1967 08 28TRUCK BID OPENING, AiT IUST 28, 1967 at 7;30 P.M. A bid opening was held at 7 :30 P.I. August 28, 1967 for Snowplowing Durap Truck. The following bids were received: Minar Ford = YK,019.50 $11,939.00 Astleford $6,725.0 $ 6,890 $6,911.93 1 1 Meeting August 28, 1967 The Chanhassen Village Council met in regular meeting on August 28, 1967., at 8:00 P.M. at the Village Hall on Kerber Drive. The following members were present: Mayor Coulter., Councilmen Klingelhutz, Hill and Pearson. Councilman Bennyhoff absent. On a motion made by Councilman Hill and seconded by Councilman Pearson the minutes be approved as read. Motion unanimously approved. FISCAL AGENT On a motion made by Councilman Pearson and seconded by Councilman RL11 that we -delay signing the contract with the Fiscal Agent until our Attorney checks contract over. Motion unanimously approved. ROSE LANE Several persons having a concern with Rose Lane were present. Some approving the action of the Village Council by placing a fence at the lower end of Rose Lane. Others objecting to it. Councilman Hill in charge of this project gave his report on his findings stating: Christmas Lake is a public body of water, Rose Lane is a public right -of -way used by people for boat launching, by swimmers and skin divers. A gate should be placed where the barricade presently is and this gate should be opened between the hours of 12 P.M. and 9 P.M.; no parking signs should be placed all along Rose Lane. No swimming after 9:00 P.M., no one be permitted on the beach after 9 P.M. The area be thoroughly policed, an Ordinancei should be enacted holding severe penalties and enforced. The gate would be left open before June 15 and after September 15. This subject to study. This will probably require additional policing. Mayor Coulter explained that Rose Lane is afire lane and that all,fire lanes will be left open, and if additional policing is required we will have to look for a means of financing this. It was then decided that a public hearing should possibly be held on this at which time all interested persons can voice their opinions. DEVILS SLIDE Laverne Stovern was present -requesting that something be done with a road in Carver Beach called the Devils Slide, Mr. Wrase reported that to his knowledge this road had never been accepted by the Township as a road. The Engineer and Maintenance foreman to get together and report back to the Council at the next meeting. MAINTENANCE: Councilman Klingelhutz reported that he had a call from someone concerned about salt running off the black top tored by the Township Hall, into his field. Engineer Flatebo stated that their could be a ditch made around black- top to eliminate any run off on fields. Mr. Wrase was requested to check and find out how many signs would be needed to put on every road leading into the Village, saying "Village of Chanhassen,'" "Building Permits Required.rt PLANNING COMMISSION Mr, Bob Reichert was present from the Planning Commission. He stated the minutes of the last meeting are in the mail and we should have them tomorrow. He gave a brief resume of what their meeting consisted of. The Council told Mr. Reichert that the budget for 1968 will have to be ready by September 21st, The Clerk was instructed to send the Planning Commission a copy of all Ordinances and Resolutions passed by the New Council, and also to send them a copy of our minutes after every meeting. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Flatebo gave a brief resume to upgrade the Council on the 1967 - 2 & 3 State and County Aid Project. Stating that work will probably start tomorrow. Engineer Flatebo also stated he is working on the Dump Site Ordinance. SUNRISE HILLS SEWER AND WATER EXTENSION On a motion made by Councilman Klingelhutz and seconded by Councilman Hill to take bids on September 18th at 4 o'clock P.M. (CSDT) at the Village Hall on Kerber Drive, for sewer and water extension to Sunrise Hills, Auditor's Subd ##2, Western Hills and other adjacent areas. The Clerk and Engineer- to arrange for proper publications. Motion unanimously approved. August 28, 1967 - minutes continued (page 2) 702: GRANT: On a motion made by Councilman Hill and seconded by Councilman Pearson- that we ask the Engineer to provide us of,a cost of work to be done in applying for a use in Sewer Planning. Motion unanimously approved. ORDINANCE #7 - ESTABLISHING DATE OF REGULAR VILLAGE ELECTION: Councilman Hill moves the adoption of Ordinance #7 - An Ordinance Establishing date of Regular Village Elections and seconded by Councilman Pearson. Motion unanimously approved. Note: Ordinance to be published in the Minnetonka Hearld on August 31, 1967. LEASE OF VILLAGE HALL On a motion made by Councilman Hill and seconded by Councilman Klingelhutz approving the Lease of the Old Village Hall situated on State1iighway No. 101 for an operation of Antique Shop for a period of 4(four) months at $. 0.00 per month as is; and hereby authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign said lease f or.and behalf of the Village. Motion unanimously approved. Note: said Lease to be placed in Safety Deposit Box at bank. BEER AND CIGARETTE LICENSE: On a motion made by Councilman Pearson and seconded by Councilman Klingelhutz to approve the Beer and Cigarette License Application presented by the Assumption Seminary. Motion unanimously approved. FORFEITED LANDS The Clerk presented ao certificate of County Board of Classification of Forfeited Lands as provided by Chapter 386, Laws 1935 as amended. Land is situated in Carver Beach. The Clerk is instructed to send a litter to the Auditor stating the Council is delaying action for approving sale of land until September 18, 1967, PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE: On a motion made by Councilman Klingelhutz and seconded by Councilman Pearson that the following persons be appointed for the Park and Recres tion Committee: Richard Olney Lyman fr. as Temporary Chairman: Sally Delancey, Ron - Roeser, Edwin Seim, and Berk Rodgers. Motion unanimously approved. Their will be an organizational meeting next Wednesday September 6, 1967, at 8:00 P.M. at the Village Hall on Kerber Drive. TRUCK BIDS After considerable discussion and ehtcking over the bids Councilman Hill moves that we accept the lowest bid from Astleford 1968 International Truck with La Hass Truck Body - for the amount of $6,890.00. This amount includes the trade -in of the 1958 Chevy truck serial #V6P58J106257. Motion unanimously approved. Attorney to draw up necessary papers. The Council unanimously - approved appointing Ed Hjermstad now serving on the Transit Commission; to represent the Village at the hearing before the Public Service Commission September 7, 1967, regarding: Bus Service to and from the Village of Chanhassen; and to report back to the Council the results. On a motion made by Councilman Klingelhutz and seconded by Councilman Pearson meeting adjourned. Time: 11:15 P.M. lin elhutz Village Clerk