1b. Approval of Expenditure for a Design "Charrette" for the Bluff Creek CorridorI
(612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739
TO: Don Ashworth, City Manager
FROM: Kate Aanenson, Planning D
DATE: April 21, 1994
SUBJ: Bluff Creek Design Charrette
The city has identified the Bluff Creek Corridor as a city resource and has designated it as a
Parks and Open Space Corridor in the Comprehensive Plan (200 to 300 ft.). As a part of the
Highway 5 Corridor Study, the corridor was given specific consideration for its crossing at
Highway 5 and northern/southern frontage roads. Currently the city has two development
proposals that directly impact the Bluff Creek Corridor. _ Concurrently, the city has applied for
an LCMR (Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources) grant in the amount of
$770,000. The purpose of seeking this grant is to provide for monies that allow for an
intensive study of the entire Bluff Creek Corridor. The city has been working with a group to
secure this LCMR funding and to develop some interim strategies. Funding for this grant
will not be allocated for one year. Development pressures along the corridor are forcing staff
to seek additional insight into how the creek should be managed/enhanced.
Staff has asked Bill Morrish from the Design Center for American Urban Landscape to
provide the city with an estimate for a design charrette to give staff some guidance for the
standard or the vision the city should have when reviewing developments. Bill Morrish has
given the city an estimate of $2,600.00 plus $660.00 for an ordinance development. Staff is
proposing that funding for the charrette come from SWMP funds. A charrette has tentatively
been set for May 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Staff intends to keep this charrette to a
small group (10) that work to identify issues. This group would consist of a member of the
City Council, Planning Commission, Park and Recreation Commission, Park and Recreation
Director, Planning Director, and Water Resources Coordinator. Staff is also asking that Mark
Koegler from Hoisington - Koegler Group attend this charrette. After the charrette and the
Mr. Don Ashworth
April 21, 1994
Page 2
' visioning process, an implementation ordinance needs to be developed. Mr. Koegler is
currently working with the Park and Recreation Department and I would like to use him for
' any ordinance development that may be necessary.
In addition, staff will work with the LCMR group to review the development of a Bluff Creek
' ordinance and then have it work through the Planning Commission and City Council.
' Staff recommends that the City Council authorize an expenditure of $2,600 from SWMP
funds and $660.00 from the park and recreation budget for a design charrette for the Bluff
' Creek Corridor.
Twin Cities Campus Design Center for American Urban Landscape 320 Wulling Hall
College of Architecture & Landscape Architecture 86 Pleasant Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455 -0221
612 - 626 -0333
Fax: 612- 626 -7424
April 5, 1994
TO: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director FROM: Bill Morrish, Director
RE: Bluff Creek Design Charette Proposal
The Design Center staff proposes the following agenda and fee for a one
day design charette to inventory and identify issues on the Bluff Creek
Corridor with the city staff of Chanhassen.
Explore immediate development issues and outline a long term agenda for
further study of the Bluff Creek corridor.
Work Tasks and Fees:
One week of preparation and information gathering
by a staff member:
Gina Bonsignore, Research Fellow
One day design charette in Chanhassen to include:
William Morrish, Director
Lance Neckar,
Acting Head, Landscape Architecture
Tom Hammerburg, Research Fellow
Helicoptor photographic survey of the corridor:
Optional: one week to prepare a summary document:
Gina Bonsignore, Research Fellow
', ••1 11
$ 500.00
$ 500.00
$ 148.00
$ 300.00
up to $ 500.00
'. ••1 11
We would be able to carry out this study the week of May 23 or May 30.
LCMR Proposal 1995
Title: Bluff Creek Comprehensive Watershed Management Project
Program Manager: Paul Krauss, Planning Director, City of Chanhassen, 690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147,
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 (612) 937 -1900
Biennial Total: LCMR: $777,000
Match: $150,000 from a variety of sources including Chanhassen, MDNR, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Riley - Purgatory -Bluff Watershed District, Metropolitan
Council and the Minnesota Builder's Association.
Total: $927,000
1. Narrative: Develop and implement a comprehensive natural resource management plan that
demonstrates development can occur in harmony with protection and restoration of natural systems in a
lower Minnesota River urbanizing watershed.
II. Outcomes for the Bluff Creek watershed and its residents
• A consensus -based comprehensive natural resources management plan is developed and agreed to by
project partners. Strategies and actions for natural resource management are identified and prioritized.
There is extensive local public and intergovernmental cooperation to identify problems, solutions and
funding sources.
• Acquisition of key parcels for 1) wetland, prairie and forest restoration projects; 2) protection of
critical natural areas; and 3) restoring the watershed's hydrology.
• Formation of an environmental education partnership made up of the Chaska School District, the
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge (NWR).
• Begin trail construction in the Bluff Creek corridor including trail connections from south Lake
Minnewashta to the Minnesota Valley NWR.
• Improve condition and management of land and water resources in the Bluff Creek watershed and the
Minnesota River basin.
III. Objectives
A. Title: Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resource Management Plan
1. Summary: Develop a partnershi that 1) provides an effective forum for extensive public
involvement, and 2) marshals skills and technical knowledge of natural resource management interests
and the public to develop a comprehensive natural resource management plan that provides guidance
with regard to plan implementation and funding strategies.
2. Budget: $180,000 for project coordinator salary and benefits, planning and project support needs.
3. Project Timellne:
7/95 1/96 6196 1197 6/97
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B. Title: Demonstration Projects
1. Summary: An important component of this project will be land and water restoration projects
focused on wetland, prairie and oak savannah habitats; erosion control and water quality enhancement;
and acquisition of lands for recreation. On- the -ground demonstration projects will serve to galvanize
interest and gamer public commitment and private stewardship in the watershed.
2. Budget: $560,000
3. Project Timeline:
7195 1/96 6196 1/97 6197
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C. Title: Environmental Education
1. Summary: Education plays a key role through all Pbases of this project. A new school planned for
construction in the upper watershed new the Bluff Creek corridor provides an opportunity for a unique
partnership between the Chaska School District, the nearby Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, the
Builders Association of Minnesota and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through their Minnesota
Valley facility. Curriculum will focus on the watershed's natural communities.
2. Budget: $37,000
3. Project Timeline
7/95 1/96 6/96 1/97 6197
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IV. Context
A. Significance: Comprehensive natural resource management using ecological boundaries (such as
watershed units) is a concept that is gaining widespread acceptance at national, state and local levels.
This project provides an opportunity to implement ecosystem management Principles in cooperation
with focal interests and dec:sionmakers in a rapidly urbanizing watershed with significant and unique
natural resources. This project provides opportunities for restoration of natural aquatic and terrestrial
systems while complementing community infrastructure needs and requirements.
Chanhassen has implemented some of the most far reaching wetland and water quality protection plans
in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The city has also identified Bluff Creek as a natural recreational
corridor that has the potential of linking Lake Minnewashta Regional Park, the south Lake Minnetonka
area and the lower Minnesota River Valley.
The Bluff Creek watershed is tributary to the Minnesota River -- a river and watershed that is the
subject of intense study, and rehabilitation and protection effort. To date, there is no comprehensive
watershed project in the urban, and becoming urban, reach ofthe Minnesota Valley.
B. Strategies:
This project will enhance the knowledge base for natural resource decision- making by applying a
model process for watershed planning in a develo ingg urban watershed. This process is predicated on
delivery of environmental knowledge to local Ncials and citizens so that they may make sound
natural resource management decisions. This effort will demonstrate the practical value of ecosystem -
based, collaborative management approaches so that they may be applied in similar watersheds.
(strategy j)
This project will preserve, protect and restore the significant natural resources within the Bluff Creek
watershed. Those resources include wetland habitat, native prairie and oak savannah habitats, scenic
bluffs, and unique and sensitive Flora and fauna. (strategy c)
C. Time: This is a long term project whose implementation will occur over several years. This proposal
seeks start-up funding from the LCMR for one biennium. Future funding will be the responsibility of
project partners.
D. Cooperation: Approximately twenty ppro ect partners representing citizens, organizations and local,
state and federal agencies in the waters he�. Letters of cooperation are attached.
V. Budget History:
A. LCMR Budget History: None
B. Noe -LCMR Budget History: Chanhassen has taken steps towards attaining its Bluff Creek corridor
goals. Parcels of land and protective easements have and will be acquired as dedication during
subdivision approval. Chanhassen is in the process of purchasing an I 1 acre forested wetland parcel
threatened by development at a cost of $40,000 - $100,000. Another 40 acre parcel was purchased
(cost = $460,000) for an elementary school and recreation complex that will protect a section of the
corridor, provide access for environmental education efforts and allow for wetland restoration.
V1. For LCMR Use Only:
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