2. City Hall Expansion Project.AMCON CM /Christopherson *9 612 - 882 -7717 M05116/96 GA:07AM D 1/3 AMCON CM FAX PLEASE DELIVER T0: Don Ashworth, City Of Chanhassen FAX: 612 937 -5739 NO. OF PAGES: 3 DATE: Thursday, May 16 1996 M TODD CHRISTOPHERSON, P, E. 612 - 890 -1217 VOICE 672- 882 -7717 FAX amconcm @usintemet, com E -MAIL Here is a preliminary summary of the bids received for the City Hall expansion yesterday. While we are continuing to review the bids and will prepare a detailed summary and report for presentation to the Council at a later date (I believe the next meeting)!� we did want to give the Council an initial report showing the bottom line in order to keep toings The summary attached shows a very good matcY between a total of the low bids and the cost estimates we had done. The piling /shoring detail for the a isting west �II of the courtyard area came up right before issuing for bids and therefore should be studied further to determine the most economical way of satisfying the engineer's concern for the stability ofihat wall during the xcavation of the new basement area. The irrigation item will be better defined and rebid later. Even though we have not provided the detailed bid summary yet ( e normally allow a week between bidding and report issue), we would encour�ge the Council to consider the cellent overall bid results as reason to move ahead with the steel contract at this time. As we have discussed that item has unusually long lead times and ordering now would alll w Amcon and the Council time to review and accept the other bids at the 6/10 Council meeting while still holding a spot on the steel fabricator's chedule for our project. The low bid for steel is Thurnbeck St el Fabricators with whom we have had good uccess on several similar projects. I will present the Zults of this particular bid category at Mond �e� nights meeting. Moving ahead on this item now will save about three weeks on the overall completion. Let me knoYrKKE d a ditio I information for Monday. Manager's ' Re enda ion: the low bid fo the steel the project b awa ded to CC Rich Pal rchitects in the amoun of 27,998. / low bidders for he other City Hall xpa ion will It i recommended that reco fabric for portion of Thurnbe Steel Fabricators The app ximate 25 other components of the ) e presente ion June 10. DWA (5- 16 -96) ' Pl C�PSSIOI?�� COr1S1"UCi01� M an agement AMCON CM /Christopherson Chanhassen City Hall 'r 612 - 882 -7717 Bid Summary Project Budget as previously presented Building Addition 554,224 Renovation of Existing Areas 120,000 Elevator and related shaft, wiring 50,000 Engineering area remodelling 20,000 Site Improvements 135,000 Driveway connecting new lot to East 19,000 Dumpster Enclosure 6,800 Subtotal, Budgeted Construction Costs $ 905,024 Less - Items not yet Bid M5/16/96 ©3:12AM D 2/2 5/16/96 Piling /Shoring Detail at existing wall - 15,000 Bid for details shown @ 16,000 Irrigation -5,000 Needs further definition of scope, then bid Comparable Budget $ 885,024 Total of Bids Received on 5/15/96 $ 878,188 Bids - Under / (Over) Budget $ 6,836 0.779/6 Notes: 1. Above Analysis does not include Existing Council Chambers (Alternates were taken for that area and will be presented for review) 2. This comparison represents only the items for which bids were taken. Other components of the overall project budget should remain as budgeted. these items include General Conditions, Fees, FFE, and Contingency