1966 03 10T -I1 _]S Cl TIi , ^?'A ?i'A c, L,. V�.:_. n( - 'II TCII r r T 09 9 6
The Chanhassen Village C
the Village I:Call at 7 :30
meeting were read and. on
by Councilman _looser the
negative votes,
ouncil met in regular meeting arch 10th 196'6 at
All members present. ' minutes of the last
a motion made by Councilman Tessness and seconded
minutes be approved as read. i:otion carried, no
n regards to ir. "ormstads sausage plant, the Village Council feels that
at thi time if Chanhassen ^reality owners of said bldg and. land., would state
in writing that in the event of Seeger trouble in the line tfhere this build -
inr is going to be YDlacod over, they trill tale full responsibiliity for re-
pair of said line. Tien the boncl that was suggested would not be necessary.
Sl ,IAA . E _ 13C I'
Dn a notion made by Council._,an Pauly and seconded. by Councilman Tessness
that the Village buy the Sewer ping (sewer cleaner) from the City of Chasl a
for � otion carried, no negative votes.
The Village Council rccor;ttenc,s that i .'r. .Douglas Fritz att - end the �.etrag
and :`ater worl�s Cperators school on , -a -ch 2P2 29Y 30, 10166. Tile ogi_s-
tration i for this school is :)25.00 of which the Village will pay fog•.
La lI T's_`TA TC" 'i ".PC . T
Councilman Tessness :save a eport on the Streets in the Village.
Councill:'.an Tessness -av a I'epor t on the water syStet_i. o reported that the
touror will be painted between '-ay 15, and Ju 15th.
Gayle o1ff - "ha of the P lanning Commission gave a report on the
activities of the Planning Con:;iission. Ile stated that a public hearing, will
be held on jT arch 22nd at the At.,erican Legion Club at 0 :00 I'Ii in regards to
a petition filed 1 the Planning Con .Mission f rom Standard .:'i1 Co. to 3.0-
zone their property situated on the corner of ILitray =5 and 101 from residen-
tial to Comr..ercial. At the same time the Planning Comi will hold a-
nother hearing in reg ands to a petition filed with them from Hansen and
Klingelhutz to request a rezoning of the following listed property:
dock 3, i of 6 7 , 3locl , 2 Tot for apartments up �bo 12 units
Plod,; 2, Lot 9 & 10, Plocl-- �, ._,ot for double Dwelling Units.
Chairman Iolff reported that each mer_.be, of the Planning Comt•iission is
,forking on a different project. la;To: Cr.ulte, :• :coported that the most
portant project of the Planners at the _,present is to urork, on Street namcing.
Chairman lrolff asked the Council if they the Planners should do anything
fu- about annexation. :rayon Coulter replied that the - Planners should
jive us an official report on what their views are on this annexation`subjeci
Chairt,:an "olff then stated that the Council and the �, aye • are umlco - mo to
attend any of their meetings.
C:; a_PyI is T'P^
:r. ogor
3ong ard. and Ir. Hank Schutrao appeared before the Council and
asked i..Thy the Village never gave then a chance to bid on the tractor and
loader the Village has just purchased? 1Tayor Coulter then turned the floor
fiver to CounciltIlan ''ossness- Chairman of 7 "aintenance, Committee. Tessness re-
plied that the Coi-nmittee did get a._px ice on the tractor and loader and that
the price they gave was hiuher than what the Village paid. for it. After
much discussion the Council instructed. the '.Iaintenance Committee to investi-
gate the problom and report 'pack to the Council their findings.
The Council then asked. 7 7r. .rolff if the Council should b , ing to the Planning
T 2 (1.1arch 10 minutes continued.)
Commission any major remodling plans? 'Ir. , ;uolff replied that it is up
to the Council to decide this.
Frederick Coulter presented to the Council his plans on an agAition to the
.Lazy ' °C" Drive in, which are sit ins and car ports. Total investment
on enclosure - -- X3,500.00, car ports - -- $5,000.00, Grand Total of addition
$0 Cn a motion i_:ade by Councilman TTolmberg and seconded. by
Councilman - oeser that these plans be referred to the Building T.nspect-
or. : otion carried, no negative votes.
PA`i _" GLL•
The Council decided on recot; m.endat: ion trot,: A: J A offiran -- accountant
that instead of taking money out of the several different funds for every
payroll check, that the entir: check be taken from the General Account and
at the end of every ,.uarter reii:iburse the ;moral - Fund.. As it stands not,,*
with our two employees receiving . a month every quarter "150.00
will be taken from the water fund and ;750.00 from the Sewer Fund and trans-
ferred, into the General fund. The clerIcs salary shall be taken i�alf out
of the sewer and half out of the General_ fund.
The Council authorizes the Cleric and T•iayor to lake care of 'Tillage fin-
The Justice of the Peace will give his report at the next meeting.
PUAI "S 3A. ".-- On a motion r ade by Councilman Tiolraberg and seconded. by Council-
man ' that the Council accept the Liquor license application made
by harry Pauly. action carried, no nog. Votes. Council Pauly declined to voce.
;�:'':'�'S _3A': -- On a motion rude by Councilman :'ooser and ` econded by Counci 1-
man Pauly that the Council accent the T,iquo:. License application made by
Ann KoltyLz. T'_otion carried, no negative votes.
L1.00 z3' _:G - -On a motion made by Councilman Pauly and seconded. by Councilman
Tessness - that the Council accept the Liquor I.Acense application made by
Ier'eort 1loomberg. lotion carr. ied, no negative votes.
. - l'J'.i. - :TES
Ruch discussion was had. on Surer charges for residents who are not connect-
ed to the sewer system with lines running; in front of their property.
On a inotion made by Councilman ilolinberg and seconded. by Councilman Tess-
ness that the sewer rates are to be set the same as last year accept the
Pine Grill. The sei,rer committee will meet with the `ngineer and come up
with some recomm.endati on on the Pine Grill. oti_on carried., no neg. votes.
The Clerk presented. - the C report- -the Council approves subject to the
Engineers approval.
On a motion made by Councilman Tessness and seconded by Councilman Pauly
that the Assessors salary be set at 300.00 for the year 1966. '•lotion
carried no negative votes. This salary will_ be paid after the re- evalu-
ation meeting in June. The Clerk is instructed. to set up this ro- evalu-
tion meeting as earl;T in ;June as possible. The Cleric is instructed to
write a letter to Mr. Dietz inforiing him of his salary and that his
term will oxpire December 31, 1966
The Council pick. ^_d. these eight honies fo.- reassessing: Adolph Tessness,
Gone Coulter, _ichard. ?Iolmberg, Emil_ Pauly, IZay Klingelhutz, Bernard
Schneider, lorraine oeser anti. Jack Lambert. The cleric is instructed,
to send a letter to Chairman of the County Comlii.ssionors--- ;dcrard Thalmin,
and Deputy County Assessor - -- ,ores ioeld.ner i of ort�Iin- of this reassessing.
( :'1z`:.CII 10th C i- TTi =TU_7D )
The Council approves all bills due to be paid except to table - '�.uss
Larsons bill.
lr. Id Iijermstad appeared before the council and Aalked about Frontier
Ir. Tory Flatebo appeared before the Council and reported on the meet -
ing he has just attended in .I:innetonka rega- ding Sei;ter problems.
-r. Flatebo-- .tillage Engineer was then asked his opinion on the Stv
Corner of the Township. '`e stated it is not the most desirable piece
of property, and the Seger has to go to Chaslia,, but I recomi.nend strongly
that as the last alternative you should tame it.
The Council then expressed their desire that the Planning Commission
have a meeting at the very earliest convience to be able to give the
Council an official opinion on this annexation. The Clerl. is instruct-
ed to call 'Ir. Wolff as soon as possible.
On a motion made by Councilman Tessness and. seconded by Councilman
Pauly the meeting be adjourned. A "otion carried, no neg. Votes.
Time 11 : 1 5 1`
Iiay �1 j_�bu
Village Ce1rk