1 Organizational Items.£ CITYOF CHANHgSEN ~Box147 C~, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952~7.1110 Building Iflspefllons ~ 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Englneedng Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax:. 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Flecr~ion Center 2310 Cou~ Bou~'ard Phone: 952227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952_227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Pho~ 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site wv#;.cLchanl'~mus TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Todd Gerh~ City Manager DATE: January 6, 2003 SUB J: Organizational Items Thc following items require Council acQon as a part of our first meeting of 2003. a. bi ~ Newspaper: Attached please find letters from the Chanhassen Villager and Lake Shore Weekly News requesting designation as thc city's official newspaper. This office re~mme~cLs that the Chanhassen Villager be appointed as the city's official newspaper because it is the only newspaper that meets designation guidelines established by state statute (see attached).' Acting Mayor: The Council should select one of.its members to serve as Acting Mayor. This person would nm Council meetings, stand in at ceremonies, and execute official city documents in the absence of the Mayor. d. F/re Ch/cf.- Thc Fire Department elected John Wolff to a two-year term as Fire Chief in December of 2001. Therefore, he is beginning the second year of his term. I recommend that the Council reaffirm Mr. Wolff's appointment as Fire Chief. Health O2~er: This office recommends thc reappointment of Dr. David Mccollum as the City's Health Officer for 2003. Dr. McCollum has served in this capacity for the past 15+ years. I will be meeting with him in thc near future to discuss public health issues, c.g. West Nile Virus, etc. Schedule for Professional Service Bids: Attached please find a chart indicating thc schedule we intend to use to bid out professional services. Our contracts are awarded for a three-year period. gl Qfficid Depository: As permitted by Minnesota Statute 118A.02, Subd. 1, thc Council should authorize thc Finance Director to designate authorized depositories and make investments at insQtutions that meet statutory requirements. If you have any questions, please contact mc. The City of Chanhaswen · A growing comrnunity with clean lakes, quality schools, a chan~ing downtown, thr/vfng businesses, winding trails, and beauUful parks. A gmat plato to live, work, and play. December 19, 2002 c,,, , se,.' VILLAGER CITY OF CiqAi~hASSEN Mr. Todd Gerhardt City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Gerhardt, Please consider our request for appointment of the Chanhassen Villager as thc official newspaper for the City of Chanhassen in 2003. Legal notices published in the Chanhassen Villager during this time period will be billed at the rate of $10.63 per column inch for the first insertion and $8.00 per column inch per subsequent insertions. Thc city can take advantage of a lower rate if it submits legal notice copy electronically via c-mail. Publication copy must be submitted in a generic text format and readable by our IBM compatible word processors. This system allows for a substantial labor savings if the Chanhassen Villager staff does not have to retype the notices prior to them being published in the newspaper. E-mailed legals should be sent to: legal@swpub.com. The rate for the materials submit- ted in this manner would be $9.03 per column inch, reflecting a I5% cost savings to the City of Chanhassen. Most standard legal notices (those without maps, graphics or special tabular information) submitted by the City of Chanhassen will be posted on our newspaper website, www. chanvillager, com, free of charge. Our legal notice deadline is at 4 p.m. on Thursday, preceding the following week's publication date; during holiday weeks the deadline may be advanced. In accordance with Minnesota Statute 33 lA.02, the Chanhassen Villager has met certain qualifications in order to become a legal newspaper to better serve the community. Some of the qualifications we must meet to become a legal newspaper include: distribution of the paper at least once a week for 50 weeks out of the year; be circulated in the local public corporation which it purports to serve, and either have at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, or have at least 500 copies regularly distributed without charge to local residents; have its known office of issue established either in the county in which is lies in whole or in part, the local public corporation which the newspaper purports to serve, or in an adjoining county; file a copy of each issue immediately with the state historical society; etc. These are just a few of the stringent guidelines a newspaper must fulfill in order to become a certified legal newspaper. It is our goal to serve you as your legal newspaper for the coming year. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you in the past. ~~Respec_ ~ully, Mark Weber Publisher enclosure 80 West 78th Street · Suite 170 · Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 · (952) 934-5045 INFORMATION FOR GOVERNM~NTAL BODIES AND INDIVIDUALS USING ~ LEGAl, NOTIC~ SECTION OF ~ CHANHASSEN VII,LAGER Notices to be published must be received in the office of the Chanhas~n Villager by 4 p.m., on Thursday, preceding each publication date. This deadline must be observed to ensure accumle and timely publication of important notices. We will not accept faxed notices as legal documents, as these copies are often unreadable. All hard copy notices should be clean and typed. Legal notices can be e-mailed to the following: legal@swpub.com. Questions should be directed to our legal department, 952-445-3333. Affidavits One sworn affidavit of publication will be provided, upon request, without charge for each legal notice. Addi- tional affidavits are available at $3.50 each. Additional clippings are available for $1.00 each. Late Fee Urgent legal notices which do not arrive at the Chaahassen Villager office before the specified deadline may be accepted, at the publisher's discretion, but will have a late fee or sumharge of 25 percent added for special Publication Requirements Most specifications for legal notice publication, including the numb~ of ~ a notice is to nm, are set forth by st_~mte. Interpretation of the statutes is the responsibility of the custo~ and its legal'cotmsel, not the publisher. Kill Fee Publication of scheduled notices may be sto~ depending on how far the printing .process has advanced. If a legal notice is killed before the initial publication date, the customer may still be liable for a special typesetting fee. Publisher assmnes no responsibility for elTOrS in typeselling or scheduling of legal notices. In all cases, publisher's liability shall be limited to a"make good" of a defective notice if it can be demonstrated that the error was made by the publisher and that as a result of the error the legal notice was rendered invalid. The newspaper must be notified of any errors after the first week of publication. Adjustments will be limited to the first week of publication only. Rates Effective January 1, 1985, the Minnesota State Legislature authorized legal newspapers to charge for legal notices in the same manner in which they charge their best commercial display classified customers. That means that legal notices are billed by the column inch, not by the "legal line." The law also restricts rote increases exceeding 10 percent per annum. CHANHASSEN VILLAGER RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users ............................................................................ $21.00 Legal advertising, first insertion ...................................................................................................... $10.63 Legal advertising, subsequent insertions ......................................................................................... $ 8.00 FROM : PHONE NO. : Jan. 07 20~ 02:06RM P~ January 7, 2002 City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 65317 Dear City Council Members: We at Lakeshore Weekly News look forward to the opportunity to serve as your city's legal newspaper for 2003, First, let me briefly describe the Lakeshore Weekly News newspaper. Each Tuesday, we publish one edition that serves the entire Lake Mlnnetonka community. We distribute 25,000 papers to 19 communities surrounding the lake, We strive to provide In-depth coverage of city and school district events. We also endeavor to Inform residents about upcoming Issues of Interest. We welcome press releases from cities that alert the community about upcoming publlc heatings or commission vacancies, as well as events such as brush and leaf drop-off programs. We will publish these press releases before the event, and, in the case of Important issues coming before the council, we will try to ensure that a staff writer writes an article explaining why the Issue is of concern. Our rates for publishing legal notices for 2003 are: .96 per line for the first insertion .60 per line for the second insertion These rates are based on a one-column width. The deadline for submitting legal notices Is noon Friday for the following Tuesday's newspaper. Notices can be submitted via e-mail, fax or U,$. mall. Notices can be e-mailed to sgkorua@weeklynews.com, or fa. xed to (952) 473-0895. Invoices are sent on a monthly baals, and two notarized affidavits of each notice of publication will accompany the Invoice. 'N~ appreciate your consideration of our bid for legal notices, and we look forward to serving as your legal newspaper for 2003, If you have any questions, do not hesitate to give me a call, Sincerely, -- ~ .... PtYD~her Phone: (952) 843-4612 Minnesota Statutes 2002, 33 lA.04 Page 1 of 1 Minnesota statutes 2002, Table of Chapters Table of contents for Chapter 331A 331A.04 D~mig~aticm of a ~~r for official Subdivision 1. Priority. The governing body of any local public corporation, when authorized or required by statute or charter to designate a newspaper for publication of its official proceedings and public notices, shall designate a newspaper which is a qualified medium of official and legal publication in the following priority. Subd. 2. Known office in locality. If there are one or more qualified newspapers, the known office of issue of which are located within the local public corporation, one of them shall be designated. Subd. 3. 8ecoz~aryoffice in locality. When no qualified newspaper has a known office of issue located in'the local public corporation, but one or more qualified newspapers maintain a secondary office there, one of them shall be designated. Subd. 4. ~neral circulati~ in lo~ality. When no qualified newspaper has its known office of issue or a secondary office located within the local public corporation, then a qualified newspaper of general circulation there shall be designated. Subd. 5. Other Bitu&tionl. If a local public corporation is without an official newspaper, or if the publisher refuses to publish a particular public notice, matters required to be published shall be published in a newspaper designated as provided in subdivision 4. The governing body of a local public corporation with territory in two or more counties may, if deemed in the public interest, designate a separate qualified newspaper for each county. HIST: 1984 c 543 s 23 Copyright 2002 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. Minnesota Statutes Display Document 34 of 100 Page 1 of 2 Minn~ota Statutes 2002 Display Document 34 of 100 Chapter Title: QUALIFIED NEWSPAPERS Section: 33 lA.01 Text: [] 331A.01 Definitions. Subdivision 1. Scope. As used in sections 331A.01 to 331A.11, the terms defined have the meanings given them except as otherwise expressly provided or indicated by the context. Subd. 2. Known office of issue. "Known office of issue" means the principal office maintained by the publisher or managing officer during a newspaper's regular business hours to gather news and sell advertisements and subscriptions, whether or not printing or any other operations of the newspaper are conducted at or from the office, and devoted primarily to business related to the newspaper. A newspaper may have only one known office of issue. Subd. 3. Local public corporation. "Local public corporation" means a county, municipality, school district, or any other local political subdivision or local or area district, commission, board, or authority. Subd. 4. Municipality. "Municipality" means a home rule charter or statutory city or town. Subd. 5. Newspaper. "Newspaper" means a publication issued regularly by the same person or corporation, or a successor, whether the name of the publication is the same or different. Subd. 6. Proceedings. "Proceedings" means the substance of all official actions taken by the governing body of a local public corporation at any regular or special meeting, and at minimum includes the subject matter of a motion, the persons making and seconding a motion, the roll call vote on a motion, the character of resolutions or ordinances offered, including a brief description of their subject matter, and whether defeated or adopted. ...More City of Chanhassen Timeline for Bidding Professional Services' Services Attorney Auditor Banking Services Financial Advisor Agent of Record 2002 X X 2003 X X 2OO4 X 2005 X X 2OO6 X X 2O07 X 2008 X X 2009 X X 2010 X laatmry 2OO3 Minnesota Statutes Display Document 59 of 152 Page 1 of 1 Minnesota Statutes 2002 Display Document 59 of 152 Chapter Title: DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT OF LOCAL PUBLIC FUNDS Section: 118A.02 Text: [] 118A.e2 Depositories[; investing: sates, proceeds, immunity. Subdivision 1. Designation; detegatlon. (a) The governing body of each government entity shat1 designate, as a idepository[ of its funds, one or more financial institutions. (b) The governing body may authorize the treasurer or chief financial officer to: (1) designate ldeposttortes[ of the funds; (2) make investments of funds under sections 118A.el to 11SA.e6 or other applicable law; or (3) both designate []depositories and make investments as provided in this subdivision. Subd. 2. Sale; proceeds; immunity, if loss. (a) The treasurer or chief financial officer of a government entity may at any time sell obligations purchased pursuant to this section and the money received from such sate, and the interest and profits or loss on such investment shall be credited or charged, as the case may be, to the fund from which the investment was made. (b) Neither such offlclal nor government entity, nor any other official responsible for the custody of such funds, shall be personally liable for any loss sustained from the deposit or investment of funds in accordance with the provisions of sections 11SA.e4 and 11SA.eS. HIST: 1996 c 399 art i s 3 e eg e