3 Lift Station No. 2MEMORANDUM CITYOF CH H SB 7700 Market Bou!evard PO Box 147 ,.,~ ~,,,.,~n. MI,! 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 F.~x: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections ni;:~: 952.227.1 ?z,:. 9~,2 227 i ! Engineering ?:-,.::.e: 952.227.i i,30 Fzx- 952227.1! 70 Finance ?:-,:-,~: %2 227 -052.2271 Park & Recreation Pz, 3ne: 952.227.i i20 F:-x 952 227.ii10 23!5 ~.;::.z!:er B3u e,zrJ :" :',e -OZ.2 227 14.'".',0 Fa,,:: 9,~2.227. i 404 Planning & Natural Resources ~' . .~ vt, 2zz7.1130 Fa,' !,52 227.11 i0 Public Works i59i Park Rczs P:cr, e. 952.227.1300 Fa:,:: 952.227.1310 Senior Cenler P.n~ne: 952.227.1i25 Fa):: 952.227.1ii0 Web Sile ,', .', TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager : Teresa J. Burgess, Public Works Director/City Engin.ee.k~ July 1, 2002 Public Heating, Approve Feasibility Study, and Order Project for Lift Station No. 2 and No. 10 System Utility Improvements Project No. 01-11 REQUESTED ACTION Hold the Public Hearing, Approve the Feasibility Study, and Order the Improvements to Lift Stations No. 2 and No. 10. DISCUSSION The City Council authorized preparation of a feasibility study for improvements to Lift Station No. 10. Those improvements were spurred by impending development surrounding Lift Station No. 10. The original intention xvas to address the improvements prior to the property being developed. As part of the feasibility study, the Consultant modeled the system downstream of Lift Station No. 10 and found significant issues at Lift Stations No. 1 and No. 2. Staff is recolmnending that two of the recommendations (construction of a parallel line at Lift Station No. 2 and installation of a permanent generator at Lift Station No. 10) be done immediately with the remaining work to be scheduled as part of the City's Capital Improvements Plan (CIY). Lift Station No. 2: A recent valve problem (the bolts had been "eaten away" by the acidic soils) required the City to dig a large area that requires restoration. The bolts have been replaced with stainless steel bolts that are better for acidic soils than the galvanized bolts that were standard when the valve was originally installed. Rather than perform the restoration and then dig the area again in 2-5 years, it is recommended that this work be done in 2002. The parallel line will allow Lift Station No. 2 to function more efficiently. The parallel line will be constructed using directional drilling which creates minimal disturbance except at the drilling pits, one of which would be located in the already disturbed area of Sunset Hills Beach Lot. The parallel line will drop into an already existing gravity line. Lift Station No. 10: The City currently has a portable generator wired to Lift Station No. 10. That generator is to address concerns about power issues in this area as well as the short available response time due to wet well sizing. The original intent of the feasibility study was to address those wet well sizing issues The City et' Chanhassen · .'-. :'~?..ino ~_or'n, munR;, ;','ith '-"-~,~n lakes, o,,alit~; ~rhoot, a charming do;','nto;','n, thrivino businesses. "'; ..... '~ ........ ~ ,,,nd,nu :,ahs, and beautiful parks. A g~at place to live. work. and nUw Todd Gerhardt July 1, 2002 Page 2 and make appropriate recommendations. Staff is recommending that a permanent generator installation be made with proper screening. This will accormnodate the immediate need at the site. The remaining improvements will be scheduled in the City's CIP for future construction. Lift Station No. 1: Improvement needs xvere also identified by Lift Station No. 1. These improvements will be scheduled in the City's CIP for future construction. RECOMMENDED MOTION Move to approve the feasibility study and authorize preparation of plans and specifications for improvements to Lift Station No. 2 and Lift Station No. 10 as recommended. Attachment: 1. Summary and Recommendations Section of Feasibility Report. C: Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates Kelley Janes, Utility Superintendent g:',eng',public' 01 - 11 'staff report 7-8-02.doc VII. Summary and Recommendations The following list of recommendations summarizes a priority list of projects based on immediate needs identified by this study. Priority No. 1 Description Construct the emergency generator portion of Option A at Lift Station No. 10. If a privacy fence is desired, it could be built with the generator project or a local independent contractor could be hired to build a fence, which blends with the development project. Cost savings and uniformity of appearance may be achieved throughout the development if other decorative landscaping work-is required in the development. The cost estimate includes the privacy fence and the generator installation. The remaining elements of the recommended Option A are included under the 4th priority recommendation. Estimated Cost: S68,700 (with fence) Estimated Cost: 748,700 (without fence) Construct Lift Station No. 2 modifications and the new independent forcemain for Lift Station No. 2. Because of the overloading problem currently being experienced at Lift Station No. 2, this station needs to be upgraded pr/or to rerouting the flow from Lift Station No. 1 into the aravity system contributory to Lift Station No. 2. This recommended project needs to be coordinated w'ith the results of the ongoing I/I investigation pertaining to Lift Station No. 2. The results of that investigation will b~' used to finalize the lift station and forcemain size. At this time, it is assumed that the results of the I/I analysis will show that a Lift Station No. 2 capacity of 450 gpm will be sufficient to handle the required inflow. This assumptions results in a recommendation to install two new 15 HP submersible pumps into the existin~ 6 foot diameter wet well and to furnish and install the associated nexv control'panel. This assumption also results in a recommended 8" diameter forcemain. This.is the maximum station capacity that can be accommodated with the existin~ wet well. If a lar_oer capacity is needed, then a new wet well will need to be constructed: which would cause a substantial increase to the estimated cost for this project. At this time, it is also assumed that the new forcemain will be installed by utilizing directional drilling as needed to minimize reconstruction costs of the streets and other restoration work. Lastly, the upgrade in pump size will require the electric service to the site to be upzraded to a true 3-phase service. Estimated Cost.. $258,000 Construct a parallel 10" forcemain adjacent to the 6" forcemain from Lift Station No. 1 to the existing 8" forcemain on Frontier Trail. Flow from Lift Station No. 1 Lift Station No. lO System Utility I,~provements Feasibility Report Page 25 will pump to the gravity sewer on Frontier Trail utilizing the existing 6" forcemain. The gravity flow from this point flows to Lift Station No. 2. Near Lift Station No. 1, the existing 8" forcemain from Lift Station No. 10 would be connected to the new section of 10" forcemain, and it would be disconnected from the existing 6" forcemain. Again, it is assumed that directional drilling could be utilized to minimize disruption to the adjacent properties. It is also recommended that the existing pumps in Lift Station No.1 be downsized to reflect the much lower TDH that will be seen at this lift station. This will provide the City with an ongoing energy savings. Estimated Cost: $131,000 Construct the remaining options listed in Option A as an equipment upgrade and control panel replacement project. The addition of a 10 foot diameter wet well will improve cycle times and increase the response time available to the City in an emergency. The existing control panel should be upgraded by the addition of level sensing equipment for the new wet well, additional surge protection, additional telemetry points, and spare parts including starter, phase monitor, relays, timers, overload relays, circuit breakers, and fuses. In order to improve the aesthetics at the site, it is recommended that a new lighting pole be installed. It is recommended that the three existing gate valves be replaced, and that the new wet well be piped into the forcemain so that the City could drop the existing spare into the new wet well in the event of an emer~encv.~ A mobile starter panel that would plug into the emergency generator and into tl~e pump cable would also be provided to facilitate running the temporary pump. Odor control, in the form of activated carbon style forced air filters could be added to the wet well vent pipe system if odors become a nuisance. Since the flow through this lift station is primarily fresh domestic waste, odor control equipment may not be necessary. £stimated Cost: $]41,300 (with odor control) Estimated Cost: $ 9!,300 (without odor control) Due to the high cost of Option B and C and the lack of additional benefit to the City, Options B and C are not recommended improvements. Lift Station No. ]0 System Ufilit~, Improvemeuts Feasibility, Report Page 26