1. Park Task Force: Presentation of Community Survey. ` J
., ,
: ,,
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
Note: The attached survey depicts
the Task Force edits. Mr. Morris will
MEMORANDUM present Decision Resources' final copy
on Monday night.
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
DATE: December 31, 1996
SUBJ: Park Bond Study Survey
On October 14, 1996, the city council approved a contract with Decision Resources for survey
research and ongoing campaign consultation. Since that time, the Park Task Force and the Trust
for Public Land (TPL) has worked diligently with Decision Resources. Numerous meetings and
phone consultations have been conducted to ensure a quality product.
Those who have contributed to this work process include Bill Morris of Decision Resources and
his staff; Al Raymond of the Midwest TPL office; Steve Glaser, a professional pollster from the
California TPL office; Park Task Force members Alison Blackowiak, Nancy Mancino, Mike
Lynch and Anne Graupmann; and me. These individuals and organizations recognize the
importance of this survey process and have proceeded accordingly.
On Monday evening Mr. Morris of Decision Resources will present the final draft of the
community park bond survey to the city council. Bill and the Park Task Force are seeking the
city council's input and stamp of approval.
Upon making final revisions to the community park bond survey, it is recommended the city
council authorize the initiation of the survey pretest, followed by the official field survey.
Subject to this authorization, interim findings will be available by the end of January.
1. Memo to the City Council dated October 9, 1996
2. Survey
c: Park Task Force
Trust for Public Land
Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a survey research firm located in • Minneapolis. -' - • - - _ ... - - - • - _ - - . .. _ . _ ., - . . - ' • - - -
: _ • - _ _ _ . • - • .. •• • • • :It You have been randomly selected to
be interviewed about park, trail, and recreational facilities in your city. I want to assure you
that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire
sample will be reported. (DO NOT PAUSE).
1. Are you a registered voter?
2. Thinking about past school district and city elections, refers, would you say you
always vote, often vote, sometimes vote, rarely vote, or never vote? (if rarely vote or
never vote — terminate).
3. How long have you lived in the City of Chanhassen?
4. How would you rate the quality of life in Chanhassen—excellent, good, only fair, or
5. What do you like most about living in Chanhassen?
6. In general, what do you think is the most serious issue facing the community today?
7. All in all, do you think things in Chanhassen are generally headed in the right direction,
or do you feel things are off on the wrong track?
8. Why do you feel that way?
9. How would you evaluate the breadth availability and condition of park, trail, and
recreational facilities in Chanhassen —would you say they are
excellent, good, only fair, or poor?
10. Why do you feel that way?
In an upcoming election, voters may be asked to raise property taxes for land preservation
and park, trail, and recreational facilities improvements.
11. Which of these three statements best describes your feelings?
a. I would vote AGAINST almost any tax increase for land preservation and park, trail,
and recreational facilities improvement.
b. I would vote FOR a tax increase under some conditions, but AGAINST it under other
c. I would vote FOR almost any tax increase for land preservation and park, trail, and
recreational facilities improvement.
12. Under what conditions would you vote for a tax increase for land preservation and park,
trail, and recreational facilities improvement?
Tho city may ask Residents may be asked to vote on a bond referendum to develop and
expand park and trail system facilities. Although no decision has been made, I would
like to read you a list of components which could be included in the proposal. For each
one, please tell me if you would strongly support a property tax increase for that purpose,
somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose a property tax increase for it. If
.. . • _ ..:. • . -, ' . .... (ROTATE LIST)
13. Acquisition of land for the development of a large community park south of Highway 5?
14. Expansion Construction of new seven neighborhood trail links to help form a
comprehensive community trail system connecting all of the city's neighborhoods?
15. Preservation Ammon of land in the Bluff Creek Watershed as public Corridor to
pfesepie open space and _ = - .. ,. .. - .. .. .. • . • - -- to allow
construction of a north to south trail corridor.
16. Expansion of City Center Park adjacent to city hall to provide additional ballfields?
17. Development of Bandimere Community Park for youth athletics, to contain 6 -8 ballfields,
amenities, and picnic grounds?
18. Upgrading and improving our existing . .• • . - : - . . • - :. neighborhood
19. Preservation Acquisition of public open space before it is lost to urban sprawl? and
costly? •
Now, I would like to briefly re -read the list.
20. Please tell me which ONE, if any, of those components you would place as the top
21. Of the remaining components, which ONE would you rank as the second priority?
22. Is there any ONE component you most oppose? (IF "YES," ASK) Which one?
As we mentioned earlier, funding for the bond referendum components we have just
discussed would require a property tax increase.
Suppose the City of Chanhassen proposed land preservation, park, trail, and
recreational facilities-improvements. . - . - . = = • - . - - • - - = - - - . •
rcasonablc. approach The proposal would be placed on referendum ballot for approval by
the voters. In order to fund any improvements or land purchases, residents would be
asked to approve a property tax increase for a twenty year period.
23. How much would you be willing to see your property taxes increase to fund this
proposal? Let's say, would you be willing to see your monthly property taxes increase by
[PRICE POINTS: NOTHING; $3, $6, $9, $12, $15, $18, UNSURE, REFUSED]
I would now like to ask your opinion of a specific park and recreational facilities bond
referendum proposal...
Land for a future community park and preservation area containing pristine expanses
of open space ballfields, ice rinks, and trails south of Highway 5 County Road 18 would
be purchased. Up to seven trail links LIST OF LINKS would be developed as part of
a comprehensive trail system connecting all city neighborhoods. Land in the Bluff Creek
Watershed 6eFriEler would be acquired, for both preservation purposes and a north/south
trail. City Center Park would be expanded to include more ballfields, while a youth
athletics facility would be built at Bandimere Park.
Residents would be asked to approve a $6 million dollar bond referendum to fund these
park, trail, and recreational improvements. -: • - • . • - • - • - . • • • - . The
bonds would be underwritten through an increase of property taxes of about $5 monthly
or $58.37 annually on a $100,000 home; similarly, owners of a $200,000 home would see
an increase of about $10 monthly or $116.73 annually.
24. If the election were today, would you favor or oppose this bond referendum? (WAIT
FOR RESPONSE) And, do you feel strongly that way?
25. Could you tell me one or two reasons for your decision?
I would like to read you a list of statements which may characterize the bond referendum
proposal. For each one, please tell me if it makes you much more likely to support it,
somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely, or much less likely to support the proposal.
If it makes no difference to you, just say so...
26. A Citizen Oversight Committee will be formed to insure the funds are spent in strict
accordance with the referendum proposal.
27. An Independent Public Audit and Annual Report of all bond referendum fund
expenditures will be required undertaken and publicly reported.
28. - -- - -- -- - - -- . .. • .. • • •. . • .. • .
lest .. _ _ . .. _ • = - - - - - - • • . If we don't
purchase public open space now it will be lost forever.
29. Neighborhood The parks, trails, and public open space is an important will-be-a legacy
for our children.
30. The group, Citizens Against Overdevelopment, has endorsed the proposal.
31. State Representative Tom Workman has endorsed the proposal.
32. Passing of this referendum would be a big step towards preserving Chanhassen's
small town country feel. . -• . . .. ' . _ _ • - _ ..: • _ .
33. Mayor eleet Mancino and the city council strongly entlausiastieasupport the bond
referendum proposal.
34. All bond referendum funds will only be used for parks and trails
...:. . . . . .. ... . - • - _ No funds will be used for other city services or
administration. .
35. This measure invests in neighborhood parks which are the heart
of our any community.
36. If land in the Bluff Creek Watershed Ceffider is not set aside now, future residential and
commercial development will take-up-consume much of this area.
37. Community parent/teacher groups ' e _ ... _ .. . _ . _ _ . .. have
endorsed the proposal.
38. More ballfields are critically needed if the city is to offer youth athletics opportunities for
all of our children who wish to palrticipate.
39. The Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce has _: -. ' - _ - . - •• - - . =
endorsed the proposal.
40. The Chanhassen Villager newspaper has endorsed the proposal.
As you know, people change their mind sometimes as they learn more about a proposal.
Now, after having been told about these possible features of the bond referendum
41. If the election were today, would you favor or oppose this bond referendum? (WAIT
FOR RESPONSE) And, do you feel strongly that way?
Moving on...
42. Water quality will be protected by preserving public open space in and around
wetlands, streams, and watersheds.
43. This measure will increase environmental education and awareness opportunities
for our children.
44. In general, how well informed are you about the Chanhassen Park and Trail Systems and
its facilities -are you very well informed, somewhat informed, not too well informed, or
not at all informed?
45. How do you usually obtain your information about the Chanhassen Park and Trail
Systems and its facilities?
The Chanhassen Park System is composed of smaller neighborhood parks, community
parks such as Lake Ann, Lake Susan, and City Center Park, dedicated to active uses such
as ballfields and ice rinks, and trails in boulevards, around lakes, and through parks and
natural areas. Of these facilities, which , if any, do members of your household use?
46. Smaller neighborhood parks?
Community parks?
47. Trails?
48. Do any of the members of your household currently participate in local athletic
association sports teams?
49. Do you or members of your household regularly leave the City of Chanhassen to use
leisure -time recreational facilities or programs in other cities? (If "YES" ask:) What
types of facilities or programs are you using elsewhere?
So far, we have discussed several proposals for park and recreational facilities currently
being considered by the city. I would like to read you a short list of proposals which are
not currently being discussed, but could be evaluated sometime in the future. For each
one, please tell me if you strongly support it, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or
strongly oppose it. If you have no opinion, just say so... (ROTATE LIST)
50. Development of a municipal golf course?
51. Construction of a air- eutdeer municipal swimming pool?
52. - ._ - - .... - .. - --
53. Construction of a full- service community center, including indoor family leisure -fun pool,
walking/running track, gymnasiums, aerobics room, racquetball courts, and exercise
equipment and weight room?
54. Construction of an indoor ice arena for hockey and figure skating?
Moving on .. .
55. _ - ._. __ _ .. .. • - .. .. _ - t-- - -- -.' _ . . ,
some, very little, or none?
56. From what you have seen or heard, he do you approve or disapprove
of the job prance -ef the Chanhassen city park and recreation department
employees are doing? (Wait for response) excellent, good, only fair, or poor? And do
you feel strongly that way?
57. •- -- -- .. ... _ .. •
. -., . ... , •- - ••
58. From what you have seen or heard, know, do you approve or disapprove of the job the
Mayor and City Council are doing? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel strongly
that way?
55 . -.- .. —t __ • .
56. Other than voting, do you feel that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way
the City of Chanhassen runs things?
Changing topics.. .
57. How do you feel about Chanhassen city property taxes in comparison with the services
you receive from the city — would you say it is an excellent value, good value, only fair
value, or a poor value?
58. How do you feel about Chanhassen city property taxes in comparison with those of other
suburban communities — do you feel they are very high, somewhat high, about average,
somewhat low, or very low?
59. During the past few years, how would you rate the Mayor and City Council on spending
tax money effectively and efficiently — excellent, good only fair, or poor?
60. What is your principle source of information about the acitivities and decisions of the
Mayor and City Council?
61. Do you recall receiving the city newsletter, entitled "The Chanhassen Community News,"
during the past year?
62. Do you or any members of your household regularly read it?
63. Do you tcnd to keep it around for later reference or toss it after you have read through it?
64. How effective is the city newsletter in keeping you informed about activities in the city —
very effective, somewhat effective, not too effective, or not at all effective?
65. Does your household currently subscribe to cable television?
66. Would you say you watch the local government access channel — frequently ,
occasionally, rarely, or not at all?
67. Would you say you watch City Council meeting telecasts frequently, occasionally, rarely,
or not at all?
Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes .. .
69. What is your age, please? Stop me when I read the interval which contains it.
Could you tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your
household .. .
70. First, persons over 65?
71. Other adults, including yourself?
72. School aged children?
73. Pre - schoolers?
74. Do you rent or own your present residence?
75. Which of the following categories would contain the approximate value or your
residential property — under $75,000, $75,000- $150,000, $150,000- $250,000, or over
76. Are you or is any member of your household a member of a private health club?
77. What is your zip code, please?
78. Do you reside in the Minnetonka School District or the Chaska School District?
79. Precinct (FROM LIST)
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