81-12 '" e '. . '......'\ _:;-F,..:.,.- -._',"" -- RESOLUTION #81-12 Mn/Dot 2523 (8-78) 1011-20 (169=5) State Project 1013-39 (212=51) F-PMS rns::~ p9J Ped proj. F -PMS 012-2 (53) RESOLUTION At a meeting of the City CoUllCil of the City of Chanhassen , hald OIl the ~ day of May , 19~, the following Resolution was offered by Councilman Geving _.. d by Councilman Horn . ; .ecuuue to wit: WHEREAS the COIIIIII1.aioner of TrllDllportation for the State of M:lm1esota. haa prepared: plaJ:ul, 5 51 special provia1Ot1S, and specifications for the improvement of Trunk Highway No. 169 212 renuabered .. Trunk Highway No. , within the corporate lildta of the City of Chanhassen . from the West Corp. limits to 0.6 Mi. E. of Jet. T.H. 212 & 169 and .eeks the approval thereof: NOW, THIN. BE IT RESOLVED that said plane and spedal provia1ou for the 1IIIprovement of said Trunk Highway within .aidcorporate l1lI1ts of the City, be and hereby are approved iIlclucl1ng the elevations and gradea as .hOWll and consent 18 hereby given to any and all chaqe. ill grade occasioned by said conatruction.' BE IT PUllTllEll RESOLVED that the City does hereby asree to require the parldq of all vehicletl, if .uch parldng 18 permitted within the corporate li1ld.ts of .aid City, on .aid Trunk Highway, to be parallel with the curb adjacent to the highway, and at leaat 20 feet from any erosllVlllb on all public .treets interaectiq .aid trunk highway. Upon the call of the roll. the ~~llowing council ....ber. voted in favor of the llesolutioll: Acting Mayor Neveaux, Councilmen Geving and Horn and, the following council lIIeDIbers voted asainat the adoption of the llesolution: Councilman Swenson Mayor Hamilton - absent whereupon the mayor and/or '. May 5 Dated: tba P~::,.ff:-::;:; Jf~:":~' Al...t ) )jAc' . .(1t? ..~ . ",," City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ) aa. ) ) COUNTY OF Carver CITY OF Chanhassen I do hereby certify that at said meeting (of which due and legal notice was given) of the City Council of the City of . M:lm1eaota, on (;h:mhFlssen the 4th May . 19-81-; at which a majority of the .-ben of day of said Council were present. the foregoiq Resolution was adopted. Given under TIt'J hand and seal this ~ day of May 19~. LL ~l"~~ City Clerk