1a4 Development Fee ScheduleRmz ~'~ ~7.1100 Fmc -~',~.1110 mm~ ImmUem Rm Pb~ ~ ~Z.1140 Fa= _¢~ =~7.1110 PIllnlll & liakml Riaelreal Fql~ ~'v ~,',',',',',',',','~7.1130 FIx:: _~) ~,F'.1110 DATE: January 8, 2803 SUB.I: 2003 DeveJopment Fee Schedule The City has not mviewed/updamd its Fee Schedule within the past 7 years. Over the years the existing fees have not been increased in conjunction with the charged to each develotnnent prolmsal are to cover the typical amount of time that Staff has surveyed a number of cammunifi~ (summary of surwy attac, h~) and ha~ come up with the following recommended ahang~ to our 2(~ Fee Sch_~,le ba~d on at least charging the average of development review fees. Ad.mieiatraltve ~flglivtaion - Staff is propo.in~ a $.50 increase from the am'eat $100 fee. The current fee cov~ the time that _~sff apend~ on reviewing the proposal. The ~ incrca~ would covez the $50 fee that is requimJ f~ ~ recording of the d~L Temporary Sales - Staff is proposing an incz~se based on the infu,.,~on gathered through the survey. The suggested ~ is frcan $35 (cuxrent) to $50+ (proposed). The $50 would include the first izmpection th=t is required of ail tempomz3f ~ Each additional in~x~qJon would co~t the applicant $50. Zoning Appeal - Currently we do not charge for a zoning appeal. Staff is proposin~ that we add a SI(g) fee to our fee schedule. The $100 would cover the staff time spent on preparing and gathering information for a staff report. Final Plat- The city do~ not cmrenfly clm~ for a final plat_ There is st/Il a consida-abl~ amount of t/me that is spent on coning and geaemfing a report for these doctm3ents and is prolx~g a fe~ of $250. Todd and not to create excessive costs for devolopment review. Staff is ~ that we use ~ fee~ rather than the maximum fee~ so we are not pe~eived ns anti-development. COMP PLAN 200-2000 617 500 600 CUP (SF) 100 - 400 322 75 325 ctJP (OTm ) 2OO - 50O 426 40O 425 IUP (SF) 100- 400 322 75 325 I'UP (~) 200 - 500 426 400 425 NOTIFICATION 25- 100 75 50 75 PUD 250- 1250 72O 750 750 ~G 100- 600 416" 500 500 SIGN PERMIT 1/SF - 125 59 50 75 SITE PLAN 250 .- 1000 490 250 + 10/1000 500 + 10 SUBDIVISION < 3 100 - 750 301 150 300 SUBDIVISION · 3 200 - 1250 565 400 + 15/lot 600 SUB. - 100 150 FINAL PLAT 100 - 500 233 0 250 TEMPO~Y SALES 25 - 325 133 35 50 + VACATION 100- 800 333 100 300 VARIANCE 100 - 300 183 75 200 WAP 75 - 250 175 275 275 ZONING APPEAL 100 - 500 144 0 100 ZONING ORD. APPEAL 100 - 500 362 500 500 Todd 'TYPE Caaee Fees F-ee~ ST.~J PEI~TTS 16 $ 840.00 $1,190.00 ~ 350.00 ¥~I~T~N~S 13 $ 975.00 $ 2,600.00 } 1,625.00 CONDZ'T'J:ONAL USE PEI~I~-'T5 5 $1,350.00 $1,975.00 ~ 025.00 ]~4TEETJ~ USE PEEAAz-T$ 2 $ 475.00 $ 750.00 ~ 275.00 ~'ZONn~S 4 $ 2,000~0 $ 2,000.00 ~ - SZ'I'E PLAN EEVZEWS 13 $ 5,200.00 $ 8,450.00 ~; 3~50.~ PlaNNEr) UNZT I:)EVELOPA~ENTS 3 $ 2,260.00 $ 2250~0 ~ - SUBI:)ZVZSZONS 18 $ 3,600.00 $ 6,500~0 $1,900~0 FZNAL PLAT 11 $ - $ 2,750JX) ~ 2,750~0 V~,C~,T]:ONS 6 $ 600.00 $ I~X).00 ~ I~X).00 WETLAI~ ~.LTEI~.T]:ON PEI~IAZTS 4 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 ~ - ZONZN60~ZI~.NCE ~A~ENI)ktL=NTS 5 $ - $ $ - LAND USE PLAN AAAENOAAENTS 2 ~ 1,000~0 ~ I~:X).00 ~ 200.00 RECOMI~'.NDATION D~velopmaut lk~iew F~ S~. Attachments: 1. R~aolution 2. Summary of Survey (table) DATE: CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTI~ RF~OLUTION NO.: MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: CITY OF CHAN~N DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE Com~mhe~la~ Plan Amendntent a. Mirror MUSA [ne for fal~3g ow-site sewers ~ Use Psmgt (Doee not Include site plan review) b. AIIothem Gnldlng Pemgtl a. Under 50 oublo yards b. 50-1000 cubic yards c. Over 1000 cubic yards - proceeaed aa IUP-use UBC a. Single family residence b. All ol~era Planned Unit DeveJopm~t/Fbzonlng a. Minor Amendment Not required Coat $315.00 $100.00 Razonln~ $500.00 $500 + $10 per 1,000 sq. fL of $500 + $5 per dwelling unit $8(X) + $15 per lot $3(X) + $50 per lot over 3 $150.00 $150.00 ~Create3~or~ b. Create ~ 3 ~ ~ F~ ~ Melee ~ ~ I:)tvts~ e. C, oneoldate ~ f.~hlstratlve~ Welilmd A]temUcm Permit b. Al other ueee (ot~ will Install slflnage and $100- Flino FIii/AUzNllW Coltl (Atmme~ time to ermure proper ~i-m1~O & ~~) a. Rece~ng Documeata b. R___.~eel:lng Plats & Related Doctxnen~ Flood Zone Infomlatlon end an'lttan ~ ~~ AIl requee~ muat be made In v~ln~. '!