The Chanhassen Village Council met in regular meeting on August 24th, 1966
at 8:00 P.M. at the Village Hall. A:11 members present. Councilman Tessness
came at 8:30 P.M, The minutes of.the last meeting were read and on a motion
made by Councilman Hehl and seconded by Councilman Pauly the minutes be
approved as read. Motion carried.
MUNICIPAL BUILDING A discussion was held on the site location of the Muni-
cipal Building. As to date no site has been picked.
BOND SALE: Member Roeser introduced the following resolution and moved its
at 8:00 P.M. at the Village Hall. These bonds will be payable over a period
of fifteen years.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded
by member Pauly and upon a vote being taken, the foll members voted in
favor thereof: Mayor Coulter, Councilman Roeser Tessness, and Pauly.
No di.senting votes, whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopt-
ed. (Details of resolution to be found in Minutes and resolutions - municipal
Building File.)
ASSESSMENT HEARING 1966 -1 PROJECT The following schedule was decided upon
regarding the 1966 -1 assessment hearing:
1. September 9, 1966 -- Village Engineer gives assessment rolls to
the Village Clerk.
2. September 30, 1966 -- Assessment Hearing.
3. October 6, 1966 -- Tax levy and assessment rolls turned over to
the County Auditor.
A letter containing this information will be sent to the Village Engineer.
COMPLAINT_Maintenance: The Village Council received a complaint that too
much sand and etc. was falling through the grill by the Evil Schutrop pro-
perty, said party desires the Village to blacktop around the grill.
BLACKTOPPING OF SAINT JOHN'S STREET: Councilman Tessness read a letter he
has received from the VA and the Bonding Co. regarding the Blacktopping of
Saint John's Street.
BLOOMBERG: The Council desires that Mr. Herb Bloomberg attend the September
15 1966 Council Meeting in order to update the Council on his proceedings
with the proposed liquor and theater building.
STATE AID COUNTY ROAD 16: On a motion made by Councilman Tessness and
seconded by Councilman Hehl, that the Village Council of the Village of
Chanhassen approve and adopt the resolution of the County Board of the
County of Carver made on June 21, 1966; locating, establishing, designating
and numbering the County State Aid Highway System of Carver County, and
Whereas, said resolution locates and establishes certain County State Aid
Highways within the corporate limits of the Village of Chanhassen, Now,
therefore, be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Chanhassei
that the resolution adopted by the County Board, locating or establishing
the County State Aid Highway System within the Village limits is in all
things approved. Motion carried, no negatives votes. (Copy of resolution
of County Board to be found in State Aid County Road 16 file.)
SEWER ASSESSMENT The Council instructed the clerk to bill Frontier on a
Quarterly basis for their $1,200.00 sewer assessment.
PLANNING COMMISSION: The Chanhassen Planning Commission approved a
new building procedure schedule and turned it over to the Council for
approval. On a motion made by Councilman Hehl and seconded by Council-
man Roeser that the Council have individual copies made of this pro-
cedure schedule in order that each Councilman will have time to check
it over and that it will be acted upon at the next Council meeting.
Motion carried, no dissenting votes.
Councilman Tessness moves that the motion made on March 3rd, 1966 be
amended to read the the Planning Commission turn over a set of minutes
to the Village Clerk 24 hours prior to the next scheduled Council meeting.
Motion seconded by Councilman Roeser, motion carried, no dissenting votes.
PETTY CASH: The Clerk is instructed to start up a petty cash fund, for the
amount of $25.00.
On a motion made by Councilman Tessness and seconded by Councilman Hehl
that the Time Certificate 44308 due August 27, 1966 for $4,000.00 from the
sewer fund, be placed in the water sinking fund as per December 9th, 1965
Council minutes. Motion carried, no dissenting votes.
On a motion made by Councilman Roeser and seconded by Councilman Tessness
the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.
Time 100 :30 P.M.
IKlin a ut Clerk