WS 2009 09 28
SEPTEMBER 28, 2009
Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:35 p.m.
Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman
Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald
Todd Gerhardt, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, and Todd
Kate Aanenson reviewed the code amendments related to creating the Community Commercial
(CC) and Regional/Lifestyle Center (RC) districts to comply with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan.
She outlined the definition, vision, and provided examples of the goods and services that will be
permitted within the Community Commercial districts. Mayor Furlong asked for clarification of
how uses will be decided, by size of building or use, noting the City does not want to pick and
choose the individual businesses that are allowed within the city. Councilwoman Tjornhom
asked about the flexibility in not allowing certain uses. Councilman McDonald asked if the city
is trying to discourage strip mall type development. Mayor Furlong cited the Shops at Lyndale
as an example of larger box users in a strip mall type development which could provide for land
use efficiencies. Mayor Furlong and Councilwoman Tjornhom expressed concern over the
number and size of tenants in one building. Todd Gerhardt asked for clarification on what the
council would be comfortable with seeing, either a big building with multiple tenants or multiple
buildings that fit within zoning setbacks. Mayor Furlong would like to see flexibility with the
right type of permitted uses and asked staff to consider the amount of setbacks for the different
roadway categories. Councilman McDonald asked how the City can control development that
meets all zoning requirements. Kate Aanenson reviewed the goal of the RC district and the
framework that would be used within the PUD standards to accommodate the RC use.
Councilwoman Tjornhom asked how the City would differentiate between the type of uses, i.e.
Kohls vs. Nordstroms. Kate Aanenson explained that the goal is to develop a master plan for
development and the associated setbacks.
Kate Aanenson explained the intent of the bluff ordinance amendments which would ensure
further protection of bluffs within the city and protect the bluff impact zone. Mayor Furlong
asked for clarification on the purpose of the amendment, definition of slope and bluff, and if
there was flexibility available to homeowners that are not outlined in the ordinance.
Kate Aanenson outlined the proposed changes to the Sign Ordinance clarifying the use of logos,
and the number and length of time allowed for temporary signage. Councilman McDonald asked
how the city enforces this ordinance.
Mayor Furlong asked for clarification on how the public hearing process will proceed for these
ordinance amendments.
City Council Work Session – September 28, 2009
Todd Gerhardt discussed the role of the Environmental Commission, their mission statement and
current topics of interest. Councilwoman Ernst asked about the Environmental Commission’s
role in connection with the Water Wise Conservation program. Councilman Litsey voiced his
disappointment in the council for their inaction to appoint new members to the Environmental
Commission when there were residents willing to serve. He suggested the council either
abandon the commission or appoint new members. Mayor Furlong clarified that the council
gave staff direction to review the Environmental Commission’s mission statement. Councilman
McDonald stated he wanted to clarify the role of the Environmental Commission and whether
they were stepping over the boundaries into more of a role similar to the Planning Commission.
Councilman Litsey stated he wasn’t threatened by the Environmental Commission bringing in
new ideas. Councilwoman Ernst felt the Environmental Commission’s role is to bring new ideas
as opposed to reviewing city ordinances. Councilwoman Tjornhom asked for clarification of
where the Environmental Commission’s work plan comes from and if their role is as an advisory
board to the City Council. Councilman Litsey stated again he wants to see the Environmental
Commission being innovative and bringing in new ideas. Councilwoman Ernst agreed that she
liked seeing new ideas, but agreed also that there had been times when they had overstepped
their boundaries. Mayor Furlong explained that some of the candidates interviewed saw the
commission as more of an advocacy role than education and that he did not see the
Environmental Commission’s current topics of interest coinciding with the City Council’s
strategic initiatives. He noted that not everything has to be done as a city. That some needs can
be handled privately. Councilwoman Ernst asked about the ramifications of not having an
Environmental Commission and the impact on the number of city staff members needed. Mayor
Furlong asked staff to check Robert’s Rules of Order regarding the number of people required
for a quorum, noting that quorums usually relate to voting on issues. He closed the meeting by
saying that if the city decides to go forward with the Environmental Commission, the need for
consistency with the City Council’s strategic initiatives.
Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim