WS 2010 06 28
JUNE 28, 2010
Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:40 p.m.
Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman
Tjornhom, and Councilman McDonald
Councilwoman Ernst
Todd Gerhardt, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Greg
Sticha, Danielle Washburn, and Terry Jeffery
Greg Sticha reported that the City finished the year with no material findings in the audit and that
the $7,800 decrease in the fund balance did not change after the audit was completed. David
Mol with HLB Tautges Redpath reviewed the Annual Financial Report, GFOA Award, State
Compliance Report which showed no findings of non-compliance, and the Report on Internal
Control. The charts showing financial results for governmental activities and business type
activities for 2008 and 2009 had very solid results and a clean report. Mayor Furlong asked how
cities similar in size to Chanhassen, how their governmental revenues compared with the
fluctuations from year to year. Councilman Litsey asked how the percentage difference in
building permit revenues and market values have compared to previous year. Greg Sticha
thanked Danielle Washburn for her work with the CAFR reports which is saving the City
thousands of dollars.
Kate Aanenson provided a history of building permit revenues and future trends for the next 5
years, obtained from the Developers Forum, which showed building permit revenue for new and
existing residential and commercial from 2000 to 2009 and land available for development
without the need for additional infrastructure. Todd Gerhardt clarified that the locations of the
two new water towers are potential locations. Mayor Furlong clarified that the timing of the
infrastructure being built is market driven, not City driven. Kate Aanenson showed a chart
which tracks specific developments, lots approved vs. developed, noting that 2010 building
permit revenues are slightly ahead of budget projections. There is sufficient residential and
commercial land currently being served by city utilities and future projections for lift station and
new well construction in the next 5 years. She believes there is no need to update the
Comprehensive Plan based on these projections. Todd Gerhardt stated the key thing is basically
the City has 5 years of inventory on the books but national developers are beginning to look at
development opportunities. Mayor Furlong and Councilman Litsey stated this information will
be helpful for the upcoming budget process.
City Council Work Session - June 28, 2010
Todd Gerhardt stated that the official start of the budget season is July and that 2011 is going to
be another tough year. Greg Sticha asked for input from the council on anything they want to do
that’s atypical from previous years so staff can research it’s effect on the budget. He noted that
the percent of new construction significantly affects budget discussions. Councilman McDonald
asked for clarification on how market value affects levy amount and tax capacity. Council and
staff discussed new construction trends over the last 3 years. Greg Sticha explained that cost of
living numbers have stayed flat but other costs such as health insurance will go up significantly.
Councilman Litsey asked about salary increases in 2011. Todd Gerhardt stated he didn’t think
the City can go two years without an increase, including health. Councilman McDonald asked if
the council holds the 2010 budget numbers steady for 2011, how that affects the 2011 budget
numbers and services. Greg Sticha stated he feels health care will have the biggest impact, along
with a decrease in interest income. Mayor Furlong and Councilman McDonald asked about the
status of the city’s investment portfolio. Mayor Furlong encouraged staff to continue looking for
partnering opportunities with other cities and governmental agencies as a way to save money.
Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session at 7:00 p.m.
Submitted by Todd Gerhardt
City Manager
Prepared by Nann Opheim