1n Environmental Excellence AwaCITYOF
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Todd ~ City Manag~
January 13, 2003
Environmental Excellence Awm'd~
At their regu]m' meeting on January 8a, the EnvLmnmental Commission r~viewod
thc applications for thc 2002 En~ Excellence Award. The commi~on
requests that the City Council select th~ award winnea's. They have tbs following
reconuncnd~ for the City Council:
Category A - Residential (individual or nei~oods):
1. Jack and Paula .A_fldnn
Category C - Commtmity Groups and Orglmiz~ons, Schools:
1. Bluff Creek Eleax~ntai'y School
Based on the final decisi~ of the coom41, th~ awards will be peesentrd by the
City Council a~ their February 10 meeting. Winners in Catrgofies A and C will
receive a $50 check. Bluff Creek Eleancntary School will also be given a plaque;
thc Atkins's will be given a certificate.
This year the, Eavirotlllleiltal Commission would also like to recomrne~d that
"Recognition of Environmental ~,xJ:~,ll¢'nce" awards be presenteal to community
mcmbem who contfibute, d to the health and well--being of Chanhassen's n~wal
resources. The nominations wcm solicited solely from dm mcmbe~ of thr
are as follows:
Approachea to Waste Reduction
· Chanhassen Villager, Fostm'ing Environmental Awareneaa in Our
The Pultc Homea development, ~ Villa?, gmployed a unique and
pioneering techniqu~ to deal with its scrap wood, sheett~k and concrete on site.
Thc wood was chipped and spread out in the front yards of new construction
homes to mil~imi:r~ mud and reduce soil compaction. All scrap ~k and
broken concrete was pulverized and used as road base for driveways.
Additionally, Pult~ Homes hired a tree care company to assess the health and'
vitality of preserved trees on site and irr?lemented tree care straiegiea when
Thc Chanhassen Villager has displayed stewardship through its broad coverage of
environrn~ntal issues. It has shown consistent support for community initiatives
such as Arbor Day, holiday waste reduction, Seminary Fen acqlziaition, Lakg
Mr. Todd ~
January I$, 2005
Pag~ ,2
Su~an lakescaping project, and ~ Eavixo~mental E,xcellence award winners.
Reporting on the~ and other environmental ~ubjects allows r~idents to stay
informed and educated on im?o~tant topic~ in their commxmity.
Staff r~commen& that the City Council ~dq~t the following motions:
"The City Council aw~rd~ Jack ami Pm~ Atktm and Bluff Cr~k
"The C3~y Council awards ~ Homes of ~inneaota and C-~nan]mss~
2002 Environmental Excelleoce Awmxl Applications
1. ~Iack and Paula Atkin~
2. Bluff Creek Elementary School
Application Deadline: Deeemhex 31, 2002
Addre~orLocafionofEniry:.. ~'2. o CJ. 7~4~, ~T'
(Additional narratives, photos, or other farmaIs to desc~ project a~ enco~ All
docum~fi~ will be returned upon reque~)
Relesse of Informsflon: The City of Chanhasaen and the Chanhass~m Chunber of Commer~
reserve the right to use v~,-,',ir,~ entries for promotional purposes throu~ newspaper articles,
tours, or other means. I a/~ to allow the city t~ publish my address, name, and descr/ption of
the project. This release/~ only valid for winnin~ ~lries.
1. Complete the npplication form ~ attach any aupportin8 dooumentafion.
2. Certify compliance if you are in Category B and sigu appmpri~ line on application form.
3. Applications are due by December 31, 2002.
4. Mail the completed npplicafiou n:mterials to:
Environmental Resource Specialist
City of Chanhassen
Or ,,, I~Jtli'¥~:N
C'om Pc~ e t.. ~-
FN k",,t"~ t P~ k_ ('o'S 1" °
t$o ~
Application Deadline: D~mnbor 31, 2002
Cousinr, ss name)
(Additional narratives, photos, or other ~ormats to de, scribe project are encouraged. All
documentation wit! be temmed upon request)
Release o£1nformation: Thc City of Chanhasscn and the Chanhasscn Chamber of Commerce
reserve the fight t~ use winning entries for promotionaJ purposes l~mugh newspaper a~ticles,
tours, or other means. I agree to allow the city to publish my address, name, and description of
the project. This release is only valid for winning entries.
Application Proceduma:
I. Complete the application form and attach any supporting dec--on.
2. Certify compliancc if you are in C,,amgory B and sign appropriam line on application form.
3. Applieafio~ sre due by Dec, emb~ 31, 2002.
4. Mail the completed applica~on materials to:
Environmental Re.~ur~ Spe~hlist
C~ of ~
Bluff Creek Elementary School Prairie Restoration Project
The restored prairie 8pace em the groun~ of Bluff Creek Elementary wa~ planned wh~
the ~1 w~ ~ing ~~ ~ ~ f~ ~ ~ w~ m ~ ~ ou~
l~ing s~ for ~e s~ m ~v~y p~p~ in ~ ~q~ ~~. ~
~ h~ ~so in~~ ~ S~ S~, ~d ~ ~~ to ~ in ~e ~fi~
~ ~e is ~i~ so ~ ~h ~y ~ ~ w~ ~,,~ it m ~ ~m ~r
A commercial company did the original planting. Since then, thc students have
participated in planting and nurturing new plants with the guidance of Mr. Chase
Cornelius, an expert on prairie restoration. We have had special Prairie Day Celebrations
with songs, story telling, hide and seek, and s~stlng our 'PraLric Pledge". A prairie
council or' students h~s been established with the goal of nurturing future prairie experts
and communicating project icle~ to their elasmaa~.
The students at Bluff Creek Elementary have taken an active role in reatoring ~ space
and take great pride in their efforts. All the students and staff enjoy the beauty of the
prairie thi'oughout the seasons.
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