D. Invitation to February Festival
Invitation to February Festival
The City of Chanhassen is once again, proud to announce our winter special event, the 15th
Annual "February Festival." This special event, out of a series of year long special events, is
being sponsored by the City of Chanhassen and the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce in
cooperation with our local business community. February Festival will be held on Saturday,
February 2nd. At this time, I invite all area residents, their families and friends, to join me on
Lake Ann. The event will begin at 12 noon including activities like skating, sledding and a
bonfire to warm you. Hot food and concessions will be sold on the ice by the Chanhassen
Rotary, as well as Boy Scout Troop #330 selling s'mores kits. The Ice Fishing contest will run
from l:00-3:00PM including $3,000 in fish prizes and $4500 in door prizes. You can also play
bingo on the ice offered by the Friends of the Library who also sponsor a medallion hunt in the
city starting on January 28th. The person who finds the medallion receives a $1500 prize. Ice
fishing and raffle tickets for the event are $5 for adults and children. You may purchase as many
tickets as you like. Tickets are available at City Hall, the Chanhassen Recreation Center, and
local businesses. More information is available on the city's website. I look forward to seeing
everyone there.