3. Postal Service Annex Update.CITY OF 3
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager
FROM: Sharmin Al -Jaff, Planner II
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
DATE: July 23, 1997
SUBJ: Update on Postal Service Annex
Landscaping of Berm Area:
Staff sent out requests for landscape proposals to three nurseries within the city. Proposals are
due to the city by July 31, 1997 and we have received one quote to date. Work is scheduled to be
done in the Fall of 1997. When all quotes are received, staff will present the results with a
recommendation to the City Council. We enclosed two planting schedules with the proposal
requests. The first was the landscape schedule created by the USPS architect and contained trees
that are substantially larger than required by ordinance.. The second contains all trees that meet
the minimum requirements of the tree ordinance (average of six foot tall/high and/or 2.5 inch
caliper). We also stated in a letter that accompanied the planting schedules that the City reserves
the right to reduce the number of planting by 25 %. This was added in order to remain within
budget as much as possible if the quotes are more than $25,000.
In addition to the two planting schedules, a third option is possible. A number of trees on the
proposed planting schedules can be found at the city's tree farm located on Highway 5. The city
could hire a tree service to transplant these trees at a cost much less than buying them from a
nursery, thereby reducing the overall cost.