C Strategic Plan Minnesom
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January 8, 2002
Chanhassen City Council
Kent E. Eklund
Results of the January 7, 2002, Strategic Planning event
Strategies related to Taxation - The goal is to acquire the resources necessary to
fund the services the citizens of Chanhassen want without significant increases in
Develop a financial model for the city that can permit development of robust
financial scenarios into the future (at least 5 years)
Maintain very close working relationships with our legislators in order to:
1. Monitor the effects of changes in state policies as they pertain to
2. Pursue strategies to continue to acquire TIF relief.
Identify new revenue resources
1. Explore expanded use of fees in current recreational programs
2. Explore new services that are based on fees to support the activities,
i.e., ice arenas.
3. Identify through associations or other means what other cities have
pursued in order to increase alternative, non--tax revenues.
4. Explore grant opportunities.
Scheduled for Work Session on April 8, 2002.
Assigned Staff Members: City Manager and Finance Director
Economic Development - the goal is to accelerate the speed with which our
economic development occurs.
A. Primary Strategy- to develop the town center into a more full service and
inviting central business district and community center/meeting place
1. Work closely with the chamber of commerce and its downtown
2.Leverage city projects as much as possible.
B. Secondary Strategy- to support the marketplace driven development of the 300
acres of industrially zoned land.
Scheduled for Work Session on February 11, 2002
Assigned Staff Members: Assistant City Manager, Community Development
Director, and City Manager
Housing- the goal is to increase the supply of affordable housing
A. Serve as the convener of the private and non-profit sectors to develop
housing strategies that are multi-sector.
1. A possible tactic is to convene a Housing Summit with very broad
participation by the sectors.
2. Attempt to develop a clear identification of the roles various
organizations will play in working on this issue
Explore some of the more recently adopted tax credits and other financial
support programs that could support the development of affordable housing.
Scheduled for City Council Work Session on March 11, 2002
Assigned Staff Members: Community Development Director, Assistant City
Manager, and City Manager
Community Center - clarify what people mean bythis concept and explore
alternative models for the development of such a center in Chanhassen
A. Based on the history of past attempts, the council develops a concept of
what the community really has in mind concerning a community center.
B. Explore alternative models
1. Joint venture with the private sector - Lifetime Fitness
2. Joint venture with non-profits - YMCA
3. Joint venture with the school district, including co-location with a
new high school.
3. Models taken from other communities
Scheduled for City Council Work Session on February 25, 2002.
Assigned Staff Members: Park & Recreation Director, Community
Development Director, City Manager
Safety and Security- included in Todd's existing work plan.
Scheduled for City Council Work Session on April 22, 2002.
Assigned Staff Members: Fire Inspector, Carver County Sgt., Crime
Prevention Specialist, City Manager