690 CiO, Ce,ret Drive
?0 Box 147
C/_,a,l,asse,. Mi,,esota 5531 ?
952.937. I900
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95T. 9379152
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TO: Mayor
City Council
Scott A. Botcher, City Manager
February 8, 2001
City Council Agenda--February 12, 2001
Just a couple of thoughts on issues before you as indicated on this agenda.
Park & Recreation Survey from 1997: First of all, I am including a
copy of an executive sununary as well as the final version of the data
from the Park & Recreation survey done in February 1997 by Decision
Resources, Ltd. As most of you may not have seen this survey, and
given that I am in discussions at the current time with an individual to
provide these services for the comtnunity survey, I felt it wise to-provide
this to you for your review.
Appointment to the Library Building Committee: Secondly, on the
Consent Agenda you will find the appointment of David Happe to the
Building Committee for the Library. As indicated by the Mayor
previously, the Building Committee will be made up of the Mayor;
Melissa Brechon, the Library Director; one member from the Friends of
the Library (yet to be determined); Mr. Happe; and myself. We are
asking you to confirm the appointment of Mr. Happe to this committee.
Absent those two brief comments, I don't see anything else on the agenda that
requires me to continue on. If you have any questions, please contact me
directly. Thank you.
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