WS 2008 08 25 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 25, 2008 Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Greg Sticha, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, and Todd Hoffman JUSTIFICATION STUDY FOR SATELLITE FIRE STATION NO. 3. Todd Gerhardt provided background information on the land purchase and planning process for a new fire station. Roger Smallback had a power point presentation showing justification for a third station in this part of the city by reviewing background and history of response times in the city. Councilwoman Ernst asked for clarification on how the 8 minute response time for Chanhassen fire fighters relates to the NFPA standard of 4 minute response time. Mayor Furlong asked how Chanhassen’s response time compares to neighboring communities. Roger Smallback continued with review of the goals and objections of the need for a third fire station in southern Chanhassen. Councilwoman Ernst asked about what the city will do if the actual cost to build the station exceeds the amount budgeted. Councilman Litsey asked how construction of a new facility will affect the number and location of existing personnel. Councilman McDonald asked if the equipment requested is adequate to service the station now and into the future. In discussing customer service issues, Roger Smallback read samples from thank you letters that have been received by the fire department for their services. Todd Gerhardt explained the need to expand public safety services in the southern area of the city in the next couple years due to the growth in both residential and commercial. Councilwoman Tjornhom stated her hope that the station is sized appropriately to accommodate future growth. Councilman Litsey felt conceptually it was a good plan and would like to continue to look at cost versus value. Councilman McDonald stated his hope that this site will be able to handle any future expansion needs if warranted, along with adequate personnel staffing levels at all three stations. Councilwoman Ernst expressed her belief that the city cannot compromise on this public safety issue and will be interested to find out the results of the ISO audit. Mayor Furlong felt the timing was right to expand the public safety system. 2009 PRELIMINARY BUDGET DISCUSSION. Todd Gerhardt discussed how staff addressed the scenario of how the City would react if it did not receive homestead credit from the State. Mayor Furlong asked for clarification on the amount in the street levy and asked if the transfers for the road fund should be discussed at a future meeting. Greg Sticha discussed the amount proposed for the 2009 preliminary levy that th needs to be submitted by September 15, and it’s impact to taxpayers. Councilman Litsey had concern that the levy amount may be a little low noting that with levy limits, it might be too low to accommodate future needs. Greg Sticha stated staff will research the affect of levy limits on City Council Work Session - August 25, 2008 future budgets and bring that information back at the next meeting. Councilwoman Ernst asked for a reminder on why the city needs to submit a preliminary levy amount. The work session was recessed at 7:00 p.m. It was reconvened at 8:35 p.m. DISCUSSION OF CITY CODE AMENDMENTS. Kate Aanenson discussed the following proposed amendments to Chapter 20: recommendation of a pre-application meeting, CUP/IUP Variance Violations, PUD setback and buffer requirements, height requirements in the Neighborhood Business (BN) District, buffer yard requirements in the Highway Business (BH) District, Freedom to Breathe recommendations, and standards for drive thru’s. Mayor Furlong asked for specific examples of how those amendments would affect existing projects. IMPLEMENTATION OF PARK AND RECREATION AWARDS TO RECOGNIZE VOLUNTEERS. As a part of the Key Financial Strategies, staff was instructed to develop a program to recognize volunteers who contribute their time and resources to park and recreation functions. Todd Hoffman reviewed the proposed categories and outlined the schedule for Park and Recreation Commission and City Council review. Mayor Furlong noted that the categories seem to focus only on the city and asked that the categories be broaden to incorporate service and corporate awards, i.e. Scouts, CAA, Corporate, similar to the Environmental Awards. He also suggested that there be one award per category. Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session meeting at 9:00 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 2