5 Old Village Hall AdditionC1TYOF CHANIIA SEN PO B= 141 Aimlalabdla R'----~ 952.227.1100 Fmc ~:~ ~/z.1110 R.-.-.~ 952.~7.1H0 F~c -_~ ~7.1110 r~Mkq & Fmc 952.227.1110 FROM: DATE: Todd ~ City Manag~ Bob Generous, Senior Planner January 27, 2003 Old Villag~ Hall Addition Preliminary ~ Ir-real Plat lgX'~L-qYlIVE SUMMARY The dty is ~ the ~p._lming of tt~ Old v'fllag~ Hall pmpe~ loemed in the southeast comer of We~t 78"' Strt~ and Gre~ Plains Boulevard in c~i~' to clem'up ti~ title for fu0.=e sale of the ~ to a privat~ party. The city ginally ~ t:he.~ to ~ :redevel~ of the pa~l. The ai~ l'md previously begn devel~ with a commeaxial blli]ding ~ histori~y l:ms had diffel~t tmrcels, shown as A-G in tl~ underlying pmpe~es. The repla-ing of this pamel eliminai~ all of these pmx:els and creat~ aim and block d~xiption of In 1997, the Park Commission evaln~-d this ~ as a ~ l:mrk site... The Park Commission rc=onanea&xt to the Bconomic I)evel~t Authntity (EDA) that the site should be studied for a pm'k. In the Clmnhmsen Vhion 2/)02, September 1994, tt~ sit~ was always contrmplnt~l for developtmmt with a buil~ on tl~ c~ner with a plaza in front of old Villa~ Hall. Sin~ tl~ city is now investing a A~ ~ of the platting, the city is also nxluesfing vm-iances for the Old V'flla~ Hall site, which is Lot 2. The CBD district mtuixes a rnini~ lot s/ze of 10,000 square feet ami only 7.39235 square feet is proposed; and'a minimum lot width of 100 feet and only 66 feet is ~ Lot 1, which the city inroads to seJl, do~ not require a vmiance. Staff recommended approval of the preliminary and final plat for Old Village Hall with variances for lot width and lot area based on the findings below. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the preliminary plst d~ to noncompliance with th~ zoning zegulation~ and denial of the vmiance request for lot size and lot' area based on the findings in the Planning Commisgion Update. The Planning Commission felt that granting the dimensional variances Tke City ef Cknkauaa · A gfoek~ ~ gflh ctean lalm, qualy a:lxxds, a ci*~md,,~ doerdoen, Ihrlvkto budmmes, winding balls, a~l bemllkd pmt~. A ga p4am In I~ ~ ~ p~ Todd Gethaz~ Old Village Hall Addition for Lot 2 would be treating the city diffea~fly than we treat other' developers. The~ are altm'natives for platting the property that do not ~ vaxiances. Th~ city could record a hintori¢ cx~rv~iofl easemeat over that portion of th~ plat that includes the Old Villag~ Hall and pl~a in front of it. This option would create one lot o~t of all th~ ~ east of Ca~at Plains Boulevard. The lot could be sold to a developer and develot~ with a conditional use permit for mo~ than one principal building on a loc However, the city would lo~e fee ownerahip of the propexty around the Old Villag~ Hall. Aho, ~ch an encumbrance would not be attr~ve to a private developer ~ they would be responsible for m~ge~a~ce of the site while not dimcedy benefith~ the/r protn~. The dry could extnmd the area around Lot 2 to be 100 feet wide by 115 feet de~ (100 fi. depth is the rn~rn,,rn required in th~ zoning district). The additional 15 feet is to make sure thc building complies with the 10 foot building setback from the property ~ This would create two lo~s that comply with ordinance. However, th~ utility of Lot 1 w the developer is reduced by tl~ elimination of a rectangular pi__oce~ of ~ in the nm'theast comer of the site which includes a portion of the pmidng lot, making it less ~xactive to a private developer. The city would ret~ addifi~ land beyond the Old V'dlage Hall and plaza that are not needed for imblic pm-tmse~, increasing the dty's PLANNING COMMISSION I~PDATE The Plmaning Commi~io~ held a public heating on January 7, 2003, t~ revit~ the proposed development. The Planning C. mnmi~ioa voted W deny the plat s/ace it Felk moved, Sidney seconded that file Phmning recommend denial of the prdiminary plat of 2.b'9 acres of land zoned CBD located at the southeast comer of West 78*h Street and Great Plains Boulevard. All voted in favor, except I,me2mug who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 6 to 1. That the lira-al onf~ of this chapter would cause an undue ~. Undu~ hardship means that tbe~ cannot be put to reasonable use Reasonable use/ncludes a use made by a majority of comparable property Todd GedlaMt Old Village Hall Addition within 500 feet ofit. The ~ of this ~vi~on is not to allow a l~roliferation of vafiam:es, but to mcogMze that thea~ am l:a'~-eafiafing standanh in thig neighbo~ood. Vafiam:es thai blend with these p~- e~isfing ¢mmtard~ without departing downward from the~ meet this The conditions upon which a pe~tion for a vafian~ is bas~l amnot applicable, generally, m ottmr pmtzay within th~ san~ zoning classi.fica~on. lqmling: The cond/tions upon which a pe~t/on for a variance is ba~ are applicable., l/g~erally, to other ~ within the same zoning c ~ls_~ific~tiom d. The alleged d/flJcutty or hardahip is not a self~ hardship. The granthg of the variance will not be deuin~mml to tl~ public welfare or injurious to other land or i ~m?ovements in the neighborhood in which the pawel is located. ~ 'I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ not ~ det~:nmaml to tt~ public w~lfam or injurious to otlx:r land or im!n'o, wmmts in tl~ mighborho~ in which th~ parcd is loc, at~ f. Finding: Th~ ~ ~m will not i .repair an ~ supply of light and air w adjaceat lmape~ or substantially increase the congesti~ of the public su~ts or ~ the cl~ag~r of fire or endang~ tl~ public Todd ~dlardt Old Village Hall Addition ~anua~ 27, 2003 Page 4 Th~ Planning _Commi~icm also briefly dis6msaed th~ idea of mzoning the protnmy t~ a more restri~ve zoning ~ to limit ~he poamtial use of the ~, require building setbadm and require more open ~ce. At a minimum, it ~ that the Planning Comrni~ion would want a n:s~ietion recorded against the property that would limit i~e use of Lot 2, the Old V'fllage Hall ~ to a public uae. ~ggCOMMENDATION Staff r~eommencls that the City C. oun~ ad~t t~ following motion: "The Chanhaasen City Council aplXOVea the ~ and final plat for Old V'dlage Hall Addition with a lot area variance for Lot 2 from 10,000 ~luare feet t~ 7,392.55 squm'e fe~ axtd a lot width v~ri~m~:e for Lot 2 from 100 feet tn 66 feet, aa d~ot~ in plans prepa~ by Otto As~:i~, dated 9/12/02, revised 12t23~ subject to ttg following conditions: 1. Revi~ the plaI nm-ne to Old Vi21age Hall Addifion~ 2. Record ~ ~ ~ for Lot 2 snd the Re/M~ site ~'oss Lot 1. 3. Reo~l a pa~ing ~ for L~t 2 agaimt ~ 1. 4. The ~ line between Lot 1 and Lot 2 must be a mi.nimum of tea (10) feet away fi'mn the e~ing Old V'flla~ Hall building" Remon~le uae includea a me ma~.by a majority of com!na~le ~ purposes. The site for the Old V'flla~ Hall only needs to include the plaza Todd ~ Old Village Hall Addition January 27, 2003 TI~ conditions upon which a I~titio~ for a va~ac~ is ~ a~ not applicable,, geoemUy, to oth~ pmpe~ within th~ sam~ zoning clmmifi¢~ioo. Todd Gerhardt Old Villa~ Hall Addition f. ATrA~ 2. 3. 4. Sk~h of Altezm~ Lot Lin~ Rgcomm~,fion ofth~ l:Mrk & Recreation Commi~sicm to the EDA ,q~.d .luly 1, 1997 Park & Recreation Effmutes of/My 20, 1997. CHANHASS~EN PLANNING COMMISSION REG~ WmWFING JANUARY 7, 2003 MEMBERS PRESENT: A/ism Blackowiak, ~ Sidney. Bruce Pe~ Craig Clay~n~o~: Uli Sacch P. ich and St ve PUBLIC ~ FOR bLT. ITEMS: Debbie Lloyd PUBLIC ~~G: RlgOI, IEST FOR PRI~LIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL wrrH VARIANCES CRF_,&I~NG 2 LOTS AND AN OUTLOT ON PROPERTY ZONED CENTRAL BUb3[NESS DISTRIC~ Jack & Paula ~tklnn Bob Genermm pre~..nted the ~aff report ~n thi~ item. Who's they? Blackowiak: So it's EDA driven, Generom.- Yes. 767 Carver Beach Rrna 220 We~t 7ge SUce~ Blackowisk: And is time a specific buy~r in mind for thin perce,1 right now? Oenm'ous: Nc~ right now. They're discussing it with lots of people but no one's come forward. Blackowiak: Okay. Questions of staff, anyoae? Peik: I just have one. The old town hall what's it's cum~ u~e? Planning Commission Meetin~ - January 7, 2003 Generous: Just, you know it's whatever, whenever the C/ty would lense/t but we wnm t~ maintain it as a histodc bugding is my understanding so we're not going to expand/t. Ocherous: Right. And so we would pleserve, that's why one of the ccmdifiom is tO la-eaerve the access to tl~ parking. Folk: Okay, t~nk you. Sidney: Madam Chair. Wondering why the City brought thi* applicafion and not the EDA. Generous: They're Sidney: Same prace~? Aauenson: Yep. Slagle: I've got a questiou. On tld,, pagu 3 Bob, second paragraph if you will Stazting with 1998. I'll read it. Theu~ hnve been some discussions among the n~mnlxw~ of the co~ty ofopenspscebecauseit~asmall~~ Igue~ssmy~wouldbe, de~gsmall. I mean to me it's somewhm of a fairly larEe spot and the f~ th~ iI's tied d/rectly to the west of really sort of the flavor and history of old Cbsnhs _,tstm_; I gue~ you know I'm not going to go into all tha~ stuff IH~ that, but I gue~ I was sitth~ fl~re go/rig boy, ff you could find ~ of a ~ spot to have a gathering ~rea. You know whether/t'd be an sm!phifl~r, you know I &m't know what, but it seemed like it was a good spot f~ it so I was just cufiom ~s to your thoughts. utility as a commercial sim to th~ community, and y~s, the City i~ looking at a pot__e.~{.{ for Slagle: Okay. So one la,st question. So the concern that a piece of history, ff~~~ parcel to the east, the ce. mete~, the old chm'ch, I mean I'm just trying to pictuxe what, a 2 Planning C. ommi~ion Me~ing - J~nuary 7, 2003 Walgreen's or something, who knows. Yo~ know rmjust thtmving fl~i~ out but what that would look liim so close to thi,~ part of history. off the Ires o~ that_ St~ is coma~ wlmtev~' ~mes ~m that ~ is, wl~n I say sUflg, the plmming staff, thst is architecaimlly compS'hie and comp~ what's down the~ because if you go ba~k when w~ did the Vision 2002, ~r ev~ the _~way 5 ccsxidar stm~rds, the steeple. ofdiff-ermtdir~ti(ms. Souyou'reco,,,i,,gdownthst sm~.,wewsmtomaJn~that. Agsin, architecuntlly what's going to fit there,. S]agJc: Om I ask what thc EDA paid leg thst? Slagle: Okay. Generous: No. Lot l'sthebigo~e.~ Sscchet: Oh, the other one is 7,000, okay. I have to look at these punc~ ~ions con'ecfly, aright. My real questiou, can you help me undemm~ since we're talking va_H. az~ her~ and w~'m talking a hardship, wha~ exsctly is the hardship here? Ocherous: The city's ia~ i~ to preserve cmly the pubtic 8immd th~m... Sacchet: Yeah, I umiemand that but then you could say weU that's for the PUrlx~ of ~ the value of the rest, isn't it? Aanemon: Yeah, we could sell the whole thing with one lot, ARnenson: Or structure the teams of the sale such thst the bidlding hsd to stay th~m and. 8aecbet: So is the hardship that we could not preserve the histm~ port if we would mdu~ the variance? Is that the hardship? Imeansreweth~thard~bere? Planning Commi~ion Meeting -January 7, 2003 City would nm~ We just have, the i .mlm~mm~ ar~ the~ that the City wants pmse:rv~ Sacchec Right, ri~ What1~mttyingtoundemmnd, i~m~e~odyehe~~~~ We look hara~hlp and increm~ value. ! would ~ay no w~y. Now it ha~pe~ t~ be the city. That nmkes really not thai big of a ~ But to at least mifiga~ it, I n~ean I cau see tha/the Would there be a posdbility to ~be the lot that goe~ wilh the historic ~ a ~ ~ to the south? I mean it's IHud ora funny shape I/am: w/Ih all these ccamera. Oenew~: Yeah, what it/s, it's follow/rig the parking lot. Sacchet: Is there a masaru why not part of thh parking lot could go with ~Ma ta-openy? Aaneuson: The City owm the lot. (]eneaxma: We own the whole th/nE. (~m~rous: And o~e ofthe com/ifiom is toexpandit slightly aothat we nminlah the l0 foot setback for the smumn~ itself. Saccl~c So it's alrmdy going a little b/t inw the parking lot. Gemeroua: Ye~ Blackowialc But, excusex~Uli. The pafldng lot w~l be t~'n up as part of this development. Aanensou: Not necesaafily. Geuenms: Notallofi~ 1ustwhe~thebuild/ugpadwouldguin. Blackowiak: At least the northern h~l¢ aud. Aanenson: No. We'vebeenwoddngondesigns. Idon'tthinkso. Oenero~: T~ majority of it will remain became it's pretty tight/n there, how you caufigu~ il. Plus we have to preserve the access for the Renmx so that drive area is defined. Blackow/ak: Right, okay. I'mscrry. Sacchet: Well I thlnl~ I got as ranch of an auswer as I posdbly can at th/s po/ut, ~ you. Sacchet: Yeah, Iunderstamt. The inlent was not to remarket ~hs~ Lot 2. The/ntent/sWpre~o~ the historic and you did give me a frame, work in terms of what the pressures am o~ this so I 4 Planning Com,,',{,.,ion l'~i.~ - lanuary 7, 2003 Lillehau8: Ithinksomemishthavealmadybeenauswem~hemubutldohaveaquesfiou. Ifitis developed, it would probably be typical thai a buildinE would go on the north e~ of ttmt lot. Ami Kam meufioned t~ it, trying w presa've the site Fmes to the steepl~ of that church. I m~n if the~'s a buildin8 that would nm~ than likely be pla~ed on the nc~ch emi of thai lo~, wouldn't that rmlly fall in line with obstructing the sight line. ~anenson: ru so back to where the ~t waz bef~., and I think when tMs comes in we're going to show that where the fooqxim was bef-c~ the odginal Pauly's bu~alng and ccmistem Sacchet: ...it was pl~tty low the Pauly's buikiing. Slagle,: So whe~ yo~ say, when it come~ up, I mean is theze a ~ active eff~ right now o~ this sim? LHle. b,,,,~: Then my other ~ou would be. is Oufiot A. does the City intend on mahtaini~ ownership of that lot7 LiHehaug. Okay, thank you. Blackowiak Okay. LuArm; 8o ahead. Sidney: Onemo~equestic~ Whslarethedrawb~kstoma/ntaininga lO,O00squar~footloiami 100 foe~ fi-oula~ f~ the old V'dlage Hall7 Why can't we nmintain ordiuau~ ou that lot? Aanenson: Well I think we could except that if we own the property and someix~y else owns it, then we're going to mow and maintain our ixopeny. And could it be structured another way, sure. Would it affect the purchase price? P,~sibly. That's a decision, you're ~ to rru, l~. a diffemmmfly? Yes. Slagle: The side setback on the larger parcel, didlsee somewhere whe~ ii was 10feet? C-e~erous: The~'s no imm'hal setl~ck. Slagle: Okay, so ....the buikiin8 could be 10 feet Ocherous: It's a bufldingcode requimme~thst yo~ ~h~ts~ a 10 foot setback from the lxoperty line or you have to go to a differmt fire rstlng far the wall snd you can't have openings it For the fire code they could go closer. 5 Planning Connni~ioa Meeting - January 7, 2{X)3 Slagle: Can I just aak your thoushia on that? For tMa upcoming: I mean are you in SUpl~rt of that or ar~ you going to try and brin2 it you lmow as fin' away frmn the e~im'ing ~ as yo~ can? much all drainage and utility ~ C~merom: Yes. Sacchet: So no~_hing could be built in tb~'= anyhow? Generous: No structnr~ Just... Sm:ch~ No structures, otcsy. So that is a good anaw~r, ~. B~ckowialc Okay. Any ot~r que~ons? Sum, So ahead. Sidney: Anotherque~on. Why isa't this coming in with a proposal and why is this not in dir~ct conjunction with a proposal, because Fm having a hard time thinking about a builrl~g ~n that doingitnow and not latmq That would make mm~ stmse to me. To be platt~ at that time. Aaneason: Well there's no~~~ Aammson: Right. I thiak that's part of it, yeak Blackowiak: Okay. Blackowiak: Okay. Feik: This isn't specifically related to the application, ~ the issue in front of us, but what you anticipate coming in ultirrmu-J_y b~ing lmilt on this parcel, do you anlicipam a rulatively variance Neik: Okay. Aanenson: That's the only area we've got a grouping ofhistcaic lmildings. Norr, sth~ifit's this 6 whea you have two buildings on one loc That's also a b~ code and a si~ plan issue too so whoever purchases this ~ or what ti~'re ~ ~ squa~ foot, what's c~ the ~ ~ eliminating tl~ complexities. ~ it comes through we're goinE to do om- be~ to g~ a good site plan, which we're dolag now and again you'll any site plan that comes on the propaty too. Claybaugh: I've got a question Alisou. Blackowiak: Oh sur~. Claybaugh: Is it posm~ to flip ti~ over end structure L~ 2 aa thc 10,000 square _f~__, 100 foot fiutuage and if mmconc et~ in and thc u~ that's ~ ~ more squgrc ~ tl~ corm in and obtain a variance. Esaeatially, I don't imow what th~ m:cadiag proc~ fc~ r~adiag the lo~ if that just domm't work b~ I ~ why the City wants to doit. Aanenson: Right Our ~co~on stands in the reixa~ You cert~iy can recoume, ud som~hing diff'em'um~ Claybaugh: But I mean if you did it, how c~upl~ would it be fcr someone to come bac, k in? Aanenson: Again I'll go back to what the original f~ is. That's what we'm trying to smy within kind of som~ of those tmrim~m~. I think that's on one of your sheets. Oenerous: We have the second she~ sbows a ~ loc ltdo~sn'thavetbe... Generous: Andjmt presen~ what th~ City, t~public... Claybaugh: Right, but I mean you would be ~ it if you had 100 feet offixmta~ and 10,000 square feet. It'd still be lx~er~L Geaenm~: You'd have 34 additional fc~t ~a West 78~' Strut. Aaneoson: Right. We're selling it all as o~ 1o~ with the comtitioa they have to lXeSer~ a piec~ of lxope~. Claybaugh: Right. But tl~nLot 1 would not be a~ mmat, etable m'desimMciatimconccrn, endit would be a limiting factor in tm-tm of marlmfing iL Bu~ is time a way to do it lilm that mad then lx~dbly have the petitioner come in and obtain a variance if it's deemed necessary so we've got 7 Planning Commi~ion l~eeting - Sanuary 7, 200~ Well let's be clear on this. We dcm't have a ag~ Claybaugh: IunderstandthaL lsitaposm'bitRyorisitjusttoocnmhtm~meaiaucess? Aanenson: I think that's a cumbel~om~ process but you're cm~gnly welc~m~ to mak~ any recommendation diflkrent frtxn what we have~ Jack Atkins: My name is la~k Atkins. I live at 1220 West 780' Strew__. about 2 Mocks east of this property. My wife's livcdin Chanlmsscn, i~ family has forov~ 100years. This is tmd~y the old downtown of Cbanhass~ and I gttcss my biggest concern is not letting the site...like that fluoresc~t lights going at 11:00 at night; and those am thin? t~ put in thcg~ So I don't know how, ff ~ clear the slate and rrmke it as easy as posm*ble to gt~t any variaxg~s, w~ don't hav~ any leverage ove~ what people do along tho~ lines I'm not sure but that's my co~:ern about a car~ blanche variance before we even know who thc buyer is and what tt~-y're tryi~ to do. subdivide it and they came in, they could request some vsxiances. I'm not saying anybody has at this point bra we arc ~ about the type of archiax:tu~ the liL, hting. This is a different feel Jack Atkins: I've heard rtmaors that a Dairy Queen or a Grill ~ ~ill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ have light, fluca~ce~ lights all tl~ way around their buildings and it sounds comple~y ~ble with the property. I don't know how that could be addressed but ff w~'m just trying, tb~ city's just trying to i .reprove the ~ orthe marlmt value oft. be prop~'~ ~ I know that tl~), hav~ b~ll~t ~ ri~t now and th~'d lfl~ to get a 1o~ of mon~ f~ the something tasteless... Aanenson: Well the best levcxa~ that we have is that we own it, and we can decide who to sell it to. Jack Atkins: So ff somebcxty is the high biddy, we'll refuse because we don't wan~ that tbe~7 Blackowiak: Kate, can you talk a little bit about fl~e _~nlng a~ what it's zoned. What we Aanenson: It's zoned ccatral business whichislxobablytbemostlmrmi~ve. Has the gmatest amount of us~ that would be pentfill~ ri~a~ Generous: And the least restrictions. Thorn's no internal sctbac, k n~quil~a~ats. Thor's no impca~ous mirfac~ limitstlrms. Plaoni~g Commisai~ Meeting - January 7, 2003 Blaekowiak: Okay w~'m looking at platting, well I gue~ it's my question. I'm scary Jack, I didn't mean to cut you off. Am you? laekAtkins: No, Iwasdon~ Thankyou. Bl~kowiak You're doae, okay. Should we be looking into ~uming this too? Blaekowialc It was just intm~i;,,g becauae he said it was the least restrictive and.ff that's a COll~. Asnensoa: Yeah, it was a bar there befc~ fight. I don't think anybody's, we lmve~'t ~k~d to anybody tl~'s going m 1~: ~odzr I~r ~ rtivity ~ b~ ~'m ~i~d~ I~ coald b~ a lest food. It could be a drug smrc. Itcoaldbealccofthoee~ Blackowialc Oimy, thankyo~ Debbie. I~bbie Lloyd: Debbie Lloyd, 7302 l_aredo Dfiv~ Sorry I missed the early discussion on it. This, the subdivision findings in the mix~ really bot~ me~ I mean I doa't understand why the City should g~ a variance on this parc~. I think we should stick with the code. Withthe 100 minimum lot area for fl~e old 1Fdla~ Hall and plaza. That doesn't logically m,,k~ ~m to me.. It's not needed. Without a variazme they can slill meet the zrinimnm lot zequitumeats for the old Village Hall and for a new loc I think we'm giving up some valuable opem space. That'sa clock tower, and to imagine a bailding being built in that comer using, ~ I lmar Bob say no msuictions cmi .m!~,zious smface. I mean that' s giving up gmen space. No side line ~ fm' the building. I like the ~d,-~ Alison of possibly rczoning_ I just think that land is tremeadoualy valuable in the center of the city. Keeping some gre~ space f~ a ~~ ~ ~ i~ W¢llitdces. It definitely incmases ti~ value of the ~ lot. Idon'thaveltmadcrdlguess... Sacchet: li's on page 6, point C. Jerry Paulsea: Jerry Paulsen, 7305 Laredo Drive. I'd ~ to think in terms of why we ripped down Pauly's and the old bank building in the ruai place~ I think it was conaidm~ kind of a blight on the neighborhood, and we wanted m g~rki of that to have a li~c aesthetic opening m 9 Planning Conunission M__,~ng - January 7, 2/)03 our city there. And now we're talking about reinstating some other type of ocmuuewi,i development them which defeats that purpose if that's what was the original reason for riling down tho~e buildings. And you tulk about a ~ pls__~_-~ · The library is not a gaflzring place. Tbe bulldingi~nota/aflm'ingplace. Open sl:mce is a gathering space. If they could afford it I guess, I'd like to see it rerrmin as olin spac~ Thank you. Blackowialc Thank you. Anyone else wishing to c~ment? Okay, ~e~ng no on~ I will doze the public bearing~ Comments from cornmig~ioner~ We'll start down. Aanenson: We bonght it to redevelop tbe ~. We had another project tlm ~rr~ in and that's what kind of ~purred, actually it was atwo ~ building and that actually spurred tbe plan that the planning staff Wok on to call the old Village anna, which we kind of came up with ~ development. As I say, that plan moved along it fell apart and since that time it ha~n't beon beavily nm'keted but it was the intant to redevelop the pwlxxty. I think th~ issue at that time was the height rout compatibility, which we'~ all, as a plsnnlng staff ate more sensitive to... this is to inc~ase the value of Let 1, but in the second breath I would say that I think thl, is probably the perfect situation of why we would want to use a ~ in thi, case, bcc__~_me we are, I mean it's a special situation. A developex's not _comlng in here to develop both pm-ceis ami I feel tha~ this is an inlent of a ~ a~ I do support tbe variance ami I do suppart staff's positic~ Thanks. Blackowiak Okay, thankyou. UIL Sa~ Well I guess my position I made som~wha~ clear with my questions. I however tl~nk we need W fred a balance bere with whaf s doable. I mean my philosophy is to see how R can be approve it a little bit and there's a give and tsi.,. I don't see any ~ason why this lot csrmot be 10,000 feet hy exteading it to tbe som/~, l~'s all utility and drdua~ ~ c~ this spot tha/ can be built upon. And I mean it's, I don't see the hardship ,i;,cctly except it's a har~ ~ towards the City if we cannot sell as rm~.h so that's an acceplat~ Im'dahip in terms of the fron~e variance but Ithink s~ a rain/mum I would h'lm to see that ~main maintain the size oftbe lot because there's no reas~ why it c.~n't be ~ to the south and tim lot line is very going to ~- the decision to put samething in there th,t since the C~y owns i~ the City does have control over it snd I don't see an alte~nzfi~ exce~ having trust tl~t these people are going doesn't fit with neon ~ all re'mind, I would hope that they, ami trust bopofully, th~ have tbe decency to make a good call about that Thafs my commands. Blackowiak: Okay, thank you. Rich. Single: I just have two quick questiom, and tlxm I'll mak~ conmaem~. The church th,t we.. Colonial. Whew do they park'/ 10 Planning C, ommi~ion M__~.g - January 7, 2003 Aanenson: Yes. They also use that loC That will be ~ as a muuicipal lot beca-,e the Chamber uses it for the old Village Hall and then the old church buUding is also used by that lot. $1agle: Occasional type. Ammensou: Yeah. I'm not sure how much activity tl~ have on Wedugautay night or other night time activities but most of ths, t's Sunday morning activities, yeah. And thez,'s also a shared with Slagle: Rmmx, oimy. My only comment is that you imow in my heart l vamt to vote against it not becauso I think it's sm:h a bad thing. I think staff is doing what they should do given the times, but I just in some reslxX~ you know 10 years fixxm now to think thut thnt ~ could have been ~ amt who knows. ~spac~ So it's just whem I'm tom. I almost feel like saying we ~lould deuy it and rrm{ce, a rec~cm that we rezone iL But I also know thai given the situation in today's world, the City needs the money so, which I think goes against the variance l(c) so Pm conf~ That's where I'm at. Blackowiak: Okay, thank you. l.,llP, nn, Sidney: I'd agree with Uli in many of his lX, l-;q thst I jt~t dan't se~ a hardship with this application fo~ a varian~ I think the city should be held to the same stamtards as ~ can't b~ maintsined at 10,000 squar~ feet. 100 foot frontag~ It se~am ~ what v~'re., what wo have before us right now, the lot size f~ the old Villl~ Hall is nmch too sthagy and I just don't feel that really is respectful of ~ ~¢ v~ of ~ ~. I was trying t~ and I was coflumafing eartier that I think, you know I hav~ the feeling ~ rd ~ to ~ ~ ~ f~ a variance in the sam~ application as the sit~ plan. Well fur the ~ plat site plan application, and I would really ~ to put th~ tnnd~u fur a vadam~ or variances on tl~ dm~.lolx~ becaus~ in that way we mi~t produce a series of buildings that malty work togutt~ tztt~. Ijust on this in this ar~a. I just think we need m0re space around the old Villagu Hall, otherwise w~'r~ creating a nou-confol-ming lot which would in my mind maybe forc~ the is~u~ of moviug th~ building somewlxau olse and I don't think that's really wtxa~ I want to gu with this. So anyway, I rually can't support this variance. Blackowiak: Okay, thank you. Bruce. They chose to buy this, ~ parcels to develop them on a futura basis. I th~k ff we were W approve this tonight we wmfld bo setting a staudani that I th/nk sitting up here I would be hard pressed to deuy or to make a recommendafi~ I should say to deuy other develoIxgs in a like situation, time same, deny the, I'm tripping ov~ my own words here I~ I don't thln~ v~ would be treating the average citizen equitably unle___~_ we also approve this. Approved the avera~ ~ bringing a like proposal, and I don't think this body would do that. I really don't think if this was 11 Planning Commission Meeiin~ - January 7. 2003 ofChanhaas~n. And I can' t support it as laid o~t. Ifitwaa atgiva~deve, lol~-.I~~y not sugqx~rt it ~ I ~ hope that th~ City wouldn't hav~ br~ht this b~cn~ us. Blaekowiak: Craig any commits? Claybaugh: Comments fall along the sam~ lines. Typic, ally th~'s comments wl~ other variances ~ in front of this panel nrut it's equated by a ~ This roughly 35 pa'c~ rathe- see the mnphasis put on IX~a~ly approving a vafianc~ h'lm thi~ with th~ contin~ of that's my comments. Bhmkowiak: Okay, tlmnkyom I think that's kimt of the infcxmation that will be ftwwatded to City Council becattse I've got coum,m~ I guess in the same vein. I just think of people _comlnE befc~ us with their garag~ and they say you know I'd ~ 2 feet on this side ami we say you know, you could aumatlly buikl it back ~ and not need any variances and so we deny it and I keep looking for a reason togo ahead ami approve thi~ and I havea't found it yet. We can do this lot split without vaxismces, tt is possible. Okay, and that's so oft~ the xvason we give to applicants. You do have a way to do this wilbo~ variances so them~ we'~ not ~mting you a iucome for the City, but that does fly iu the face of findins number 3. C actually saying that it's not based ou a desire to increase value or iucome potemiaL which I think we're tryin..= to do in thiscase. So l look at thal as ntuub~ one, there' s no hardship. Numbertwo, we cau do the split without variauces. Ntunber three, there is a dedre to increase iucome poteutial and u~ four, it is a self created ha_,dship because you can do iI without ~. Two mare c,:uumeuts. I'm glad tha/the Afldns came th{, eveuin8. I was comnmmli~ earlier today when I spoke wilh list and I'm surprised. I would th~k thst~ I don't lmow how the 500 feet was dawn for thi,, but when this does go to City Camcil, I would hope that the mailiug list would be 8reatly expanded seems rather {{mited d the let'~ say, 27 muues. I see 2 that I thiuk are, maybe 3 are residemiaL l~00 or whalever it's goius to take. We need to Eet more people to fiud out abou~ this. HavinE said that I don't feel it meets any of the hardship requirements, the only way, and I'm not sayiug that I would do this, but the only way that I would eveu support City Council Eoin~ f~ wiIh number 1 would stay with o~ V'dlase 9,,n. hotherwords,~~d~~y~~ thau old Villa~ Hall ou that lot became we're creaiiu8 a non-conformS! Ici and if old Villa~ thafs really I think what my ~ worry is. Is that we're making a d~ou bs,~_ on riEht hem, ril~ uow, but as a Planuing Commission I think our job is to look out :5, 10, 15, 20 years aud say okay, maybe right today we need thai doUar buI in 10 or 15, 20 years, is that, is iI worth ~ Audi don't kuow that it would be. So I would hope ~hat if the C~ Couucil ~ ¢~ w ~ Hall or historic buildin8 or somet~n~ that would limit any future potemial on thai other lot, so those are my comments. I would like a motion please. 12 Lillehaug: Could I m.qim one mom quick quentin? The e.,,,l:i~ng lot f-re' the old town hall, does that 66 foot follow the existing lot line far ti:mt town h~ll? ~: Yes. That's our assumpticm th. it follows, except for it's t~chnicaIiy on tl~ whole property. Blackowialc lm't it technically o~e lot fight noW? Oenerom.' Yes. Blackowiak: Right. $o there iz no lot line in~ior right now. Lmeha . Okay. umk . Blackowiak: So would anyone like to ~ a motion? Feik: I'!1 try it. Blackowiak: Okay. l~eiic Do I hll. ve to read the whole thilig? ~B~2ca_ n~m~ mine ol:lly hit8 to do with about the ~ 10 words. I recommeaxi we deny. Blackowialc And you just go ahead ~ Staff~th~ Feik: I regommelxt the Phmning _Commi~ion lr~ouma~ad denial of tile Ilppllcatioll of the plat of 2.59 acres of land zoned CBD located st the southeast crm~ of West 78~ Street and Gr~at Plains Boulevtrd, period. Blackowiak: Okay. And then make sure our o_-,;,,,emts are attached fc~ farwarding to the City. Feilc Yes. Blackowiaic Okay. And anybody Feiic And anybody else. Blackowialc Okay, is there a second pleaze? Sidney: Second. preliminary pi~t of 2.$9 aer~ of lsml mined CBD loza~d at the souil,eszt eorner o~ West ami the motlou ~m-ded with a vote of 6 to 1. 13 Planning Commi~ion Meeting - Jaauary 7. 2003 $1agle: Ijusthaveaquestion regarding the last CYa3t Cxam~ meeting. Idon'tknow whoeverwas doing the Feik: Iwent I didn't do notes. Iapologize. little walkway in the parking lot and I'm trying to think what else. Did it have any other concerns? Slagle: Yeah any, what Slagle~ Waa staff in ~t with thaO Feiic No. $1agle: You didn't agree with that? Aanea~m: We fcn'wa~led yom' reo>,~:..~na~i_m~ but we did n~t suggo, t tmnoval of the land.aping fo~ a_ddi~icmal ~idewallc We felt the ~ waa nxn~ i .mi~ant...applicati~n Slagl¢: Can I just ~ee a copy of youx, of the a__o~_ m~nt~ givea to the council? Aanea~m: Sure. Slagle,: I mean I jtmt, what I'm~ i~ it a pretty fair aha~ that you ~ay he~ they're both otis it? Aanenson: Wettyto. Wctryto, right. I mean it was going to go forwatd with two ~ Slagle: I guess I'm. had regarding the location of the sidewall what the issues the Planning Commission lind and 14 Planning Co,~,,.iasioa Mee~ng -January 7, 2003 Slagle: Okay. Ofa/larea~thatwe'retalking~~ friendly. Bla~kowiak: Yeah. $]tl~: Well if yOtl cotl]d Slag]e: I know if you' ve got, Ithink~ Ri~htn~wIdon'thaveAcmbat. B]ackowiak: Okay, otxm Aaaenaoa: Technically we adjourn. That opea dictation is ac~.lly... Blackowiak: Well yeah, I imow I was looking becauae it had adjom~m,-~t mq~nud~ Okay, ~ other imms anybody would ffl~ to addm~ ~ w~ adjourn? ~ w~'ll discass tl~ City 15 CITY OF PC DATE: 01/07/03 CC DATE: 01f27~ REVIEW DEADLTN~ NA I I S'rAFF REPORT Z LOCATION: Southeast ~ of West 78~" Street and (h'mt Plains ~ C~ty of Chanhlmm 7700 Market Boulevard P. O. Box 147 C~lznhlme~ MN 55317 (~2) 2274 ~00 ACRF. AGE: 2.12 acres DENSITY: NA SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The city is ~ th~ s~ loczt~ at thc southeast c~ncr of Wcst 78a. for ~ old V'fl/a~ Hall site since the CBD dislzi~t nxluires a minimum lot size of lO,OOO square feet and the proposed lot is only 7,.392.55 squ~ f-~ and a minimum lot width of 100 f~t and only 66 fe~ is proposed for Lot 2. Notice of this public he~fing has been mailed to ali property owners wiflzin 500 ~ Pony-Pauly-Przymus Plat January 7, 2003 Page 2 L~.V~. OF CITY DISCRETION IN D~ON.MAK1NG: If it meets these standmx~ the City must apffmve the pmlimina~ plat. This is a quasi judicial decision. The city is ~ the rep!~ting of the old Villa? Hail pmlmrty located in the southeast comer of West 78m Street and Great Plain~ Boulevm'd in orfler to clear up the rifle for futnm sale of the nm across the pmtmrty before it was realigned as tmrt of the West 78~ Street and I-~tghway 101 realignnamt. The platting proposal is to cm~tu a small site for otd City Hall com~ '~ng Uhe build/ng, plaza and landscape planter, a larger site far a commerdal user, dedication of the right-of- Plains Boulevlm:L Howewr, the site for o]d Vills? HaH is only 7,392.55 squm'e feet with a lot wid~ of 66 feet. The CBD district requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet with a rrdrdmum widlh of 100 feet. The intent ofLot 1 is to cmlyinclude suW~ent mmto _complywilh Tbe pwpe~ to fl~e n~th is zoned CBD and ~ lt~ old Kenny Mad~ Imilding. To the east, is old St. Hubert's Church, anrmtly leased by the city and subleased to Colonial Church at Herin? Squm'e. St. Hube~'s Catholic Conmnmity owns the chumh and ~. Re/Max built a Brown's car wash, zoned I~ghway Business District, BI-I, is on the so~th side of West 79~ StreeC West of Great Plains Boulevani is the C2umhassem Dinner Thealm:. which is zoned CBD. BACKGROUND Village Hall was constructed in 1898. This ama is in the most hist~cal portion of the City. The building, once pmafllel to Hwy. 101, has been ahifted to be parallel to G-teat Plains Boulevard. Historical accounts indicate thai a band shell was located n~r old V'fllage Hsll_ This building is still in good physical condition. The Pauly/Pony/Pmymus ~is owned by the ~l~T)A. The pm'cel is 1.15 acresin aize. The buildings have been rumoved and the site is currently vacant, except for a parking lot and trash Pony-Pauly-Pmym~ Plat enclosure. The current zoning on th~ ,ite is ~. 'I~ 2020 land use guide~ the ~ ~,nme~ial. In 1998, the city undertook a historic district study of the m-ea. There hadbeea some disaxssion among members of the commun/ty about leaving thi. ~ as ~ ~ and the~ h~ been 8trong opposition by the majority of the ne/ghbors to any building on this site. However, this may not be the best site for the ~on of open space, because it is a small, comer parcel. A building located on the site should be a designed so thst it complements the ~ ~nd is in close proximity-to the stm~ Also, the existing plaza located north of VillaEe Hall must be the common "old town" design standard with paddng located behind the building (south si& of pwperty) in the existing pm'king lot. landmark with a historical ~-ereax~ point f-or thc city's origin and represents cem~r of community. This site is 1.74 acres in size. The site includes ti~ Old St. Hube~'s Church and the Catholic ~. Old St. I-htmt's was built in the 1880s. Th~ steeple on the church has cemetery h~ sdditional burial plots and as a use it will always remsin as a cemetery. In 2000, St. Hub~t's ~ the Schlenk ~ for future expansion of the cemetery. This Nwpetty is 1.75 acres in size. The old bed of the rallwad tr~cks was v~ated ~nd sold back to the Schl~. Ther~ are approximately 4 acres total. The cummt zoning is RSF (Re~denfial Single Family). The 2020 land use plan for this s/re is medium density ~ideatiaL The home on this pwperty was pwbably built in the 1940s. It is sun-ounded by open sp~ce ~nd mm~e trees with a charm/n~ flower gsrden tlmt greets those who enter the bem~ of the city. Acceas to the site should be designed so th~ it does not add to the congestion of West 78a~ Street. In The Re/Max building was constructed in 2001. This ~ was fommdy the k'lin~hutz/Wffbar lmilding which was used ss an off,ce building. The property that the building sits on is 5 acres in areawith matm~ trees. The old building was builtin 1888 bythe Gdsor fam/ly for a ~ACCES8 Acceas to the site is fi'om Great Plains Boulevm'd. Ne/tl~r LOt 1 nor LOt 2 will access via West 78m Street. Pm'king for both pwperties is on Lot 1. Acce~ f~ tbe RdMax Ix/ld/ng is al~o ~a-oas the ~. A cr~s access forI.ot 2 and theRdMax l~'cel and apar~u5 agreemmt forLot 1 nn~t Pony-Pauly-Pmymus Plat January 7, 2003 LANDSCAPING/TREE PRF...qERVATION Code 10~000 ~ 1 ~,4~ 1~ ~5 ~ 2 7~35 ~ A 1,~.~ ROW ~ 11~811.19 # Ama and lot width variances applied for as part of the plat. ~,IBDIVISION FINDINGS 1. The proposed stflxtivision is consismnt wi~ the zoning cedinance; Lot 1. 'rl~ ~ ~ ~ 2 is need~lto maintain th~ minimum lot a~a f~r the old Villa? Hall and plaza. ~ The prolmi~ subdivision is consim~mt with applicable 3. The physical ctmraztefisfics of tl~ sim, including but not limited to U~-aphy, soils, in this report. Pony-Pauly-Przymua Plat January 7, 2003 physical summnd/ngs, she~ or topography. Reasonable uae hwJudes a use rrmcle by a majodty of comtnuable property within 5(}0 feet of it The intern of thi. previa/on is not to this neighbad:too& Variances that ble~ with these pre-existing stmadards ~ ~ and create a ~ ~ to house the old Village Frudl wl'dle l:n-ovi~ the hu'gc~ possible pawel far redcvclopmm~ purposes. T~ sit~ for old Villn? Hall only needs to Pony-Pauly-Przyml.m Plat January 7, 2003 Page 6 be The conditions upon which a petition for s variance is based are not applicable, gema'ally, to other ~ within the same zoning clasaifi~ ~ TI~ sim of the old VHls? Hall is not ~ to be ~ deveJoped, as moat sul~lJ~, b~ rafter m ho~m~ th~ ~ mad ~ying pl~ mad ~ ~ Fin~ain~ The city intmxis to k~p Lot 1 to house old V'd]aSc Hail lVmding: The difficulty is due to the e~is~ing coati.on of ~ sim i .ml~mm~ including tl~ building and plaza snd lmxlscape ~ the dangcz of fire or eodans~ the public safet'y or s~ dimi~ or i .repair~ values within the neigh~ 'q'he Planning Commi~on mcomm~mda approval of the tgelimina~ plat of 2.59 acres of land zoned CBD located at the aoutheast cc~r of West 78a' Street and Ore~ Plains Bouleva~ with a lot area variance of 2,606 square feet and a lot width .variance of 34 feet for Lot 2, Block 1, as shown on plans ptepan~ by Otto Associates, dated Septrmtmr 12, 2002, revised December 23, Pony-Pauly-Przymua Plat January 7, 2003 Page 7 1. Revise the plat namo to Old Village Hall Addition. 2. Record ~ ~ ~ for I.~ 2 ~! the Re/Max aite acro~ I.at 1. 3. Record a pattdng agreement for Lot 2 against L~ 1. 4. The property line between Lot 1 and Lot 2 mu~ be a ~rm~ of tm (10) feet away from the existing old Villa~ H~ ~ ^TFA~ 1. Hndings of Fact and Recommeadafion 2. Meano~SteveTmv. lltoRYno-Aaneasondaled 1/19/2002 3. Preliminary Plat Pony-Pauly-Przymus Plat January 7, 2003 crl~ OF CHANHASSEN FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMb~.NDATION Application of City of Chanhassen for a subdivision of 2.59 aca~s creating one developable lot, one lot for old city hall, an outlot al' excess land, and right-of-way fo~ West 78~ Street and Ch'eat Plains Boulevard. variance for lot area ~nd lot frontage for Lot 2, Block l, Pony-Pauly-Przymns. The Plmming Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed subdivision preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all ~ persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The pwpe~ is currently zoned Control Business District, CBD. 2. The ~ ia guided in the Land Use Plan for cc~m~ciaL 3. The legal description of the property is: 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commiasion to cons/der seven find/ngs regard/ng them are: a) b) c) Pony-Pauly-Przymus Plat January 7, 2003 susceptibil/ty to flooding, and st/mn w~r drsins? are suitable for the. e) The proposed sulxlivision will not cause envin:mmimtal damage; The planning zeport//2/I)2-14 Subdivision dated Sanuary 7, 2003, prepami by Robert Oenewu~ et al, is incoqmomt~ hea~a. I~O~ATION ATTEST CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: MEMORANDUM FRO1VI: DATE: SUB.l: Revic-w ofpiv, l/minaty plat _c~v~nE 2 lots at the somheast comer of West 7~ Street and C_~at Plains Blvd. Pony-P~ly-Ih/mms Plat Planning Case: 2002-14 SUB · 1. The ~ line between~ 1 ~ ~ 2 ~ a~ of 10 ~ ~ from the existing Old Town Hall building.: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7700 MARKET BLVD. PROPOSA~ Preliminary Plat Creating Two Lots and an Outlot APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen LOCATION: West 78th Street and Great PlaJrm Blvd. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing la cloeed and ~e C~'nmlssk~ dbaJsses the project. office houm, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday ~h Friday. If you w~h t~ t~lk to m~nearm ~bout ~1~ pmJecL, please cmfmct Bob at 227-1131. If you chooee to m.dxnlt written ~, It Is helpful 10 have orm Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5!60® ACTION WEST ~ DBA RE/MAX ACTION ~ 18001 HWY 7 MINN'E'I~NKA MN 55345 C/O 'I'Fff~ & TAx I.~A'I'rN K TAx 470 78TH 8'r.w SU/TE 260 ~ MN 55317 x-mATHER P THOMPSON & LAURA ANN R FRIIX3EN 7720 GREAT PLAINS BLVD 55317 BLOOMBERG COMPANItkS INC PO BOX 730 CHANHA~I MN 55317 79TH STI~ CENTER PARTNER..~-IIP 684 EXCf~-~IOR BLVD EXCEI.~OR MN 55331 ~ MI:~ICAL ARTS LP CK) TIIIF. S & TAX I ]~ I~qTI~Pi~J~ 470 78TH ST W STE 26O CHANHASSI~ MN 55317 BLOOMBERO COMPANIES INC PO BOX 730 CHANHAS3/~N MN 55317 B 4D l.J~ 555 3RD AVE NY/ HUTCHINSON MN 55350 CHANHASSI~N MRT)ICAL ARTS H LLC 470 78TH ST W STE~ ~ MN 55317 AMOCO ~CAN OIL CO C/O ERNST & YOUNO I J P PO BOX 06529 CHICAGO IL 60606 BAM PROPERTY HOLDINGS LLC 440 79TH ST W ~ MN 55317 CHANHA~SI~q MEDICAL ARTS LP 470 78TH ST W STE 260 CHANI-IA~N MN 55317 CHURCH OF ST HUBERT 8201 MAIN ST CHANHA~SI~N MN 55317 BROWN PROPERTIES LLC C/O GARY L BROWN 1831 KOEHNEN CIR W EXCELSIOR MN 55331 CHA/xnHA,.~$~ MI~ICAL ARTS H LLC 470 78TH ST W STE 26O CHANHAS31~q MN 55317 MICHAEL J SORENSEN 12625 58TH ST MAYER MN 5536O VALVOLINE INSTANT OIL CHANGE 3499 DABNEY DR l .~I'O'I~N K'Y 40509 HOLB3AY STATION STORES INC 4557 80TH ST W BLOOMINOTON MN 55437 CHURCH OF ST HUBERT 8201 MAIN ST C~%'HAS~NN MN 55317 O L B PROPERTm-~ I_LC 1831 KOI~INEN air EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MICI-L~. E RAMSE 6362 OXBOW BND CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHAFEL I-tn J. ACADEMY 306 78TI-I ST W ~ /fin 55317 ttER1TAGE PARK APARTMENTS C/O THTRR & TAT.T-~- M(]M'r INC 470 78'rH ST W PO BOX 250 CHANHASSHN MN 55317 PAUL O ~Tr~EM & ANDREA F ~ 7727 PRONTIER TIlL CHAHHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES M & PATRICIA D MARTIN 3740 UNION TERRACE LN PLYMOUTH MN 55441 CHA.NHASS~N REALTY CO C/O THIES & THAI J-~ MGMT - PAM PO BOX 250 ~ MN 55317 DEAN M AK~NS PO BOX 390195 EDINA MN 55439 AVERY® Address Labels Laser 516C ,z- I VI.../ //'7 T STR · x.9~'~ { x9~5.59 x 975. 69 /. % J ~-- '/.g75.3~ x975.48 { 975 Rirn=97h2I x 975. 40 +~.~ Gross x 974.83 x 975. x975.21 ' Top of Hj~ ".I!' · 4utol ~ ' '. (,I.¢~.o. f~) 'i I.. Woter SerWc'e--, 974 ,.curb. cut-~ _i CITY OF 690 COULTER DRIVE · P.O. BOX 147 · CHANHASSEN. MINNF..BOTA 55317 (612) 937-1900 · FAX (612) 937-573g TO: FROM: DATE: Todd HofVm~n~ Park & Recreation Director ~/~ ltl July l, 1997 Recommendations of the Park & Recreation Commi~ion At the June 24, 1997 Park & Recreation Commission meeting, commi~qioners ~ the future of two properti~, under control of the EDA. Upon conclusion of their discu~ion, the. comm[qsion made the following r~,o~fions: Pauly/Pony/Przymus Site: Commissioner Roescr moved, Commhsioner Berg seconded to recommend that thc Economic Development Authority dedicate the Pauly/Pony/Przymus site as a public park; that a park plan be prepared; and the site restored. All voted in favor and the motion Old Red-F_,-M_lx Site: A motion was made by Chair Lash to recommea~! a trail connection be made from the intersection of Highway 5 end Highway 101 to the pede~rian overpass and that adequate fundin~ be allocated to beautify the old Red-F-Mix site, includi~ the t~cscrvafion of 8recn space, landscapin~ and appropriate sisna~. Commi..,ioner Howe seconded the motion. All voted in favor and th~ motion carried. On behAlf of the Park & ~on _Commi~-qioll, plea~ preset the~e tecommzndafiom to the EDA. ~V~& Recreation Commi~ion pla~nlng Conunission Park & Recreation Co,m,d,,~ion Mln~ July 29, 1997 be available to assist in the construction of this slmte, pad~ Those inclnde_. {nlino 8km~_e. companies, the Market Square Mann?m,~nt Orm~, technic4il colleges, and a design contest with l'~wardlk Th~ comrrli88ion agreed with 8tllfi"8 r~.~)mn'u~d~,fion to ~ a skate park into the z~t~aign of City Cent. ea' Park s~heduled for consU'uaion in the summ~ of 1998. As such, Commissione~ ~snclers moved, Commi~onet Howe seconded to designate a skate park as a component of City Ce~t~ Park. Planning for the facility is to be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan develolxment detailing the renovation of City Center PadL with planning to occur in the fail/winter of 1997/98, and eousml~on to oeetu' during the 1998 seasom AU voted in favor and the motion carried. Program Re. tis: The following Program ~ wemu receiv~ by the commission: Summer Programs. Recrualion Cuuter Monthly ~ and 4'" of July CeJS:u'ation Evaluation. In response to those reports, Commissioners recornmend~ a variemy of changes to the 4~' of July Celebration that included the selection of a new band for the 1998 celebration, incorpon~on of additional food vendors, thc con~llS{~o~ of the commuuity pm-ade, the ruintro~,elion of the treasuru hunt. A~tlve Reporl~: The commigsion receiv~ the following reports: Famcroachment of Parkland-West l ~ke Susan, Letter of Appreciation-Commissioner Voluntee~ for the 4"' of July Celebration. The ~rnmisaiolm also took time to discus~ the respomies from lite Economic Development Authority regarding the Pauly/Pony/Pryzmus mite and th~ old Red-F~IV~ mite. The coromis~ion conol_nv, d with the response of the EDA and is anxiously awaiting their plmming efforts. The commi~ion also discussed the inquiry of the Economic Developmtmt Authority regarding a trail underpass of the Twin Citie~ and Western Raihtmd ~). Oenetally commisaionem had mine significant tuaemvaii~ to this alignment. Ncvemtheless, in th~ spirit of maintaining an open mind, they ~ a Jim{ted fe~i~ty study. T'flJ8 8t~ im to co6t no ~ than $500. This motion wa~ made by Commissioner Roes~ and seconded by Commisudoner Bem'g with all voting in favor. There were no question~ On the administrative pack~. Comml~d__nll Pr~elx[lli{ol~: Commissioner Berg requested that lines be painted on the basketball court at Meadow Gtuen Park and that the history sltuem si~ program continue to be pursued. Commissioner Mandem moved, Commissioner Howe seconded to adjourn thc meeting at 9:10 p.m. Todd Hoffman Park &~on Director