CC 2009 10 12
OCTOBER 12, 2009
Mayor Furlong called the City Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was
opened with the Pledge to the Flag.
Mayor Furlong, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman
Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald
Councilman Litsey
Todd Gerhardt, Roger Knutson, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul
Oehme, and Greg Sticha
Blake Falk 17593 George Moran Drive, Eden Prairie
Christian Myers 7421 Windmill Drive
Christian Kelley 18141 Valley View Road
Jesse Kleve 7307 Laredo Drive
Garrett Erickson 16148 Edenwood Drive
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Good evening. Welcome to those here in the council chambers and
those watching at home. We’re very glad that you joined us this evening. At this time I would
ask if there are any changes or modifications to the agenda. If not, without objection we’ll
proceed with the agenda as published. I’d like to start this evening with a invitation to our
annual Halloween Party. With fall approaching us, or perhaps today winter, the City of
Chanhassen in cooperation with our local businesses is proud to announce the fourth and final
event that we have during our year long marquee of special events. The annual Halloween Party
will be held on Saturday, October 24. At this time I’d like to invite all residents, families,
friends to join us at the Chanhassen Recreation Center for this event. Children ages 10 and under
are invited to participate, in costume of course, and the event begins at 5:30 and goes til 7:30
p.m. on October 24. Activities are family focused. There will be a talent, comedy talent show.
Trick or treating. Some scary rooms. Hayrides outside. Children’s games. Refreshments. Pre-
registration is required by Friday, October 23 or the day before and you can do that at City Hall
or the Rec Center. There is a fee of $5.00 per child. Adults are free and a lot of fun will be had
by all so I encourage people to attend that event. It’s always a lot of fun.
Mayor Furlong: There was a slight modification on item (h) for some update in pricing that was
distributed to the council ahead of time. Did everybody on the council receive that? Thank you.
Is there a motion then to adopt items 1(a) through (h)?
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council
approve the consent agenda pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations:
a. Approval of Minutes:
-City Council Work Session Minutes dated September 28, 2009
-City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated September 28, 2009
Receive Commission Minutes:
-Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated October 6, 2009
-Park and Recreation Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated September 22,
Resolution #2009-69:
b. Lakeside 1, 2, and 3 Additions: Approve Quotes to Complete
Punchlist Items.
Resolution #2009-70:
c. Lyman Boulevard Improvement Project 06-03: Approve
Resolution Requesting a Box Culvert Clearance Variance from MnDOT and Approve
Change Order.
Resolution #2009-71:
d. Well No. 4 Project 09-02: Approve Plans and Specifications and
Authorize Advertisement for Bids.
e. Lotus Lake Estates Beachlot: Extension of Conditional Use Permit.
f. Chanhassen City Code: Approve Amendments to Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning Bluffs
and Signs.
g. Approve Assignment, Assumption, and Amendment Agreement for Wells Fargo
Brokerage Services.
Resolution #2009-72:
h. Public Works Building: Approve Quotes for Furnishings, Change
Orders and Landscape Quotes as amended to update pricing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Mayor Furlong: We do have one invited guest this evening. Sam Schlangen with Troop 409 is
working on an Eagle Scout project at the Community Gardens here in Chanhassen and we
invited him to come and just give the council and update some information on what he’s doing.
Good evening.
Sam Schlangen: Good evening. I’m Sam Schlangen. I’m with Troop 409, as he said. In June I
started to think about what project I was going to do for my Eagle Scout and I wanted to do
something that would help the environment so I got a hold of Jill Sinclair and she suggested
working with the City Garden of Chanhassen. I looked into it a little more and what was
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
included was, like how re, like furnishing the wood chip paths. Like putting hardware cloth like
chicken wire around the fences to like stop some small animals from getting in. And then I was
going to build, I’m going to build a tool cabinet which would replace a mailbox. A rusty
mailbox. And then the last thing would be re-doing the steps that’s infested with weeds. I want
to do this because this is, I think just gardening in general like is a good activity. It like helps, it
helps physically. It can help like nurture, nurture relationships between kids and their parents
and then it’s just a great activity to do while relaxing and thinking about different things. So far I
have gotten it approved by my scout master and the committee members in my troop and then I
have also talked to Jill and I just today got it signed by her. Tomorrow I want to, I’m going to
meet with Carl Martin. He’s the committee advancement member that I’m working with for this
project. And I’m going to meet with him on site at the garden and I just want to get it approved
right now so. That’s where I am so do you guys have any questions?
Mayor Furlong: Any questions?
Councilwoman Tjornhom: I do have a question.
Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Tjornhom.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Tell me what you thought was the most interesting about the project?
Sam Schlangen: I thought, what do you mean?
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Well you were working on the city rain garden. What did you learn
maybe that you didn’t know before you started the project?
Sam Schlangen: At first I originally didn’t know, like I live in Chanhassen but I didn’t know
there was a city garden.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yep.
Sam Schlangen: Because it’s hidden a little bit. It’s on Kerber Boulevard and it’s just hidden
behind the prairie plants. And then also I learned that over like 50 families like rent plots every
year so.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Good. Okay. Thank you.
Mayor Furlong: Any other questions? Thank you for coming. I appreciate that and as I told you
at the beginning, we’re not going to approve or deny it here tonight. If Jill Sinclair signed off on
it, that’s good enough and as far as the city goes you have our approval to move forward with
that so good luck on the project. When are you planning on actually doing the work?
Sam Schlangen: I haven’t actually gotten it approved by Carl Martin yet but if all goes as
planned I plan on doing it either over MEA or the weekend after.
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
Mayor Furlong: Okay. About how many other, now you’re not going to be doing all this work
yourself, is that correct?
Sam Schlangen: Right.
Mayor Furlong: About how many other people are you going to have?
Sam Schlangen: It depends how many volunteer and show up. I’m going to ask my troop and
just some friends and family to show up.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. Very good. Thank you.
Sam Schlangen: Alright. Thank you for your time.
Mayor Furlong: Anyone else for visitor presentations? No? Very good. Let’s move on with the
next items on our agenda.
Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor and City Council members. Tonight the owner of Lot 5 in the
Arboretum development has requested that drainage and utility easements be vacated from their
property at the west of Lot 5 and to the east at the outlot. The vacation location on the property
is located in the Arbors again. It’s off of 78 Street on the west side of the city. The lot shown
here, the subject properties here is Lot number 5 and the easements proposed to be vacated are
shown at this location and over here. The property has been administratively subdivided and the
property line east has been relocated to this location. New easements will be dedicated if the
vacation of the easements is also is granted. The subdivision to the west, that’s still planned for
in the future. But staff has reviewed this application and finds it acceptable. There are no
utilities located within the drainage and utility easements as shown here so staff does support the
vacation of the drainage and utility easements at this time so. If there’s no other questions I
would request that a public hearing be opened.
Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Any questions for staff? Just for clarification. It looks like
this, we’re only dealing with one new lot line this evening, is that correct? And we’ll be dealing
with the other one at a future meeting?
Paul Oehme: Yeah.
Mayor Furlong: Things look familiar and…
Paul Oehme: Right, exactly. The subject easement over here in the yellow is.
Mayor Furlong: Is the one we’re dealing with tonight?
Paul Oehme: Well is the one we’ll be dealing with in the future.
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
Mayor Furlong: Oh, okay.
Paul Oehme: The other ones shown here and the adjacent easement on the left, that’s the
easement that we’re talking about tonight.
Kate Aanenson: Mayor if I may.
Mayor Furlong: Yes.
Kate Aanenson: Just for clarification.
Mayor Furlong: Please.
Kate Aanenson: The ones between Lot 4 and 5 are shown in red. Those haven’t been
administratively split yet. While we’re going through the vacation, we just wanted to make sure
there’s some of that property is going through foreclosure, sheriff’s sale so it’s just, it’s
expediency so what we just want to make a condition on that an easement will be vacated subject
to the administrative lot split. So at the end of that motion.
Mayor Furlong: Subject to, okay.
Kate Aanenson: So we wouldn’t vacate it until they administratively, those deeds are in our
office so that will happen, so they can happen simultaneously. We just want to make sure that
the administrative lot split happens before we would technically split.
Mayor Furlong: And the administrative subdivision at that time, new easements would be placed
over the new lot lines?
Kate Aanenson: That’s correct.
Mayor Furlong: So we’re not going, I’m sorry. Mr. Knutson.
Roger Knutson: No, I didn’t mean to interrupt. And it’s also subject to getting the easements
back. The new easements back.
Kate Aanenson: That’s correct.
Paul Oehme: That’s correct.
Mayor Furlong: And I guess that was my question. Is the administrative subdivision would not
occur unless we got new easements on top of new lots?
Kate Aanenson: Correct.
Paul Oehme: New lot lines.
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
Mayor Furlong: Is that correct?
Paul Oehme: That’s correct.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. So would, what’s being recommended to members of the council, the
proposed motion, if we consider it, should be amended so that after the date September 1, 2009
the condition subject to the administrative subdivision would be included in the motion. Is that
Roger Knutson: Correct, and receipt of the new boundary line easement.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Can you repeat that? What was just said.
Mayor Furlong: I’m writing it down. Let me see if I’ve got, heard correctly. That the motion
would be amended, it would read as it is up to the period after the word, after the date September
1, 2009 and the motion would be extended to read, subject to the administrative subdivision and
receipt of the new boundary line easements.
Roger Knutson: Correct.
Councilman McDonald: Second.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. Now you’re jumping ahead of me. Stickler for detail. Any other
questions of staff at this point? I do want to have a public hearing here first.
Councilman McDonald: Currently then, are these lots both vacant right now?
Kate Aanenson: There’s a house on one. On Outlot B was the other split so the first split
occurred because the lot was a little narrow so they took some from the outlot where the
monument is. If you can point to where that sign is maybe Paul. So the first, they took, Lot 5
took a portion of that outlot. And then to make that lot wider, and then the other lot line pushed
it towards Lot 2. So you can see where that’s going to move back over.
Mayor Furlong: So the net effect of this is the.
Kate Aanenson: Widening of lot.
Mayor Furlong: Is the widening of Lot 5 on both sides.
Kate Aanenson: Correct.
Councilman McDonald: Okay. And that’s so it can meet our ordinances as far as setbacks
Kate Aanenson: A larger home wanted to go on that lot, yes.
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
Councilman McDonald: Okay. And then what’s the complication with, it’s going through
sheriff’s sale right now. How does that affect everything?
Kate Aanenson: Oh. Some of those properties up there are, so that’s our understanding so.
Mayor Furlong: I think from our standpoint we’d just be looking at it from property rights and
making sure that we have drainage and utility easements on the boundary lines, consistent with
what we have with any new development in the future.
Councilman McDonald: Okay.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. Any other questions at this point? Otherwise if there are questions we
can ask them in just a few moments. At this time I would open the public hearing and invite any
interested parties to come forward and address the council on this matter. No one this evening?
Okay, very good. Without objection we’ll close the public hearing and bring it back to council.
Any other questions on this? If not, if there’s no questions or comments would somebody like
to go ahead and make a motion?
Councilman McDonald: You’ve got it written down.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Pointing a finger at me.
Councilwoman Ernst: I make a motion to vacate the drainage and utility easements on Lots 4
and 5, Block 2, The Arbors as shown on the survey prepared by Otto Associates dated September
1, 2009. Amended subject to the administrative subdivision and.
Mayor Furlong: Receipt.
Councilwoman Ernst: Receipt of the new.
Mayor Furlong: Boundary line.
Councilwoman Ernst: Boundary line.
Mayor Furlong: Easements.
Councilwoman Ernst: Easements.
Mayor Furlong: That’s what I thought you said. Is there a second?
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second.
Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion?
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
Resolution #2009-73: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded
that the City Council move approval to vacate the drainage and utility easements on Lots 4
and 5, Block 2, The Arbors as shown on the survey prepared by Otto Associates dated
September 1, 2009, subject to the administrative subdivision and receipt of the new
boundary line easements. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a
vote of 4 to 0.
Greg Sticha: Good evening Mayor and City Council members. On an annual basis, as part of
our certification process of delinquent accounts, we hold a public hearing to allow for input in
regards to any delinquent water and sewer accounts. Just going to give kind of a brief summary
of what the process all entails throughout the year. Throughout the year our residents receive
utility bills on a quarterly basis for their water and sewer consumption. They receive quarterly
bills so they will receive four bills throughout the year. If for some reason they are unable to pay
their bills, we in addition over the summer send letter notifications notifying them that their
accounts are delinquent and that in the fall we will be holding a certification process. Over the
summer they received two notifications that their accounts were delinquent and then this fall in
September on the 24 in the paper we gave public notice of the intent to hold a public hearing on
certification of those accounts, which we will be doing later this evening. For 2009 to be
certified for 2010 in regards to water and sewer delinquent accounts we see dollar amounts in the
amount of $150,349.20. Since the packet went out we did receive payment of $11,144.23. That
dollar amount is now $137,950.46. That amount is slightly higher than last year’s certified
delinquent accounts for water and sewer accounts. In addition to certifying the water and sewer
accounts we also certify any delinquent code violation accounts. Both certifications are allowed
within state statute and within our city ordinance. Again the certified delinquent code violations
were given two separate letters notifying them of delinquency in payment for the code violation.
In addition the notice was publicly printed in the paper on September 24 notifying all that there
will be a public hearing this evening in regards to those delinquent code enforcement accounts.
And I guess at this point I’ll defer a question to Roger. I’m not sure if we have to have a
separate public hearing for the water and sewer accounts as well as the code enforcement or do
we, can we combine them into one public hearing?
Roger Knutson: They’re two different subjects but you can open them up as one hearing.
Greg Sticha: Okay. So I guess at that, that would be the extent of the staff report so at this point
the process would be to open the public hearings and then after the public hearings have been
closed to pass the resolution certifying the delinquent water and sewer accounts and certifying
the delinquent code enforcement accounts.
Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Any questions for staff? Councilman McDonald.
Councilman McDonald: On these amounts and everything, I mean I was looking through them
and some of them seem quite large. How many of these are due to like sheriff sales,
foreclosures, those type? Are you seeing those numbers up from last year?
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
Greg Sticha: Those numbers are up slightly. I wouldn’t say that they’re up significantly. Some
of them are, would be in sheriff’s sale or foreclosure but the majority of these are not so, I don’t
think the numbers are any more significant than previous years. We’re at $137,000 total dollars
compared to 126 of last year so the total dollar amount is up a little bit and there are a few more
accounts that are being certified but not anything that I would consider overly significant of an
increase from the previous year.
Councilman McDonald: Okay, thank you.
Councilwoman Ernst: Greg are these mostly residential? Or are they commercial and?
Greg Sticha: They can be both. I don’t have the breakdown of the amount of accounts that are
residential versus commercial. My guess is that the majority of them are residential over
commercial. But I’m fairly certain there are a number of commercial accounts in there as well.
Councilwoman Ernst: Okay.
Mayor Furlong: Mr. Sticha do you generally receive, while we’re taking action this evening, the
certification occurs sometime later this year, is that correct?
Greg Sticha: Correct. They have until November 1 to pay their delinquent account and to
avoid certification so, and November 1 this year falls on a Sunday I believe so we will receive
or allow receipt of payment until Monday, November 2. If they wish to do so.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. So if anybody’s watching at home and they have a question, who should
they call?
Greg Sticha: They should contact our utility billing department, Katie Reed in the finance
department and her extension is 952-227-1144. She can also be contacted on the city’s web site
through her email.
Mayor Furlong: And was that the same contact information that was included in the letters?
Greg Sticha: Yep. The same information is included in all the delinquent letters and on their
utility bills.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. Councilwoman Ernst.
Councilwoman Ernst: Can they make payment on these or do they have to pay them in the full
Greg Sticha: The accounts really should be paid in full. If they are, were to call with
extenuating circumstances that would require the possibility of a payment plan to avoid
certification, that’s certainly something we can discuss but from a practice basis we tend to not
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
allow that but sometimes occasionally there are extenuating circumstances that may require that
to happen.
Mayor Furlong: Mr. McDonald you had a question?
Councilman McDonald: Yes. Okay, you talked about a letter that went out that I take it
informed them of this meeting that we would be looking at this for certification. Does another
letter go out telling them that you know as of December what 15, is that the date when? Or
actually it’s November 1 I think after that does another letter go out telling them they have until
that time to pay or it becomes final?
Greg Sticha: No. At this point that is the last correspondence and the public hearing is the last
correspondence they will have from the city. The first letter notifies them that their account is
delinquent. The second letter notifies them that their account has still not been paid and they
have until November 1 to avoid certification. And then we also publicly notice in the paper the
public hearing and so this evening is the last formal correspondence from the city that they will
receive. They will not get another letter between now and November 1.
Councilman McDonald: Okay.
Mayor Furlong: Okay? Any other questions at this point? Otherwise I’ll go ahead and open up
the public hearing and invite any interested party to come forward and address the council on this
matter. No? Seeing none, okay without objection then we’ll close the public hearing and bring
it back to the council for discussion. Any other follow up questions? On this. Or comments.
There were two resolutions included in the council packet. One for certification of the
delinquent utility accounts to the County Auditor and the other for certification of the delinquent
code enforcement accounts to the County Auditor. Would somebody like to make a motion
adopting those two resolutions?
Councilwoman Tjornhom: I’ll make the motion.
Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Tjornhom.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: I’d like to make a motion to consider the approval of the resolution
certifying delinquent utility accounts and consider approval of the resolution certifying the
delinquent code enforcement. No, no, I’m sorry. That was right.
Mayor Furlong: That’s correct.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Yeah.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second?
Councilman McDonald: I’ll second.
Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion?
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
Resolution #2009-74:Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded
to approve the resolution certifying delinquent utility accounts to the County Auditor. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Resolution #2009-75: Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded
to approve the resolution certifying delinquent code enforcement accounts to the County
Auditor. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Mayor Furlong: Any council presentations this evening?
Councilman McDonald: It’s been a pretty quiet two weeks.
Mayor Furlong: It has been. I was, enjoyed attending the fire department open house yesterday.
It was well attended, even in spite of the Vikings game happening concurrently but there were, a
lot of time and effort was put in over this last week with fire safety and fire prevention seminars
by our fire fighters at the elementary schools and talking to Chief Geske and we can talk to him
more about this when he comes back at our next meeting. But a number of our fire fighters take
vacation time and volunteer to go into our elementary schools. All the elementary schools in the
city have a program of some sort or another on fire prevention this last week. Open house was
yesterday. It was well attended and had a number of, not only current fire fighters but some of
their alumni, former fire fighters that were there serving food and giving rides on fire trucks and
talking about safety so it was well attended and we want to extend our gratitude and appreciation
to all the fire fighters for their volunteer service this last week, but also their service throughout
the year in providing for our citizens needs. Mr. Gerhardt, administrative presentations.
Todd Gerhardt: I just want to thank the Historical Society, a group of volunteers and Karen
Engelhardt in her efforts on putting on our first cemetery walk here in Chanhassen this last
Saturday. I got to participate and view the program on Thursday at their dress rehearsal and if
Saturday turned out as well as the dress rehearsal I think people had a lot of fun. It was cold both
days but it was really interesting. They had several actors that played out some of the individuals
that are buried in the cemetery and they kind of talked about their life and what life was like in
Chanhassen and how they decided to locate here and some of the positive things that went on
and also some of the sad things about their family and it was just very enjoyable. The actors did
a great job and a lot of fun and hats really go off to the Historical Society and all the volunteers
that made that a real successful program. So a lot of fun. We were at the Pioneer Cemetery and
also at St. Hubert’s Cemetery so a lot of fun. And that’s all I have.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for Mr. Gerhardt or his staff? No? Okay.
Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2009
Mayor Furlong: Any discussion on the correspondence packet? Some very nice letters there
from the Governor and Senator Franken. Governor Pawlenty and Senator Franken recognizing
our city’s ranking as the second best place to live in the country by Money Magazine so that was
nice to see those as well, and also a bunch of bills that Mr. Sticha paid so. It seems like he’s
always paying things. Before we adjourn, I notice there are a number of potential students here
in the audience. Thanks for coming. I would encourage you to sign in on the pad of paper there
so that you’re recognized as being here in the official minutes and also if you need anybody to
sign anything, just ask anyone from city staff or the council, be happy to recognize your being
here. Thanks for coming. If there’s nothing else to come before the council this evening, is
there a motion to adjourn?
Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The City Council
meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim