1e Amend Business Subsidy Crite7700 Market Boulevard POBox147 Ctmtmsen, MN 55317 Admlnlsb'aUon Phor~ 952.227.1100 Fax: 952227.1110 Building Instlectlons Phone: 952227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phmm: 952227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 FifllflC6 Phone: 952.227.1140 Fa~ 952227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952227.1120 ' Fax: 952..227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coultm' BaJlevan:l Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Pabllc Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site wwv,,.ci.~~.m~ FROM: DATE: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Justin Miller, Assistant to the City Manager April 11, 2003 Amendment to the City of Chanhassen Business Subsidy Criteria BACKGROUND On October 25, 1999, the City Council approved the City of Chanhassen Business Subsidy Criteria in response to requirements established by the State Legislature. These criteria are to be followed for any business subsidy from the City that exceeds $20,000. Since adoption, these criteria have been followed in all Tax Increment Financing (TIF) agreements entered into by the City of Chanhassen. In 2000, the legislature amended the criteria requirements by stating "the criteria must include a specific wage floor for the wages to be paid for the jobs created. The wage floor may be stated as a specific dollar mount or may be stated as a formula that will generate a specific dollar amounL" (Minnesota State Statute Section 116.1.994) At the time this amendment was made, the legialatare gave communities that passed their subsidy criteria before 2000 until May 1, 2003 to update their criteria. Before Council tonight is an amendment that will bring the City of Chanhassen's criteria into compliance with State law. It is important to remember that these criteria are mlnlmuin requirements, and can be increased on a project-specific basis. In surveying many other communities, it appears that the preferred method of establishing wage floors is by relating it to the State of Minnesota minimum wage, instead of a fixed dollar amounL This method would then automatically change as the State minimum wage is changed, and would not require constant amendments by the City. The current Business Subsidy Criteria is attached to this report, as well as the appropriate State statutes that govern this policy. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council adopt a resolution amending the City of Chaahassen Business Subsidy Criteria to the following (amendment in bold/ta//cs): Under PROJECT SELECTION CRITERIA, Number 6, Jobs and Wages: It is the EDA's intent that the grantee ~ the maximum number of livable wage jobs at the site. ~ wage.floor for waees to be mddfor the iobs created shall be 105% qf the state minimm waee. This may include jobs to be retained but only fi job retention is imminent and demonstrable. The City of Chanha#en · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a channing downtown, thriving businesses, winding bails, and beautiful parks. A 0K place to live, work, and play. CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HE~ COUNTIES, MINNES~A DATE: April 28~ 2003 RESOLUTION NO: MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: ADOPT A RF~OLUTION AMENDING ~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN BUSINESS SUBSIDY CRITERIA WtlEREAS, in accordance with State statutes the City of Chanhas~ adopted a Business Subsidy Criteria on October 25, 1999; and WHE~, State statutes were amended after the City's adoption of such criteria, stating that a specific wage floor be included in all Business Subsidy Criteria; and WHEREAS, the deadline for such amendments to be made is May 1, 2003; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Chaahass~, That the following amendment be made to the City of Chanhas~n Business Subsidy Crit~a: Under PROJECT SELFL'TION CRITERIA, Numbe~ 6, Jobs and Wages: It is the EDA's intent that the grantee ~ the maximum n~ of livable wage jobs at the site. The wage.t~r.for wages to be paid.for the.iobs created shall ~ 105% o.f th~ state m/n/mum wage. This may include jobs to be retained but only if job retention is imminent and demonstrable. Passed and adopted by the Chaahassen City Council this 28th day of April, 2003. ATFF~T: Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor YES NO ABSENT Minnesota Statutes 20(0, Table of Chapters Table of contents for Charter 116J 116J.994 Re~ulat~n~ lo~al ax~ at&be bum~nesa ~ubmt~4es. Subdivision 1. Publia ~ur~ose. A business subsidy must meet a public purpose which may include, but may not be limited to, increasing the tax base. Job retention may only be used as a public purpose in cases where job loss is specific and demonstrable. Subd. 2. Develo~in~ a .et of ariteria. A business subsidy may not be granted until the grantor has adopted criteria after a public hearing for awarding business subsidies that comply with this section. The criteria may not be adopted on a case-by-case basis. The criteria must set specific minimum requirements that recipients must meet in order to be eligible to receive business subsidies. The criteria must include a -- specific wage floor for the wages to be paid_ for the jobs created. The wage floor may be stated as a specific dollar amount or may be stated as a formula that will generate a specific dollar amount. A grantor may deviate from its criteria by documenting in writing the reason for the deviation and attaching a copy of the document to its next annual report to the department. The commissioner of trade and economic development may assist local government agencies in developing criteria. A copy of the criteria must be submitted to the department of trade and economic development along with the first annual report following the enactment of this section or with the first annual report after it has adopted criteria, whichever is earlier. Subd. 3. ~.i~ m4;z~e~e~t. (a) A recipient must enter into a subsidy agreement with the grantor of the subsidy that includes: (1) a description of the subsidy, including the amount and type of subsidy, and type of district if the subsidy is tax increment financing; (2) a statement of the public purposes for the subsidy; (3) measurable, specific, and tangible goals for the subsidy; (4) a description of the financial obligation of the recipient if the goals are not met; (5) a statement of why the subsidy is needed; (6) a commitment to continue operations in the jurisdiction where the subsidy is used for at least five years after the benefit date; (7) the name and address of the parent corporation of the recipient, if any; and (8) a list of all financial assistance by all grantors for the project. (b) Business subsidies in the form of grants must be structured as forgivable loans. For other types of business subsidies, the agreement must state the fair market value of the subsidy to the recipient, including the value of conveying property at less than a fair market price, or other in-k/nd benefits to the recipient. (c) If a business subsidy benefits more than one recipient, the grantor must assign a proportion of the business subsidy to each recipient that signs a subsidy agreement. The proportion assessed to each recipient must reflect a reasonable estimate of the recipient's share of the total benefits of the project. (d) The state or local government agency and the recipient must both sign the subsidy agreement and, if the grantor is a local government agency, the agreement must be approved by the local elected governing body, except for the St. Paul Port Authority and a seaway port authority. (e) Notwithstanding the provision in paragraph (a), clause (6), a recipient may be authorized to move from the jurisdiction where the subsidy is used within the five-year period after the benefit date if, after a public hearing, the grantor approves the recipient's request to move. For the purpose of this paragraph, if the grantor is a state government agency other than the iron range resources and reb-hilitation board, · jurisdiction" means a city or township. Subd. 4. Wage mn~ Job ~oal,. The subsidy agreement, in addition to any other goals, must include: (1) goals for the number of jobs created, which may include separate goals for the number of part-time or full-time jobs, or, in cases where job loss is specific and demonstrable, goals for the number of jobs retained; and (2) wage goals for the jobs created or retained. After a public hearing, if the creation or retention of jobs is determined not to be a goal, the wage and job goals may be set at zero. In addition to other specific goal time frames, the wage and job goals must contain specific goals to be attained within two years of the benefit date. Subd. 5. Public notice mn~he~r~n~. (a) Before granting a business subsidy that exceeds $500,000 for a state government grantor and $100,000 for a local government grantor, the grantor must provide public notice and a hearing on the subsidy. A public hearing and notice under this subdivision is not required if a hearing and notice on the subsidy is otherwise required by law. (b) Public notice of a proposed business subsidy under this subdivision by a state government grantor, other than the iron range resources and rehabilitation board, must be published in the State Register. Public notice of a proposed business subsidy under this subdivision by a local government grantor or the iron range resources and rehabilitation board must be published in a local newspaper of general circulation. The public notice must identify the location at which information about the business subsidy, including a summary of the terms of the subsidy, is available. Published notice should be sufficiently conspicuous in size and placement to distinguish the notice from the surrounding text. The grantor must make the information available in printed paper copies and, if possible, on the Internet. The government agency must provide at least a ten-day notice for the public hearing. (c) The public notice must include the date, time, and place of the hearing. (d) The public hearing by a state government Grantor other than the iron range resources and rehabilitation board must be held in St. Paul. (e) If more than one nonstate grantor provides a business subsidy to the same recipient, the nonstate grantors may designate one nonstate grantor to hold a single public hearing regarding the business subsidies provided by all nonstate grantors. For the purposes of this paraGraph, "nonstate grantor" includes the iron range resources and rehabilitation board. Subd. 6. F&~I~_~ to~mot ~lm. The subsidy aGreement must specify the recipient's obligation if the recipient does not fulfill the agreement. At a minimum, the agreement must require a recipient failing to meet subsidy agreement goals to pay back the assistance plus interest to the grantor or, at the grantor's option, to the account created under section 116J.551 provided that repayment may be prorated to reflect partial fulfillment of goals. The interest rate must be set at no less than the implicit price deflator for government consumption expenditures and Gross investment for state and local governments prepared by the bureau of economic analysis of the United States Department of Commerce for the 12-month period ending March 31 of the previous year. The grantor, after a public hearing, may extend for up to one year the period for meeting the wage and job goals under subdivision 4 provided in a subsidy aGreement. A grantor may extend the period for meeting other goals under subdivision 3, paragraph (a), clause (3), by documenting in writing the reason for the extension and attaching a copy of the document to its next annual report to the department. A recipient that fails to meet the terms of a subsidy agreement may not receive a business subsidy from any grantor for a period of five years from the date of failure or until a recipient satisfies its repayment obligation under this subdivision, whichever occurs first. Before a grantor signs a business subsidy aGreement, the grantor must check with the compilation and summary report required by this section to determine if the recipient is eligible to receive a business subsidy. Subd. 7. Re~or~m ~ recipients to grantor.. (a) A business subsidy grantor must monitor the proGress by the recipient in achieving agreement goals. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BUSINESS S UBSID Y CRITERIA Approved October 11, 1999 Amended April 28, 2003 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BUSINK.qS SUBSIDY CRITERIA Policy and Criteria for Business Subsidy The City Council of the City of Chanhassen has the power, should it deem necessa_~, to grant business subsidies. The fundamental propose of Business Subsidy Crite~ in Chanhassen is to eacomage desirable and affordable housing, senior housing, and asaiste~ living that would not otherwise occur "but for" the assistance provided by the City of Chanha~sea Business Subsidy Criteria. This Business Subsidy Critea~ shall be used as a guide in processing and reviewing applications requesting business subsidy. PROJECT SEL~ON CRITERIA Business Subsidies can benefit the community by providing a broad ra%oe of housing opportunities such as affordable housing, senior housing and assisted living. The Council reserves the right to approve or reject business subsidies on an individual basis. Hi~hest_~ Priority ~ Be Given to Projects Which Include: 1. Compatibility of the proposed project with the City's overall developrmmt plans and objectives. 2. Broad range of housing opportunities such as affordable housing, senior housing and assisted living 3. Minimal impact on City service needs. 4. High quality of the facility to be built 5. Increase in Tax Base: While an increase in the tax base cannot be the sole gromxts for granting a subsidy, the EDA believes it is a n_~e-ssary condition for any subsidy. 6. Jobs and Wages: It is the EDA's intent that the grantee create the maximum number of livable wage jobs at the site. T/~ wa~e floor for wa~s to be l~aid £or th~ iobs created shall b~ 105% of tl~ state m/n/mum waee. This may incl,~¢ jobs to be retained but only if job retention is imminent and demonstrable. 7. Economic Develolnmne Projects should promote one or more of the following: a. Encourage economic and co~ diversity within the community; b. Contribute to the estab~ of a critical mass of commercial development within an area; c. Provide basic goods and sexvices, increase the ran~ of goods and services available, or encourage fast-growing businesses; d. Promote redevelopment objectives and removal of blight, including pollution cleanup; ¢. Promote the retention or adaptive reuse of buildin~ of historical or architectural si~onifieance; f. Promote ~dditional or spin-off development within the commimity; g. Encourage full utilization of existing or planned infxaslmeture PROJECT REO~S 1. Applicant at aH times should retain and be assist~ by qualified financial consultants and/or underwriters, and legal counsel. 2. Construction of the project shall not be commenced until the City has given Preliminary approval to the application for financing. 3. The City reserves the fight to deny any application for financing at any stage of the ~ prior to adoption of the final approval authori=in~ issuance of the bonds. 4. The City reserves the right to select a third party ~ to assist in the management of the process. 5. The City will only consider a "pay as you go" plan for high quality industrial developments in existing TIF districts (National Weather, 2-2; Henmpin County, 3-1; Gateway, 6-1; and ~ District, 4). 6. Development must be of the highest quality With high quality building materials and la~ as agreed between the City and the Developer. 7. Developer must pay all costs of establishing the district unless the City agrees to allow costs to come out of thc district. 9. Project meets "but for" analysis and statutory qualifications (Exhibit A). 10. All projects must be c. onsismm with Chanhas~n's Comprehensive Plan and any other similar plan or guide for developn~nt of tbe community. AC'rlVlT~ ~'.,.q TO BE I~ON~DER~ FQR FINANCING 1. Any subsidy granted by the city will be subject to the requirement of a public hearing, if necessary, and must be approved by the Chanhassen City Council. 2. It will be necessary for both the grantee and the EDA (City of Chanhsss~n) to comply with the reporting and monitoring requirements of the Act. 3. Land write down 4. Costs of streets and utilities 5. Demolition and relocation costs 6. City costs such as trunk utility costs, street costs, and MSA reimbursement 7. Extraordinary landscap~ and lighting 8. Soil corrections APPLICATIQN PROCE.~ 1. The application process must be complez~xt in accordance with TIF application procedures (Exhibit B). 2. Applicant shall make an application for TIF usage on forms available from the City. 3. The application will include (if appropriate): A. Stamm~nt of Public Purposes B. Description of Project C. Plans and Drawings of Project D. Description of Company E. L~gal Opinions F. Investment Bank Letter of Feasibility G. Market Analysis H. Pro Forma Analysis I. Financial Statements J. Zoning and Plmaning Analysis K. Application Fee L. Demonstration of past successful gersmfl development capability as well as specific capability in the type and size of development proposed. M. Other Documentation Requested by the City . The City's Business Subsidy program will be a~dmini.,~:red by the City of Chanhasseffs Eeo~c Development Authority (EDA). The applicant shall submit a completed application and a $2,000 non- refundable application fee. The application fee shall be paid to the City of Ch~xh~n at the time a final Business Subsidy application is submitted. At the ~ a final Business Subsidy application is submitt~xl, th~ applicant shall also de. li~ to th~ City a dq~osit in the amount of $10,000. Tbe pm'po~ of this dqx~t is to r~j'mhurs~ tbe City for costs and expenses incurred in connection with preparation of the development agreement and the carrying out of all actions necessary in the fulfillmgnt of the City's obligations. Any pan of the deposit not needed for those purposes shall be promptly rtmn'ned to tbe Redeveloper not later than the date of issuance of the Certificate of Completion, or within 15 days following the tm'ruination of the Development Agreement for failure to close. It is understood the deposit is not a limitation on the Redeveloper's obligation to reimburse the City for such costs; and the Redeveloper shall pay the City for any such costs in excess of the deposit within 30 days following a writt~ reque, st ti9 do so. 4. City staff will review the data and make preliminary recommendations to the City Council as to compliance of the application and proposed project with City objectives and critexia/Strategic Plan. 5. Formal evaluation of the application will include, in ~ddition to items subject to preliminary review, review of applicable credit analysis, credit enhancement and leg, al compliance. Formal reco~on will then be made to the City Council. 6. After evaluation of the formal recommelxiation, the City CoulIcil will consider final approval of the establishment of the Business Subsidy and hold the appropriate hearing. 7. All applications and supporting materials and documents shall become the property of the City. CITY OF CHANHASSEN APPLICATION FOR BUSINF...qs SUBSIDY Business Name: Location of Proposed Development: Type(Partnership, etc.): Telephone: Nature of Business: m~TORY OF APPLICANT 1. Have you ever filed bankruptcy? Yes No If y~s, provide details on separate sheet. 2. Hav~ you ever defaulted on any loan commitment? Yes No.~ If yes, provide details on separate sheet 3. Have you cvc~ applied for conventional financing for thc project? Yes If yes, provide details on separate sheet. If no, why not7 Project Cost Breakdown: $ $ $ $. Total: $ Da~: No 4. List financial refcxences: NamdAddress/C~nm~ a. 5. Other information pertinent to your application-' 6. Name of Counsel: INFORMATION CONCERNING APPLIC,.ANT'~ PROPOSED PROJECT FOR EXl,..qTIN(~ INOU~R~L o~Pl~g~rr LOC,~TEO IN TW i)i~rgt~r$~a~on~l Weather~ 2-21 mnneptn County, 3-1; Gateway, 6=1~ Ent~dnment District~ 4)~ AND Eden ~ 4=1. 1. Is the proposed proj~ a n~w facility or re~habilitation and/or expansion of existing facility? 2. Industrial/Commercial: 3. What is the present employment of your firm? 4. What will the employment be at completion of project?. 5. Estimated Project Cost? 6. What is the principal business or product of the company?. 7. Potential other use of proposed development? 8. Will this development attract other related industries? Yes How? No 9. What are the proposed financing arrange~nents?. INFORMATION ¢ONCERNINC~ APPLICANT'S PROPOSED HOUSING PROJECW Is the proposed housing project a new facility or rehabilitation mad/or expansion of existing facility7 2 Housing Type(single family, multi-family, apartments, condominiums, etc.): 3. Numberofunits: 4. Number of bedroom.~ in each unit: :5. Sale price of the units: or 6. Rental price of the units: 7. Estimated total project cost and breakdown of ovea'all development costs? 8. Who are you principally marketing your product to?. 9. How long do you think it will take to sell or rent your product? 11. Do you have linkages/contacts with ~ b~? Please explain(Reason: To see if you are meeting the local business needs.) 12. What are the proposed financing 13. How are you proposing to meet almmate ~tion needs? WITH NO BUSINF3S SUBSIDY WITH BUSINESS SUBSIDY Sources and Uses Sources and Uses SOURCF~ SOURCES Mortgage 9,600,000 8,667,000 ~uity 2,400,000 2,400,000 Tax Inerern~nt 0 933,000 TOTAL SOURCES 12,000,000 12~000~000 Land Sitework Soil Correction Demolition Relocation Subtotal Land Costs Construction Finish Manufac0.n'in~ Subtotal Constmcl/on Costs Soft Costs Taxes Fimnce Fees Project Manager Developer Fee Contingency Subtotal Soft Costs 300,000 468,000 100,000 65,000 2,433,000 6,750,000 250,000 350,000 35,000 850,000 542,000 540,000 250,000 300,000 468,000 100,000 65,000 2,433,000 6,750,000 250,000 350,000 35,000 850,000 542,000 540,000 250,000 2,567,000 2,567,000 TOTAL USES I 12,000'000 I 12,000'000 I Rent-Space 1 Rent-Space 2 Rent-Space 3 Other Scl. Ft. Per Sq. Ft. 100,000 $8.00 800,000 25,000 $8.00 212,000 25,000 $9.00 225,000 0 $0.00 0 Sq. Ft. Per Sq. Pt 100,000 $8.00 800,000 25,000 $8.00 212,000 25,000 $9.0O 225,000 0 $0.00 0 1,237,500 1,237,500 Mortgage 20 Term 9.00% Interest 9,600,000 1,051,646 20 Term 9.00% 8,667,000 949,439 INet Income Total Return on Equi~ 185,854I 7.74% ~8,~1[ 12.00% '~BUT.FOW' ANALYSIS WORKgHI~ WITH NO BUSINF.,~ SUBSIDY WITH B~ SUBSIDY Sources and Uses Soum~ and Uses $OURCY~ SOURCKS Mortgage Equity Tax Increment TOTAL SOURCES Land Sitework Soil Correction Demolition Relocation Subtotal Land Costs Construction Finish Manufuctufin~ Subtotal Construction Costs SoR Costs Taxes Finance Fees Proj~ Manager Develope~r Fee Continl~enc7 Subtotal Sof~ Costs Rent-Space 1 Rent-Space 2 Rent-Space 3 Other Sq. Ft. Per Sq. ~ Mortgage Net Income ] Total Return on Equity I hereby certify the above finnnei~ll infommtion is true and accurate. Title Date g.X H I liI'T ]~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR BUSINESS SUBSIDY 1. Applicant shall meet with City staff to discuss the scope of the project, public assistance being requested, time schedule and other information as may be necessary. 2. Following an initial meeting, applicant shall complete a Business Subsidy application. The completed application shall be submitted to the Executive Director of the Economic Develo~ Authority. 3. The application shall be reviewed by City staff on a preliminary basis as to the feasibility of tho project. City staff shall prepare a report on the project. 4. The application shall be placed on an EDA agenda for concept review. The applicant may make a presentation of the project at that tiin~. City staff will present its preliminary findings. 5. The following items must accompany the application: a. $2,000 application fee b. Completed "but-for" worksheet c. $10,000 application deposit d. Statement of Public Purpose e. Description of Project f. Plans and Drawing of Project g. Company Baclq~und Mamrial h. Letter of Feasibility i. Markrt Analysis j. Pro Forma Analysis lc Financial Statements 1. Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Analysis m. Other Pertinent Information . Following the n_,-cessary analysis of the application by City staff, a report shaU be prepared and presente~ to the EDA for formal action. If the application is approved, City staff will be directed to undertake the following steps: a. Prepare a redevelopment agreement between the City of Ch~h~ssen and the Developer; b. Prepare or modify the redevelopment plan and TIF plan if l~luired. 7. If zoning amendments or Planning Commigsion action is required as part of the project, the appropriate actions shall be taken prior to final considexation of the redevelopment agreement 8. Applicant must follow all city development review processes (e.g. site plan, platting, rezoning: PUD, etc.) before final Business Subsidy application may be approved. If you have any questions concerning th~ Business Subsidy application process, please contact: City of Chanhassen FDA Executive ]Ycector 690 City Center Drive PO Box 147 Chanhassen, M2q 55317 (612)937-1900 e..,xL 119 10