1c. Approval of Park & Recreation Service Award Program CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us .1(2, MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent 1R~. DATE: December 2, 2008 SUBJ: Volunteer and Service Award Recognition Program PROPOSED MOTION: "The City Council approves the Park & Recreation Volunteer and Service A ward Recognition Program as recommended by the Park & Recreation Commission." Approval of this item requires a simple majority vote of those City Council members present. As part of the approved 2008 Key Financial Strategies, the City Council asked staff to develop a program recognizing volunteers who contribute their time and resources to park and recreation functions. Staff developed and modeled an awards program based on the current Environmental Excellence Award Program. This conceptual model was reviewed by the City Council at their August 25, 2008 work session. Staff was directed to take the conceptual program to the Park and Recreation Commission for ~~eir review. PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION REVIEW (12-9-08) The Park & Recreation Commission reviewed the Volunteer and Service Award Recognition Program at their December 9th meeting. After review, the commission added a fourth category to include school groups from Districts 276 and 112 who have completed a special project or provided a service to the community. With that addition, the Park & Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Volunteer and Service Award Recognition Program. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. Park & Recreation Volunteer and Service Award Recognition Program. Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated December 9,2008. g:\park\jerry\volunteer awards\cc memo 1-12-09.doc Chanhassen is a Community for Life. Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION VOLUNTEER AND SERVICE AWARDS Park & Recreation Volunteer & Service Awards are provided by the City of Chanhassen to recognize individuals, businesses, community groups or school groups for their contributions to the community. These awards are designed not only to recognize achievement, but also to enhance the lives of our citizens through giving of themselves. PROGRAM GUIDELINES: Park and Recreation Service Awards will be presented in each of the following categories: A-Resident B-Business C-Community Groups and Organizations, Schools D-Groups representing schools in Districts 276 & 112 All entries submitted or nominated must meet the following criteria: 1. Activities and benefits must occur within the city limits. 2. Volunteering or special projects must be performed between January 1 and December 31, 2009. APPLICA nON PROCEDURE: 1. Any community member is eligible for the Volunteer and Service Awards. 2. Complete the application form and attach any supporting documentation. 3. Applications are due by November 1, 2009. 4. Mail application materials to: City of Chanhassen Attn: Jerry Ruegemer 7700 Market Blvd. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Or fax to: 952-227-1110 Or e-mail to:irueaemer@ci.chanhassen.mn.us If you have any questions, please contact Jerry Ruegemer at 952-227-1121. . CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION VOLUNTEER AND SERVICE AWARD APPLICATION FORM Application Deadline is November 1, 2009 Name: Address: Phone Number: Category: If in Category B, C or D: (Name of Business, Community Organization or school) Volunteering Description: Release of Information The City of Chanhassen reserves the right to use the award winners for promotional purposes through newspaper articles, the city website, or other means. I agree to allow the city to use my name and the description of my volunteering project. This release is only valid for winning entries. Signature: CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION VOLUNTEER AND SERVICE AWARD CATEGORY INFORMATION Cate90rv A: Resident - A resident or individual who has volunteered for a community park and recreation activity or service project, or other related activity. A Sample of Eli9ible Activities: 1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service project or special event through another group or agency such as a local athletic association, scouting group, etc. 2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's park system. 3. Sponsorship/Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support, sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a park and recreation or community program or activity. 4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen. CateQorv B: Business - A local business who has taken the initiative to become involved in a special project, a special event, or a recreation program through either working the event, dedicating their business resources, or providing financial support or sponsorship to the city. A Sample of Eli9ible Activities: 1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service project or special event through another group or agency such as a local athletic association, scouting group, etc. 2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's park system. 3. Sponsorship/Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support, sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a park and recreation or community program or activity. 4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen. CateQory C: Community Groups and Organizations - A group that has completed a special project or provided a service to the community that has directly benefitted the city. A Sample of Eli9ible Activities: 1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service project or special event through another group or agency such as a local athletic association, scouting group, etc. 2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's park system. 3. Sponsorship/Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support, sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a park and recreation or community program or activity. 4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen. CateQory D: Groups Representing Schools in Districts 276 & 112 - School groups who have completed a special project or provide a service to the community that has directly benefitted the city. A Sample of EIiQible Activities: 1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service project or special event through another group or agency such as a local athletic association, scouting group, etc. 2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's park system. 3. Sponsorship/Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support, sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a park and recreation or community program or activity. 4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen. CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREA TION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 9, 2008 Chairman Daniel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Daniel, Tom Kelly, Glenn Stolar, Steve Scharfenberg, Scott Wendt, Thor Smith and Dan Campion STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent; John Stutzman, Recreation Supervisor; Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator; Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager; and Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Stolar moved, Wendt seconded to approve the agenda, amended by Todd Hoffman to add a conversation about the updated park dedication fund history projections under Administrative Reports. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to o. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. VOLUNTEER RECOGINITION PROGRAM. Ruegemer: Thank you Chair Daniels. The rest of the commission, good evening. As part of the approved 2008 Key Financial Strategies, the council did ask staff to develop a program recognizing volunteers who contribute their time and efforts to the city. Recreation functions and other programs that we have. Staff did develop the kind of this model. It was reviewed conceptually back in August at the City Council. From that point there was some directive, some changes made to the model for the Park and Rec Commission's review, and that's what we're here to do tonight to take a look at the volunteer recognition program to kind of look at the categories. The criteria, information pertaining to the volunteer program. Make the necessary changes and updates tonight and then staff will then forward it onto City Council for their consideration and approval. So tonight staff is recommending that the Park and Rec Commission review and finalize the volunteer service award recognition program. And then after that staff again will forward it to City Council for their final consideration. Daniel: Okay. Just for clarification Todd that this was separate from I do believe, what's the other community service award that we participate in, or at least the City has. Hoffman: Environmental Service? Daniel: No. Stutzman: You mean the Rotary? 1 Daniel: The Rotary. I think it's the Rotary. Okay. Just want to make sure. Ruegemer: For the Person of the Year? Daniel: Yes. Ruegemer: Yeah, that would be a separate program, and this is somewhat modeled on the Environmental Excellence Award. We're probably going to try to keep it somewhat consistent with other city award programs. Hoffman: Environmental Service Awards were presented last night to individuals. A neighborhood and an individual that's working on the Lotus Lake watershed and the neighborhood was the Lake Riley Woods neighborhood for rain gardens. They planted eight rain gardens in their neighborhood and those were the Environmental Service Award winners last night. Daniel: Wonderful. Questions? Comments? Thor. Smith: None right now. Come back to me later. Daniel: Okay. Dan. Campion: I have none. Daniel: Glenn? Stolar: Just one question. I was wondering if we could separate out schools from community groups and organizations, just so you aren't having the Rotary compete against Key Club. I was just wondering if that would be, I don't know what environmental does but I was just thinking that there can be such a vast difference in those. It'd be nice to recognize the school people who make sure they have a category that they get. It's a suggestion. Ruegemer: Would there be enough school groups out there do you think that would merit having a fourth category? Stolar: Well we had the Minnetonka Seniors do the project last year. We had Key Clubs from two schools I believe have helped us. Stutzman: Ah yes. Holy Family just helped us out. It wasn't the Key Club but student volunteers did. Stolar: Volunteers. So I don't know. Maybe it would encourage it. We can always change it later too. I'm just saying that at some point maybe to give them their own. 2 Hoffman: The council also wanted us to look at even broader than that. To incorporate people that do things for athletic associations, so we may want to, as you work through your conversation tonight, take a look at that as well. Daniel: I think we can certainly put that language in there. I mean the community groups or organizations, I assume like the Chanhassen Athletic Association would fall under that. Them real in general, especially under the park and recreation aspect of it. But I like Glenn's thought because certainly there is, we have associations like what the CAA does plus on some of the other, both athletic and other recreation organizations out there, but also the schools, especially give recognition officially I suppose or some sort of nod to a lot of the volunteer activities that the schools do. Stolar: Plus you're going to have the high school opening up soon. Daniel: Exactly. Stolar: We'll have a bunch of different groups that will want to come in. Kelly: Is there any limit to the number of awards that can be awarded for each category? One per category per year, or is it unlimited? Hoffman: We would try to do one per category per year. I know last night they awarded two of the three categories. They didn't have a candidate in the one. Stolar: Right. I mean I expect we wouldn't necessarily have a candidate in each of those. It depends on who gets nominated but just one. So it'd be a max of 4 per year then under the. Daniel: Thanks Glenn. Steve. Scharfenberg: Todd, does the City have, or do they recognize employees short of this program, but do they have a recognition program for staff members that do anything? Hoffman: No. Scharfenberg: Would it be you know one thing to think about is to include staff as part of that because we have a lot of staff that does a lot of things I think above and beyond their normal duties in terms of recreation programs and stuff so I would throw that out as a consideration too. And then to get to Glenn's question of, if there is, do we have a role in terms of determining winners or not? Hoffman: Yes. Scharfenberg: Okay. So I'm assuming if there's more than 2 in one category, we talk that out and come up with a decision. Okay. Daniel: Excellent. Scott. 3 Wendt: What a great idea. I like, really like the idea of adding a fourth category for schools, especially with the new high school opening up so, looks good. Daniel: And Tom, anything else you want to add? Kelly: No. You answered my question. Daniel: Okay. Well I think this is a fantastic program and certainly in the park and recreation area, as I mentioned earlier, this would be a good opportunity for us to recognize a number of both community organizations as well as residents and businesses. I mean, and going back to what I said earlier about schools, I think that's something that we could certainly put into as a separate category. At least that would be I think what I'd be in favor of seeing. As far as any, are there going to be any type of advertisements? How do we go about notifying the public of these activities? Or these awards I should say. Excuse me. Hoffman: It'd be advertised, similar to what the Environmental Service Awards are put in the paper. Put in our community Connection. Maybe some direct mailings out to the schools. Daniel: Okay. Hoffman: Other organizations. Stolar: The web site. Daniel: Obviously all for 2009, so this is something that we will then have to vote in November of next year, or October I assume? Do a review and we'll make the presentation in November? Okay. Hoffman: It's a, last night at the council meeting, these are, there are a lot of people that come in for them and it's good publicity. Good press. So it's a combination of factors. It's recognizing some people and, but it also inspires others to continue in the good work that they've started in and then for others to jump on board and do some good things so. Daniel: Yeah. And there are a number of other categories we could certainly add I mean but I think the four will basically touch I think each of the important volunteer portion, and I think that's the critical portion. I think Steve you bring up a very good point about the city employees and staff within the city of Chanhassen. I don't know if necessarily this might be the forum but I assume Todd maybe down the road that there is some... Hoffman: If the Council wanted to do that they would do it most likely on a more uniformed and universal basis. Daniel: More so then just a recreation. 4 Hoffman: We do an internal one for service awards at our annual social for our employees. Our annual recognition dinner so. Daniel: Excellent. Well it sounds like we need to make a recommendation I assume. I certainly would have liked to see something to the effect of us at least adding schools as a fourth category. Scharfenberg: I don't know. I think if you've got schools in there, you're going to have, if it turns out that we've got an over abundance of schools participating, I think you know we can always change it. I would say just keep it with the 3 for right now and see how things go. Daniel: Well do we want to maybe re-evaluate after 2010 then? Wendt: I don't think, we're not limited to the number, it doesn't say that we have to give just one award either. Daniel: Each of the following categories. Ruegemer: Well that was the thought process was one award. Wendt: Didn't you say you gave two last night? Hoffman: Three categories last night. One didn't... Wendt: Oh okay. I thought you meant there was 2 within the same. Hoffman: No. Wendt: Okay. Stolar: Would there be anything that would prevent us, if it turns out we do want to split that in the voting next year, from doing that? I mean we're still collecting from people. It's not like we're changing it. Hoffman: Yeah. I think we want to move forward with either 3 or 4 as a decision because once we start printing this stuff up. Daniel: You want to be consistent. Hoffman: Come in and then we decide we're going to split it, council's not going to, they're going to say it's not what you advertised. There might be some cross over. You might have an individual at either a community group or an organization, school that could be recognized as a resident. They might do something affiliated with the school. They might lead some special project. You could recognize them as a resident, and so that would provide some cross over. Campion: Maybe if schools were broken off, it could be schools or youth contributor award type thing? 5 Kelly: Is there any, there's no monetary value to this at all? It's just a certificate. I mean I don't see the, I mean I don't see the need to limit it. If you get 3 or 4 really good residents that...1 don't see a need to limit it to one per category per year. I think if you expand it to take into account more than 1 per category, then the idea of splitting the schools goes away because now you don't have to, that's not, I don't see the need to limit it to 1 per category if you get some great residents or businesses that really contribute because there is no monetary value so you're not taking away budgets. It's just, I mean this here is to recognize really good community contribution. That's my two cents. Hoffman: I believe the environmental ones are limited to 1 and not, it's just to keep it exclusive and then also not to run out of, if we could give out 40 awards the first year. 10 awards or 15 awards and then you're quickly going to run out of potential candidates over time. Businesses especially. Daniel: I think that's actually a critical point. In looking at it, I think we want to make, if you do make it inclusive enough to a certain extent, or something that is set as far as on a goal. It's certainly not on the minds of any of these people who are volunteering. It's frankly the furthest after thought that they'll have, but I think at the end of the day if it gets, there's some meaning behind it based off this limited amount that have been, the limited amount of rewards that are there, then certainly it gives that much more of a reward I think to a certain extent. Wendt: And if in the future we had two great candidates we could probably talk about it at that time, when it comes up right and call them so. But for now, on the 3 versus 4, can we take a vote between us what we want to do? Daniel: We can certainly do that. I guess as far as those who are in favor of having the school as a separate category. Hoffman: Somebody needs to put a motion to the floor and you either vote it up or down. Daniel: For the, the school as a fourth category? Stolar: Alright so I'll move that we take staff's recommendation but amend it to add a fourth category of schools. Campion: Second. Stolar moved, Campion seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council approve the Park and Recreation Volunteer and Service Recognition A wards with the following categories: Resident, Business, Community Groups and Organizations and Schools. All voted in favor, except Scharfenberg who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 6 to 1. Daniel: Well then we'll certainly move forward with that based off of Commissioner Stolar's recommendation and move onto old business. 6 Scharfenberg: Do we have to move to adopt staff's recommendation with that? Stolar: That's what I did. I proposed it as an amended motion. Daniel: Yep. Stolar: Probably not Robert's Rules of Order but close. Hoffman: You'll see the nominations. You'll work through them. Make a recommendation to the council and then typically one or two of the commissioners assist with the awarding of the certificates that evening so you can look forward to that next year. Stolar: We'll have Steve give the school's one. Daniel: Okay. 7