7c. Sump Pump Inspection Program Update.7e CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA SUMP PUMP INSPECTION PROGRAM UPDATE 7/7/97 1. TOTAL INSPECTIONS COMPLETED AS OF 6/30/97 - 4,461 2. PROPERTIES IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY ORDINANCE - 4,040 3. PROPERTIES NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY ORDINANCE - 421 A. Of the 421 non - compliance properties 226 are sump pumps pumping into the sanitary sewer system. B. Of the 421 non - compliance properties 195 are sump pumps with flexible hose discharges. 4. PERCENTAGE OF PROPERTIES IN COMPLIANCE - 90% 5. PERCENTAGE OF PROPERTIES NOT IN COMPLIANCE - 10% Based on the more than 4,000 inspections to date, many sump pumps that were found to be in compliance with the City's sewer use ordinance had been changed prior to the inspections due to the public informational program. Therefore, the percentage of properties that were found not to be in compliance during the initial inspection was substantially larger than the figures indicate above. Also, the inspectors have noticed that many of the flexible hose discharges that were pumping outside at the time of the inspection had in the recent past been pumping into the sanitary sewer. The inspectors found in many cases that the discharge hose had the tell tale brown color on the discharge end indicating it had been connected to the basement floor drain. The City's sewer use ordinance as amended providing for rigid piping will eliminate most of the problems of property owners moving the discharge back and forth from the sanitary sewer. As of 7/7/97 all sewered properties in the City of Chanhassen have been canvassed twice for the initial inspection. We estimate approximately 400 properties still need to be inspected at this time. A final list of all properties not inspected is being developed based on the PID number. This list will be reviewed and a third canvassing of those properties will be completed in the next month. Upon completion of the third canvassing of those properties not initially inspected, a letter will be sent by the City to all property owners not initially inspected requesting their cooperation in having the inspection completed. The sump pump inspection program has uncovered a number of areas within the City where ground water problems make the disconnection of sump pumps from the sanitary sewer system a problem. The City is working with these property owners and neighborhoods to develop long term solutions to these ground water problems. Re- inspection of properties which were found in non - compliance with the City Ordinance is continuing as property owners make repairs. A preliminary report to the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services is being prepared at this time for submittal in the fall of 1997 as part of the Loan /Grant received by the City for the funding program for this project. The cooperation by the vast majority of property owners has been fantastic. Many positive comments have been received by the Buchen Staff regarding the City's approach to saving taxpayer dollars by eliminating the costs of treating the clear water from the sump pump discharges.