Section 1. The City Code, City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended by adding
the following definitions to Section 1-2, which shall read as follows:
Automotive Dealer means establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of new automobiles
or new and used automobiles, including trucks, boats and recreational vehicles. (20)
Automotive Repair/Body Shop means an establishment engaged in performing major repairs and
service to passenger automobiles, trucks, vans and motorcycles. Major repair may include all
activities of repair or servicing allowed in a minor automobile repair establishment as well as
major engine and transmission repair and replacement. The rebuilding or reconditioning of
passenger automobiles, body, frame or fender straightening, painting, rust -proofing, or other
similar activity is not considered major vehicle repair and is defined separately. (20)
Auto Services Center means an establishment engaged in performing minor repairs and service to
passenger automobiles, trucks, vans and motorcycles. Services may include emissions testing
and car wash. Minor repair may include muffler replacement, oil and fluid changing and
lubrication, tire repair and replacement, wheel alignment, brake repair, suspension repair, minor
engine and transmission repair, flushing of radiators, servicing of air conditioners, and similar
minor repairs and service. (20)
Buildable Land means all land except wetlands and public waters, and land dedicated for Local,
County and State roads. (18)
Cross bar means that portion of any seasonal dock or permanent dock which is approximately
parallel in alignment to the abutting shoreline or abutting ordinary high water mark. See dock
cross bar. (6)
Dock crossbar means that portion of any dock which is approximately parallel in alignment to
the adjoining shoreline or ordinary high water mark. See cross bar. (20)
Indoor Area means all space between a floor and a ceiling that is bound by walls, doorways, or
windows, whether open or closed. A wall, for the purpose of smoking shelters, includes any
retractable divider, garage door, or other physical barrier, whether temporary or permanent. (20)
Public Transportation means public means of transportation, including light and commuter rail
transit; buses; enclosed bus and transit stops; taxis, vans, limousines, and other for -hire vehicles
other than those being operated by the lessee; and ticketing, boarding, and waiting areas in public
transportation terminals. (20)
Sign, Electronic Message Center (EMC) means a sign or portion of a sign that displays
electronic, non -pictorial text information in which each alpha -numeric character or symbol is
defined by a small number of matrix elements using different combinations of light emitting
diodes (LED's), fiber optics, or other illumination devised within the display area. The characters
for the copy or script shall be only that available on a standard word processing keyboard, and
shall not include graphics, pictures, or other items. Electronic changeable copy signs include
computer programmable, microprocessor -controlled electronic displays and messages that are
projected onto building or other objects. Motor fuel price signs are not considered to be EMC
signs. (20)
Smoking means inhaling or exhaling smoke from any lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other
lighted tobacco or plant product. Smoking also includes carrying a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe,
or any other lighted smoking tobacco or plant product equipment intended for inhalation. (20)
Vegetation, Unacceptable means non-native species that may pose a threat to native vegetation
and native plant communities within a wetland and wetland buffer. This includes but is not
limited to non-native vegetation, invasive vegetation, agricultural weeds and those listed on the
state noxious weed list. (20)
Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and
PASSED AND ADOPTED this loth day of August, 2009, by the City Council of the City
of Chanha en, inneso a
c �
T erhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, May r
(Published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 20, 2009)
Section 1. The City Code, City
of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is
hereby amended by adding the Affidavit of Publication
following definitions to Section 1-2,
which shall read as follows:
Automotive Dealer means Southwest Newspapers
establishments primarily engaged
in the retail sale of new automobiles
or new and used automobiles,
including trucks, boats and State of Minnesota
recreational vehicles. (20)
Automotive Repair/Body Shop S S.
means an establishment engaged in
performing major repairs and County of Carver
service to passenger automobiles,
trucks, vans and motorcycles.
Major repair may include all
activities of repair or servicing
allowed in a minor automobile Laurie A. Hartmann, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized
repair establishment as well as agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Chaska Herald and the Chanhassen Vil-
major engine and transmission lager and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows:
repair and replacement. The
rebuilding'or reconditioning of
passengerautomobiles,body,frame (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal
or fender straightening, painting, newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as
rust -proofing, or other similar amended.
activity is not considered major ?
vehicle repair and is defined (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No.
separately. (20), was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and sai
Auto Services Center means an Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of
establishment engaged in the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both
performing minor repairs and inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size of used in the composition
service to passenger automobiles, Y g g type P
trucks, vans and motorcycles. and publication of the Notice:
Services may include emissions
testing and car wash. Minor repair abcdefghijklmnopgrstu z
may include muffler replacement,
oil and fluid changing and `)
lubrication, tire repair and.. ✓�n"�`'
replacement, wheel alignment, 13y:
brake repair, suspension repair, Laurie A. Hartmann
minor engine and transmission
repair, flushing of radiators,
servicing of air conditioners, and
similar minor repairs and service. Subscribed and sworn before me on
Buildable Land means all land
except wetlands and public waters,
andland dedicated for Local, County this �2J day of , 2009
and State roads. (18)
Cross bar means that portion of
any'seasonal dock or permanent JYMME J. BARK
dock which is approximately i NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA
parallel in alignment to the abutting My Commission
shoreline or abutting ordinary high 2� Expires 01/31/2013
water mark. See dock cross bar. (6) Notl P lic
Dock crossbar means that
portion of any dock which is
approximately parallel in alignment
to the adjoining shoreline or
ordinary high watermark. See cross
bar. (20)
Indoor Area means'all space RATE INFORMATION
between a floor and a ceiling that is
bound by walls, doorways, or Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $31.20 per column inch
windows, whether open or closed. Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter ................................. $31.20 per column inch
A wall, for the purpose of smoking Rate actually charged for the above matter ............................................... $12.43 per column inch
shelters, includes any retractable � bt
divider, garage door, or other
physical barrier, whether
temporary or permanent. (20)
Public Transportation means
public means of transportation,
including light and commuter rail
transit; buses; enclosed bus and
transit stops; 'taxis, vans,
limousines, and other for -hire
vehicles other than those being
operated by the lessee; and ticketing,
boarding, and waiting areas in
public transportation terminals.
Sign, Electronic Message
Center (EMC) means a sign or
portion of a sign that displays
electronic, non -pictorial text
information in which each alpha-
numeric character or symbol is
defined by a small number of matrix
elements using different
combinations of light emitting
diodes (LED's), fiber optics, or other
illumination devised within the
display area. The characters for the
copy or script shall be only that
available on a standard word
processing keyboard, and shall not
include graphics, pictures, or other
items. Electronic changeable copy
signs include computer
programmable, microprocessor -
controlled electronic displays and
messages that are, projected onto
building or other objects. Motor fuel
price signs are not considered to be
EMC signs. (20)
Smoking means inhaling or
exhaling smoke from any lighted
cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other
lighted tobacco or plant product.
Smoking also includes carrying a
lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any
other lighted smoking tobacco or
plant product equipment intended
for inhalation. (20)
Vegetation, Unacceptable
means non-native species that may
pose a threat to native vegetation
and native plant communities
within a wetland and wetland
buffer. This includes but is not
limited to non-native vegetation,
invasive vegetation, agricultural
weeds and those listed on the state
noxious weed list. (20)
Section 2. This ordinance shall
be effective immediately upon its
passage and publication.
101h day of August, 2009, by the City
Council of the City of Chanhassen,
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor
(Published in the Chanhassen
Villager on Thursday, August 20,
2009; No. 4239)