1967 05 01MINUTES OF THE STREET IMPROVEMENT PUBLIC HEARING MAY 1, 1967. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Chanhassen Village Council of the Village of Chanhassen, Minnesota, was held at the Village Hall in said Village on May 1, 1967, at 8 :00 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Coulter, Councilman Roeser, Tessness, Erickson and Hehl. Absent -- none. The Clerk presented affidavits of publication of the notice of public hearing called to consider the making of improvements on Saint Hubert Street (County State Aid Road 16 from County Road 17 to TH #101), TH #101 Lake Street South of South Drive, and East End of St. Hubert Street to TH #59 in the Village of Chanhassen Minnesota. The Mayor then announced that the meeting was open for the purpose of conducting said public hearing; and after all members of the public present were afforded an opportunity to be heard, the following persons entered oral or written - objections: - - - - --• no objections. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :05 P.M. Three representatives from the Rail Road Company met with the Council after the hearing. A discussion was held on the road easement behind the Standard Oil Station. The Rail Road Company agrees to deed this parcel, which is presently being,used as a road way, to the Village; ,provided however that they would not be assessed for water and sewer. Flatebo is to make a survey and give description of the land and submit it to the Rail Road Company. MINUTES OF A SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING(:MAY 1, 1967 A special meeting was called to order according to notice of special met- ing dated April 27, 1967. On a motion made by Councilman Hehl and seconded by Councilman Roeser that we dispense with all formalities. Motion carried no negative votes. 1967 : & - STATE AID PROJECT On a motion made by Councilman Tessness and seconded by Councilman Erickson that the State Aid Project 1967 -2 be approved. Motion carried, no negative votes. 1267-4 STORM SEWER PROJECT On a motion made by Councilman Roeser and seconded by Councilman Erickson that the Storm Sewer project 1967-.1 be approved. Motion carried no negative votes. SAINT JOHN'S STREET On a motion made by Councilman Hehl and seconded by Councilman Tessness that the Village Council resolve that the Village Attorney take legal action to recover on the bond for improving of Saint John's Street, Scholer's 2nd Addition. Motion carried, no negative votes. LI,Q,UOR LICENSE A letter was read from the Riviera Club requesting that they be considered for the Liquor License the Village has available. Attorney Larson stated that he has met with Herb Bloomberg RE: this license and his proposed project. Mr Bloomberg read a letter of intent to the Council. (Letter on file) A discussion was held at to the eating areas. Mr. Bloomberg stated there would definitely be luncheons served - open to the public. The theater area would have the combined ticket - dinner and show. A discussion was held as to the starting and completion date of project. e� MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING MAY i 1967 CONTINUED: Mr. Capesius stated in behalf of the Riviera Club that they would with— draw their license application and suggest that it be given to Herb Bloomberg and Don Stolz in the best interest of the Village. But also stat they would like to be considered when the next,license becomes available. In reliance on Bloomberg & Co. letter of May 1 1967 concerning represen4;. t.atious as to proposed construction and operation of theater cafe orally ammended to provide that construction of the proposed facility be completed by December 319 1967; I Councilman Roeser move that this Council issue an and off Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to Bloomberg & Co. Motion seconded by the Chair Mayor Coulter, A roll call vote was taken: Councilman Erickson — ay9; Councilman Tessness — Aye; Councilman Roeser — aye; Councilman Hehl — abstaining* Mayor Coulter — aye. Motion carried. Mr. Bloomberg stated that if he could not have said project completed by December 31 1967 he would be,willing to relinquish said license in favor of the Riviera Club and at said time would endeaver to get the current Councilts approval to give this license to the Riviera. On -a motion made by Councilman Tessness and seconded by Councilua n Roeser that the Lift Station in Chanhassen Estates be put on a.temporary Com— mercial Rate until construction warrents it to be returned to the sewage pumping rate, Motion carried no negative votes. On a motion made by Councilman Hehl and seconded by Councilman Roeser the meeting be adjourned. Time 11:55 P.M. Ka3�'K ingelhut Village Clerk J