opinion uhat this second request. Roger, if you could
just clarify that please.
Roger Knutson: Certainly. Mr. Mayor, members of the Council. This evening
you're being asked to reconsider the unanimous decision of the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals who denied this variance. Based upon past practice, the
practice of this Council has been to refuse to reconsider unanimous deotsions of
the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Slnce thls matter ls currently in
litigation, I've looked at it fairly carefully, very carefully, and I concur in
the judgment of the Plannlng staff. Crlteria for a varlance are not met. There
is no hardship under the definition that exist in our ordinance. That's my
oplnlon. If the Council concurs, the Councll could thls evenlng vote to deny
the reconsideration. Thereby adopting, you could just vote to deny the
reconsideration. Or you could do what you wl11.
Mayor Chmiel: Okay. Any discussion?
Councilwoman Dimler: If we deny the reconsideration, then it remains in the
Courts where it presently is?
Roger Knutson: That's correct.
City Council Meeting - March 11, 1991
Mayor Chf, iel: Mike, do you have anything? I might say before I have you
indicate. I did receive several requests from tile, for the construction of the
deck from different adjacent neighbors in the neighborhood. Either side but I
just want to point that our for the record. That these will remain within the
Councilman Workman: Did you say on either side Don?
Mayor Chmiel: Right.
Councilman Mason: You mean on either side of the issues or either side of the
Mayor Chmiel: No. Neighbors either side. Either in the back or the front.
Councilman Mason: Yeah. I received those letters too and I thought they were
very thoughtful and very considerate letters. On this one I appreciate the
concern that the neighbors have but as I was at the last Board of Appeals
meeting and have gone through all the information on this, I think that's a
little bit after the fact. These folks had a chance to appeal the decision in
the first place. They chose not to do it and with total disregard, put the deck
up. There's a comment about an ex-city employee saying oh, go ahead and build
it anyway. I guess I think that's a little irrelevant. I certainly think if a
Minnetonka police officer told me I could drive 50 in a 30 and I did it and
another Minnetonka police officer picked me up, I think he'd probably laugh at
me while lie was writing out the ticket. I concur completely with the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals. I don't like the idea of telling someone they have to
tear down all that sweat, sweat equity and money and this, that and the other
thing. However, it seems to me they've had total disregard for the codes of
Chanhassen and I think to let that deck stand is telling the rest of the City
they don't have to pay any attention to the time we spend making some of these
codes. I agree completely with the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. And it's
not easy for me to say that but that's the vax I see it.
Mayor Chmiel: Good. Thank you.
Councilwoman Oimler: I have a few questions that I didn't, the report was
excellent but there were still a few questions left in my mind and maybe Jo Ann
or Paul could try to address these. The first thlng was, dld they bulld the
decks over the drainage easement?
Jo Ann Olsen: No. No they did not.
Councilwoman Oimler: So that's not a violation? Okay. And there was a comment
in there about the fee not havlng been returned and therefore it was lmplled
consent. Do we normally return fees if we deny?
Jo Ann Olsen: Only if J.t's requested and no, we do not normally.
Councilwoman Dimler: Okay, and did they ever request to have the fee returned?
Jo Ann Olsen: We checked under the Building Department and we couldn't find any
City Council Meeting - March
record of it belng returned or requested. I don't know if they found anything
since then but no.
Councilwoman Dimler: Okay. Does the City usually look at the house plans and
okay them before they issue a permit?
Jo Ann Olsen: We always look at the setbacks. Just recently since we've had an
additional person in the Planning Department, we've taken the time to look and
see if there's additional room for a deck where it shows patlo doors.
Councilwoman Dlmler: Okay. And I guess this one I'd have to ask the applicant
because they made a statement that the Count11, and I thlnk thls was the former
Council, when they approved the PUD that they knew at the time that variances
would be needed and Z just want to ask them how they knew that the Councll knew
this. OD you have that in writing from the Council members? Previous Counc£1
members? Because you're saying this is lmplying consent agaln. When they
approved the PUO, they were implying that they would approve variances.
Steven Peterson: Perhaps I can best, where are you look£ng at?
Mayor Chmiel: Would you like to come up here to the podium and state your name
and your address please?
Councilwoman Dimler: In your statement of hardship I believe it says that and
the pages aren't numbered but it's the second to the last page. It says the PUO
was approved by the Clty Council even though the Council knew that there would
be problems and that the owners would probably not be able to comply with the
zonlng ordinances. Dld you have statements from those Councilmembers statlng
Mayor Chmiel: Could you please just state your name?
Steven peterson: I'm sorry. My name is Steven Peterson. I'm an attorney here
in Chanhassen representing both of the applicants here. There are some Minutes
of meetings. My recollection is that they are from the original Board of
Appeals and Adjustments hearlng made by Carol Watson statlng that when thls was
approved the Council knew that there would be problems, or words to that effect.
Councilwoman Dimler: Okay. So that's where you got that? Okay, thank you.
Also, you state here that on the bottom of that page that city officials now
clalm that the consent by one department does not constitute consent by another
and then it goes on to say, on the last page, that the City gave lmplied consent
to the construction of the deck and in faot gave actual consent to the
construction of the deck. OD you have something in writing that shows this
actual consent?
Steven Peterson: No. We have the statements made by a city official verbally.
Councilwoman Oimler: But not in writing?
Steven Peterson: Not in writing.
Councilwoman Oimler: Okay, thank you. With that I guess I just have to say
City Council Meeting -- Hatch il, 1991
that'.~: the information that I needed and I want to say that I'm really glad to
see such harmony in a neighborhood and that everyone agrees with the
construction of these decks. But I've also seen case~ where somebody has built
.t ~;tructure that wasn't so appealing such as a dog kennel or maybe a slab of
concrete where they plan to put their boat and trailer and it was up to the
property line of the other people. And there the neighbors were the first to
,~;:~y 'that they were glad that the City enforces it's ordinances. So .~ hope with
examples such as tl~at, that we can see that the City needs to have some
ordinances here and they need to be enforceable. And from reading through the
reports and the timing that they actually on the day before Steve Nelson found
the decks ali. constructed, that there was a letter stating that the permit had
been abandoned and they don't intend to build the deck. To me that shows real
willful defiance of the City ordinance. And therefore I can do nothing else but
to support the staff and the Board of Adjustment of Appeals for all the time and
work they've put into this. And ~ know they originally made a mistake by
issuing the permit but they caught it in time. The deck was not built. They
were notified that the issuance of the permit was an error and yet the decks
were built. $o with all those facts, I just can do nothing but to deny
Hayor Chmiel: Thank you Ursula. Richard?
Councilman Wing: I don't have any additional comments.
Hayor Chmiel: Tom?
Councilman Workman: Hy comments are part of the record for the Board of
Hayor Chmie].: I too am going to support staff on this. About a year or year
and a haJf ago I was out to Hr. Klinger's to revieu the problel, of a variance
and discuss the deck with me. In discussion at that particular time, I told
them that it was not in accordance with the requirements of the City of
Chanhassen as far as the ordinance is concerned. And that a deck could really
not be built within that particular location. I did go back out and I did see
'the decks, both of them and Z sympathize with Hr. Klinger with his hot tub
adjacent to that particular area as well as with the Kerlings but I too feel
'[hat there were things that were done and should have been done and Z certainly
am not too happy to indicate that I will support staff's position.
Steven Peterso;~: I should perhaps apologize by arriving a feu minutes late for
tonight's meeting. I uould ask that you think about, at least reconsidering.
There oas a city official at the time. This city official was advising both of
my clients on how they should proceed. Hy clients followed the advice of the
city official. That's what got them in trouble. They didn't know that
different departments had different authorities and might not agree with each
other. ~nd the position that we have taken is that it is because of the advice
of the city official, that a hardship does exist. To go back at this point and
tell. these two individuals that they were wrong for listening to a city
official, that for all intent and purposes had the power to bind the city of
r. hal~hassen with regard to the building of decks, is not something that the City
Council should approve at this point. In other words, saying that well we may
have had a city official giving bad advice 2 years ago, ue're going to ignore
City Council Meeting - March
the fact that that happened and enforce the ordinance. That's not fair to the
residents who didn't know what was happening within the city and what must have
been some dispute between the city official and the city itself or within the
city, a dispute between departments. Hy clients were caught in the middle of
this and now they're being punished for it. I submit that that is not a fair
and equitable way to treat my two clients. And again I would just ask that you
reconsider based upon the actions of a city official that had the authority to
bind the city and did so in an inappropriate manner.
Don Ashworth: I believe the employee you're referring to is Ron gulkowski.
Staff has talked with Ron. He has stated that he had never made those type of
statements. He is no longer employed with the City. He has no reason to state
anything but what he truly believes is correct. His records stands for itself.
I mean he at no time ever waivered from the Codes of the City. Anything that
was approved was placed in writing. And he has the highest regard for Planning
during that entire timeframe. Jo Ann, Paul, Ron worked very, very well as a
Mayor Chmiel: Roger.
Roger Knutson: Just one comment. No one on city staff, the City Manager,
myself, no one can take away your power to grant variances or no one can ignore,
no one on City staff can tell an applicant to ignore the ordinances. No one has
the power to bind the City to lgnore the ordinances. You cannot be estopped
from enforcing our zonlng ordinances based upon allegedly bum advlce. I think
it's also important to remember the sequence of events here. They just went
through the Board of Adjustments and Appeals and they got turned down. They had
no right, if they got that bum advice from someone, not only legally does that
not blnd the Clty but lt's unbelleveable anyone could rely upon that klnd of bum
advice as given after they've gone through a formal process and told no, you
can't do lt.
Mayor Chmiel: Good. Thank you Roger.
Councilman Wing: Mr. Mayor, just a couple of clarifications that I had. In the
packet on the second page, datlng back here to June 26, 1989. Then as you move
into February. After belng talked to by the Ctty in February, 1990, Mr. Kerling
stated he did not build a deck but yet on March 3rd, Steve Nelson inspected the
site and found a deck had been constructed. Then if we move down to 8180 Marsh
Drive, when Mr. Klinger was approached about a final inspection, March 2, 1990
the bulldlng department recelved a letter from Mr. K11nger statlng that the deck
was abandoned due to financial factors. On March 3, 1990, Inspector Nelson
refilled that an attached deck had been constructed. These decks aren't even
subtle. You know I think as a City Councilman that would like to be flexible, a
double door and a deck to me could be subtle but what I found is not subtle. It
was a major construction project that was really at a high risk factor and if
anybody that's flexlble on these issues, I guess I feel I am and these
statements really trouble me as having been really flagrant confrontations so I
guess, although I stated I didn't have anything to say, I guess I'm going to
support your position Mr. Mayor. I guess could you address those? These are
really conflicting statements.
City Council Meeting -- March ii, 1991
Steve, Peterso~l: Certainly. Hhen the City official advised my clients, it was
prio~' to tile hearing before the Board of Adjustme~lts. He notified, or advised
my clients that they shou].d appear. Attempt to get the variance. If the
variance is denied, to say nothing. To not appeal but to walk out of the
meeting. Then to go ahead and build the decks. And that if there were any
complaints, they would be run through him and his department and that nothing
would come of it. That should anyone ask what happened, they were to simply say
that it had been worked out with the City if a neighbor asked. But not to go
beyond that,
Councilman Wing: Based or, the ordinances, you find that defensible?
Steven Peterson: The statement by the City official to do that of' the position?
Councilman Hi,g: Well, based on the ordinances you find that that position is a
defensible position,? I guess I can't.
SLeven Peters,n: Z do not agree with what the City official said by any means.
have an understanding and a sympathy for my clients for following his advlce,
although in retrospect I'm sure they wish they had never done that.
Councilwoman Oimler: I guess I'd like to make a clarification. We're not
talklng about a Clty official here. He're talklng about a Clty employee that
does~'t have the authority and I don't even believe he was head of the
department. Dld he head up hls department? Was he in charge of the department?
Don Ashworth: No. He was a building official.
Councilwoman Dimler: He was just a building official and that's a really weak
~hing to base your whole, and the fact that it was just one day, March 2nd.
Councilman Wing: No, these are separate people. March 2nd, the building
department received a letter from Hr. Klinger stating that the deck was
abandoned. Yet a separate inspector, Steve Nelson on March 3rd verlfled the
deck had been built.
Councilwoman Dimler: Yeah.
Steven Peters.ri: The one day is when this was happening, the advice was given
long before that and the 8oard of Appeals hearing was long before that.
Mayor Chmiel: Well, I guess that's why we have the Board of Adjustments and
Appeals to ,lake sure that people do comply with tile requirements of the City.
Councilwoman Oimler: Plus I'd like to see it in uritlng.
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah. To just go ahead and, as Richard said, flagrantly
construct and build that wlthout havlng the authority, places them, ina very
precarious position. And I don't see any additional discussion to be carrled on
with this at thls present time. I'm golng to call for the quest1,, wlth regard
~o this. For a motion to deny the request as suggested by our City Attorney for
not belng in compliance ulth Clty ordirlance.
City Council Meeting - March 11, lggl
Councilwoman Oimler: Shall we just deny reconsideration? Can we do that?
Zsn't that what you suggested?
Roger Knutson: Yes, that'd be flne. Denied based upon the record before the
Board of Adjustments and Appeals and based upon the findings of the evldence
from the staff reports.
Mayor Chmiel: Very good. With that correction.
Councilwoman Dimler: Okay. I move that we deny reconsideration based upon the
staff findings and the Board of Adjustments and Appeals decisions that was made
Mayor Chmlel: Is there a second?
Councilman Mason: I'll second.
Councilwoman Dimler moved, Councilman Hason seconded to deny the reconsideration
to a variance to the rear yard setback for construction of a deck for Dante1
Kerling, 310 Sinnen Circle and Robert Klinger, 8180 Harsh Drtve based upon the
record before the Board of Adjustments and Appeals and based upon the findin;s
of the evidence from the staff reports. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Chmiel: I just wanted to let the balance of the Councll be aware of the
fact that we are having a police contract meeting to be held on March 20th at
7:00 at the Chanhassen Publlc Safety Bullding in the courtyard. And the
agenda's going to include some discussion on the advantages of police
contracting and how well pollce contracting works wlth the city and with the
clty and vlce versa. So therefore I'd like to request that if anyone could make
it, please do so. I'm golng to have to be in another public hearlng meeting
myself. I'm not going to be able to do this, even though I hosted the
particular day, unless that gets changed for me.
Councilwoman Dimler: Could you repeat that day again?
Mayor Chmiel: It's going to be March 20th at 7:00 p.m..
Charles Folch: As I'm sure you're aware, the proposed Minnewashta Parkway
project ls going to be a very large and lnvolved project. The consultants,
Engelhardt and Associates is for all intent and purposes completed with the
feasibility study. It has been suggested that it mlght be beneficial to hold a
neighborhood meeting and a workshop with the City Council to discuss key aspects
of the project prior to holdlng the publlc hearing on the feasibility report.
I've conferred with Bill Engelhardt and Gary Warren, who's been closely involved
in the project, to get some suggested dates that would work with them. Zn the
next few weeks or so only two dates will work for both Bill and Gary. Those
being Thursday the 14th, whlch ls the nlght of the trafflc slgnage workshop and
City Council Meeting - March 11, 1991
Wednesday the 20th of March. I guess I would like to pose the question to
Council on a preferred date or if neither one of these is acceptable, I'm
willing to entertain another date which we could work out.
Councilwoman Oimler: I'm not available on either date.
Councilman Workman: What are the two dates?
Charles Folch: Thursday. This coming Thursday, March 14th or next Wednesday,
t he 20t h.
Councilman Workman: And there's a Public Safety affair on the 14th.
Charles Folch: That's correct. If that was a workable date, in know the
difficulty in trying to get everyone's schedule to work out, if that would be a
date that everybody planned on, we could possibly schedule it after the workshop
was done.
Councilwoman Oimler: Because it was a joint meeting I believe with the Public
Mayor Chmiel: Yeah. And that's a 6:00 to 8:00 meeting. Is everyone going to
be there?
Councilwoman Dimler: After 8:00, yeah.
Mayor Chmiel: Right after 8:00.
Councilwoman Dimler: That would be alright.
Mayor Chmiel: It's not that bad Tom.
Don Ashworth: I don't think the item will take that long but the Council should
be aware.
Councilman Workman: Is the public invited?
Don Ashuorth: Well what this would be is a work session to insure that the
Counc11 ls aware of the proposed assessment pollcles that we would be looklng at
before ue send out the notices because we found that if we sent out the notices
and then we change, we're in more trouble than if we can come to some agreement
that this should be, that we should follow a procedure slmilar to Bluff Creek or
Frontlet or whatever it happens to be. It glves the Council a better
understanding of what the project is all about before you go into the formal
hearing process.
Mayor Chmiel: I would like to see the same as Don is saying to have the
consensus and oplnions of the residents within that speciflc area. To let them
know exactly what's happening and a meetlng u111 be held for those people to
explain what's golng to take place and letters u111 be sent to all those
City Council Meeting - March 11, 1991
Councilman Wing: Mr. Mayor, can I get a review of what's happening here? On
the 14th there's a Public Safety meeting, Public Safety Commission meeting.
Mayor Chmiel: Right. That's from 6:00 to 8:00.
Councilman Wing: And is that going to be a joint meeting?
Mayor Chmiel: That's a joint City Council and Public Safety.
Councilman Mason: That's the traffic signage one right?
Mayor Chmiel: Right.
Councilman Workman: At the fire station?
Mayor Chmiel: At the fire station.
Councilman Wing: And that has to do with signage?
Charles Folch: That's correct. From 6:00 to 7:00 there's a drug awareness
presentation and then from ?:00 to 8:30 is a traffic signage presentation or
Councilman Wing: Right. And then after that is this Minnewashta project?
Mayor Chmiel: Right.
Councilman Wing: Then on the 20th, what's the subject of the contract
meeting? Who's involved in that then? What's the purpose of that meeting?
Mayor Chmiel: That's the one that I have normally been going to and they go
from city to city.
Councilman Wing: Oh I understand. And she's going to be at Chanhassen?
Mayor Chmiel: Right. They're going to be here.
Councilman Wing: That was really boring last time. It was terribly
Mayor Chmiel: I know but I woke you up twice.
Councilman Wing: I'll just comment on that .... Oon I think will refer to the
past, you used to attend those on a regular basis and they were really
interesting and that one was just as pleasant and positive as it could be.
Okay, I understand.
Councilman Workman: The Council on a whole has become boring. That's a
Councilwoman Dimler: Harmony is boring, yeah.
Mayor Chmiel: Richard? You're talking about my presentation that was boring?
City Council Meeting - March 11, 1991
Councilman Wing: No, no. Not at all. So we are hosting the County wide
contract meeting?
Mayor Chmiel: Correct.
Councilman Wing: Okay. Thank you.
Councilwoman Dimler: Will that be in the chamber here?
Mayor Chmiel: No. Upstairs in the atrium. Unless there's an over abundance
and then ue may move from up there.
Councilman Wing: And this Hinneuashta issue is locked into the 14th. If
there's anybody that should be at that one it's probably me and I don't thlnk
I'll make it that night. Can I have a speclal sesslon with the City Manager and
Mayor then perhaps to update?
Mayor Chmiel: Sure. Be glad to.
Councilman Workman: But if you want it straight, you'd better meet with me.
So, are we going to meet wlth Charles after the Public Safety then?
Mayor Chmiel: Yes. After 8:00. Okay. There's one other thlng I thlnk we have
to dlscuss and Z thlnk that each of you just recelved a packet thls evening
which are the cooperative agreements for improvements on TH 5. Maybe Charles,
you'd just like to hit that just rather 11ghtly. But if we do, we're going to
have to amend the agenda to set thls and put it back on our agenda at thls
particular time.
Charles Folch: The first document that you have before you is an agreement for
the cost sharing on the installation of new traffic signals and lights at Dakota
Avenue, TH 101, Market and County Road 17. The other agreement ls for the cost
sharing of the infrastructure improvements to TH 5 between the eastern Carver
County 11ne and Park Road. These two agreements encompass the Clty's
participation in this segment of the TH 5 project. Thus their approval would
also be an approval for the underlying project plans and specifications. In the
intent of not delaying the March 22nd contract letting for another 2 months,
this 1rem ls put before you tonight for approval.
Mayor Chmiel: That's correct. And if we did not do it this evening, we'd put
the whole project behlnd and that's the reason why I brought thls up.
Don Ashworth: I have to apologize for getting this to the Council late. It
just came in Friday. It ls in conformance with everything you've done so I mean
the Council's fully aware of what it ls we're proposing to do along there with
the cost sharing elements. This lncludes the stuff back ulth the HRA. They
have problems in terms of getting the physical documents to us but then they
turn right around and say, you've got to sign them today, otherwise the project
won't go forward. So I flnd myself kind of between a rock and a hard place. If
you want to have the project move ahead, you really have to act on them tonlght.
Charles, Gary, myself have all looked through them. I thlnk that they are in
conformance to what you've previously agreed to and I'm sorry I'm brlnglng them
to you at a late minute but I would recommend approval.
City Council Meeting - March
Councilman Workman: I would move.
Councilwoman Dimler: Can I ask a question? Do you have a dollar amount on
Don Ashworth: The signal portion of the agreement is $32,000.00. About
Mayor Chmiel: Approximately.
Councilwoman Dimler: For signals?
Don Ashuorth: Yeah. That represents ll~ of the signal cost at each of the
signals that Charles had just gone through bringing out. It also includes the
entry cost, medians, lighting and that has a cost factor of approximately
$400,000.00 and that was approved by the HRA roughly one year ago. Maybe a
little less.
Councilwoman Oimler: Okay. So this is HRA money...
Don Ashworth: In both instances.
Councilman Wing: Before the motion, there's just one comment I've been dying to
sllp in sometime in my next 4 years.
Councilman Mason: You're going to shoot it this early?
Councilman Wing: I have a choice of going home two ways, TH 5 or TH 7 and I
thlnk most people would prefer that I go TH 5 and stop for gas and so on and so
forth. I'm finding the City to becoming almost impassable and I'm getting, just
enjoying the fact that I can turn off at Dakota. Leisurely drive through
downtown and come back out on Powers Blvd. and be way ahead of TH 5 trafflc.
Now lnto my concern here. On County Road 19 on TH 7 there's a new stop slgn and
it clearly favors TH 7 and I almost don't notlce it because it's just so
favorable for TH 7. It keeps traffic rolling and lt's green for a long time and
it kind of allows the other trafflc to stay put. It seems to me that TH 5 is
not, the stop slgns are not favorlng TH 5. At Powers and TH 5 in particular,
even with no traffic going north and south, there's left turns, right turns,
hesitation here and as a matter of fact, there have been times in may
environmental mode, just shut my car off because it seems more practical to do
that to slt and wait that sign out. I just wonder if you couldn't approach
MnOot and specifically ask, can we get passage through Chanhassen a little more
enjoyable with the slgns favorlng TH 5 a 11ttle more? A 11ttle less to the
lighter traffic, north/south streets. More green lights. Better timed. Better
traffic flow for TH 5 so that I as a Councilmen would use my own clty versus
drivlng to avoid it.
Mayor Chmiel: Are you talking about Powers Blvd.?
Councilman Wing: I'm going to start at Dakota and move right on through.
Mayor Chmiel: That's my'exit too onto TH 5.
City Council Meoting --March 11, 1991
Councilman Masol~: But have you been backed up at ?:00 in the morning trying to
get onto TH 5 from Chanhassen backed up ail the way to TI4 1017
Mayor Chmiel: That was going to be my next question.
Councilman Wing: No sir. I think the thru street is TH 5 and has to be
somewhat protected, or at least better 'timed but I'm going from one sign to a
red light to a red light to a red light and all I'm telling you is, and we've
heard complaints here prior that people are cutting through the city. I'm just
telling you.
Councilman Workman: Well the TH lol intersection's going to stop that because
you're going to have a light and everything else. You're not going to cut
through the City like that anymore.
Charles Folcll: Actually this signal improvement that they're planning on doing
is going to insta].l four new, fairly high tech signals which will all be
interconnected basically from CR 17 through Dakota so that they will be able to
time the lights in sequence so you can have steady platoons moving through the
city in a more efficient manner. And hopefully that will take care of some of
those problems that you' re experiencing.
Councilman Workman: And [he worst light of the whole system is Wallace Road in
Eden Prairie. 2:00 a.m. in the morning it will turn red. Nobody's trying to
get on. No nothing. Zt's just unbelieveable. As soon as you approach it you
trigger something and it goes red.
Councilman Wing: I do come home from work at 2:00 in the morning though and
go to work at 4:00 in the morning and I'm going through the night hours and I
just want [o say, I'd like you to formally make sure that MnOot reviews that.
~nd off the record, I have found myself yelling obscenities at 4:00 in the
morning stopping ~t these stop signs.
Councilman Workman: I would move to amend the agenda.
Mayor Chmiel: Thank you. Is there a second?
Councilwoman Dimler: Second.
Councilman Workman moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to amend the agenda to
discuss the Cooperative Agreements for Trunk Highway 5. All voted in favor and
the motion carried. The agenda as amended.
Councilman Workman: I'd move to amend the s[uff.
Councilwoman Dialer: To accept.
Mayor Chmiel: The Cooperative Agreements for improvements to Trunk Highway 5
between Eastern Carver County line and Park Drive.
Councilwoman Oimler: That's it. I'll second i~.
City Council Meeting ~ March
Resolution ~91-23: Councilman Workman moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to
approve the plans and specifications for the upgrade of Trunk Highway 5 from
Eastern Carver County to Park Drive. All voted in favor and the motion carried
Resolution ~91-24: Councilman Workman moved, Councilwoman Oimler seconded to
approve a resolution to authorize the City to enter into an agreement with HnDot
to share costs for the Trunk Highway 5 upgrade from Eastern Carver County to
Park Drive. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Resolution ~91-25: Councilman Workman moved, Councilwoman Dialer seconded to
approve a resolution approving an agreement with HnDot to share costs of traffic
signals and intersection lighting along Trunk Highway 5 at Dakota Avenue, Trunk
Highway 101, Harket Blvd. and County Road 17.
Councilman Workman moved, Councilwoman Dimler seconded to adjourn the meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17
Submitted by Don Ashworth
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim