CC 2010 05 10
MAY 10, 2010
Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The meeting was opened with the
Pledge to the Flag.
Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst, and
Councilwoman Tjornhom
Councilman McDonald
Todd Gerhardt, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Todd
Hoffman and Roger Knutson
Denny Laufenburger: 8673 Chanhassen Hills North
Mayor Furlong: Thank you and welcome to everybody here in the council chambers as well as
those watching at home. We’re glad that you joined us this evening. At this time I would ask
members of the council if there are any changes or modifications to the agenda. We will be
adding one item to the consent agenda when we get to that item on the agenda, but were there
any changes or adjustments to the overall agenda at this time? Without objection, oh!
Councilman Litsey: No, I’m…
Mayor Furlong: Okay. Without objection then we’ll proceed.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Litsey seconded to
approve the Consent Agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations:
a. Approval of Minutes:
-City Council Work Session Minutes dated April 26, 2010
-City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated April 26, 2010
Receive Commission Minutes:
-Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated April 20, 2010
b. Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Carver County for TH41 Trail and
Pedestrian Underpass.
Resolution #2010-41:
c. Medical Arts Parking Lot Rehabilitation Project 10-04: Accept
Feasibility Report; Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications.
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
Resolution #2010-42:
d. Lift Station #24: Approve Quote for Controls and SCADA
e. Approve PUD Amendments: Eckankar/Villages on the Ponds/Bluff Creek Corporate
Center/Chanhassen West Business Park/Arboretum Business Park/Chanhassen Business
Resolution #2010-43:
f. Approve Resolution Accepting $10,000 Donation from
Westwood Community Church.
Resolution #2010-44:
h. Accept Conveyance of EDA Property. (Medical Arts Parking
i. Approve a Temporary Liquor License for June 3, 2010 at the Campfire USA Minnesota
Council at Camp Tanadoona.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Mayor Furlong: One of the items that we just adopted in our consent agenda was the acceptance
of a very generous contribution from the Westwood Community Church. We have a
representative here this evening. Denny Laufenburger. Good evening Denny. Thank you for
coming and thank you to Westwood Community Church for the wonderful donation.
Denny Laufenburger: Mr. Mayor, I’m Denny Laufenburger, 8673 Chanhassen Hills Drive
North, Chanhassen. Mayor Furlong and council members and members of the Chanhassen City
offices. I speak to you this evening on behalf of the Leadership Board, the pastors and staff and
the entire community of faith of Westwood Community Church. Three weeks ago on April 18
Westwood celebrated our 15 anniversary as a community of believers and as a member of your
community. From our beginnings back in April of 1995 we have always cherished our
relationships in the community. Through Pastor Joel Johnson’s leadership and example we
chose to be active in and participate in the city of Chanhassen. Westwood has become a regional
church drawing from as far as St. Paul, Maple Grove, Belle Plaine. However we believe that
God planted Westwood firmly in Chanhassen for a purpose and this evening we want to express
our gratitude to the city that has been our home base. Today by action of our Leadership Board
of Westwood Community Church we bless our city with a gift to commemorate our anniversary
and to celebrate what God has made possible in this community over the last 15 years. It is so
true, we are one nation under God. A God from whom all blessings flow. So to all of you at
City Hall, for your welcoming spirit, for your gracious support, for your cooperative and fair
planning in our building projects and above all for your warm and genuine friendship and
hospitality to us as a member of your community we say a resounding thank you. And Mr.
Mayor, here’s our gift. The real thing.
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
Mayor Furlong: The real thing. For those at home, this is a $10,000 donation, is that correct?
Denny Laufenburger: It is.
Mayor Furlong: $10,000 donation from the church.
Denny Laufenburger: And we’re very pleased. We’ve very pleased that it will be used to help
support an adaptive recreation program for disadvantaged families here in Chanhassen. We
worked with your City Manager on it so thank you very much.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you.
Councilman Litsey: Thank you very much.
Mayor Furlong: Well thank you Denny and please extend our thanks to the pastors and all the
members of Westwood Community Church for their generosity. We appreciate the relationship
as a city that the church has in Chanhassen, our community, and we know that personally and
generally that the members are very active, both here and abroad and representing not only the
church but indirectly Chanhassen as well around the world helping others in need so we say
thank you to all the service that your organization provides as well.
Laurie Hokkanen: This is a request for a liquor license from TianJin Chinese Restaurant located
at West 79 Street. You might recall that we had dinner there a couple weeks ago. The
background checks have been completed and no negative comments as to the eligibility for a
liquor license. Are required to hold a public hearing before approving the liquor license and staff
does recommend approval.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for staff on this request? Hearing none then let me
go ahead and open up a public hearing and invite all interested parties to come forward and
address the council on this matter. Anyone that would wish to speak tonight? Okay. Without
objection then we’ll close the public hearing and bring it back to council. Seems like a very
reasonable request. I know it’s a good restaurant that has had some success here in town and
we’d like to help support them in their continued drive to be successful. If there’s, be happy to
entertain any discussion. If not, a motion to approve I think would be in order at this time.
Councilwoman Ernst: I’ll make a motion.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you.
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
Councilwoman Ernst: I make a motion we approve the request for an on-sale beer and wine
license from Fusion One, LLC dba TianJin Chinese Restaurant at 463 West 79 Street
contingent upon receipt of liquor liability insurance and the license fee.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second?
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second.
Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion?
Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that the City Council
approve the request for an on-sale beer and wine license from Fusion One, LLC dba
TianJin Chinese Restaurant at 463 West 79 Street contingent upon receipt of liquor
liability insurance and the license fee. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor, City Council members. For this item staff is requesting that the
City Council accept a bid and hold a special assessment hearing and award a contract for the Erie
Avenue street reconstruction project #10-01a. Staff will provide a brief explanation of the work
along with the proposed assessment amounts. Public testimony should be received for the
project. Property owners should also be reminded that if they wish they must file a written
objection with the City either prior to or during the actual public hearing. Objections for the
public hearing, objections after the public hearing are invalid. At this time no written objections
have been received by the staff so for this public hearing 71 notices have been mailed out. So at
this time I’d like to invite Todd Hubner with WSB and Associates. The engineer who helped the
City design and bid out the project.
Todd Hubner: Thank you Paul. Mr. Mayor, City Council and City staff. I’d like to just present
to you the project for Erie Avenue neighborhood. I’ve got to get my buttons working here.
Alright I’ll just cue you to the change here. The project is Erie Avenue. It’s the reconstruction
of the street, the sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and the sanitary sewer. It’s Erie
Avenue, Dakota Lane, Erie Circle and part of Cheyenne Avenue as highlighted in the figure
there. The proposed improvements are looking at a full reconstruction of the street section.
We’re looking at adding a sand sub-grade. We have some clay soils. We want to add adequate
drainage underneath the streets that will help them last for a long period of time. Replace the
surmountable curb, which is a curb you can easily drive over with a V type of curb that will keep
the vehicles into the street and does a little better job on drainage. Replace all the cast iron
watermains, the services and the curb stops for the water services that are located within the
city’s right-of-way and reconstruct the sanitary sewer system and services located within the
right-of-way. And then also replace the existing storm sewer system and add some additional
piping and structures to increase the system’s capacity. So this is a figure showing all the
improvements. You can see there’s utility work on every one of those streets. We also have
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
some small sections of sewer line that are outside of the street section but we’re hoping that all of
the sections that are highlighted here are complete replacement. The existing systems are cast
iron that are about 40 to 50 years of age and brittle for the watermain and the sanitary sewer I
believe is clay pipe which has frequent cracks, root intrusion and infiltration of clear water into
the system. For the street drainage there will be some new storm sewer added in addition to the
additional storm sewer that was there being replaced. This would add some additional capacity
to solve some local drainage issues and to provide better drainage for the street and to allow for
the streets to last for a longer period of time. The street section that’s going back in is looking at
3 ½ inches of bituminous which is 3 ½ inches of asphalt. We’ll see 2 inches put down this fall
and then an inch and a half will be put on as a wear course next summer. We want to have a one
winter condition onto that base course so that if we have any frost heaves or any adjustments to
the castings, we can make those and have a nice smooth surface come next spring. We’ll also be
adding 6 inches of Class V aggregate, 18 inches of select granular material and I think most
importantly is the drain tile. In these clay soils it’s very important to get any water that does get
under the road into that drain tile and out quickly so we can prevent frost heaves in the
springtime conditions. Construction is proposed to be phased. We will not allow the contractor
to open up all the roads at one time. This will minimize impacts to the residents during
construction. We’ll also be doing open cut for most of the utilities so there will be disturbances.
One of the things I like to tell residents is construction’s noisy, dusty and inconvenient so if
anybody tells you anything else they’re lying to you so we want to be straight forward that we
want to be, let you know construction’s going to be inconvenient but we’ll do the best we can at
minimizing any inconveniences. And part of that is insuring that we don’t tear up all the roads at
one time. You will be able to see people as they come down, the utility lines are being
reconstructed. You’ll be able to know when you can’t get into your driveway or when you can
just by watching the crews and we’ll try to give you a heads up notice on which streets will be
done in what order. There will be temporary water on the project as we are replacing the
watermain and there’ll also be some temporary sanitary connections necessary during
construction to insure that your utilities will be working during the entire process. The
construction inspector will be on site representing the City and essentially representing the
citizens as well. If you have questions please notify the construction inspector. You’ll be
provided the information and contact numbers immediately and that will be your quickest way to
respond to any activities on the site. There are some issues associated with construction. One is
mailboxes. We still need to get our mail during construction. They will be relocated into a
central location during construction and we will communicate where that location will be, and
along with garbage collection, we will coordinate with the contractor to find a location where
garbage can be picked up and those will be adjusted as the project progresses. The project, the
bid. The City did bid the project. We received 14 bids. The low bidder is Kuechle
Underground. The engineer’s estimate was $1.78 million dollars and the bid came in at
$1,514,000. And as that bid is broken down we have service improvements which includes the
roadway improvements and the curb and gutter of about $817,000. We have watermain
improvements of $263,000. Sanitary sewer improvements of $237,000 and storm sewer
improvements of about $196,000 and that’s your total project cost of $1,514,000. Actually that’s
the construction cost, $1,514,000. Does not include your…administrative engineering costs. I
think those are shown on the next page. The construction bid there is a million five. Have
indirect costs of $45,000. Engineering fees of $140,000 for a total project cost of just about
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
$1,700,000. The project, assessments for each of the residents within the project area. We have
I think 72 single family residents. The assessments are based on a 40% of the street cost. A
portion of the project only. The utilities are paid out of the utility funds and the proposed terms
are 10 years at 6%. Previously we had communicated an estimate of about $5,700 per unit. The
actual assessment based on the bids received by the City is $5,169.92 per unit.
Paul Oehme: Mayor, can I just interrupt here real quick?
Mayor Furlong: Please.
Paul Oehme: The proposed interest rate has changed from that 6%. It’s now 5.25 based upon
the prime rate discussion that we had earlier this year so that number has changed.
Mayor Furlong: Right, and that’s consistent with, it’s basically 2 percentage points over the
prime rate which is our new practice.
Paul Oehme: That’s correct.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you.
Todd Hubner: Thank you. So the funding breakdown as to where the sources of funds are to
pay for this project. The assessments portion is $367,000. The revolving assessment fund is
$550,000. The water fund is $295,000. Sanitary sewer, $266,000 and your storm water fund
$220,000 for your total project cost of about $1,700,000. As far as project schedule, you can see
we’ve already gone through the plans and specifications and authorized the bid and opened the
bids on April 1. The assessment hearing obviously is where we are tonight discussing the
project. Anticipate the contractor to begin construction in June. We’ll see most of the utility
work completed around the end of August, the first part of September with a substantial
completion, meaning the first lift of asphalt and everything put back together again by October of
this year. And then of course next June they will come back and put the final layer of asphalt on
and finish up any punch list items remaining. With that I would entertain any questions.
Mayor Furlong: Any questions for staff?
Councilwoman Ernst: I will ask one question.
Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Ernst.
Councilwoman Ernst: When we talked about, and I don’t know how to pronounce number one
bidder’s name so I’m just going to call it bidder number one. Are they the only, is that the only
bidder that submitted any alternates? In the bid.
Paul Oehme: Yeah, everybody submitted bid alternates for the project and the costs that you see
in your background include that alternate bid as well. We just included it all under the same
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
amount because we determined that we’d recommend accepting that bid at this time based upon
the cost or the bids that we received so we just kind of lumped it all in the $1.1 cost.
Councilwoman Ernst: Was there some consistencies with the alternates that were proposed?
Paul Oehme: Yeah they’re all consistent. I think the alternate was right around $30,000 to
$40,000 and all the bids were all within that ballpark as well.
Councilwoman Ernst: I’m sorry but what were the alternates? The specification alternates?
Paul Oehme: Sure. It was a water service bid alternate. If we wanted to replace all the curb stop
boxes along the project area. Within the project area and also the services associated with that as
well so.
Councilwoman Ernst: So that was an alternate that we included in our bid, not something that
they proposed to us, correct?
Paul Oehme: Correct. That’s correct.
Councilwoman Ernst: Okay. Did we have any bidders that proposed something outside of our
Paul Oehme: Not that I’m aware of, no.
Councilwoman Ernst: Okay. Thank you.
Mayor Furlong: I guess just to follow up on that. You said the first alternate was, just to clarify,
was replacing the water stops or the shut off valves?
Paul Oehme: Correct. Yes. Right.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. And were there other alternates included or was that the only one?
Paul Oehme: That was the only one that was included in the bid.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. And it’s your recommendation to go forward with that based on the
prices received?
Paul Oehme: Correct.
Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Any other questions for staff? There was a neighborhood
meeting held, is that correct?
Paul Oehme: Yeah, on April 29 at 6:00 there was, that was the last neighborhood meeting that
we held and approximately 6 neighborhood residents showed up to that meeting.
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
Mayor Furlong: Okay. And what were the comments and questions received there?
Paul Oehme: Mainly just when is it going to start? Is my tree going to be removed from my
front yard? Still getting mailbox questions. Typical construction type questions.
Mayor Furlong: Any concerns about the need to do the project or the proposed funding on how
the project was planned to be funded with a combination of assessments and the City?
Paul Oehme: At the April 29 meeting?
Mayor Furlong: Yes.
Paul Oehme: We did not receive any comments like that.
Mayor Furlong: Okay. Thank you. Any other questions for staff at this time?
Councilwoman Ernst: I’m sorry, I have one other question.
Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Ernst.
Councilwoman Ernst: So how, how are the residents going to contact the City? Do they, and
maybe I missed that in the first part of presentation but is there a phone number or something
that they can call where?
Paul Oehme: Yeah. Before we get going on the project the city staff and the engineer
representative on site will meet with the contractor to get a schedule from him because we don’t
know exactly where, when he’s going to start or so we want to meet with the contractor first.
Once we get some preliminary schedules down we’re going to meet with the post office and
some other agencies to get some schedules down as well. Once we know preliminary schedule
then we’re going to mail out a notification to all the residents identifying when we potentially
will start on the project with contact numbers, both at the city hall and the WSB representative,
he’ll have his cell phone number available then too. And again this year we’re planning to have
hotline number that the construction engineer on site will be updating on a daily basis to let
residents know what’s going on that day and look forward, not maybe next week into the next 2
weeks out or so, so try to keep as much information in front of the residents as they can so they
can plan accordingly.
Councilwoman Ernst: I know that’s something we typically do. I just want to make sure we’re
going to do it with this project.
Paul Oehme: Yep, absolutely.
Councilwoman Ernst: Thank you.
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. We will have a public hearing this evening. I think that’s our
next step in the process but I do want to remind residents that if they intend to file or wish to file
an objection to their assessment, since assessments are a portion of the funding for this project,
they need to do that prior to us closing the public hearing. Mr. Knutson, just a quick comment
on what someone needs to do if they want to file an objection.
Roger Knutson: It has to be in writing. Has to say why they object and identify their property.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. With that if there are no other questions for staff at this time I
would go ahead and open the public hearing and invite all interested parties to come forward and
address the council on this matter.
Connie Hatton: I’m Connie Hatton: I live on Erie Avenue and sorry I wasn’t at the September,
or I mean April 29 meeting.
Mayor Furlong: Ms. Hatton, what address on Erie Avenue?
Connie Hatton: Ah 8018.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you.
Connie Hatton: And what is the revolving, whatever was on there? What’s revolving?
Paul Oehme: That’s the revolving assessment fund, that’s a fund set aside by the council for
street reconstruction projects. Street projects in general.
Connie Hatton: For future ones?
Paul Oehme: Well for current ones. Future ones. That’s the funding source that the City uses to
pay for the street reconstruction of city streets.
Connie Hatton: So that’s for the tar and the.
Paul Oehme: Exactly. And the curb and gutter and those type of things.
Connie Hatton: Okay. And will they be giving us a schedule kind of like what their hours of
operations. If they’re open on holidays or going to work on holidays. If they work on Saturdays
and Sundays.
Paul Oehme: Yep, absolutely. We’re going to, that’ll be the notice that we’ll be sending out to
you identifying what the schedule will be and who to contact if you have any questions or
concerns so yeah. So typically we, contractor’s don’t like to work on weekends but we’ll see. I
mean Sundays absolutely not but if they get behind they might pull up a Saturday or two so.
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
Connie Hatton: Okay. And the drain, I’m sorry I’m not too, the drain grates in the streets, are
they going to reposition any of those?
Paul Oehme: Yep.
Connie Hatton: Because by my house there isn’t really one and there’s somebody that must have
a spring that comes and I mean the water flows and kind of just sits there.
Paul Oehme: Yep, right.
Connie Hatton: And so I didn’t know if they were able to stop it before it even got that far.
Paul Oehme: Yeah, that’s one thing that I know there’s several sump pump discharges along the
Erie Avenue and that’s one thing we’re going to work with the property owners on is try to
alleviate that surface water drainage from going onto the curb. That’s what the drain tile is for
that we’re putting in so hopefully those residents and the City can work together and it may, not
directly hook up but discharge that water into our, into the drain tile behind the curb so it doesn’t
run down the street anymore.
Connie Hatton: Okay. I just because that I can see is what, is somewhat eroding the tar there.
Paul Oehme: Yep, absolutely.
Connie Hatton: There in front of it. Not that it’s old or, it is old now but I mean I can see just
from living there that that has deteriorated in that time with just that sump pump one and of
course other water drainage but I see it mostly as the sump pump one there. And what, I’m just
not quite sure why are we being, if we can’t pay all of it up front, why are we being charged a
percent to, you know to pay every month or every year or however it’s done? I don’t quite get
why we’re being charged, the City is charging us.
Mayor Furlong: Interest?
Connie Hatton: Yes.
Mayor Furlong: On the payments.
Connie Hatton: Yeah.
Mayor Furlong: I think that’s standard practice.
Connie Hatton: It is?
Mayor Furlong: To the extent it has been our practice and I think generally to the extent that the
money is being, the City will spend the money and then obviously people have a choice of either,
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
for their 40% portion of the project, their assessment, either pay it back in full or pay it over
Connie Hatton: But I’m being penalized because I can’t pay it all up front?
Mayor Furlong: I don’t think it’s a penalty. I think it’s interest similar to any loan that one
might take out, whether from a bank or.
Connie Hatton: Well I’m not taking a loan out. Isn’t it put on my.
Mayor Furlong: It will be on your property taxes.
Connie Hatton: Yeah. So that’s not really a loan or is it? I don’t know.
Mayor Furlong: I think it’s effectively being treated similar to that.
Connie Hatton: It is a loan? Oh, okay.
Mayor Furlong: To the extent that the assessment will be on, the assessment will be assigned to
the property and then one of the, I guess the option that we could take, though we haven’t in the
past, is just require 100, payment of 100% up front next year. We don’t do that on these type of
projects. We recognize that that may place a burden on some families and so we provide for
payment over time. But then to the extent that the property owner chooses that option, then there
is interest charged for those.
Connie Hatton: Okay. So you’d have to come up with all the $5,000 right away or then you do
monthly payments or yearly or? I’m sorry, I don’t know.
Mayor Furlong: Mr. Knutson, would you like to?
Roger Knutson: Assessments are included on your property tax statement so.
Connie Hatton: So every year?
Roger Knutson: Payable twice a year.
Connie Hatton: Twice a year, okay. Okay. And then so I’d have to pay that then every twice a
year, whatever it’s assessed at?
Roger Knutson: Right, just as you pay your property taxes now. The same time.
Connie Hatton: That’s, I escrow so I don’t know.
Todd Gerhardt: It’ll be in your escrow then.
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
Connie Hatton: So then, okay. So then I can expect my monthly payment to go way up then
every month?
Todd Gerhardt: Well proportionate to what your assessment amount is over a 10 year period.
Connie Hatton: Okay. And if I understood from the last meeting, I’m on a cul-de-sac but I’m
not basically paying more for the more tar and the more area there? Is that how I understood it?
Paul Oehme: That’s correct. Everybody pays the same unit.
Connie Hatton: Everybody’s paying the same, okay.
Paul Oehme: Unit assessment cost.
Connie Hatton: Okay. I didn’t know because I had more tar or whatever on the road.
Paul Oehme: Right.
Todd Gerhardt: In some cases they will do it by the front foot. Our practice has been per
property owner.
Connie Hatton: Okay.
Todd Gerhardt: Per lot.
Connie Hatton: Okay, when you say, you mean Chanhassen or?
Mayor Furlong: Other cities.
Connie Hatton: Carver County or?
Todd Gerhardt: Well it depends on the type of construction.
Connie Hatton: Oh, okay.
Todd Gerhardt: And you know in our residential we do it per lot.
Connie Hatton: Okay. Okay. Okay, and you’ve answered trees and stuff. Okay. I think that
was it. I just wasn’t sure on what revolving was. Okay, thank you.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there anybody else who would like to address the council this
Todd Hubner: Mr. Mayor, City Council. One thing I would like to reiterate during construction.
It’s our goal to make sure that we communicate well with the residents and the newsletter is one
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
way to do that. We also typically with some of our newsletter’s been sending our refrigerator
magnets so everyone will have a name, numbers that they can call and they’ll have them right in
front of them. And one of the things I didn’t mention in our presentation here is that if you have
special events occurring this summer, let us know right away so that we can coordinate the
construction and make that as timely and as convenient as possible for you. So if you have open
houses or you have weddings, you have family get togethers or something planned, just let the
inspector know and we’ll work around that the best way we can. Make sure people can get to
your house during those events and time periods. Also if there’s anybody in the project area,
whether you’re aware of it or they are, that has any special needs for entering and accessing the
site, please let the observer know right away because it’s really important that we can
accommodate those folks. There are some folks that need special access to their homes and
we’ll make sure that we can work with the contractor and get those accesses and those needs met
for those folks too.
Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Ernst.
Councilwoman Ernst: So will that be in the newsletter that goes out so that type of
communication will be included?
Todd Hubner: Absolutely.
Councilwoman Ernst: Okay, great.
Connie Hatton: Is that a paper newsletter or an email?
Todd Hubner: It’s paper right now. We still have some folks that aren’t real, on a few projects
there’s always a few folks that aren’t hooked up to the internet or have access to it and so we do
send out a paper copy too.
Connie Hatton: Okay. Do you know if they work in sections like they tear up the road in
sections or will they tear up all the tar through the whole area and then?
Todd Hubner: The project will be staged such that certain segments will be ripped up and then,
we won’t allow them to rip up all the streets at one time to begin utility work.
Connie Hatton: But enough to drive on…
Todd Hubner: Correct.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there anyone else that would like to speak at the public hearing
before the council this evening? Again any objections need to be provided to the City in written
form before we close the public hearing, which if nobody speaks we’ll be doing in just one
moment. If there’s nobody else to come forward this evening, is there a motion to close the
public hearing.
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The
public hearing was closed.
Mayor Furlong: Bring it back to council now for additional questions or discussion.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: I just have a comment that I’d like to thank staff for everything they
did for this assessment and working with the neighborhood. You can really tell a difference
from the first time this was brought to council and the second time. How you have answered
their questions and kind of taken care of all their concerns so they’re not here tonight kind of
picking up where they left off the last time so thank you very much for all your hard work.
Paul Oehme: Thank you. Yep, we worked hand in hand with WSB too so we thought they did a
great job for us too.
Mayor Furlong: Good.
Councilman Litsey: Yeah, I’d make the same comment. Just a great job working together with
the residents and staff and the consultants and everyone. It’s a lot different then the first time so
that means that good progress was made and there was good communication throughout so thank
Mayor Furlong: Well at the first public hearing we had, you know one of the questions that as a
council we always ask residents is does this need to be done and I think we heard very clearly at
that time that it did need to be done. A lot of the questions were how it was going to be done and
how much was it going to cost, and I think to the points that Councilwoman Tjornhom and
Councilman Litsey made for staff and the work that they did and WSB, really addressed those
questions of how it was going to be done and fortunately we are still in a beneficial bid
environment in terms of people paying for the projects and to have 14 companies bid on this
project, I was impressed with how tight the range was relatively, which says that not only was it
a competitive bid but, you know that it’s, the specs were put together well and they were looked
at similarly and so it was very clear what people were bidding on in my mind so, appreciate
everybody’s efforts all around and it will be nice to, while we’ll have to put up with the mess, as
was mentioned, I think I liken these to having your bathroom remodeled. It’s an inconvenient
and a mess for a time but in the end you’ve got a nice bathroom and so here we’re going to have
a nice street and improved storm water management in this area, which we need so we look
forward to seeing this project move forward.
Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, council, I just want to recognize Paul and WSB. There was an article
here in the Tribune a couple of days ago regarding cities going out to the public and meeting on
the street or in their neighborhood and that’s what Paul and WSB have done. They’ve got out of
City Hall and they went to their homes and looked at their trees and met with them one on one on
their property to see any issues that they had concerns about and you know that’s what we try to
encourage here at City Hall. Is to meet the residents on site. We’ve done that on Audubon on
several occasions. Meeting with homeowners one on one and you know I think it’s just better
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
communication when you go out and you can see their site and their issues so thank you Paul and
WSB for doing that.
Councilman Litsey: Obviously you see the results.
Mayor Furlong: Good. Thank you. Appreciate those comments as well. Any other comments
on this? If not we have actually 3 motions in front of us this evening. I’m seeing one regarding
accepting the bids and award and one adopting the assessment roll. Is it just the two of them?
Roger Knutson: Yes.
Kate Aanenson: Yes.
Mayor Furlong: And awarding the contract is effectively accepting the bids.
Roger Knutson: It’s awarding the contract is basically what you’re doing.
Mayor Furlong: Alright. So we don’t have to do that twice? We only pay them once, that’s the
big thing. We can accept it lots of times but we only want to pay him once. Alright, with that
would somebody like to make a motion?
Councilman Litsey: I’d be happy to.
Mayor Furlong: Councilman Litsey.
Councilman Litsey: Make a motion that the City Council accepts the bids and awards the
contract for City Project 10-01a, Erie Avenue Street and Utility Reconstruction to, is it Kuechle?
Paul Oehme: Kuechle.
Councilman Litsey: Kuechle Underground Incorporated in the amount of $1,514,284.63. You
want me to make the motion at the same time?
Mayor Furlong: Why don’t you go ahead and make the second.
Councilman Litsey: And I also make a motion that the City Council adopt the assessment roll
for City Project 10-01a, Erie Avenue Street and Utility Construction. Reconstruction actually.
Mayor Furlong: Reconstruction. Thank you. Is there a second?
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second.
Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on that motion? Hearing none, we’ll
proceed with the vote.
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
Resolution #2010-45: Councilman Litsey moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that
the City Council accepts the bids and awards the contract for City Project #10-01a, Erie
Avenue Street and Utility Reconstruction to Kuechle Underground, Inc. in the amount of
$1,514,284.63. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Resolution #2010-46: Councilman Litsey moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded that
the City Council adopts the assessment roll for City Project #10-01a, Erie Avenue Street
and Utility Reconstruction. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a
vote of 4 to 0.
Councilwoman Tjornhom: Well I was at Breakfast with the Mayor a couple weeks ago and the
Mayor did a fabulous job once again talking about our city and what we’re doing and informing
the Chamber of what’s going on and just, he’s a very good public servant and gives a good
message to all who show up so thank you Mayor for everything you do.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Thank you.
Councilman Litsey: Thanks for doing that.
Mayor Furlong: That was, it was a fun breakfast. It was good to see a lot of familiar faces again
at the Legion with the Chamber so that was a lot of fun but thank you for saying that. A couple
of things that I’d like to share. First of all with Southwest Transit Commission. The commission
received approval to go out for bids for the Chanhassen parking ramp and transit station so they
received final approval from the State and Federal Transportation authorities to do that so they
will be, that’s a major milestone. But to that end they’re going out for bids here over the next 3
weeks, 4 weeks and those will be coming to the commission at a June meeting and then
assuming approval at that point and acceptance, they’ll be starting moving some dirt here yet this
year. Later this year and then most of the construction for the ramp and transit station over by
the Dinner Theater will take place in the following year so major step and again that’s been a
long time coming. I think either one or two phone calls were involved… No more than that I’m
sure. But very good news on that. And then also, just a quick comment about Arbor Day, which
our city had an Arbor Day event on Saturday. It was a little change. We talked about it as a
council when we met with the Environmental Commission earlier this evening but it was a good
change. We had, what did they say, over 100 people come out with groups from the Boy Scouts,
the Girl Scouts, the Cub Scouts were there. Family of Christ Lutheran Church had a number of
members there. And we had the little Daisy Girl Scouts there which were just as cute as can be,
but they were out planting trees and helping plant trees at Lake Ann Park so just wanted to
mention them again. I thanked them in person on Saturday but wanted to mention them and
make sure they got into the minutes how much we appreciate all their efforts and contributions as
the groups. Really we’ve got some fine civic groups and we really appreciate their efforts and
thank you to Jill Sinclair and others on staff and our members of our Environmental Commission
and Park and Rec Commission that were also in attendance there and assisted as well. With that
I will, if there are no other council presentations, we’ll move to administrative presentations.
Chanhassen City Council - May 10, 2010
Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, council. I just have one item. On Sunday, May 23 at 5:30 p.m. at the
Chanhassen High School the Red Birds will be playing. I want to thank the Park and Rec
Commission for reminding me of that event so hope to see the public out and cheer on the Red
Mayor Furlong: You can buy tickets on their web site I know.
Todd Gerhardt: Yep.
Mayor Furlong: Chanhassen Red Birds web site so.
Todd Gerhardt: Yeah and season tickets are really reasonable and it includes I think a hotdog
and a pop and I think it’s like $23 or something like that for the entire season so.
Councilman Litsey: Best ticket in town that way.
Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for Mr. Gerhardt or his staff? Hearing none, very
Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to adjourn the meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The City
Council meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim