1d Approve Engineering ConsultaCITYOF Ad~abbalJea 952.227.1100 ;L';~'/.1110 R~ I~onn: 9~.227.1140 Fmc 952227.1110 Pat & Rma'uslkm ~ ~L~ ~O7.1120 FSX: 952.227.1110 Recnlakm Caa~ ~0 Cmdn' Bouiemd ~.-,~r 952.227.1400 Fax: ;L~ ?'~7.1404 Pta~& Iktmal Rsssmas Pho~ ~'~ ~.1130 Fax: 952.22'/'.1110 1501 Pat Road Fh:nt: ~q~ :rf/.1300 Fo: 952.227.1310 Fno~ 952227.1125 Fe~ _~r~7.1110 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd ~ City ~cr Teresa J. Surge~ Public Works Directo~City En~~. January 21, 2003 Approv= Engin~g Consultant ~ - PW407 REQUESTED ACTION Approve general municipal engineering contracts with SEI-I, BoRon and Mea~k, Kimley Horn, Bonestroo, and Black and Veatch. DISCUSSION These contracts will allow the City to use the firms listed, but do not authorize any specific work. Staff'will cor~nu~ to use th~ following tactic~ to keep project · Use of consultants will be limit.~d or reduc.~ ~er reasonable through use of City stafl~ · City will cost co .mp4~ between consulhmts prior to awantofa~j~ · Work orders will include a not to exceed dollar amount baaed on the scope of services approved. These contracts do not aztt. h~ any work_ They provide access to specialized service~ not available, or pmcti~ as part of City staff, such as tra~c malysis md wa~ um~ In addition, the use of consultants allows the City to keep a small, stable staff despite fluctuations in se. aso~ woddoad. In the pa~ the City Ires had problems obtaining nmsonable quotes for small projects a,,e to th~ cost to lm'epare proposals. In addition, the City has had difficulty with rec~ving consistmt and professional s~'vice ~b~ioS a project. leverage necessary to ensure project follow through. Tim Cltf st Ckaak#ses "A OrO,M~ commmlty a, llh ct(an laka~, qualty scheelt, a cMmd~ doMOan, ~ Ixalmssm, aMdlng balls, md beaallkd pmtm. A g~ plato to ~ ~ ~ p~ FOR PROI~'-qSIONAL ~VICl~-q THIS AOI~I:~VfRNT, made and executr, d this day of City of Chanhassen, he~'dnafl~ refen'ed to as the ~ClTY~, and the "CONSULTANT", W1TNF_.~ SETH: C1TY and CONSULTANT, for the considemlion hereinaft~ stated, agree as follows: I. CONSULTANT hereby covenants and agrees to provide professional sca'vices for gusto'al municipal grlginc~ing upon the request of the CITY. CITY agrees to pay and CONSULTANT agrees to receive and accept payment for services as set forth in the CONSULTANT Standard Fee Schedule attached he.to, or in accordance with a pwposal prepared by CONSULTANT and accepted by CITY. IN. Paym~ts to CONSULTANT by CITY ahall be made as follows: CONSULTANT shah submit itemized bills for sea'vices provided to CITY on a monthly b~is. Bills submitted shall be tmid in the same mmm~ as otl~r claims m~ie to CITY. CONSULTANT agrees to fully and satisfactory complete the work contemplated by each proposal in ~ with the prcsc~bed schedule. The term of this Agreement shall be for one year. This Agreement may be exten~ upon the written mutual consent of the parties for such additional period as they deem appropriate, and upon the ~ and conditions as herein st~t~L This Agreement may be terminated by either party by seven day% wfit~ notice delivexext to the othe~ party. Upon te~xfination unde~ thi~ provision, CONSULTANT shall be paid for sawices rendered and reimbursable expenses tmtfl effective date of CONSULTANT shall not enter into subcontr~ for any of the sa'vices pwvided for in this Agreemeot without the express written consent of CITY. During the perfommnce of this contn~ CONSULTANT shall not ~ agsinst any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, ruIigion, ag~. CONSULTANT shall post in places available to empl~ and applicants fo~ ~mploym~t, notices setting forth the pwvisions of this non-disc~iminsfion clause 'and stsfing that all qualified applic~mts will receive consid~mIion for _employment. CONSULTANT shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its _employ~es and agents, for all claims, damag~ losses, and expenses, including b~t not limited to, attomey~ fees, which they may suffer or for which they may be held liable, as a result of and to the extent of, the neglig~t or wrongful acts of the CONSULTANT, his employees, or anyone else for whom he is legally ~.~q:~:msible in the ~ of the ~ During the performance of the Sea'vices under thi~ Agreement, CONSULTANT shall maintain the following insumnco: (1) Geoe~ Liability Insme, with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 for each occurr~ and $1,000,000 in the aggre~. (2) Automobile Liability l~m, with a combined single limit of $1,000,000 for each person and $1,000,000 for each accident. (3) Workers' Compensation Insurance in ~ with staIutOry requirements and l~mployers' Liability Insurance, with a limit of $~)0,000 for each occummce. (4) Professional Liability Insurance, with a limit of $1,000,000 annual aggregaIe. CONSULTANT shall furnish ~ cea'dfica~ of insurance on Accord Form 25 which shall include a provision that such insumce shall not be canceled without at least thirty (30) days' w~illgll notice to crrY. crrv 8hall be namgd as all additional ingt]l~l on the General Liability Insurance policy. CONSULTANT shall exercise the same degree of care, skill, and dilig,~nce in the perfommn~ of the Sea-vices as is ordinarily possessed and exezcised by a profe, saional engineer under similar cLrc~nsIancea. No oth~ wm:r~nty, expmased or implied, is included in this Agreement or in any drawing, specification, ~ or opinion lx~, _t~ pursuant to this Agra-meat. Project specific en~neoring documents, drawings, and specifications prepared by the CONSULTANT as part of the Services shall become the property of the CITY wben CONSULTANT has been compe~s~ for all Service~ remdea~ provided, however, that CONSULTANT shall have the ~cted right to their use. CONSULTANT shall, however, retain its rights in its standard drawing details, specifications, d~t. bases, property of the CITY. 2 By And CONSULTANT By President And Vice Pre. dent 3