1966 05 11I_`T�T _,J � �) �i Tfl;� Ai 1�., 1956 PUS .T^ .SA: = nom `" Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special i:leetin of the Village Council of the Village of Chanhassen, i innesota was held at the Village Hall in said Village on ' ;;.a}% 11, 1966 at 7:30 i' with the following wembe present: I..ayor Coulter, and Councilman Pauly, 7oeser and Tessness, Councilman Holmbe g absent. The clerk presented affidavits of publication of the notice of public hearing called to be held at this tir:e on Sewer, 1rator and. Street -mp ove- ment 3NTo. 1956 -1 and a certificate of mailing said notice to all affected prop3rty owners, which affidavits and certificate were examined, approved and ordered. filed. The �ayor then announced that the meeting was open for the purpose of conducting said public hearing; and after all rlerlbers of the public present were afforded an opportunity to be heard, tike f oli olri ng persons entered oral or written objections to said improv0111CC1e: Clb:iector Chicago _ ilcoauLee, St Paul and �''acific _ail-oad Company (by '':odncy %. dynes Attorney LoCgal Department, 1910 first ' Bank 1d.g. 'pls rinnesota) OBJ CT101LT Because the proposed water improverient would riot benefit the railroad, the railroad urges that its property be assessed at 1/2 the rate applied to other benefited abutting owners. ,� erlber Tessness then introduce(! the following resolution and Moved. its adoption: ESCLUTIG'd 01 -M!-IN SE VM`.'., '1-TAT A7TD ST t -s"T 11"P* :CV's:_ , ? T TC. 1966 -1 AND DI:' nm_,T r y?( ,r '-'. �1 „TC ,TD , -'MT TI. I.-T ] t ",.. TO P.. �sPA.:�s DE'1A� � D PT A-'. S Aj. SP ]CIr1CATI0�TS. The motion for the adoption of the fo:.•ego:i_ng resolution Bias duly seconded by i_1er'ber Pauly; and u,,3on a vote being taIcen, the f ollo�,rin, members voted in favor thereof: Coulter, Pauly, Toeser and Tessness. '3o negativo votes, whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted. The Consulting engineer for construction of Seater, such plans were thoroughly the follouring resolution ai C41ISTI:UCTIC! :SIDS O-T then -)resented detailed plans and specifications °,'ater and Street improvement 11o. 1966 -1. After examined and discussed, i_1erlber Tessness introduced - 1d moved its adoption: " P -LA'TS A1.;D SP:iC I ?'CASK 7S AND CALLI TIS FO ;',TAT? r1I' ST.-."ET 1966 -1 ThD notion foz the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by momber _'auly; and upon a vote bein ta' en the folio *.,ring rlenlbe :•s voted. - i n favor thereof : -- ayor Coulee:. Councilman L'auly, .oescr, and Tessness. (details of resolution to be found in f.i_l e 1966 - 'exhibit B) The Council shall Agee on I id.ay Junc 17th 1966 at 1 5 :00 C°cIoc'c P `.. at the Village =ia.11 i o- the purposo of receiv inC sealed bid.s for tho- cons'cruct- ion of tihe street - L:)ortion of said improveriorle, and on Thurdday June 23, 2.966 at 5:00 C:'Cloc,c '' at tine Village liall for the purpose of receiving; sealed rids for the construction of the se?-rer and iraeer portion of said is :provement . ,' ayor CoL11tLr called the Public iAearing closed. 2e t. v: P•' • ay _ :lingelhut _,. Village Cleric 'T - mTT 3 ^, ST 9 ' G , I TTTT The Chanhassen Village Council met in 1966 at U :45 P';. at the Village hall a l -. T IC _ eau lar fter the t; eetin qt_ '''c;G.li7G5c'.GY.r May 1.1, public hearing: liembers present - -May or Coulter, Councilman Pauly, '."ossness, .'.oese - ^, Councilman I. olmborg absent. ayor Coulter opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag. The minutes of the April 11`, 21 and 20th Council meetings iire, o read. and on a motion made by Councilman "essness and seconded by Councilman _?.oeser the iilinutes be approved as read.. :lotion carried, no negative votes. ayor Coulter related. that no response has b.-:en receive,[ fri;r:i '-he .Liquor Control Cor.nnissioner, eUa;ding :3loon,berg 1 s application. ,.Tayor Coulter stated that he t-,rould. check, into it. A 1 T;3 .TA T'.,TC E Two bids mere received on sty et oi_lin ;, one from `,alcoland Asphalt and one from Allied Blaci.ctop Co. The Council referred this to the 7aintenance committee to tape iian action to have - streets oiled and not to exceed the sum of x:1,900.00. 'the Council also wishes that this committee have recommendations ready by the next Council meeting on repairing streets in Scholer °s second addition. PLA_1?TM:S Chairman :7olff. present, -ave a report on the activities of th - Planning Commission. ITe stated. that the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing May 10th 1966 f or the ,e- zoning of a certain portion of lane: of the Chan - hassen Folding Co. p!-operty. The Planning Commission recommonds to the Council that they approve this re- zoning. (as per in.Li - lutes of the Planning Commission) There .:7as then a discussion held on a service o::7 frontage road parallelto Tliway =5. The PInni.ng Commission was under the assumption that there was room for a service road on the State Iliway property, but the engineer explained that there wouldn 't be enough ro!.,in. Ccunci1 -man Tessness then stated that in view of the facts presented tonight, he thought the Planning Commission would. have voted different on their recommendation. ngineer Flateb stated that he suggests there should be an access road to the Sinnen Pryparty for public services and etc. when this property is developed. Chairman ' stated that in view of the facts presented to- night the Planning Coiniiission recommendation be changed to read "that the Planning Commission °ecommends the Village Council approve the .request for re- zoning by the Chanhassen ,folding; Co. subject to granting an ease- ment for a frontage road parallel to tlit�raI It The Council ,;ecommend.s that PIr. Bob i'Iason be contacted on this matter. engineer Flatebo - to draw up letter. This matter then being tabled until receipt of a letter from i,Ir. 1ason. Chairman t then read the recommendation from the Planning Commission "'F: Frontier's Lawn and Garden Center Building. On a motion made by fen sriclLson that we recommend to the Council that they levy a fine of 1750.00 to be paid befcr.e permit is granted. in accordance with Ord !32 Section 11, or that they be ordered to tear building down. Seconded by Gayle !"'olff. Five votes cast in favor of, and one opposed. On a motion made by Councilman . :.oeser and seconded by Councilman Pauly that this matter be turned over to our Legal Authority, '. - uss Larson to check it out. (lotion carried, no negative votes. ilaynr. Coulter related to the Council that he has been contacted by a party interested in Lot 4, 13lock 2, Highland Parr Addition. They are interested in constructing a home with a home occupation - Beauty Shop to be set up in the bsrit. of this home. This would be a spare time job, no signs or advert- ising. , , � ' T " y nutes �•�u i1 = •1;_ Cont_nued ( s C IW r DEF ::S E ,t IIr. ar Icy? �. %ister, present s catcd that rea ' s, f n the Vi: Zage w -uld be getting a sample crpy fcr a Civil ?)efense {ordinance. He would like to see this ordinance adopted as sc,n as possible. He also stated that the Village has f c -ur auxil lorry policemen, which wi be aff dated with Civil Defense. He asked the Counc:i' if the Council wc;ud approve the purchas- ing of some type of un:i f rm for these men., not to exceed 3125.00. 'The Counc' :± grants his request, pr an itemized 'list is submitted to the Counci -. He then stated that the "iv::. Defense Department is work- ing hard towards obtaining asiren n match'ng funds. Ho then explained how this procedure ixorks. Ile al.so stated that six peop:i.e are going to ,the C.vi. Defense schor,l at :1haska, one of the requirements of the Civil Defense program. These six people are: +'ita "e jina, Bob - Keuwissen, Stan Tarnowski, Tom Klingelhutz, Francis Klein and himself. F 1_ E DEPAI''TIdE.`IT Newly elected Fire Chief - Jim Thompson present, gave a report on the newly organized Fire Department. The Clerk then read the minutes of the May 9th Fire Department Fleeting (election of officers). Chief.Thompson then presented to the Counci- for approval a Copy of the Departments Consitiution and By-L-aws. On a motion made by Councilman Tessness and seconded by Councilman - 'oeser that the Chanhassen Fire Department Con- stitution and By - be approved as submitted. IS:otion carried, no neg- ative votes. Chief Thompson then reported that it is his understanding that all the net proceeds from Frontier Days will be turned over to the Fire Department. Chief Thompson then asked the Counci=l_ about a Fire IIall? Mayor Coulter, replied that the Council pledges to you their full\support and awaits your recommendation on- - this Fire Hall. This Fire Hall is a must in the Village of Chanhassen. FI:.E 011DI.ITHNCE On a motion made by Councilman "..oeser and seconded. by Councilman Tessness, that the Village adopt "Fire Ordinance No. 63 ". ?•lotion carried, no neg. votes. Clerk instructed to publish said fire ordinance in Weekly Valley Herald. - I•iayor Coulter read several.letters he has received from several contractors in the area estm. the amount of home building contemplated before Sep. 1967. 1 1 On a motion made by _':unci..man Pauly and seconded by Councilman Tessness that a 1 bills due be paid. 1'l:otion carried, no neg. votes. ° � :n a motion made by Councilman Tessness and.seconded by Councilman ''oeser the meeting be adjourned. �J K f KI i n -( lhut Vi'.lage Clerk 1