1987 05 11SP~/IAL CITY ~ MINUTES
MAY 11, 1987
Mayor Hamilton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. The following members
were present: Mayor Hamilton, Counci~ Johnson, and Council,mn ~orn.
Councilmen Boyt and Geving were absent. Also present were Scott Winter, Carver
County Assessor; Don Ashworth, City Manager; and Todd Gerhardt, ~z]ministrative
WATER SPR//~d/~G BAN: A report from the City Engineer was presented concerning
the City's iD_~hility to keep up with the water demand. The water system is being
taxed beyond acceptable limits and the City Engineer recc~m~m~ds a sprinkling ban
be enforced in~iately.
Resolution No. 87-42: A motion was made by Counci~ Johnson and seconded by
Councilman Horn to in~ a water sprinkling ban beginning May 12, 1987, until
further notice. No users of the City water system will be ~ to sprinkle
lawns during the period of this ban. The following voted in favor: Mayor
Hamilton, Councilmen Johnson and Horn. No negative votes. Motion carried.
BOARD OF QUAL ZATI AND REVn : Mayor Hamil ex lained the cedure the
Board would be following. Members of the public could either state their con-
cerns to the Board or prepare a written statement. All omunents would be
reviewed by the Carver County Assessor's office and fir~__] action would be taken
on May 28, 1987.
Exhibit A for a detailed listing of ,11 ccuments received.
STREET NAME CHA~9~r LAKE LUC~ ROAD/WEST 67TH STgRRT: Residents along the new
alignment of Lake Lucy Road have asked the City to for.~]ly change what was known
as West 67th Street to Lake Lucy Road to eliminate confusion of ma/1 delivery.
Additior~ly, the old alig~.~nt of Lake Lucy Road has ~ addressed as T~ke
Lucy Lane.
Resolution No. 87-43: A motion was made by Councilman Horn and seconded by
Councilman Johnson to approve changing West 67th Street to T~ke Lucy Road; and
the old alignment of Lake Lucy Road as depict~ on Exhibit A of Resolution
87-42, be changed to ~__ke Lucy ~ne. The following voted in favor: Mayor'
A motion was made by Councilman Horn and sec~ by Councilman Johnson to
adjourn the meeting at 9: 30 p.m.
May 11, 1987
No. Address Parcel No. Comments
1 Cecil Kubitz 25-760070 Valuation increased from $76,700 to
7492 Saratoga Dr. $110,800. Does not know why.
2 Larry Zamor 25-8900030 Valuation increased $361,000. The market
Chan~_~sen Inn value for the new rocks was included
531 W. 79th St. last year. Does not understand the increas~
3 Robert Drury 25-0361100 His taxes increased 150% since 1978. He
575 Flying Cloud DI feels the m~rket value is way off.
4 George Cermak 25-5150010 Purchase Agreement for the property is
$200,000. The assessor has it valued
at $280,000. Why the difference?
5 Bernard Leach 25-0081100 Resolved before the meeting. He
questioned an addition he put on
his garage.
6 Richard Simpson 25-8570050 The average value of a hc~e in Trapper's
341 Trappers Pass Pass area is $260,000 and tax~s should be
approx/mately $5,000, instead they are
$6,200. He showed ccuparables of houses
valued at $290,000 with tax~s of $5,000.
He ~oes not understand why they are
pay/rig ~ore than originally anticipated.
7 Don & Mary Jacobi 25-8580080 Simpson's (above) made the/r point.
461 Trap Line Ln. They lost the sale of 2 hc~es because
of the taxes.
8 Leslie O'Halloran 25-0241700 ~rket value increased $12,000. They
550 Lyman Blvd. added a garage which accounts for $6,000
of the increase, but the rest of the prop-
erty ha- not changed.
9 Paul Deiecour 25-7600040 F~ket value increased frum $60,000 to
7498 Saratoga Dr. $68.500. He did add a 120 sq. ft. addi-
tion, but at a cost far less than the
$8,500 increase.
Ref. Name/
No. Address Parcel No. Comments
10 Mike Schachterle 25-4950240 Land value is too high. He knows of lots
6350 Dogwood which were sold for $80,000 and valued at
$40,000. His should be valued less than
11 Verna Gordon 25-8610060 Feels the market value is too high. In
7511 W. 77th St. 1986 the taxes were $4,861 and in
1987 the tazes were $4,690. Although they
decre~_~ed, she feels they should decrease
. , --
12 Wyck R. Lindey 25-3890020 The value went up 750%. A lot split has
occurred. Is it hcmes~? He
purchased the lot for $22,000 and it is
valued at $12,000.
13 Mike Schroeder 25-1600540 His market value is up 33%. The house is
valued at what he paid for it. If he
fixes it up will the value go up further?
14 Leslie Berg 25-1601750 The market value increased $10,000 and the
825 Ponderosa only impr~t was a deck that cost
15 John Melby 25-8400120 The City opened a public access and park
40 Hill Street directly adjacent to his property. There
will be more traffic, outdoor toilets that
smell, a ditch to catch runoff from
Blcxmmberg's Develo~t, loss of privacy.
Feels his property has decreased in value
by 40%.
16 Ronald Landin 25-0253200 All hcmes along West 96th Street are
710 W. 96th valued approximately the same. His taxes
are $1,000 higher than the average.
-- . --
17 Dave Nickolay 25-7400060 The valuation of his property increased
from $114,100 in 1986 to $170,300 in 1987.
He put on an addition valued at $45,000.
Why did his valuation go up $56,200?
No. Address Parcel No. Comments
18 Jules Smith 25-5650080 IW Instant Web's valuation went up 71%.
25-5650070 ~M Not sure what United Mailing is
25-5660010 VE valued at.
19 Ray Roettger 25-1400110 His valuation went from $236,600 to
3221 Dartmouth Dr. $241,300 in 1987. His taxes keep going
up. What happens if he puts on a
screen porch? Would like to see the City
continue the goose control program.
20 Dave Halla 25-0252710 Fa- an 8 acre parcel valued at $20,000
10000 Great for 1987. Only 3 acres are usable at
Plains Bl~d. $1,500/acre.' Value should be $4,500.
21 John F. Johnson 25-1600180 Assessed value went up $20,000.
6694 Nez Perce
22 Stan Wendland 25-1820090 Valuation increased fr~n $87,600 in 1986
8040 Dakota Ln. to $103,700 in 1987. They added a 3rd
car garage and an 8' x 13' laundry/sewing
area. Feels $10,000 is a more realistic
23 Kevin Peterson 25-2730150 His hc~e is valued at $122,800 which is
150 Bluff Ridge Ct $15,000 higher than the purcb~_~e price of
the prcgerty. Talked with five other
neighbors and all were assessed at values
larger and similar sized homes in the
neighborhood have ~ assessed at a
lc~ar value than his. Additior~] ly,
there is a home at 131 Fc~ Hollow Dr. tha
was assessed at $111,000 with the s_~n9
floor plan as his, ar~ that h_~,~- has a
sub-basement and his does not.
24 Robert Johnson 25-1602090 He purchased the property for $8,123 in
1986. The 1987 valuation is $12,800.
Feels the following should be
co~si~: the lot falls of stccply
fr~n the road; sewer was not extended tx
the property line; the sewer elevation
is such that a lift pump will be
required when plumbing; the neighborhood
is older.
No. Address Parcel No. Comments
25 Michael Taylor 25-5500400 His assessed value is $115,300 and he
has 1630 sq. ft. finished in his house.
His neighbor's house has 1800 sq. ft.
finished and his valuation is $112,900.
· .
26 Winifred Fynbo 25-1601340 Her valuation has increased from $4,000
6852 Nez Perce in 1984 to $14,000 in 1987. This is
vacant land.
27 Russell Murphy 25-1900270 Protesting the increase in value based
1459 Park Road on cc~parable building.
28 James Andrews 25-2730540 Property was changed from hcmes~ to
131 Fox Hollow Dr. non-homestead because owner did not
return his homestead card. He can pro-
vide proof of yee__r round residence.
29 LeRoy Biteler 25-200090 Assessed value has increased from
910 Penamint Ct. $87,600 to $101,600 in one year. The
only improvement made was a deck that
cost approximately $800.
30 Craig Anderson 25-8610080 The assessed value of the house is
$138,200 and the purchase price was
$139,900. They feel the value should be
low~red to $125,910 which 90% of the
purchase price.
31 Paul Prenevost 25-2050030 This property has a structure on it, but
David C. Bell it is not inhabitable. Feels the pro-
Investment Co. perty should be assessed land taxes
25-2050040 Is this proportional to the rest of the
. ·
32 Chanhassen Bowl 25-1950020 Feels valuation is too high.
581 West 78th St.
33 Michael Wegler 25-1600420 Bought the property for $800 last y~ar
and feels an assessed value of $8,600
is too high. The prc~ is a hill
and swamp and no sewer and water is
34 Douglas Hansen 25-1500070 Valuation increased fr~n $404,800 in
1986 to $492,600 in 1987. Feels his
tenants will be um~_hle to stay in
35 Jim Shelledy 25-4500010 Valuation increased fr~n $93,600 to
$114,300. ~,- not added to or made any
changes to his house.