1986 06 09 Board of Review
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JUNE 9, 1986
Mayor Hamilton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the following mem-
bers present: M:lyor Hamilton, Councilmembers Watson, SWenson, Horn and Geving.
Staff present included: Don Ashworth, City M:lnager; Barbara Da.cy, City Planner;
Bill M:>nk, City Engineer.
discussed each }?Circel (see attached reference Nos. 1-42). Points discussed
included the propa--rty owners concern as ~ll as the assessor's reconmendation.
The assessor's recarmendation was prePared following individual meetings with
each of the proPerty owners. Persons wishing to add to the assessor's recarmen-
dation included:
L.J. Renner (25-2750030): Mr. Renner has atterrpted to sell the proPerty at a
value of $1.00 to $1.25 per square foot for the }?Cist 8 years. He sold the adja-
cent Parcel for approxim3.tely $1.20 per square foot. He ha.s continuously }?Ciid
taxes and assessments and does not believe the $1.50 per square foot to be
Scott Winter, Assessor confirmed the County };X)licy that vacant land is assessed
at t of rrarket value. Also, that the sale consurrmated by the City (north side
of the railroad tracks) was at $1.95 per square foot.
The Board concluded that the value of Mr. Renner's }?Circel and the approxim3.te 4
other Parcels at the ~st end of West 79th Street should be set at $1.00 per
square foot. Ayes All.
Richard Hartung (25-0150500): Mr. Hartung had reviewed the assessor's recarmen-
dation. Additionally, he had just received Mr. Winter's application form and
analysis of how the }?Circel would be taxed if under green acres. Mr. Hartung
stated that Mr. Otto (his Partner) previously disfavored green acres, but he was
unsure as to why. He was very pleased with Mr. Winter's analysis and would be
pursuing a green acres designation. He disagreed with the $3,000 per acre com-
Parable sales statistic used by Mr. Winter. This figure may be correct if you
had a 10 or 20 acre }?Circe1. H~ver, with 100 or rrore acres, the sale price
would reduce.
Discussion occurred regarding green acre values. Mr. winter noted that the
value used was one established on a county-wide basis. A grading system was
used. The highest value would be $2,000 Per acre. Average values are closer to
$1,000 to $1,500 Per acre. Mr. Hartung agreed that the average sale price would
be a rroot };X)int under green acres. He would continue to p.lrsue this option.
No action was taken by the Board.
David Luse (25-0220620): Mr. Illse was not present. Mr. Winter noted that Mr.
Luse did not agree with the assessor's reccmnendation, i.e. he p.Irchased the
property for $105,000 and believes that that should be the estim3.ted value.
Mr. Winter acknowledged that the $105,000 sale price ha.d been confirmed by his
office. However, they have used $2,500 per acre regardless of sale prices. '!he
Board disagreed. All earlier actions ha.d been based on canparable sales within
the area. Accordingly, the Board acted to set Mr. Luse's value at $105,000.
Ayes All.
Frank Kurvers (25-0132500): Mr. Kurvers was not present. Mr. Winter noted that
except for the Persons sPeaking and Mr Luse the 0 1 th
. , n y 0 er person not
Special Meeting - June 9, 1986
satisf ied with the recarm::mdation of the assessor was Mr. Kurvers. In light of
the Board's action on the west end of West 79th Street, Mr. W nter ~ndered if I
the Board wished to establish a similar policy for the east end of West 79th
Street. Board rrembers concluded that the policy should be consistent for all
vacant parcels in that general area. Ayes All.
There being no other action before the Board, Councilmernber Geving rroved,
seconded by Councilmernber Horn that the assessor's recorrmendation be approved
for parcels 1-42 of the attached Exhibit 1 with the exception of the specific
changes voted on by the Board during the individual review process. All voted
in favor and the rrotion carried.
Mayor Hamilton closed the Board of Review rreeting and re-cpened the rreeting as a
special rreeting of the Chanhassen City Council to consider setting a date for
sale of the 1986 municipal bonds.
Councilmernbers Present: Hamilton, Horn, Watson, Geving.
Councilmernbers Absent: Swenson
Staff M?mbers Present: Don Ashworth, City Manager: Jean Meuwissen, Treasurer:
Barbara Dacy, City Planner: Bill funk, City Engineer
Consultants Present: Andrew Merry, Strong and Corrick Securities
Robert Voto, Voto Reardon, Tautges and Canpany
that Mr. Merry was present to discuss the details of the proposed bond sale
(Exhibit 1 of Councilroernber packets). Mr. Voto was present to discuss the tax
implications of the proposed sale in light of current levies and the proposed
restructuring of the City's municipal debt (Debt Analysis Report as included in
Councilroernber packets).
Mr. Merry reviewed in detail each of the enclosures included in Exhibit 1
(description of proposed bond sale including project descriptions, anticipated
assessments/general obligation levies, maturities, etc.) Councilwoman watson
asked for clarification regarding the City's bond rating. Mr. Merry noted that
the City would seek a new bond rating fran M:>ody's as well as to provide the
option to bidders to bid the proposed issue as a AAA security insured under MBI
standards. As a part of the process, the City would be making application to
MBI to assure that this alternative was open to bidders. Mr. Merry believed
that by providing alternatives to bidders, that the City should receive the rrost
competitive bid. Mr. Merry was very impressed with the City's overall financial
improvement during the past two years, but was reluctant to state that such
would result in a higher bond rating, Le. it is difficult to state what factors
an individual reviewer may consider as important (city debt per capita, city
debt versus valuation, overlapping debt per capita, etc.) The entire rating
process is very subjective.
Bob Voto: Mr. Voto reviewed the Debt Analysis Report as prepared by City per-
sonnel. The process used was similar to that of the financial audit, Le. all
financial records are the responsibility of the City. The audit report is I
prepared by the City with the auditor's function being that of verifying the
information presented and to note areas of concern. A similar process was used
in regards to the Debt Study.
Special Meeting - June 9, 1986
Salient points of the Auditor's review include:
- The City should be congratulated. No cities currently under contract with
Voto, Reardon and Tautges have a similar docurrent providing an overview of
the city's total debt and providing an analysis of such.
- The proposed debt deletions suggested through the debt analysis report can
be rrade without impairing the financial integrity of the City's debt service
funds. Caution should be taken to insure the debt studies are con-
tinuously updated to verify interest earnings, delinquency projections in
comparison to actual, etc. For example, the Bonds of 1972/73 have a
marginal balance in 1990, but such will be only a t.errporary situation as a
large receivable exists in 1991.
- The proposed Bonds of 1986 have been prrposely structured so as to coin-
cide with the existing City debt structure. Using a 3% growth/inflation
factor can reasonably assure the City of a stable debt program. Potential
reductions in future levies can occur by continuous re-analysis of funds
such as the Refunding Bonds of 1983.
The City Council discussed various aspects of the Debt Analysis Report and pro-
posed bonding with Mr. Merry and Mr. Voto. Councilman Geving expressed concern
wi th the long term debt structure as proposed and the City's current tax levels.
Resolution Nos. 86-35 and 86-36:
Mayor Hamilton noved, Councilwanan Watson seconded, passage of Resolution No.
86-35 providing for the issuance and sale of $195,000 General Obligation
Equipment Oertificates of Indebtedness of 1986 and Resolution 86-36 providing
for the issuance and sale of $4,615,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of
1986. The following voted in favor: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmembers Horn and
Watson. Councilman Geving voted against. M:)tion carried.
WORKSFSSION 00 PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE: Councilmernbers discussed noving the
date for review of the proposed Zoning Ordinance back to late September or early
October. This was done .in view of the busy sumner nonths. At that time, the
Council will dedicate an entire week to complete the project.
A notion was rrade by Councilwanan Watson and seconded by Councilman Horn to
adjourn the neeting. All voted in favor and the notion carried.
TIME: 10:30 p.m.
Don Ashworth
City Manager
June 9, 1986
Ref. Name/
No. Address Parcel No.
1 Carol Watson 25-300540
7131 Utica lane
No improvements were rrade to house this
year and assessment still w=nt up.
Assessor's Recorrmendation: No change.
Board's Action: Approved as reccmnended
by Assessor.
Paul Prenevost 25-1950011
Chanhassen Mall
Value was assessed at $377,000
when the building was purchased for
$120,000 in 1985.
Gene H. Fury
2821 Washta
Bay Road
Assessor's Recamendation: Reduce to
Board's Action: Approved as recarmended
by Assessor.
Property assessment increased fran
$87,400 last year to $96,000 this year.
Has no lakeshore access.
Assessor's Recamendation: No change -
remain at $96,000.
Board's Action: Approved as reccmnended
by Assessor.
J.O. Klinkenberg 25-5500130
91 Cascade Cir.
11 % increase in their assessment. '!his
does not equate with the real estate
rrarket nor their neighbor's assessed
Assessor's Recarrmendation: No change -
remain at $105,300.
Board's Action: Approved as recarmended
by Assessor.
Tan pzynski
7340 Frontier Tr
Parcel No.
Howard Noziska 25-3300060
1120 Hesse Farm Rd
7 Tan Droegemueller 25-6030270
1740 Pheasant Cir
8 Terrance O'Brien 25-0023100
1420 rake Lucy Rd
Ji \...:..) I
The market value of the house is $85,200
and it was assessed at $94,600. Assessed
value has increased 45% since 1983. The
only improvements rrade is the addition of
90 square feet of living space.
Assessor's Recomnendation: Reduce fran
$94,600 to $89,700.
Board's Action: Approved as recomnended
by assessor.
Believes a 10-12% increase is
unrealistic. Has his own private road,
septic system and ~ll. His neighbor
with public utilities sold their home for
35 % less than their assessed value.
Assessor's Recomnendation: Reduce fran
$191,000 to $181,000.
Board's Action: Approved as recarm:mded I
by assessor.
Lives in a new developnent that is
35-45 % complete. Their lot was
assessed at $30,000 when they paid
$27,000 for it.
Assessor's Recomnendation: No change -
rerrain at $30,000 for land and $96,400 on
building (Tbtal - $126,400).
Board's Action: Approved as recomnended
by assessor.
Assessed value has tripled since 1982.
He did add a garage last year and the
taxes ~t up $400.00
Assessor's Recomnendation: No change -
rerrain at $72,300.
Board's Action: Approved as recomnended I
by assessor.
...~~ l'ty
Ref. Name/
No. Address Parcel No. Carments
9 Brian Marshall 25-0122000 Feels that they are over assessed
Chanhassen Post $65,000 and reccmnends that the building
Office should be calculated based on incane.
Assessor's Recommendation: Reduce fran
$192,800 to $158,000.
Board's Action: Approved as recorrmended
by assessor.
10 Hartung & otto 25-0150500 Had a 58% increase on agricultural prop-
400 South Oak St erty which is out of line with the
Waconia, .MN market. last year it increased 2%
which is contrary to the market.
Assessor's Recommendation: No change -
remain at $287,500.
Board's Action: Approved as recorrmended
by assessor.
11 Bev Ricker 25-3500230 The assessed value has stayed the same,
7608 Huron but he value of the proPerty has decreas
The yard and basement are under water.
Assessor's Recommendation: No change -
remain at $74,800.
Board's Action: Approved as recorrmended
by assessor.
12 Russ Stoddart 25-8050040 Just platted property into 4 lots. The
1611 W. 63:rd St. lot that has no sewer or water is being
assessed rrore than the two buildable lots.
The hanestead is approximately the same
before the property was subdivided.
Assessor's Recommendation: Reduce fran
$9,500 to $2,000.
Board's Action: Approved as recorrmended
by Assessor.
25-8050010 Assessor's Recarnmendation: No change -
remain at $107,800
Board's Action: Approved as reccmnended
by assessor.
Ref. Name/
No. Address
13 laVerne Butler
10685 Cty Rd 43
Chaska, MN
14 L. J. Renner
4440 Manitou Rd
Tonka Bay, MN
Parcel No.
15 Joseph Kandiko 25-3320270
10421 Bluff Circle
16 Bob Johnsen
1237- 43! Av NE
Mp1s, MN 55421
His property is agricultural land and
he understands that agricultural land
value has dropped 26 %; however, his
assessments keep going up. He has 30
acres of farm land and 50 acres of swamp.
Assessor's Recorrmendation: No change -
remain at $261,600.
Board's Action: Approved as reCC>IllIeI1ded
by assessor.
His value ~t from $76,000 to
$139,000. He feels it is either a
mistake or just out of line.
Assessor's Recoomentation: No change -
remain at $139,100.
Board's Action: Approved at $1. 00/ sq.
foot for a total of
He stated that without making any
improvements over last year, his
assessment ~t up $7,500. He stated
that he and his neighbors refinanced
with same rrortgage canpany and their
assessment only ~t up $300.
Assessor's Recoomendation: No change -
remain at $180,300.
Board's Action: Approved as reca:rrrended
by assessor.
They stated that the property is a
vacant lot in Hesse Farms. They noted
that last year it was estimated at
$21,300 and this year at $31,800, which
is a 50% increase. They stated that
since 1982 assessments have increased 50%.
Assessor's Recc:mnendation: No change -
remain at $31,800.
Board's Action: Approved as recoomended
by assessor.
r::. it
Ref. Name/
No. Address Parcel No. Ccmrents
17 Evelyn S. lDhr 25-5450040 She stated that there was an increase
6240 Hummingbird of $743. She noted that rate has gone
up consistently over past years with no
improvements to house.
Assessor's Recommendation: No change -
remain at $119,200.
Board's Action: Approved as recarrnended
by Assessor.
18 ROO. Hjelm 25-0230500 He stated that he has 40 acres of fam
6909 Oakland land and assessed value ~t fran
Richfield, MN $86,000 to $95,000 this year.
Assessor's Recarrnendation: No change -
remain at $95,000.
Board's Action: Approved as recommended
by Assessor.
19 Tim Bryker 25-5500070 He stated that assessments are 15% or
92 Cascade Cir $13,000 over last year's. He stated
that the improvement was a deck and his
back yard is on a busy street.
Assessor's Recommendation: No change -
Board's Action: Approved as recammended
by assessor.
20 Jon Gilfillan 25-5500200 He stated he had an increase fran last
90 Shasta Cir E. year of $15,800. He noted that
improvements was addition of deck and
lives next to T.H. 101 which is noisy.
Assessor's Recarrnendation: No change -
remain at $103,400.
Board's Action: Approved as recommended
by assessor.
r.::, 5t
21 Ibn Mezzenga
6731 Galpin Blvd.
The Greenery Co.
22 Harry Ahrens
Hamburg, MN
23 M=rle Volk
8470 Galpin Blvd.
Parcel No.
He owns 12 acres of agricultural land.
He felt there have been very dramatic
increases in assessments without any
justifiable explanation.
Assessor's Recarmendation: No change -
remain at $88,600.
Board's Action: Approved as recarmended
by assessor.
He stated that the property is Outlot B
in Minnewashta Manor which is completely
submerged. He stated that his appraisal
~nt fran $200 to $1000 this year.
Assessor's Recarmendation: Property value
is the minimum. Should remain at last year's
Board's Action: Approved as recarmended.
He stated the 22 acre parcel which had a
$20,900 increase in value; 77 acres had
$95,400 increase; and on 80 acres fran
$186,000 to 194,000, all of which is
agricultural land.
Assessor's Recarmendation: No change -
remain at $56,400.
Board's Action: Approved as recarmended
by assessor.
Assessor's Recarmendation: No change -
remain at $194,200.
Board's Action: Approved as recorrmended
by assessor.
25-0151510/1 Assessor's Reccmnendation: No change -
remain at $235,200.
Board's Action: Approved as recarmended
by assessor.
Assessor's Recarmendation: No change -
remain at $49,300.
Board's Action: Approved as recarmended
lUJ \0
Ref. Name/
No. Address Parcel No. Carn1ents
27 Cathy Mitchell 25-2100070 She stated that they have a house and it
170 Cascade Ct. is the first tiIre being assessed, which
~t up fran value it was bought at.
She stated that houses in area are being
sold at a loss.
Assessor's Recommendation: Reduce fran
$104,100 to $101,700.
Board's Action: Approved as recamnended
by assessor.
28 Al Krueger 25-0024000 He stated that over the past three years
1600 Lake Lucy Rd he has had a 40% increase and has between
35-40% high and low of water. He \\Uu1d
like to discuss with Assessor how that
is factored into the assessment.
Assessor's Recommendation: Reduce fran
$167,500 to $150,000.
Board's Action: Approved as recommended
by assessor.
29 Al K1ingelhutz 25-0231610 He stated that he wanted to discuss his
8600 Great Plains assessment with Assessor.
Assessor's Recommendation: No change -
remain at $164,700.
Board's Action: Approved as recorrmended
by assessor.
30 Roberta Buchheit 25-1700050 She did not speak.
3840 lime Cedar
Assessor's Recommendation: Reduce fran
$154,000 to $144,100.
Board's Action: Approved as recommended
by assessor.
Ref. Name/
No. Address Parcel No. Carirents
31 Arnie He:i 25-1700060 He state:i that his heme value was
3860 lDne Cedar reduce:i in 1983 and advise:i that they
would receive tax relief in 1984. Taxes
raise:i again in 1984 for 1985 and 1986.
Would like value reassesse:i with can-
parable real estate.
Assessor's Recommendation: Reduce fran
$163,500 to $150,000.
Board's Action: Approve:i as recarmende:i
by assessor.
As the assessed value for the previous two parcels are recorrmende:i to be decrease:i,
Mr. Winter felt that the following two parcels should also be re:iuced (even though
no canplaint was recei ve:i) to have all hemes in the neighborhood canparable.
* Ralph Kant 25-1700040 Assessor's Recorrmendation: Reduce fran
$160,100 to $155,800.
Board's Action: Approve:i as recarmende:i
by assessor.
* James Lipe 25-1700070 Assessor's Recarmendation: Reduce fran
$134,100 to $122,300.
Board's Action: Approve:i as recarmende:i
by assessor.
32 John Rykhus 25-2730570 Assesse:i at 9% over what they just
6517 Gray Fox Cu. bought house for.
Assessor's Recommendation: Reduce fran
$105,300 to $95,000.
Board's Action: Approve:i as recarmende:i
by assessor.
33 Alan H. Dirks 25-8100100 Feels assesse:i to high for value of
331 Deerfoot Tr homes in area. Would like to discuss
with Assessor.
Assessor's Recarmendation: Reduce fran
$148,000 to $140,700.
Board's Action: Approve:i as recarmende:i
by assessor.
34 Louise Fenger
Box 396
Chanhassen, MN
Parcel No.
35 Larry Zamor 25-8900030
531 W. 79th Street
36 Jerome Carlson
8280 Galpin Blvd.
37 Etl Ryan
6730 Galpin Blvd.
38 reo Gray
Apple Valley
Hane was built in 1968 and taxes went up
$5,000 since last year. She feels it
should be reassesse:i not rrore than last
Assessor's Recammendation: No change -
remain at $158,100.
Board' 5 Action: Approved as recarmende:i
by assessor.
Cbjection to property tax increase. He
net with Scott Winter on May 20, 1986.
Assessor's Recoomendation: Reduce fran
$1,155,600 to $749,000.
Board's Action: Approve:i as recoomende:i
by assessor.
Feels that since he resides on this prop-
erty he should be receiving hanestead credit.
Assessor's Recommendation:
remain at $173,700.
No change -
Board's Action: Approved as recammende:i
by assessor.
He asks why valuation has increase:i so
substantially over the last two years.
Assessor ,'s :RecooIrendation: No change -
remain at $195,200.
Board's Action: Approve:i as recoomende:i
by assessor.
cpposed to increases. Feels not con-
sistent with surrounding area.
Assessor's Recammendation: No change -
remain at $202,600.
Board's Action: Approve:i as recarmended
by assessor.
Parcel No.
39 Chaska Investment 25-0151200
7401 M=tro Blvd.
Suite 315
Edina, MN 55435
40 David Luse 25-0220620
Natural Green, Inc
1600 Arboretum Blve
c:...!I J.i_
Protesting against the increase in value
of agricultural land.
Assessor's Recomnendation: No change -
remain at $365,800.
Board's Action: Approved as recommended
by assessor.
Assessor's Recomnendation:
remain at $100,800.
No change -
Board's Action: Approved as recommended
by assessor.
Assessor's Recomnendation: No change -
remain at $145,000.
Board's Action: Approved as recomnended
by assessor.
Assessor's Recomnendation: No change -
remain at $215,000.
Board's Action: Approved as recommended
by assessor.
Assessor's Recommendation: No change -
remain at $288,500.
Board's Action: Approved as recomnended
by assessor.
Assessor's Recommendation:
remain at $152,900.
No change -
Board's Action: Approved as recommended
by assessor.
Disagrees with the assessed valuation.
Assessor's Recommendation: No change -
remain at $187,500.
Board's Action: Valuation reduced to
Ref. Name/
No. Address Parcel No. Carments
41 Frontier Dev. 25-0130500 Valuation too high.
13.44 Acres
Assessor's Recommendation: No change -
remain at $2,752,900.
Board's Action: Approved as recorrmended
by assessor.
42 Frank Kurvers 25-0132500 Valuation too high.
Assessor's Recomrendation: No change -
remain at $53,600.
Board's Action: Value set at $l.OO/sq.
foot. (Sq. footage to be
determined by assessor).