1i Approval of MinutesCI~,.NHASSEN CITY COUNCIL ~
JANUARY 27, 2003
~ me,ting waa calk~ t~ ordm' at 5.'05 p.m. by Mayor Fro:long.
V~ou~ ~ of ti~ liti~uion v~ ~
Mayor l:~'long adjota'l~ th~ m~gg at 5:50 p.m.
FI~RUARY 10, 2003
aspects of the litigation we~ discusaxl.
Mayor l~rlong adjourned the meeting at 5:55 p.m.
FI~BRUARY 10, 21}03
~"rAl~ ~: Todd ~ Tom Scott, Jmttin 19r_lller, Teiv4~ Burl~ M~t Saran,
Kelley Jan~, and Bruce De~
PUBLIC ~ Mark Ruff and Je~ica ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~n; Black and
Ve~tch; and membe~ of the Water ~ Plant Task Force
explore the central plant conce~ and the dual plant cco:z'pt a~ outlined, whether to ~ a
public involvement procem, and placing a 2003 rate increase identified in the no t~.stmc-nt
clarifications on th~ pro's and co~'s ~ f~x a city water tmntment plant. Due to time
The work se~ion was ~ at 7.~}0 p.m. The ~ session tex:onveaed at 8:45 p.m.
Council asked f~ clarification on Well//9 ami Well #10, and if their site pisa-merit needed to
coincide ~ a ~ ~t p~ Kelley Janes drew a schematic of how the' cily's well
results from the co. ..... mit,7 survey t~ea 2 y~ar~ ago as it rdn~cl to people's pegception of city
wat~r~ payingforanewwnt~-~tpla~ tt~thstta~snd sn~Hwerenota
major issue. The results we~ inconclusive, split heady in haft on raising taxes fc~r a ~
tream~eot plane C. mmcihmn l:~z~on ~g~sted that in lOyears dmethetechno]ogywiUclum~
~ they prefezred to wait nntil the mama' plan wa~ fini~ed and then di~cu~ it nta i'uha~ work
City Council Wink Se~i~ - Petrunry 10. 2003
~ by Todd Gerhnrdt
City M.~?
FEBRUARY 10, 2003
STAFF ~ Todd ~ Tom Sco~ J~i.lu W_dl~, Todd Hoffrmn, Mn- ~m:.
Teresa Burge~ Kelley J'8~es, .Id] Sinclair, and Bruce DeJong
PUBLIC l~m~qlNT FOR ~.T.L rrEMs:
PItF-gi~ITATION OF 2002 I~q'VIRO~AL gX~.L~l _f~ AW~.RBS.
~ill Sinclair:. Yenh, justbfiefly. T'ne Ea~ Nacellence Awgrds are given out each year
to reco?i~ ~t to the mmml resoumes withln the local ciIy here.. Toni~oht I'd like to
alittle~E~ Some of the q~plicar~ will ~ceive our $5O in Chamb~ Bucks. Ir'sa
addition to a cerfifica~ or plaque. I'd lilm to introduce R~ Olsca from the
Ron Olson: Ha~ l~:~ll~n~ Awards are ~ by the City of ~ to
awards are designaied nc~ only to recognize 8c..bievemea~ but also to cnmnnmie~- new ~ and
encourage the members of the ~ community to rm~ a diff'm'eace in tl~4r wc~dd- The
first award goes to ~ack and Paula Atkins fur th~ night sky friendly li~ohti.~. Am they t:n'esez~?
Or Jack is I n~sume. This award is given to lack and Panla f-ct a long time advocate of ni~'ht sky
friendly lighting. Jackwasabletoputinto~~~~~l~ TI~
Jill Sinclair:. Do you want to tell us a little ~ethlng ~ your pmject~
City Council M,.~n~ - Fetmutry 10, 2003
to get the prairie to look like a prairie. We've worked really bard with some dedicaled kids and
staff to get the plants to look like plants and not like why axea't they mowlng that. Whafs the
with ms~h ami social stadies a~ scicm~ ami m and nmsk. So it's be~m a ~ th~ has boca
inlm'wo~ within tl~ whole school, not just ome in a while. So we're really lucky to have a
space iike that to tutve u an m.mtoo' ~
Roe Olsom We have a second type of award which is a Recegniti~ "cra of l??a~
ExceJlez~:e. The Ea~ G:,,;,;;lssion and City Counc~ exx~n~ i~e that there axe
~mp~ Recognitkm of ]~~ Hxcellgncc Awm'ds to ~ t. bo~ who lurvc h~! a
of fostering envirmmea~ aw~ ~ ~ ~. R___~riving that will be P~ic Semmo and
Me,lina Gill.man. T'nc Villager does the Oumh,~ ~ a gmat sen, ice by ccmistm~
EricSemmo: Acm~llyIdon't Incrmallyhideouiinthe~bu~thanks~yf~
tl~. We're all part of the big, blue marble I guess ami Melina did a 1o~ of this wc~ and it's
really too bad slm's not here to be abte to shsre in some of this. If you see bet o~ tl~ street ~ at a
a singte new home, 2 ~/tons of waste is c~ated and se~ to landfiRs. Talin a laige developer liim
PaRe Homes who is building 141 homes in town, ami you have an enormous quantity of
construaion waste. Pulte Homes is pi___r~i_ 'nE a new stralr4D' aimed at ai&zfificax~Y ' .n~u~ing
City Council M__~- February 10, 2003
beck into the ~ Sowe'mhaulingoffswhoiehX!_,~__jankthnweusedto. Andrd
just liim ~ thank the City of Omflaassen. R's been a real treat to v~k with ~ on yom'
CONSENT AGE/qDA: ~ I2mdqu~ mov~ ~ A~ seeamled t~
b. ~ Amendment to ~oint Powers Agreement, Western Ama ~ Trnl.lng
Association OhrAFFA).
c. ~ of Bills.
All voted in fnvor and the ~ enrrled unmflmously wi~ a vote of 4 to O.
Todd~ MeyorFdjustlikcmsddoneimn. It'sasts:rtupa,,t,~ontheFebnmryFestival
after B~ ~t's ~~. We hav~ a shc~ power point Ixesenmtion f~r the council.
Mayor Furlong: Okny, thankyou. Mr. PeUitishe~~h~~n~isgoingtogive
the council a quick ut~n~. Wc tho%o~t thin woukl be a good ~ for tim. If you're ready Mr.
Bm'fy ~ Into_
BarryPetfit: Ttumks fm'lmvingmelm~ Talkalx~thelilmu'yaliRlebit. We finnlly got out of
the ground, as you can see and we act,,,,]ly might get done ~ this project, so we'r~ excilrd
Cipy C. ouncil lvlge~-~ - ~ 10,2003
project unfom,,~y in terms of dolla~ I thiuk we've gutu~ our way through ~11 of thae issues
ext we're, I wouldn't say we're back ce track but we am movil~ ahead zapidly, F~udly. Audi
winter. So that works out pretty woll f~ fl~m- Iwm~l~we'relx'obablyabout2~
behim:L Yeah, nhno~exact.ty. Ithinkw~'m2mm~hsbebindn:ftn-we'm4n'~,'~l~umlgr
And glass and so fen'th i. stol pm~bly about 5 weeks off so th~ hav~ to do ~ ~~
wtme that is about now. We're go~n~ to be going out fo~ bid. There's anotter pa~ cm this
aud that will be going out ac~,slly tcm~orrow, a~d tie~'s about 3 week bid~ process nn thst-
Probably in, maybe about anothea' 2 c~ 3 months, and th~'s ~ ,{?s? fo~ all the hmxiicap
then uext year signage on the building. So that's kiud of where ~ ~ ~ I ~ it's ~
! think we're roll[n~ ahead ~ ~ and aggrea~vely right now aud _beLanni-~ to see scs~e
Mayor Furlong:. Any questioas?
Bm-y Pe4~: The way we look at it right now is thaL becau~ the buildb~'s effectively, altl~,~
it's not enclosed in terms of windows bej'ng in place. It's efi~tiw, ly enclosed with respect to the
roof, so in terms of literally rte building itse. lf. Ws bani to imagine a weat~ event or a sequence
cit~ CouncU Meeens- ~ 10, ~
Cmmcilman Ayott~ Let n~ try ii anoth~ way ~,,~-- I did waut to narrow the question m just
thatpoinL Veuc~r~asanexample~ Doyouhavuyo~v~d~l~? We hav~-{l
material v~ have locked in?
Barry Pettit:
Couucil,r,s,,Ayo~e: Noott~issuos. The big c~ w~ had was weather. We' re not going to
Barry PelgI: Again, n~ to be]aix~ that bo1 if w~ do run iui~ weather H~ we had last YmUr, it
would~biy be~ it certainly wouldi .ml~'t~guys. AndIwillsayit'safabulompark. Ifs
si~ So it is a pretty dramatic opporlmm~ fo~ the city, not only to let a uew ~ but the park
It mi_oht be, what maybe a mumii lal~r, plus or minus. So th~ sequeucin8 has v,,uduxl out really
Barry Petfit: Anything else?
BarryPetfiC We'v~8otthefu~placo~out. Wehave, audlt~kwew, xkedthmushthst
a~d it will, it's there, number one, ami I think iI's in thc ri.o~t place.
CouucHman 1~ Okay.
BarryPe~t: No oue's going to hiug up the coffee shop so l cmm go now right? No, it's exi:ifing.
I think the building, it's always fun to ~ it begin to tramfugm =s?~l,,lly so you can re. aIly de6~
the building, especially as long as it's tak~ to {~t time and v,~'re, in the offic~ we're ail rually
exci~a~t~ We think it' s suing to be a great sdd to the cily. IknowtheHimuyfolksaru
have a lot of work to do obvioualy with ldring new staff because they go, it's almost Ithink what,
10 times bi{i~w ~ the h'brary they have now, which is a huse, husu mmsfurmafion for them
to come back with any reixx~ by all meam. Oiveusacall. We'rel~reanytim~
M_~yc~ l:~rlong: Oreat, thank you.
took place 2 weeks ago at February ~ A~ tl~a ~..~ Fd li~ to introduce Todd Hoffman.
Mayor Furlong: Verygood, thank you and that was, it wu a great fin~ And people were rually
~mjoying themseivm so cougmml~i_~, Todd to you mud ~ and J~.~y and everybody
really put in a lot of effort m get that dm~ We~ally~it. Can I move on now7
h, tnyor l:~n'long: Tlumks. We'U mov~ on ~! ~ clo~ ~
~ason for ws.t~.g a second clr~vewny and the variance is the ~ driveway he says is long
and th~n leave that wny. It'srenllyan~t~rof~ As I said staff ~ Rmre am
other opliom to this driveway variance. A couple of those, the applicant coukl consm~ a loop
is to provide some landscape lighting along the ~ driveway fiR% d/f~p, flt to see out of at
repc~ Fd be lmppy to tak~ any questions tbst council may haw,.
Mayor Nurlong: Any questions?
right-of-way be of a hard su~facetyperr~'~/al. So l don' t know if he inlmds to~ Iwouldsay
thst he'd have to.
remember and he ~ it was okay to construct a ~ ~y. At the time 1~ moved in
the new code was cu the bool~ that only one driveway ~ccess is allowed per ~ lot.
Com~cilrrum~ Wouldwen~,~llypullape~nitonadrivewayhT~tlm~ Isthat?
Mm Saam: Yes, f~ work in the right-of-way. But in ~h case, because it's a second driveway, I
mean we wouldn't have allowed it anyways. If he would have called me and warned a peau~t to
doit, Iwoukln'thaveallowedit. Butyeah, fcrwarkinright-of-way, yep. You' re requi~d to get
a permi
Oty Omndl M__~ng- tletmmry I0, 2003
Counciim~ Pemrson: Okay, thanks.
~Lundquist: Okay. Wl~nIdrovem-mmd~~s~~'sno~~of
_the~_ _ areas, riltht'~ You have the rind to fl~e ed~ and fl~m tlmm's no curbs.
ws~ng to bsck down that eufire driveway. Ami as ~sr as out lmilding~
Matt Saam' Yeah, r m not saying he's proposing an o~ buiklin~
Matt S~m-' I was just using th~ as an example.
Coun~man ~ui~: What I'm loo~ng a~ w~a I see your s~ sugg~fiom that he's going to
have to tear up ss nmch, if not n~m of his yard to naflre an ~ tnm s.mund, crm m ~
Matt Sasm: Are you mf-~zring to the loop tbat he'd h~ve to do son~ mar~ ~ in the ~
Councilman Iximlquisl: Yeah. I mesh he's, tiffs isn't a real lmlg ~ thi~: ~y and I
guess I'm looking for an _en~ne~__'ng or ~ ~ why in this ~ ca8~ ~ tllllll
than it doesn't meet the
c~ Counc~ Mee~g - Nebrm~ 10, 20O3
l~,m: Well the safety is our issu~ Youknowlimifingtheacce~anothcr~cx-,,i-~
o~toBsstwoodCourt. It'sclo~etothecorncr. People would be tumlug. Notexpecfingthie
driveway to be tlm~ If you 8o out theru '"~1 it's nmmficmed in the stm~ mPC~t, it is in a rather
vegem~ou, movb~ rocks ,,~a so forth to get a mm to go bac~ o~t t~ same drive?
M~ Sum: To do the loop.
Councilman Ayotm To do the loop.
1VlaIi~nm'- Tlm~ am a couple of trees, ff~'~~m~ Acoupleofsi?ificant
trees in this ama. ttwas my estimatiou you could work armmd them, maybe you couldn't. Thc~
hav~ to be a hol~ put in that but as I said, ~o mo~ leal ffnMiing ~ w~ ~ ~ ~ I
mean he's already clea_,ed a path to put a driveway out the~'c so, and thc:re i~ another ~ You
com~g t~ck ~
Councilman Petcrscrc To your point Bob, I think you'~e talking about tsking out 5 foot
so that the, it mitigates to sclc degree the ~ of driving out from the driveway imo the road
upfimt and pull a permR. But I suspect we'll hear saxc more befmc we 8o forwa~
Mayor Furlong: Is dmina~ along that, I fl~ it's Nastw~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
with a culvem't or scrmflfing?
MattSmu~ That's a good point. I'didpuIacondifionatthu~md, ffyouall~mapimuveit,
that he supply us with a little beum' survey with some elevation a~d~ so we can determine the
drainage i .n~wts. We may need a culvert along ~*O~,'ood Court, tb~ sc~ of thing so, b~ st this
fin~ Tom I'm not stn~ how the drainage i .mpscts of that driv~vay.
Mayorl~dong: O~y. You said it's not w~ lit Tntl~astzeetlight~6'~'in~*y, sectionof
Eastwood stat Fox~mt, do w~ know?
Mxtt~ Wellthat'sagoodquesli~. rvebee~outthe~Ido~'t~o~lmtI
shouldlmwnot~tit Idoa'tbe2iev~thereis. Ifthe~'~lx~aadldoa'tseehlmmayl~,
M~yor lVm'lo~g: Okay.
l~n 8aam: I wasu't out there at night so it's jast.
That'soksy. Alri~o4~. any ocher questions f~smff? Okay, th~. Tl~sisnota
As I undemm~ that hearing took pls~e at the P~srm~g ~ Isthe
l~t~ ~nm'_ I don't se~ hivr~
Co~c~ P~m,~: I gue~ Fm son~dmt mti~ to approve it without hearing fn~m ~
· pplim~ I'd be wry ~riom u to lmowwhytheydidn'tm~.abiggexmmoraplatfom~m-ea,
axe! tt~ didn't do a loop. The loop se~ms tim most logi~! to m~, both ~ a cost ~
and from a, just fimm an aestlx~ ~ve. You know I think Brian you meaticsmi that it's
probably a ~ bit longer to go whex~ they did v~sas a loop and I don't imow whe~zx ifs
purely a cost iss~ m' their ~ aesttmic issue but I'm not ready to vote cm it until I g~t sc~e
of ~ qu~stiom nn',o~4_ ~ now ~ wasn't eaon~ comt~_lling ~ t~ approve It
May~ Furlong:. Okay. Oth~ dis~u~o~?
Coun~ilm~n AyoR~: I want to say it's because of the we~_ th~ that he's not ~ But maybe
something ~ or maybe he couldn't get out of Ms d~iveway. I don't know but sin~e we
have a clot with us. ff we're taking th~ tim~ to tsl~ about R, I think ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m
Com~ilman Per,sou: Do what with us?
Coum~a~ Ayot~ Pumpp~ws. h'sjustlikeap~yint~pi~
M~yor Furlong:. O]my.
Councilman ~ We should get a court mpot~ to vaite these ~ dov~
Todd Gedmrdt: We hsve one~
Mayor Furlong: We have one.
Todd Oerhardt: They're in the -~h,utes. It's very calm'mining.
City Council Meeting - February 10, 2003
witho~ talking to hlm ami so, atlhough I thought that he was going to be here~ I wish he would
been lm'e tonight, I clan't, I l~m to, rinds tnbllng it tmtll w~ c~m talk to Mr. S~upa~r or give
him: at le~t give him a notice of one more ~ if he doesn't flx~w up at the ne~t meeting thut
MayotPurlong: Iflcouklgobec. ktoque~. Waaheaotifiedoftheappeal~~?
MattSaaa: Yes. Yeab, he'smquiredto~inwrifingafmxmlappealmthePlanaing
Cu.,;m;uio~'s deaial. Wlga he did so I told him rd pm you on f~ ~e rebn~zy life cuuucfl
x~-,ed_ ing. I never gave him a mmlnd~ call or anythlng but I tell him the d~ s~ Plus he did get a
Mayt~r Furlong:. Okay. And he dk~'t eomact us at ail?
l~hyorlhn'long: Okay. Welllhaveafewcommems~I~~~~~m~
of the list as far as rm concerted from a use of time ~ so I wiIl wilhlmld my other
dLscussi~ is there a motioa?
Councilman Ayuii:: I move to table~
Mayor Nudoug; Is the~ a secced?
Mayor l:qxrlong,: With a 2-2 tie..
Tom Sco~. It cloem't pa~.
Mayor Nurlon~ The motion to table does not pas~ Okay, therefore we'll go back to ~
~ discu~ioa or another motic~
Mayor Furlong: Is ~ a second? rtl ~ am ~ ~x~ ~ ai~_~ on ~ motion?
allow a second driveway at 9450 Foxford Road. All voted in favor, except Coundlman
Ayotte who oppemst, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~3 ~ 1.
City Co~cU Meeeng - ~xuary 10, 2~03
sm~l?rmtlon of those docunm~. What I found is thst there ate a few thin~ that we've dm~e
thai really are no~ exactly squa~ ~ ~ ]aw ami this document is tryln~ m rafiomdize om'
policy ~nd m~m nsm tlmt it follows the sram Cu~ui~ ~ tfi~ to im~ m in li~ with tho~
autlx~ity rely goes up to $15,000. W~'v~ only be~ hrln~in~ in tho~ fore,al bid imam that
snnually in the capitid ~ ~ 80 tkmt yotl have a ~ so]id ~ of
wba~ i,~ inlended to be pmcJulsed, w s really thc 80/20 kind of mit thst you'~e getting 80 ~
of the dollar volume, approving the maximnm and no~ ~ving to deal wi~ ~ 80 ~ tl~s
r~my doesn't addr~ tho~e spec~ eaSineer~ ~ l~'Oje~. Yoa've ~d a poc~ of
propc~ls back to yo~ f*m' ev~_ .stirm and r~view. 'l'tm~'s a couple other thin~ besides tb~ policy
document ~ I'd like m talk atx~ and tho~ m~ mvtho~--'z~n~ the city managez m make ~
and the use of credit cards. What sest~, statut~ ~ i~ it allows you to delegate y~ ~ f~
It is a~ le~t 3 week~ on a very x'e~]l-r bssi~, and we have some ~'*~ stmm~ language that
slatnlxny reqMresmnt. By mnh~ifing tl~ city mlmagex to ~ax)ve lmymmm~ what you're doing
is you're testily squm'ing up procedurally the way we haw to intexam laetweem two diffeazm ~m
meeting is your Troth in Tax.ion hem'Mg, taxi tlma the stxamd Imeling i~ your xed'Mar, your first
falling someplace ri~t before Cl~ristmas. which nobody testily wants to do and I'm su~ would
city Council - l mty lo,
issue credit cards to any city employee who ires a need Io purchase on a regular bssi~ bu~ unlilm
to n~tri~t it down tmsically on a trsnssl~n dollm' ~ With ~ ~ ~ it's a
closed loop system, ~ ~ owns both end~ of the ~ You know as a card
types. Say it will only be good ,,t gas smiom ~r hotels, ~ tt~ could resu~ it down to speci~
veodm-s so thst ~ ~ ~y ~ a~ ~ a ~ ~ m ~ ~ a ~
vesdor for a pa~_'odm' d~lar amoent, whi~ I think gh~s us significant ~ ~ to
on a regular basis. Industdal~firmofW.W. Orain~isapmfcrmdvesder. Targ~isa
it r~y bo~s down to is, it e~s~s t[~ ~d~ b~ (m us. ]~ste~d o~ lmv~ to write
Councilman ~ Okay.
Bruce DeJong: We would ~ th~ in the finan~ deparune~ to v~rify.
Coumiln~ Petenan: $o if the h~vidml user is Umty in ~/ng tl~ ~ we're ~ill going
Bruce I~ong: I haven't r~lly ~ th~ o~ b~t ~ w~'~ ~ · ,~?licm 1/11, if w~
don't/et that we'll certainly be asking the ~ w ~t tlm infu~fio~ in oa a very rapid
Councilrrmn Peters/m: Okay.
MayorNurlong: Thankyou. Am there any quesficms fram council?
Couac/ln~LundquisC YeahacoupleB~ Backtothe, Ith~}Cndg~theimtividmd
versus ~ Co.ems me fl~ I imow that there's ~ you can put in place to limit
andchat~someth/n~ I mean cuce that ~ is made you're on the hook. Ifit'sacc~xxate
tl~ so that concems me. The, I wonder how, whattbed~fference~c/ngmbe. If you' re using
on a ~; I mean you d~'t really get, do you get a good enough description to reccmm%
devammmt gets it's own cani and then they get. I see, I'm just looking ~t a capital twoject.
We've got some dry ~ wcxkers th~ s~ going om and charging pi__~y:~_ fez lift st~ims or
BruceDeJmg; Exacfly the same way wedonow. F~r the most psrt we rely on the depamm:nt
heads and SUlm'ViSCrS to code those bills, and we review the coding whea it comes
BruceDeJo~:. Well, purclmse c~ders really dtm't work very well. In the sense tha~ for small
items, what you eroded up with is geaerally...down the informatim on the receipt. So what this
us. On a monthly basis we're calling around, cslling to Mer~n's trying to find ou:L now who
~ We know eomcfly who charged it and if they dce't lxovide us with the back-up
going to reconcile the pumhase order just the same as you woukl the credit ~ ~ I~ you
Imve it individnnlly billed. The card company m tl~ ri~aht to come bs~k to tl~ tax,ploys.
Maym'Pudous: Okay. SoAmeric. mm]~xpim~sslmsbothof~';' Okay.
Cou~cil,v~n P~ And obvioualy they would ~ff'~ cm'IX~ms]xmsiti]iIY°ne because
l',d~yor Fudong: Sure.
l'~ym' Nurlc=g: I gu=~ do you hav~ enotl~ qu~dou?
~ Lundqu~ Yea~
have is that if we get in a large scale lxoject where ~'~ ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~-
We've got an invesfigstion stage, a~ I think we approved one a couPtc wcelm a~ on thc consent
$60,000 project in total to do that so. You know I'm not saying that's ~ going to happen but
Bruce DeJ'oflg: Yep. Fw sam,n~sted, to ~4the. ss that in ~_~x-~_ 'on 2, eth/cs s~d relations with
cr~ CouncU Mee~ins - Fehuary I0. ~03
the invoice cc~ in frmn the coui~-l~, R's ureter $15,000. Todd dgus the I~l a~ away w~ I~
Council~ Pctcrson: Anythln~ under 15.
thes. checks have been cut and if we hav~ any ~ we'll So back a~ tt~ ~
Bruce DeSong: That's correct.
Councilm~ Pemrson: T~ ~ tool we have for yom' point of doing th~ $14.999 ~ or
s~hing called employme~ st will
speaks a little bit to Briau's issues but my seine is that yon think ~ ~ and with the
other activitim that ti~ finance ~ is already doing, villi wu hav~ ~_d_eq,~,n~- controls on
our q~ding? And with tl~ .~thcrity to spend.
~rfooodl~ ~ a~qua~ to n~m~ thnt ~ won't be abuse and I think if yo. ask any of ~
Councilmm Ayott~: Well I /o have a, '~'st off'. Thankyou, becameI~k~nhasbee~
there but rm n~ seeing it, is the Imsis ~ ~. ~ ~1 ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~
RFP so thnt, o~to have it avnilnble so that whm an ~ la inmzxl we have a ~ t~
and so forth. Is thnt sddrm~i in your docummt in ~me fadfim?
are lXObsbly a little b/t ~ than that, a~ I'll use the immm:e of tim sc, mining soflwsre. You
Councikmm A~ I usually dcm't disagree with people Brace but ce thi, point I dcm't think we
determ/ne whether or not whn~ we nxe seeing is a fair nnd ~le price. Iju~ rm not say~g
n___~es~rily that we sddmss it in flain d~cuznmxt, but I would like to ask whelh~ ~r not it's
what's been paid and use that as a refexem:e so there's an active ~ point to take a look see st
what a cost is beft~e you go ahead nnd npprove a ~ But with respect to the docunm~
son~*~ing about pricing so thnt we know if a cost is up or down or jmt right. I don't know if
Councilman Ayottm. Oh absolutely.
specific? Why don't w~ lxing it back to ~ thank y~ and oizxt it up for dizcuaakm on th~
Councilman Ayotte: Yeah, thm~'s nothing else m say.
Mayor tam'long: Okay, fair eaouEh. Fair enough. Councilman Ltmdquist
Mayor Furlong: Mayor Fudong, I would lilm to see us move, pu~ a amd/tim in here som~ow on
the employee waiver or move to ~m indiviflml ~ty on the credit cmds, We've got to g~
b~ someday it's going to happen and bet~ that we get that out of the way now rather than ~ to
address it when it g~s painfuL Oiler thsm thst I'm cc~fixt~ie with eve~ythln~ tlm~s in irate.
Mayor Furlong: Fm scary, could you repeal
Bm~I~ong: Efnmeso~St-t,,t~471.382. Th~fcmrthpag~back
Tom Scott: I would concur that's whst the sum~ says and thnI they would be imsamlly liabl~
The issue though of whether or not you could actually rrmk~, them sign a form that says if I dm't
pay, you can collect what I'm personally liable ~ by deducling it from my paycheck is, I'm not
employees. So if you want~ to couditiou this, the adopiiou of this policy on that I would suggest
you do to the e0m~ that it's legally permi.~ibte thai we would require our uu~loye~ who have
should just double check that, if you really wan1 to ma~ sure thst would be pe~miss~le re:muss
MayorPurlon~. Tbankyo~ Iguesssomett~lShi~Ihsve. Flrst of all l think an three
compomnts of these rrmk,-, a lot ~ seine. One, the purchasing poli~ is very good, especially to
city's operations. I tl~.k with m..gaxd to deJegafing suh'-,,-ii,y to the city manage., while ~
hesitant about that, I think it mak~ ~ ng well alld I say timt facetion~ly clearly. With regard
employee relsti~ship, that cam clearly be ~ in the policy c~, it's in the statute. Fm going to
rely o~ Mr. GedmdI and Mr. De. long to mana~ the deia~ of the finance a~l ira's a
problem, to me thafs an employer-employee issue thai will have to be dealt wi~ I guess whaI I
the~'s a reasonable time period sach as maybe 6 months or 9 rmmt~ at,r, if we approve this
policy this evening, mst we could just g~ a review back or rq~t back on how the policy's been
City Coun~ ~-~ 1o, ~o~
and just, you know eve~ if there are problems and what's wocked well and what's been, if it's
meet the expectations. It's been better than ex~?-_:J,a;on- and maybe it hasn't met expectathms.
rd lik~ ~, rai~r than ju~ passin~ ~ movi~ o~ rd li~ soo~ ~ in a masooal~ ~mc
and FII leave iI up to tl~ two of yma to detcrmi~ wlmt thst time pm'iod is ~ ~'s ~~
and has time to be f-ully milized. So I _gue~___ I'd, in response to your issue, I guess rd be a little
employe~ is pcrscnally liable. Now by delegating that auflmrily to the city nmmscr if it's less
ttmn $15,000 does that inlmcmly include the city me~mgcr, alflmugh he's not spelled ou~ in tlmm?
Mayor Furlong: You're ssyin~ if I umtemami you. Since this speaim to the ~ if the
~uaeil ~ ~,t's a~ to tl~ ~ty maaa~ by ~ of tl~ w~ we re'Il !~ c~t~l?
Todd Oerhardt: You're doing that ~.
Councilman ~ I mcan I know rm spl~*~ hairs tm~ lx~
Cmmcilman ~: I think it goes back to the maym"s ~ of you ]mow, a~e we thlnking thst
our city empl _oyeeg__. is their glass half empty o~ hail full? Thgn'o's a certain srr~nnt of tzust nnd ff
they abuse it then we have the ~ fix disciplinary action. I think ffu~ tfu~s w~ mos~
dolhrs of fraud, I~ th~'s also in a previous kind of ~ system wlm~ tl~m~ wasn't
SIC code and they'can do per county and per you know cry, e~. e~ so I umtm's~smi, I think ~
years ag~ I would hav~ been more passion~- ~ ~ y~'m trying to ac~mp~ ~ I ~
that tbey'v~ granulated the card system now ~ that to a grea~ degr~ ~ what tim's
City Cotm~il Meeting - ~ 10,2t)13
~ Ayo~t~: Well thnt's why when Tom said k~'s look a~ it in 6 mout~m, we']l look see
bow it's going but Craig's right. I work for the Feds ami it's so rmtricfiw now that's whys
Councilman Ayotte: Seccs3d.
~ Ayotte: You tlmught ttmt was ~ng to be easy, didn't you Bruce?
you want to take cme of these. ~ was a mer..ilng of the Southwest Crm'id~ Tn~
Coalitkm to disc~ the continued need to i .mr, mss utxm our k~ le~'~s our snppc~ our
expre~ support f~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~~ 31~lZ I think it was a good
meeting and the next Ine~ng thst th~'vc ~ set is for Nelxuary 21"t, I believe is a
with us, and I believe they're going to drive ail the way down 312 ~ they have to ~ off, and
the~ was a meet/ng of the P~a~em Carver ~ O,,,,,..,,.dty Leaders, which ~ most of
at which time all elecu~ 1,'~a~rs within the cities and counties will be inviled to a presematian. It
April 8'~ on their calendar to the e.x~m that they are available,, that will be a good meet~g to
Todd C_m'hardt: Just 6:00 p.m. snd tgrflmbly at o~e af the school sit~, if not the adminism~ve
IVhyo~ Purloug: Okay.
Co~ Lumtqu~ Todd can you hav~ Kareu m' sou~body se~ ouI a ~ a ~m:mIh iu
ToddOem~ Yeah. They_mu,,,llyseudouIauagumta,mdwe'llpassthstcsml:oc~. You'll
probably ~ it dirty, eit~ iu you~ box upstairs m' aI ~
Todd Oe~: Yes.
IV~nyorNm4ong: Ohy. Any other ~ ~ co ...... ;,,~i~~~? Anythi~
o~ the41 river crossing y~?
~L,u~ No~h~ng to ~port yet
meeting, up to $150 per mon~ I trove a form for you to ~ oui, and th~ would tn~. into effect
u a city count! ~. Ii doe~'t mean you have to be wi~h d,~ enfize 8muu~, bui m~
meetinE was about, ~d ~ it s~l Eive them w n~ on co--oil ~'~E ~. Any q~e~fi~?
May~r Padon~ Okay,~ny que~i~? Yes. Okay. Thank yo~
h fl~e a m~tion, I belie~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ on the a~nda ~o is there a ~ to
C][~4Jq]]A~3~ PARK AND
Viee ~ IF~lly cnlled tl~ mt~ing to order at 7~ ~
a public announcen~nt last .i_.~t in~i~,g evcry~ down to join him and his fitmily at the
Hoffman: 18 inches thir~
Ke~y: Any other ann~ or was that it?
now the l~'-~-h for Resources was formerly West Hennepin ~ Services. They chansed
their n~me within ti~ last 3 to 4 m~ths so just a l/ttle ~ o~ that. We've been
plxme calls oo a quartedy ba~ u a part of this ccutract and ff we need to im:lude some inclusica
man~ fo~ i~eschool be~stbelL t-ball, a lo~ of o~r yo~ kind of YMCA pro~ haw lmm
bad them staff, or train o~r playgrmmd staff u we've come, u our popnlsti_rm ~ W~'1~
it's beea really help~ fc~ our playgrmmd staff to kind of be ~- aware of H~. Wh~ to do in
certain siV,,~m. How to interact ~ ~ ~ c~ into, act rm the ms~nstrcam basis so it's
really been helpful for us to have tl~ ~le for us. We are de,miry, if you look at the fall
numbe~ ~'m ~y ~ m ~ ~. T nmm thc numbers sren't hugg yet lx~ we're really
the word c~ in our c~.~omuity. We had a ~-~ bern about a ~ a~ a half ago stat ~d of
wordmu. IbeUeveIam~lmithefly~souberetoo~ T~re'sson~ _com~gupfc~thstso
every quarto', tim ~y is a ~ service that we can provide om' ~ fro- a
amount of $3,281. And just a side note, the ~ hs~ be~ ~ in our mc~fi~m program
Kelly: I guess I'll com~ back to the cm~mlssion for any questims for Jerry;
Stohm. Ihav~afew. ff l read this numh~r fig~ no on~ else lm'tidpated in the fall 2002?
Ruel~'mer: Correct
Stolar: Okay. Wheaw,,~&el~ttimeth~wasp~o~tobid? Or v,,~ it eve~ pur om to bid?
Ruegeme~. No, it neve~ was. There isn't a lot of a~ies thst cmmact this ry~ of service ouL
knowing ~ compsAsms I can't make that a f.,-m.! st.u~n~t e~er ~ I ~'t know, but I
was just wonded.~ five did m~y resesrch liim thst whe~ we thought you know, maybe Courag~
Cea~r ~ do it, und u~in I d~t't know if they do, b~ if they'd to it for $2,000 the same
Hoffman: Th~ om thln& I think we're ~__~,~/n~ to do i~ build ~ awareness in om'
program. What you've seen hsppen is thst there's been a tremt, I would say 4 ~r 5 years ago half
these dries wer~'t on this list for this ~-g,a_ ni~tion SO they've connim__~ to Erow
communities are more or less msndated/n some ways to provide these ~ We reseawhed it
~ It'sbasedcmaperce~o~ Ithinkit'sbs~xloupolmlafi~ Iknowtim.
Stolar:. That's what I was wondering if they do it on a pro-ram bssis of popu~iou.
Stohm. Th~'s wh~ I was wondedng.
Ruegem~. I think like SL Louis Park, if Fm not mi~tnin'm is up sround the 40 to 50.000 nml~
Stolar:. Okay. So as our usage grows, v~ may not gut chsrgud ummu because il's based on
R~ Yeah. them'sc~tain~thntgoimothefctmul~ I&m'thavethuthet~butIcan
look it up for yo~
Sro{ar:. Okay, ttumk you.
KeJly: Any other questious or any d/scussio~?
Ruego~ Wesuredo. We uzmdly have at le~t a full tmgu in the C2um Counecfiou that comes
out advertising all the quartedy prognuns that are being offered.
do to help gel the word out to shy of the sdutts in the ccsmmmity that cou~ use the service also,
if you hsd any n~(s~rm~,tlnns ~ any though~ I think ym~'d find most of us, if not all of us, in
the program as well. I think it's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s a ~~ ~s a
~o~1 pen~m that's acmnlly ~ rinse ~ It's mayl~ to a ~ ~ c~
O~obea: Ihavejusto~equestionJe~ry. So 101dds parficipated in fall, ri~oht? Thenthere'a
something going on spdng and Sm. uugr, the other seasons too?
Rt~gemec Right. Every qnar~r.
O'Shea: So it's not just 10 kids that's s~-ved?
Ruegemec. No~ This is just in the fall quarter.
O~qmc So ju~ a nnmple of fall.
O~ben: Was it roughly the same?
Ruegeme~. Actually that was up. We'~usually, Ican't~whntitwnsinthe~ ~
time. I think we're in tl~ 4, 5, 6 Id~ of ntng~
O'Sbea: 4 er 5 pm'tici~?
Ruege~ Right.
O'Shea: Okay. And ~ no ndults? Just all
~ Our population base is really much di!fem~ thsn ff you lo~k at some of the adalt
numbe~ tim run a~ the Robbimdale, Crystal, some of those sre more inner r~g and older
Stolnr:. Dowepo~thi, in the senior cemez7 Idon'tknowffthere's n~ over. lnp~
Rueg~mec. We haven't but we cm~finly coulcL
Stolac. Theu if tl~ kn~ of somecme, as you talk stx~ the older popuhfio~ that'd be a way to
David's point to try to genera~ ~ ~
Happe: Have we hit thro-~ the school systma? Any of the lilmly kids that would be potential
candidat~ for this progxam?
Ruegmmm. We bad talked abou~ tl~ in o~r last quar~ly me~.~ug f-c~ tim.
Kelly: Se~ng no oth~ discussion is th~m a motion?
Kelly:. Okay, is t~m a seccmd?
Slg~le~ rll s~xmd it.
ttum go down to Section 1. We did eliminate really anFhln~ ~ ~d to do withlilm ~c
exceptio~ of those few changgs, that was outlined within the memo itself. ~~mer Ntaaka
had a few changes in the wording, ~ ~ of fl~ing and we can go ttnnmgh that ff you'd tike to at
Kelly: Okay, thafd be
Ruegemer: Yes. Yes, wecanget, aml~'mactually, tt~look~kelmmynicesi~ons. 'I'ney
look like they're metal
Jerry, how many si_ohs do you think w~'d need?
Ruegen~m. Whslwe'dsaylasttime? 30to40. Sonzwhereinthatmng~ Samethinghq~that
wc~ld not be a probtem, tt looked lflm they're in stock and ifs just a rrmth'r of getting the ~
form over and getting that over. The only tl~5 that does say the Tobacco l~ee ~ and we're
kind of talking about the tobacco me so I don't imow ff tht~'s ~mything we need to ~ in
replace them quJ~ often that it'd bo nice to go the free roate.
Ruegemer:. Yeah. We could arder extras too ju~ in case they do ~. Especially if we put
thegn at the skate park, I imagine we'll be mplwing some of them ~
Kelly: I fouml that in the diffenm~ ~ ~ free and tobacco use, if tliat's even an issue
Ruegemec. That's what the co. ..... iggicm had discussed at their December mee, sing in the wc~cling
of iL
Stolnr: Right we said in the policy. Idon'tknowttuttt~si?nmntternamnch. Youwantthe
policy to be our tobacco use policy but the zo~ is still a tobacco free zo~ You did say 30 to 35
R. ue~mn':. Would you liim n~ to shsr~ that with you now?
what Rod's ldnd of ttnoul~ behind thnt was, you imow who's}ob is itto decid~ what's
m not oii*=nsiw. Would you ~ rr~ to continm? Oimy. Basically the next = down, wlzx=n~
may be n fhing fhnt w~ could eli,,,l,,~h% SO bas an ~ to create.. And then down
as specific or on specifil~ cJ~ owned ouldo~* ~1~ If you loo~ down to paragraph 4, it's
Anybody have a~y o{~z additions cz
Spizale: I.x~oks good.
Rue~mec. 'I'nis is not, no. We caucertainly dothat.
~ That's a Sood questio~ Ole~
8tolar:. Yeah, became I warn to maim gure the (YRy Cotmcfl ~, we ~y are
I-hppe: It's kimt of ~ with thi~ toba/x~ for youth mamtion offers a ~ign for no me and
fields d~ ~ ~ I'm ~/ll waivering on that Ix~ I think we o~ght to try this first ami
~ee how it gt~.
Hoff~m: Have you heard of any park ~ going totally ~mo~ free? I haven't heard of any
had a policy in pisc~ I d~n't know how much it's policed but I guess the pdicy's them in spirit.
Hoff,,om: School grounds am I know. They g~ very good compliance at school grmmds.
Kelly: We'll have the ~ im1-. ~ .t the skm= park. Ithink~'s ~~'llpmbably__,~_-_
Hoffman: Oh, Idon'tthinks~ Thekidsknowtl~yshonh~n'tbe~ovcrthe~rig~now.
Happe: There's not going to be any eaforccmem of it anyway.
Ruegem~. Playgrounds or beaches I would thi-~.
Kelly: Any discussioa at all ou this policy? See~gn~IguessI'llaskforamotio~L
~ of.
the motion carried wRh ~ vote ~ S to 1.
that the signing, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~j~ d ~ a way W ~ ~ ~ ~
out with nominal to no charge.
Kelly: lerry, were you going to say som~hin~?
Ruegemer:. Oh I would just say, Icantmimtboseclmnges. Ic~ne-mailyoutbeulxlatedpolicyif
away smoking, think about taking away a.k:ohoL There's probably more municipal parks systmm
smoking's been tgoug~ up from time to time.
Ruegemer: Nowc, uio the fun mfff huh. C,_-,,,,;-gupc~ourauuualFebNesL C~,,;,,gthis
~ /z that good if we're aim~liug ou ice?
Hoffn~n: 33 deg~em. Mostly min_
Ruegumec So Ccguy's be~ w~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ nH week n,~ the las~ 2 to 3 wee, ks
putting everything together. For the most part everything is pre~y much clare up to th{,, point.
much in plnce, so we'm really at this point wsiting for Saturday. And I have the vo~ list. I
some ,aaifioual infi.,,,~oa out there ami just as a side not~ for you too. You can buy the ticlu~ts
perceui of om' tickut sales ~ probably the day of so, I tlHnk reaUy a lot of people wait ami see.
Tickets m'e $4.00. We're giving away really a lot of nice prizes again, with ~ grand ~ fur
the raffle being the trip %?in_ So it should be a really good event for timt. Does anybedyhave
any que~ons on that at all?
SpizaJe: Fvcgotcme. Did they put new ~i~ up ou the road, ouS?
Hoffman: T'nat's 55 mi ~ es per hour. lt'sagoodlccafion~ It'sastopsignwhem~'stop
mud they ean see it. I'm not sure if we called the Mm:it sign yet. The Mmit sign down on
Highway 5.
I-Iapc: Ihavejasto~qurstion. Whem's the mmtalliou going to be buri~ this yem-?
Ruegemec. You imow what, I don't even know.
I-hq~: Oh, i~timtw~~it? Tt wasov~'whe~? Rw~overbytlm~m
Ke~y: Any games o~ contm~a~ besides tl~ finhing ~?
Hoffman: Bingo.
'g'elly: ~ luck on the hoclmy goal ahcx:st~n~?
~ rllhnvetotalktoCca~. Ilamwlpaasedthntalc~mhim- Itho~ght~~
process of coring Ix~h ~~ m g~ ~ goi~
Ru~g~ That was goiag ba~k to Lalm Sn~m?
in conjun~ion I ~hlnk Washingtc~ County was out with them last year as well They had their
Hoff:man: 'I'hey'maf~elancegrou:p. You just can't pin them down.
board and actnnHy having to ~ people's names off'for the small fi~ ~d I don't know if thai's,
I think that's a gocd thing as opposed to a couple years ago out at L,~ Susan whe~ rm not too -
HolT. mau: No~ very many.
Ruesemec. Yeah and the oue year we didn't have say fisl~ We had to mifle off evezy lxize so
that was time last year we h~l it s~ Lake ~ We chans~ the vem~
Kelly. I actually ~ just moving the names sad stuff.
~ Yeakaudweanticip,~that~inthisyear. T"netop4orSamprobsbly~ngmbe
northerns and the mst -~o~t be perch.
Kelly: That was a lot of fun last year.
Ruegemec. MOM~
~.g~RATION 8T]R~'~'T DANCe.-
Rue~ We hsd certainly discussed this during the evab,,u~m ~ last y~r strut the 4~ of
Rueg~muc. Actuallythatw~uIup. Westayedthessmelsstyesr, audtheult~ydidraiseitabit
this year. But they defini~y have a following and a crowd ami tt~ cemtainly do draw people
I-lsppe: Jerry, who's job is it to mad the fine l~iui of the couIract~
Ho~,,-nn-' Well I tMnk w~ only ps.id tl~m~ $300 c~, $400 c~ $500 fcn' that exl~ time.
Hnppe: ThemwemstiHnlotofpeoplether~ Ime~ntt~obvkmsly w~ltoe~tt~it
Hoffman: Yeah, wt~Iwoulddoi~h~tl~tim~ Iwould~ittt~mto~MftfromT:30to 11:30.
Hoffman: We can check into that. Idon'ttMnk w~'H have aprobl~xn.
Ruegenm': Iwouktn'ttMnkthatwouldbealm:)blexn. Shouldv~inquimm~
I-lappe: Yes, please~
R~ No problem.
HolTman: We'll check on Rmt. I'm not sm~ where thnt's nt.
guys have been playing at the 4~' of July celebmticm?
Rne~m~. Oh, it's got to be 5 ~t leazt.
I bet they wer~ hem for prolmbly 10 years. T~e Stb~rnys, the X-rnys.
R~ I-nsh Tops.
R~: That has nothln~ tO do with this guy here.
Hoffman: There is no talent.
Rue~m~. N~, that's actually the booldng asuncy. You cannot call. We can call Melody
Moose, cr Mickelson it is now. Kimi of the band leader. You cammt go throuEh her. Yo~have
Hoffman: I sign a full disclom~ statmm~
Hoffnmn: Yep, recommend appwvaL
Kelly: Ig~tconfuscdhc~now. Do we need a motion f-cr thst as well? Okay. Isthc~amoticm?
Spizale: Fll ~lo~amotionthatwenpg~*ove. let'ssee. ~thntweapl~~
Casablanca Orch~ Thursday, July 3, 200~.
Kelly: ff I can do a friendly amendmmt to that motion to see if Casablanca ~ ~
modify fl~ time from 7:00 to 11.-00, changing it to 7:30 to 11:30. Is tt~m a seco~?
~u-rled amntmmMy with a vote ef 6 to 0.
and providing the firewixk show. We've wc~i~ed with/nm~c now and MeJro~ fur quite a nnmhe~
discussed with Meln~ on that, and tbS'ye really dmle, I thinlr a very nice show for us in the
of $21,000 for the ~ coum~ with ~ Pymt~lmi~s for Nriday, July 4~, 200~, 10:00
p.m. at Lake Ann Park. And aa a side note, I know you looked, Cc~y did add that. We do have
a rainout rht~. for the $" of July ~n there as well I'm not sure why it wasn't included on the
Hoffnu~: We bid tbese services S years ago. Maybe 4 years ago. Tookasepamtevend/~thnt
brou~ in a lower bid. ~ly a few thomand dollars at the time and we pl'obably got ah~ a
Hoffman: People will mil you that leave.. They go somewhere else wRh fiiemts or family stat
they say, no mason to leaw.
Kr. lly: Any other questkms? Alri_M~. is the~ a moticm for this one?
K~y: Airier, is ~ a s~oet?
in favor ami the mothm carried unantmomly with a vote et 6 to 0.
Stolar: Quick question. 4 or 5 years ago you said you went out to bid and I ~ the
~mli~. Do yotl do sllrveys al all of whaI other cities ale payklg f-err i~
to ny with the ClZm~ity.
Hoffumn: Tbere'sam~stfactar~ Tbewayy~bklthesethin~isz~tl:pd, weckm'tdesigna
show and then a~ for a price,. We give them a pr/ce and then we ask for a show and so they're
we g~t that guy in. We gave him a chance aM obviously w~ didn't trust his af~ thaL Hegave
us a lower show. Saveus athommmibucks. It looked like tl~--y w~'e the same show. Obviously
co--~issions. That's _coming up, I ~ that's a Momiay. E ~ an off Mimday niSht? An
ageuda will be fcrth _corr,in~ and from what I know they ws~ to talk about, rotes of the
co--~isaion. Whai tteir expectafio~ as a com~ is with the Parle and Rec Co ......
Kelly:. March 17~
Kelly: No Irish on the City
Ho~usn: ~yuoc I'11~
Happe: Is that St. Patty's?
Yeah, St. Party's.
Clumh,~,meu does not receive a great deal of a~,,~-- aid. They receive some sta~e nxmey that will
was a 3.4% cut across the board, ~ ~ a revenue incmv, ase~ So tl~ fn-st m~:l~ra.udum d,,te~l
Hasenfially that's a 10~ across the board ~ on all our fees. We're proix:$~g that ~
additioml detail/uthe b~wk of the packet that I'll refer to. tuitiaie a $10 per year mea~er~hil2 for
moving away from inaeasing additiomd fee inaeas~/n 2003. That they were going to focus on
continue looidng in tlm area, at least si this time. trn~t round of bud~t ~ ~9,~ ~ ~
using to surf-see ~ so it's ~xx as hsd bu~ it still i~'s a slow time and the count/! approved th~
summer vscafi~ C_,n/nE bsck in fertilizer in an amount of $9,000, which wlql ~l~. away o~e
groups will _r~in free use of mee~nE r~xm~, ami that's fl~e.School Distr~ 112 ami 276, om'two
are not free. Bu~ then we will include in that ~ not being ~ sco~t group~ church
business, non-lin)fit agencies and youth athletic nssociations. And it should be noted th~ non~ of
the~ gr~ am f~ee if they want to reserve past a 60 day window, and so many of these gnmps,
revenue sources and efl~cienci~. Some of the thin_ps we'~ in~ as ~ of what you
would call a title sponsor for the 4" of 1uly fireworks. So you find a ~Ele ~s in wwn th~
would like to put their name and adopt the fixewo~ display and simi]m'ly in thnt mca. Questim~s
on our budget process? It's long m~dtedious, ttwa~,Mr. (~rhsrdt~a~t~~
and saw that it was approved hst night ~use he changed his mm~tm~un at aborn 5:00 p-m.
last night so there wnn some ju.~_.~lin..~ go/ng aroum;L The idea of nlmnlnE down smut lights is not
Stolar:. Todd, w~t's the overall ~ of the ~?
Hoffman: A millkm 7.
Happe: I thlnk it's diffm~ for this commission to evea malty ~ ca the [xgi~ being thst
our visibility is l~/maffiy to the capital i~ tmds~ smi not neceasar~y in the 1/ne item of
i?rovemeat plan tlmt w~ submitting?
Happe: Okay. As sub~__.~__?
Holru~m: As s~_~hmi~,d_ _ The~ may be some c~ to th~ To give you a lxief up,lute on our
capitalplan. This time last year the pm~ fund the c~sh ~ was a millkm 76. Todayit's
$760,000 so a m~lllcm dollars has been spent down. Primm~ on the 101 north trail and then the
101 south trail The 101 north trail is spending down the fund st a faster ra~ ~%~ we would h'ke
to see because this DNR graut money h~ not come b~k to the system to affset the cost. We
becoming out of the park dedicati~m fixnd, and so you're spemting that 760 downto 160. Add
this fund is starting to Eet where it's very volatile ami I will be ming it very closely f-or the
Kelly: A question about the 101 southtraiL Ino~icedlatefall~tBandim~Pgrkwehave ap~h
that goe~ around both soccer fiekls ,t Bsndimere Pm~ As it spprosches the existin~ house, the
trail tak~ a left but they built up so~e type of a mound palh that lcc~ like it's going to d/rectly
bead right towards 101 south a~ I'm wondering is our, I didn't thin~ under tl~ curmat frail phn
it was going to be buik up...
HoF~an: ...and so wh~ the wamr came in it flooded the neighbor's yard instead of going into
the catch lx~sin nmi out to the pipe on 101. So the city' s pub~ m~~~
Kelly: No. Ithiukitwa~,~,~,~q that... Ithoughtk~a~~~ni~w~
Couucilmau Lundquist acUmily brought that figu~ out ~ ~ would know
buiktiu8 tM. greaI park at a sisuifu:an~ cost. I kuow 1~ a~o;udly. ItI, gnk he explk-ifly said tha~ {s,~
night just to rr~l~- everyone awa~ so. And the~'s a lc~ of mc~ey for park that's.
Hoffmtn: Wellthem'ssta~sintn~ Usef~pat~mifyo~'m~intakinga
look at that. The com~uction of (Y~y ~ Pnrk is ~ legal, and cemfin cities txe~
Stotal~. And so each ci~ has it's own choice and wc don't have any guidelines u it relines t~
that? Okay.
Stolar:. We also talk about the sm%ty issues ~ us and thc tmde-o~. It's cs~ thing to
~r~a,_~.. ~rs another to rnsna,d~, unde~nu~ng whst you've given up, fight? And that's a
choice. Imeanlagreewi&yuu, it's a valid choice, lustlwanItoundemand~l~kgroumt
befor~ we start loo_ki.g at ii because aI some point we're 8oiu8 to have to have a question of how
Happe: Glenn, I think that's a great Ixfint and I think iI's something thai we should l~-Wlslt
quicidy because tlmm were teu I believe.
Ten p aygrounds.
Happg: Te~ playgrotmds that absolu'~y need to be l'cplaced that are hazardous.
the meethg.
Kelly: I tell you it's a lot chi= to alIend tlx~e meeth~ with ~ new chars, lust to let
everyme know, it makes a wurld of diffem;nce.
you... ~ 5(c) is, say quesfi(ms on tl~? ~ S(c) is the _c~nvn~irm alJm]dm]ce ~ ~m'
2002. And tl~'s all fro' administrative secfiot~
Kelly: I do have o~e thin5 to memim~ I came up ami the (Y~y Coundl was, they're putting
together a co ...... ;ss/o~ to look into the developmem gdng in off of An~,bon and Lyman. I can't
and in Pebruary you should appoint a member of tt~, oo ...... ;~sion to wc~k on that task furce
which will include Mayor t~n'long, Councilman Petersan, a member of the Plmming C_., ......
Pm-k and Recreaficu staff, p~ staff. I d/m't nx~l who else in on there buI Ws an i .m!xmant
jump start so very excit~-i ~,~.~vor and with th= Bluff Creek corridor thmu~ it,/t's a
Kelly: I saw we had a couple ~-mails re/priding the rinks. Have the~ been any phone calls
regarding rise rinks as well?
Kelly: Bu~ lb= otl~r rizd= a~
Hoff~: ~
~y: ~ ~y.
~. We~8~~y~~
O~ W~ ~ ~ ~?
~~~ Ithin~~~I~~a~,gIw~~awh~l~
doing. I think as we've gotten to know each otiz:r and gotlm~ to begin to wc~k ca some of these
projects I think ~'s a lo~ of great ~ thst thi~ commission needs ~o g~t dane. A lot of tmdg~
obstacles to climb and a lot of pm~s and trails so thank you f~r your ~ and the dialogue thst
probably at lenst 5 npplicants to smd up to the City ~
Happe: One of the thln~ that we should tnke a look nt cr thnt you'll be c~tinly d~l~g ~ ~
the altm~ative revenue gea~ting ccnm~itt~ lmm't hnd encmgh allm~ in the last 60 days. Not
due to my fellow _comrnitt~- members but due m my own personal cmm~fi~m~ thst have t~ir~
me away from r~lly ~ that project off It~e ground so there should be, at the Nehnmry
looking to this couuuissi~ to figure o~ some additicmal revem~ ~ means so that's one
active co ...... itIee that should be fc~-'med ou and a o: ....... ;,.-~- chair should be named.
Kelly: Anything else? Onthst~I~,~Ihsveamogontoadjoum?