8 Galpin Business Park Todd Gerhardt January 24, 2002 Page 2 square foot convenience store with gas pumps and a 2,873 square foot car wash subject to the conditions of the staff report with modifications as follows: The Planning Commission modified the development design standards (pages 4 -12 of the staff report) section D reducing total site coverage to 41 percent; section E. 2. c. 2 stating block material as a building accent may not exceed 15 percent; section E. 2. f. changing the word elevation to frontage; section E. 8. b. prohibiting chain link fence; E. 8. adding "e. Gate material shall not be chain link."; section F. 1. reducing the pylon height to 15 feet and requiring that the pylon be a "monument" style; section G. requesting that staff work to minimize the amount of lighting under the canopy; and adding section "H. Loud speakers are prohibited." Subdivision: condition 5 and 22 add "Silt fence shall be promptly removed upon completion of construction."; and add condition 31 "The developer shall record a conservation easement over Outlot B"; and condition 32 "Development of Lot 1 and Outlot B shall be performed simultaneously." Site Plan: condition 4 add: "Wing walls shall be constructed of the same material as the building."; condition 7 add: "Evergreens shall be included along West 78th Street.; condition 13 shall be modified as follows: "Detailed occupancy related requirements will be submitted for review."; condition 14 shall be modified as follows: ''The proposed building on Lot 2 is not included in this review."; and add condition 27 "No chain link fences or gates shall be permitted." .. The Planning Commission directed staff to investigate canopy lighting. Staff has research lighting guideline for commercial uses. The Illuminating Engineering Society of North American recommend that canopy lighting be limited to a maximum average intensity of 50 foot candles. Staff has modified this standard in the design standards accordingly. Staff has also reviewed the lighting plans for the Citgo and Holiday sites to determine if what the developer is requesting is excessive. Based on this review, the lighting is comparable to these developments. The proposed lighting for the Kwik Trip store averages 49.7 foot candles under the canopy which would meet the standard. The Planning Commission also directed that the developer work with the city forester on the plantings and screening on the north side of the project. Specifically, they want staff to address the screening for the residences north of Bluff Creek. Staff has requested that the developer provide a cross section to show what the residents will see. As can be seen in the cross section (attached at the end of the report), the buildings should screen the canopy from the homes to the north. In conjunction with the topography and landscaping, the homes should be adequately buffered from the development. The Planning Commission was quite concerned with the safety issues surrounding the access to the site. While pedestrian access is being provided from the trail Todd Gerhardt January 24, 2002 Page 3 system along Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street, the trail from the school goes under both Highway 5 and West 78th Street leaving children on the north side of the road having to re-cross West 78th Street to get to the convenience store. Staff has previously obtained a traffic study from Benshoof & Associates for the proposed development and the intersection in question. After analyzing the number of vehicle trips generated by the proposed development and its effect on the Galpin Boulevard/West 78th Street intersection, the study estimates that the development will increase the traffic volume at the intersection by twelve percent (12%). It goes on to say that effective traffic control will be initially provided by two-way stop signs on West 78th Street. However, City and County staff will have to monitor traffic flow at the intersection and, when warranted in the future, install a traffic signal. The traffic study also states that with or without the development, a traffic signal will be needed by the year 2020. Staff agrees with the findings of the traffic study and has no further recommendations. The Planning Commission was also concerned with pedestrian access and, in particular, how children would be getting to the site. Pedestrian access from Galpin Boulevard will be available from both the north and south via a bituminous trail on either side of the road. This trail will have at-grade crosswalks at both Trunk Highway (TH) 5 and West 78th Street. Pedestrians coming from the east along West 78th Street can utilize the existing trail on the north side of West 78th Street. This trail also connects with the new Bluff Creek Trail coming from the south side of TH 5 through two concrete underpasses (one for both West 78th Street and TH 5). The Planning Commission was concerned that children from nearby Bluff Creek Elementary would take the trail through the underpasses to the north side of West 78th Street and then find that they must still cross the frontage road. Staff has reviewed the topography on the south side of West 78th Street and, due to steep slopes, believes a trail connection in this area is not feasible. Finally, while the Planning Commission reduced the pylon sign height from 20 to 15 feet, they want the City Council to review this standard and determine if the site should be permitted a pylon sign at all or be limited to monument signs only. The design standards limit the pylon sign location to the Highway 5 frontage. The City is in receipt of a memo from MnDOT regarding the proposed development. They are concerned with the access points on Galpin Blvd. and West 78th Street. The access on Galpin Blvd. was approved as part of the condemnation for the Highway 5 project. The westerly access on West 78th Street shall be limited to a right-in only. Staff is adding this condition to site plan approval. g:\plan\bg\development review\galpin business park executive summary.doc ',i ' CITY OF PC DATE: 1/15/02 CC DATE: 1/28/02 REVIEW DEADLINE: 2/13/02 CASE #: 2002-1 PUD, 2002-1 STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: LOCATION: APPLICANT: Request for a conditional use permit to develop within the Bluff Creek Overlay District; concept and preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval to rezone the property from Agricultural Estate to Planned Unit Developmeht for a neighborhood business; subdivision to create two lots and two outlots on 8.52 acres; and site plan review for a 3,960 sq. ft. - convenience store and a 2,873 sq. ft. car wash, Galpin Business Park. Northeast corner of Hwy. 5 and Galpin Blvd. Paul Anderson WCL Associates 1433 Utica Ave. So., Suite 162 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 (952) 541-9969 Chuck Sameluk Chanhassen, LLC 4940 Viking Dr., Suite 424 Minneapolis, MN 55435 (952) 835-3600 PRESENT ZONING: Agricultural Estate District, A-2 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Commercial/Residential - Medium Density/Parks and Open Space ACREAGE: 8.52 DENSITY: NA SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is requesting a conditional use permit to develop within the Bluff Creek Overlay District; concept and preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval to rezone the property from Agricultural Estate to Planned Unit Development for a neighborhood business; subdivision to create two lots and two outlots on 8.52 acres; and site plan review for a 3,960 sq. ft. convenience store and a 2,873 sq. ft. car wash, Galpin Business Park. Notice of this public heating has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonings, PUD's, and amendments to PUD's because the City is acting in its legislative or policymaking capacity. A rezoning or PUD, and amendment thereto, must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Galpin Januar' Page 2 3usiness Park 15, 2002 The CilY's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meet these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The Cil ,'s discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project :omplies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets those standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The Cil not the City approvt has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits, based on whether or roposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be This is a quasi-judicial decision. PROP~ ~SAL/SUMMARY The de is proposing the development of the site at the northeast corner of Highway 5 and Galpin :vard as a neighborhood commercial center. The proposed development consists of a conditi nal use permit for development within the Bluff Creek Overlay district, subdivision approval to two lots and two outlots, rezoning of the property to Planned Unit Development, PUD, to permit eighborhood commercial uses, and site plan approval for a convenience store with gas pumps and a c r wash. The sit~ has been previously graded as part of an interim use permit to prepare the site for develo nt and as part of the West 78th Street and Highway 5 expansion project. The area immed adjacent to the wetlands in the southeast corner of the site have been preserved as well as the area immediately adjacent to Bluff Creek in the northern portiOn of the property. The su[ of the property is very straightforward with the creation of two lots for development and tw, outlots, one of which will contain a storm water pond and common driveway for both lots and which will remain natural in appearance and be replanted in native vegetation. The is designed to provide for neighborhood support uses. The use of the PUD permits a higher quality in exchange for flexibility in regulations. In addition, the applicant is proposing the trion of the two outlots to the city for permanent open space as well as the reforestation of these a~ ~as. Staff believes that the proposed benefits to the community warrant the approval of the PUD. The sit{ plan is relatively simple given the design standards for the project. Additional articulation is require~ the north elevation of the store with additional windows on both the north and west elevati of the building. Staff is recommending that the car wash be constructed of the same materi~ s as the convenience store. Access to the site will be shared with the lot to the south. Traffic circular on should not be an issue. Pedestrian access will be required from the trail on Galpin rd to each building in the development. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 3 Staff is recommending approval of the proposed development subject to the conditions of the staff report. BACKGROUND West 78th Street was extended across the northern third of the site as part of the Highway 5 upgrade in 2001. Right-of-way was acquired for the street extension from the property owner by MN/DOT. On April 24, 2000, the City Council approved an interim use permit (#00-1) to import 50,000 cubic yards of material to the property. This filling was done to prepare the site for future development. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18 Subdivisions Section 20-106 through 20-122, Site Plan Review Section 20-231 through 20-237, Conditional Use Permits Article VIII, Planned Unit Development District Section 20-1551 through 20-1564, Bluff Creek Overlay District GENERAL SITE PLAN/ARCHITECTURE The developer has submitted proposed development design standards. Staff has taken these standards and modified them. The proposed staff modifications are intended to make the design standards more neighborhood oriented. The design standards will be approved as part of the Development Contract/PUD Agreement for the site. They will govern all development on the site. The developer is proposing a 3,960 square foot Kwik Trip convenience store and gas station with a detached 2,873 square foot car wash. The development of Lot 1 consists of two one-story buildings. The convenience store's primary material is a red brick with a border of tan brick. Windows are proposed on the west side of the south elevation and overhead windows are proposed on the west side of the north elevation. One window is proposed on the west elevation of the building. The gable ends are of tan stucco with white fascia with a red accent. The car wash is proposed of red split-face block with the gable ends consisting of tan stucco with white fascia with a red accent. Glass block is proposed on the west and east sides of the car wash with overhead doors on the north and south sides of the building. It appears that the mechanical equipment area is open to the west. The wing wall around this area should screen the mechanical equipment from views from the west. The use of chain link gates on the west elevation is not permitted Staff believes that the car wash should be constructed of the same materials as the convenience store (brick). If the developer desires to use block, it should be used as a base or foundation material, or in decorative columns, rather than a primary building material. Additionally, the north and west elevations of the convenience store does not have sufficient fenestration. An additional 8.5 feet and 14.5 feet of windows on the north and west elevations, respectively, is required. In addition, the northern elevation needs additional articulation. This could be accomplished through the modulation Galpinlusiness Park Janual31 15, 2002 Page 41 of the all elevation, the introduction of columns, or the inclusion of trellises or canopies and the ion of foundation plantings. Followi are the design standards staff is recommending for approval as part of the PUD. Staff has a strikethrough - bold format to show changes from the design standards submitted by the rt. These standards will be incorporated as part of the development contract/PUD agreement for the .roject. The site plan for Kwik Trip complies with these design standards subject to the revisio~ s recommended by staff. Two streets abut each site with the entrance oriented toward Highw~ 5. The entry has a peaked rOof over the door with windows surrounding the entrance. Color the building is muted, red and tan. Additional site furnishing will be required to comply with th se standards as well as additional building articulation. Sta based these standards on the city's design standards for commercial, industrial, & office nal developments. GALPIN BUSINESS PARK DEVEI ,OPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS (PUD) A. ntent Galpin ~usiness Park is a PUD created to accommodate neighborhood services and conveniences. The usc of PUD zoning is to allow for a greater variety of uses, the internal transfer of density and constru tion phasing. In return, the development provides higher quality architectural standards and a more e~ y sensitive project. The goal is to preserve open space, protect wetlands and retain e: isting vegetation through the efficient/shared use of land, transitional and buffer landscapes. All lots that are developed are to be reviewed based upon the development use and standards listed b low. All submittals are to consist of: Architectural site plan Rendered building elevations Material board Grading and utility plans to conform to current city standards in effect when the proposed new development is submitted for review. pl fo ity ' ~cc~ ~ ~ ~,.,, ^., ~.c Landscape an to con rm to the c landscape ordinance,.'-'. ..... this PL~ and these standards. Color rendering/photo-composite images of the new work proposed as seen from Highway 5 midpoint along the wetland in Let 3-Outlot A, the intersection of Highway 5 and Galpin and the intersection of Galpin and West 78th Street. Three total. Mutual If govern cross easements and maintenance agreements are required of all property owners. arise between the PUD and other sections of the city ordinances, the stated PUD shall a period of up to two years after the final plat approval for Galpin Business Park. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 5 B. Permitted Uses The permitted uses for this PUD shall consist of and be limited to those listed and described below or as approved by the city council. The city council shall interpret whether or not a future use meets the following definitions. Convenience store with gas pumps, freestanding canopy and car wash. Dry cleaning and laundry pick-up stations. ...... o;~-~ covered drive Retail shops '";*~' a .... ~ ........ ~,,. Self service laundry. Day care. Offices - professional and business. Health services/medical facilities. Financial institutions with a covered d~ve through. Small appliance and shoe repair shops. Personal service establishments. Standard restaurants without a drive through. Fast Food restaurants without a dhve through and integral (less than 40 percent of the building area) with a multi-tenant building. Vetehnary clinics. Ancillary approved uses (in conjunction with and integral to a primary use). Telecommunications antennas/dishes if concealed from view at the public right of way. Parking. Trash/equipment enclosures. Up to a four lane covered drive through for a bank A single covered drive through for a pharmacy. Outdoor storage dispensing display ;o ~ ..... ~ o, ,~ ........ ; ..... ,~ ;c ~;~;,~ m e.g., pop machine, ice machine, secure propane tank storage. ATM machines Prohibited uses: Outdoor storage and/or sales areas ,,,~1 Automotive sales, service and repair. Fast food with a drive through. Galpin Januar5 Page 6 The de~ There a~ lines wi IFro~ Hig! Galt Wes Wet De The hm single Lot ILot: Outl ITot~ lusiness Park 15, 2002 ',etbacks :lopment is to be regulated by the Highway 5 corridor HC~2 District and the PUD standards. e no minimum requirements for building, parking or drive aisle setbacks on the interior lot ~in the PUD. .tage Minimum Setback Building/Parking/Drive Aisle Maximum Setback Building way 5 70770'/50' 150' in Boulevard 30'/20'/10' 100' 78 th Street 50'/20'/10' 100' Creek Overlay 40'/g0 40'/40 40' N/A tnd (Shown Outlot A) 50'/gO 50'/40 50' N/A ,ot Coverage surface lot coverage will be limited to a maximum of 6-5 41% over the entire site. Any may exceed the 6-5 41% requirement. The hard surface area of each lot is as follows: Lot Total Area HARDSURFACE AREA Building Footprint (up to) Paving (up to) 81,037 sf/1.86 ac 12,000 s.f. 61,359 s.f. 90% 78,874 sf/1.81 ac 20,000 s.f. 43,178 s.f. 80% )t A 168,112 sf/3.86 ac 0 s.f. 16,754 s.f. 10% )t B 42,902 sf/.98 ac 0 s.f. 0 0% 1: 370,925 sf/8.52 ac 32,000 s.f. 121,291 s.L 41% % (up to) Ee Development Standards SIZE, PORTION PLACEMENT a. Entries: Main entrances shall be oriented toward Highway 5. Entrances shall be designed with additional architectural detailing. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 7 b. Articulation: Buildings of more than 40 feet in width shall be divided into smaller increments, between 20 and 40 feet, through articulation of faqade. C. Large unadorned concrete panels and CMU walls; solid unrelieved walls without architectural detailing, changes in material, color, accents, fenestrations, etc.; or walls without significant visual interest in keeping with the mass, size and scale of the wall as viewed from public ways .shall be prohibited. Buildings shall have varied and interesting detailing. No two structures are to be identical. All walls to incorporate architectural interest through building design or appropriate landscaping. Acceptable design shall incorporate changes in materials and colors, materials with textured surfaces, aggregate, etc. and/or offsets in the building walls. d. Multi-story Structures: Ground level of multi-story structure shall be visually distinct from upper stories. 2. MATERIAL AND DETAIL a. In order to meet the requirements of a PUD, the development must demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and design. b. All materials shall be of high quality and durability. Masonry or higher quality materials shall be used. Color shall be integral to the material used, i.e. colored CMU, brick, or stucco. No painted masonry surfaces will be allowed. Colored mortar is encouraged but not required. C. Acceptable materials include: 1. Brick. 2. CMU/Block - shall be of a decorative nature with either a split/rock face, burnished, fluted or scored. Block shall be used as a base material or for building accents. Stucco or E~S, as an accent material (not to exceed 15 percent). Stone - natural or manmade. Glass - clear, colored, textured, translucent or glass block. Laminated shingles, standing seam metal roofs, concrete or qua~y tile roofs, or other materials as approved by the city council are to be used on all pitched roofing. Metal panels, siding or structures may only be used for canopies, soffits, trim, HVAC screens and building accents. Paved areas shall consist of any of the fo]lowing: bituminous, stampe~colored bituminous, concrete, stampe~colored concrete, brick or stone pavers. . 5. 6. 7. . . d. All building facades visible from a public fight of way must be treated comparable to the rest of the building. Design elements must be used nearly equally on all sides. Galpin Page 8 lusiness Park 15, 2002 e. Overhead doors where required, are to be screened as best as possible without interfering with their use or creating a safety hazard. Screening may consist of landscaping, earthen berms, or walls built to match the building. Screening does not need to be complete. Overhead doors shall be the same color as the primary building material. Drive throughs, -.v ......... , are allowed if used in conjunction with a financial institution, pharmacy, grocepy or other occupancy specifically approved by the city council. No drive through will be allowed for fast food restaurants. The drive through must be connected to the principal building. The drive through shall not be located on the street .d .... ,:.... £,-,,.t.,,,, of a building. Materials must be of complementary g. A convenience center fueling station canopy up to 20' above finished grade is allowed. COLOR a. Colors shall be harmonious. Building colors shall be muted colors with low reflectivity. Bright or brilliant colors and sharply contrasting colors may be used for accent purposes occupying a maximum of 10 percent of building faqade. b. All materials, color, size and texture, are to be approved to assure compatibility.with the PUD. HEIGHT AND ROOF DESIGN a. Building heights shall be limited to 3 stories or 40', as measurement to the highest point from the top of the first floor elevation. The measurement shall include architectural details (parapets), transmission antennas, transmission equipment, satellite dishes, and non-structural building elements. Pitched roofs shall be measured to the midpoint of the roof. b. Each primary building shall incorporate one or more of the following: pitched roof, stepped parapet/roofs, or raised tower elements depending upon the scale and type of building. Other architectural elements such as arches, vaults, canopies, recessed entries and niches, colonnades, detailing, etc., may be used to add architectural interest, direction or articulation to the buildings. FA(~ADE TRANSPARENCY a. At least 50 percent of a building elevation adjacent to a public right-of-way shall have windows and/or doors. Reflective glass is not permitted. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 9 6. SITE FURNISHING Site furnishings shall be designed as part of the site architectural concept and landscape. Benches, tables and chairs and similar features shall be required with all new development. 7. FRANCHISE ARCHITECTURE a. Franchise architecture shall be revised if it does not comply with the design standards. 8. LOADING AREAS AND REFUSE AREAS, ETC. a. All accessory structures shall be complementary to the primary structure. b. All building and mechanical equipment, processing machinery, etc. mounted either on the ground, building or roof shall be screened from view from adjacent public fight of ways. Screens shall consist of parapets and/or walls of compatible appearing materials ......... ~-~ ~, ~,~,,~ ~,,~, ,~,,~ ~,,,~ ............ ~,,,o Wooden and chain link fences are prohibited. c. Each building shall incorporate space within the building or adjacent enclosed or screened structure for recyclables. d. All utilities are required to be underground. e. Gate material shall not be chain link. 9. LANDSCAPING a. Natural areas shall be preserved to the maximum extent. b. Landscaping shall enhance natural and architectural features, strengthen vistas, and provide shade. c. Landscaping shall emphasize massing of plant materials over isolated or scattered material. d. The master landscape plan for Galpin Business Park shall be the design guide for the site landscape developments. Each lot must present a landscape plan for approval with the site plan review. Total quantity of landscaping along Highway 5, West 78th Street and Galpin Boulevard shall comply with Buffer Yard Standard B, City Landscape Ordinance for Vehicular Areas, and Foundation and Aesthetic Plantings. Galpin Page ~usiness Park 15, 2002 ld~to40-% A portion of the canopy and under story trees required by city ordinance for Lot 1 and Lot 2 may be relocated onto Outlot 'B' to further enhance Bluff Creek and buffer the residential area to the north subject to city approval. Outdoor storage of materials is prohibited unless it has been specifically approved during site plan review. All approved outdOor storage must be screened with either masonry walls/fences, landscaping and berms or a combination of the two. g. Landscape berming is encouraged for use in screening elements such as overhead doors, parking, equipment, and trash enclosures. Maximum slope 33%. The berm is to be sodded, seeded or covered with a wood or stone landscape mulch. The same type of mulch must be used throughout the entire development. Mulch areas must be bordered by sidewalk, curbing, brick pavers, masonry pavers, metal or plastic edging materials. ho Landscaping may be installed incrementally as the lots are developed. Lot 1, Outlot 'A' and Outlot 'B' are to be completed simultaneously. Grass areas with potential for erosion are to be sodded or seeded with erosion control fabric per master plan. The landscape areas within Lot 1 and Lot 2 are to be irrigated. Buffer yard plantings shall be installed with the first phase of development. On Lot 1 and Lot 2, deceased trees and shrubs within the buffer yard are to be replaced in kind as originally approved, within one year unless approved by the city council. Trees and shrubs are to be maintained, pruned, and trimmed of dead branches, volunteer grasses and weeds. Lawn areas are to be mowed regularly. Wood mulches are to be replenished to a like new condition every five years or less. j. Prairie grasses and similar natural vegetation is to be left in a natural state. k. Loading docks shall be screened year round from view of public right of way by walls, berms, landscaping, a combination thereof, or as approved by the city council. Overhead doors shall be the same color as the primary building materials. Retaining walls may be used to accommodate changes in grade elevations. Acceptable materials include natural stone, cut stone, and integral color concrete block retaining wall systems. Wood retaining walls are prohibited. m. Perimeter public ~'~'-' o v,,..nnt, vehicular use areas adjacent and/or fronting the public right of ways is to be screened to the height of 3' above the parking surface. This may be accomplished by landscaping, berms, fences or any combination thereof. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 11 10. LOT FRONTAGE AND PARKING LOCATION a, One row of parking shall be allowed within the required building setback adjacent to Highway 5 or West 78th Street. The majority of parking shall be located to the side or rear of the building. b. Each developed lot to provide bicycle parking. Co Parking quantities and stall sizes are to meet current city standards in effect when the proposed new development is submitted for review. Each change in use shall require a reevaluation of the parking. d. Shared parking shall be required throughout the project. Parking stalls may be located on the adjacent development as negotiated between the affected parties. e. Each developed lot to provide pedestrian access from the public sidewalk along Galpin Boulevard to the principal buildings. l-dl. llltl~*~i.ll./lll~ {.l-lltl k/I.,l ~..'}11111~} F. SIGNAGE lo Galpin Business Park, Chanhassen, LLC, shall be pe~nitted one shared pylon sign. The pylon sign shall be located along Highway 5 near Galpin Boulevard and setback a minimum of_,~q<' ~'-,,, *~.,,~ ....... o~m--,-,'~ one-half (1/2) the required building setback from the property line. The pylon is to be no more than 20' 15feet above finished grade to the highest point. A maximum of 80 64 s.f. of sign face per side is allowed. The maximum width of the sign shall be 10 feet. Pylon signs shall be ofmonun~ent style. . One monument sign each is allowed for Lot 1 and Lot 2. The maximum height of monument signs are to be~,,~ n, 8' above grade. A .... s .... ~ a A maximum of gO 64 s.f. of sign face per side is allowed. The maximum width of the sign shall be 10 feet. . The pylon and monument sign bases and supports are to be of masonry materials (brick, decorative CMU, stone or stucco) to match the primary buildings, be consistent, and to compliment each other. Sign faces shall be colored translucent plastic. If illuminated, signs are to be internally lit. 4. Signage throughout the development shall be consistent in size, location, heights, materials and illumination. .5. Wall signs shall be as pm-mitted below. Galpin Page lusiness Park 15, 2002 :imum Percentage of Wall Area in Square Feet Maximum Square Footage Wall of Signs 15 % 0-600 90 13% 601-1,200 156 11% 1,201-1,800 198 9% 1,801-2,400 216 7% 2,401-3,200 224 5% 3,201-4,500 230 3% 4,500+ 240 Ge SUBD] All signs shall require a separate sign permit. Site lighting throughout the development shall be consistent. Access roadways to be lit comparable to the existing lighting on West 78th Street. A uniform average of up to 7 foot candles is to be provided throughout the developed areas. Up to, 70 A maximum average illumination intensity of 50 foot candles may be used beloTM canopies and drive throughs. Canopy and drive through lights must be recessed. Site area lighting to be shoe box fixtures with metal halide lamps. Light poles to be consistent throughout the deVelopment, square, prefinished, 30' maximum to the highest point. . : All site lighting must be shielded to' prevent any off site spillage and glare. A maximum of 1 to 2 foot candles are allowed along the property lines at Highway 5, Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street. Loud speakers are prohibited. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN REVIEW There i: one ao~urban wetland located in the southeast comer of the site. The wetland is dominated by grass and cattail, with box elder trees around the perimeter. No wetland impacts are in conjunction with this project. The City's Surface Water Management Plan identifies this basin a~, a good candidate for restoration. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 13 A 0' to 20' wide wetland buffer (with a minimum average width of 10') is required around this wetland basin. Wetland buffer areas should be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. Wetland buffer edge signs should be installed, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and should be purchased from the City for $20 per sign. Any disturbed wetland buffer areas should be reestablished using native wet meadow species from the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan (Appendix C: Bluff Creek Environmental Corridor Common Plant Species of Natural Communities) or other species as approved by City staff. In addition, all structures must maintain a 40' setback from the wetland buffer edge. The wetland buffer and setback should be shown on the grading plan. Silt fence should be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer is to be preserved, at the delineated wetland edge. Drainage and utility easements should be provided over all existing wetlands and StO~Tn water ponds. BLUFF CREEK NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PLAN This site falls within the Primary and Secondary Corridors of the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Area. The purpose of the Primary Corridor is to delineate a conservancy zone where undisturbed conditions are desired, since any type of human activity in this area may directly impact Bluff Creek. The Secondary Corridor is a management zone where development and/or urban activities directly affect Bluff Creek's ecosystem. The portion of the property north of West 78th Street is entirely within the primary corridor. Bluff Creek lies just north of this property and runs almost parallel to the northern property line. The stream corridor is forested and has been invaded by a small amount of buckthorn. The slopes adjacent to the stream have been left undisturbed for the most part. The principle alterations in the area were a result of the construction of West 78th Street and the trail. Native woody species should be planted from the top of the slope (elevation approximately 958) down to the existing vegetation, This will provide an appropriate transition between the more manicured trail area and the woods and create a needed forested riparian corridor along the creek. Staff does not approve the applicant's proposed landscaping plan for this area. Staff recommends that all species to be planted on the slope shall be native and from the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan (Appendix C: Bluff Creek Environmental Corridor Common Plant Species of Natural Communities - Maple-Basswood Natural Community Category). The primary corridor boundary on the southern portion of the property is at the 940 elevation. The secondary corridor boundary follows the 962 elevation. The slope area between the primary and secondary corridor boundaries should be restored using native vegetation in order to ensure protection of the creek and the surrounding natural communities. Conservation easements should be placed over all areas within the primary and secondary corridors. This will allow the City to restore and/or manage the natural resources in these areas. Gal Business Park 15, 2002 Page 1 CE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN The Ci ,'s Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) does not provide regional storm water ponding for thi,, site; therefore, on-site storm water ponding is proposed in conjunction with this project. storm water calculations should be provided. On the grading plan (Sheet 2 of 5), the directii arrows between CBMH 3 and 4 appear to be going the wrong direction. The rim and invert evations are not consistent between the grade plan (SP4) and the utility plan (Sheet 3 of 5). plan sheets showing these changes should be submitted. Water Becaus $21 !uality Fees of the impervious surface associated with this development, the water quality fees for the J development are based on commercial development rates of $5,909/acre. Based on the .,d developed area of 3.69 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project are ~.21. Water Fees The has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average city- wide for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition, proposed culverts, open channels and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage. Commercial develc ,ments have a connection charge of $4,360 per developable acre. This results in a $16,088.40 water fee for the proposed development. .~ Credits The >licant will be credited for water quality where NURP basins are provided to treat runoff from the This will be determined upon review of the ponding and storm sewer calculations. Credits may also applied to the applicant's SWMP fees for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP or the provisi )n of outlet structures. The applicant will not be assessed for areas that are dedicated outlots. calculations indicate that the project proposes water quality ponding for approximately 4.41 acres, results in water quality credits equaling $26,058.69. The project also proposes providing outlet which results in a credit of $2,500.00. At Iime, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is This amount will be finalized prior to final plat approval. AND OPEN SPACE Trails This si lies at the intersection of three major pedestrian trails; the Galpin Boulevard trail, the West 78th trail, and the Hwy. 5 underpass. Due to the proximity of these trails, numerous pedestrian "sho: will visit the Kwik Trip store. These trails have all been installed as a part of street and highw: y reconstruction projects in the area. The applicant should be required to make safe and lent sidewalk connections from their business to the adjoining trail system. The site plan ~'s a 5-foot wide concrete walk from the proposed 8-foot wide bituminous trail to accmn: pedestrian traffic to the station. Pedestrian ramps will be required at all trail/sidewalk access tints onto drive aisles. Additionally, since this site is to be accessible by pedestrians and ~, the developer shall provide a bicycle parking area and bicycle racks Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 15 Parks The site lies within the park service areas of Sugarbush Park and the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Trail connections are available from the Kwik Trip store to each of these parks. No additional land for park needs is being sought from the Galpin Business Park. Park & Trail Fees In the absence of trail construction or land dedication, the Galpin Business Park development shall be required to pay full park & trail dedication fees per city ordinance. GRADING/DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL The site was previously rough-graded under an interim use permit in the fall of 2000. As such, minimal grading will be needed in order to construct the building pads. The majority of the grading work will center around construction of the proposed pond. The current plans show a store with a proposed floor elevation of 967.25 and a car wash with a proposed floor elevation of 966.2 on Lot 1. The future building on Lot 2 is shown with a proposed pad elevation of 966.5. At these elevations, storm water from the buildings will drain toward each of the proposed catch basins. The parking lot storm drainage will be conveyed via storm sewer to a proposed storm water pond at the northeasterly comer of the site for treatment prior to discharging to the existing wetland. The pond is required to be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. The applicant has submitted drainage calculations for the site; however, additional information is still needed. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to revise the calculations. Prior to final platting, storm sewer design data will need to be submitted for staff review. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event. Drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100-year flood level. The minimum easement width shall be 20 feet wide. Emergency overflows from all storm water ponds will also be required on the construction plans. Staff recommends that silt fence be added around the perimeter grading limits of the site. The silt fence, shown on the plan adjacent to the existing wetland, should be moved to the top of the existing slope and away from the wetland. Also, this silt fence must be Type 1I[, heavy-duty. All of the proposed rock construction entrances must be lengthened to 75 feet as per City Detail Plate No. 5301. UTILITIES Sanitary sewer and water was previously stubbed to the site as part of the Trunk Highway 5 improvement project. The plans propose on extending the sanitary sewer from West 78th Street and water from Galpin Boulevard. The mainline sewer and water will be considered public utility lines since they serve more than one lot. As such, minimum 20-foot wide easements will be required over Galpin Januar~ Page 1 the pul: permit,' Business Park 15, 2002 ic portion of the utility lines. Installation of the private utilities for the site will require and inspections through the City's Building Department. The sit[ has been previously assessed for utilities in the amount of $47,904. Since the developer will be inst]lling the lateral utility lines, no additional lateral connection fees will be applied. Each newly created lot will be subject to City sanitary sewer and water hook up charges at the time of building permit $1,802 Public edition will be develo of creC approv limited STRE No put access~ West will be easem The dc develo LANE Minim lot, 6 t West 5 requir~ I Vehict [ Trees/l Hwy. ~ buffer Galpir buffer W. 78~ buffer ;suance. The 2002 trunk utility hook up charges are $1,383 per unit for sanitary sewer and }er unit for water. tility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a ,ment contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter t or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat tl. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not to the MPCA, Department of Health, Watershed District, Carver County, MnDOT, etc. ;TS AND PARKING LOT lic streets are proposed as part of this project. Proposed site accesses include right-in/right-out s off of both Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street. Full access to the site will also be from Ith Street. Staff has no objections to the location of these accesses. Concrete driveway aprons required for all accesses. As all three accesses will service the two lots, cross-access nts will need to be obtained and recorded against the lots. /elopment is required to provide 20 parking spaces. Including the pump island parking, the. lment provides 30 stalls. ~CAPING ~m requirements for landscaping include 9,600 sq. ft. of landscaped area around the parking ees for the parking lot, and buffer yard plantings along Highway 5, Great Plains Blvd. and gth Street, as well as neighboring property lines. The applicant's proposed as compared to the ments for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. lar use landscape area tndscape area ,ard B - 390' Blvd. ~rd B - 420' St. ,ard B - 470' Required 9,600 sq. ft. 38 canopy trees 8 canopy trees 16 understory trees 24 shrubs 8 canopy trees 17 understory trees 25 shrubs 9 canopy tree 19 understory trees Proposed >9,600 sq. ft. 38 canopy trees 8 canopy 12 understory 25 shrubs 11 canopy 5 understory 60 shrubs 13 canopy trees 3 understory Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 17 28 shrubs 65 shrubs Boulevard Trees 30 canopy trees 32 canopy 1 per 30' The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for buffer yard plantings. Staff recommends that understory tree landscaping be increased in order to meet minimum requirements as shown in the table. Additionally, according to ordinance, parking lots shall be fully screened from the street. This will require berming or more understory trees and shrubs to be planted along the street frontages. Landscaping for the property north of W. 78th St. is addressed in the 'Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan' section of the staff report. LIGHTING/SIGNAGE The developer is proposing a pylon sign in the southwest corner of the site for the entire development with individual monument signs for each site. Staff is proposing that monument signs be limited to eight feet in height and pylons at 20 feet in height. Permitted sign area is 64 square feet. Additionally, staff is recommending that pylon and monument signs be limited to 10 feet in width. The signs shown in the site plan would need to be revised slightly to meet these standards. Wall signage is permitted on two elevations of each building. Signage must comply with the area standards contained in the design standards. A separate sign permit must be applied for on each sign. Lighting is proposed for Lot 1 and Outlot A of the development. Higher levels of lighting are proposed at the site entrance for safety considerations. However, these light levels dissipate quickly as they spread out from the accesses and should not pose a hazard. All light fixtures shall be shielded. Lighting shall be shielded from direct off-site view and glare. The canopy lighting shall be completely screened from direct off site views through the use of screening structures around the lights or by recessing the lighting in to the canopy. Lighting shall be similar throughout the development. REZONING Justification for Rezonin~ to PUD The applicant is requesting to rezone approximately 8.52 acres from A-2, Agricultural Estate, to PUD, Planned Unit Development. There are two components to the PUD: neighborhood commercial and parks and open space. The following review constitutes our evaluation of the PUD request. The review criteria is taken from the intent section of the PUD Ordinance. Section 20-501. Intent Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning disthct standards. The use of the PUD zoning also allows for a greater variety of uses, internal transfer of density, construction phasing, and a potential for lower development costs. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the City has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other more standard zoning districts. Galpin Page Park 15, 2002 PUD It will . . . o iNDINGS the developer's responsibility to demonstrate that the City's expectations are to be realized as :d against the following criteria: of desirable site characteristics and open space and protection of sensitive ~nmental features, including steep slopes, mature trees, creeks, wetlands, lakes and cenic views. There is 0.98 acres of upland north of West 78th Street (Outlot B) adjacent to Bluff that will be re-vegetated to enhance the natural character of the area. This wooded area is be preserved through donated to the city. In addition, Outlot A, which contains a wetland and tree buffer, will be preserved and dedicated to the city. efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of and uses and assembly and development of land in larger parcels. This property is highly visible and in a unique area within the community. It is one of few commercial areas not located within the downtown and will provide for the daily needs residents in the area. It is also in 'an area of transition from the busy Highway 5 corridor on its ;outh, Bluff Creek on its north and east, and the residential development that expands from the to the north, east and west. quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both ~xisting and planned. Site planning, landscaping and building architecture should reflect ;her quality design than is found elsewhere in the community. The developers are proposing to submit individual building plans for each lot. The city will utilize its normal site plan review procedure for each. The .ved PUD documents will establish development standards to ensure that the site is in a consistent and well-planned manner so that a higher quality of development wil1 fit. msitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along ;ignificant corridors within the city will be encouraged. The development is in an area of transition from the busy Highway 5 corridor on its outh, Bluff Creek on its north and east, and the residential development that expands from the to the north, east and west. ~ent that is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides this area for commercial/residential -medium and parks and open space use. The site is too small to accommodate both commercial residential use, especially considering the constraints caused by the requirements of the Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 19 Bluff Creek Overlay district. The developers are proposing a two lot business park surrounded on the east and north by permanent open space. The neighborhood commercial uses shall be defined in the design standards for this development. Staff is basing most of its use recommendations on the uses permitted in the Neighborhood Business district regulations. . Parks and open space. The creation of public open space may be required by the city. Such park and open space shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Park Plan and overall trail plan. . Finding. The developer is proposing the dedication of approximately 5 acres for permanent open space. However, since the developer is using portions of the land for pervious surface transfer (Outlot A) and portions for access and a sto~Tn water pond, no park dedication credit will be provided. Provision of housing affordable to all income groups if appropriate with the PUD. Finding. Not applicable for this development. o Energy conservation through the use of more efficient building designs and sitings and the clustering of buildings and land uses. Finding. The development will cluster within the upland portion of the site. Access will be shared from both Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street. The development is also providing pedestrian access from the abutting city trail system. . Use of traffic management and design techniques to reduce the potential for traffic conflicts. Improvements to area roads and intersections may be required as appropriate. Finding. The use of traffic demand management techniques for the developer and site users will be a condition of approval. Summary of Rezoning to PUD Rezoning the property to PUD provides the applicant with flexibility, but allows the city to request additional improvements and the site's unique features can be better protected. The flexibility in standards allows the disturbed areas to be further removed from the unique features of the site. In return for the flexibility, the city is receiving: Consistency with Comprehensive Plan; Co~Tidor sensitivity on Highways 5; Preservation of desirable site characteristics (wetlands, the Bluff Creek corridor and trees); Improved architectural standards including, uniform signs and architecture; Traffic management and design techniques to reduce potential for traffic conflicts; Sensitive development in transitional areas; More efficient use of land Galpi usiness Park Januarll 15, 2002 Page 25 SUBD] ~N FINDINGS 1. ,he proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; The subdivision meets all the requirements of the draft Planned Unit Development ;tandards, the Buff Creek Overlay District and the Planned Unit Development standards subject o the revisions contained in the staff report. o proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; The proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable plans. o physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, )tibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are :able for the proposed development; The proposed site is suitable for development subject to the conditions specified in this . proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; The proposed subdivision is served by adequate urban infrastrUcture. o proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage subject to conditions approval. The proposed development will preserve and enhance the Bluff Creek corridor. . proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with existing easements, but rather will and provide all necessary easements. . proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following ',xists: [o Lack of adequate storm water drainage. Lack of adequate roads. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. The proposed subdivision is provided with adequate urban infrastructure based on the to the plat recommended by staff. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 21 SITE PLAN FINDINGS In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: (1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Consistency with this division; Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; (4) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; (5) Creation of functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to.the following: An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; Co Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. (6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: Subject to the revisions contained in the staff report, the proposed site plan is consistent with all plans and specifications and development design standards for the Galpin Business Park and city ordinance. Galpin Park 15, 2002 Page FINDI IGS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT When Section ~proving a conditional use permit, the City must determine the capability of a proposed with existing and proposed uses. The general issuance standards of the conditional use include the following 12 items: not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general of the neighborhood or the city. The proposed use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, :omfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. . be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. The proposed use is consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and chapter. o be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential haracter of that area. The proposed use will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be ompatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will ~ot change the essential character of that area based on the proposed design standards. 4, not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. .ses. The proposed use is not hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring . be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and ire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will .e served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies for the establishment of the proposed use. The proposed use is served adequately by essential public facilities and services, streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer fstems and schools. o rill not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be al to the economic welfare of the community. The proposed use will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 23 . Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. Finding: The proposed use does not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. , Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. Finding: The proposed use has vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. . Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. Finding: The proposed use does not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. 10. Will be aesthetically compatible with the area. Finding: The proposed use is aesthetically compatible with the area. The proposed design standards should assure quality development of the comer. 11. Will not depreciate smTounding property values. Finding: The proposed use will not depreciate surrounding property values. 12. Will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. Finding: The proposed use meets standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. The development complies with the Galpin Business Park standards, the site plan requirements, and the conditional use standards. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the following motions: "The City Council approves the concept and preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD 2002-1) rezoning the property from Agricultural Estate District to Planned Unit Development based on the findings in the staff report dated 1/15/02 incorporating the following design standards for the district: Galpin tusiness Park 15, 2002 Page GALPIN BUSINESS PARK DEVE] ,OPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS (PUD) A. ntent Galpin tusiness Park is a PUD created to accommodate neighborhood services and conveniences. The of PUD zoning is to allow for a greater variety of uses, the internal transfer of density and tion phasing. In return, the development provides higher quality architectural standards and a more el ~nmentally sensitive project. The goal is to preserve open space, protect wetlands and retain e: isting vegetation through the efficient/shared use of land, transitional and buffer landscapes. All lots that are developed are to be reviewed based upon the development use and standards listed b~ low. All submittals are to consist of: Architectural site plan Rendered building elevations Material board Grading and utility plans to conform to current city standards in effect when the proposed new development is submitted for review. Landscape plan to conform to the city landscape ordinance and these standards. Color rendering/photo-comPosite images of the new work proposed as seen from Highway 5 midpoint along the wetland in Outlot A, the intersection of Highway 5 and Galpin and the intersection of Galpin and West 78th Street. Three total. Mutual If di govern cross easements and maintenance agreements are required of all prOperty owners. ~cies arise between the PUD and other sections of the city ordinances, the stated pUD shall a period of up to two years after the final plat approval for Galpin Business Park. B. rmitted Uses The pm uses for this PUD shall consist of and be limited to those listed and described beloTM or as ved by the city council. The city council shall interpret whether or not a future use meets the followil g definitions. Convenience store with gas pumps, freestanding canopy and car wash. Dry cleaning and laundry pick-up stations. Retail shops. Self service laundry. Day care. Offices - professional and business. Health services/medical facilities. Financial institutions. Small appliance and shoe repair shops. Personal service establishments. Standard restaurants without a drive through. Fast Food restaurants without a drive through and integral (less than 40 percent of the Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 25 building area) with a multi-tenant building. Veterinary clinics. Ancillary approved uses (in conjunction with and integral to a primary use). Telecommunications antennas/dishes if concealed from view at the public fight of way. Parking. Trash/equipment enclosures. Up to a four lane covered drive through for a bank A single covered drive through for a pharmacy. Outdoor storage dispensing display, e.g., pop machine, ice machine, secure propane tank storage. ATM machines Prohibited uses: Outdoor storage and/or sales areas. Automotive sales, service and repair. Fast food with a drive through. C. Setbacks The development is to be regulated by the Highway 5 corridor HC-2 Distfict and the PUD standards. There are no minimum requirements for building, parking or drive aisle setbacks on the interior lot lines within the PUD. Frontage Minimum Setback Building/Parking/Drive Aisle Maximum Setback Building Highway 5 70'/70'/50' 150' Galpin Boulevard 30'/20'/10' 100' West 78th Street 50'/20'/10' 100' Bluff Creek Overlay 40'/40'/40' N/A Wetland (Shown Outlot A) 50'/50'/50' N/A D. Lot Coverage The hard surface lot coverage will be limited to a maximum of 41% over the entire site. Any single lot may exceed the 41% requirement. The hard surface area of each lot is as follows' Galpin Januar' Page lusiness Park 15, 2002 Lot Total Area HARDSURFACE AREA Building Footprint (up to) Paving (up to) 81,037 sf/1.86 ac 12,000 s.f. 61,359 s.f. 90% 78,874 sf/1.81 ac 20,000 s.f. 43,178 s.f. 80% A 168,112 sf/3.86 ac 0 s.f. 16,754 s.f. 10% ~t B 42,902 sf/.98 ac 0 s.f. 0 0% 370,925 sf/8.52 ac 32,000 s.f. 121,291 s.f. 41% % (up to) Fi Development Standards SIZE, PORTION PLACEMENT a. Entries: Main entrances shall be oriented toward Highway 5. Entrances shall be designed with additional architectural detailing. b. Articulation: Buildings of more than 40 feet in width shall be divided into smaller increments, between 20 and 40 feet, through articulation of fagade. Co Large unadorned CMU walls; solid unrelieved walls without architectural detailing, changes in material, color, accents, fenestrations, etc.; or walls Without significant visual interest in keeping with the mass, size and scale of the wall as viewed from public ways shall be prohibited. Buildings shall have varied and interesting detailing. No two structures are to be identical. All walls to incorporate architectural interest through building design or appropriate landscaping. Acceptable design shall incorporate changes in materials and colors, materials with textured surfaces, aggregate, etc. and/or offsets in the building walls. d. Multi-story Structures: Ground level of multi-story structure shall be visually distinct from upper stories. ~,. MATERIAL AND DETAIL a. In order to meet the requirements of a PUD, the development must demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and design. bo All materials shall be of high quality and durability. Masonry or higher quality materials shall be used. Color shall be integral to the material used, i.e. colored CMU; brick, or stucco. No painted masonry surfaces will be allowed. Colored mortar is Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 27 encouraged but not required. Co Acceptable materials include: 1. Brick. 2. CMU/Block - shall be of a decorative nature with either a split/rock face, burnished, fluted or scored. Block shall be used as a base material or for building accents (not to exceed 15 percent). 3. Stucco or EIFS, as an accent material (not to exceed 15 percent). 4. Stone - natural or manmade. 5. Glass - clear, colored, textured, translucent or glass block. 6. Laminated shingles, standing seam metal roofs, concrete or quarry tile roofs, or other materials as approved by the city council are to be used on all pitched roofing. 7. Metal panels, siding or structures may only be used for canopies, soffits, trim, HVAC screens and building accents. 8. Paved areas shall consist of any of the following: bituminous, stamped/colored bituminous, concrete, stamped/colored concrete, brick or stone pavers. 9. All building facades visible from a public right of way must be treated comparable to the rest of the building. Design elements must be used nearly equally on all sides. 10. Overhead doors where required, are to be screened as best as possible without interfering with their use or creating a safety hazard. Screening may consist of landscaping, earthen berms, or'walls built to match the building. Screening does not need to be complete. Overhead doors shall be the same color as the primary building material. 11. Drive throughs are allowed if used in conjunction with a financial institution, pharmacy, or other occupancy specifically approved by the city council. No drive through will be allowed for fast food restaurants. The drive through must be connected to the principal building. The drive through shall not be located on the street frontage of a building. Materials must be of complementary appearance to the primary building. 12. A convenience center fueling station canopy up to 20' above finished grade is allowed. 3. COLOR ao b. Colors shall be harmonious. Building colors shall be muted colors with low reflectivity. Bright or brilliant colors and sharply contrasting colors may be used for accent purposes occupying a maximum of 10 percent of building facade. All materials, color, size and texture, are to be approved to assure compatibility with the PUD. Galpin Page lusiness Park 15, 2002 HEIGHT AND ROOF DESIGN ao Building heights shall be limited to 3 stories or 40', as measurement to the highest point from the top of the first floor elevation. The measurement shall include architectural details (parapets), transmission antennas, transmission equipment, satellite dishes, and non-structural building elements. Pitched roofs shall be measured to the midpoint of the roof. bo Each primary building shall incorporate one or more of the following: pitched roof, stepped parapet/roofs, or raised tower elements depending upon the scale and type of building. Other architectural elements such as arches, vaults, canopies, recessed entries and niches, colonnades, detailing, etc., may be used to add architectural interest, direction or articulation to the buildings. ;. FA(~ADE TRANSPARENCY b. At least 50 percent of a building elevation adjacent to a public right-of-way shall have windows and/or doors. Reflective glass is not permitted. SITE FURNISHING Site furnishings shall be designed as part of the site architectural concept and landscape. Benches, tables and chairs and similar features shall be required with all new development. FRANCHISE ARCHITECTURE a. Franchise architecture shall be revised if it does not comply with the design standards. l. LOADING AREAS AND REFUSE AREAS, ETC. a. All accessory structures shall be complementary to the primary structure. bo All building and mechanical equipment, processing machinery, etc. mounted either on the ground, building or roof shall be screened from view from adjacent public right of ways. Screens shall consist of parapets and/or walls of compatible appearing materials. Wooden and chain link fences are prohibited. c. Each building shall incorporate space within the building or adjacent enclosed or screened structure for recyclables. d. All utilities are required to be underground. e. Gate material shall not be chain link. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 29 9. LANDSCAPING a. Natural areas shall be preserved to the maximum extent. b. Landscaping shall enhance natural and architectural features, strengthen vistas, and provide shade. c. Landscaping shall emphasize massing of plant materials over isolated or scattered material. do g, h. The master landscape plan for Galpin Business Park shall be the design guide for the site landscape developments. Each lot must present a landscape plan for approval with the site plan review. Total quantity of landscaping along Highway 5, West 78th Street and Galpin Boulevard shall comply with Buffer Yard Standard B, City Landscape Ordinance for Vehicular Areas, and Foundation and Aesthetic Plantings. A portion of the canopy and under story trees required by city ordinance for Lot 1 and Lot 2 may be relocated onto Outlot 'B' to further enhance Bluff Creek and buffer the residential area to the north subject to city approval. Outdoor storage of materials is prohibited unless it has been specifically approved during site plan review. All approved outdoor storage must be screened with either masonry walls/fences, landscaping and berms or a combination of the two. Landscape berming is encouraged for use in screening elements such as overhead doors, .parking, equipment, and trash enclosures. Maximum slope 33%. The berm is to be sodded, seeded or covered with a wood or stone landscape mulch. The same type of mulch must be used throughout the entire development. Mulch areas must be bordered by sidewalk, curbing, brick pavers, masonry pavers, metal or plastic edging materials. Landscaping may be installed incrementally as the lots are developed. Lot 1, Outlot 'A' and Outlot 'B' are to be completed simultaneously. Grass areas with potential for erosion are to be sodded or seeded with erosion control fabric per master plan. The landscape areas within Lot 1 and Lot 2 are to be inSgated. Buffer yard plantings shall be installed with the first phase of development. On Lot 1 and Lot 2, deceased trees and shrubs within the buffer yard are to be replaced . in kind as originally approved, within one year unless approved by the city council. Trees and shrubs are to be maintained, pruned, and trimmed of dead branches, volunteer grasses and weeds. Lawn areas are to be mowed regularly. Wood mulches are to be replenished to a like new condition every five years or less. j. Prairie grasses and similar natural vegetation is to be left in a natural state. k. Loading docks shall be screened year round from view of public right of way by walls, Galpin Park Januar' 15,2002 Page berms, landscaping, a combination thereof, or as approved by the city council. Overhead doors shall be the same color as the primary building materials. Retaining walls may be used to accommodate changes in grade elevations. Acceptable materials include natural stone, cut stone, and integral color concrete block retaining wall systems. Wood retaining walls are prohibited. m. Perimeter vehicular use areas adjacent and/or fronting the public right of ways is to be screened to the height of 3' above the parking surface. Landscaping, berms, fences or any combination thereof may accomplish this. Fe 0. LOT FRONTAGE AND PARKING LOCATION One row of parking shall be allowed within the required building setback adjacent to Highway 5 or West 78th Street. The majority of parking shall be located to the side or rear of the building. b. Each developed lot to provide bicycle parking. Co Parking quantities and stall sizes are to meet current city standards in effect when the proposed new development is submitted for review. Each change in use shall require a reevaluation of the parking. do Shared parking shall be required, throughout the Project. Parking stalls may be located on the adjacent development as negotiated between the affected parties. e. Each developed lot to provide pedestrian acceSs from the public sidewalk along Galpin Boulevard to the principal buildings. IGNAGE Galpin Business Park, Chanhassen, LLC, shall be permitted one shared pylon sign. The pylon sign shall be located along Highway 5 near Galpin Boulevard and setback a minimum of one-half (1/2) the required building setback from the property line. The pylon is to be no more than 15 feet above finished grade to the highest point. A maximum of 64 s.f. of sign face per side is allowed. The maximum width of the sign shall be 10 feet. Pylon signs shall be of monument style. One monument' sign each is allowed for Lot 1 and Lot 2. The maximum height of monument signs are to be 8' above grade. A maximum of 64 s.f. of sign face per side is allowed. The maximum width of the sign shall be 10 feet. The pylon and monument sign bases and supports are to be of masonry materials (brick, decorative CMU, stone or stucco) to match the primary buildings, be consistent, and to compliment each other. Sign faces shall be colored translucent plastic. If illuminated, Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 31 signs are to be internally lit. 4. Signage throughout the development shall be consistent in size, location, heights, materials and illumination. 5. Walt signs shall be as permitted below. Maximum Percentage of Wall Area in Square Feet Maximum Square Footage Wall of Signs 15% 0-600 90 13% 601-1,200 156 11% 1,201-1,800 198 9% 1,801-2,400 216 7% 2,401-3,200 224 5% 3,201-4,500 230 3% 4,500+ 240 Gl 6. All signs shall require a separate sign pe~it. LIGHTING Site lighting throughout the development shall be consistent. Access roadways to be lit ' comparable to the existing lighting on West 78th Street. A uniform average of up to 7 foot candles is to be provided throughout the developed areas. A maximum average illumination intensity of 50 foot candles may be used below canopies and drive throughs. Canopy and drive through lights must be recessed. 2. Site area lighting to be shoe box fixtures with metal halide lamps. 3. Light poles to be consistent throughout the development, square, prefinished, 30' maximum to the highest point. . All site lighting must be shielded to prevent any off site spillage and glare. A maximum of 1 to 2 foot candles are allowed along the property lines at Highway 5, Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street. H. 1. Loud speakers are prohibited." Galpin 3usiness Park Januar~ 15, 2002 Page 3:i '°I'he C~y Council approves the preliminary ~lat fOr SubdiVision #2002,1, GalpihlBusiness Park, plans: prepare[ by Schoell & Madsen, Inc., dated March 2001,Creating:two lotSand ~o outlotS SUbject to the~ following conditions: 1. Th~ developer shall enter into a development contract/PUD agreement with the city. 2. Th~ development design standards shall be incorporated as an exhibit to the development con~ agreement. All development of the property shall comply with the design standards. 3. Thc Business Park shall be required to pay full park and trail dedication fees pursuant to city ord lance. o o . A 0 to 20' wide wetland buffer (with a minimum average width of 10') shall be maintained this wetland basin. Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the .'ity's wetland ordinance. Wetland buffer edge signs shall be installed, under the direction of staff, before construction begins and shall be purchased from the City for $20 per sign. Any dist .rbed wetland buffer areas shall be reestablished using native wet meadow species from the Blu Creek Natural Resources Management Plan (Appendix C: Bluff Creek Environmental dor Common Plant Species of Natural Communities) or other species as approved by City In addition, all structures shall maintain a 40' setback from the wetland buffer edge. The wet buffer and setback shall be shown on the grading plan. Silt shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer is to be '.rved, at the delineated wetland edge. D ~ and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands and storm water pon, s. 7. Rev storm water calculations shall be provided. 8. On goi~ ~e grading plan (Sheet 2 of 5), the directional arrows between CBMH 3 and 4 appear to be the wrong direction. The rim and invert elevations are not consistent between the grade SP4) and the utility plan (Sheet 3 of 5). Revised plan sheets showing these changes shall be fitted. o BasI proj, the qual resu at th on the proposed developed area of 3.69 acres, the water quality fees associated with this are $21,804.21 and the water quantity fees are $16,088.40. Current calculations indicate that proposes water quality ponding for approximately 4.41 acres. This results in water credits equaling $26,058.69. The project also proposes providing 1 outlet structure, which in a credit of $2,500.00. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City time of final plat recording, is $9,333.92. This amount will be finalized prior to final plat val. 10. Priv te utility easements will be required for the storm sewer line that runs from Lot 2 to Lot 1. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 33 11. Add the following City of Chanhassen Detail Plate Nos. 1002, 1006, 2101, 2103, 2109, 2110, 2203, 3108. 12. Prior to final plat approval, all plans must be signed by a professional civil engineer registered in the state of Minnesota. 13. The pond is required to be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. 14. Cross-access easements for the shared driveway accesses must be obtained and recorded against the lots. 15. The minimum rock construction entrance must be 75 feet. 16. Show the sanitary sewer service to Lot 2. 17. Revise Arboretum Boulevard to West 78th Street. 18. The minimum storm sewer pipe allowed is 12" RCP. Revise the pond outlet pipe to comply. 19. Revise storm sewer, sanitary and water lines on sheets SP1, SP3 and SP4 to match with the proposed utility plan. 20. Revise detail plate nos. 1004 and 5300 to show the most recent version of the plates. 21. The applicant has submitted drainage calculations for the site; however, additional information is still needed. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to revise the calculations. Prior to final platting, storm sewer design data will need to be submitted for staff review. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event. Drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100-year flood level. The minimum easement width shall be 20 feet wide. Emergency overflows from all storm water ponds will also be required on the construction plans. 22. Silt fence shall be added around the perimeter grading limits of the site. The silt fence, shown on the plan adjacent to the existing wetland, should be moved to the top of the existing slope and away from the wetland. Also, this silt fence must be Type llI, heavy-duty. Silt fence shall be promptly removed upon completion of construction. All of the proposed rock construction entrances must be lengthened to 75 feet as per City Detail Plate No. 5301. 23. Minimum 20-foot wide easements will be required over the public portion of the utility lines. 24. Installation of the private utilities for the site will require permits and inspections through the City's Building Department. 25. Each newly created lot will be subject to City sanitary sewer and water hook up charges at the time of building permit issuance. The 2002 trunk utility hook up charges are $1,383 per unit for Galpin Page usiness Park [5, 2002 sani ary sewer and $1,802 per unit for water. 26. ic utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edit of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and spe, ifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the con itions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obt. ned, including but not limited to the MPCA, Department of Health, Watershed District, er County, MnDOT, etc. 27. Cro~ en~ easements will need to be obtained and recorded against the lots for each of the drives. 28. On ~e utility plan: - R~ ,ise sheet title to "Preliminary Utility Plan". - the 8" tee on the watermain going to Lot 2 to an 8"x6" tee and delete the 8"x6" reducer. - Sh, ~w the utilities easement. - A~ a 6" gate valve on the watermain going to Lot 1 just past the 8"x6" reducer. - the type of public watermain from DIP to PVC C-900. - Sh~ ,w the proposed pipe slope of the storm sewer. - :e storm manhole 1 to a 3-foot sump structure. a. Show all of the existing utilities in Galpin Boulevard and W. 78th Street. 29. On le grading plan: Show all existing and proposed easements Show the benchmark used for the site survey. all of the existing utilities in Galpin Boulevard and W. 78th Street. Revise sheet title to "Preliminary Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan." Remove the proposed water and sanitary sewer lines. - 30. If th parcel on the north side of W. 78th Street will be platted, show this area on the preliminary plat heet. Also, show this area as an outlot or a lot. 31. The [eveloper shall record a conservation easement over Outlot B. 32. Dev, lopment of Lot 1, Outlot A and B will be done simultaneously." Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 35 "The City Council approves Conditional Use Permit #2002-1 permitting development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District subject to the following conditions: 4 Native woody species shall be planted on the property north of W. 78th Street from the top of the slope (elevation approximately 958) down to the existing vegetation. Species shall be selected from the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan (see Appendix C: Bluff Creek Environmental Corridor Common Plant Species of Natural Communities - Maple-Basswood Natural Community Category). A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the city for approval. . The slope area between the primary and secondary con-idor boundaries shall be restored using native vegetation in order to ensure protection of the creek and the surrounding natural communities. 3. Conservation easements shall be placed over all areas within the primary and secondary corridors." "The City Council approves Site Plan #2002-1 for a 3,960 sq. ft. convenience store and a-2,873 sq. ft. car wash (Kwik Trip), plans prepared by Insites, dated November 29, 2001, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall enter in to a Site Plan Agreement with the city. . The car wash should be constructed of the same materials as the convenience store (brick). If the developer desires to use block, it should be used as a base or foundation material, or in decorative columns, rather than a primary building material. o The north and west elevations of the convenience store shall be provided with an addition 8.5 feet and 14.5 feet of windows on the north and west elevations, respectively. In addition, the northern elevation needs additional articulation. The wing wall around the mechanical equipment shall screen the mechanical equipment from views from the west. The wing wall shall be constructed of the same material as the convenience store (brick). o All light fixtures shall be shielded. Lighting shall be shielded from direct off-site view and glare. The canopy lighting shall be completely screened from direct off site views through the use of screening structures around the lights or by recessing the lighting in to the canopy. 6. Pedestrian ramps will be required at all trail/sidewalk access points onto drive aisles. o The developer shall increase buffer yard plantings to meet minimum requirements. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted for city approval. The applicant shall increase the number of evergreens along West 78th Street and work with staff to determine which side of the street. Galpin Januar5 Page 36 8. The bern 9. The fum 10. The 11. The Min 12. The eqm' 13. Det~ 14. The 15. Util5 inde on s supp each 16. The to di 17. The 18. APl locat 19. "No Char 20. The east~ 21. Loca be Io 22. A 10 bush~ can k Ordi~ ;usiness Park 15, 2002 teveloper shall fully screen parking lots from adjacent roadways through the use of ing or increased landscaping. teveloper shall provide a bicycle parking area and bicycle racks. Additional site shing shall be added, such as benches or chairs. :onvenience store is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. ~lans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of .esota. :anopy over the pumps must be constructed with non-combustible materials or materials 'alent to one-hour fire-resistive construction. led occupancy related requirements couldn't be reviewed until complete plans are submitted. ~roposed building on lot 2 was not reviewed for building code compliance. y plans: The water service and sanitary sewer service for Lots 1 and 2 must have ,endent connections to the public utility lines. The flow direction from CBMH 4 to CBMH 3 eet 3 of 5 is incorrect. The water service for Lot 1 must be sized for domestic and fire 'ession demand and a PIV is required. The utility plan sheets submitted must correspond with ~ther. ,wner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as Possible cuss plan review and permit procedures. ,uilding is required to be fire sprinklered in accordance with NFPA 13. /' will be required for the convenience store. Contact Chanhassen Fire-Marshal for exact on. larking fire lane" signs are required as well as curbing to be painted yellow. Contact ,~assen Fire Marshal for exact location of signs as well as curbing to be painted yellow. ire hydrant located on the northwest comer of the property will be required to be moved 'ly approximately 20 feet. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact re-location. ion of the fire department sprinkler connection on the convenience store will be required to :ated on the west side of the building. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location. foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, s, Xcel Energy, Qwest, Cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City tnce #9-1. Galpin Business Park January 15, 2002 Page 37 23. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division regarding premise identification. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy # 29- 1992. 24. Comply with water service installation policy for commercial and industrial buildings. Pursuant to Inspection Division Water Service Installation Policy #34-1993. Copy enclosed. 25. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy concerning maximum allowed size of domestic water on a combination domestic/fire sprinkler supply line. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy #36-1994. Copy enclosed. 26. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire department/Fire Prevention Division Policy regarding notes to be included on all site plans. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy #4-1991. 27. No chainlink fences or gates are allowed. 28. The westerly access on West 78th Street shall be limited to a right-in only." ATTACHMENTS . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Findings of Fact and Recommendation Development Review Application Nan'ative: Galpin Business Park Developer Submitted Development Design Standards Reduced Copy Preliminary Plat Reduced Copy Kwik Trip Site Plan Memo from Mark Littfin to Robert Generous dated 12/27/01 Public Heating Notice and Mailing List Letter from Bill Weckman, Assistant County Engineer Bluff Creek Overlay Map Half Section Map of,Area Copy of Survey for Lots 1 - 4, Block 6, Walnut Grove Copy of Survey for Lots 1 - 5, Block 7, Walnut Grove Cross Section Location Cross Section of Sight Lines from Townhomes to North Revised Elevations Kwik Trip Store and Gas Pumps (Front and Right) Revised Elevations Kwik Trip Store and Gas Pumps (Back and Left) Revised Elevations Car Wash Planning Commission Minutes of Janaury 15, 2002 Letter from Jennifer Chaput, MNDOT, to Robert Generous dated 1/16/02 FINDIr AND 1~ Applical for Plan meeting rezoning neighbol Bluff Cr ft. carw Busines: Develop from all 1. 3 2. ~[ E 3. T 4. T ai a CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA GS OF FACT ;COMMENDATION .on of Paul D. Anderson of WCL Associates, Inc. and Chuck Sameluk, Chanhassen, LLC, ed Unit Development, Site Plan, Conditional Use Permit and Subdivision approvals. ,n January 15, 2002, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled :o consider the application of WCL Associates, Inc. for a Planned Unit Development property from Agricultural Estate District, A-2, to Planned Unit Development, PUD, for a hood commercial development with a conditional use permit for development with in the ',ek Overlay District, site plan approval for a 3,960 sq. ft. convenience store and a 2,873 sq. sh (Kwik Trip), and subdivision approval to create two lots and two outlots for Galpin Park. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed Planned Unit nent preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony nterested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT ~e property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District, A-2. ~e property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Commercial/Residential - Medium snsity/Parks and Open Space. le legal description of the property is: see attached Exhibit A. le Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse [ects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c) The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d) The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. e) The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f) Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. Section 20-110: (1) Is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Is consistent with this division; (3) Preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; (4) Creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; (5) Creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: a. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; c. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and d. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. (6) Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Section 20-232: a. Will not be detrimental to or enhance the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. b. Will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. . Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. Will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. Will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. Will be aesthetically compatible with the area. Will not depreciate surrounding property values. Will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as Provided in this article. le planning report # 2002-1 PUD, 2002-1 CUP, 2002-1 Site Plan dated January 15, 2002, by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION Unit The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Planned Conditional Use Permit, Site Plan, and Subdivision for Galpin Business Park. by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 15th day of January, 2002. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman ATTEST: Secretary g:\plan\bg\development review\galpin business park.doc 1 BANE 2 CLOY 3 CONE 4 PRIMI 5 BANEBEi 6 CONE FL 7 BLUEBO~ 8 CHICOR'~ 9 POPPY E: 10 BLUE S~ 11 WATERI 12 LADY SI 13 BUTTEF t4 BLUES,~ 15 WATERI 16 SNAPD~ 0 H Harvest W, 3 Autumn Ri~ e Avenue Blvd Dr CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION ~[PP~CANT: Paul D. Anderson, WCL Associates, ~DDRESS: 1433 Utica Avenue South, Suite 162 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Inc.OWNER:Chuck Sameluk, Partner Chanhassen, ADDRESS: 4940 Vikin~ Driver Suite 424 Minneapolis, MN 55435 'TELEPHONE(Daytime) (952) 541-9969 TELEPHONE: (9.52) 83:.,h-3bOO I ~ Comprehensive Plan Amendment __ Temporary Sales Permit x Conditional Use Permit Vacation of ROW/Easements Interim Use Permit Variance __ Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit ,, , x .Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits ~ Sign Plan Review X Notification Sign ~ Site PJan Review* X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** ($50 CU P/SP R/VAC/VAR/WAP/Metes and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) ,, x Subdivision* TOTAL FEE $ ,, A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be included with the application. E~u~ding material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. ~l'wenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 81/2'' X 11" reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet, Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract NOTE -When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. PROJECT NAM] LOCATION NE LEGAL DESCRI] see Prelim! TOTAL ACREAG WET].ANDS PR[ PRESEI~' ZON!! R.EQL~~ Z£ PRESENT LAND REQUESTED LA ~_ASON FOR TI use, see N~ 'Th3s application r and plans requiret Deparlment to de A determination c notice of applicatk Th& is to certify ali City requiremel lhe City should col copy of Owner's ;this application an, 1 wa keep mysef understand that a authorization to pr rny knowledge. The c'~y hereby n, galpin Business Park_ Chanha~n: I.l.e Corner of Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard TION That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23, nary Plat. 8.52 SENT x YES !G A2, Agriculture NO ~ING PUD JSEDESIGNATION Comerc-ial M~_d~i,m r)Rn.~-itv narkR and nnen USE DESIGNATION Commercial Ned-iua Density parks and open space. :IS REQUEST To develop the parcel for neighborhood convenience/commerc£al rrative. ust be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, yOu should confer with the Planning .vmine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. completeness of the application shall be made within ten business days of application submittal. A written n deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within ten business days of application. : ~t ! am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with ts with regard to this request. This applica!ion should be processed in my name and I am the party whom .tact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either Cplicate Certificate of-Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make the fee owner has also signed this application. informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further 'ditional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any ~ceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of ,titles the applicant that development review cannot be completed within 60 days due to public hearing [ I[~q3p]icaj:ion Recei4d on I Z//t,~- / C J Fee Paid requirements and agency review. Therefore, the city is notifying the applicant that the city requires an automatic 60 day extension/yfor de~lopment review. Development review shall be completed within 120 days unless additional review exte~i~~d by the applicant. Date Receipt No. applicant sh{ contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting. If n=t c=ntacted, copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address. NARRATIVE GALPIN BUSINESS PARK Chanhassen, Minnesota WCL ASSOCIATES INC. Architecture Interiors Galpin Business Park, Chanhassen, LLC requests the rezoning of the property at the Northeast corner of Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard from A2, agriculture to a PUD. The PUD is to create a modified version of the neighborhood business district. Our goal is to provide a development that focuses on neighborhood conveniences and services for the surrounding residential areas. We currently have Kwik Trip, a combined gas station, convenience store and car wash as the lead development. Future development could include a drug store, a bank, possibly a small retail center with video, laundry, coffee shop, restaurants, etc. The property is to be subdivided into four lots, labeled Lot 1, Lot 2, Outlot 'A' and Outlot 'B'. Lots 1, 2 and Outlot 'A' are contiguous. Lot 1 is to be developed by Kwik Trip Stores. Lot 2 is to be developed in the future. Outlot 'A' consists of an existing large wetland which is part of the Bluff Creek Overlay District, the retention pond for the proposed development and an access drive to West 78th Street. Outlot 'B' is separated from Lot 1, 2 and Outlot 'A' by West 78th Street and is to be undeveloped. Upon acceptance and completion of the PUD, Outlots 'A' and 'B' are to be donated to the City to be incorporated into the City park system. The PUD proposes: Landscape Transfer: It is the developments intention to use Outlots 'A' and 'B' as a landscape reservoir/transfer to offset higher ground surface coverages on Lots 1 and 2. In exchange for minimal or no hardsurface development on Outlot 'A' and 'B', Lots I and 2 are allowed up to 90% hardsurface coverage. However, the entire development would still be less than 45% developed. Current City standard is 65%. i 433 Utica Avenue Sc Minneapolis, MN 554 Fax: (952)54!-955, Phone: (952) 54 !-99( There A 10' drive aisle setback along Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street in addition to the 20' parking setback. A 50' drive aisle setback along Highway 5 in addition to the 70' parking setback. Multiple structures upon a single lot. Controlled/limited access to Galpin and West 78th Street. No access to Highway 5. Protection of the remaining existing natural vegetation in the Bluff Creek Overlay District, Outlots 'A' and 'B'. There is no vegetation currently on Lots 1 and 2. Landscape buffer/transition - The addition of multiple trees and shrubs to Outlots 'A' and 'B' enhances their natural wooded state and provides additional wildlife habitat. Further, it enlarges the landscape buffer/transition the residential areas to the north and east and Highway 5 to the southeast. Donate Outlots 'A' and 'B' to the City for inclusion to the City park system. will be accomplished once the developer closes on the land and has a cross access agreement negotiated with the City. . igher quality architectural standards. Compatible/cohesive design ihroughout the development. re numerous additional benefits to the City: project is geared toward neighborhood services. This will greatly benefit :he surrounding residential areas. Residents will be able to walk or bike to :he development instead of driving to distant services. adjacent to the Bluff Creek Trail will encourage additional trail use and a place to stop for refreshments. proposed location off of Highway 5 does not draw vehicular traffic into a 'esidential area. .ow density development fits well with the surrounding residential areas and ;haracter. ~maller scale buildings are more appropriate to the neighborhood. the tax base of the City. tree removal or loss of natural vegetation. · Limited building material options that are of higher quality. Kwik Trip Kwik Trip is a convenience store with fuel and a car wash operation. It is to be located on Lot 1 in the Southeast corner of Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street. The plan includes a 3,960 s.f. convenience store, a detached 2,873 s.f. automatic touchless car wash, 40 x 123 x 20 high canopy, 9 gasoline pumps, 1 diesel pump, 4 underground fuel storage tanks, 2 vacuums and a monument sign on a 1.87 acre site. Greenspace will cover 18% of Lot 1. DEVE A. Galpin conven transfe archite, open s land, ti based Mutual owners If discr~ PUD sll. GALPIN BUSINESS PARK CHANHASSEN, LLC OPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS (PUD) ntent ~,usiness Park is a PUD created to accommodate neighborhood services and ences. The use of PUD zoning is to allow for a greater variety of uses, the internal of density and construction phasing. In return, the development provides higher quality ;tural standards and a more environmentally sensitive project. The goal is to preserve ,ace, protect wetlands and retain existing vegetation through the efficient/shared use of ~nsitional and buffer landscapes. All future lots that are developed are to be reviewed ~on the development use and standards listed below. All submittals are to consist of: Architectural site plan Rendered building elevations Material board Grading and utility plans to conform to ourrent city standards in effect when the proposed new development is submitted for review. Landscape plan to conform to the city landscape ordinance in effect at the adoption of this PUD. Color rendering/photo-composite images of the new work proposed as seen from Highway 5 midpoint along the wetland in Lot 3, the intersection of Highway 5 and Galpin and the intersection of Galpin and West 78th Street. Three total. access, cross easements and maintenance agreements are reqUired of all property )encies arise between the PUD and other sections of the city ordinances, the stated ill govern. B. ~d Uses The pe mitted uses for this PUD shall consist of and be limited to those listed and described below as approved by the city council. The city council shall interpret whether or not a future use m~ ts the following definitions. Convenience store with gas pumps, freestanding canopy and car wash. Dry cleaning and laundry pick-up stations. Retail shops with a single covered drive thru. Self service laundry. Shopping center with a single covered drive thru. Day care. Offices - professional and business. Health services/medical facilities. Financial institutions with a covered drive thru. Small appliance and shoe repair shops. Personal service establishments. Standard restaurants without a drive thru. Fast Food restaurants without a drive thru, and integral with a multi-tenant building. Veterinary clinics. Private clubs and lodges. Community Centers. Hotels and motels with entry canopy/drive thru. Ancillary approved uses (in conjunction with and integral to a primary use). Showroom/display areas - up to 50 percent of the tenant floor space. Storage areas. Telecommunications antennas/dishes if concealed from view at the public right of way. Parking. Trash/equipment enclosures. Up to a four lane covered drive thru. Outdoor storage dispensing display is allowed at the convenience store if limited to ice machine, secure propane tank storage. Prohibited uses: Outdoor storage and/or sales areas unless specifically approved by the city council. Automotive sales, service and repair. Fast food with a drive thru. Drive thru's located on the building front elevation to Highway 5. C. Setbacks The development is to be regulated by the Highway 5 corridor HC-2 District and the PUD standards. There are no minimum requirements for building, parking or drive aisle setbacks on the interior lot lines within the PUD. Frontage Minimum Setback Maximum Setback Building/Parking/Drive Aisle Building Highway 5 70'/70'/50' 150' Galpin Boulevard 30'/20'/10' 100' West 78th Street 50'/20'/10' 100' Bluff Creek Overlay 40'/20'/10' N/A Wetland (Shown Outlot 3) 50'/20'/10' N/A a. The ha _ot Coverage d surface lot coverage will be limited to a maximum of 65% over the entire site. Any ~t may exceed the 65% requirement. The hard surface area of each lot is as follows: Total Area Building Footprint (up to) HARDSURFACE AREA 81,510 sf/1.87 ac 12,000 s.f. 78,973 sf/1.81 ac 20,000 s.f. 167,539 sf/3.85 ac 0 s.f. 42,902 sf/.98 ac 0 s.f. 370,924 sf/8.52 ac 32,000 s.f. Paving (up to) 61,359 s.f. 90% 43,178 s.f. 80% 16,754 s.f. 10% 0 0% 121,291 s.f. 41% % (up to) E. . Standards than one principal structure may be placed on one platted lot. ilding heights shall be limited to 3 stores or 40', as measurement to the highest point rom the top of the first floor elevation. The measurement shall include architectural letails (parapets), transmission antennas, transmission equipment, satellite dishes, and ion-structural building elements. Pitched roofs shall be measured to the midpoint of the . . . . . . utilities are required to be underground. -'ach developed lot to provide pedestrian access from the public sidewalk along Galpin ~oulevard to the principal buildings. !ach developed lot to provide bicycle parking. )arking quantities and stall sizes are to meet current city standards in effect when the ,roposed new development is submitted for review. ;hared parking shall be required throughout the project. Parking stalls may be located ,n the adjacent development as negotiated between the affected parties. tuilding Materials and Design order to meet the requirements of a PUD, the development must demonstrate a igher quality of architectural standards and design. 2. ,Il materials shall be of high quality and durability. Masonry or higher quality materials . . . . . . . shall be used. Color shall be integral to the material used, i.e. colored CMU, brick, or stucco. No painted masonry surfaces will be allowed. Colored mortar is encouraged but not required. Acceptable materials include: a. Brick. b. CMU/Block - shall be of a decorative nature with either a split/rock face, burnished, fluted or scored. c. Concrete - may be poured in place, tilt-up or precast. It shall be finished in stone/aggregate, textured, coated or painted. d. Stucco or EIFS. e. Stone - natural or manmade. f. Glass - clear, colored, textured, translucent or glass block. g. Laminated shingles, standing seam metal roofs, concrete or quarry tile roofs, or other materials as approved by the city council are to be used on all pitched roofing. h. Metal panels, siding or structures may only be used for canopies, soffits, trim, HVAC screens and building accents. i. Paved areas shall consist of any of the following: bituminous, stamped/colored bituminous, concrete, stamped/colored concrete, brick or stone pavers. All materials color, size and texture are to be approved to assure compatibility with the PUD. Alt accessory structures shall be complementary to the primary structure. All building and mechanical equipment, processing machinery, etc. mounted either on the ground, building or roof shall be screened from view from adjacent public right of ways. Screens shall consist of parapets and/or walls of compatible appearing materials or camouflaged to blend into the building or surroundings. Wooden fences are prohibited. Large unadorned concrete panels and CMU walls; solid unrelieved walls without architectural detailing, changes in material, color, accents, fenestrations, etc.; or walls without significant visual interest in keeping With the mass, size and scale of the wall as viewed from public ways shall be prohibited. Buildings shall have varied and interesting detailing. No two structures are to be identical. All walls to incorporate architectural interest through building design or appropriate landscaping. Acceptable design shall incorporate changes in materials and colors, materials with textured surfaces, aggregate, etc. and/or offsets in the building walls. Each primary building shall incorporate one or more of the following: pitched roof, stepped parapet/roofs, or raised tower elements depending upon the scale and type of building. Other architectural elements such as arches, vaults, canopies, recessed entries and niches, colonnades, detailing, etc., may be used to add architectural interest, direction or articulation to the buildings. Each building shall incorporate space within the building or adjacent enclosed or screened structure for recyclables. 10. 11. 12. 13. O. · . . . . , building facades visible from a public right of way must be treated comparable to the ;st of the building. Design elements must be used nearly equally on all sides. )verhead doors where required, are to be screened as best as possible without nterfering with their use or creating a safety hazard. Screening may consist of andscaping, earthen berms, or walls built to match the building. Screening does not to be complete. thru, up to 4 stalls, are allowed if used in conjUnction with a financial institution, ~harmacy, grocery or other occupancy approved by the city council. No drive thru will ~e allowed for fast food restaurants. The drive thru must be connected to the principal Materials must be of complementary appearance to the primary building. convenience center fueling station canopy up to 20' above finished grade is allowed. Landscaping and Screening master landscape plan for Galpin Business Park shall be the design guide for the ;ite landscape developments. Each lot must present a landscape plan for approval with he site plan review. Total quantity of landscaping along Highway 5, West 78th Street Galpin Boulevard shall comply with Buffer Yard Standard B, City Landscape '~ance for Vehicular Areas, and Foundation and Aesthetic Plantings. Up to 40% of the canopy and understory trees required by city ordinance for Lot 1 and Lot 2 may be relocated onto Outlot 'B' to further enhance and buffer the residential area [o the north. door storage of materials is prohibited unless it has been specifically approved during site plan review. All approved outdoor storage must be screened with either masonry walls/fences, landscaping or a combination of the two. Landscape berming is encouraged for use in screening elements such as overhead doors, parking; equipment and trash enclosures. Maximum slope 33%. The berm is to ~e sodded, seeded or covered with a wood or Stone landscape mulch. The same type if mulch must be used throughout the entire development. Mulch areas must be bordered by sidewalk, curbing, brick pavers, masonry pavers, metal or plastic edging materials. ping may be installed incrementally as the lots are developed. Lot 1, Outlot 'A' ~nd Outlot 'B' are to be completed simultaneously. Grass areas with potential for ;rosion are to be sodded or seeded with erosion control fabric per master plan. The landscape areas within Lot 1 and Lot 2 are to be irrigated. On Lot 1 and Lot 2, deceased trees and shrubs within the buffer yard are to be replaced in kind as originally approved, within one year unless approved by the city council. Trees and shrubs are to be maintained, pruned, and trimmed of dead branches, volunteer grasses and weeds. Lawn areas are to be mowed regularly. Wood mulches are to be replenished to a like new condition every five years or less. . o . 10. 11. Ho . . o . . Prairie grasses and similar natural vegetation is to be left in a natural state. Loading docks shall be screened year round from view of public right of way by walls, berms, landscaping, a combination thereof, or as approved by the city council. Retaining walls may be used to accommodate changes in grade elevations. Acceptable materials include natural stone, cut stone, and integral color concrete block retaining wall systems. Wood retaining walls are prohibited. Perimeter public parking adjacent and/or fronting the public right of ways is to be screened to the height of 3' above the parking surface. This may be accompanied by landscaping, berms, fences or any combination thereof. Drive aisles adjacent to and/or fronting the public right of way do not require screening. Signage Galpin Business Park, Chanhassen, LLC, shall be permitted one shared pylon sign. The pylon sign shall be located along Highway 5 near Galpin Boulevard and setback a minimum of 35' to the support. The pylon is to be no more than 20' above finished grade to the highest point. A maximum of 80 s.f. of sign face per side is allowed. One monument sign each is allowed for Lot 1 and Lot 2. The monument signs are to be 10' above grade. A 8' high sign on a 2' tall masonry base. A maximum of 80 s.f. of sign face per side is allowed. The pylon and monument sign bases and supports are to be of masonry materials (brick, decorative CMU, stone or stucco) to match the primary buildings, be consistent, and to compliment each other. Sign faces shall be colored translucent plastic. Signs are to be internally lit. City staff to approve indiVidual sign faces for color and content. Signage throughout the development shall be consistent in size, location, heights, materials and illumination. Wall signs shall be as permitted below. Maximum Percentage of Wall Wall Area in Square Feet Total Square Footage of Signs 15% 0-600 90 13% 601-1,200 156 11% 1,201-1,800 198 9% 1,801-2,400 216 7% 2,401-3,200 224 5% 3,201-4,500 230 3% 4,500+ 240 . , o . , signs shall require a separate sign permit. ihting lighting throughout the development shall be consistent. Access roadways to be lit ;omparable to the existing lighting on West 78th Street. A uniform average of up to 7 ;andles is to be provided throughout the developed areas. Up to 70 footcandles be used below canopies and drive thrus. Canopy and drive thru lights must be ;sed. area lighting to be shoe box fixtures with metal halide lamps. Iht poles to be consistent throughout the development, square, prefinished, 30' um to the highest point. I site lighting must be shielded to prevent any off site spillage and glare. A maximum )f 1 to 2 footcandles are allowed along the property lines at Highway 5 and West 78th (G:\2001\ _crc\correspondence\dds.wpd) Exhibit A That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23, and that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, which lies southeasterly of County Road No. 117 (also known as Galpin Lake Road, and shown as Galpin Boulevard in Parcel 216B of Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. 10-14 recorded as Document No. 279658); northerly of State Trunk Highway No. 5 (Shown as Trunk Highway No. 5 in Parcel 216B of Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. 10-14 recorded as Document No. 279658); and Southwesterly and Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the West Qu'arter Comer of said Section 10; thence on an assumed beating of South 01 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds East along the west line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1213.40 feet; thence North 88 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 1190.41 feet to a point on a 3452.34 foot radius curve, the center of circle of said curve bears North 79 degrees 30 minutes 09 seconds West from said point; thence Southwesterly along said curve, a distance of 383.79 feet, central angle 6 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds; thence South 71 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 301.07 feet; thence South 18 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 466.33 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 65 degrees 12 minutes 03 seconds West a distance of 309.00 feet; thence along the last described line South 65 degrees 12 minutes 03 seconds East, through the point of beginning a distance of 715.27 feet; thence South 27 degrees 55 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 506.30 feet to the south line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 10; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 05 seconds East, a distance of 63.86 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of said Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 5, where said line terminates. GALPIN .. . ~I! Il II il ~l [[l?~[~il~[~ SITE PLAN i' ~- ~ Ii tilt ~t I I-~ ;[~,l ILl : I~ b']':i'l /~ONvENIENcE sTORE 1787H STRE /c~,s~ ,.N:~SO~. . . CITYOF CHANHASSEI 690 CiO' Ce,ter Drive ?0 Box 147 5/3anhasse,, Mi,,esota Phone 952. 937.1900 General £ax 952.937.5739 E, gi, eeri,g Department 952.937.9152 952.934.2524 Web Site WWltA £i. t~]~dIl/.ld.cSeIl. ~]lll. 17 MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Generous, Senior Planner FROM: Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal DATE: December 27, 2001 SUBJECT: Request for a conditional use permit to develop within the Bluff Creek Overlay District concept and preliminary plan unit development (PUD) approval to re-zone property from agricultural estate to planned unit development for a neighborhood business, subdivision to create two lots and two outlots on 8.52 acres and site plan review for a 3,960 square foot convenience store and a 2,873 square foot car wash for property located at the northeast comer of Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard, Galpin Business Park, WCL Associates. Planning Case: 2002-1 CUP, 2002-1 PUD and 2002-1 Site Plan I have reviewed the site plan for the above project. In order to comPly with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division, I have the following fire code or city ordinance/policy requirements. The site plan was based on the available information supplied at this time. If additional plans or changes are submitted, the appropriate code or policy items will be addressed. 1. The building is required to be fire sprinklered in accordance with NFPA 13. 2. A PIV will be required for the convenience store. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location. , "No parking fire lane" signs are required as well as curbing to be painted yellow. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of signs as well as curbing to be painted yellow. , The fire hydrant located on the northwest comer of the property will be required to be moved easterly approximately 20 feet. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact re- location. o Location of the fire department sprinkler connection on the convenience store will be required to be located on the west side of the building. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location. Gt¥ of Chanhassen. A 'owi, e co,mm,in, with clean/akes, aua/in, schooh, a &a',~ni,.~ dow,town, thrivin¢ businesses, and beautihd oarks. A creat o/ace to live, work. and olay. Mr. Robert Generous December 27, 2001 Page 2 , , . 10. A 10-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, Cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division regarding premise identification. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy # 29-1992. Comply with water service installation policy for commercial and industrial buildings. Pursuant to Inspection Division Water Service Installation Policy #34-1993. Copy enclosed. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy concerning maximum allowed size of domestic water on a combination domestic/fire sprinkler supply line. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy #36-1994. Copy enclosed. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire department/Fire Prevention Division Policy regarding notes to be included on all site plans. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy #4-1991. g:\safety~nl\plrev2002-1 CITYOF Ct gS E I 0 City CenterDrive, :147 5hanhassen, Minnesota 17 Phone 612.93Z I900 General Fax 612. ?ngineering Fax ublic Safety Fax 612.934.5 Web www. d. chanhassen, m us WATER SERVICE INSTALLATION POLICY FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 1) The Inspections Division shall be responsible for issuance of permits No permit shall be issued until approval of plans have been obtained from the following: a) Engineering Department b) Fire Marshal -. c) Minnesota Department of Health -'. :: .: d) Plumbing Inspector ' . 2) Mechanical inspectors will do all installation inspections and witness the hydrostatic and conductivity tests. Call 937-1900 eXt. 31 to schedule an. inspection. · . ~. . . Inspection and Test ReqUirements ' - - - _ - - ' ' a) All pipes shall be inspected before being covered, phOne 937-1900, ext. 31 to schedule inspectionsl A 24 hour notice is required. - .:-. b) COnductivity test is required. The pipe shall be subjected to' ' --- - minimum 350 amp test for a period of not less than 5 minutes. . c) Hydrostatic test required. All pipe shall be subjected to a -'..- . hydrostatic pressure of 150 PSI for 2 hours. Allowable pressure drop shall not exceed 1 PSI. . d) Pipe shall not be run under buildings - NFPA 24, 8-3.1 ~ · ~ .-. . . . - Inspections Division '.. :-" - .... -_ i~ - -'Water Service Installation . . r.!.._. :..:_- ';'.i-: -Policy#34-1993' ~ ' _ '- --':'." "- _ --'-i"-::-'!:-~Date: 04/t5/93 - · '-'- ': ::-:7~ :;:.'-_-."/''- 3) Upon approval of the hydro test, the plumbing inspector shall submit a copy of the inspection report to the utility superintendent° The inspection report shall note whether the system is ready for main flush and drawing of water sample for the bug test. 4) Water main flushing shall be witnessed by the utility superintendent. a) Watermain flushing may be scheduled by contacting the utility superintendent at 474-2086. A 24 hour notice is required. b) The utility superintendent shall obtain a water sample for a bacteria test after the main flush and deliver to a testing company. The contractor shall be responsible for testing costs. Allow two weeks for testing results to be returned to the City. c) Upon receiving approval of'the water sample test, the utility superintendent shall submit a copy to each plumbing inspector and turn water on to the tested and approved sections of the piping. 5) An additional supervised flush and flow test will be required and witnessed by the Fire Marshal for services supplying fire suppression systems. The flush and flow test shall be performed in accordance with 1991 edition of NFPA 13, Sec. 8-2.1. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal at 937-1900 ext. 132. 6) Watermain installations shall comply with: a) Minnesota Plumbing Code, Chapter 4715 b) Chanhassen Engineering Department, Watermain Specifications c) National Fire Protection Association, Chapter 24 7) Only authorized city employees are permitted to operate city water control valves. For water turn on or off contact the utility superintendent by phone 474-2086. A 24 hour notice is required. A~pproved- Building Off~'al Appfov d~,l~e Marshal Inspections Division Water Service Installation Policy #34-1993 Date: 04/15/93 Revised: 04/17/96 Page 2 of 2 ~ City CenterDrive, 147' 7hanhassen, t7 ]>hone 612.93Z I900 General Fax 612. yneering ublic Safe(y.Fax 612.934.: ~b www. ci. chanhassen, ml us o o , o o . CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES TO BE INCLUDED ON ALL SITE PLANS Fire Marshal must witness the flushing of underground sprinkler service line, per NFPA 13-8-2.1. A final inspection by the Fire Marshal before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Fire Department access roads shall be provided on site during all phases of construction. The construction of these temporary roads will conform with the Chanhassen Fire Department requirements for temporary access roads at construction sites. Details are available. .... Onsite fire hydrants shall be provided and in operating condition during all phases of cdristruction.' The use of liquefied petroleum g~ shalI be in conformance with NFPA Standard 58 and the Minnesota Uniform Fire COde, A list of- these requirements is available. (See policy #33-1993) All fire dete6tionand fire suppression sysiems shall be monitoi~e~ by an'approved UL central station with a UL 72 Certificate issued on these systems before final occupancy is issued. '-" '.: - -': , ' - An 11" x '14" As Built shall be provided to the Fire Department..The As Built shall be reproducible and acceptable to the Fire Marshal.':' (See policy #07-1991), ' - .... ..' .. . "~ ' '--: Chanhassen Fire Department ' --: - -' :~.'-:~-.:' -._':. :-'-:-:-- : _- - - _. Fire Prevention "' . -~. :"--'.".-'::)i ::i .':'_:_.::i. -:'--" Policy#04-199i' .::- ": i-- _-.:.c.'.-. · --. - - Date: 11/22/91 : :_- ..--:-.: i:"..i- Revised: 06/05/98 _'i~. .'. _':"_'_-.-':-.': .- ' Page 1 of 2 "' ..:: - ._ :~'..-.. - :. - , An ,approved lock box shall be provided on the building for frre department use. The lock box should be located by the Fire Department connection or as located by the Fire Marshal. , 10. 11. High-piled combustible storage shall comp_!y_l with the requirements o._f Article #81 o._f .the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code. High-piled combustible storage is combustible materials on closely packed piles more than 15' in height or combustible materials on pallets or in racks more than 12' in height. For certain special-hazard commodities such as rubber tires, plastics, some flammable liquids, idle pallets, etc. the critical pile height may be as low as 6 feet. Fire lane signage shall be provided as required by the Fire Marshal. (See policy #06-1991). Maximum allowed size of domestic water service on a combination domestic/fire sprinkler supply line policy must be followed. (See policy #36-1994). Approved Pubhc Safety Director Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #04-1991 Date: 11/22/91 Revised: 06/05/98 Page 2 of 2 C OF/ CHANHASS I ' :90 G~y Center Drive, Chanhaxsen, Minnesota. ~17 Phone 612. General Fax 612.93Z Engineering £ax 612.93 .9152 Public Safety Fax ~2524 Web CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY MAXIMUM ALLOWED SIZE OF DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE ON A COMBINATION DOMESTIC/FIRE SPRINKLER SUPPLY LINE 1. Domestic water line shall not be greater than ¼ pipe size of'the combination service water supply line. 2. 1 ½" domestic off 6" line. 3. 2" domestic off 8" line .... . .... 4. 2 ½ domestic off 10" line. -..._'-' . . --. . : . Option 1' . ~- .>-i '-' Domestic sizes may be increased if it can 'be calculated hydraulically that the demand by all domestic fixtures will not drop the.flre sprinkler water below its minimum gallonage required., - . :. _ . - - Option 2: - '' - :-' ' · -'-~" :-'-" Combination domestic and fire line service shall have an electric solenoid valve installed on the domestic side of the service. This"- . :--. valve shall be normally powered open and close on loss of electric ":-.- power or signal from the system water flow' indicator. .- _ Must be approved by the ChanhasSen Fire Marshal and Chanhassen Mechanical Inspector. . - - _ ' :J//~ ...~// //e - ' Chanhassen Fire Department' ..~1~./.~ //(/66/'6/k.. ' . Water Line Sizing ': ApproVed2Bui~dlng Official _ _: ':...i_ Policy#36-1994.- - ' -~. i .. -~_' _-:-.. 'Date: 06/10/94 . ..._ :.. _:' : - ~-:i~-.:. : 'ReviSed: 1:1/24/99':-::_ . ' .-:::' !' '-:-:-". ::: 5-~ !__--:'ii:':---i.:-.i:i'Page!-ofi'' -<;": ..... -i:" ' " "-" - > : : :': _.'." ,'-:: .i:?: ::::,:,i.::;' : App(o~arshal. "-.-:.i-.:.:',: .:-.-:':...-.: :':'i..::- · C OF 690 City Ce,ter Drive, PO Box I47 Chanhasse,, Min,esota 55317 2ho,e 612.937.1900 Ge,eral Fax 612.937,5739 E, gi, eeri,g tax 612.937,9152 .Public Sa)o, Fa.,: 612.934.2524 II~b wwu:ci, cha,hasse,.mn.us CHANHASSEN FIRE DEPARTMENT POI,ICy PREMISES IDENTIFICATION Numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. Size and location of numbers shall be approved by one of the following - Fire Marshal, Fire Inspector, Building Official, Building Inspector. Requirements are for new construction and existing buildings where no address numbers are posted. O/her Req firement~ - General Numbers shall be a contrasting color from the background. Numbers shall not be in script. If a structure is not visible from the street, additional numbers are required at the driveway entrance. Size and location must be approved. Numbers on mail box at driveway entrance ma)' be a minimum of 4". However, requirement #3 must still be met. 5. Administrative authority may require additional numbers if deemed necessary. Residential Req.irement~ (2 nr le~ dwelling Unit) 1. Minimum height shall be $ inches. 2. Building permits will not be finaled unless numbers are posted and approved by the Building Department. Commercial Req.irements 1. Minimum height shall be 12". Multi-Tenant Buildings a. Building address range, minimum height of 12 inches. b. Address numbers required on all tenant doors, Minimum height of 6 inches. If address numbers are located on a director)' entry sign, additional numbers will be required on the buildings main entrance. 4. Signage on overhead/deliveD' doors will also be required. Appr~ed- Building Official- ' C/( ., App ~~ Marshal Chanhassen Fire Department Fire Prevention Policy #29-1992 Date: 06/15/92 Revised: 4/12/00 Page 1 of l PROPOSAL: NOTICE: You a is requesting a Planned Unit De Development plan review for northeast corne~ What Happens request and to the public hearir 1. Staff will give 2. The applican 3. Comments a 4. Public hearin Questions and ( office hours, 8:0 please contact copy to the dep Notice of this NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7700 MARKET BLVD. Galpin Business Park APPLICANT: WCL Associates LOCATION: NE Corner of Hwy. 5 and Galpin Blvd. e invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, WCL Associates, )nditional use permit to develop within the Bluff Creek Overlay District; concept and preliminary ,elopment (PUD) approval to rezone the property from Agricultural Estate to Planned Unit a neighborhood business; subdivision to create two lots and two outlots on 8.52 acres; and site 3,960 sq. ft. convenience store and a 2,873 sq. ft. car wash, for property located at the of Hwy. 5 and Galpin Blvd., Galpin Business Park. the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's )tain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead through the following steps: an overview of the proposed project. will present plans on the project. e received from the public. is closed and the Commission discusses the project. . Imments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, )b 227-1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one rtment in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. )lic hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 3, 2002. I BANEBI 2 CLOVEI 3 CONEF 4 PRIMR( 6 CONE FLO 7 BLUEBONt, 8 CHICORY ~ 9 POPPY DR 10 BLUE SA(;. 11 WATERLE 12 LADY SLII: 13 BUTt'ER 14 BLUESAG 15 WATERLE 16 SNAPDR/ JOHN HENNESSY & DANETTE RENGERS 7305 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 THEODORE A & ANGELA M ELLEFSON 7609 WALNUT CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GARY F & JOYCE E ANDERSON 7650 PRAIRIE FLOWER BL¥ CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LARRY DEAN VANDEVEIRE & BETTY MARGARET VANDEVEIRE 4890 CO RD 10 E CHASKA MN 55318 DAVID K & CHRISTINA J STREETER 7598 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GERALD O & DARLENE A SODERLIi TRUSTEES OF TRUST 7656 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN HENNESSY & ,~.,..,~* DANETTE RENGERS 7305 GALPINB. B~LJCI)"'- ~.~L$IO~ MN 55331 COLSON CONSTRUCTION INC 21470 EXCELSIOR BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 EARLON L MILBRATH & CAROL ANN D MILBRATH 7662 PRAIRIE FLOWER BL¥ CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THEODORE F & MARLENE M BENTZ 7300 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 BLAINE J & KATHY M MICHAEL 7626 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MARY E PETERSON 7670 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 J P'S LINKS INC C/O JOHN PRZYMUS 642 SANTA VERA DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 WALNUT GROVE HOMEOW~_~_._gS ASSiX 2681 LONG LA~- R~L.~ MN 551.13 ELANOR H FOUGNER & MARK G FOUGNER 7676 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FAMILY OF CHRIST LUTH CHURCH 275 EAST LAKE DR PO BOX 388 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MORRIS L & MURIEL N MULLIN 7630 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SUSAN M ERICKSON 2198 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BLUFF CREEK PARTNERS C/O LAND GROUP 123 NORTH 3RD ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55401 DONALD B & JANET L DAHLQUIST 7634 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DENNIS E & ELISSA K ELLEFSON 2194 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 IND SCHOOL DIST 112 & CITY OF CHANHASSEN 11 PEAVEY RD CHASKA MN 55318 PATRICIA K KOHN 7638 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRADLEY A & JODENE B THROD. 2190 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 IND SCHOOL DIST 112 & CITY OF CHANHASSEN 11 PEAVEY RD~.___~ C__~..~ MN 55318 CHARLES B & SHIRLEY A ENGH 7642 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRIAN D & VALERIE G POWELL 2186 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 WALNUT GROVE HOMEOWNERS ASSlX 2681 LONG LAKE RD ROSEVILLE MN 55113 DAVID W & LINDA J HAGGBLOOM 7646 PRAIRIE FLOWER BLV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JEANNE C GILBERTSON 2170 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ~.OBERT R & ~80 MAROPRET ?gAYZATA J SCHULTZ MN 55391 LOUIS C ABELA 2163 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MOLLY L TIFFANY 2096 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ',HARLES E & 162 BANEBERRY '.HANHASSEN S BEHRING W MN 55317 LEE S & DEBORAH RAE BELKA 2159 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STACY A OFTELIE 2092 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 )AVID D & GINA :158 BANEBERR~ 2HANHASSEN 3REG P & JULIE i201 BANEBERRY FREITAG W MN 55317 ~,HILLER W MN 55317 BRADLEY J & JANETTE M WING 2155 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DWAYNE L WALKER 2145 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TODD R & LISA J WAGNER 2088 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KIMBERLY PETROSKA 2084 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 M ;197 BANEBERRY AY W MN 55317 ANNETTE M CIESZKOWSKI 2141 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHARLENE STENDER 2080 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 R & IRANDILYN E :193 BANEBERRY W ;HANHASSEN MN 55317 JUNE M CASEY 2137 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ANGELA MARGARET B OBER 2069 BLUE SAGE LN W CHANHASSEN MN 55317. FRENCH '~189 BANEBERRY W MN 55317 JULIE D WAND 2133 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHRISTOPHER CHARLSON 2063 BLUE SAGE LN W CHANHASSEN MN 55317' I MARUSKi :175 BANEBERRY W MN 55317 HOLLY M RICKERT 2129 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LINDA J YOUNG 2057 BLUE SAGE LN W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 F NEWE 171 BANEBERRY W ',HANHASSEN MN 55317 RICHARD M & MARY V ERVASTI 2125 BANEBERRY WAY W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEVE W & SALLY A CARROLL 2051 BLUE SAGE LN W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 J FRITZ & INA I KUESEL 167 BANEBERRY ~Y W !HANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN H HEMSWORTH 2100 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LAC H TRINH 2050 WATERLEAF LN W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL J HJERMSTAD 2056 WATERLEAF LN W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SCOTT A JOHNSON 7743 LADYSLIPPER LN CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BARBARA C ANDERSON 7724 BLUEBONNET BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SCOTT J & STACY D MISKA 2062 WATERLEAF LN W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOEL W ROBERTSON & JANENE A BROOKS 7731 CONEFLOWER CRV S CHANHASSEN MN 55317 COLLEEN KELLY PUTT 7726 BLUEBONNET BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CONNIE L MUNSON 2068 WATERLEAF PL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES E & JULIE M PERRONE 7729 CONEFLOWER CRV S CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GERHART G TOLLER & LISA L GOODWIN-TOLLER 7728 BLUEBONNET BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHAD B ANVARY 7744 BUTTERCUP CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GLORIA KOUKAL 7727 CONEFLOWER CRV S CHANHASSEN MN 55317 NANCY B GLADES 2101 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JANICE M VANDERZEE 7748 BUTTERCUP CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DANIEL G & MERIDETH K ORVIS 7725 CONEFLOWER CRV S CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RHONDA R HAMMERQUIST 2097 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JENNIFER L WUEBKER 7752 BUTTERCUP CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JULIA C OHMAN 7723 CONEFLOWER CRV S CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JEFFREY R PRESCHER 2093 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRADY A JAMESON 7756 BUTTERCUP CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 NATHAN D PELOWSKI & NICOLE F HEISLER 7721 CONEFLOWER CRV S CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHARLES M MORRIS 2089 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LUIS R & JANET M SAHMKOW 7755 LADYSLIPPER LN CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MATTHEW & EMILY HEDBERG 7718 BLUEBONNET BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KELLY R JEREMIASON & JENNIFER L ALLEN 2085 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BARBARA L JOHNSON 7751 LADYSLIPPER LN CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRANDEE L ARRO 7720 BLUEBONNET BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FIDEL S & YADIRA VILCHIS 2081 BANEBERRY WAY E CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JANET K BEETY 7747 LADYSLIPPER LN CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JACK M GRABER & J PATRICIA ALVAREZ 7722 BLUEBONNET BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KAY E PATERSON 7618 CONEFLOWER CRV S CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STACEY M EGGU 7620 CONEFLOW] CHANHASSEN JILL A PETERS 7622 CONEFLOWt CHANHASSEN ~EFFREY G SILUS ~624 CONEFLOW] ;HANHASSEN RANDY R BLOCH 7626 CONEFLOWt '.HANHASSEN SCOTT D & ANDR 7628 CONEFLOW] CHANHASSEN WALNUT GROVE 268 NLQ~G LAKE ROSEVILEB........~ WALNUT GROVE 3065'GE.~RE POI RO SEVILL-'F~ WALNUT GROVE ).6~II-.LONG LAKE WALNUT GROVE ).681 L"L"ONG LAKt ~,OSEVILLt~'-'~. CRV S MN 55317 R CRV S MN 55317 R CRV S MN 55317 R CRV S MN 55317 iNE M DOCKEN R CRV S MN 55317 ]OMEOWNERS ASSlX tD MN 55113 tOMEOWNERS ASSIK [TE DR N MN 55113 VILLAS ASSN ~D MN 55113 VILLAS ASSN '~DMN 55113 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CIO SCOTT BOTCHER/.,'''~ 690 CITY CE~N~,.R"'IIK) BOX 147 CHAN~N MN 55317 GROVE ~.681 LONG LAKE MN ASSN 55113 CARVER COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Carver County Government Center Administration Building 600 East Fourth Street Chaska, Minnesota 55318-2192 Phone (952) 361-1010 Fax (952) 361-1025 Administration Parks Engineering Highway Maintenance Surveying & Mapping .... ~, ~ "~. ~ ~ {7¥ January 3,2002 To: From: Subject: Robert Generous, Senior Planner - City of Chanhassen Bill Weckman, Assistant County Engineer ~(~D Planned Unit Development Proposal and Request for Rezoning Galpin Business Park (2002-1 CUP, 2002-1 PUD and 2002-1 Site Plan) Following are comments regarding the Galpin Business Park Planned Unit Development proposal and Request for Rezoning transmitted to Carver County by your memorandum dated December 18, 2001. These comments are not all inclusive and further comments and concerns may evolve as this project progresses and changes. Galpin Boulevard in the location of this proposed development is presently on the County road system and is identified as County Road 117. The long term plans for this portion of County Road 117 include a turnback of this roadway to the City of Chanhassen. Initial conversations concerning this potential turnback had begun three or four years ago but have been discontinued at this time. The comments that follow would be our comments concerning this proposal if this roadway is to remain on the County system. . The roadway right of way width needed on this corridor was addressed in the TH 5 reconstruction project (SP 1002-61). . In March 2000 there was a request for an interim use permit on this property allowing for hauling 50,000 cu. yds. of excavation material onto this property. The plan presented as part of this request as developed by Sathre-Berquist Inc. and dated January 14, 2000, indicated that there would be no access directly onto CR 117 (Galpin Boulevard) from this property. Sheets 125 of 407 and 133 of 407 of the TH 5 construction plan developed by Mn/DOT also indicates that there would be no access directly onto CR i17 (Gaipin Boulevard) from this property. Future access to this property was discussed at a meeting held in 2000 regarding this interim use permit request. At that time it was the position of the City of Chanhassen, Mn/DOT, and Carver County that there would be no direct access onto CR 117 from this property. It is our understanding that during the right of way acquisition process this position was changed. Carver County will not issue an access permit for access onto CR 117 without first receiving verification from the City of Chanhassen and/or Mn/DOT that the position has changed regarding access directly onto CR 117 from this property. Carver County also needs to know the conditions for approval of access at this location. We assume the access would be right-in/right-out only. Is the location of the access set? Is a right turn lane required on Galpin Blvd. into the property? Equal Opportunity EmDloyer Printed on 30% Post-Consumer Recycled Paper o . . . public utility lines that are to be installed within the CR 117 right-of-way are subject to :he utility permit requirements of Carver County. proposed grading and installation of drainage structures within the right-of-way of CR 17 is subject to review and approval of Carver County. activities (including the installation of both public and private utilities needed :o serve the development site) that result in any disturbance of the county highway right-of- (including tree removal, trench settlements, erosion, and sediment deposits) need to completed in a manner that leaves the right-of-way in "as good or better condition" than existed prior to construction. It is requested that the city include a provision in the agreement that requires the developer to be ultimately responsible for the final of the county highway right-of-way. A clear understanding of this responsibility will in fewer project oversight problems for both the County and the City. trees or landscaping completed within the right-of-way must be approved by the County. locating shrubs and trees, consideration should be given to maintaining an acceptable ;ight distance along the CR 117 corridor and intersections with other roadways. Any trees shrubs overhanging into the right-of-way could be subject to trimming for safety or utility consideration. Thank com for the opportunity to comment on this proposal. If there are questions regarding these please call me at 952-361-1010. a Harvest W 3 Autumn Ri ge Avenue u r Blvd ,C: bC --. o =' ' kt~'~~ ' BR%NKE R 1~.. WALNUT CUR~ (__/' ! .i BANEB ;, O~l'LO-I~ ,,1 I '-'-.. 967 .Z 967~ N78O41,42,,W -_~ 14-2.00 "'-- q66.5 966.1 967.1 \ !7.33 BANEBE'RRY _ J (~.s) 32.00 __ c~ 18.17 7.33 B AN EE~E"R R Y WAY W. 966.7 18.17 21 B WAY W. ° 2 °'~ 32 3 32. OO o 966.9 18.17 c,,4- 21~,,.I BANI: WAY W. 4 ~' ~.o 52 CANTS L (TYP) . .00 % 96&.2 32,00 ,/,, 960.6 14-2.00 S78o41'42"E 3ZOO 959.5 32.00 INSTALL TYPE / EROSION CONTROL .~:~YIF~C2ATE O~ SU?.VEY PiUO7 TO CO?45ti';UCT~Oi'-~ STAKED HAY BALES MA~ ~E~SZD iN LIEU OF FENCING ',..../ k~ I L_\._/ I ~ 'T AN ES ERR Y WAY N75° )5'55" W 182. W~ /'-~ I 1TI L../',J t L.k../ S W ST } 39.00 26.00 26.00  m 0 · 96q .'8,. ,..: 5 ,._' e~ 18.17~ · 8.33 ~: 2 2~:' 2~ BANEBERRY BANEBERRY WAY WEST WAY WEST ~ 969.0 GF 969.0 BF ~'!.0 I.~ BF' 961.0 26 26 Y I (960.5) o° -~.oo "4 960-1 26.00 8.33 ~: 4 21,.: BANEBERRY WAY WEST 2~ 1(960.5) (960.5)1 J26.00 ~ 26.00L 1(961. J26.00 ,,/. 960 -~ N75° 05'55" W 7. 96'2_.0 96'Z.~ .5 ~6.67 ~. 8.33 217:> ~ ,.- _ .-..- BANEBERRY: WAY WEST WAY Q:'-970.33 f~ '2~ (961.8)1 26.00L ~ ,- 182.00 I..',/, 962.4 LB;END DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT UNDER, ACROSS AND OVER ALL OF OUTLOT B,C AND ! TALL LIGHT :\200~\22~rc\crc_sec.dgn LE.-965 an. 22, 200~ 09:21:06 FLOOR ELE.-967,25 ~BLUFF CREEK=940 ;F-96B Jan-22-02 01:59P Larson Architect 608 784 6599 P.02 Jah-22£o2 )2:ooP Larson Architect < 608 784 6599 n 0 EIDC3 r~ P.03 Jan-22-02 02:01P Larson Architect 608 784 6599 Z Z P..04 Plannin Commission Meeting- January 15, 2002 The applicant will work with staff okay. iak: Regarding runoff. That' s accepted. Sacchel moved, Kind seconded that the Planning Commission approves a 20 foot setback variance from required 40 foot wetland setback for the construction of a four story independent living a at building on Lot 1, Block 1, Villages on the Ponds 7th Addition based on the findings of the report and subject to the following conditions: setback shall be measured from the edge of the wetland. . first 20 feet from the wetland edge shall be established as a "no mow zone". All disturbed ireas within 20 feet of the wetland shall be planted entirely in native wet meadow or native buffer vegetation. The vegetation in this area may not be mowed or otherwise disturbed prior approval from the City. The "no mow zone" shall be signed per the City's wetland ~uffer ordinance. The developer will install wetland buffer edge signs under the direction of city .taft and will pay the City $20 per sign. o developer shall record a conservation easement over the 20 foot "no mow zone". ° drainage and utility easement shall be provided ov, er Wetland 6000. o Two interpretive signs shall be placed along the trail behind the western most building: one near 6000 and one near the proposed stormwater pond on the southern portion of the perry. The interpretive signs shall be permanent and shall explain the functions of wetlands, buffers and stormwater ponds. City staff shall review the content and design of the ~roposed signs pri6r to installation. . applicant will work with staff to enhance landscaping in the wetland area and develop wetland restoration plan. . applicant will work with staff to redirect runoff from the deck. All vot in favor and the motion carried unanimously 6 to 0. (Bruce Feik did not vote on this item) REI HEARING: FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO DEVELOP WITHIN THE BLUFF CREEl OVERLAY DISTRICT; CONCEPT AND PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVE! ,OPMENT (PUD) APPROVAL TO REZONE THE PROPERTY FROM ILTURAL ESTATE TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR A NEIGHBORHOOD B1 AND CAR SUBDIVISION TO CREATE TWO LOTS AND TWO OUTLOTS ON 8.52 ACRES; TE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 3~960 SQ. FT. CONVENIENCE STORE AND A 2~873 SQ. FT. FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HWY 5 AND BOULEVARD~ GALPIN BUSINESS PARK~ WCL ASSOCIATES. 45 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Public Present: Name Address Bradford Fry Erik Fritz Jan Maruska Doris French Jeanne Gilbertson PO Box 2107, LaCrosse, Wisconsin 2167 Baneberry Way West 2175 Baneberry Way West 2189 Baneberry Way West 2170 Baneberry Way West Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Blackowiak: Okay. Questions for Bob. Bruce, we'll start with you. Feik: ...question is related to the proximity of the elementary school, if there's any restrictions on the type of use of the second building and/or products sold. Is there any restriction given it's proximity to the elementary school? Aanenson: No. Our zoning ordinance doesn't address that. Generous' Liquor is the only, probably the only thing. Aanenson: It's a half mile, I don't think that'd be an issue. Feik: That xvas my only question. Blackowiak: Okay. Deb, questions? Kind: Dove-tailing on that, the attractiveness of candy and pop for after school, 5th graders especially that are a little more mobile. The proposed way of getting across our virtual freeway, Highway 5'that's under construction would be the underpass? Generous' Yes, as part of Bluff Creek they're putting an underpass in. Or Highway 5 upgrade. Kind: And then I noticed there's some trail things to get the sidewalks to the site a little bit better. I don't 'know if it was park and rec anymore. Aanenson: Let's show that... Kind: Yeah, that would be helpful. Aanenson: West 78m, the construction of West 78m does have sidewalks and then also the upgrade of Galpin. Kind' Just on the north side though, right? Generous: Right. And then it goes underneath West 78th Street and underneath Highway 5. Kind: Is how to get to the elementary school? 46 Planni~ g Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Kind: the Right. then, so kids would still need to cross, so they would go under West 78t~ Street. Come up on side and then come back across topside. ' Aanen in: Correct. Kind: doesn't seem very likely. Aanen Or going to the possible future date to get a light at Galpin and possibly West 78th at some future ate there may be a signal there too. Be a controlled intersection. Kind: and West 78th probably will be signalized. Aanen Some day it will. Slagle: There's going to be stop signs? Aanem Saam: . Aanen! Yeah, it will be stop signs so you'll have that. light will be at Galpin and 5, not West 78th Street. · Correct. Kind: do you think about that Rich? Slagle: No comment. Kind: I asking questions? Kind: You certainly are. ;hould I just keep going with my questions? Yes, go right ahead. Kind: Bob addressed the movement. It's right-in/right-out. Right-in/right-out. You have to go way if you want to make a left turn. Aanen Kind: ~n: The only turning movement is at this point. reah. I'm thinking you know this is probably a place that I would use, and how would I get there. is: Go east. Kind: transfe problm ust keep going east. The 90percent impervious is really what the PUD is all about. Is the density How did you arrive at that 90percent number? Bob gave me some, I had him do a little math during our first agenda item and would you explain that. 47 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Generous: Well actually I have the developer proposed it but we looked at the potential uses of the property and how much, well they came in with the Kwik Trip so they knew what that was going to be, and then they looked at the potential for the Lot 2 which is a southern one. Well it's in there but if you include all of it they look like they'll come in at 41percent. I did some calculations for you that would be about 65percent. 60percent all total. Kind: So why are we allowing 90percent in our PUD agreement? Generous: Well that's just for Lot 1. I mean it's 80percent for Lot 2. Aanenson: Yeah you're right. Typically what we do is we balance it for the entire site, and that's the application of the PUD in the overlay district is that we get that conservation easement on the north side. They get to use it for impervious surface so it might be better just to say we run a check and balance on the entire that they don't exceed it for including outlot or the conservation area. Kind: Right. And what would that number be? Aanenson: ...neighborhood district which is generally 65percent for neighborhood business. Generous:Which is the 135,000 square feet. Aanenson: So you could run it both ways. For the individual lot or we can maintain the balance and that's what we indicated to them that Outlot B can be used towards their impervious. Right. Kind: Even though Outlot B is on the north side and there's road right-of-way there. How much of that is really buildable? Aanenson: Well in deference to them, the underlying property owner, since I testified for the State in this piece, it does have value to it and the value to the city is'that it's next to the creek. We have a nice trail amenity. If you do let your daughter ride her bike over there someday and you can get a piece of candy and walk along or have benches there, it's a nice, it's part of what we're, trying to create. Those nice urban features with the Bluff Creek corridor. And I think people in the Walnut Grove neighborhood or even further down in Long Acres, it's a nice walking. To take the dog and walk down and there's some other, whether it's a professional office or whatever else goes in that other parcel, it's going to be a nice amenity. And that's what we got with the Bluff Creek Overlay District. And the tool that we have to use to accomplish that is the PUD. So while the West 78th severed his property in such that it made it tougher to develop with the Bluff Creek. It gives us an opportunity to acquire a piece of property without having to you 'know, outright take ownership of it. We get it in a different tool so it's beneficial to them and also beneficial to the City. Kind: Well the landowner was compensated for MnDot coming through. Aanenson: Yes, he was. For the road right-of-way, but the position that the city took, myself specifically is that we would look at this property as giving him the impervious credit for that. We asked that they not sell it off, because that was their option to try to sell it off. So we wanted to maintain that integrity so we could, we would work with them when they came in for a project. And I think that's, as we're seeing more of these come through the process, this is a little bit different spin on the PUD and the overlay district. We're starting to see more of those as development is occurring along the corridor. 48 Planni g Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Kind: not a in the staff report on page 3 you talk about the use of chainlink gates on the west elevation is Where do you think is the best place to handle that as far as conditions go? In the PUD where Kind: You can put it in both the PUD agreement and specifically on the site plan. Because that's are proposing a chainlink fence. want to see if I've got a note there on the site plan. Do you know where the site plan starts? Sacch~ 27. Kind: hank you. Okay, I do have a note there too so, I just wasn't sure where that made the most sense to be. how big is the pylon signage on the rendering? Kind: They're at 20 feet tall, 16 feet wide. we're limiting them to? The 20 feet is... Kind: what do we normally allow for business neighborhood for sign square footage? 60, well for business are you talking? Aanem It's less than that. I can't remember if it's 24 or 60. Kind: sorry. Aanem ~n: That's alright. That's why I have it here. Kind: I1 bet it's 64 because that's what you put in here. Kind: Well that's our general commercial. BH. BG. the monument sign are normally 24 square feet but we're going to allow them 64? My is that I don't want it to be real commercially looking right there. is: Right, and their request is 80 square feet. 64 is our general commercial district. Kind: ;ize? Yeah. Kind: z. But this isn't a commercial district. 49 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Aanenson: Yes. It's neighborhood. What our goal was, in making it, the design standards compatible in scale to a residential neighborhood. Height and all that. Kind: What was the answer? Aanenson: You don't get a 20 foot sign in a neighborhood district. Generous: You get a 5 foot. Aanenson: You get a pylon sign. Generous: A monument. Kind: No monument? Generous: You get a 5 foot monument. Kind: That's it? Generous: That's it. Kind: No pylon? Aanenson: Correct. Kind: So the proposed PUD says that they get a 20 foot pylon. Generous: The development, yes. Kind: For this so .... they would share it. Aanenson: For both lots. Kind: Okay, well I'll reserve my con-unents about that until later. This is the questioning part. Lighting. 7 foot candles. I don't know what that means. 70 foot candles. Is this really bright? Up to 70 foot candles may be used below canopies and drive thru's. How is that going to be for the townhome neighbors? Is that going to be a beacon? Generous: Well it's under the 20 foot canopy straight down. You have the building. Claybaugh: They've got their calculations on one of the sheets here. On E-1 they got the foot candle dispersement rate. Kind: Well would it have to be that bright? I'm going to defer to somebody who knows what, for safety reasons what's good but not super bright, because this is in a neighborhood kind of thing so, I wonder about that. Oh Bob, I'm sorry. I don't know how dose attention I was paying to when you went over this. Did you talk about additional landscaping on the north side as an idea for how you could break it, that wall that faces West 78th Street? 50 Planni tg Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Kind: Kind: of We're requesting as part of the site plan that they revise the landscaping plans. y to the north side? The north elevation. The elevation that faces West 78th Street. I don't know that we made that specific comment, no. I'm just thinking about how to beautify that elevation a little bit. That's it for my questions Okay, Craig. Questions of staff? Clayb~ lgh: Yes, on page 5. Under ancillary approved uses. Telecommunication antennas...any size restricl ons or? Under our telecommunication ordinance they have restrictions. So much above building height. Cla, ~gh: Okay. Do you happen to know off hand what those may be? B While she's looking for that Craig, do you have any other questions? Cla~ tgh: With respect to the Holiday station at one of town here...what was the foot candle of the canopy...? is: It was in the 60's. Low 60's I believe. It's very similar. Clayb~ tgh: And was that metal halide or was that a sodium? is: Metal halide. Cia, .gh: That's all I have. Blacko' Okay Kate, have you? )n: 15 feet above. And it may go up to 25 feet if the City Council approves it based on a demom :ration that positioning and whatever way it works. Otherwise it's 15 feet above the existing, if it's :hed to the building. Blacko ~iak: Okay, I'm sorry. Let's start over. So you've got the building and then 15 feet above that could an antenna. n: If it's attached to the building. Blacko~ ~iak: If it's attached to the building. Okay. Or 25 feet at the discretion of the council. ~n: Correct, if it's demonstrated that it's, the positioning and the screening works that they could go BIacko~ 'iak: Okay. What if it's not attached to the building? Can it be freestanding? 51 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Aanenson' If you want it, through that PUD allow it to be in there, it could go up to 80 feet then. Claybaugh: What control do we have over that? Aanenson: It's a PUD. You can put in what you do or don't want in there. You can write whatever you want. If you don't want that part in there. Sidney: Remove it. Kind: But in the past we've run into problems restricting where, especially cell phone antennas can go due to federal law. Generous: You could add a conditional use if you wanted to look at it. Claybaugh: I just wanted, I'm not looking at blanket coverage but some kind of control over something going in there that's a. Generous: You could put a maximum height in here. Claybaugh: ...for cell phone towers. Aanenson' Yeah, well you have to have a certain lot size too. Minimum lot size and... If you want to make it a conditional use, that'd be one way or limit the height. That'd be another one. Blackowiak: Could we totally strike it? Aanenson: You could do that too. Kind' I'm liking that idea. Blackowiak: Okay. Alright, questions? Uli. Sacchet: Yes I do have, unfortunately a few questions so, but they shrunk quite a bit. On Page 5, we say no private clubs, lodges. We struck out community centers. We don't like hotels, motels with canopy drive thru's. We don't want showroom display areas and we don't want storage areas. What's the rationale? Generous: Well partially this is a neighborhood use. We're trying to confine this to uses that would be appropriate on that comer. Sacchet: And we think that would not be compatible quite with the neighborhood? Generous: Well a hotel on that comer, I'm not sure that's. Aanenson: If you look at the comprehensive plan, the definition of neighborhood use it says it meets the daily needs of the residents so that would be something in the neighborhood that they would use. Whether it's a dentist office or a gas station. 52 Plann! Ig Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Sacch t: Okay, that's a good answer. On the next page, page 6. The hard surface lot coverage will be limite, to maximum of 65 percent. But then we go into the table and document that they actually can go up to percent so why don't we say 41 instead of 65? What's the 65 for? Gene~ is: 65 is based on the neighborhood business. Sacch t: That will be the standard but in this PUD it's really 41 percent. Well on this, yes. So it's really just one in the same, it might as well be 41 consistently. On page 8. ;on: I just, I'm not sure, I have to confer with Bob why he put the 41 percent because I think if we're r, oing to say we're going to average the PUD and keep the Outlot B and make it 65 percent. Sacch t: It's 65 with that outlot B, is that what's 65? .us: It was A and B. That would be, the 41 percent includes both outlots and then the two lots. Sacch t: You lost me. It must be too late. .us: It's like averaging the entire site but they take the impervious surface for Outlot 1, impervious surfac~ for Lot B. Or Lot 2. Impervious surface on Outlot A, and impervious surface on Outlot B. Sacch~ t: Okay, between all four lots it's 41 percent. And the 65 percent applies to what then? .us: Well that was just taken from the neighborhood business. Sacch t: So it really doesn't apply in this particular, specific context. It's all general. ,us: As part of that table. Sacch~ t: Okay, I understood that before. On page 8. Kind: ..41. Or we're not discussing yet, never mind.' Sacch :: We're asking questions. Kind: sorry. Sacch t: Trying to. Page 8. On number (f). The drive thru shall not be located on the street elevation of a buih lng. Well there are street elevations of 3 sides, or which ones are the street elevations? ~us: Well for Lot 2, it has Galpin Boulevard and Highway 5. Lot 1 has Galpin and West 78th. Sacch~ t: Okay. On page 10, number (e). A portion of the canopy may be moved. And you struck out up to A portion. Between 1 and 99 percent or? is: That would be at the discretion of the city. 53 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Sacchet: So they would, actually the city would get to see it. It sounds like we give them 1 to 99 percent? Generous: No. We'd have to approve subject to city approval. Sacchet: Subject, alright. Thank you. Letter (h). Lot 1, Outlot A and Outlot B are to be completed simultaneously. I don't know whether it escaped or it was hiding but is there a condition for that in the proposed motion? Generous: Follow the design standards. It's indirectly because they have to comply with the design standards and the design standards say you have to plan for... Sacchet: If we wanted to be explicit, where would we add this? To the site plan? Generous: No, because that only covers Lot 1. It would have to be a part of the subdivision. Sacchet: The subdivision. That would be 32. Okay. Let's see whether I got many more. I believe, oh yeah. Here's one more. Oh, page number? 16. 16. Streets and parking lot. Not that it talks about my question. Actually my question is what it doesn't talk about. Just want to confirm, all these roads are two way roads? Like we have these two that go to 78th, they're both two way? There's no one way? Everything is two way? Generous: Right. Sacchet: Okay. And you already touched on how that traffic would flow. Okay, that's my questions. Thank you. Blackowiak: Thank you. LuAnn. Sidney: Maybe just a couple comments. Deb touched on this and I guess one concern if we're attracting more pedestrian traffic to this particular site, I guess I would like to see care being taken in terms of signage and just public safety. Safety aspects of people riding their bikes and crossing Galpin. I know sometimes people just come flying down that hill towards Highway 5 and they're not obeying the speed limit and I just worry about the crosswalk traffic and that type of thing. Claybaugh: ...development that's happening up on 41...put a lot more pressure on Galpin as well. Sidney: Right. Yeah, that's true. So that leads me to thinking more about traffic patterns and traffic in and out of this particular site and changes on 5 are going to impact that. So I don't have any real questions but maybe just more comments. Blackowiak: Okay, thanks. Rich. Slagle: I have a couple questions and one con-unent, dove-tailing on what Commissioner, actually 3 of them have mentioned and that is the traffic patterns and I've had discussions with Matt before and this is not the applicant's issue but I raise it with the commission tonight. That West 78th will be busier than we think it will be, and with a stop sign at Galpin and West 78th, I don't know if all of you realize there is no right hand turn lane. As I noticed the median in the middle of West 78t~, for those taking a left to go to 54 Planni g Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 the scl or to the community center or what have you, it's going to be very backed up at that point. I don't that because I live off Galpin. I'm just saying at some point soon that will be an issue. What I have ~ uestion for staff is, getting back to Commissioner Kind's thought on how someone would traffic from school or the community center to this now attraction. At one point I thought it would be busine: ses, you know office buildings and what not. I didn't even think about that but you literally will have go under the tunnel, go under West 78th, arrive on the other side, have to go all the way to the because my fear is if we have this map, is we're going to see kids coming across right at that first eas~ driveway into the building, and it doesn't make sense. So my question is to staff is, can we take this 1. Maybe it's a question for Mr. Hoffman, but take this trail and wind it around this way so it conne~ :s up here. So it literally circles the property and that way people could access it here easily we will start to force kids to cross Highway 5, and that is absolutely the wrong thing to do. I mean here b that I going resolv that with all sincerity and so it's very nice that we're thinking of the neighborhood concept I think we're actually putting an attraction in the middle of one very busy road and two, a road n't believe we all, I don't want to speak for others but I don't think lots of people think that it's be as busy as it will be. And that is my major concern and I have to be honest, unless I see that whatever the application is, I don't think I could approve it personally. Bla Okay. Thank you. I've got several questions now and I'm getting more every minute. So is it a tnnel all the way from south side of Highway 5 to West 78th? I mean you never come up? It opens up. they It does? Two times, okay. So then, okay. So why do they have to come back? Why do to go back under West 78th? Slagle: You could actually take the trail and extend it on the south side of West 78th and connect down into of the tunnels. I mean you could. I don't know what the contour of that hill is, because if this is the pic ire. You enter the tunnel at the northeast corner of the field. Oh okay. But I'm thinking what, okay there's no tunnel, I thought there was going to be a tunnel Galpin and Highway 5 as well. Kind: ly the church. It's between the school and the church. Black~ Okay, well I know where that one is but I thought there was another one. Okay. Saam: s an at grade crossing at Highway 5. Oooh. Well that changes everything. Okay. I have a few questions then. Development standm ts, page 7. Material and details. (c)(2). Block shall be used as a base material. What kind of a percenl ige or maximum height can we put in there? Because they could claim their base is half the :. I mean. is:: 15% is the maximum... this there. going t So not to exceed 15%? That would be, okay. Alrighty. Page 12. Lighting and actually goes to another topic I didn't see addressed, loud speakers. I don't want any loud speakers don't want them saying pump 2, you can go. I mean what can we do? I worry that that sound is carry. Well I'm worried about the neighbors that live, specifically above and that leads to my 55 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 next question is what is the elevation of the neighborhood immediately adjacent, so the southern most or the southwestern most Walnut Grove residences and the convenience store? I mean what kind of elevation change are we looking at? How much higher? Saam: I'm not sure how much higher. I'd have to look at some plans. I know they're higher though. Walnut Grove is. Generous: It comes into like the second level out there. Saam: I don't have that information in front of me. Blackowiak: Okay. 30-40 feet? I mean I guess I'm not a real good. Saam: I don't know if it would be that much. Blackowiak: Not that much? Saam: 10 probably at least. Aanenson: 10 to 15. Blackowiak: 10-15 okay. Slagle: To the north you would have that. To the south you will actually be, those folks I believe will be lower. Southwest of... Kind: Autumn Ridge? Slagle: Yeah. Blackowiak: Yeah. No, I was just thinking of the southwestern portion of. The ones that would be over it more or less. Slagle: Southwest. Blackowiak: Yeah, oh I meant southwest of Walnut Grove. Southwest of the northeast corner, if that makes sense. I know that's why we're on two different things. Okay. Loud speakers, I don't want them or we need to do something to make sure that that's not going to be an issue for the people in the neighborhood. Streets and parking lots, page 16. I didn't hear anything about trip generation. Why don't we see trip generation numbers on this? Trip generation numbers? Generous: I didn't do those calculations. It was guided for commercial. Saam: Yeah, we did get a traffic report from them when we had earlier discussions with them about a year ago. They wanted to open up the median on West 78th Street approximately where their western most driveway is, which is now a right-in/right-out only. They wanted to have a full access around in that location so that's the only time we ever saw a traffic study done there. Like Bob said, it's guided for that and we don't see a problem with the traffic. 56 Plann Black Aanel and w were t down ag Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 .wiak: So you don't feel a need for us to look at those numbers? You're comfortable or? ;on: Well we used that original study to look at whether or not there'd be a break in the median decided at that time no, that we didn't want the break in the median. To keep that, as you guys lking about before, on West 784, so you're not crossing into that lane. You're forcing it further o you can have stacking. BI. Okay. And as Rich talked about before, that right turn. I mean has the city given any thougl to a right turn lane off of West 78th going north onto Galpin? Saam: Going north onto Galpin. Clayb~ ugh: I recently acquired some new land there. Saam: Yeah, I guess we almost...could possibly look at that now. tOO wiak: I'm just thinking that we need to maybe be proactive and take a look at this before it goes farther. Saam: Sure. I don't know if that would be a part of this project. To me that sounds like a city project. A sepl one. wiak: Right. I mean I'm just, I'm looking, trying to look big picture here. Saam: Sure. We haven't looked specifically at doing that yet. Rich has called me on that. When West 78th St was being designed, apparently they looked at the traffic data and didn't warrant a right turn lane Black wiak: Okay. Alright, well I think all our questions are asked for now. This item is open. Oh I'm sorry, o ahead. Sla Just one quick question. Black Go ahead. Sla Using this map, you know Matt that road that comes down through the condos or townhomes that's tow stubbed at West 78th, will that be an intersection? Saam: Yep. That will connect to West 78th Street. Sla Are you assuming within months? ;on: I would assume by the time that project... Saam: Yeah, when the project's done, yep. Right now there's just barriers there. Uli. 57 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Sacchet: Quick question. You attached a letter from the public works department, Carver County, and they had a concern about accessing directly to Galpin. Was that concern resolved? Saam: I, myself haven't talked with them yet. We don't see it as a big issue. I believe it's something we can work out with the County. I think the County wanted either a letter from us or a letter from MnDot saying that we were okay with it, and then basically they were going to be okay with that so. Sacchet: Okay thank you, that answers it. Blackowiak: Okay, and I'm sorry. I have one more question. The first building Kwik Trip, what is the approximate height of the building? How many feet because I believe it's 40 feet maximum? Generous: 28 feet. Blackowiak: 28 feet. Has there been any thought given to, if we've got a 28 foot building in back, do we want a 40 foot building in front of it? Or do we want to in any way limit the height of the potential building on Lot 2? Aanenson: Well we gave a lot of discussion on looking at this piece. Gas station...number of people of looking at this over the last year, looking at the Highway 5 design standards and the like, I guess it was the staffs opinion that if you put this use right on 5, it has a completely different feel as opposed to an office building or restaurant or bank or something like that .... it will be either strip retail office, or institutional type use. We felt a gas station on the back, being screened by that and because we're putting that buffer on the other side, which had some security and some other issues but with the buffering that we felt that aesthetically that seemed to make the best use as you're doing that view down the road from Highway 5. Blackowiak: Alright, thanks. Well, this item is open for a public hearing so if anybody would like to comment on this item, please come to the microphone and state your name and address for the record. Oh I'm sorry, you ~know what? I forgot the applicant. Do we have an applicant here? Paul Anderson: Yes. Blackowiak: Oh I'm so sorry. I saw all these guys sitting over here before and then they left and I thought well maybe it got too late for them. It's getting too late for me I guess. You just looked so friendly, you'd fit right in you ~know. Paul Anderson: Good evening Madam Chairman. I'm trying to wake up here, excuse me. My name is Paul Anderson. I'm with WCL Architects. We're the architectural firm on the project. Just to introduce a couple other gentlemen with us. Chuck Sameluk is representing the developer and Brad Fry is representing Kwik Trip in back so you know if we've got specific questions or whatever, I can kind of direct that at the varying people up here. I guess we didn't really want to do much of a presentation up here. I don't know, if there are specific things, try and get to us but it's getting pretty late and I'll just try to keep it short, if that's alright on your end. Our intent was to just to come in. We've been through all of the staff report and we've been working with Bob on this thing for, well I think we started, there was snow on the ground last winter when we started this thing so it's been around for a while and we've been just kind of kicking this thing back and forth and trying to work with what our developer would like to see here, and then also with what the city would like to see here, and we think we've come to a pretty 58 Plannin nice co~ all of th clarify. and to 12 that. I are. If 78th stand' foot If you'll that's Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 >romise. Our intent tonight was pretty much just to kind of come in and we're comfortable with .,findings that we've got in here. There was a couple 3 issues that we'd just kind of like to But I thought maybe before we got into that, might try, you had some different questions here the first ones were the kind of the site coverage, the hard surface coverage. I don't have a ~er on the Kwik Trip, you know the overall site. What we've got written in the PUD is up square feet for building. Currently what we're proposing is 6,800 square feet. A little over n't give you a total percentage on there but we're coming in quite a bit under what those overall take out, and use as kind of an example. If we take out lot, Outlot B which is the land across I think we came up with 46 percent total coverage on the 3 remaining lots so from our I think we're pretty well under what your normal standards call for. There was an issue on ties under the canopy and if you look at the drawing, that is specifically underneath the canopy. ust see, look at what we've got here. The highest number I actually see is 66.3. Those are, point. That's a point on the ground from one light that's directly above. I can't tell you what the aver ge is underneath that. I'm guessing that's about 45-50 foot candles, which isn't that much than probably the area that I'm standing now right here. It kind of gets down to being able to see you're doing, one as the customer. Two, also for the people inside. They need to kind of keep an eye who's doing what out there. You know if somebody's.., getting ready to run, whatever. Aanen,, n: Can I just add one other thing to that too. And that's what we looked at when we put this buildin together, and Bob talked aboUt the orientation towards West 78th and to break-up the building. The )py is between the building and the neighbor's and we worked hard on that and again, the gas station, )eing on that comer, when you don't have the full egress which you talked about, right-in/right- out, it's as efficient to get people in and out. You'd be going through whatever that other use is, whethm it's a bank or whatever, so the efficiency works there. And then we looked at, and Bob worked with to get the canopy inbetween those two uses so again, even though that's the brighter point, that should ' ' ate, and that's what we were looking at as far as the Highway 5 design standards. What I brough~ before so. Paul A~ ~n: We've tried to take as many of these things and keep them away from the neighborhood. We're the neighborhood with the building along with, you've got this whole parcel on the other side, that's where, as part of the agreement what we're trying to do...between ourselves and all the residen. '~s on the other side of the street. Maybe I missed it, there was some discussion on the antenna. _ Is there of a resolution on that? ' Kind: 'ot allowed. Paul A~ typical Typical Okay, I didn't know. That will be a little bit of an issue for Kwik Trip. I mean we do, a you know a chain like this, they've got satellite dishes or antennas of some sort. they' re beaming sales data back and forth to a home office. Brad mentioned there' s. Feik: that could be screened or something. Paul A~ ~n: Some of that stuff, right. I think we can handle some of those things. I don't, there's not going t~ be an 80 foot tower here. Claybat on that h: The issue is we want to know what kind of animal we're dealing with, and the fears of the so that's where we strike a line through it comes from so. If they can fill in some of the blanks :hink that would ease some concern. 59 Planning Commission Meeting- January 15, 2002 Paul Anderson: Yeah, I think we can tell us kind of what they typically use. The Lot 2 is kind of...at this point and we've got some ideas on what we're going to do there. We hope to be back here in a couple of months presenting the second phase. Kind of the second, final phase of this thing but at this point I can't really tell you exactly what's going to happen there. Claybaugh: Excuse me, could you tell us who you've had discussions with or? Blackowiak: Craig, I don't really think that's appropriate. I don't think we need to hear that right now. Do we? I mean. Claybaugh: Okay. Paul Anderson: We just started really preliminary discussions with Bob and staff here. I mean I floated a sketch by them just to kind of get some initial reaction on that but that's about as far as we've got at this point. There isn't specific tenants or whatever in there too. It's a multi-tenant building I think right now. I guess you did mention that there was a traffic study. It was done 6 to 9 months ago. I don't have a copy of that with me. I do know at the time, there wasn't anything that kind of jumped out at myself as being major issues or concerns. That's about all I can tell you on that for right now. Kind of going back then to where we were going to start, if I can find my notes. The issues that we, as the developer have. If you go through the report, the City Forester had some comments and issues on our landscape plan. My understanding and I believe Bob can back me' up on this is, she's looked at the plan before she kind of went, read through the PUD and kind of understood where some of the give and take was on this. Some of the discussion. What my landscape person is telling me is that they've had a conversation today, the Forester is generally supportive of this with the one exception of, what'd she call it? Screening of vehicular use areas. I can't remember what page that's on. Page 10. And I guess that kind of gets down to I guess a question we have for the Planning Commission. Is what exactly this vehicle use area entails. What we are proposing would be that the vehicle use areas are those areas that are immediately adjacent to a parking stall, either in front of or on the side of a parking stall. Not a drive aisle, driveways, or kind of interior circulation areas throughout the site. What that would do, if I can...I guess kind of what our proposal would be, if you can see this up here. Kind of taking this southwest corner of the Kwik Trip site and berming or landscaping that with a 3 foot high berm or landscape hedge in through there. Then down on this side, taking that area and this area, and using that as our buffer to that site. I guess we're just trying to get out. That's our proposal to you. Blackowiak: Our Forester, she's not here tonight but that looks reasonable. Aanenson: Yeah I guess, that would be, the concern would be Highway 5. As a general rule when you're adjacent to the collector street, Highway 5, West 78th, our ordinance says that we do some sort of buffering so if we can leave it that we'll work on that because that's the intent... Blackowiak: Right, and without her being here, I don't want to make any assumptions. Aanenson: There was some ambiguity between her understanding and Bob's understanding of that condition so we'll get that resolved. Blackowiak: Okay. Paul Anderson: Then I guess, the other part of that is just our understanding that this landscape area is 3 feet tall, be it either an earthen berm or some kind of a shrub or a combination of it. It's still...maximum 60 Planni~ Commission Meeting -January 15, 2002 3 feet t: 11. So but beyond that, that was kind of our only comments or questions. Whatever questions you miiht have for either Chuck or Brad, we'd be happy to answer those. Blacko ,iak: I'll start down at your end. Do you want, questions? Slagle: Sure, I just have a couple quick questions, and I want to preface it by saying this. That my family... I lived in Woodbury before we moved to Chanhassen, and I want to share this with the comrm~ as well. This reminds me of the first movement in the city of Woodbury from what I call the of Valley Creek Road, Radio Drive, the shopping mall, to starting to go outward to intersections, and I b~ lieve this probably the first intersection that we're reaching that has homes or townhomes in a close p~ ~. And that's why I just ask for a real sensitivity and I get the sense from you that that is on yom mind as well, and I appreciate that. My question is, would you be open, and again I don't know if it' s ti the cit' across tunnels only, aJ Boulev. itself, tl city with the additional walkway around what I will call your south and east ends, and if that is then we can talk about that later. But I just want you to get the sense that you have the school street and you will be a magnet for kids and I would much rather see kids going through staying on that side of the road versus having to cross another street. And that's really the then I had one question to Kate. I saw a map up there with elevations and it was a Galpin elevation and it showed the car wash much further back than what I think the actual station building and yet on these diagrams they look like they're the same. )n: Yeah. Maybe you can zoom in on this one. Slagle: Okay, so it's not the one I saw earlier? There was a color rendition that. ~s: That was just a... Paul A~ ...pretty much the same. Slagle: Okay. Okay. So that is not. Paul A~ There's not a difference between the two.' Slagle: Okay. Okay, so I'm not viewing this one from the west? This is just showing each building. ~n: That's just for color and material. Slagle: enough. Okay. So that's my only question to you and concern. Blacko, ~iak: Okay, LuAnn. Sidney: Oh maybe a comment for the applicant and staff. Since there are data available for traffic and trip ',ration, or is it just traffic? Not trip. tOO. wanted was Well the applicant, this has gone through a lot of iterations and maybe Matt can speak to this applicant requested a curb cut on West 78th. And it was the City Engineer's position that they traffic study to see what the stacking at that intersection would be. It was based, determination ~, based on that and MnDot' s approval of that. We would not let a curb cut happen at that so it looked at all the trips and the turning movements, and the intersection functioned. It was 61 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 just a matter of where the curb cut should be. And actually I believe that study may have even included 3 uses. 3 lots. Paul Anderson' At that point we were looking at 3. Aanenson: And then we're down to 2 uses now so it would actually be less than that. Sidney: I guess my comment would be that that type of data would help to support the application. I guess I'd like to see some kind of summary go forward about that in the application as this goes forward to City Council. I guess that's my only comment. Blackowiak: Okay, Rich. Slagle: Just a quick question. Was that traffic study done before Galpin was cut off or after? Aanenson: Well the traffic just looks at trip generation. It's not how it's functioning today. It looks at a model of, if there were 3 uses, where would those trips go so it's kind of irrespective of what. They're not counting trips that are happening out there. They're doing a model to project what direction turning movements would be happening and that sort of thing. Slagle: So how is that different than...to the Westwood Church thing where we asked them to actually do a traffic study? Aanenson: You were doing the same thing. You were doing modeling. How many people would be coming to your church based on membership? What direction would they be coming? And that's all, it's all scientific kind of modeling. Slagle: I'm with you but I thought we asked Westwood to actually do a traffic study at the high school. Aanenson' Someone did ask that how many trips are going there right now, but that would be asking like asking Kwik Trip how many are in your current location in Eagan, if we were to ask them, can you give us a trip count of what's happening in Eagan. What we looked at is, where should the curb cuts be based on how many uses are at this? It's a model, not actual counts of cars. Slagle: Well I'll ask for further education but I'd just like to know in the future why we couldn't do that. Not just for this but anything we ask. Aanenson' You could. Slagle: Okay. Good, thanks. Blackowiak: Uli. Sacchet: Real quick. Just to see whether you're okay with some of these things that we've touched on, like the additional articulation on the north elevation. Any issues with that? Paul Anderson: I don't want to speak for Kwik Trip anymore than... 62 Planni~ Brad F LaCros Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 ,: Good evening, I'm Brad Fry. I'm representing Kwik Trip tonight. 1626 Oak Street, ~, Wisconsin. I discussed with Bob this morning what we can do to try to accent or articulate the buildin[ a little bit more. What we're going to do is we're going t,o extend out. We have a two tone brick. [qe' re going to extend out the tan color brick, and then we re also going to try to do pylasters on the, wel:lon't have a good elevation. We don't have a color elevation of the north side, but we do have a black d white and what we'll do is we'll try to break up the windows with pylasters that will stick out. Bob an~ I discussed about 4 to 6 inches to try to create some shadowing. Sacche So that's being taken care of. How about, there's also somewhere it talks about additional w ;. Is that the same thing? Brad t: Right. What we're going to do is, I had discussed that with Bob too is we're going to include, we haw about a 14 V2 extra feet of windows that we have to include on the northern elevation and about 8 V2 on he western elevation, and we can accomplish that. Sacche The things that were struck out from the permitted uses, particular drive thru's was something that go whacked consistently and then the other uses, any of that an issue for you guys? Brad /: No. Sacchel that. Trip Obviously you're fine with that 41 percent hard surface area. Looks like you're way below if you can't answer it, we'll pass it on. I had one more of this nature. Oh yeah, that's a Kwik ~stion, the loud speakers. Brad ~: We can live without them. Sacchel You can live without them. Fantastic. The lighting seems to be somewhat balanced. You need light to ee what's happening. Brad the Sacchel in one Yep. And we've also worked with the City. They asked us to install additional lightings at sections so we could try to make that a little bit more of a safe area for pedestrians, and we have those. And I don't know whether it's a question for which one of you.' You don't have an issue with, ace it says you have to put more understory trees in. Paul The onl I guess that's what I tried to address with some of those first comments was, subsequent ttions with the City Forester apparently they're quite comfortable with what we've got going. real issue is this kind of this screen of the parking. Sacchel In the report it does state that you need to meet requirements with understory I believe, but it's yeah, it in the context of the buffer yard. Paul .erson: Right. It's our understanding that, she's pretty comfortable with this but we're very willing o work with that and. Sacchet kids. least so] So you don't have an issue, that's my question. And then finally the concern about traffic for you have any wisdom on that? Because it seems like that's definitely a contentious point for at of us up here. 63 Planning Commission Meeting -January 15, 2002 Brad Fry: I'll just touch base on it a little bit. It's going to be something that the city's kind of looked at is possibly signalizing this intersection. If lights did come up in this intersection it would be a lot safer. Sacchet: So, and I can see your point. It's basically you look at it's a city issue. It's not really your issue, which I think is fair from your viewpoint. Okay, that's my questions. Brad Fry: Just to touch base on antenna heights. I can't give you those exact heights right now. I don't believe that they exceed 8 feet. Sacchet: You don't need an 8 foot tower? Brad Fry: But we do need satellites to refer retail information back and forth and a pole to do lettering. Sacchet: Okay. Blackowiak: Alright. Bruce. Feik: Yes. Quick question. What is the distance between the two entrances on West 78th Street? Matt, do you have that? Saam: Yep, I can give that to you. Feik: I want to ask that quick question while you guys are still up here. Paul Anderson: What was the question Bruce? Blackowiak: Distances between the entrances. Feik: The distance between the two entrances on West 78th. Saam: 200 feet. Feik: Are both those entrances necessary? Again, coming down to traffic and kids and the number of places the kids could cross and the number of, you've got a right-in/right-out just east of the car wash. I guess from a design perspective than a traffic, is that really necessary? Could we live with the eastern one which is going to be the one that's primary use for anybody going west, turning west or coming off of 5 and going back onto 5. They're going to have to go the easterly one. I'mjust trying to limit the amount of cars turning in different directions with the kids and the sidewalk. Paul Anderson: The eastern most driveway gives us full access. Feik: Right. We'll keep that one. Paul Anderson: The other one's just an accessory use. It helps to break up the traffic movements. Usually, and Matt could probably attest to this too. If you want to have 2 intersections, you usually push for the 200 foot separation. 64 Commission Meeting- January 15, 2002 Feik: tt if you're sitting at the easterly intersection and wanting to go west, you've also got to look at the ~ming west traffic as well as the people exiting from the convenience store. : But some of those people that want to go right and come in and go to the car wash. Now you're onflicting those people with the people that want to go west, so it allows those people to get in to the fre{ right to come in that are traveling eastbound on West 78th. And so that allows them to come in. Now if re all going down that same intersection, you've compressed all those trips at that one point. Unless he only people that are going to be able to come in would be coming up Galpin, taking a free right that. Slagle: I don't know if I want to ask this. Is there a right hand turn lane from going eastbound West 78th into development? >n' A decel lane? Saam: That's all 30 mile per hour. I mean we're not talking, people are slowing down from 55 to make a ;ight hand turn. Feik: Ill just voice the same concern that the rest of these folks have. It's not just the kids coming from the sch, ol but you go north and east with those townhomes and there's a lot of people, pedestrian traffic potenti~ coming from north of West 78th as well that are going to have to cross. I'm equally concerned for tho~, pedestrians. Particularly the kids so I'm kind of, I've got some traffic concerns but I'll let those go til Blacko~/iak: Okay, Deb. Questions. Kind: 'he pylon sign is not normally allowed in business neighborhood. Why do you think you need it? Paul A derson: I think generally it's kind of a landmark. A way to identify the area. Going west on Highw~ 5, 6 to 9 months oUt of the year people really aren't going to see much of this development. With wetland down below, the number of trees that are growing in through there. You can kind of see thai )ff of, if you want to look at this. This is a Shot taken down Highway 5. This was taken about 6 weeks o. The leaves aren't really on there but when you look at the height of the trees and you kind of look at ,ur rendering, basically I asked the person doing the rendering, well we want to be able-to see the buildin but middle of June you really aren't going to see anything going that direction down Highway 5. Kind: xcept your pylon sign. Paul derson: Well, right. Kind: :orry. Paul derson: Well basically we're looking for something out there that's going to say hey, this is where ,e're at. Kind: there, don't lut it's serving the neighborhood. We all are going to know where you are. I'm getting my gas ,n't worry. If it's really serving the neighborhood, we don't really need a pylon that screams, I ow. I just want to really have it be non-super retaily. More business neighborhood. 65 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Paul Anderson: We have really minimalize the size of the sign. From what we had originally talked with staff about, we were looking at about 80 square feet. Now we're back down to 64 square feet... Feik: Let's keep it in perspective. We're starting at 20. We're not starting at 85 or something. So you've got to get us up off of the 20, not down from there. Kind: Well 24, what did we decide was allowed for a monument sign? Was it 64 square feet of sign or was it 24? Generous: In the neighborhood business district it's 24 square feet of sign area and a 5 foot sign. Kind: And staff is recommending a 64 square foot monument sign, as well as this 64 square foot pylon sign. That's quite a break from what we would normally allow. Okay. The 70 foot candles, I heard you talking about that and gotl I wish I understood that a little bit better. The Holiday station you feel has 60 foot candles? Generous: It was 60 something. I can't remember the exact number right now. Kind: I mean what's the lowest you can go? And still provide safety. Paul Anderson: This is average for what we usually use. Kind: Okay, I want to go low, not average. Paul Anderson: I couldn't tell you what the lowest rate you can go is going to be. Kind: So I could put a condition in there that says do the lowest, whatever it is. Paul Anderson: A lot of that's perception you ~know. If you're standing right here, is this low or is this- low? It's all pretty. Aanenson: We've had two recent ones. We can get those numbers for you if you pass it onto council. The Citgo and Holiday. Claybaugh: There's the IDEW guidelines for recommended uses and what the foot candles should be and I've got a feeling you're right in there. Blackowiak: It'd be nice to have local so you could just to go and go to Citgo some night or Holiday and say okay, this is 60 foot candles and this is what it looks like. Kind' And loud speakers, you'd be okay with not having them. Cool. I'm glad you thought of that one Alison. Blackowiak: Why thank you. Kind: And evergreens, putting additional year round screening on the West 78t~ side of the building, which is not your front side, would you be okay with that as far as a landscaping solution? Breaking up that frontage. 66 Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Paul [erson: Part of that gets back to, the question I had earlier. Blacko' ~iak: The Forester. Paul Right. To what extent do we do that. We're very willing to work with staff on that... Kind: hat's all. Blacko iak: Okay. Craig, any questions? h: Most of them have been hit. Just what might be helpful is poll the foot candles from the station that went in and then maybe attach something from the IBEW guidelines before it got to the corn cil for that use or purpose and what's reasonable. Blacko~ 'iak: Okay. Yes Rich. Slagle: [just have one more thing. And I'm sorry I didn't bring this up earlier. I have a question, I'll throw tl the commission too. This sort of seems like Dell and 5 with that office building and track with me for second. You're going west on 5 and you want to go off to stop and get something as you head to Victori or Waconia or something. You're going to go in, go north on Galpin, take a right. You're going to go ' and get your stuff. Then you're going to have to go all the way to West 78th, take a left and then go :o Galpin, take a left, and then take a right on 5. I'm just telling you I think that that almost seems 1: thou to 5. You thing. turn Iai that that Dell Road thing where people were taking U'ies and I don't know the answer. I just it, but it doesn't seem like it's going to be a quick in and out. And coming back, you're going ~eople to go to West 78th or they're going to have to do a U'y or go up to Powers to get back on ~w what I'm saying. You're going east on 5. You take a left on Galpin. You go into the he quickest way out is to go to West 78th, take a right, get up to Powers, get over to the left hand if you can, and then go east on 5. So I'm not really crazy Matt when I talk about my traffic I just want to raise that to the group that that's an issue and Bob, I hope you're thinking about .use I don't know how that's going to work well. n: The City Engineer made that decision with MnDot so that's locked in. S!agle: 'm not saying it shouldn't be locked in but we just don't say okay to the applicant. Boy, good luck. know. I mean it's a concern. Blacko~ ,iak: Thank you. Paul A~ ;on: We'd love to have a break in the median. ~n: They tried very hard to get one, yeah so. Slagle: stop lights maybe is the compromise. Blacko, dak: Alright. I do not have any questions so. Kind: still get a public hearing. 67 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Blackowiak: We still get a public hearing, thank you very much. Now it's time for the public hearing. We generally don't like to be here this late. Thank you for staying. Jan Maruska: Do you always put things that affect us last on your agenda? Blackowiak: Well we're still here too. Jan Maruska: We were here last year and it was number 7 on the agenda. I'm Jan Maruska, 2175 Baneberry Way West and the 3 of us that are here all back up to the wetland and we are eye level with the lights over at the community center. We can see the hockey lights through the trees all winter long. So it might be 10 feet but it's truly eye level. That's one of our biggest concerns. Now Commissioner Kind asked about evergreens on the back side of the property. What about evergreens on the north side of West 78th? I understand that isn't indigenous to the Bluff Creek area. However, it would protect us from the lights all year long rather than just in the summer. Because the hockey rink lights are not on as much in the summer because you have your longer days. We really need it in the winter when all the leaves fall off the trees. And that same thing applies to the size of the sign. I would like to see the sign size reduced, or that's going to be glowing in our living room windows and our bedroom windows all night long. In reality I am opposed to it. The danger to kids is so great. I think that land could be used for something else that would not be such a magnet for kids. I am a teacher. I know, you know they're not all going to go through the tunnel. It's much quicker. We're just going to dash across 5. Or we'll go all the way out into the tunnel and dash across 78th Street. And the traffic concerns that you keep mentioning are very real. For kids. For adults. People on the walking path. This has been a nice, quiet kind of neighborhood, kind of area. Also their pictures showing the, that they're blocking and then they took it from 5. There's no way they couldn't have taken it from 5. 5 isn't open. They took it from West 78th Street. If they took it within the last few weeks. It couldn't have been taken from 5. But basically the lighting, the signage, the danger to kids are the things that those of us that live in Walnut Grove would be opposed to. I think there are much better uses for the land. Blackowiak: Anyone else like to speak tonight? Since you stayed this long. Just say ditto. Audience: Ditto. Blackowiak: Alrighty. Well, seeing no one else I will close the public hearing at this point. Conm-tissioners, time for comments and I'll start with Craig. Claybaugh: I believe there should be some room for compromise on the size of the sign. I'm not sure how we got where we are. And with respect to the lighting, I probably, you know who's responsible it would be or how it would be achieved but I don't believe they're out of line with the foot candles that they're looking for for the business that they're in. It's just a question of the contrast between what the neighbors needs are and what the developers needs are so I'm not sure how to resolve that. Beyond what the lady suggested with the plantings and so that would be the extent of my comments. Blackowiak: Thank you. Deb. Kind: I think that the concept of doing a density transfer to get the primary zone preserved is worthwhile. It seems like a good idea to me, especially when I hear that the surface coverage is going to be well below the 55% that we would normally allow. I'm not quite sure what the numbers should say on this chart but I feel like something needs to change here. Whether it be 41% or 46% or what. I think that needs to be changed. Telecommunication antennas/dishes if concealed from view at the public right- 68 Plannin of-way. towers, anyway I'm on buildin the mir stealing the nice Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 I'm okay with leaving that in there as an ancillary use. My concern was more for cell phone nonopole kinds of things and our experience on this commission is we can't prohibit that stuff so I'm not even sure that should be addressed in this PUD. I liked Alison's idea about adding, age 7 for people who are trying to follow along. Of adding not to exceed 15 percent to the 's accent. The lighting issue, I would like the applicant to work with staff. I'm getting that to be hal amount possible and still provide some safety where they can make sure people aren't things or whatever. And take a look at what kind of screening would help. If it needs to be on side of West 78~, let's take a look at that. I think that's fine. But I like the idea of putting it on, the building and West 78th just because it would help break up to me what is kind of the not so elevation. So I liked the idea of having the evergreens there. What else were the bones of contenti in. Oh signage. Signage, goll. I think it should be monuments only. I'm willing to budge from the 24 uare foot but I think they should be monuments only. Oh, and safety. Safety. Safety. How are we to address that? I don't have any great ideas. I'm fried .... what other people have some ideas about h, to address that tonight with some sort of condition. Take it away Bruce. Feik: gnage. I have similar concerns on signage. I would like to maybe clear, approve the sign that's in the p; is inclusive of all the signage that' s going to be part and parcel of the future building as well. ~at is very clear that there's not going to be exterior signage on that future building. There is not monument signage. I'm assuming that's what we're doing too with the signage, this is for the project. So if they put a dental office or they put something else in, the most they're going to get is some street si :nage as far as the street number, and there's not going to be band, you know signage on the side of the tilding or insurance salesmen. Aanens, They're looking at a retail user for that. Genero] s: They would get wall signage. Blacko~ ,iak: Yeah, they would get wall signage. Kind: ut it's not addressed in here though. Generc s: Yes it is. Kind: Genero' s: Under the signage they're addressed. Page 12. Wall signage shall be permitted. Kind: oint number 5. He's got a whole table there. Feik: ] that lit or? Is that back lit? Blacko~ ,iak: It has to be by ordinance. Genero :s: Yeah. Feik: lit signage as well? Addressing the residents concerns, would those be limited to Galpin and 5 or fid they be any of the elevations? Would that be? 69 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Aanenson: Well I think what we'll do between now and then is meet with them and we'll get a profile of where their elevation sits. The top of that roof. The top of that roof is 28 feet. The canopy, like the lights is 28 so we'll shoot a line to show them where that's going to, so we'll get their names and do that. Feik: The concerns on the signage I guess, I guess the big thing though is safety as it relates to pedestrian traffic. To tell you the truth, I could go either way on this based on the safety issue. If somebody had some compelling reason to deny, I might lean that way. It concerns me greatly the access for pedestrians to this site. That's my comments. Blackowiak: Okay, thanks. Uli. Sacchet: Alright. Signage. I do believe a pylon sign is reasonable for this kind of use, and if I look at this drawing, the sketches correctly, that pylon sign will be at the corner of Galpin and 5 so it will be the first small south and also on the corner where there are the lights. Now we have all those lights turning green, yellow, red all night long so, and they have a pretty piercing thing. I mean I'm on a little bit of a hill, I can see them from my house. I don't think the pylon sign would be as piercing as those street lights. However, I would like, I think the balance that I see would be to restrict the height of the pylon sign so that the buildings effectively screen it to a large extent from the residential neighborhood. I think that's what I would like to propose about the signage. In terms of the antennas, I don't really have an issue with it as long as it's not an 80 foot telecommunications tower. I do believe that the hard surface area should be consistently representing 41 percent since that's obviously enough for what they're trying to do. Loud speakers, that's great that you don't need loud speakers. I do believe that could be an issue that is reasonable for the neighborhood to be concerned about. The safety is really a sticky, sticky, sticky, sticky thing. I don't think it's fair to hold this project hostage to a safety concern because, I mean I don't think it's fair. I really don't think it's fair. I mean it's a reasonable use for that place to have a Kwik Stop. To have a gas station with a convenience store, and yes it's a magnet for kids and yes there's a school across the street and yes that's an issue, but can we really hold the gas station responsible for that? I really don't think we can. I don't think it's fair. That's my comments. Sidney: My goodness. Hard act to follow. A few comments. I heard Kate mentioning sight lines. You'd have some drawing or something? Aanenson: No. What I said is we would work with these neighbors and we'd get the elevation of their house and show the top elevation of the building because the top of the building is 28. The top of the canopy is 20 so just to see where they're sitting and we'll do that. Show that... Sidney: Okay. And that leads me to my question. Can we have some sight line drawings or at least understanding of elevations and I think that would be part of the process of working with the neighbors to understand what they will see of this development. I think it can be worked out. I know lighting is a good issue in our neighborhood. We see lights that are unshielded from Chaska every night and it is really annoying. And then also I guess we talked about adding trip generation data or traffic data into the staff report, and for safety concerns I agree with Uli that we can bring them up, we can do the best we can but it's still really a parental control issue and maybe signage. Marking pedestrian crosswalks. Everything we can do I think we should do. Are we making too big of a deal out of it? Well maybe not because Highway 5 really is a scary road in terms of trying to cross it. Even with a car sometimes. Even when you have a light. But I do think that if staff can work on those issues and highlight what can be done to improve the safety concerns, that would be really great. Maybe a slight, if you're younger than 12 years old don't cross here and do it that way. But at least there could be some education done maybe 70 Planni~ Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 at the :hool even about this is how you go if you want to go north or something like that. That's all I have. Okay, thanks. Rich. Slagle: A couple thoughts. First, it would be great to have you in the city. I think you'll do a wonderful I'm not quite sure that this is the spot for this project, unlike some other commissioners who it is. Because of the attraction and just the layout, and I'm trying to resolve within myself how we situations that come up that in my opinion have provided us with some real questions about either or traffic patterns or we could pick just about anything and I feel like as a commissioner we certair can't use you as the example or the project that we need to dialogue with city staff on. But my point i.~ similar to another project, a large one that we approved, there is a lot of concern about traffic. And happened was is we approved it asking all parties to get together to talk and I think that sort it more well staff is respect I don't know what the update is on that project, but here we sit with an option of...plan and to me that anything that we try and do with the safety requirements, i.e. paths or what not is a city thing. And yet I don't want to approve this and have it go forward and have the city say ;h, we'll try and get to it but we can't hold these guys back. You know, and so my question to is my or our option if we have serious concerns about the integrity of this development with to safety and traffic? Aanen Well if you have, need some evidence of impurical data to say that it's going to be a safety proble: t. Slagle: I'm just trying to use common sense Kate. If kids are going through tunnels and crossing 2 streets. Aanem Okay, let's say it's not a kid attraction and let's say it's something else that the 2 acres comes in and I' s another type of use that generates the same amount of traffic but there' s no kids involved. ' Then ~at's the discussion level? ._ Slagle: Well I think the discussion is a little bit lower but with the way the traffic patterns are, I don't know it's going to work. Well. Work well. I think it will work. Aanen and it' at 3 us actuall' trip gel I'm just saying strip aside, the fact that there's a child attraction or perceived child attraction, the same trip generation and a bigger use because we' ve looked at office use. Again we looked s that were on this site. Let's say a retail center came in, a neighborhood retail center which allows quite a bit of square footage if you looked at neighborhood retail. And it had the same )n. Slagle: there, path tl back o I guess let me, let me say it this way. I'm not so concerned as to so much what it is that's going ieve it or not. I mean I think this will work. What I'm concerned about is how can we have a it's on the north side of a very busy road, and you in essence have to go under that and then cross to get to a place. Aanen~ school Can I ask a question of Commissioner Kind? Are your children allowed to just leave the being on a bus or a parent picking them up? Kind: 71 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Feik: Yes. Slagle: Wait a minute, you're telling me you don't think kids are going to be coming from the north part of Galpin and walking to school? Feik: They can bike. Aanenson: Can they bike to school? Kind: Yeah, they can bike., but the parents have to approve it. Slagle: ...that are north of West 78th. I mean I can name Walnut Ridge, Longacres, Forest Meadows, the new Ashling Meadows. They all are connected by a path. What I'm saying is, why wouldn't we as a city just say gosh, let's try and put a path on the south side and make it safer? Why is it such an issue to just grasp and let's run with it? Saam: Maybe they did and the grades don't work. You know there's a reason there's a tunnel there. Slagle: ...staff to find out why we don't have a path. Aanenson: That's fine but I think you're making a huge assumption that most of the traffic is going to come from underneath under the tunnel. I don't know if that's the fact. Slagle: Well I hope that's the case because the other case is that they cross 5. Aanenson: No, no, no, no, no, no. I think a lot of it's going to be coming from the north side of West 78th. Feik: There's the same problem though. It's exactly the same problem... Saam: Where should they cross? We have a crosswalk for them. Feik: You know we've got tunnels that have gone in there and I'm sure there's a number of elderly who are living in those townhomes for the convenience of townhome living that may want to walk for a half gallon of milk and a loaf of bread. Aanenson: There's a sidewalk on both sides of Galpin. There's a sidewalk on the north side of West 78th and you enter into this parking lot at this point so I guess. So you want a sidewalk, pedestrian sidewalk. Saam: Along the south side of West 78°'. Generous: Of West 780, from the trail. Then you run into grade issues. We could have a stairways I suppose. Slagle: I don't 'know what the answer is but I'm just surprised that we aren't raising that question before this, you know. Aanenson: Sure. 72 Planni Saam: have that th Aanen That's Black~ Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Well our city standard is sidewalk on one side of the street so you know that's, I mean here we tuminous walkway on one side. We're sticking with the standard. Not everybody agrees with ~ugh. ;on: If you want to recommend an additional sidewalk, then recommend additional sidewalk. fine. wiak: Okay, Uli. Comments. Sacch~t: Yeah, just 2-3 quick things. Rick, would you be alright if there' s a sidewalk both sides of street.ql Is that basically what you're saying? Sla under and I guess what I'm saying is I don't think, I don't think someone should go under 2 tunnels, going and West 78th, arriving on the north side. Why not connect the pathway between West 78th and 5 it up the south side so it goes to this. Feik: would be okay with a light crosswalk with a push button where you can have the light flash for the oming traffic. Sacch~ t: For 78m? Feik: 78~. I'd be okay with a regulated crosswalk. Sacch~ t: Now there are 3 things here to consider. One thing is that across the street we have a mini golf, and it' not operational right now but I believe that it potentially could be operational again, or something like which would have actually far greater, or at least equal attractiveness to the kids. So there's here. But then on the other hand, West 78~h Street is not going to be what it is now. It's not a small of Highway 5. It's going to be a neighborhood type of, what did you say? Restricted to 30 miles. And they're going to open the turn into the neighborhood further up so it's going to be, really a ne~ type road so in that context I think that diminishes it. My final point. Feik: ~,body who lives in Longacres that's going to Target is going to be on that road. Blackl Yeah. Sacch~ t: There's going to be traffic. Sla People are using Pioneer, Lyman, 7, to avoid 5 right now. Sacch, t: There's going to be traffic. I mean let's not make any assumption about that. However, the point parenting. You brought that up. The parenting thing. I used to live just south of Highway 5 when kids were little. We were neighbors. And there was this jumping heart bridge that we're all famili r with that is grossly under used across Highway 5 and it's not on the way, just as little as these tunnel are, or even less. However, our kids had very clear instruction. If they want to go to a friend ;hway 5. If they want to go with a bike to school and have to cross Highway 5, they have to go that bridge. Otherwise they're not going to go. Now, did they always do that? You know I actuall think they did. But you know it's a tricky thing and your point is very well taken. I mean this 73 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 78th Street is going to be busy. But I think the balance here is not to punish the applicant, even though there are questions about it. Slagle: And I think everybody agrees that we shouldn't, but my question is how do we resolve it. Kind: Well the sidewalk is a good idea. Aanenson: Sure, a sidewalk along the south side of West 78th. Kind: And I'm not sure how these tunnels work. I've not been through them. I don't think they're even paved yet, are they? Aanenson: You can go underneath them, sure. Kind: Well I'm going to go try them out. But anyway, how does it work? Can you come up on the south side of West 78th? It's just one big, long tunnel? Generous: No. It's broken. Feik: There's 2 tunnels. Kind: But there's no daylight? Feik: Yes. Generous: Yes. Kind: So I can get out between the 2 tunnels? And then I end up in a wetland? Saam: Okay, this is West 78th Street. You're looking north going that way. Here's the first tunnel coming under 5. A kid's going to walk on this, then under the second tunnel under West 78th Street. It will wrap up and around. It will go to the west. Here's the driveway, the full access for Kwik Trip. Aanenson: So if you come out where you would like to Rich on that, come out on this side. Where Matt was just pointing, come out here. Come out on this side on this large wetland. Blackowiak: I'm sorry Kate, we can't see. Kind: You're not on the screen. You're not on the radar. Aanenson: So you're coming up over here on this side of this large wetland complex which is very steep as it... Claybaugh: Now you're concerned they're going to drown you know. Slagle: We don't even need to put a path there. There will be a path created. 74 Plannil Clayba is whal better Aanen grades Blackc Clayb~ Blackc Kind: Blackc think tl at our cross'0 and I mean it's gc that' s here g Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 lgh: Yes. There will be, that's right. Worse yet, they'll be out there doing extreme sports on it they'll be doing. But I think that the recommendation's going and I think that the council is in a >sition. When would they meet on this? ~n: Well we would look at that and see if it can be done and how it would work and look at the nd that's certainly something to look at. ~iak: Right. Okay. Let's move on. It's midnight. It's time. lgh: Will that information go forward to the council then? ~iak: Yeah. ['hey read every word of our minutes. ~iak: Oh they do, with rapt attention. Okay. Well my comments are pretty much the same. I e major points have been covered. We definitely need to do some type of a path or at least look ptions for walkways, paths, connectivity. Making it easy for people to get there. Some type of a lk. You know push signal crosswalk. Whatever it's going to take but we need to look at that~ agree with Uli that we can't hold Kwik Trip responsible for the safety of all the kids. I have to be responsible. It is guided commercial residential/medium density so if it's not them, to be somebody else. Whether it's Kwik Trip or a Starbucks or a bagel shop or whatever it is, going to want to walk there so we're just going to have to make it as safe as possible and ,here, I think we're just going to have to move forward with that. I think there's a lot of direction the conditions. We just need to add a few and I think they've been touched upon so whoever would ike to go forward with the motion, feel free. Kind: i'm looking. I'm looking for where it is. Sacche" Page 23. Kind: i'll try it. Sacch~" You want to give it a shot? Kind: [' 11 give it a shot. I move the Planning Commission reCommends approval of the concept and planned unit development PUD 2002-1 rezoning the property from Agricultural Estate to Planned Unit Development based on the findings, the PUD findings in the staff report dated 15, 2002. Okay. There's been a motion. Is there a second? Sacche :: I second that. Okay, all in favor? Sacche ~: Do we need to make comments about things we want to change here? Kind: it is too late. I have some changes to the PUD. 75 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Sacchet: Yeah, we need to address those, don't we? Kind: No, or was that the next thing? Sacchet: No, no, that's this one. Generous' It's incorporated as part of the DC but it's really part of the PUD. It's the design standards. Sacchet: So we should make all our fixes to that now? Kind: Do our changes to the design standards now. I was thinking that that was with the next motion but let's do them right now. Okay. On page 5, there's no changes on page 5. Page 6, change section (d), the paragraph to read, the hard surface lot coverage will be limited to a maximum of 41 percent over the entire site. Any single lot may exceed the 41% requirement. The hard surface area of each lot is shown as follows, and then leave the table the way it is. On page 7. 2(c), number 2. Block, this is the bold face. Block shall be used as a base material or for buildi:ng accents only. And then a new sentence, not to 'axc'eed 15 percent. ., Sacchet: Tha~t',s the same sentence. }=eik:' C°~nm~i'.· -Kin'd:' Comma. Not to exceed 15 percent,'thahk you. Page 8. This is (f). Still under the same materials 'and detail ~e~tio'n. Page f. This is just for:Ny clarity hnd I think for future clarity of other people. The bold face type, it says a drive thru shall not be located on the street frontage of a building, instead of elevation. I was trying to envision drive thru's being on the second floor of a building and just was lmving trouble with that. Page 9. 8(b), the last sentence should say, wooden fences and chainlink fences are pr-ohibite& And add a number (e) that says gate material may .not be chainlink. Moving to page 11, under signage, which is (f). I would like to delete number 1. Relating to the pylon sign and leave number 2 as is. Allowing for the 64 foot monument sign for each building. Lighting. I think I would like to address that as, I don't know how to address, that in the PUD right now. Let's see. I think I'd like to address that as a condition that. Sidney: Work with staff. Kind: Work with staff and is that appropriate in a PUD design standards? That the applicant shall work with staff to minimize the amount of lighting on site. And add a number (h) which states loud speakers are prohibited. And I think that's it for the design standards. Generous' Shouldn't you put it up under the prohibited uses? Kind: Where's that? Generous: Page 6. Blackowiak: Well it's not really a use. Feik: You could put it into lighting and speakers. Make it a joint section. 76 Planni~ Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Kind: :hat's all I could think of. Friendly amendment or do we need a second first or? 'iak: It's a little late. If you didn't second I second. Okay. And friendly amendments to, where are they? Oh, page 10. m. I believe this should say, this may be accomplished by landscaping. Not accompanied. Whate, er. Now in the pylon sign, would we be able to accept a friendly amendment to restrict the height and rather than take it out all the way? Kind: No. Kind: No? Okay. You made the motion. 'd like to try for it this way and see if it flies with the commission. Okay, that's fair. flak: Okay, are you done? I'm done. flak: Do you accept those amendments? Kind: Kind conce A the accept the amendments. Sacchet seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the and preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD 2002-1) rezoning the property from tUral Estate District to Planned Unit Development subject to the following amendments in design standards: Page 6, Section d. The hard surface lot coverage will be limited to a maximum of 41 percent over the entire te. Any single lot may exceed the 41% requirement. .- Page '~ Section 2(c), number 2. Block shall be used as a base material or for building accents only, not to ',d 15 percent. Page 8. Section f. The drive through shall not be located on the street frontage of a building Page 9. Section 8(b). Wooden fences and chainlink fences are prohibited. Add :tion e. Gate material may not be chainlink. Page li Correct the word "accompanied" to say "accomplished". Page 1 Section f. Delete number 1 relating to the pylon sign and leave number 2 as is. 77 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Page 12. Add Section 5. The applicant will work with staff to minimize the amount of lighting on site. Add Section H. Loud speakers are prohibited. Kind, Blackowiak and Sidney voted in favor. Slagle, Feik and Claybaugh voted in opposition. Sacchet abstained. The motion failed with a tie vote. Kind: That means it didn't pass. Blackowiak: No, 2-3 and 1 if you're abstaining. Sacchet: Abstaining because I think a small pylon sign would be fair. Kind: Okay so wait, it did pass then? Feik: No it did not. Aanenson: Abstain is a no. Blackowiak: Abstain is a no? Aanenson: A silent vote is. Generous: So it's a tie. Claybaugh: What does it take to get another motion? Kind: It takes getting that pylon in there. Sacchet: I guess the pylon and I would support it. Kind: Okay. So the pylon, maybe I wouldn't support it then though. Slagle: I have a question though. I mean I'm just raising this. Can you keep doing motions until it passes? Aanenson: Yes. Blackowiak: She could withdraw her motion. Kind: I need to withdraw my motion and then Blackowiak: Make a new motion Kind: With all that stuff in there and including the pylon sign at, what's your suggested height? It was 20. Sacchet: 20 feet above. And the building is 28 feet tall. Claybaugh: The canopy was 20. 78 Plannii Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Kind: Aanem also Kind: Aanen style. And they' re above behind. is-the... They're all 3 on one. Target, Perkins, that's all one sign. It's 20 feet for all 3 uses. I would settle for 15 feet. I think that's less than if there is and it's less than it's in a area and I think 15 feet would be well screened by the buildings, especially since I would ~se to make it a little smaller. ,. How about the Target one and the Perkins one are more monument style as opposed to... ~n: Well that is one of our recommendations is we won't accept that style. We don't allow that has to be more integral so wide around the bottom or two posts. Kind: that in here? Well we limit it to 10 feet wide. Now we can expand that. That it must be a monument. Kind: was just thinking that the Target one and the Perkins one are a little bit more attractive. Aanen: in: ...two posts with a band across. That's what we were looking at. Something like that. Kind: }oes number 1, at 15 feet in height cover that? Or you could leave it as is and with the note to council that we were concerned about the height tnd they should maybe review potential for a lower sign. Kind: Sacche :: That might be simplest. If you're fine with that. Kind: I'm fine with that. Sacche I: Okay. So I second the re-stated motion. Black, ik: The motion's been made and seconded. Kind Sacchet seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the conce and preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD 2002-1) rezoning the property from Agric ltural Estate District to Planned Unit Development subject to the following amendments in the D design standards: Page Section D. The hard surface lot coverage will be limited to a maximum of 41 percent over the entire ite. Any single lot may exceed the 41% requirement. Page Section 2(c), number 2. Block shall be used as a base material or for building accents only, not to exc, ed 15 percent. 79 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Page 8. Section F. The drive through shall not be located on the street frontage of a building Page 9. Section 8(b). Wooden fences and chainlink fences are prohibited. Add Section E. Gate material may not be chainlink. Page 10. Correct the word "accompanied" to say "accomplished". Page 11. Section F. A note to City Council that the Planning Commission is concerned about the height of the pylon sign and asks that the City Council review this item. Page 12. Add Section 5. The applicant will work with staff to minimize the amount of lighting on site. Add Section H. Loud speakers are prohibited. All voted in favor, except for Slagle who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 6 to 1. Blackowiak: And for reasons of safety? Slagle: As stated. Blackowiak: As stated. Next motion please. Sacchet: Madam Chair, I make the motion that the Planning Commission recommends approval of preliminary plat for Subdivision #2002-1, Galpin Business Park, plans prepared by Schoell & Madsen, Inc. dated March, 2001, creating two lots and two outlots, subject to the following conditions 1 through 30. Oh, did we already say what 31 was? Yes. Blackowiak: I believe that was added, yes. Sacchet: Yes, that was added by staff. Through 31. With the following fixes. Number 5. Silt fence. Whatever there is will be promptly removed after construction is completed. Number 22. As is with the addition, silt fence will be promptly removed after completion of construction. And adding a 32. That development of Lot 1, Outlot A and B will be done simultaneously. That's my motion. Kind: And just for clarity, it includes number 31. The developer shall record a conservation easement over Outlot B. Sacchet: Over Outlot B, correct. Blackowiak: A motion. Is there a second? Claybaugh: Second. Sacchet moved, Claybaugh seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of preliminary plat for Subdivision #2002-1, Galpin Business Park, plans prepared by Schoell & Madsen, Inc., dated March, 2001, creating two lots and two outlots subject to the following conditions: 80 Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 o , o o . o . 10. 11. 12. developer shall enter into a development contract/PUD agreement with the city. The development design standards shall be incorporated as an exhibit to the development contract/PUD agreement. All development of the property shall comply with the design standards. The Galpin Business Park shall be required to pay full park and trail dedication fees pursuant to city ordinance. A 0' to 20' wide wetland buffer (with a minimum average width of 10') shall be maintained around this wetland basin. Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the city's wetland ordinance. Wetland buffer edge signs shall be installed, under the direction of city staff, before construction begins and shall be purchased from the City for $20 per sign. Any disturbed wetland buffer areas shall be re-established using native wet meadow species from the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan (Appendix C: Bluff Creek Environmental Corridor Common Plant Species of Natural Communities) or other species as approved by city ;taft. In addition, all structures shall maintain a 40' setback from the wetland buffer edge. The buffer and setback shall be shown on the grading plan. Silt fence shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer is to be at the delineated wetland edge. All silt fences shall be promptly removed upon ~n of construction. Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands and storm water ~nds. ~evised storm water calculations shall be provided. On the grading plan (Sheet 2 of 5) the directional arrows between CBMH 3 and 4 appear to be going the wrong direction. The rim and invert elevations are not consistent between the grade plan (SP4) and the utility plan (Sheet 3 of 5). Revised. plan sheets showing these changes shall be submitted. Based on the proposed developed area of 3.69 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project are $21,804.21 and the water quantity fees are $16,088.40. Current calculations indicate that the project proposes water quality ponding for approximately 4.41 acres. This results in water quality credits equaling $26,058.69. The project also proposes providing 1 outlet structure, which results in a credit of $2,500.00. At this time the estimated total SWMP fee, due ,able to the City at the time of final plat recording is $9,333.92. This amount will be finalized >rior to final plat approval. Private utility easements will be required for the storm sewer line that runs from Lot 2 to Lot 1. Add the following City of Chanhassen Detail Plate Nos. 1002, 1006, 2101, 2103, 2109, 2110, 2203, 3108. Prior to final plat approval, all plans must be signed by a professional civil engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. 81 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. The pond is required to be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. Cross-access easements for the shared driveway accesses must be obtained and recorded against the lots. The minimum rock construction entrance must be 75 feet. Show the sanitary sewer service to Lot 2. Revise Arboretum Boulevard to West 78th Street. The minimum storm sewer pipe allowed is 12" RCP. Revise the pond outlet pipe to comply. Revise storm sewer, sanitary and water lines on sheets SP1, SP3, and SP4 to match with the proposed utility plan. Revise Detail Plate Nos. 1004 and 5300 to show the most recent version of the plates. The applicant has submitted drainage calculations for the site; however, additional information is still needed. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to revise the calculations. Prior to final platting, storm sewer design data will need to be submitted for staff review. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10 year, 24 hour storm event. Drainage and utility easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100 year flood level. The minimum easement width shall be 20 feet wide. Emergency overflows from all storm water ponds will also be required on the construction plans. Silt fence shall be added around the perimeter grading limits of the site. The silt fence, shown on the plan adjacent to the existing wetland, should be moved to the top of the existing slope and away from the wetland. Also, this silt fence must be Type III, heavy-duty. All silt fences shall be promptly removed upon completion of construction. All of the proposed rock construction entrances must be lengthened to 75 feet as per City Detail Plate No. 5301. Minimum 20 foot wide easements will be required over the public pOrtion of the utility lines. Installation of the private utilities for the site will require permits and inspections through the City's Building Department. Each newly created lot will be subject to City sanitary sewer and water hook-up charges at the time of building permit issuance. The 2002 trunk utility hook-up charges are $1,383 per unit for sanitary sewer and $1,802 per unit for water. Public utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be 82 Planni~ Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, Department of Health, Watershed District, Carver County, MnDot, etc. 27. Cross-access easements will need to be obtained and recorded against the lots for each of the entrance drives. 28. On the utility plan: -Revise sheet title to "Preliminary Utility Plan". -Change the 8" tee on the watermain going to Lot 1 to an 8" x 6" tee and delete the 8" x 6" reducer. -Show the utilities easement. -Add a 6" gate valve on the watermain going to Lot 1 just past the 8" x 6" reducer. -Change the type of public watermain from DIP to PVC C-900. -Show the proposed pipe slope of the storm sewer. -Change storm manhole 1 to a 3 foot sump structure. a. Show all the existing utilities in Galpin Boulevard and West 78t~ Street. 29. 30. On the grading plan: a. Show all existing and proposed easements. b. Show the benchmark used for the site survey. -Show all of the existing utilities in Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street. c. Revise sheet title to "Preliminary Grade, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan". -Remove the proposed water and sanitary sewer lines. . If the parcel on the north side of West 78th Street will be platted, show this area on the plat sheet. Also, show this area as an outlot or a lot. 31. 32. rhe developer shall record a conservation easement over Outlot B. Development of Lot 1, Outlot A and B will be done simultaneously. All vol d in favor, except Slagle who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 6 to 1. And for reasons stated? Slagle: As stated. Blacko Thank you. Next motion please. Sidney: I' 11 make the motion the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit ~002-1 permitting development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District subject to the following conditi~ ns, and we have 1 through 3. Blacko Okay there's been a motion. Is there a second? Kind: ~econd. Blacke All in favor? 83 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Sacchet: Friendly amendment. Should it say wooded species or woody species. That sounded funny to me. On page 26, number 1. And there should be a closed parenthesis after natural community category. Sidney moved, Kind seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit 2002-1 permitting development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District subject to the following conditions: Native wooden species shall be planted on the property north of West 78th Street from the top of the slope (elevation approximately 958) down to the existing vegetation. Species shall be selected from the Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan (see Appendix C: Bluff Creek Environmental Corridor Common Plant Species of Natural Communities - Maple, Basswood Natural Community Category.) A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the city for approval. . The slope area between the primary and secondary corridor boundaries shall be restored using native vegetation in order to ensure protection of the creek and the surrounding natural communities. 3. Conservation easements shall be placed over all areas within the primary and second corridors. All voted in favor, except Slagle who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 6 to 1. Blackowiak: For reasons stated. Okay, next motion please. Sacchet: Alright Madam Chair, I make the motion that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan #2002-1 for a 3,960 square foot convenience store and a 2,873 square foot car wash (Kwik Trip) plans prepared by Insites dated November 29, 2001, subject to the following conditions 1 through 26 with the following fixes. Number 10 is the same as 17. Number 13 and 14 are a little bit contorted. Now I think what I believe number 13 should read, detailed occupancy related requirements will be submitted for review when complete plans are submitted. And 14 should read, the proposed building on Lot 2 is not included in this review. And number 25, the last sentence, copy enclosed should be deleted. And do we need to add the chainlinks here? Blackowiak: I think that's. Sacchet: Number 27. No chainlink fences or gates are allowed. Kind: I'll second that and I have a couple friendly amendments. Where are they? Number 4. Add a sentence that says wing wall shall be constructed of the same material as convenience store (brick). Sacchet: Accept. Kind: A chainlink gate is prohibited. Sacchet: That's number 73 isn't it? Or 27. Kind: But that's a fence isn't it? Or was that a gate? Sacchet: Both. No chainlink fence or gate is allowed. 84 / Plannin Kind: i along Commission Meeting- January 15, 2002 at it. Number 7. This is landscaping section. Applicant shall increase number of evergreens 'est 78th Street. And work with staff to determine which side of the street. 13 1 have a different wordin of this. Kind: Okay. If you' ve got a better one, by all means. }etailed occupancy related requirements shall be reviewed upon submittal of complete plans. Sounds much more beautiful than mine. Kind: your's didn't say that it was going to be reviewed. Will be submitted for review. Your's is fine. Kind: )h you're right. Your's was just fine the way it was. Okay, I'm losing it. Wait there's more. Sidney Kind: Sacche Sorry. think the lighting we addressed before. I think that's okay. And did we address the safety? No. We need to say something about safety. Blacko' ,iak: You know what, I think we could just make a separate statement. Let's do that. Let's just have it. Kind: ~nd not have it be part of this motion, okay. Blackc ,iak: Yes. How would you do it then? Blacko ,iak: Well do you accept her amendments then I'll explain. Yes. I accept my amendments. ,iak: Motion and second. plans . moved, Kind seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of Site Plan for a 3,960 square foot convenience store and a 2,873 square foot car wash (Kwik Trip), ~ared by Insites, dated November 29, 2001, subject to the following conditions: The developer shall enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the City. The car wash should be constructed of the same materials as the convenience store (brick). If the developer desires to use block, it should be used as a base or foundation material, or in decorative columns, rather than a primary building material. 85 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 o . , , . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. The north and west elevations of the convenience store shall be provided with an additional 8.5 feet and 14.5 feet of windows on the north and west elevations, respectively. In addition, the northern elevation needs additional articulation. The wing wall around the mechanical equipment shall screen the mechanical equipment from views from the west. The wing wall shall be constructed of the same material as the convenience store (brick). All light fixtures shall be shielded. Lighting shall be shielded from direct off-site view and glare. The canopy lighting shall be completely screened from direct off site views through the use of screening structures around the lights or by recessing the lighting in to the canopy. Pedestrian ramps will be required at all trail/sidewalk access points onto drive aisles. The developer shall increase buffer yard plantings to meet minimum requirements. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted for city approval. The applicant shall increase the number of evergreens along West 78th Street and work with staff to determine which side of the street. The developer shall fully screen parking lots from adjacent roadways through the use of berming or increased landscaping. The developer shall provide a bicycle parking area and bicycle racks. Additional site furnishing shall be added, such as benches or chairs. The convenience store is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. The canopy over the pumps must be constructed with non-combustible materials or materials equivalent to one-hour fire-resistive construction. Detailed occupancy related requirements shall be reviewed upon submittal of complete plans. The proposed building on Lot 2 is not included in this review for building code compliance. Utility plans: The water service and sanitary sewer service for Lots 1 and 2 must have independent connections to the public utility lines. The flow direction from CBMH 4 to CBMH 3 on sheet 3 of 5 is incorrect. The water service for Lot 1 must be sized for domestic and fire suppression demand and a PIV is required. The utility plan sheets submitted must correspond with each other. The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. A PIV will be required for the convenience store. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location. 86 Planni~ Commission Meeting- January 15, 2002 18. "No Parking Fire Lane" signs are required as well as curbing to be painted yellow. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of signs as well as curbing to be painted yellow. 19. The fire hydrant located on the northwest comer of the property will be required to be moved easterly approximately 20 feet. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location. 20. Location of the fire department sprinkler connection on the convenience store will be required to be located on the west side of the building. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location. 21. A 10 foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, Cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance//9-1. 22. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division regarding premise identification. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy//29- 1992. 23. Comply with water service installation policy for commercial and industrial buildings. Pursuant to Inspection Division Water Service Installation Policy//34-1993. Copy enclosed. 24. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy concerning maximum allowed size of domestic water on a combination domestic/fire sprinkler supply line. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy 4/36-1994. 25. Comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy regarding notes to be included on all site plans. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy//4-1991. 26. No chainlink fences or gates are allowed. All vol d in favor, except Slagle who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 6 to 1. Blacko' This item will go to City Council on January 28th, so all interested parties please follow that to :il. I would like to just make two points of direction to the City Council. And I think that that's when include the safety. One of them is that the applicant work with the Forester to talk about plantin: :s and also potential screening for the neighbors to the north. And a second thing would be a safety, rou know look at safety issues and I don't know what anybody wants to include, jump in but let's just sure that safety issues are addressed, including but not limited to trails, crosswalks and signs. Go Cia' tgh: Pedestrian traffic patterns. Blacko Yep. Just kind of a separate direction for council to let them know that we're very about this issue. Kind: height. Madam Chair, and the third point would be, to highlight our concern about the pylon sign 87 Planning Commission Meeting - January 15, 2002 Blackowiak: Okay, thanks. Sacchet: And size. Kind: And size, okay. Blackowiak: Alright. Well I think we muddled our way through that one. Kate briefly, what do you have for us? ONGOING ITEMS: Aanenson: Just to let you know we do have a work session at our next meeting which is February 5th. Blackowiak: You know that's the one that I'm out of town on. Aanenson: That's okay. Blackowiak: I'm sorry. Aanenson: The rest of you, we're altogether, that's great. We're going to go through the work session program that we'll be doing and the department's working on for next year to get some input. Engineering's going to give a little bit of information on it. After we've got a project approved we're going to walk through some scenarios so you understand kind of all the hand holdings, the management of a project. Got some good feedback for some ideas tonight. Look for some other ones. I think I'll talk about McDonald's and the history of the McDonald's site plan, when that came into the city. I think that would be, kind of got a comparison between this and so I think that'd be helpful. Maybe talk about some compelling reasons, kind of go through that. Bluff Creek Overlay, some of the applications that we've used. How those are wor~ng. Anything else that you would like us to talk about, get me some feedback. We've got quite a list already internally at staff. We're putting together some books for you, some things we talked about last time so I'll have those available too so I hope you can all attend. We'll try to start a little earlier. I know that's hard for some people. But if we can start, I'd like to start at 6:00, if that's okay. If everybody can make it by 6:00. Kind: Madam Chair, a couple of suggestions of other topics for that work session. Blackowiak: Certainly go ahead. Kind: That came up this evening. One of them is, and maybe this really more for the City Council to tackle, I don't know. But Randy Noecker brought it up as to a policy issue as to why don't we reimburse for trail. Labor costs. And that's maybe more of a question for City Council as opposed to our work session. Work session, I'm wondering if it makes sense for us to discuss possibly creating an ordinance around entry features for subdivisions, and what they should be like. We don't have anything in our ordinance that guides that at all right now, and I'd be interested in commission's thoughts on that. Business neighborhood uses came up tonight. Some of those things that are currently in our business neighborhood uses that are currently allowed are not neighborhood uses and maybe we should take a look at revamping that. Aanenson: Yeah, I'm going to look at that too. We're re-writing the whole code. That's our goal this year. We're going to go through how we've laid all that out. Yes. 88 ~?l~l~ Minnooota Departmont of lransportation ~I~o~ ~ Metm~litan Division Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B2 Roseville, MN 55113 16,2002 RECEWEO JAN 2, 4: Z00Z CiTY OF CHANHASSEN Robert Generous, Senior Planner of Chanhassen 69( City Center Drive Po~ Office Box 147 Minnesota 55317 ect: Galpin Business Park--Mn/DOT Review #P01-130 Northeast Quadrant of Trank Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard Chanhassen, Carver County Control Section 1002 Mr. Generous: Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) has reviewed the above referenced plat in ompliance with Minnesota Statute 505.03, subdivision 2, Plats. Before any further de' )ment, please address the following issues: The proposed entrance to the development from Galpin Boulevard is less than 300 feet from Trunk Highway 5 and Arboretum Boulevard. This distance is less than desirable, creating weaving motions for those entering and exiting the development at this location. Access to Galpin Boulevard will not be permitted at the proposed location. The proposed access points along Arboretum Boulevard are approximately 170 feet apart, encouraging conflicting traffic exiting the development. The most westerly access onto Arboretum Boulevard will not be permitted at this location for safety reasons. The easterly access will be permitted as proposed as it can accommodate this development more safely fo~' both entrance and egress movements. If you have you have any questions regarding this info.,rm. ~.tion, please contact Lars Impola (651-634-2379) in Mn/DOT's Traffic'section. The plat does not adequately identify Trunk Highway 5 right of way. The final plat should show and label "Existing Mn/DOT R/W" with three-dash symbology and by reference to the appropriate plat(s) and in place monuments. The north property line should be a shown as a solid line, not a one-dash line on Sheet 1 of 5. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact John Isackson (651-528-1273) in Mn/DOT's Right of Way section. Please send one copy of the final plat for Mn/DOT review to the following address: Jeff Hoffstrom Mn/DOT - Metro West Surveys 2055 N. Lilac Drive Golden Valley, MN 55422 Phone: (763) 797-3108 The proposed development discharges into an existing wetland adjacent to Trunk Highway 5, overflowing to Bluff Creek and through a Mn/DOT culvert under Trunk Highway 5. This will require a drainage permit. The City or project developer will need to submit before/after An equal opportunity employer hydraulic computations for both 10 and 100 year rainfall events verifying that all existing drainage patterns and systems affecting Mn/DOT right of way will be perpetuated. Please note that the storm sewer direction arrow from CBMH4 to CBMH2 appears to be in the wrong direction. Also, the Watershed District should be contacted for plan review and permit application as the site discharges into a wetland. Please direct questions concerning these issues to Patrick McLarnon (651-634-2400) of Mn/DOT's Water Resources section. Any use of or work within Mn/DOT right of way requires a permit. A drainage and access permit will be required. All access issues should be resolved prior to making application for an access permit. Please direct questions regarding permit applications to Keith VanWagner (651-582-1443) of Mn/DOT's Permits section. As a reminder, West 78th Street is proposed Chanhassen Municipal State Aid Route 113. Any work on a MSA route must meet State Aid rules and policies. Also, the City must review any changes to its Municipal State Aid system so that they stay within its system limitations. You may obtain additional information regarding State Aid rules and policies in any of the following ways: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/stateaid/shows or has links to the applicable forms and the Mn/DOT State Aid Manual. Refer to the Mn/DOT State Aid Manual, Chapter 5-892.200 for information regarding standards and policies. >~ Please go to http://www.revisor, leg.state.mn.us/arule/8820/for information regarding State Aid Operations Rules Chapter 8820. > For driveway standards, the designer is directed to refer to the Mn/DOT Road Design Manual (English) Table 5-3.04A and Figure 5-3.04A for guidance and policies. Driveway widths, other than those recommended, up to 50 feet will be permitted only by special permission of the Commissioner of Transportation or designee. Please contact Jim Deeny in our State Aid section at (651) 582-1389 with any additional questions. Please address all future correspondence for development activity such as plats, site plans, environmental reviews, and comprehensive plan amendments to: Paul Czech Mn/DOT - Metro Division Waters Edge 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 Mn/DOT document submittal guidelines require three (3) complete copies of plats and two (2) copies of other review documents including site plans. Failure to provide three (3) copies of a plat and/or two (2) copies of other review documents will make a submittal incomplete and delay Mn/DOT's review and response to development proposals. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation in providing the necessary number of copies, as this will prevent us from having to delay and/or return incomplete submittals. Feel free to contact me at (651) 582-1378 if you should have any questions. CC: .or Transportation Planner John Freemyer, Carver County Surveyor Roger Gustafson, Carver County Engineer Chuck Samueluk, Chanhassen LLC Jerry Backman, Schoell & Madson Maleah Acosta, Alliant Engineering Mn/DOT Division File C.S. 1002 Mn/DOT LGL - Galpin Business Park