1a9 Waste Hauler FeesC1TYOF 77001~1~ POBox147 Phomc ~'~ :07.1140 Fmc ~0 ~7.1110 Pllill & Nltml W F~ui. 952.22/.11~ ~ _~ m7.1110 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhm~ City Manager FROM: Justin Millm:, Assistant to LI~ City DATE: January 21, 2003 till~' ~BAI~GROUND The City requires that all companies wishing to conduct the business of refuse hauling within the City of Chanhassen obtain a license. There ax~ cun'renfly twelve licensed hanlea~ in the City with a combined 76 trucks. Eight of the twelve companies have fewer than five trucks licensed. The current licensing fee is $25 for the first vehicle, $15 for each additional vehicle, and $5 for vehicles under 1 ~ tons. By surveying other communities, it w&s discovered that we are one of a few that still charg~ on a per-vehicle bazis. Most communities are now charging a flat fee per company. These fee~ range from $75 per company in Andover to $600 per company in Oakdalc. It is staff's recommend~tlon that the City of Chanhassen begin charging a flat fee of $300 per generate slightly more revenue for u% City. The fees for 2003 Ucenses have already been collected, so thia incl'easc will not go inW effect until 2004 licenses ere applied for, which will be in December 2003. bI V .ND T ON The Ch~ City Council adopt the attached real. on authorizing setting the fee for waste hauler licenses ~ $300 pe~ company effective with the com!~u, y's next application. l'ke Clly ef Ckaakasae. · A IlrO~q] ~ MIh ckan laims, qmity schoa~ a cl*mmd~ dom'~ Ihd~no ~ ~ b~is, ax113emdlful pml~ A omi place lo I~m, mxk, md ~ CITY OF CHANUASSEN CARVER AND ~ COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: Jann_~rv 27. 2003 RESOLIYI~ON NO: MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: Al)OPT A RESOLIYFION AMENDING FEES FOR WASTE HAUl.ER LI~ wasm hauling buainess within the city Hmits to obt~n a license from the Ci~r, gnd am not charged in a mazmer consigtent with oflmr communities; and C?mnhassen's current fees; NOW, TFII~.RI~.FORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Chanhas~ 1. That the fee for obtaining a waste hauler liceame within the City of ~ be $300 per company. Pasaed and adopted by the Cbanhs~ea City Council this 2"/th day of Jmmm'y, 2003. ATI'EST: