2b Fire Department ReportCEYOF
To: Todd Ck~'hmxIt- City Mm3agcr
From: ~ohn Wolff- trLre Chief
Oreg Hayes- 1"
Mazk TJttfin- 2~ AsaLst~t C~de~
Re: Monthly City Council update.
Rna: ~o:~7.1140
Fac _~ ~'/.1110
8#lot Cml~
F1mw: g52.227.1125
Fro: ~'v m?.1110
Staffing is currentiy at 41 out of an eligible 45. Recruiting is underway to bring our
numbers beck to 100%. We have approximately 10 -12 candidates that will be
evaluated over the next few months. We hope to start our recruit flmfighter class by
June of 2003.
The tim department has been quite busy with call activity since January 1, 2003.
While 2002 saw a 15% drop In call activity for the year, it appears 2003 is starting off
at a record pace. Calls are up 37% year to date. No--hie recent caJis Include a
number of saflou8 car accidents and 2 structure fires. Our strong training program,
excellent equipment and efficient response helped to effectively mitigate these
The deparlTnent converted to a new 'rnulU-agenc~ 800 mhz radio system
February 14, 2003. This system Is being Implemented throughout Carver, Hennepln
and Ramsay Counties. The system gives us a better communication tool for
emergency operations allowing police, tim and EMS to talk with each other.
Fire Training:
The fire department is curren~ working on completing their 1" Rasponder/EMT
Refresher that is due every 2 years.
Some of the up and coming training is thermal Imaging training for the use of our
cameras. This will include classroom Instruction to a live bum in March. Dave
DeWall, Chief of Training for the Minneapolis Fire Department, is delivering the class.
Chanh~.~-n Fire Depaztm~
City Council Ul~.t~
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Tke City et Ckankmaa .kOfOeilgCO~mpJ~la~ctemJa~ggJJty~adgmd~d~b'Th/~ghn~tmSflOt]dls, adl~P~k~m~~
to our officers. Mr. DeWall teaches nationally In the proper use and techniques for the
In March we will start our Hazardous Materials Specialist classes for all of the H-:,Mat
Technicians on the tim department. This is the highest level of training that is
attainable in the hazardous materials response mgulatlons. This class will be held
mor~ly for the next 2 years.
Fire Prevention:
The Fire Prevention dMsion Is curmntJy Inspec'dr~ the following buildings under
construction and plan review.
St. Hubert's school and church expansion
Westwood Community Church
DayCo Concrete
Powers Place office building
Pulm Homm
O'msm.~ Plaza
Instant Wob
[-Tech (remodel)
Powm Ridg~ Apartment~ 1I
Rosemount remodel
Senior Living C. amtgm
The Pre~ warehouse ~xpansion
Pillsbury wa~house expa~on
Building C. Viii.? on the Pond
1.) Stsnd by at Lake Ann fishing cxmtmt
2.) Cub scouts tour 2-15-2003
3.) Birthday tour 2-15-2003
4.) Birthday tm_rtT fire tnmk ride 1-11-03
No comments at this time. Still waiting on documenhat~on of approved capital and
operating budgets. No reports received on YTD expenditures.
The Fire Department was awarded a federal grant for $17,885 to replace and
upgrade our existing automatic emergency defibrillators (AElYs). Our currant AED's
will be replaced with new and improved models that are compatible wfth the units
being used by the county sheriffs deparlment. The new units will also be installed in
each of our 'front-line' tim and rescue vehicles, increeslng the number of units from 3
to 7 in total.
Ci~ Council
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